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Sleeping on a bed
inclined at five
degrees has
great benefits for
metabolism and the
immune system.
It can also ease a
range of conditions
from Alzheimers
disease, diabetes
and glaucoma
to migraines,
multiple sclerosis
and varicose veins.

by Jenny Hawke
March 2016
NEXUS Magazine


here are some things in life that we seem to accept without question.
For most of us in Western countries, sleeping in a horizontal position
is one of them. However, after studying the circulatory system in
plants, one man questioned the logic in our flat bed theory. Andrew
K. Fletcher has found that raising a bed six to eight inches (~15 to ~20 cm) at
the head seems to generate remarkable improvements for many people
suffering conditions such as circulatory and respiratory issues, diabetes, leg
ulcers, migraines, multiple sclerosis, oedema, Parkinson's disease, skin
problems, spinal cord injuries, varicose veins and many more.

How Does it Work?

The connection between plants and raising one's bed six degrees to sleep
on an incline may seem strange, but Andrew Fletcher, an Englishman with a
mechanical engineering background and an avid interest in how things work,
was initially intrigued by the circulation of sap in plants. The question isn't
about how trees raise water from their roots up to their leaves, as this implies
a one-way flow, but about how trees circulate sap. He says the downward flow
generates return flow via molecular drag. Sap becomes dense because 98 per
cent of the water is evaporated from leaves. Sap is always denser at the top
of a tree, and gravity dictates that this nutrient-dense sap will move to
anything acting as a sink down the tree, such as fruit, the trunk, branches or
roots. The upward flow is always less dense than the downward flow.
Once Fletcher made this discovery, he realised the possible implications if
it were applied to the human body. Some may not agree entirely with
Fletcher's plant sap circulation theory1, but to those gaining relief from his
inclined bed therapy this is a moot point. Fletcher elaborates:
"What I'm saying is that circulation began long before the heart developed,
and this primary circulation continues to assist the heart, providing we take
the direction of gravity into account. It works on the principle that blood
entering the capillary vessels in the lungs provides the water and carbon
dioxide that we evaporate with each breath. The blood therefore must
become denser exiting the lungs, then passes through the heart and is
injected back into the main artery, effectively adding denser blood to create a
pulsatile flow predominantly down towards the kidneys [T]he blood
entering the venous return from the kidneys is always less dense than the
arterial blood flowing to the kidneys."2
"This was a Eureka moment of such magnitude it went off the scale for me
and instantly gave birth to Inclined Bed Therapy [IBT]," he notes.3
Fletcher explains how he came to the conclusion that six inches is the ideal
height and five degrees the optimum angle to incline a standard double bed for
good health (the height to incline a bed can vary slightly depending on the
length of the bed, but is based on an angle of around five degrees):


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"I used a closed loop of tubing filled with water with a

little coloured solution added to where the tube was
joined. The joined part of the tube containing the
coloured salt solution was placed at the head end of the
bed to observe how circulation occurred. [With] up to a
four-inch raise on a standard double UK bed, the
downward flowing salt solution ran along the bottom of
the tube in one side of the loop. The fresh water ran
above it in the same side: in other words, twodirectional flow in one tube. When the bed was raised a
further inch, the complete loop of tubing circulated
[See his experiments at]
"After varicose veins went flat in four weeks using the
six-inch raise which produced a five-degree angle, I knew
we had achieved a positive change in circulation.
"I then asked the curator of a Boston museum to
measure an ancient Egyptian inclined bed, and it, too,
was elevated six inches higher at the head end."4

Gravity and Health

Inclined Bed Therapy Success Stories

After developing his theory in the late 1990s, Fletcher

put ads in the local paper to find
people willing to try IBT. Once
the Internet became more
Fletcher found more
widely available, he set up the
i n c l i n e d b e d t h e r a p y. c o m
evidence for the influence
website. It now contains dozens
of gravity on the body,
the IBT
and for lying flat being
community. Here are just a few
unhealthy, when he came
of the reported findings and
across NASA research

Fletcher found more evidence

for the influence of gravity on the
body, and for lying flat being
unhealthy, when he came across
NASA research which used
subjects lying flat to reproduce
the effects of travelling in
microgravity as experienced by
astronauts in space:
"Flat-bed rest and head-down
bed rest have been used and
still are being used by countries
involved in space flight. Why? Because they can
inducedegenerative effectswithout taking healthy
people into space, at a fraction of the cost."5
This is especially relevant for those people confined to
bed or who undergo long periods of bed rest due to
medical conditions.

The Downhill Slope

An obvious downside to sleeping with the whole body
elevated is the slip factor. There are a few ways to stop
sliding down the bed quite so much. Fletcher has had a
lot of feedback through his IBT community and suggests
using a duvet/quilt or blanket as a bottom sheet with the
existing bottom sheet placed over it. Also, non-slip
fabric as used under doormats can prevent a mattress
from slipping if a board wedge is used.
Many people, including patients in hospital, sleep
elevated for various health conditions but only with the
upper part of the body inclined. However, Fletcher says
that alignment is important for circulatory benefits to
the whole body, not just the head or trunk:
"The entire body circulation is important and our hip
joints don't take kindly to being stressed against their
normal rotation as in trying to sleep on one's side with
the bed folded in the middle. But there is another cause

for concern about sleeping in a sitting position: pressure

sores caused by lack of rotation, for example."6
Fletcher advises that the first two weeks of trying
inclined bed therapy can be a bit problematic with sore
muscles and a stiff neck. Additional water is required to
avoid dehydration, as more water is evaporated and
excreted via the bladder with IBT. Urine becomes
stronger and more waste is removed from the blood.
Another proponent of IBT, Ken Uzzell, a physical
therapist, nutritionist and trauma-release therapist, lists
potential benefits at his website:
"Emotional trauma releases from three weeks to four
weeks and is ongoing depending on incline. This
provides good health improvements."7
He also reports on side effects and contraindications.

Varicose veins and oedema

Mainstream treatment of
varicose veins and oedema includes resting with the legs
elevated. Fletcher explains that this gives relief because
the fluid runs into the upper torso. However, once the
person rises in the morning the fluid runs down and the
swelling reappears.
Oedema is caused because "pressure in the veins is
greater than the surrounding tissue, so the fluid flows
from veins into the surrounding tissue, causing the
swelling". The sloping bed "pulls the varicose veins in"
by applying tension to the blood in the veins, and also
"lowers pressure in the blood in the veins which causes
the fluid to migrate from the legs back into the
circulatory system"8
Urine and fluid retention
Fletcher was advised of spectacular results from one
Parkinson's disease sufferer described as swollen "like a
water balloon". After his bed was inclined, he released
masses of fluid via urination and lost so much weight
that by the end of his first week he could no longer fit
into his clothes.9
Fletcher saw first hand when his father was in hospital
in a coma, due to acute renal failure from cancer, how the
release of fluid occurred. His father was expected to die
imminently and was passing urine that was tar-like due


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to its blood content, and his legs were swollen. Fletcher

argued for his father's bed to be raisedand in the
process was almost "thrown out" of the hospital. The IBT
worked, as Fletcher recounts:
"When they eventually tilted his bed, within a few hours
his urine became clear, he regained consciousnessand
gained another precious eight months of life"10

resulted in difficulty walking for any length of time. After

she came across IBT, she used books to incline her bed.
Almost overnight the pain was gone; however, her
husband was irritated by the position of the bed so they
put it back down. The pain came back, so again she
inclined the bedand since 1998 has needed no drugs.
In a 2015 radio interview, Terri reported that her
neurologist had recently told her she would have no
need for any further appointments as she was better. He
had never seen anyone in this situation get better.15

In a Micronesian study11 on the effect of IBT on
diabetes, researchers reported in their conclusion:
Skin and arthritic disorders
"sleeping on an inclined bed seems to help efficacy
IBT has had positive results on those suffering with
in reducing blood sugar levels with those who were
psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. An IBT participant with
dedicated in controlling their blood sugar levels.
severe psoriasis chronicled her healing journey through
Inclined Bed Therapy may not be effective alone. Just
photos, available for viewing during
like any medicine and approach, to be
one of Fletcher's radio interviews at
successful in managing with diabetes
it is recommended that diabetic
A sufferer of psoriatic arthritis with
individuals need to incorporate
One of his early
excruciating pain would frequently
sleeping on inclined beds with
success stories was
need to run her hands under hot water
medication, taking some alternative
for relief and to regain movement.
remedies and changing lifestyles by
helping John Cann
After trying IBT for one night, she had
eating a proper diet and doing enough
instant relief. She became a friend of
who had a spinal
Fletcher, and years later she still has
An unexpected finding was noted:
cord injury and
no pain, he says.16
"Interestingly, all participants listed
other problems including: back pain,
had no movement
Immunity and circulation issues
edema, difficulty sleeping, frequent
in his legs.
Fletcher reports that IBT seems to
night urination, snoring, morning
boost the immune system. IBT
light-headedness and pain in
Using IBT among
sleepers have noticed they tend
joints. All participants claimed to
other treatments,
not to get as ill as when they slept
have noticed improvement in all
on a flat bed. He notes that IBT
these problems."
he was eventually
appears to increase metabolism,
able to walk
Nervous system, spine and
as those with cold hands and feet
movement disorders
feel warmer and don't have a
between two
Fletcher realised that sleeping
drop in their temperature in the
parallel bars.
on an incline also appeared to
early morning as flat sleepers do.
affect the nervous system
Fletcher's research shows that
positively when his mother's ankle
when people sleep on an inclined
gained movement after she'd been
bed, their heart rate decreases by
using IBT for varicose veins.12
1012 beats per minute and their
One of his early success stories
respiration rate decreases by 45
was helping John Cann who had a spinal cord injury and
breaths per minute, yet circulation increases.
had no movement in his legs. Using IBT among other
Heads Up on Similar Work
treatments, he was eventually able to walk between two
Medical anthropologist Sydney Singer has also looked
parallel bars. Footage of a television interview with Cann
into the effects of lying flat. His research17 is based on a
and Fletcher can be seen on YouTube.13
A 12-year-old cerebral palsy sufferer tried inclined bed
1030 degree elevation of the head, not the whole body,
and some impressive results were found regarding the
therapy after Fletcher's serendipitous meeting with her
effects of inclined sleeping on intracranial pressure, in
mother, who didn't think there could be any
particular research into sleep positions as a possible
improvement for her daughter. The girl needed callipers
cause of migraines:
and a wheelchair to be mobile at school. After about
"To our amazement, we found that the majority of the
eight months or so of trying IBT, she got out of her
migraineurs in our study experienced relief by this
wheelchair at school for the first time.14
Terri, a multiple sclerosis sufferer, was new to the
simple sleep position change! Many had no new
migraines, after being migraine sufferers for 30 or more
disease and had constant pain in her left thigh, which


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years! The results were very fast, within a few days. And
over the years he has come across medical professionals
there were very interesting side effects, too. Our
who believe his IBT is promising and needs further study,
volunteers woke up more alert. Morning sinus
but many of these expressions of interest remained just
congestion was significantly reduced for most people.
that. He has also been turned away abruptly by medical
Some reported that they no longer had certain allergies."
professionals as well as by charities with their own
The study also notes the potential that sleeping
agendas. Published on his website are letters he has
inclined could have for other conditions affected by
written, asking for help with trials, and many a
brain congestion, such as ADHD, Alzheimer's, asthma,
rejection.21 As Fletcher reveals:
"It has been a battle to get doctors, nurses, surgeons,
glaucoma, SIDS, sinus congestion and baggy eyes, sleep
academia and charities toinvestigate their own
apnoea and stroke. These observations seem to echo
assumptions about circulation. The problem is that it is
many testimonials at the
so simple, it has been hiding in plain sight since the
website. As for Alzheimer's, Singer comments:
Egyptian inclined beds were pulled
"Alzheimer's disease, we believe,
from the Pharaohs' tombs and
might be the end disease caused by
displayed in museums without anyone
chronic brain congestion and pressure
'Why are all these beds
from flat sleeping. The cerebral
The study also notes asking,
ventricles of the Alzheimer's brain are
the potential that
For more in-depth discussion,
expanded, suggesting a history of
and interviews on
ventricular pressure, and generalized
sleeping inclined
lesions along the ventricles may
could have for other
and the
indicate areas of brain tissue that have
IBT Facebook page.23
deteriorated from this chronic

How to Raise a Bed

by brain congestion,
such as ADHD,
asthma, glaucoma,
sinus congestion
and baggy eyes,
SIDS, sleep apnoea
and stroke.

Elevating a bed is simple and

inexpensive. Andrew Fletcher's
website includes photographs and
videos from the IBT community on
how to build an inclined bed of
wood; how to elevate your bed
with plastic bed-raisers available
at hardware shops; and how to
make bed-raisers with cementfilled plastic bottles, biscuit tins
and other materials.18
offers advice on how to raise a
bed successfully. This includes
the suggestion of using a wedge
of foam placed under the mattress over the entire length
of the bed to raise the height.19

Clinical Trials and Obstacles to Recognition

Although much of IBT's success is reported from
Fletcher's detailed research over more than 20 years and
anecdotal evidence from those participating in IBT,
Fletcher would welcome more scientific study of his
inclined bed theory. So much so, he has drawn up a
petition to Dame Sally Claire Davies, Chief Medical
Officer for England, imploring her to investigate IBT
"through clinical trials" and listing the conditions that he
believes should be included in a study.20
Obviously Andrew Fletcher is not in the business of IBT
for the money, and perhaps money is one of the reasons
why his inclined bed invention hasn't been developed
either: it's just too simple to implement. He says that

About the Author:

Jenny Hawke has worked on NEXUS
Magazine for the past 15 years and is
involved in communications and
operations at the Alternative News
Project. She can be contacted at


2. Personal email, Andrew K.
Fletcher, 1 March 2016
6. Personal email, Andrew K.
Fletcher, 1 March 2016
20. Petition available at
22. Personal email, Andrew K. Fletcher, 1 March 2016


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