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Gridlock: The Infernal Commute

It is the commute of the damned.

It is the highway to Hell.
It is the the traffic jam eternal.
Gridlock is an infinitely long highway that twists and turns back on itself so m
uch that neither sky nor ground is visible. The road is packed with vehicles of
all descriptions moving at a speed that is only by the most technical of definit
ions not stationary. The sounds of engines and horns echo throughout the plane,
and the plane is lit only by an endless sea of headlights. The only way to make
any progress through the traffic jam is by weaving through small spaces and aggr
essively driving. This requires a successful DC 30 Drive check, and even then on
ly alley speeds are possible.
Gridlock Traits
Gridlock has the following traits:
Objective Directional Gravity: "Down" goes through the nearest road surface (and
continues a short way beneath, so that it is possible to hang from the undersid
e of the road). Characters who fall or leap off the side of the road may find th
emselves yanked in an odd direction as they fall to a new road surface.
Normal Time: Time passes as normal on Gridlock. It just seems like it takes fore
Infinite Size: The road has no discernable begining or end, and nothing can be s
een on the plane other than more road.
Divinely Morphic.
No Elemental or Energy Traits.
Mildly Evil-Aligned: Characters with an allegiance to Good suffer a -2 penalty o
n all Charisma-based checks.
Impeded Magic: Spells that affect traffic flow, such as Synchronicity, require a
successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast.
Gridlock Links
Gridlock has a number of offramps leading to adjacent planes. These are seldom u
sed, as the petitioners refuse to take them.
Gridlock Inhabitants
Like other lower planes, Gridlock is home to fiends. Those with the power of fli
ght can be seen wheeling between the roads, taunting the drivers with their free
dom. A small number of fiends choose to drive, for reasons known only to themsel
ves. Demonic Autos lurk in the traffic, occasionally going on rampages destroyin
g all vehicles around them. Smog Toxyderms*, fed by the exhaust of millions of v
ehicles, float through the plane's air.
Gridlock Petitioners
Most of the vehicles are driven by petitioners. Gridlock's petitioners appear mu
ch as they did in life, and usually drive a vehicle they did in life (not necess
arily at the time they died; a petitioner's vehicle may be a vehicle they were p
articularly fond of, or covetted but did not own, or had no physical connection
with but embodied some aspect of their personality somehow). Gridlock petitioner
s have two peculiar compulsions. First, they will never willingly leave their ve
hicles, and will attempt to return if they are removed by force, and secondly th
ey are absolutely devoted to reaching their destination via Gridlock's highway.
When asked about their destination, most petitioners will dodge the question or
dismiss it as "obvious", some will admit to having forgotten (or never having kn
own) but will remain confident that they will "know when they get their". A very
few will name their destination as an upper plane (or "Heaven" in general), but
will resist any suggestion that there may be a better route.
Gridlock petitioners have the following special traits:
Additional Immunities: Petrification, polymorphing.
Resistances: Acid 20, electricity 20.
Other Special Qualities: Gridlock petitioners recieve a +10 racial bonus on all

Drive checks.

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