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15 December 2016

Release notes D-Sheet Piling



2016-12-15 (build number

For long anchor stability, the allowable anchor force Ep-E0 was not correct if loads were present. This is
now fixed (Known Issue).
For long anchor stability, the uniform loads were not taken into account for the calculation of the passive
pressure on the anchor wall (Ep), only the surcharge loads were used. This is now fixed (Known Issue).
For Allowable Anchor Force calculation, the values of the forces in the graph displayed when clicking on
button 'Draw Results' were not always correct. This is now fixed.
In the Report, the Stress State Chart for all phases and CUR-steps was always the chart of phase 1
step 6.1. This is now fixed (Known Issue).
In Stress State Charts, the arrows at the left side of the CUR-steps list work now correctly.
The method for earth pressure coefficients (Manual, Muller-Breslau or Kotter) thas was chosen in the
Soil Materials window was not always saved correctly. This could occur only when the grain type was
not the same for all materials.
2015-03-10 (build number


With this version, license(s) can be borrowed for a certain period allowing working
without connection to the licence server.
The result of the Vertical Balance in the Overview of the Report gave always that
the vertical balance is not sufficient even if it is sufficient (Known Issue).
The option D-Sheet Piling determined for the favourable or unfavourable effect of
a load (for a Verification calculation) didn't work properly when the passive side was
determined when the option D-Sheet Piling determined (Known Issue).
It was not always possible to open the Report when supports were present (Access
violation error message).
The warning message informing that the allowable moment is reached was
sometimes wrongly displayed.
In the Report, the header of the Supports tables was not always visible, and the
corresponding Moment or Force values were not always correct (especially when
Supports were created by D-Sheet Piling).
Performing a Design Length calculation with EC7-Belgium annex and method B
was not always possible (floating point error).
For a Plastic calculation, if at least one of the moments in the Moment-Curvature
Diagram (M-N-Kappa) window is equal to zero, an error message is displayed
preventing to perform a calculation and inviting the user to enter a positive moment.
The terminology of the Allowable elastic (id. plastic) characteristic (id.
design) moment is changed to symbols (such as Mr;char;el).
The plastic moment for the Arcelor profiles is added in the Sheet Piling Profiles
Library window. When unknown, the value of the elastic moment is used with a
warning message at the bottom of the window. Moreover, the data of the Prolock
profiles are updated, and new combined profiles are added.
For Vertical Balance check, a factor of 1.1 is applied to the vertical component of
the anchor according to article 9.7.5(a) of NEN-EN 9997-1+C1:2012 and according
to CUR 166 step 9.3 .

2015-09-11 (build number

Fixed Bugs

[MSH-1683] - For Single Pile , the correction factor on EI had no

effect, EI was not corrected. This is now solved.
[MSH-2144] and [MSH-2145] - The definition of the ksi-factor for a
vertical balance check is according to Eurocode NEN-EN 99971:2012, but not according to NEN-6743:2006 anymore (Known Issue).
When opening an old file, this factor will be automatically recalculated

15 December 2016

by using its inverse. The range of input for the ksi factor is enlarged to
[0.1 ... 10].
[MSH-2225], [MSH-2256] and [MSH-2259] - For a Verification and a
Design Length calculation acc. to EC7-Belgium, the visibility and the
functioning of methods A and B is now correct.
[MSH-2247] - For a Verification calculation acc. to CUR or EC7-NL,
the control of the calculated moment is correctly done for step 6.5 * 1.2
(Known Issue).
[MSH-2250] - For a Verification calculation according to EC7Belgium, the partial factors given in the Report (section Input Data)
could differ from the input factors in the User-Defined Safety Factors
window. This is solved.
[MSH-2293] - In a Verification calculation for the determination of the
retaining height, the excavation level is now the deepest level of the
surface line instead of the excavation level along the wall.
[MSH-2294] - For a Verification calculation acc. to EC7-General
with DA 2, the warning about the max. allowable moment which is
reached was not always displayed. This is solved.


[MSH-976] - For Vertical Balance of a combi-wall (i.e. different acting

widths), a warning message in the Report is added saying that the
vertical balance is not correct.
[MSH-1451] - The output are available in French.
[MSH-1486] - For a CUR verification, the check of step 6.5 * 1.2 is
added for spring and rigid supports in the Summary of the Report.
[MSH-1487] - When using Combined Wall, the input of the sheet
piling library choice is now kept after calculation.
[MSH-1488] - In case of Verification calculation acc. to EC7-General
DA1 set 1, DA2 and EC7-Belgium Set 1, a note is added in the
Moment/Force/Displacement Charts window informing that
the moments and shear forces displayed in this window are excluding
the factor on effect of loads and in the Summary of the Report, a not is
added informing that the values are including the factor on effect of
[MSH-1677] - After importing a CPT from a GEF file, the colors of the
different material are now the same as in the CPTip window.
[MSH-1815] - When a calculation can't converge, a warning
message is now be displayed in the Calculation Progress window.
[MSH-1902] - The minimum value for the coating area is set to 0.01
instead of 1.
[MSH-1909] - The paragraph "Soil collapse" ("Grondbreuk" in Dutch)
in the Report is renamed into "Percentage mobilized resistance" to
avoid causing confusion with step 11.2 of CUR 166 (Grondbreuk overschijding draagkracht ondergrond).
[MSH-1945] - The calculation can be aborted by the user by clicking
on the Abort button of the Calculation Progress window.
[MSH-1954] - The Allowable Anchor Force results do not show the
allowable anchor force with AND without loads, but only the allowable
anchor force with loads. A warning message is also displayed
explaining that the allowable anchor force is calculated with loads.
[MSH-2013] - The Stresses chart is now displayed in the Report.
[MSH-2077] - When a user-defined profile is imported from the library,
the parameter Wel (Section modulus) is now imported.
[MSH-2109] - The Sheet Piling Library has been updated with new
synthetic profiles of supplier Europile/STS.
[MSH-2138] - The units in the Sheet Piling window were not always

15 December 2016


visible (depending on the Windows version). This is solved.

[MSH-2165] - The warning message about "Settlements by Vibration"
appears only when a Settlement by Vibration calculation is performed.
[MSH-2174] - The partial material factor Gamma_mb4 is renamed into
partial factor base resistance Gamma_b acc. to Eurocode 7 and it is
now a user-defined value for EC7-General and EC7-Belgium.
[MSH-2189] - When using Combined Wall, the calculated "Design
allowable moment" is correctly calculated (i.e. not equal to zero).
[MSH-2214] - The calculated moment and shear force given in the
Overview in the Report have 2 decimals (because for synthetic wall
the calculated value can be very small).
[MSH-2226] - A toggle button is implemented in the Input Diagram, to
switch between same scale for X and Y-axis and not same scale for X
and Y-axis.
[MSH-2272] - The note at the bottom of the Sheet Piling window about
the modification factor k_mod is updated.
[MSH-2273], [MSH-2274] and [MSH-2204] - In the Sheet Piling
Profiles Library window, a new type is added "Combined sheet piles"
for which 2 extra parameters (the modification factor k_mod and the
material factor gamma_m) can be added. Currently, this new tab
contains 2 combined sheet piles (synthetic combined with wood) of
ProLock, previously called Profextru.
[MSH-2346] - Allowable Anchor Force: for long anchor, a note is
added explaining that both anchors types (long and short) are checked
and the minimum is displayed.
[MSH-2360] - In the Report, the allowable bearing capacity for vertical
balance is renamed into R_b;d acc. to Eurocode NEN-EN 99971:2012 (instead of F_toe;d).
A new module called "Plastic Wall module" is available, allowing a
plastic analysis of the wall. This new module involves the following:
o [MSH-1722] - The moment-curvature diagram of the profile(s)
can be defined in the Moment-Curvature Diagram (M-NKappa) window, available from the Sheet Piling/Diaphragm
Wall/Pile window.
o [MSH-2243] - In the Sheet Piling Profiles Library window and
Construction menu, the parameter "Allowable plastic
moment" is added.
o [MSH-2276] and [MSH-2334] - The parameter "Allowable
plastic moment" is used to check that the calculated moment
does not exceed this allowable moment (in Report as warning
message and in the Moment/Force/Displacement Charts
window as extra dotted blue line).
o [MSH-2275] - Before performing a plastic analysis, an
information message is displayed about the check on the
rotation capacity (acc. to Eurocode 3) which is not performed
by the program.
o [MSH-2218] - A tutorial has been added in the User Manual
describing how to perform a plastic analysis of a pile.

2015-01-15 (build number

The input field Material type in the Sheet Piling window works now
properly (Known issue).
The information text about the modification factor in the Sheet Piling
window has been updated to take all the profiles (wood, steel, concrete,
synthetic) into account (Known issue).
For a verification calculation acc. to EC7General or EC7-B, the maximum

15 December 2016


moment and shear force given in the last row of the Overview per stage
and test table are now correct (Known issue).
For a verification calculation acc. to EC7General / DA 3, the inputted
partial factor on unfavourable temporary load(s) is now taken into account
during the calculation (Know issue).

2014-07-31 (build number

The Sheet Piling Library has been updated with new profiles (Europile/STS,
Cold formed sheet piles profiles are now available in the library with three qualities:
S 235, S 275 and S 355.
The maximum moment of synthetic profiles in the library is now a characteristic
value (without safety factor). During its importation, two factors are applied (the
modification factor k and the material factor gamma_m) to get the design value
used in the calculation.
Verification EC7-General: in some cases, the results in the overview table of the
report were not correctly displayed. This is solved.
Verification EC7-General: the selection of method A or B had to be done under
EC7-B. This is solved.
A warning message when starting the program is displayed to attract the attention
of the user on the importance of a good estimation of the relative density for the
calculated Settlements by Vibration.
Implemented new license system.

Version 9.2 2013-11-22 (build number

For Eurocode and Belgian annex it is possible to use design values in the selected
stage and representative values in the previous stages.
Writing the slide planes used in to calculate the lambdas in c, phi, delta method
went wrong for huge q values, making it unable to see the results.
Yield forces and buckling forces must be inputted as design values.
The name of the Dutch annex has changed.
Change in water levels is added to report.
Maximum numbers of soils in input is synchronized with maximum number of soils
in calculation.
The Sheet Piling Library has been updated with new profiles (Gooimeer,
Heuvelman, ESC Pile China LTD, Europile/STS, Gampet, Profextru).
Two tutorials have been added in the user manual describing how to design the
length of a synthetic wall and how to model a synthetic wall with anchorage.

Version 9.2 2013-04-19 (build number

Calculation with the Belgian annex gave a resume with only displacement caculation.
Version 9.2 2013-02-12 (build number
This version is a bugfix release; the following changes are incorporated:
Class RC0 is added to Dutch Eurocode calculation. Explanation: For simple
constructions it was allowed to use CUR class I. However the change in retaining
height must be a percentage of the retaining height. This is incorporated in the (by
D-Sheet Piling) so called RC0.
For vertical balance the vertical forces due to active and passive forces are taken
by 1m. This used to be the coating area.
Settlement by vibration calculation: It is possible to find the settlements by vibration
at points below the surface as well.
Kranz calculation. An error in the loading due to anchor angle is solved.
When calculating soil displacements with single pile a few extra points close to the
boundaries with the elastic soil are calculated.
Version 9.2 2012-04-06 (build number

15 December 2016

This version is a bugfix release; the following changes are incorporated:

Writing the slide planes used in to calculate the lambdas in c, phi, delta method
went wrong for huge q values.This made it unable to see the results.
Kranz evaluation with anchors at an angle was not correct.
Some small bugs in the interface are solved.

Version 9.2 2011-11-08 (build number

This version has some new features:
It is possible to calculate the settlement due to vibration of the sheet piling
(installing as well as uninstalling)
The Belgian annex (EC7) is incorporated.
Feasibility is now a part of the Standard module.
Forces from layers acting on the sheet piling are given in the report.
It is possible to see the slide planes used to calculate the lambdas with the c, phi
and delta method.
It is possible to change the colors of the materials.
Some bugs are solved.

Version 9.1 2011-03-28 (build number

This version is a bug fix for version
Again small changes in the Dutch annex (EC7) are incorporated.
Known bugs for calculation single pile and checking moment and vertical balance
are solved
It is possible to add user defined pagenumbers to the report.
The MSheet files version 7 and older (version could not be opened with
D-Sheet Piling version (version

Version 9.1 2011-01-25 (build number

This version is the first official release for D-Sheet Piling, the successor of MSheet.
Next to the differences in name, splash-, about- and helpscreens, the following
changes are incorporated:
Changes in the Dutch annex (EC7) are incorporated.
The verification section of the user manual is moved to a separate document called
"Verification Report", which can be found in the installation folder of the program.
Version 8.2 2010-03-08 (build number
Eurocode 7: The Dutch Annex of the Eurocode7 is now available. Over the CURstep plan, the division has changed into class factors. Thereafter the overall stability
calculation uses no factor on driving moment anymore. Also new is the ability to
vary the wet and dry unit weight.
The Belgium Annex of the Eurocode7 is also fully prepared. Once the safety factors
for the Belgian Annex are published, we can release MSheet including the Belgian
Besides the new Eurocode7, Dutch Annex, the 'old' CUR-guideline in MSheet
remains available for the time being.
Automatic interpretation of CPTs by Robinson has been implemented. CPTs need
to be entered in GEF format, or can be uploaded from the DINO database. The
latter is free, but only contains CPTs in the Netherlands. The GEFPlotool is
available for digitization of CPT on paper. After interpretation, the MSheet soil
profile is filled automatically using all relevant parameters for a calculation. The
entire process can be controlled and adjusted.
Horizontal displacements of embankments. For the Single Pile model forces, as a
result of displacements induced by embankments or surface loads, can now be
calculated. MSheet automatically calculates the displacements by the tables of De
Free access to GeoBrain prediction model: In addition to access to the database
GeoBrain experience, you can now directly do a feasibility analysis. MSheet
provides all relevant data and shows the GeoBrain prediction. Access to the

15 December 2016

GeoBrain prediction model is preliminary free, to promote to use this prediction

model. The GeoBrain experience data and prediction model are based on Dutch
data. They may not be relevant outside the Netherlands. However, GeoBrain offers
the possibility for other countries to set up an experience database.
In 'design sheet pile length with EuroCode, the (optional) feature Reduce delta
according to CUR' is now available.
The envelope curve is now also available in the table us option 'view data'.
Bug fixes
Loading by soil displacement was not taken into account in sheet piling calculation.
Water Levels in Stage Overview in the single pile module were hard to change.
Allowable anchor force: resolved issu "Actual Anchor force CUR not available".
Incorrect data was provided in table of graph Moment/Force/Displacement.

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