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The Lean Workplace Series


A Concept Book by

Setup Reduction
A Concept Book by Accenture

Third Edition - June 2012

ISBN 1-931204-02-0
Published by Accenture
Seven Parkway Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15220-3703 USA
Phone: 412.937.6380
Fax: 412.937.6381
Copyright 2012 Accenture All rights reserved.
This document is protected under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and state trade secret laws. Unauthorized
disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or use is prohibited and may violate federal and/or state laws.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Ready to roll again in 14



To 'setup' in a very general

sense is to get ready for a
productive activity. In
professional auto racing, its
the work of the pit stop crew to
get the car serviced and back
out on the race track. In
manufacturing, it may be work
required to 'changeover' from
production of one part to
another. In printing, it is the
work done during the
'make-ready' to prepare a
press to print a new job. In the
airline industry, it's the work
needed to prep the plane for
the next flight.

To be successful at setup
reduction, you need to see
setup for what it is
non-productive and costly.
When you are setting up you
are not doing productive work.
It is true that setups are hard
work and require skill, and that
they are necessary. But when
you consider that long setups
tie up capital, influence the
price of the product or service,
and keep you from having the
flexibility needed to meet
customer demands, the cost is
much larger than you might
initially think.

Setup reduction is a strategy

used to study setups and find
ways to successfully change
from one productive activity to
another with the minimum
amount of downtime. In other
words, to make necessary
changes in as little time as
possible, in order to get on
with the business.

Setup Reduction


How to Reduce Setup:

1. Organize the setup reduction effort.
2. Capture the current setup.
3. Separate setup preparation activities from
setup execution activities.
4. Reduce setup execution time.
5. Implement the revised setup.

Reducing setup time is not a

matter of just improving upon
existing setups. It involves
finding new ways to do things
to reduce the time setups
Imagine a situation where time
is of the essence, like a
hospital emergency room for
example. The difference
between life and death may
depend on how quickly
treatment can be provided. In
this situation, a considerable
effort is made to ensure that
the work can be done quickly
and flawlessly. Everyone and
everything is prepared in
advance because every
motion counts. The results
depend on itit can be life or

In business, the stakes aren't

quite that high, but in many
cases the truth is that every
motion counts and can make
the difference when trying to
meet customer demands.
Finding a way to perform
quality work, with as little
downtime as possible, may be
critical to your company's
health and ability to beat the
In order to reduce setup time,
you may need to change the
way you do things.
Be better prepared for
Perform preparation
activities which are
currently done during
setup execution, before
hand to minimize
Reduce the time required
to do the execution work.
Do multiple setup
execution tasks
concurrently, if possible.
Eliminate the need for
setups altogether.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

F Improve productivity (get

Companies who are
successful in reducing setup

F Increase capacity because

they experience less

F Increase flexibility because

they can produce in smaller

F Improve quality by
simplifying and
standardizing operating
parameters and equipment

more done) because

workers spend less time in
non-productive setup

F Free up associate time for

customer service

F Reduce inventory by
producing small lots
according to customer

F Reduce inventory carrying


F Reduce losses from

inventory that is outdated

F Reduce space required for

storing inventory

F Reduce scrap
F Satisfy customers with short
lead times and quality

This place makes it fresh and to order.

Setup Reduction


To survive in todays
market, it is necessary
to focus on the
customer and quickly
produce products or
deliver services that are
in demand. To
accomplish this type of
responsiveness, you
have to reduce or
eliminate the time spent
on setup tasks.

The discipline of Setup

Reduction can be
applied to any industry.
Ultimately, as
consumers, we are the
beneficiaries of setup
reduction efforts. Lets
consider how reducing
setup times impacts a
business most are

familiar witha donut


Shorter changeover
times means the
shop can offer a
greater variety of

Producing in the
appropriate size
batches means the
donuts will be

A greater variety of
fresh donuts
satisfies the
customers and
keeps them coming

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

To reduce setup:
Organize the setup reduction effort.
Capture the current setup.
Separate setup preparation activities from setup execution
Reduce setup execution time.
Implement the revised setup procedures.
Reducing setup is not just a matter of improving the setup; it is a
matter of finding new ways to reduce the time setups take. All setup
reduction efforts have to start somewhere, and the next chapter,
Organize the Setup Reduction Effort, helps you understand how to
get started.

Setup Reduction


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

We have the right people and the

right tools to cut our setup time.

Organize the

When you start a new project,

it can be tough to know what
to do first. You have lots of
questions that need to be
answered before you begin.
Why is the project important?
Who will work on the project?
What resources do we need to
complete the project? Knowing
the answers to these
questions makes it easier to
get started.
Its no different when you
undertake a setup reduction

Setup reduction can be an

important catalyst for change
in your organization, but you
have to know what you are
trying to accomplish and why.
Identifying your objectives will
help you to decide where to
start, how low setup times
need to go, and how much you
should invest to get there.
With your objectives in mind,
you can determine who should
be on your setup reduction
team and what tools you need
to provide for them.
With these resources in place,
youll be ready to start the
work of setup reduction.

Set Up Reduction

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort

To Organize the Setup

Reduction Effort:
1. Draft a game plan.
2. Identify why the setup reduction effort is

3. Establish a team.
4. Identify and provide resources.

F Preparing for the setup
reduction effort will increase
the probability and
magnitude of success.

F The effects of a setup

The ever widening benefits of successful setup reduction.

reduction project can impact

your production, capacity,
and responsiveness.
Considering this
compounding effect, your
first steps should include
careful planning and
accurate resource

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Draft a Game Plan
If you are considering making
the effort to reduce setups,
you should have an idea of
how your organization could
benefit by reducing the
non-productive time required
to change from one productive
activity to another.
In a production process, you
will need to take a high level
look at how things flow in your
operation. Map out the
processes and determine
where long setups impact the
customer response time, the
capacity of key equipment, or
the available time for
associates to perform
productive tasks. This will help
you to prioritize your setup
reduction effort.

reduce customer
response time

Identify Why Setup

Reduction is Necessary

improve customer

Before you begin each setup

reduction project, you should
have a picture of what it can
reduce non-productive
mean to your overall business
position. Reducing a setup can
Knowing how shorter setups
help you make key
can impact the operation will
improvements. Knowing why
help you to plan for making the you are pursuing the setup
changes necessary.
reduction can help you
complete your game plan and
Once you know how reducing
stay on course for a successful
setup time can help your
operation, draft a game plan
that will target key setups.
For each targeted setup,
describe what is currently
involved in the setup and why
the setup reduction is
necessary; establish a team to
work on the project; and
provide the necessary
We wont get anywhere without coordinating our efforts.

Consider what the results

would be if you could perform
setups more quickly. You may
be able to:
maximize uptime of key
increase scheduling
improve your ability to fill
customer orders

We have some long delays that could be eliminated.

produce in small lots

eliminate overproduction
and excess inventory

Set Up Reduction

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort

Form a team

Potential Members

Fresh Perspective

With your setup reduction

goals in hand, form a setup
reduction team. This team will
form the backbone of your
setup reduction effort. You
should provide the team with a
budget, help them develop and
maintain an action log, and
empower the team with the
ability to make decisions.

Invite those who are

knowledgeable about the
setup process and others who
may want to join the team.
Involve people who
understand how the equipment
works and who are familiar
with the current setup process.
Involve those who are
responsible for satisfying the
customer requirements. Team
members may include:

In addition to people who work

with the setup, you may wish
to include someone on the
team who does not have direct
experience. This person could
be more of a generalist and
can bring a new set of eyes
or an objective view. Because
this person has no previous
experience with the setup,
they can question all aspects
of the setup procedure.

Setup workers



When you commission a team,

provide a budget that the team
has the authority to spend.
The amount should be enough
to allow them to make small
purchases without having to
get authorization. For major
purchases, the normal cost
justification process and
authorization should apply.

Maintenance workers
Production supervisors
Process engineers
Operational engineers
Industrial engineers
Safety engineers
Quality Control

Action Log
Keep track of actions,
assignments, and
accomplishments of the team.
This serves as a record of
progress and a training tool to
get new members up to speed
on what has been done.

Decision-Making Authority

The action log passes on vital information to new

team members.


Keep in mind that teams work

best if they are given the
freedom to make decisions.
They should have authority
within the constraints of the
setup reduction goals set for
the organization.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Provide Resources

questioning each task and

separating prep activities from
Once you have established
execution activities, to
your team, you need to
provide them with resources to designing and training the new
setup, and finally implementing
accomplish the setup
the changes.
reduction goals. These
resources include:



In addition to their setup

responsibilities, team
members typically have their
'regular' jobs to do. In order for
them to participate in a setup
reduction team, they need to
There are two types of tools
be given time away from the
the team will need: analytical
'regular' job to meet and to
tools and physical tools.
work on making changes.
Analytical tools are used to
There must be a commitment
study and design new setup
of management and team
procedures. These tools are
members alike to set aside the
fairly basic and don't involve
time needed to accomplish the
complicated calculations. They goals.
are essentially structured ways
to use common sense. These
tools and concepts are
discussed throughout this

As your manager, I want to give you this so you can

work on the setup reduction team.

The physical tools that may be

needed for the revised setups
may include things such as
carts or duplicate tools. The
need for these types of tools
will be determined by the
The setup reduction team will
work together to apply the
analytical tools. Provide
training on how to use the
tools in a structured process.
The structure process
described in this book moves
from gaining a complete
understanding of the current
setup work through

Set Up Reduction


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort

Reducing setup times
without looking at the
big picture may not
impact the bottom line
at all. Make sure you
know why you are
reducing setup times
and how this will impact
the organization.

Once you know why

you are reducing the
setup, communicate the
needs and benefits to
everyone who may be
impacted in some way.

Empower your setup

reduction team with the
ability to make
decisions. This will
create enthusiasm for
the project, as well as
indicate the
commitment of the

Provide training to your

setup reduction team.
This training should
include a review of the
tools and process that
will be used to reduce

Heres everything we need to get us there. Now, let's do it!


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

There are some specific steps that you can take to organize your
setup reduction effort:
Draft a game plan.
Identify why the setup reduction effort is necessary.
Establish a team.
Identify and provide resources.
By following these basic steps, you will provide a solid foundation for
the success of your setup reduction program. With the team in place,
the next step is to gain a full understanding of the current setup and
begin to analyze each task.

Set Up Reduction


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

We can study this video

of the last race to see
how fast we got out of
the pit.

Capture the
Current Setup

Some members of the setup

reduction team know a lot
about the equipment and the
difficulties associated with
carrying out the setup process
successfully. The temptation
may be to jump in and start
fixing and improving the setup
immediately. This is a mistake.
Take the time to document the
current setup work. While you
review the setup work, it
makes sense to analyze the
components and capture
reduction ideas, but don't jump
into action too soon.

In manufacturing, setup time is

the time from the production of
the last part of one run to the
production of the first quality
part of the next run. It is
downtime while equipment and
materials are changed over.
In the service or retail
environment, setup time can
also be considered the
downtime between productive
work activities, when one job is
put away, and another is

The goal of this step is to get a

complete list of setup tasks
To begin your analysis, you
must have an understanding of that occur in the downtime and
to put them on a time line that
the scope of the setup time
you want to analyze, measure, shows both the order in which
they are done and how long
and reduce.
each takes.

Setup Reduction


Capture the Current Setup

Capture the Current Setup:

1. Document the current setup.

Capture the current setup process using

videotape or observation.

Review available engineered standards.

Write out a list of all of the setup tasks.
2. Understand and analyze the current setup.

Review each step and question why it is done,

how it is done, and why it is done at this point
in the setup.

Use tools like process flow charts or work

measurement to analyze the current setup.

Remember, the objective of

the team is not just to improve
the setup, but to find new ways
to reduce the time (and effort) F Documentation and
it takes for a successful setup.
analysis are critical
The focus is on reducing
elements in the process of
making the right reductions.
No step will be overlooked
in the setup process, and
you will be able to base
your idea generation on
what is truly taking place.


F Producing documentation is
a natural path to generating
ideas, gaining involvement,
and identifying


Document the Current
Video Record
The race is over, the
checkered flag has dropped,
and the race team is taking a
breather. No matter what
position they finished in, there
is still one more thing to do:
review the video record of the
pit crews performance that
day. Each stop has been
captured and will be reviewed
to refine performance.
Video recording is one of the
simplest and most thorough
ways to capture the work
involved in a setup operation.
It allows the team to watch
and discuss the setup work in
a meeting room. As they
watch, they can record each
step of the task.
Start by planning the setup
that will be video recorded.
Make sure the conditions are
normal and nothing unusual is
occurring. The person
performing the setup should
be part of the setup reduction
team if possible and willing to
perform the setup as usual
and not be concerned about
the usual problems that crop
up. Then video record the
entire setup operation,
showing all activities. Use the
camera's clock feature or
digital counter to provide a
running time. Finally, review

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Understand and
Analyze the Current

perform their tasks in the

setup. Playing a video on fast
forward can make this analysis
easier to do. The results allow
Don't forget to make use of the Questions
you to analyze the need for
slow motion and fast forward
The analysis should begin with dividing the work or improving
review features that can be
the layout to make the task
a discussion of the purpose
used to allow for a closer or
easier and more efficient.
and scope of the task. Agree
more accelerated review of the on:
Draw a process flow chart to
setup activities.
document the flow and types
What is being done?
of activities that are performed
Why is it being done?
in the setup. This tool uses
If video recording is not an
What method is used?
symbols to visually depict each
option, the setup can be
By whom?
different type of activity
documented by observing the
performed, including
setup work and recording
How long does it take?
operations, inspections,
tasks onto a form or time line.
Why is it done at this
transportations, delays, and
Use the group timing
technique for setups with more
than one operator. Group
Use work measurement data
task and the current time it
timing uses a form with
provided by engineered
pre-determined time intervals, takes.
standards to determine the
say every 2 minutes. The
time required to perform the
activity of each person in the
steps and sub-steps of the
setup group is recorded at
setup. Engineered standards
each interval for the entire
are generated using either
setup. The result is a list of all
time study or a Predetermined
the tasks and approximately
Analysis Tools
Motion Time System, like
how long they take. The team
MOST. This information would
would then use this to discuss
enable you to identify the tasks
the tasks.
diagram by mapping the path where there are opportunities
that a person follows as they
to reduce time and effort.
Prepared Form
the video as a team and
record each activity along a
time line.

The form used to record setup

tasks can be as simple as
lined paper, or it can be a
prepared form with various
columns to record
information and ideas.
Using a prepared form
tends to make it easier to
capture and organize the
information. The form serves
as a guide for the analysis and
can be used to record
information about each step.

Setup Reduction


Capture the Current Setup

Don't just jump in and

Im ready to video so we wont waste any time.

how to use the

camera's time feature
or counter. Let the
video camera run for
the entire setup

start to work on the first

setup reduction idea
you identify. The idea
may be great, but it may
not be as practical or
cost effective as
Agree in advance to
another idea you may
use the video recording
discover as you
only to study the setup
continue analysis.
tasks not to criticize any
individual or group.
Plan in advance when
Some teams give the
you want to video
control of the recording
record. Whoever is
to the person who is
assigned to running the
performing the setup.
camera should be
This gives them the
familiar with both the
assurance that the
setup and operation of
recording will not be
the video equipment.
used for other
Check the lighting,
check the memory
available, and know

We wont need a boat after all. Look at what is down stream.


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

As you begin to capture the current setup:
Document the current setup.

Capture the current setup process using video recording or


Review available engineered standards.

Write out a list of all of the setup tasks.
Understand and analyze the current setup.

Review each step and question why it is done, how it is done,

and why at this point in the setup.

Use tools like process flow charts or work measurement to

generate ideas for reducing time.
Avoid the temptation to jump in and start fixing the setup process as
soon as the first inefficiency is uncovered. Log improvement
opportunities and evaluate them once the analysis is complete.
When conducting your analysis, you will begin to recognize the kinds
of tasks that are performed. In the next step, you will separate the
preparation activities from the setup execution activities in order to
reduce the downtime.

Setup Reduction


Capture the Current Setup


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Lets get everything ready for when our

car comes in.

Activities from

While reviewing the setup,

consider what can be
prepared in advance to
minimize time and effort
needed to get up and running.
In manufacturing, it means
minimizing the time that
equipment is down for the
changeover. In distribution
centers, it is reducing the
amount of time needed to set
up to receive goods. In food
preparation, it means
identifying all the tasks that
can be completed before
cooking begins. Preparing in
advance can save a significant
amount of time.

usually involves walking

around and collecting,
sometimes searching for,
fixing, or borrowing.
Checking and inspecting
materials and products to
make sure they work, and
fixing or replacing them if
they don't.
Transporting components,
tools, and parts.
Arranging tools, parts,
and materials.
Waiting for materials or
Planning and training.
Taking breaks.

Traditional setups may include

other activities in the setup
time. There may be time
Gathering necessary
tools, materials, and
information. This is a time
consuming activity that

Setup Reduction


Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities

As you document work tasks

in the setup, identify these
types of activities so they can
be moved to setup prep. For
emphasis, highlight or color
code such activities on the
setup list.

How to Separate Preparation

Activities from Execution
1. Distinguish preparation activities from
execution activities.
2. Optimize setup preparation activities.
3. Organize setup preparation activities.

Keep in mind that you are

trying to identify everything
that can be done prior to
shutting down the line, or
dismantling a display, so the
setup execution phase (or
changeover) is as brief as
possible. Consider all
elements that do not need to
be completed during the actual
setup execution. These tasks
can be accomplished prior to
or after the setup to minimize
the downtime.


Once the setup preparation

activities are identified, they
should be removed from the
setup execution task list. You
are essentially creating two
task lists, one for setup
preparation and one for setup
execution. Be sure to identify
and separate all of the current
prep activities and also define
what additional activities can
be accomplished outside of
the execution time to ensure
seamless setup execution.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

F Often you can reduce the
time for setup execution
significantly by simply
performing the setup
preparation activities before
or after the actual setup
execution. This reduction in
setup downtime can be
achieved quickly and with
minimum cost.

F Preparing in advance
ensures that nothing is

F Once you have prepared for

the setup, you will know
where everything is when
you need it. This will help
make the setup execution
I am sure that we wont miss anything.

Doing these things in advance of taking the machine

down makes a big difference.

F Your setups will be

smoother and you will make
fewer errors when you plan
and prepare in advance.

Setup Reduction


Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities

In the world of professional
auto racing, every second
counts. This is evident as you
observe a crew preparing so
they can have the fastest pit
stops possible. In order to gain
a competitive advantage, all of
the preparation and even the
follow-up activities are planned
and performed in outside of
the time the car is actually in
the pit.

Make a time line showing all the activities involved in the setup.

Ask yourself, does this task need to be done here or could it be done while production is
still happening?
Distinguish Preparation
Activities from
Execution Activities
that all tools are available,
Optimize Setup
Use your analysis of the setup Preparation Activities
equipment is functioning, and

to question each step.

Determine if the step must
occur during the setup
execution or if it can be done
in advance or even once the
setup execution is complete.
Plan to perform preparation
activities like gathering and
inspecting tools, checking the
quality of parts, and reviewing
procedures in advance of the
setup execution. Paperwork
and clean-up activities can be
done after the setup is

Simplify or Eliminate Steps

Consider whether any part of
the prep can be simplified or
eliminated completely. Any
opportunity to reduce motions
or eliminate tasks will reduce
the overall time required for
setup. Apply the principles of
Best Methods and brainstorm
ideas for improving all tasks to
reduce effort and time.

Organize Setup
Preparation Tasks

that a backup exists in the

case of a breakdown.
Your setup crew also has the
same responsibilities. You can
streamline these
responsibilities by developing
a checklist or setup
preparation activities specific
to each setup. Identify and list
everything that needs to be
used or referred to during the
setup execution so it can be
gathered and prepared in
advance and then stored
together near the point of use.

Once you have determine
what can be done outside of
the setup execution, begin the
plan to streamline and
mistake-proof the preparation


There are numerous tasks that

must be accomplished to
prepare for a race. In order to
accomplish all these tasks,
many pit crews use a job list. A
job list details each of the
tasks with a space for the
initials of the person
completing the task. Tasks
include things like verifying

Setup Kit or Cart

You can use one or more
portable setup carts that can
be moved to the point of use
during setup execution. This
will help to speed up your
setup crew and ensure they
have what they need. The cart
can have setup information,
tools, parts, and supplies. This

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

A pit stop setup cart holds everything ready for use.

cart should be organized with

visual cues, with places for
everything, and arranged
according to order or
frequency of use. Apply the
principles of 5-S to the cart.
Each racing team has a cart
which contains all the
toolboxes, computers, and
equipment that will be needed
on race day. The elements on
this cart each have a specific
location, or home, which is
never changed.
Contingency Kits
During a race, the pit crew
must be ready to make any
repairs necessary to the car.
The crew can never predict
what will break or what
procedures will be needed
once the car stops. Because of
this, numerous tool kits are
prepared in advance.
While your setup execution
may not be as unpredictable
as an auto race, you can
establish a variety of
'pre-packaged' setup kits.
These kits can be developed
for each specific setup so they

Setup Reduction

can be quickly brought to the

setup location.

looking for a specific wrench or


Inspections and Function


5-S creates an exceptionally

clean, orderly, and safe
environment and establishes
the disciplined routines and
right motivators to maintain the

Hours before the race begins,

the pit crew has been working.
Inspecting everything that will
be, or could be, used during
the race is essential. For
example, all lug nuts,
compressed air hoses, and
controls are inspected in
advance and replaced if
Everything that will be used
during your setup should be
checked in advance. You will
want to verify that everything
functions properly such as
tools, equipment, and
measuring devices.
Communication and

I want to be sure all the tools work when I need to use


When the car pulls into the pit,

it seems that the entire crew
moves at once. Everyone has
a specific job to do, and they
dont get in each others way.
By documenting
responsibilities and
procedures for your setup
execution, and then
communicating those
responsibilities, you too can
have a crew that moves as
All the tools and equipment
used by a pit crew are located
in the same position each
time. No time is wasted


Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities

Working families have
precious few moments to
prepare a meal on
weekday evenings. How
can these ideas about
preparing in advance be
used to reduce the setup
time for getting a healthy
meal on the table?
Prepare in advance for
meal execution!
Make a checklist of
items to keep on hand
(use for shopping for
key ingredients).
Keep all necessary
utensils, pots, and
spices close at hand
(cart) and in specific
'homes' (5-S).
Remove all clutter and
distractions from the
kitchen to eliminate
wasted time (5-S).


Prepare ingredients in
advance and freeze
(meal kit).
pre-packaged foods.

Huddle Up! Have a setup

crew huddle to discuss
the setup procedure and
coordinate tasks before
the setup execution

In the initial analysis of

setup work, do not be
concerned about who
can do the setup prep
work; simply identify the
work that should be done
during non-crunch time.
Everything is gathered in one place and
ready to use.

Select simple recipes,

with illustrations for
new or critical tasks.

Don't discount any

possible reduction ideas.
Ideas that cannot be
implemented now should
be logged for future

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

You can greatly reduce the amount of time required for a setup by
identifying tasks that can be performed before equipment is taken
off-line, or after it is running again. In addition, you can streamline the
setup preparation activities to reduce the overall time and cost for
setup. To do this:
Distinguish preparation activities from execution activities.
Optimize setup preparation activities.
Organize setup preparation activities.

Next, you need to review the time used for setup execution and
identify ways to shrink that time to a minimum. The next chapter,
Reduce Setup Execution Time reviews these concepts.

Setup Reduction


Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Every task is coordinated with the other tasks and takes the
least amount of time possible.

Reduce Setup
Execution Time

The clock is running. The

equipment is down. Nothing is
being produced. The setup
time between production runs
is somewhat like a pit stop in a
race. You need to make
changes and adjustments to
get off and running again. The
pit work needs to be accurate,
thorough, and completed in as
little time as possible.
What can be done so that
setup requires less work,
happens faster, and more
precisely meets customer
specifications? A key strategy
was covered in the last
chapter: separate preparation
activities from execution
activities. You need to have all
of the tools, materials, parts,
and information prepared and
available nearby. Preferably
these items would be
organized, visually cued, and
within reach. This alone will

Setup Reduction

reduce wasted time and make

the setup easier.
Once the step of separating
preparation activities from
execution activities is complete
and the preparation activities
have been optimized, the next
step is to scrutinize the setup
execution tasks for ways to
perform the work in less time.
Significant reductions can be
made using the following
Divide the work
Prepare operating
conditions in advance
Reduce motions
Rethink adjustments and
methods of fastening
Redesign the product or


Reduce Setup Execution Time

To Reduce Setup Execution Time:

Investigate these six strategies for reducing setup execution time:
Divide the work
Prepare operating conditions in advance
Reduce motions
Rethink adjustments and methods of fastening
Mechanize or Automate
Redesign the product or process

F Reducing the time it takes for
setup execution directly
impacts uptime, flexibility,
and capacity.


F Productivity will increase as

material flow is improved,
wasted time is eliminated,
and machine uptime is

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

When reviewing your setups,

take a look at the tasks being
completed and determine if the
In professional auto racing, the work could be done by two or
amount of time spent
more setup operators
executing a pit stop has
simultaneously. A one-hour
continually decreased. In the
setup for one operator may be
1950s the average pit stop
reduced to 20 minutes with
time was 240 seconds. By the two operators. Consider the
1990s, the time was reduced
amount of time spent walking
to just 14 seconds. To stay
around the equipment. Not
competitive, racing teams had only can you cut time by doing
to find ways to shorten pit
work simultaneously, the time
time, while providing the
can be further reduced by
necessary service, in order to eliminating walking.
keep their driver in the race.
Of course, you need to be sure
Divide the Work
that the work can be done
safely by two operators. It may
As you watch a pit crew, you
can see workers on both sides require adding a second set of
controls and positive lockouts
of the car completing their
to the other side of the
specific jobs. While crew
equipment. You may also
members change tires on the
right side of the car, someone need to use some means of
communication like lights,
is fueling the car on the left
buzzers, or a two-way radio if
side. While someone is
the operators cannot see each
cleaning the windshield,
another person is handing the other.
driver a drink. The amount of
To plan work for multiple
work completed in such a
short period of time could
never be done by a single
Separately list the work
done at the different


Use a procedural chart

with a time line and list
the work tasks for each
operator in a separate
Identify all work that can
be done simultaneously.
Identify all safety
precautions and
communication signals.

Two tires on one side. Two teams working at the same time.

Setup Reduction


Reduce Setup Execution Time

Prepare Conditions in
Each tool or piece of
equipment used during a pit
stop must be performing at
peak efficiency. Great care is
taken to ensure that this is the
case. The preparation of the
main jack provides a good
example of this. The reservoir
is checked for dirt, fluid flow is
verified, and anti-seize
compound is spread on the
threads of the handle.
The same is true when
reviewing your setup: examine
the operation and determine if
you can establish some
equipment conditions in
advance that will reduce the
execution time. Some
examples include:


Eliminate unnecessary
walking, bending, lifting,
reaching, or sitting. Bring
needed items to the point of
use and within reach when

If I mark all the positions, the crew will all know

where to stand every time.

Reduce Motions
During the race, the pit crew
must be prepared to quickly
change tires. The number of
tire changers and air guns
allowed are regulated, so the
motions of each pit crew
member has to be reduced
and optimized.

This is one of the most basic

ways to reduce setup time. As
you watch the work being
Pre-heating dies
done, look for motions that
Centering the die in the
fixture before the machine take up time but are not
directly accomplishing the
is down
setup execution. Consider
Ordering pre-portioned
things like:
cookie dough
Manual motions - the goal is
Preparing pallets for
to accomplish the task using
loading even before the
the fewest possible body
truck arrives
motions in order to complete
tasks in the shortest possible

Work area layout - optimize

the layout to position items
where then can be accessed
quickly and with minimal effort.
Optimize the use of the
available space and consider
the work flow so that no one's
work interferes with anyone
Material handling - plan work
to minimize the number of
times each item is moved or
handled. Every time an item is
moved, effort is spent and the
likelihood of damage is

Rethink Methods of
Any fastening that must be
done during a pit stop can
consume precious seconds.
To reduce this time, all lug
nuts are inspected in advance.
The inspected lug nuts are
then glued onto the face of the
Since we all have the tool we need we do not have
to wait for one to be available and we do not waste
time looking through those other sizes.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

wheels to reduce fastening

time during the race.
While you may not be able to
use glue to complete your
fastening activity, you can
review your fastening process
and look for creative ways to
reduce the time allocated to
this activity or change the way
it is done. For example, you
Minimize the number of
fasteners. Nuts and bolts
require a lot of time to
use. The fastening itself
requires many turns, the
nuts and bolts are small,
the sizes vary, they get
lost and intermixed, and
they require various hand
tools to fasten them.
Minimize the number of
tools required. Each time
the operator needs to
reach for a tool or puts a
tool away, time is wasted.
Even more time is wasted
if tools need to be shared
and one person must wait
until a tool is available.
Evaluate the number of
fasteners on equipment

guards. There may be

eight bolts used in the
design, but if you analyze
the stress points during
the operation you may
find there is only a need
for only one or two.
Consider replacing
physical guards on
equipment with lights or
laser curtains.
Use one-turn methods.
Bolts and nuts do not
require as much time for
fastening if you use a
method that needs only
one turn to secure the nut.
Consider a U-shaped
washer, pear shaped
hole, split threads,
clamps, etc. While these
one-turn methods still
require hand tools, they
can be standardized for
just one size wrench.
Also consider using
wingnuts which eliminate
the need for a wrench

U-shaped washers (top), cut away nuts and bolts

(center), and pear shaped holes are one-turn

Cam clamps (left) and pin stops (right) are

one-motion methods.

Use one-motion methods.

Sometimes called
'functional clamps,' these
are quick release and
quick disconnects.
Consider using pneumatic
hold downs, pin stops,
knobs, hand wheels, cam
clamps, vacuum suction,
magnets, spring and stop,
wedge and taper pin, wing
nuts, or hinged bolts.

This guard easily slides out of the way.

Setup Reduction


Reduce Setup Execution Time

When you review setup

execution time, consider how
you can apply mechanization.
Application of these ideas
does not require a staff of
engineers, but simply a
different view of the process.

All the setting changes are made with the pull of a


When we watch a race, we
expect to see the pit crew
using an air gun to tighten lug
nuts on the wheels. But it was
not always that way - tire irons
used to be the tool of choice.
By mechanizing the tool, the
time required to tighten those
lug nuts has been substantially


Consider eliminating hand

tools if the work can be done
with a power tool. Have the
setup reduction team test the
use of pneumatic hold downs,
pin stops, knobs, handles,
hand wheels, levers, etc.
Consider using mechanization
The work could be
performed much faster or
better by using
mechanical or electronic
The work requires
strength, such as the
moving or changing of
large dies.
The work involves

Eliminate Adjustments
When a crew member picks up
the jack, that tool must be
ready to use, with no
adjustments required. This
readiness is accomplished by
making adjustments before the
race begins. The jacks lifting
plate is preset for the race day
ride height. This height can be
affected by the banking of the
track, the tires used, or even
the weight of the driver. All of
these conditions are
considered and the adjustment
is made in advance.
Take a look at the adjustments
made during your setup
process. Could these
adjustments be eliminated by
the use of predetermined
measurements? Adjustments
or settings such as centering,
dimensioning, temperature,
pressure, and calibrations
should be reviewed and
established in advance when
possible. Use visual cues to
clearly designate acceptable
parameters on dials and

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Some considerations:
Establish centering and
height standards for die
Standardize all
attachment devices so
that work can be done
quickly and easily.
In a retail environment,
establish set locations
and visual cues for
positioning items
displayed in a case.

Automation and technology
surround us and have become
commonplace. We expect to
see smart phones, personal
computers, scanners, and
even robots in our stores,
warehouses, and factories. But
how can these advances be
used to help reduce setup
execution time?

Quick die changes for metal

stamping presses provide a
good example. Automatic
Evaluate your installations equipment is used to transport,
and review and simplify
install, align, and clamp dies to
any that prove to be too
a press. Instead of using a
forklift to move dies, a transfer
car on rails positions the next
die to the press. Clamping,
which used to done manually,
can be done by
hydraulic clamping
devices. Critical and
tedious shut height
adjustments can now
be made automatically
to compensate for die
height. With the
application of
automation, setup
time for these presses
Making these settings now will save time during the race.
has been dramatically

Setup Reduction

A push of a button and the workpiece is clamped in

the right place.

Consider the possibility of

automation for activities such
Data collection
Interchanging dies or
cutting tools
Transporting tools and
Precision alignments
Automatic maintenance
and cleaning
Typically, however, because of
the high cost of automation, it
should be considered only
after other setup reduction
strategies have been applied.
Automating an inefficient setup
process will not produce the
expected results.


Reduce Setup Execution Time

Redesign the Product

or Process

When you review your product

or process design, consider:

Obviously, the best way to

reduce setup time is to
eliminate the need for the
setup altogether.

The amount of variety

offered to the customer.
The possible use of the
same parts or shapes of
parts on different models.

This is particularly true in a

situation where you have
expensive capital equipment
that is not producing during
setup time. In this case, you
should consider how a product
or process redesign might
reduce or eliminate the need
for setup.
One way to eliminate setup
time is to design the product or
process so that setup is not
necessary. For example, when
two models are designed to
use the same part or
equipment settings, the need
to change over between runs
can be eliminated. Even when
total elimination is not
possible, consider ways that
the product design can reduce
the time and complexity of the

The number of items or

process parameters that
need to be changed
between product runs.
For example, can cookie
recipes all be planned to
bake at the same
The standardization of
sizes to reduce the need
for adjustments to
As always, the first
consideration should be
meeting the functional
requirements of the customer.

Since redesigning the product line, we need to make fewer different parts.


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Ideally the goal is to

need for adjustments.

These types of changes
are permanent and do
not allow the chance to
slip back to the old way
of doing things.

eliminate setup work

completely. This usually
means either the
process or the products
need to be redesigned
so that changeovers
are no longer required. To some degree, the
setup procedure is
impacted by the
Design your new setup
schedule. If possible,
process in a way that
schedule jobs that are
makes it easy to
similar in setup and run
transition to the new
them sequentially to
way of doing things.
reduce necessary setup
When you eliminate
bolts, you reduce time
spent fastening. When
you provide stops or
scales, you reduce the

Setup Reduction


Reduce Setup Execution Time

Analyze the setup execution activities and determine ways to perform
the work in less time. Investigate how reductions can be made with
the following strategies:
Dividing the work
Preparing operating conditions in advance
Reducing motions
Rethinking adjustments and methods of fastening
Mechanization or Automation
Redesigning the product or the process
Once you have reduced the execution time that is required for a
setup, you are ready to take action to reap the benefits. The next
chapter, Implement the Revised Setup, reviews the steps in making
the new setup a reality.


Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

This is how we save a lot of time

during the race.

Implement the
Revised Setup

Youve analyzed your current

setup, separated the setup
preparation from the setup
execution procedures, and
established methods to reduce
execution time. It's now time to
go live and implement the new
The setup reduction team
should lead the effort by
planning, organizing, and
overseeing the transition to the
new setup procedures.

Setup Reduction

This team should consider all

of the components that must
be in place to ensure a smooth
transition to the new setup:
Revised setup procedures
Required tools and


Implement the Revised Setup

To Implement the Revised
1. Document the revised setup.
2. Train associates on the revised setup.
3. Conduct trials on the revised setup.
4. Go live.
5. Measure success.

7. Celebrate success.

F A planned and organized

setup reduction
implementation stands a
much better chance of
success than a haphazard

Once development of the

revised setup is complete, the
new procedures should be
documented. This is a key
step that enables you to
measure, evaluate, and set
standards for the revised setup
By creating written procedures
that are well-organized and
easy to understand, you also
simplify development of
training materials and
performance support tools.

6. Communicate results.


Document the Revised


F By planning for the

transition to the new setup,
you ensure that there will
be accountability for using
the new procedure in the

F Careful planning and

Create checklists to
supplement procedures.
Include all of the required
materials, tools, and activities.
Make checklists easy to
understand by using pictures
and graphics where possible.

implementation will reduce

the errors, improve quality,
and provide a safe working

Having the setup procedure documented is a big



Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

Train Associates
A well-trained team is
necessary for success.
Conduct training for everyone
affected by the new process.
This could include setup
workers, operators,
maintenance employees,
supervisors, and process

In addition to lessons, you

should consider providing
performance support tools
such as visual method sheets
and other job aids.

Visual Method Sheets

When time is tight and the
clock is ticking, people will feel
that they do not have time to
read lengthy instructions.
Provide visual method sheets
that provide necessary
information in a graphic form
using photos or illustrations.

Conduct Trials
Depending on the complexity
and critical nature of the setup,
you may want to test the new
setup procedures prior to full,
live implementation. During
these trial runs, each
procedure can be carefully
reviewed and minor
adjustments made if

Job Aids
Dont expect everyone to
remember everything
presented during the training
session. Provide job aids that
act as reminders or
incorporate mistake-prevention
at key points in the process.
John, take over for Dave so that he can go to training

This training can be conducted

in a classroom or in the work
area. Each lesson should
Explanation of the key
learning points
Demonstration of

OK. Take it again from the top. The race is only 2

weeks away.

Opportunity to practice
Performance review and

Setup Reduction


Implement the Revised Setup

Go Live
Once the setup team is ready,
the new procedures should be
launched. During this first run,
the setup reduction team
members should be present to
provide support and to solve
any problems that may occur.
Issues that are discovered
during the run should be
documented for consideration
by the team. If the team
revises the procedures they
must ensure that training
documents are updated as
Once the revised setup is
finalized, the new expectations
for time and productivity
should be put in place. Be sure
to inform production planners
and schedulers of the new
procedures so that they can
adjust for how the new setup
may impact their plans.


Measure Success and

Communicate Results
There are several ways to
measure the success of a
setup reduction effort. One
simple way is to compare the
original setup procedure with
the new procedure. How many
steps were removed? How
much equipment or resource
downtime was eliminated?
Another way to measure is to
observe and evaluate the
actual setup time. By
measuring the actual time, you
are able to quantify and
validate the value of the setup
reduction effort.
Publish the results to provide
recognition to the team and to
encourage ongoing

Celebrate Success
Once you have proven the
success of the new setup
procedure, plan an appropriate
celebration or a recognition
ceremony. Set a date to
formally celebrate the results
of the improvement and its
impact on the operation. Invite
members of upper
management to attend. Their
attendance will show their
commitment and emphasize
how important setup reduction
is to your organization.

Organize the Setup Reduction Effort
Capture the Current Setup
Separate Preparation Activities from Execution Activities
Reduce Setup Execution Time
Implement the Revised Setup

A setup reduction program is
not a one-time thing. Even
after new procedures have
been implemented, there must
be methods in place that allow
for continuous improvement.
The people performing
the setup should have a
way to communicate
improvement ideas. This
communication method
should be effective and
improvement ideas should
not just end up in a file.

To successfully develop Tracking improvements
and implement a setup
reduction program, all
employees must be
involved and committed
to the process.

will motivate employees

to accept and
continuously improve
the setup.

Supervisors should be
provided with additional
training to emphasize
the importance and
philosophy of setup

Continue to measure
progress. This
measurement should
become part of a weekly
or monthly report and be
posted for all to see.
The measurements
should be monitored so
that any variations can be
The Operations
Engineering department
should review the
successful setup
reductions and determine
if these same procedures
could be used elsewhere
in the company.

Setup Reduction


Implement the Revised Setup

Implementation of the revised setup is the exciting moment when you
will begin to realize the benefits of the work you have invested in the
setup reduction process. Be prepared to allocate time to the
implementation and follow the implementation steps to ensure
Document the revised setup
Train associates on the revised setup
Conduct trials on the revised setup
Go live
Measure success
Communicate results
Celebrate success
For a setup reduction effort to have a lasting impact, there must be a
drive for continuous improvement. The methods you employ to
implement a setup reduction process can set the stage for this
continuous effort.


We have all heard the saying 'time is money.' This is especially true in the area of setups.
Setup activities are non-value added activities that use resources and impact response time.
Every industry has setups - from the service industry to distributors to manufacturers.
Identifying and reducing the amount of time spent on these activities provides a competitive
While everyone knows that setup reduction is necessary, many companies just dont know
where to start. There are some specific strategies and tactics that you can employ to get your
setup reduction process going. Start by organizing for setup reduction:
Draft a game plan.
Identify why the setup reduction effort is necessary.
Establish a team.
Identify and provide resources.
Once the effort is underway, then you can continue the process of setup reduction:
Separate setup preparation activities from setup execution activities.
Reduce setup execution time.
Implement the revised setup.
Obviously, this does not happen in a day. As you begin the process of setup reduction, it helps
to remember why you are doing this and what benefits you hope to achieve. Reducing the
amount of time spent on setup can result in:
Quicker response to customer demands.
Flexibility in scheduling, production, and delivery.
Reduced inventory.
Better productivity.
Improvements in quality.
Beating the competition.

Setup Reduction


To order more copies of

Setup Reduction

Visit our web site at

Or for more information



Call us at 412.937.6380

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