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Poetry Responses

The nature of poetry has always been problematic or mysterious, leading poets, readers, critics, and scholars to fashion
their own solutions and definitions. Emily Dickinson wrote, "If I read a book ' [and] it makes-my whole body so cold no
fire ever can warm me I know that is poetry." Yvor Winters wrote, A poem is a statement in language about a human
experience." The essence of poetry remains elusive and open to a range of definitions.
Our goal this year is not to remove the mystery of poetry; instead, our goal is for you to discover the pleasures and
values of poetry even if, or even though, poetry itself is inexplicable. This year we will approach or "come nearer to
"poetry in two ways. We will study poetry through a formal or structured study in class; we will also study poetry
informally through poetry responses. The goal of both methods will be for you to "come nearer to" poetry.
Each week you should choose one poem from a list of poems I give you and write a response to that poem. The response
should be typed and one page in length. You will type it into your ongoing google document.
What should you write for a poetry response? You have several options: an analysis of the poem, relating what you
think the theme is; an examination of the theme; a narration of a personal experience, relating the poem to yourself.
What you write is up to you as long as you say something besides how you have no idea what this poem is about. I
will hand out some samples to give you some ideas.
Here are some guidelines for reading poetry:

Remember to listen to the poem.

Read slowly. Take your time. A poem isnt meant for speed reading any more than you would speed
listen to your favorite CD.
Read straight through the first time, getting a feel for the poem, without worrying about what you do
not know.
Read the poem several times, just as you listen to as song several times, getting to know it, feeling the
life within it, each time discovering something new in it.
Notice the title. Titles are not labels. They can sometimes offer an entry point, can be a part of the
poem. They can set a tone or atmosphere, create tension, even interact with the poem itself.
Work through the sentences, if the poem uses them, to get the subjects, verbs, objects, and other
elements straight.
Read the poem aloud at least once. Because sounds and rhythms are crucial parts of poetry, it helps to
hear poems, not just say them in your mind. Sometimes the sounds and rhythms bring out aspects
you will not notice in silent reading. And youll be enticed to slow down and may feel the words and
rhythms, even the life in the poem, in your mouth.

Poems for poetry responses:

1. Ask Me, William Stafford
2. Embrace, Billy Collins
3. Hawk Roosting, Ted Hughes
4. Richard Cory,Edwin Arlington
5. Funeral Blues, W.H. Auden
6. I Stop Writing the Poem, Tess
7. Dessert Places, Robert Frost
8. The Bean Eaters, Gwendolyn Brooks
9. We Real Cool, Gwendolyn Brooks
10. Fire and Ice, Robert Frost
11. Resum, Dorothy Parker
12. Love Calls Us to the Things of This
World, Richard Wilbur

13. When I Was One-and-Twenty, A.E.


14.Matthew Arnold: Dover Beach

15.Elizabeth Bishop: In the Waiting Room
16.Emily Dickinson: Safe in their Alabaster
Chambers (124)
17.John Donne: A Valediction: Forbidding
18.T.S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred
19.Carolyn Forch: The Colonel
20.Robert Frost: Mending Wall
21.Robert Hayden: Those Winter Sundays
22.Langston Hughes: Let America Be
America Again
23.John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn
24.Wilfred Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est
25.John Crowe Ransom: Bells for John
Whitesides Daughter

26.William Shakespeare: Sonnets

27.Wallace Stevens: Sunday Morning
28.Dylan Thomas: Do not go gentle into
that good night

29.William Butler Yeats: The Second


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