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f Pe TENSES ARE AN ane awe | F atima se ia abate cb Tenses Active Voice & Passive Voice _ Direct & Indirect Wey om x cost Q 6 = : drove driven f, ae SiAE\Sls SRL a ilu Bs = s bow | it ane ee undertaken upset Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirec| ON [INTRODUCTION } ACTIVE VOICE & PASSIVE VOICE pid ra ger bri Bi LOE! le # Voice a “eet eself air wzvcalf(doentt Atif learns lessen. a A AL xz_wigieceven de (ii) Lesson is learnt by Atif. Ghai he Passive BLP GonltL Active voice 2 fu Pole Be ine aE LES aur Li Voice 2 tLe Rr (Hew b EE f rasa vac ihc veice A ? - TOriue yO Hy poem. The washerman will be Pn Srl ironing the clothes. Mother will be teaching the bn GleyEn child. Nargis will be peeling the ini? apples. They will not be waiting for Lune ABEN ou me. What will you be doing tLe UE today? : The fisherman will be Ot Aug catching the fish. : tion Ling ill pera Be Luria tlntiow Sbnuue te a baok?, When will Huma not be Wrox Oe reading a book? Why will Huma be reading a sOnuuer Ud book? sUnuex tule Why will Huma not be reading a book? Where will Huma be reading tdriiex Cue Where will Huma not be SS How will Huma be reading a book? Greet OS Tenses, ACU Ve tire) Which book will Huma not be reading? Which day will Huma be reading a book? What day will Huma not be reading a book? Who will be reading a book? | Shen 7 Who will not be reading a book? What will Huma be reading? What will Huma not be reading? Exercise 41. Put the verbs In brackets into the fuiure progressive tense. 1 | (use) the pen this afternoon. 2. | (see) him again. 3. He wait) for me. 4. We (study). 5. He (put) the children to bed. 6. We probably (pick) fruit. 7. _| (wear) uniform. 8. She (walk) again in six weeks. In future they (live) on pills. 10. She (look for) his pen, 11. He (go) to school. © Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect 42. They (take) tea, Ghange into negative’ and interragative: | shall be seeing a picture. He will be teaching us English. We shall be wearing new clothes, He will be driving the car himself. ‘We shall be eating food They will be decorating the room. They will be waiting for us. We shall be prepairing to go. . Girls will be playing)with the dolls 40, He willbe studying. Translate into English: eer aHs ens Hurt 4 Erste -2. Ley 6 3 Gris PRL eat 4 Cube <5 Lute VUE 6 Le ele T ened Se 8 Sungurtuy! -9 ent AoE eee 10 Sepia 4 orl dnuten “12 abn uiil “13 cephtdelenl 4 a Ex, =F FE on Grants fous es tre, 15 El LAles 1g sf Ore JUS 20 Passive Voice BPEL, inp (ASS Aalbe being wiLshallwillies Fey _$e_ Passive Voice¥ Future Indefinite Lutiuibe pg Luu @note!Zshaliwilt AL 2 Ub (Verb) Piet iil ‘jd = (Subject) Si shallvilltus2J- 3 UF Suid Syntax: S + shall/will + be being + V (iii) + 0. § + shall/will + not + be being + V (iii) + 0. Shall/Will+ S + be being+ V (iii) +O? fi The clothes will be being Lyre SE i} a ironed, The child will be being —eLbles s taught. ee for. today? caught. cleaned. taken. Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Jenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect Apples will be being peeled | shall not be being waited What will be being done The fish will be being The room will be being The meal willibe being ‘The country will be being defended Example: She will be loving me. | shall be being loved by her. He will be eating mangoes. Mangoes will be being eaten by him. He will be giving me 4 pen. A pen will be being given to me by him. She will be giving me a ball. A ball will be being given to me puns her. She will be teaching me. | shall be being taught by her. She will be advising me. | shall be being advised by her. Zubair will be rebuking me. Sr LU UAL cee L YU CT un cuectuue eve mi saeneiaes re GeeSa wed Passive Valce, Direct Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct de Indirect 65 | ee Tens 7 A i — Passive: | shall be being ee by Zubair. Passive: | will be being brought a copy by Atif. Active: Atif will be liking Usman. Rai Active: Asif will be giving me a pen Passive; Usman will be ibelog liked by Ati Passive: | shall be being given a pen by Asif. Active: She will be giving me a ruler. Active: Atif will be bringing a cup of coffee, Passive: A ruler will being be given ta me by her. Passive: A cup of coffee will be being brought by Atif. Active: Atif will be glving me pibace Active: She will be giving Atif a hankerchief. Passive: A blade will be being given ta me by Atif, Passivo: Atif will be being given a handkerchief by her. Exercise Bilal will be teaching me English. Active: | shall be being taught English by Bilal, Chango Into Passive Voice: Passive: Active; Mother will be ordering me. 4, She will be flying a kite, Passive: | shall be being ordered by mother 2, We shallibe singing a sang. Active: Atif willbe giving us sweets, 3, They willbe ing his father. Passive: We shall be being given sweets by Atif. 4, -He-will be waiting for me. } Active: Huma will be giving them bread, 5, The snake will be biting the rabbit. | Passive: They will be being given bread by Huma. 6 Students will be doing homework. | Active: He will be giving Adeen a tip. 7. Atif will be eating a mango. Passive: Adeen willbe being given a tip by him. 8, We shall be reading a story. Active: Sohail will be bringing me a car. g, They will be playing hockey. 40. Asif will be driving a car. Passive: | shall be being brought a car by Sohail. Active: She will be giving me a bicycle PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Passive: | shall be being given a bicycle by her. Active: She will be bringing me a gift. Active Voice Passive: | shall be being brought a gift by her. webu? Active: He will be bringing me @ ball i tere Vet ee EPL UA! Passive: | shallbe being brought a ball by him. cae ie 3 L if Active: He will be giving me a gun. =< Sipbbe (verb) ie! hasihavert Us/ Passive: | shall be being given a gun by him. ab Active: He will be bringing me a cup. Lue Lenbye SPL hasihave ei £ (subject) -ui2 Ohas fel He/Shelltaihave #-£WelThey/oul Passive: | will be being brought a cup by him. Active: Atif will be bringing me a copy.- Tenses, derive & Passive Fotee, i7ireel oe Jrdire cr Syntax: S +has/havetV(ili) tO. : By Ath be Alri S + has/have+ not +V(ili) +O. Has/Have + § + V(iil) + O? cheruiale £ OnotLiLhasihaves rete 3 -e thu LO Ab Ao< AV HasiHave fe -e Week -e byte se Whestt iyi He has finished his work. The teacher has taught us. Mother has prepared the breakfast. cram ELM Seti rerere AL lin Gurclia nf Salas Ae bo nk A iTenses* | haven't seen Atif for ages. Oregerilys Some ee fly, ae [Wenses, Active & Passive Vorce, Direct & Indirect Ea ‘This table hasn't been VU ee cleaned for several months. Ph Tenses tlie wea How long have she been here? -UnUlee Uber | have been here for 20 years, Have you evenbeen to museum? [have received Atifs letter. DACA Wee erdTensesYitue a= bis hse -< Wie lee pW | haven't written him a letter fer a long time. Pe trl Tense tat ales tage BG UE eae -< Fete Lt Nadia has sung the song. Nadia has not sung the song. Has Nadia sung the song? te Fhe L ol Has Nadia not sung the se Bee Lt song? _ [What time has Nadia sung Tenses, 2° —_—————— When has Nadia sung the When has Nadia not sung the song? {What the song has Nadia not sung? the song? What time has Nadia not sung the song? ae t te Shaft te RESUS te FERS Fi weft 8 feduf & A retof a Le What has Nadia not sung? Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense. Banana k ena Active c& Passive Polce, Direct de indirect = haat Exercise The dog (steal) the fish. ‘She just (go) out. He Just (wash) that floor The bell (stop) ringing, | (post) the letter. She always (refuse), 1 (not maké) a mistake. They (have) breakfast Atif (take) my bike. 10. Kiam, Ly) 3 pen. Ghange Into negative and interrogative: oa oo so he 9 He has finished his work. We have bought these books. | have bought a dozen bananas. He has lost his bat. Sadia has sent her a card. This doctor has tested my eyes, My neighbour's dog has died. I have applied for four days’ leave. She has ironed my dress. 10. Mother has cooked food. Translate the following into English: we -# te fee hall 4 4 7 Beever Ether 49 a 4 --UG2bi i 45 te Air LY 4g ete A oy Seige uy 45 se phat Lyl 18 Unite EUS 17 aut A vchvey =18 VRE IN 19 fe WU ~20 Passive Voice a PEL en Ab PA vibeen wiihasiiave HIG A fz Passive Vice Present perfect we lulbeen2 viet ‘note! has/havev* U PES a UAE 8s 8 Were)? 3 ' ut Fil fhe = (Subject) fii has/have = Us-Psir au Sue [Tenses Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Didirect Syntax: S + has/have + been + V (ill) + 0. S + has/have + not + been + V (ill) +O. Has/Have $+ been + V (ili) + O? | ie Work has been finished. eb’ We have been aught. The breakfast has been prepared Kashif has been rebuked. Example: Active: She has loved me. Passive: | have been loved by her. Active: He has eaten mangoes. Passive:. Mangoes has: been eaten by him. Active:, He has given me a pen. Passive; A pen has been given to me by him. Active: She has given me a ball. Passive: A ball has been given to me by her. —— eee fi i Active: She has taught me. a .; Passive: | have been taught by her. psec, vel been iver a'aun by hen: Active: She has advised me. calics BEUSS TDS hecte * Passive: | have been advised by her. passive: | neve es nidaseell Nel olee fw = Active: Zubair has rebuked me. Benes see ees 2 Passive: | have been rebuked by Zubair. Paaoty? eas eS Active: —_ Atif has liked Usman. Be |have ae me cone Asif. Passive: Usman has been liked by Atif. Hosen i Ad Beers : Active: leen has brought a cup of coffee. Active: She has given me a ruler. Passive: Acup of coffee. has been brought by Adeen. Passive: A ruler has been given to me by her. active: She has given Atifa hankerchief. Active: Atif has given me a blade. Passive: Atif has been given a handkerchief by ber. : Passive: A blade has been given to me by Atif. Acx a; Nobody has opened the door Active: Bilal has taught me English. Passive: the door has not been opened by anyone Passive: | have been taught English by Bilal. Exercise Active: Mather has ordered me. Change into Passive Voico: Passive: | have been ordered by mother 4, We have written a letter. Active: Atif has given us sweets. 2 We have planted these trees. Passive: We have been given sweets by All 4, The students have leumt the poem. Active: Huma has given them bread. 4, They have shown him their tickets, Passive: They have been given bread by Huma. 5 We have shaken hands. Actlve: He has given Adeen a tip. 6. Atif has broken the cup. Passive: Adeen has been given a tip by him. 7, He has solved this sum. Active: Schail has brought me a car. 6. Nalla has made tea. Pagsive: | have been brought a car by Sahai. 9 They have completed the work, 40 She has done the dishes ‘ She has given m6 4 bicycle: ctive: eagsive: Ihave been given a bieyele by her. Ay. She has brought me a gift. PAST PERFECT TENSE Active: Passive: | have been brought a gift by her. makes Auonev a! He has brought me a ball. ‘ aye ; : brought a ball by him. ) Passive: | have been broug i eine eae re Active: He has given me a gun. Be apse wet onan 3 Ae ¥ Gabe ian£ had wi (subject) by ae syntax: s+ had +V{ill) +0. \ abe Aline + had+ not +V(iii) + O. Had + $+ V(iii) + 0? is Gpotetbrohade we ce A pep daa LOno beatae os abet oy be thee FR EBL Le AV ay es ee EOC, Diranr ek. eS Direct Indivcet ete Indirect | had white-washed tha room ‘You had spoken the truth a an, Jet bre piareu UU Re tilivid 2 vo tense, .. . aren ede= 2 x OC Fre Tense 2 fey! Lele -< PriJl*iPast Indefinite Tense! x | had reached home before Atif came. We had.eft home before it | & oo (Pen bbl rained: i: z The patient had died before 6 ,hyrslte Litas the doctor came. a UROL ti = a7 Se GAIJE1e Tense 172 Ttiltbeforetalready tty Pete telus fuse JGebwiaieki She had already informed him. They had finished the work before sunset. | had not visited the museum by that day. we, HAE fly Et SRE By ME bp tlitione : Whom had Mr. Atif written a letter? Whom had Mr. Atif not written 3 letter? How had Mr. Atif written a letter? How had Mr. Atif not written a letter? - Which letter had Mr. Atif |written? fe BEd tists & Sais Eto ee Miso Which latter had Mr. Ati not welltan’? What day had Mr, Allt-vritten ailatt jattar? VE all 6 ues sib What day had Mr. Atit not written a letter? Who had writt ten o a a lollor? 92S Ar LU $i Misa What had Mr Allf written? What had Mr Atif not written? Se Sua Exercise Put the verbs in brackets Into the present perfect tense. The dog (steal) the fish, She just (go) out. He just (wash) that floor. The bell! (stop) ringing. I (post) the letter, She always (refuse), | (not make) a mistake. They (have) breakfast. Atif (take) my bike. 40. Kiran (buy) a pen. Change Into negative and interrogative: 4. He had gone before | came. 2. The rain stopped’ when they left the home. “by "Tee seaim kad le Kofara ho roarhed the ctatinn OO So oe ON P Posse ECT Active & Passive Voice, cc rises, oice, Di ire ht the thief before she coulg Tan = —— ig) Si 4, The police hed ee uae _a7 : the sun rose Javca eas = ae said etre she left for America sa Ciel eee ee ne pate a ted Murree before the SNOW began Ig Wee ple nur int : er \ away berare the police came. Passive Voice g The thief had ae a television set before his siste, Pas oy ALE Bee o Matic examinatin. Past Pn ASS Anthea Chad hs 4 ate their duty before the officer came. a, ; “Ke-Passive Voice¥ Perfect Aisle the following Into English: ic. « Fal slatbeen Hui Snot Shade usc pe 2 = ee 2 ‘ Pete ele ea -25 ver) “Sael : edi Ee tel OS = (Subject Hi had tun ze 3 ea =u? ULL 3 ba ft “Gury syntax: -2E (eve 5 S + had + been + V (ili) +0, =A Fe she Stes “ S + had + not + been + V (iii) +0, Eien i Had +S + been +V (ili) +0, aA 8 WoGr ALLO 8 WZ -10 vue. 4 2B 2 ie thei -13 we Mir fy 14 winAwe ty 8 e@uppkoy -18 The table had been cleaned. The roll had been called in class room. The suns hadbeonsehed [BE vtou| “aGugfk ius A “aR ——— : he had loved me. active: = been loved by her. passive: had eaten mangoes. Active: nad been eaten by him. Passive: Rona given me a pen. Apen had been given ta me by him. she had given me a ball. Ae . Aball had been given to me by her. Gey She had taught me. active: . phad been taught by her. pase: she had advised me. ke Scone: [had been advised by her. . Zubair had rebuked me. {had been rebuked by Zubair. Atif had liked Usman. Usman had been liked by Atif. She had given me a ruler. Anuler had been given to me by her. Atif had given me a blade. A blade had been given to me by Atif. Bilal had taught me English. Thad been taught English by Bilal. Mother had ordered me. Thad been ordered by mother. Atif had given us sweets. a ee WOWC ee ce Eo: [fenses, Active & Passive Voice, Diaa eT indie Active: Huma had alven them Ep = rect ea Passive: They hag i Active: He had ae by Huma. Passive: Adeen had been given a active: Sohail had brought mea ee passive: | had been Brought a car an Active: She had-gave maa lege ae Passive: Ihad been given a bicycle b h Active: Shie.ad brought me a aift ue: * Passive: had been brought a ait h Active: He had brought me a ball, eS Bassey I had been brought a ball b hi Active: He had given me 4 gun nay Passive: | had been given a gun by hi Active: He had brought mea Cup. e Passive: | had been broy fi Active: Atif had ee ey Passive: | had been brought acopy by Atif. Active: Asif had gave me a pen. : Passive: | had been given a pen by Asif. Active: Adeen had Brought a cup of coffee Passive: A cup of coffee had been brought i Adee! Active: She had given Atif a hankerchief 3 Passive: Atif had been given ahandkerchiet by her. Active: Nobody had opened the door. : Passive: The door had not been Opened by anyone. : Exercise Change into Passive Voice: 1. She had already taken her dinner. a ey Tenses, Active & Passive Voice. Direct & Ir passed the examination. mined the patient ry work before the clock 3. He had already 4, The doctor had exa 5, They had completed thei struck five 6 Wehad already don! 7. They had solved the sum. 8 Asif had learnt the leson. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: Active Voice ve own WOFK. webu Sent iv E neti E Eb t7 Luis pa ew (verb) et £ will have! Fates Lue A == i Syntax: wo HELE s+shalliwillthave+V(iil)*O- be Set Lill havershall have | L(subject)'6 : -utz tp ap Kobe 7 Beat? s+shall/willtnot+have+V(iii) +0, ghallwilltSthave+V(lil) + O? we bout Ae 2 tinotatl iL shalliile ree A me thuedinPeLblbyee Pe shaliil Le ome Tenses. Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Ind ndirect | shall have taken tea They will have played = cricket UE They will have taken - pracin: -H unk Spin The cat will have caughtthe rat. He will have helpedhim. bn Audie =Jun ui Mother will have prepared meal. | shall, have bought the fi lune At ‘apples. He will have finished rt et the 6: Wir ree = ul Iwork. (hep Er Asien teed £veTense el iVite ete unk One LiL Ge BS They will have reached the station before the train comes. We shall have got pbefore | _£ : the sun rises. mi He will have left before ii fore it : ; ee Eb rchndic dail ; will Akbar have not rung the bell? | When will Akbar have rung lthe bell? Tenses, Active & Passive Voice. Direct & In Mirecr Which bell will Akbar have Sek Aaa mung? Which bell will Akbar not have rung? What time will Akbar have rung the bell? What time will Akbar Not have rung the hell? Who will have rung the bell? Who will cot have Tung the What will Akbar not have rung? Exercise Put the verbs in brackets into the future Perfect tense. By the end of the month he (finish) the book, The police (hear) of the theft by this time. He (complete) this work in ten minutes, By this ime next year he (Save) Rs, 20,000. The train (leave) before they reach the station. In a month's time he (take) our exam, By next winter we (build) their house. By April 2005 he (pay) his debt. . The sun (rise) before they reach the top. 10. When you came back Sohail (do) all the house work. PON oan bon — id interrogativo: Chango into negative an have rea 4. We shall comes: spoken the truth. iched home before the fat anv 2. She will have 5i finished your work before leay; BVING for 3 They will have Murree. The sun will have risen before we get up. ed her clothes before he gos: 5 to 4, 5, she will have chang! school, 6 ‘The patient will have died before the doctor come: 7. Wwsball have put out the light before he goes to < he match before the sun sets ed 8. We shall have won tl Students will have gone before the teacher comes 9. Translate the following into English: i if at fun Ste funky alerts te Se ae Grew LAO VAL GIL Ul edu! hat Merrh andy LE NEI lUmE Sete EU ube eel! lumbedyolus Luneths x ret 48 Tel Uys 19 ~Lnk nto 20 Passive Voice Sins Ue eet eoted Cede Auihave been ow shallwillat ce te he f ee oe Voice® Future Perfect Lif SnotwE shale Ace : is FLY 2 Brit 62 - eee f Sdt — (Subject) MES ShallWillturzde 3 Syntax: aa S + shalliwill + have been + V (iii) +O S + shall/will + not + have been + V (iii) ‘ 0 ShallWill +S + have been + V (ili) + O? : ea [The thief will have been caught Soe SUF oa.) iby Active; She will have loved me. Active: He will have eaten mangoes. Passive: Mangoes will have been eaten by him. Active: He will have given me a pen. Sassive: A pen will have been given to me by him: Active; She wili have given me a ball, : | Passive: A bell will have been given to me by-her | Active: She will have taught me . Sassive: | shall have been taught by her ‘ctive: She will have advised me Passive: | shall have been advised by her. ‘Active: Zubair will have rebuked me. Passive: | shall have been rebuked by Zubair. ctive; Atif will have liked Usman, f Passive: [shall have been loved by her. (N Usman will have 6: jas alve ; eG iby E Brive: She will have given sic a passlve: A ruler will have been given to me by he Active: AUF will have given ma a blade. cata passive: A blade wil have been given to me by Auf Active: Bilal will have taught me English Passive: | shall have been taught English by Bilal Activa: = Mother will have orderag me. passive: | shall have been ordereg by mother Active: Atif will Fave given us sweets Passive: Wo shall have been oiven sweets by Att Acive: . Hima will have given them bread Pas. ives “They will have been given bread by Huma Active? ~ He will have given Adeen a tip Passive: Adeen will have been given a tip by him “netive: Sohail will have brought me a car Passive: | shall have been brought a car by Sohail Active: She will have given me a bicycle, Passive: | shall have been given a bicycle by her. Active: She will have brought me a gift. Passive: | shall have been brought a Qift by her. Active: 9 He will have brought me a ball. Passive: | shall have been brought a ball by him. Active: He will have given me a qun, Passive: | shall have been given a gun by him. Active: He will have brought mea cup. Passive: | shall have been brought a cup by him. Active: Alf will have brought me a copy. Passive: | shall have been brought a copy by Atif. Active: Asif will have given mea pen. Passive: | shall have been given a pen by Asif. jises, Active: & Passive Vaice, Direct & Indi ought a cup of coffee. Tei ‘Adeen will have bi Active: Passive: Acup of coffee will have been brought by Adeen. Active: She will have given Atif a hankerchief. Passive: Atif will have been given 4 handkerchief by her Active: Nobody will have opened the door Passive: The door will not have been opened by anyone Exercise Change into Passive Voice: 1. The boys will have plucked the flowers before the gardener comes. a The washerman will have ironed clothes before we return. He will h ave finished his work before the sun rises. ey will havé said their prayer before the sun sets. Th 3. They will have made a noise before the mother comes. 6. Zubair will have started his factory before November 2005. 5 He will'have invited him. 8. He will have prepared food before the guests come. PHBLD | PRESENT PERFECTCONTINUOUS TENSE: Active Voice wig sus Leyla eG ee ray ean of “has beenthay: oe ing he Nave been S fy es he PLA ce ide PVE pS Poon zen = as been nave been. J Al Wore = ih seine tic 3, Soin . (for two years)— | “ a ae : views! (Since 2002). it eaur (Point of Time) Ss uAue yee 7 oS ee : I fm = ense wil “ Inset AIK UeTenseu's* P38 22 Nets ZEN (Period of Time) < ime -b.J2¥ Present Progressive wf Ons syntax: -s thas/have+been+V(i)ing +0 + sincelfor + (point of time/period of time). ah 5 i § +has/have + not + Site aoe (point of time/period of time). Has/Have +5 +beentV(i)ing +0 + sincelfor + (point ps of time/period of time)? ied tnotelChasthaved Zo te, p ce thutdin Ac Lb tb,iLe AV Hasitave -< tut We have been taking ie Aine exercise for one hour. ep Suite Susu p Or. Atif has been treating the patient since yesterday. Direct & Tire ET «| (He Phe bey AF, UA a es! > ae EI Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Tndireei| e a reel) | have breught a cup of coffee aa Active: Adeen will re : f || have been brought by ing2te has beenthave been = Fite 2 Passive: A cup of coffee wi | Adeen. , 3 = Active: She will have given Atif a hankerchief. -SUnat =. atfwilhave been gan a handkerchief by her. ee PKL Leelee d the door. iF OU 2! has been nay - Active: Nobody will have open save been hy $ | not have been opened by anyone. a Bolte tore ua pees - E Passive: The doer will m i -ui se SINCE Sha ced ae -Wor wo years)< Jb..1 (since 2002)<..2002K jeu i Change into Passive Voice: Es we | (Point of Time) 23) 2 ¢ yee Tense yi A flowers before th Ri. Seon iain ere The boys will have plucked the e Ja€ Tense” ye Ah Oe he brs 2S (Period af Time) 4: é ~bx 12 Present Progressive all feo 6 gardener comes. rman will have jroned clothes before we syntax: 2 The washe! s +has/havetbeen#V(i)ing +0 + sincelfor + (point of return. . He will have finished his work before the sun rises. Pp time/period of melt They will have said their prayer before the sun sets. ¢ BPEL be Asie? They will have made a nolse before IHEEMBtnsy § thas/have + not + been+V/(i)ing +0 + sincelfor + comes. (point of time/period of time). Fae? started his factory before November < 1s } 6. Zubair will have Has/Have +S +been+V(i)ing +O + sincelfor + (point 2005. of time/period of time)? He will have invited him. | Gi Aq Lbnotol JL hasihave_né p ; red food before the guests come. x Bees ‘ ee 8. He will have prepal woth din Aa Cb byple AL Has/Have -< Pet aie A Fine Le sees We have b taki [ PRESENT PERFECTCONTINUOUS TENSE: | TENSE: le have been taking PRESEN exercise for one hour. 2 Som ere Sue Active Voice i wig us if Dr. Atif has been treating the tutng fe thyde ees ert£us tv Event since yesterday. i. [irs Ace & Passive Voice, Direct & Indira 5 How jong has Sohail been working for? How long has Sohail not peen working for? hwhy has Sohail been working since morning? why has Sohail not been Since evening. Has she been bringing up the child for four years? Fa SE ; See gh Ul Have they been combing their hair for ter minutes? [have been playing hockey since my childhood He has been whte-washing the house for thee days working Since mioming? Where ha> Sohail been \ Se Ase BUF working since moming? te Aare CF Has he been teaching you since 2005? She has been taking Hew has Sohail been Sethe Gel we I Ur sy working since morning? te pAti he BE itubite Bel mont Je tip | __|How has Sohal not been working since morning? Who has been working since morning? Who has not been working since morning? What has Sohail been doing since morning? What has Sohail not been doing since morning? Fotive & Passive Faice. Tenses. You have not been reading since evening. Has she been bringing UP the child for four years? Have they been combing their hair for ten minutes? | have been playing hockey since my childhciod. He has been white-washing the house for three days Has he been teaching you since 20057 She has been taking 2xamination for two days. Sohail has been working since morning. Sohail has not been working since morning. Has Sphail been working ‘Has Sohail not been working =e Bw Uh on urn ge Bete uaSfutde ae: ud free che fh 1 — Se RESEUE ~ etre OUT tert Cry se Le Gur eS Wyorking since morning? ~ = > ~ |How has Sohail been eta le | working since moming? . fe Jute BE reel cc Inclirecy ae tev S| \ \ te A ake AE | \ as Sohail not How fong h orking for? iwhy has Sohail been working since morning? why has Sohail not been working since morning? Telit be Gude Se pte Fudd Sebel GF where has Sohail been working»since moming? fe) A epee BOF hwnere has Sohail not been How has Sohail not been working Since morning? Who has been working since morning? (Who has not been working since morming? What has Sohail been doing since morning? What has Sohail not been doing since morning? ee, Direat & Indirect] Tenses, Active & Passive Foie Exercise in brackets and ¢ erfect or the present perfect Put the verbs Aue sentences into the present P progressive tense: | (make) cakes for two hours: te 2. He (cut) dawn a tree gince noon. 3. We (live) here since 2005. 4. That pipe (leak) for a ong time. 5. _| (drive) for ten years. 6. It (snow) for three days. 7. You (play) all night 8. He (speak) for an hour now. 9, We (shop) all evening 40. She (study) English for three years. 41. | (walk) six kilo meters. 12. | (walk) for one hour. 43. He (sleep) since 8 o'clock. 44. Huma (make) Kabab. 15. We (write) letters. 46. We (write) for three hours. 47. The boy (eat) ice cream. 18. He (eat) since | arrived. 49. | (work) for him for five years. 20. She just (say) him good-bye. _ Change into negative and interrogative: 4. Atif has been working in this office for five years. 2. We have been repairing this cycle since noon. 3. He has been running for half an hour. 4. The dogs have been barking in the streets. 5 | have been opening my shop. rer pes Active & Pi avai assive Voice, Direct & Indirect Atif has been bolling an egg : syou have been sitting idle since long. i The guests have been going since 6 o'clock i |{ has been hailing since noon The oldman has erying for help since noon gransiate the following Into English: i Ate 4 ew Feb 4 “— ate 3 ilte fe gnty 4 te Me Fit, 5 ete tot te 6 ebb aua dh 7 SefJbUire Se 8 SUreti§ Pee ele il 9 ne Mpic Ent 10 ere Pe ~All -ebmileunt 72 ~ielelce tl 8 Se ihe Fel Aa -etdsidierts 45 ee chins -16 siehen Ge aT cebtete usin 18 Me hthiet@ AT tofu He Ede 20 REGED Taice, Direet & Ineliy ec Tenses, Active | Exercise brackets and change the sentences Put the verbs in present perfect Into the present perfect or the progressive tense: | (make) cakes for two hours. He (cut) dawn a tree since noon. We (live) here since 2005. That pipe (leak) for long time. 1 (drive) for ten years. It (snow) for three days. You (play) all night He (speak) for an hour now. We (shop) all evening. She (study) English for three 44. I (walk) six kilo meters. 42. | (walk) for one hour. 43. He (sleep) since 8 o'clock. 44. Huma (make) Kabab. 45. We (write) letters. 46. We (write) for three hours. 47. The boy (eat) ice cream. 18. He (eat) since | arrived. 49. 1 (work) for him for five years. 20. She just (say) him good-bye. Change into negative and interrogative: Atif has been working in this office for five years. We have been repairing this cycle since noon. He has been running for half an hour. The dogs have been barking in the streets. I have been opening my shop. a SP PNT oO ae ND a years. Poy os Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indir: feck 5S Atif has been boiling an egg ie: He 7. ‘you have been sitting idle since tong. ests ha’ ‘ 5 - Pages ues’ 1" been going since 6 o'clock et has been hailing since noon, 5 4g, The oldman has crying for help since noon. 0. qransiate the following into English; ee Fo 4 “UewiFe Gla 2 eh Ga A eRe fe gute are Wee ins “3 -otetFedti€ 6 eb Elsie ihes FT Selltlire Fey 8 Supe i Abe Fol it Bs] wreele Ek -10 elite te 11 You are writing a letter. He allies ‘a You have written a letter. - ne dis? -< Cie Aritus interrogative) (Negative) ; (Interrogative) 1, You are not writing a 1. Are you writing a letter? letter, 2, You have not written a 2. Have you written a letter. letter? prises live & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect havehive 2 £2 wipe FFU ae 7 are, have usb tus i, CA Ui.2 ryttenouee ent Continuous Tense 1 ieee obo reli! Dobe Ue Te Ne UH UA Present Perfect Tense EL -2JEV Present indefinite Tensew! You write a letter. ~nmigetie 4 d English. Unit 2 2 SUH Seon PL ott (Negative) (Interrogative) [do not write a letter. 2. Do you write a letter? [donot read English. 4. Dol read English? CG U6 Dot 2 but dirk te thls ie Does -< tis Milt Does [ese Uf verbutut :(Past Indefinite Tense) Ji” erb.iDid notz_L Palut 2 JUD Le . ZA onli Did er: Did you get up Direct & Jndireci Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, " Has been/ Have been Qasim: What have you ewe 6 Fe been doing since morning? Khalid: | have been reading this book since morning. Qasim: Has it been raining te pm Goke IE Urbes O ee Oe: alle here also since yesterday? Khalid: Yes, it has been = - (Sige Gur le raining, but intermittently. . Qasim: Has the water been tate POC diet boiling for long? Khalid: No, it has been -ctuklgc pblAsitiue boiling only for a little time. important Points \ aa: sts je? You are writing a letter. nese You have written a letter. - ~ ni dist -< Er wtAritux (Interrogative) (Negative) (Interrogative) 1. You are not writing a 1. Are you writing a letter? etter, — You eee not written a ua. Have val written a ~ later? — ive & Passive Voice, Direct & Tndirect avetued oo CRUE ae 7 Care, have! Wb LH IL Ase byte not l ene Continuous Tense SUGiab te tb ieute Toe = GE Te Ness Fi UV Ut Present Perfect Tense ure -2 Jed Present Indefinite Tense! U Write a letter, is Sie 4 English. suneexgyAyt 2 ee, SH Mees Fe Lull (Negative) (interrogative) jo not write a letter. 2, Do you write a letter? fomotread English. 4 Dol read English? nse Ac Wize SiDout u¥ tes OCU Dor bet dies = bbb ie Does , ~2 tne Lil 6 Does ‘verbu2U/l :(Past Indefinite Tense) Pea byiDid not2_ Lkaiur2 AeiDid2 Le ee F » tL ee Aa bid Did you get up Nadia: Yes, madam, | got up early. Teacher: Did you have bread and butter? Nadia: Yes madam, | did. Teacher: Did Rani come to you at noon? Nadia: No, she didn't. Teacher: Did you write this essay at night? Nadia: No, | didn't write it, but my brother did. Pa EE FUE: ot eileoidn tL Ade Wi te Pus wit wf Siente Abuse ttt et ihre feuse anh tele tt 2 lL by Ls] bil ual et -(Past Continuous Tense) Ubu ut air werentsiwasnt2 £ Walt ZS Set wasiwere we, weren£\, he, she, it was-ut L8Ut bs wasiwere ure Ariz L you, they S Was/Were ‘Teacher: Were you out for shopping yesterday? _ Rana: Yes, sir, | was. iP Teacher: Were you not _ feading a book while “waliinge- Ls! Bir Vetr) te ee eO) Toe geoph Ce A cS ; live & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect PERS tcrusie hia eher: Was Sadia also ‘Uitiey Be Fo foe ig while walking? No, she was just ~Gier sree ir: Was your aunt BMA Ue at your house? ue No, it was my sister. Fete cure, iif: Were you studying So el pie ad Silas Ui :(Past Perfect Tense) HK (uP j Obl Ah haduticsihad notutw ut Had ed tiper Wulestutie 99 Afro bly G6 Salone Rana: Had he not met you till yesterday? Sadia: No, he hadn't. Rana: Had you not gone to play yesterday? 3 ae Saeed: No, | had not gone Be ht Uli to play yesterday. Wuiltul (Past Perfect Continuous Tense) Gab. Hee ee ope det pisuings verbo te Ae 'Had been? LteuluitL GALE 7 rads shad not beenZ_ ure JU iforsisincee2 £ Had been Rafiq: Had you been erate de SA Sy studying for last two hours ce yesterday? Attigq: Yes, because | had PL See be te Ube been planning to watch a aoa iked movie after finishing my work. Rafiq: But, why Atif also oxud Asis siee o had been studying with tal you? Tenses, Active & Passive Foice, Direct & Indirect Bhs) ee erect Attiq: Because, he had Laveen pS See also been insisting on going ep ted with me for the film. Rafig: But, your mother UP Rf Talib was saying that you had < tiie Sr Lurk been planning to go out ae with some friends. Attiq: Yes, previously we Fee Serb Batfidt it had been planning aWapihg tet something of the sort, but later we changed our programme. Important Points But eup 2b 32 Berni Me Us -£ Past Tense fo Upk-didué Past Indefinite Tense-< GbVul K 2< Gra+ ~ebhllex Past Perfect »iwas, were Past Continuous Tense bt Ue die U Ale thexnotur wit £ had ut Tense Bure ride i haduldid, was, wetechub- - Affir: | ate bread and butter. MeMidiubidut Did | eat bread and Neg: | did not eat bread Int: es! butter? and butter. jive Passive Voice, Direct & Jn direc) ew ti Affi: You were reading 4 book You were not reading Int: Were you reading a Neg: a book book? Affir: ‘You had read a book. lsh Lf Neg: You had not read a Int: Had you read a book? book. Affir: You had been reading a fe pe FF book since two hours. Neg: You had not been Int: Had you been feading a book since reading a book since two hours. two hours? (Future Tense) Uf 21; Pou ect (Future Indefinite Tense) GLP"? (1) Pde Bore Snot Lwillshal 5 Piet e-iwillishall Be ee L uiwer Shall Ur But bs 7. Pwillishall See], we; he, she, if, they will 4 Shallwill Rashid: Will you play? of aay Atif: No, | won't Pot ae ei pe Rashid: Wil! you come Darinion tomorrow? - live & Passive Foiee, Direch® Indvecr SFUGb URE rte libe? Ley i, Hl wait for you at UAW Ae ibe Tad JIE :(Future Continuous Tense) eee (2) isha 5G § Suing S Verb_uzZ_ + le Ibe/shall be 2 OUrts2L A willishallyt oe Nl the tS rusinot Stall Bove be it Bares of x Seu ice be shout to Ux) lum at this time. alte Fe Sehui Ace tLe Shail we wot be Voice, Direct & Indivéct 119 Yes, | should have it by that time, ch Will'the elections be Ux x GAel Fie by March? UeF Aah tulsy ee i 6s, the elections ff mele leisy have completed by ia: Will your brother tee fe Susu a ja: No, he would not fn A Kr 7 (Future Perféet Continuous Tense) Geir ar aw A LaPait Z/Uv'shallwill have been Pustelut u yeeuPS will/shallyt 2-2 ut L Snot. L have DL PL ay ALA eiduingd verbal tLe Shall have been/Will have been Will you have S48 Saiki aah i ing tamorre at Passive Voice, Direct & Indirec; Naveed: No, probably | Webern ewe 2. shall have been studying at this time? Basharat: And, what will your brother, Sajid have been doing? Naveed: He will have been preparing to leave for sdf fed blah abe ALES lazer Yess Lahore. Basharat: Will the ee A Ut policeman have been Bul ie bey interrogating the pick-pocket at this time? Naveed: No, he will have Bl Seta ts been on his round. Important Points _ (B) He will not play.(A) | shall not play. 2817, usu ViwilALL He’ 6 td ausle Usha FUL GT Us “He, She, gph Se aire Sey Pe Bee BLEN, Weste te Ver I6 will FUL yousleesThey, It, Atif oo #LhThey, You, He, Shei will A-L1.we Aye _ (1) | will not play Ac ok Kes brie te l16 shall z 7 Ouet Ay bevy w!(2) You shall not return.tomorrow. Stig Ue iL SHURE LAG = ides zi suse ed JES tite ee 2 bt Fee will succeed or die in Pliappele bee ls 3 shay ate Ue hse wil toussede 2? 1» subjectl pronouns + will AFL nots will Agnelli, You'll Fonses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect] Change of Voice Ut (Passive Voumueure. (Active Voice) 377 PIU tiee bes drehutce” Passive Weice Tenses nice.» 4 (F-ui Lb 2b (Passive voice) Us#U"£ Tenses _ 62 Ue Passive Voice2 Perfect Continuous ‘if ce dei nts SSP Passive Voice “3 2 edie daft Gleue ey 3 AE Sipe Gedoer i a te eed uiePronoun(idoer/i —-5 wb Ute He Gift Tense ce wiiutts —xe les bu 1.indefinite Tense Active: He writes a letter. (Present) Passive: A letter is.written by him. Active: He wrote a letter. (Past) Passive: A letter was written by him. Active: He will write a letter. (Future) Passive: A letter will be written by him. 2. Centinous Tense Active: He is writing a letter. (Present) Passive: A letter is being written by him. Active: He was writing a letter. (Past) Passive: A letter was being written by him. Active: He will be writing a letter. (Future) eT acer neers 1 Re Direct & lndirect : A letter will Be being written by him. 3. Perfect Tense He has written a letier. (Present) A letter has been written by him, He had written a letter. (Past) A letter had been written by him. He will have written a letter. (Future) : A letter will have been written by him. “ = 3k peP Ld SES MeL LA Voice > =e! See Pek Uri Kouta (i) eo] Fb Aer? Atif hit Asif. Lider Asif Was killed by Atf_ULisu3 Pert(tenseyiKeedelu PtP ti) 62 budone A ,<»ésdo, doingt= that is, Was, be, has, Been alread sve ice) wyfe. $U£ Tenses ux 3 aut Ib SL at Passive Voice) x4 4. Present Indefinite Tense ed bp ib PAniistarelamnl fi She helps the poor. ; The poor are helped by her. _ He likes mangoes. goes are liked by him. EI Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect Se __—_—__—_——___________ nnn Passive: Tea is made by him. Active: She invites me. Passive: | am invited by her. Active: She does not tell me. Passive: | am not told by her. Active: Do post her the letter? Passive: Is the letter posted her by me? 2. Past Indefinite Tense = £8 bE AUP Aslwasiwereat< 6 Active: We took food. Passive: Food was taken by us. Active: She washed the car. Passive: The car was washed by her. Active: Sohail bought books. Passive: Books were bought by Sohail. Active: He washed clothes. Passive: Clothes were washed by him. Active: They did not see a tiger. Passive: A tiger was not seen by them. Active: Did | eat mangoes? Passive: Were mangoes eaten by me? 3. Future !ndefinite Tense EL bes <0 PAL yuishall befwill bewiZ (¥ Active: He will take tea. Passive: Will be taken by him. Active: We shall read the newspapers. Passive: The newspaper will be read by us. Active: She will write a letter. Passive: A letter will be written by her. Active: She will help me. ve: | shall be helped by her. We shall not build a house, sive: A house will not be built by us. ive: Who will play cricket. sive: By whom will cricket be played? 4. Present Continuous Tense UE Ebi US AnibeingutL islareiam Zs ve: He is playing chess. ve: Ches is being played by him, Ive: Heis doing his work ive: His work is being done by him. ive: Humais washing dishes. ssive: Dishes are being washed by Huma. ive: She is inviting me. : [am being invited by her. They are not taking tea. sive: Tea is not being taken by them. Why are they knocking at the door? Why is the door being knocked at by them? 5. Past Continuous Tense bit “A sibeingut _wasiwere ih _ She was making tea. =: Tea was being made by her. He was writing a letter. A letter was being written by him. Atif was taking tea. Tea was being taken by Ati ‘We were playing cricket. icket was being played by us. he was eating apples: Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Tndirveil Passive: Apples were not being eaten by her. Active: Was Schall telling a lie. Passive: Was a lie being told by Sohail? 6. Future Continuous Tense ey $2 Spb SP Abeing 2!£ willishall aL uti Active: They will be writing a letter. Passive: A letter will be being written by them. Active: We shall be reading the books. Passive: The books will be being read by us. Active: Atif will be taking tea. Passive: Tea will be being taken by Atif. Active: He will be telling a lie. Passive: A lie will be being told by him. 7. Present Perfect Tense te ZG HSA Auihasinave peenwt Zt Active: He has done his work, Passive: His work has been done by him. Active: Atif has eaten rice. Passive: Rice has been eaten by Atif. Active: He has taken tea. Passive: Tea has been taken by him. Active: | have helped him. Passive: He has been helped by me. Active: Umar has not shut the door. Passive; The door has not been shut by Umar. Active: How have you started the car? Passive: How has the car been started by you? 8. Past Perfect Tense Pie LO pie AU Asihad beenwik 1 had invited my friend. = My friend had been invited by me. We had told him. ; He had been told by us. Kashif had taken tea. : Tea had been taken by Kashif. Aisha had made food, ; Food had been made by Aisha. ‘They had not done their work. : Their work had not been done by them. Why had he beaten her? fe; Why had she been beaten by him? 9. Future Perfect Tense “A vlshall have been{will have been! 5 They will have taken food. e:) Food will have been taken by them. _ He shall have bought apples. Apples will have been bought by him. ‘She will have taken tea. Tea will have been taken by her. We will have finished work. Work will have been finished by us. They shall not have played cricket. cket will not have been played by them. i Dire Tevises, Aolive. ce Passive Voice, ct & Indirec| ave cleaned the rooms? +5 have been cleaned by him? pl wbPassive VoiceL Tenses? Active: Will He hi Passive: Vill the roor uber indefinite § + is/ arefam + V (ili) + O- (Present) S + was/ were + V (1) + 9. (Past) § + will be/ shall be + V (ili) +O. (Future) Progressive S + is/ are/ am + being + V (ili) + ©. (Present) S + was/ were + being + V (iii) + ©. (Past) S + shall be/ willbe + being + V (iii) + 0. (Future) Perfect S + have/ has + been + V (iii) + O. (Present) S$ +had + been +V (iii) +0: (Past) S + Shali/ Will + have + been + V (iii) + O. (Future, Perfect Progressive $+ have/ has + been being + V (ili) + since/ for + point of time/period of time. (Present) S + had + been being + V (iii) + since/for + point of time/period of time. (Past) § + shail/ will + have been being + V (iii) + since/ for + point of time/period of time. ~ (Future) Explanation eC lek, Ure liiolre (subject) Jus eusub utes Jie K6F Object Active Voice UtPassive Voice f= Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect 4 ibb bP Hutu eid Passive Voice nt «A cb GES PA tL is! arel am & Ft : ~<_fx2Passive Voiceé Indefinite Past ies Pin L was) were o£ KG -<(l@Passive Voicet Indefinite eine CAE PA nibe 2! £ shall! will: £ Ft -<_(»l¢Passive Voices indefinite Cab PA al being. Zis/ arel am AZ FG the food. The pean will ring the bell. ‘The bell will be rung by the peon. He will not do this work. 3: This work will not be done by him. The girls are singing 4 S°ng: . ive A song is being sung by the girls. ss Was he driving a bus? . Was a bus being driven by him? Who winds the watch? ; By whom the watch is wound? ‘et them play cricket a the cricket be played by them. you light the lamp? Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Lenses, ACHVE & 4 Will the lamp be lighted by you? | look after the house. The house is looked after by me. Who teaches English? By whom is English taught? She cannot do this sum. This sum cannot be done by her. Does he say his prayers? Are his prayers said by him? She has done her work. Her work has been done by her. Akbar set up a factory. A factory was set up by Akbar. Do you laugh at me? Am | laughed at by you? Atif married a poor girl. A poor girl was married by Atif. Atif helped me. | was helped by Atif. Who will teach me? By whom will | be taught? Who solved these sum? By whom will these sum be solved? When does he ring the bell? When is the bell rung by him? : 7 Where do we play the game? Where is the game played by us? Why was he writing a letter? Why was a letter being written by him? | had told him. He had been told by me He learns his lesson, : His lesson is learnt by him. We love Pakistan. : Pakistan is loved by us. He bought a pen. + A pen was bought by him. She was washing clothes. + Clothes were being washed by her. They are doing sums. + Sums are being done by them. We had eaten rice. : Rice had been eaten by us, He had broken a glass. : A glass had been broken by him. The teacher will teach us the lesson. ve: The lesson will be taught us by the teacher. He will be doing my work. : My work will be being done by him. She will have helped me. I shall have been helped by her. ‘She is doing her work. ‘Her work is being done by her. ‘She helps me. : 1am helped by her. Atif took tea. Tea was taken by Atif. Manzoor drives the car. The car is driven by Manzoor. Our team had won the match. The match had been won by Our team Huma will make cake. Passive: Cake will be made by Huma. Acitve: Atif had written a letter. Passive: A letter had been written by Atif. Acitve: Adeen beat him. Passive: He was beaten by Adeen. Acitve: Zubair will be repairing T.V. Passive: T.V. will be being repaired by Zubair. Acitve: Usman inform us. Passive: We are informed by Usman. Active: All the boys like Amjad. Passive: Amjad is liked by all the boys. Active: A dog has bitten him. Passive: He has been bitten by a dog. Active: Manzoor made century. Passive: Century was made by Manzoor. Active: Does Khurram like mangoes? Passive: Are mangoes liked by Khurram? Active: Faisal has sold his house. Passive: His house has been sold by Faisal. Active: She took tea. Passive: Tea was taken by her. Active: Why did you invite Kiran? Passive; Why was Kiran invited by-you? Active: | shall invite her to dinner. Passive: She shall be invited tn dinner by me. Active: Kiran will not do it carefully. Passive: It will not be done carefully by Kiran. Active: He was lighting the fire. Passive: The fire was being lightened by him. Active: Didyouringthe bell? “B __ Passive: Was the bell rung by you? Why did the teacher punish us? : Why Were we punished by the teacher? The police arrested him. » HE was arrested by the police. The pecn will ting the bell : The bell will be rung by the peon. # The girls Were singing a song. ~ A’song was being sung by the girls. Is he driving a bus? : IS a bus being driven by him? Let us play cricket, : Let the cricket be played by us. he looked after the house: : The house was looked after by him. + He cannot do this.sum. This sum cannot be done by him. 1 wind the clock: : The clock was wound by me. | lend him my camera. He is lent my camera by me. Atif married a poor gitl. poor girl was married by Atif. Who will teach us? s: By whom will we be taught? When does he ring the bell? - When is the bell rung by him? Why is he writing a letter? Why is a letter being written by him? Mr. Khurram taught us. We were taught by Mr. ‘She eats mangoes: Khurram Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect Passive: Mangoes are eaten by her. Active: They donot help us. Passive: We are not helped by them. Active: Why does he tell her? Passive: Why is she told by him? Active: She knits sweaters. Passive: Sweaters are knitted by her. Active: Who stole my pen? Passive: By whom was my pen stolen? Active: They were playing cards. Passive: Cards were being played by them. Active: He is teaching us. Passive: We are being taught by him. Active: | do not waste my time. Passive: My time is not wasted by me. Active: He solved this matter. Passive: This matter was solved by him. Acitve: We pick the flowers. Passive: Flowers are picked by us. Acitve: Let him write the letter. Passive: Let the letter be written by him. Acitve: The flood damaged the crops. Passive: The crops were damaged by the flood. Acitve: He will not do this work. Passive: This wark will not be done by him. Acitve: He has sold all the mangoes. Passive: All the mangoes have been sold by him. Active: Will you switch on the lamp? Passive: Will the lamp be switched on ue you? Active: Who teaches Urdu? Passive: By whom is Urdu taught? — ap Yers said by you? Faisal sets up a factory. A factory is set up by Faisal, Do you laugh at me? : Am | laghed at by you? (helped Huma. : Huma was helped by me. Who solved the sum? ; By whom was the sum solved? Where do they play the game? : Where is the game played by them? | have told him. : He has been told by me. I drink milk. : Milk is drunk by me. We take exercise early in the morning. : Exercise is taken by us early in the morning. He does not like these shoes. : These shoes are not liked by him. We do not waste our time. ye: Our time is not wasted by us. Who rang the bell? : By whom was the bell rung? Good children always speak the truth. : The truth is always spoken by good children. Atif often deceives him- : He is often deceived by Atif. : Atifobeys his parents. Bais parents is obeyed by Atif. Does she knows your name? Tunses, Active & Passive Vatce, Direct'& Incireci| Passive: Is your name known by her? Active: Everybody can do everything. Passive: Everything can be done by everybody. Active: Bilal was speaking truth. Passive: Truth was being spoken by Bilal. Active: Akhtar was doing his work. Passive: His work was being done by Akhtar. Active: Who was calling you? Passive: By whom were you being called? Active: What was biting you? Passive: What were you being bitten? Active: He will take tea tomorrow. Passive: Tea will be taken by him tomorrow. Active: She was not taking meal. Passive: Meal was not being taken by her. Active: The baby was asking for milk. Passive: Milk was being asked for by the baby. Active: We shall learn our lesson by heart. Passive: Our lesson will be learnt by heart by us. Active: You had ruined me. Passive: | had been ruined by you. Active: God will help is. Passive: We shall be helped by God. Active: He knocks at the door. Passive: The door is knocked at by him. Active: |do not befool Sobia. Fassive: Sobia is not befooled by me. Bee Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indireci PT ASP EP PE AP EA A Direct & Indirect Narration | SE SP PP PB i sa sll - ut GlnduL roll. Jak zu -Narration Indirect Narration -2 Direct Narration -1 bi! Direct Narrationtes|cuxcn bul nll eT (1) a Indirect Auk A euliz ie eee Be ok coe “= Bue Narration eg. Direct:- He said to me, "| want new clothes." Indirect:- He told me that he wanted new clothes. iE 1 (" ") Inverted Commas (1) _ut2 JU inverted CommasfiZ_£ Lule Inverted 2.2L! -: Reporting Speech (2) dizer Reporting speech= |< rl b4-| =< Commas _£ yt! Reporting speechy'| said to himut de Inverted #264) ¢-:Reported Speech 3) ZAS leur et Reported speech= |< exit Commas 2£ Reported speechs "I want new clothes."Ut Jed ae a Direct speechfy Reported speech_Ut Ly) = Inverted Commas-: Reporting Verb (4) ff Verb Lhd xUe1Ut (Reporting speech) 2. -saidi 22 Reporting Verb iy Ut Inverted Commas -: Reported Verb 6) ur 2® Reported verbs verb_d xJerit Lt ; -want Direct 2 £2 WY Ligh wls1£ Inverted Commas 743 () Commas! £ mevt Ub_< be Us (,) commadé = Speech Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect pal, -u2s id cut indirect Narration(S Direct Narration © yb Subeib ee Ab etindirect= Direct (3 2ut#e¢ Change in Pronouns. (1) (ba 42l)Change inTneses. (2) (bat bulChange in Words _ (3) hati) Change in Pronouns ~ (1) We, 211, my (mine), me /l.2i£ Inverted Commas (1) OWE (subject) Mit 2 1 ty7l£ Commasutise Tours, us eg Ly Abi Direct:- He says to me, "It is my book.” Indirect:- He says to me that it is his book. 2 ls¢lf you, your (yours),2tziL Inverted Commas (2) ip Abr wl Jt 2 Direct:- | said to her; "You can't help me.” Indirect:- | told her thatshe could not help me. UU Lee LAL (3) eve (2 ei 2s tv Third Person (4) = pedou Their (Theirs) | Them 1. Direct:- ‘Saqib said to. me, "| am doing work." Indirect- Saqib tald me that he was doing work. 2. Direct:- Saqib said to her, "| am not teasing you." [Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect Ey —— Indirect- Sagib told her that he was not teasing her. 3. Direct:- They said to me, "We have done your work.” Indirect:- They told me that they had done my work. thea BNL (Amjad) 6S Itt Ae ut We a OL Jef yountuthe dL (Zatan ltr tees YoursivtheyQe-< (they) His weut3, ce < it ether -< VU wtmytbL (mej Stim Wei te 2 0 Pronounsszucl< Commas ite! ue tint Fill sue Hb Net bd yl Z commas Uithey 2 Aire fee AL bE ol weuta Ue ie i bevimy Ae Ute ee be Jd yours be ba Change inTenses (2) lPresent Tensevt*¢_lizl< Inverted Commas (1) 2 Utd ebttense £2 twcideleeFuture Tense Direct:- She’says to you, "I love you.” Indirect'- She tells you that she loves you. Direct:- . The teacher will say to the boys, "| offer my prayer regularly." Indirect'- The teacher will tell the boys that he offers his prayer regularly. Inverted JclsJkIPast TenseutUlyzt—-Commai _ (2) UA LP i Tenset 2d tsi Commas Present Indefinite Tense Past Indefinite Tense Present Continuous Past Continuous Tense Tense | Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Conynueny Past Perfect Tense ite Tense Ise pas Le . was, (were) | ened had been Have, Has had i | Shall, will wor | tight could Direct- | said to him, “I do my work daily." Indirect: | told him that I did my work daily. Direct- She said to me, "| am going to college." Indirect:- She told me that she was going to college. Directi-- _ Atif said to Kiran, "| have taken tea." Indirect- Atif told Kiran thathe had taken tea. Direct- . He said to you, "I have been living here since 2003." Indirect- He told you that he had been living there since 2003, Direct- She said to Tariq, “They are students.” Indirect- She'told Tariq that they were students. Pies Sadia said to Tarig, "I met you yesterday." nevect Sadia told Tariq that she had met him the Previous day. Commas eolE sfsi5 (Universal Truth\oa? dee 32? Direct= He said tome: "The ~— tet fenselsic- Indirect- He told me the Sun rises in the east. at the sun rises in the east, eo as U.4U-5) Change in Words (3) : Commas inledPast Tense |< Commas /! SOO As anti Bs Lpel" Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect this becomes that today becomes that day yesterday becomes the previous day last night becomes the night before tonight becomes that night tomorrow becomes the next day now becomes then _ next becomes the following these becomes those here becomes there ago becomes before thus becomes so Present/Future Sentences Direct- Indirect:- Direct:- Indirect:- Direct:- Indiréct:- Direct Indirect:- Direct:- Indirect:- Direct:- Indirect:~ Examples | say, "| do not waste my time.” | say that | de.not waste my time.” Irfan says to’me, "| shall. go to Karachi." lifan telisime that he will go to Karachi.” Theteacher says to me, "You are very hard Working." The teacher says to me that | am very hard working. The oldman will say, "You should speak the truth." The oldman will say that | should speak the truth. : | say, "He is leaving for Lahore.” | say that he is leaving for Lahore. She will say to me, “I cannot solve ihis sum." Sie will tell me that she cannot solve this sum. Important Points © a tide Future Tensel Presents 22 el Leonmasi 4 iver Passive VOICE, AINeC! O AAdireci Wed ebsewerd) Lee, 3B SPREE BL the 7 i (2) a repidtha tise tale Bed lui iate ele! i) Assertive Sentences Examples Dinct- She said to her son, "You are only wasting my time these days." Indirect- She told her son that he was only wasting her time those days. Tenses, Act Direct- "Now it is my turn," said he to them, "to sit on the chair." Indirect:- He told them that it was then. his turn to sit on the chair. Direct:- "No Usman," said they, "you did not lose the game, yesterday." Indirect:- They told Usman. that he had not lost the game the previous day. Direct- She said to him, "Sir, my brother was ill." Indirect:- She told him respectfully that her brother had been ill, Direct- “Things are not what they seem" said the wise oldman. Indirect:- The wise oldman said that things are not what they seem. es Direct- “The earth," said the teacher, "is round." Indirect:- The teacher said that the earth is round. Imortant Points uit Soe Petine re Uite aN | ned ALI ndirecti1> your highness, your majesty, your honour, #Js#/i (1) a bry Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect ey ——— ee __ with brespectfully 77 Jeev Ube bWletdsmadam, sir a FEU LE hic) fide)isaid/iWwi@ great respect J22_ yt £ CommasylerL tcl Commas (2) PP Ly i Aas uo Us ¢t & Commas ae UieZ 2b lite “uA be findirect -PSEs toG ur Btolds Gf saidie ur dhe dA (3) SpE Rey tensed (Universal Truth) 3? eek (4) EAL ViFia) dealin a Os (5) Imperative Sentences Examples Direct:- The master said to his servant, "Polish my shoes." Indirect:- The master ordered his servant to polish his shoes. Direct- The boy said to the teacher, "Sir, grant me leave for one day." Indirect- The boy requested the teacher respectfully to grant him leave for one day. Direct'- The teacher said to the boy, "Don't tell a lie." Indirect:- The teacher forbade the boy to tell a lic, Direct- _ He said to his friend, "Good-bye." _Indireet:- He'bade good-bye to his friend. Direct- He said to his servant, "Get out of the room." ~ Indirect= He ordered his servant to get out of the room. . Direct- The teacher said to his pupils, "Work hard." Indirect:- The teacher advised his pupils to work hard. Saat 2A ba pindirectfuicdedieyder eA tee | e Acie & Passive Voice, Direct & Indireci| ade (1) “Parra E~? (2) uA iBegged 2 Le (3) Ly Ae Forbade L aye (4) Uliforbade tolordered not tom SUC= 2 af (6) -uf Bethatahs” iN aabee bet Ui| proposed | suggested U* eiALixe (6) 2 bie ithat Re Je Ishould verb) Interrogative Sentences | Exampies Direct- Javaid said to Rizwan, "Have you finished your work?” i Indirect. Javaid asked Rizwah if he had finished his WOTk, Pirect:- said to my, athe, "Where are you going?” Indirect | asked mynirather where he was gaing. Direct: He saidotne, "Oo you have a pen?” Indiréct- He. asked me if | hada pen. Direct’ The “oldman said to the lady, "Will neu marry me?" indirect-. The oldman asked the lady if she would marry * him, y “sreet- ‘The father said’ to Sobia, "Who is knocking at ‘the door?" direct The father asked Sobia Wg? Was knocking at the-door. Direct- Adeen said to Atif, "Where were you z yesterday?" indirect Adeen inquired Atif where he had been the previous day. Important Points sohZ_tlndirestnt Ze Ray SayO nie. InquiredtAsked/ said (1) - =e ae =PEUUR Uie-iThat (2) PEL Uue EF oem fe}) Am, Was, Were, Will, Shall, Lila 2 ‘s) FEU Ul She syide.2.Can, May, Should, Could athe LS Fe ipatoer, Het iPr Kane TDolDid, Doesutta Le, 2 6) did_uf JU t¢verb) PLUM i iWhetnen fc 8 ! aff f22sdo Whom, Whose, What, When, “ttx7£- 7 6) iWhetherL Ife = wisUeulet2Where, Why, Who Were, Will, Shall, Am, May, Gan, Loot yt re Do, Did, Does ALAN eaLVetaaisl Could au Ae (verb) FOIE NS ‘Optative Sentences Examples Father said to Atif, "May God bless you with a son!” a Father prayed for Atif that God might bless him Mother ‘said to me, "May you live long!” N prayed (for me) that | might five tong: ay we sin the match!” : Tenses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect We wished that we had been soldiers. ee The old lady said, "Would that | were young!" indirect- The old lady wished that she had been young. Direct- Mother said, “May you succeed, Sobial Indirect- Mother prayed for Sobia that she might succeed. Important Points 2 Jat indirect(yie bal Pees haa! Wish(es)tPray(s)/ Say(s).siutWishedLPrayed/ said (1) eel ae --telUeHithatwe i (2) UP aut MightL May—= UZ Verbebycloli his May 3) =e Vi / we bE PLIES pels (4) wished ia thl./é AB Ly would thatutei Hue (6) ~

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