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Disclaimer: This rulebook includes rules to play Project: ELITE.

This rulebook
is a first draft. Several names, definitions or even rule descriptions are temporary/incomplete. The layout/graphic design for the published version will
be done professionally.
Please note that several important information might still be missing from
this rulebook.
This rulebook will constantly be enriched with more material until it gets
published so make sure to download its latest version.


60 Alien Soldier miniatures
6 Special Alien miniatures
8 Boss Alien miniatures
6 Character miniatures
18 Item cards
20 Weapon cards
15 Alien Technology cards
27 Soldier Alien cards
6 Special Alien cards
8 Boss Alien cards

6 Character cards
24 Setup cards
1 2-sided Game Board
1 Round Marker
Alien Technology tokens
Objective tokens
1-Life tokens
5-Life tokens
One-Time Spawn tokens
Prevent Alien Move tokens

Alien Technology Tokens

3 Spawning Area Tokens
Acid tokens
Slime tokens
16 Action dice
16 Hit dice
1 D3 Spawning die
1 D20 Randomizer die
1 Round Marker
1 Rulebook



Place the game board in the middle of the table on the Map you want to play with.

Choose a Character
Each player chooses
a Character and receives
the corresponding Character card and miniature.
He places the card in front
of him and the miniature
in the Maps Starting Area


Each player gets 4 Action dice

and 4 Hit dice.

Each player fills the Life Slots
on his/her Character card
with Life tokens.

Prepare the card decks


Shuffle all Alien, Boss, Weapon, Item, Alien Technology and Event cards and form 6 face down
decks. Place them next to the Game Board.


Choose a Setup card

Place the Round token on the

1st Round Slot of the Game
Setup Area of the Game Board.

Choose the Objective and difficulty you would like

to play with using the Setup cards of the chosen Map. (See 9. Setup Cards). Then adjust the
Game Setup Area (see 10. Game Setup Area)


Place the Spawning tokens

The Timer

Choose a player who will be handling

the timer (setting the Round time,
Starting/Stopping it and keeping other players informed of the remaining

Get Weapons and Items

Randomly distribute the

3 Spawning Area tokens
among the Spawning Areas
on the board.


Each player reveals two cards from
the Weapons and Items decks in any
combination forming a common pool.

Players then divide all Weapons and

Items among them in any way they

Search Slots

Players can uses these slots to Search

for new Weapons and/or Items (see 6.2
Search Slots).

Objective Slots

During Setup, the Setup cards indicate which

tiles should be placed on which Objective Slots
based on the Map, Objective, Difficulty and number of players. (See 9. Setup cards)


Game Setup Area

Before each game, the Setup Area is adjusted according to the Setup card of the chosen Map/Objective/Difficulty and based on the number of players.

Spawning Area

Starting Area

The Spawning Area are points on each Map where Aliens and Bosses enter the game. Each Spawning
Area is randomly assigned a number at the start of the game which determines which Aliens/Bosses
will spawn there (see 7.1 Spawning Aliens).

The Starting Area is considered adjacent to all spaces it is in contact with. It counts as a single space for
purposes of movement as well as Character and Alien abilities. However, any number of Characters may
be on it at any given moment.
Note: Any weapons activated from within the Starting Area may only shoot at range 1.


3. Round Overview
Each game can last a maximum of 8 Rounds. Each Round consists of the following Phases:

A. Event Phase
B. Spawning Phase
C. Action Phase (real-time)
D. Alien Ability Phase
E. Alien Movement Phase

3.1 Event Phase

F. End of Round

If there is an Event token on the Grid for the Round being played, reveal the top card of the Event deck. Its
effect should be repeated every Round unless it gets cancelled by Players (see 11. Events)

3.2 Spawning Phase

Based on the number of players and difficulty, reveal Alien cards and place the corresponding Alien miniatures on the indicated Spawning Area.

3.3 Action Phase (real-time)

The Action Phase is played in real-time. The standard Action Phase duration is 2 minutes. The player
handling the timer sets it to a 2 minute countdown and once everyone is ready, he starts the timer. Players
begin to roll their Action dice (see 4. Action Dice Symbols) again and again until the end of the Round,
trying to perform as many Actions as they can with the symbols they have rolled.
Throughout the Action Phase a player may re-roll any number of dice, any number of times, in any
combination. Players are not obliged to use the result of a dice (with the exception of Alien Move) and may
choose to re-roll it right away or keep it for future use. Each rolled symbol may only be used once.
Once the timers alarm goes off, the Action Phase ends and players may not roll their dice any more. Any unused symbols rolled within the Rounds duration can still be used, even after the Round ended and the timer
has stopped. Important: Any Alien Move symbols rolled must always be resolved immediately before any
other action. Players may delay resolving Alien Move symbols for as long as they want, but they may not
perform any other action before resolving them. Also, if the Action Phase ends and players still have unresolved Alien Move symbols, they must resolve those before doing anything else.
If during the Action Phase, any dice rolls off the table, player may stop the timer, retrieve it and then start
the timer again to resume the Action Phase. While the timer is stopped, players are not allowed to perform
any action or discuss their plans.

3.4 Alien Ability Phase

During this phase, the Aliens perform any available abilities appearing on their profile cards. Players choose
the order in which the Aliens perform their abilities - once a specific Alien is chosen, all Aliens of that type
must perform their ability before another type is chosen.

3.5 Alien Movement Phase

During this phase, the Aliens move as many spaces as the number appearing on their profile cards following
the arrows on the game board. Players may move the Aliens in any order they choose.

3.6 End of Round

Players check if any of the winning or losing conditions have occurred.


Players take back any dice used on One-Use Action Slots.

3.6.1. Winning/Losing the Game

In order for players to win the game, the following conditions must be apply:
a) The games objective has been completed.
b) All Players have returned their Characters to the Maps Starting Area.
c) No Aliens have entered the Maps Starting Area.
d) No Characters have been killed.
The players lose the game if one or more of the following occurs:
a) An Alien enters the Maps Starting Area
b) The 8th Round has ended and the games objective has not been completed.
c) A Character is killed.

4. Action Dice Symbols

Move The player may move his Character, one space towards any direction. This Action is performed without the need of an Action slot.

Shoot The player may use this symbol in Action Slots to activate Weapons, Items, cancel Events
or to complete Objectives etc.

Use The player may use this symbol in Action Slots to activate Weapons, Items, cancel Events
or to complete Objectives etc.

Fix - The player may use this symbol in Action Slots to activate Weapons, Items, cancel Events
or to complete Objectives etc.

Search The player may use this symbol in Action Slots to activate Weapons, Items, cancel
Events or to complete Objectives etc. A player may also use this symbol on Search Areas on the
Game Board to draw new cards from the Weapons/Items decks.
Alien Move Whenever a player rolls an Alien Move symbol, before he does any other action, he
must choose an Alien on the Game Board and move it one space ahead following the arrows. If
there are no Aliens on the Game Board, any Alien Move symbols are ignored. This Action is performed without the need of an Action Slot.


Characters give each player a unique ability.

Characters name

Characters Ability

Life Slots

5.1 Inventory

A Character may carry up to 2 Weapons (including Alien Technology) and as many item as he/she wants.
A Player may choose to discard a weapon at any time to create room for another.
A Character may exchange Weapons and Item with other Characters within range 1 as long as there is line
of sight between them. Any exchange must take place in real time within a Round.

5.2 Movement
A Character cannot move through obstacles, trees or walls.
A Character cannot not move through other Characters.
A Character cannot push other Characters unless he/she is being pushed by an Alien.

5.3 Losing Life - Getting Killed

Each time a Character loses life, the Player must remove one Life token from the Characters card. When
there are no more Life tokens on a Character card left to be removed, the player must remove one of his
Action Dice from the game. The Character card should then be filled with Life tokens once more. A Character
is killed when the player has no more Action Dice to remove from the game.



Weapons and Items are essential to win the game. They give Players the means to defend themselves and
prevent the Aliens from reaching their Objective.

Card Type

Card Name
Activation Cost

Action Slots

Activation Cost

Cards Effect
Weapons Range

Weapons Hits (Minimum) Number needed to wound


Cards Effect

One-Use Action Slot

(Red background)

6.1 Weapon/Item Activation

Each Weapon/Item has an activation cost indicated in one or more Action Slots. Whenever a player wishes to
activates a Weapon/Item, after rolling all needed symbols, the player must place all the dice with those symbols on the Weapon/Items card in order to activate it. Each Weapon/Item may be used over and over during
a turn as long as the player keeps rolling the symbol indicated for its Activation and places them on the card.
Important: A player may not place any dice on a Weapon/Item before having rolled all symbols required
to activate it.
After a Weapon has been activated, the player must roll Hit Dice equal to the number of hits shown in the
Weapons profile. Any results equal to the Weapons minimum number needed to wound, or higher cause a
wound. The player may then allocate any successful hits to any Alien within the Weapons range. Multiple
successful wounds may be divided among multiple Aliens. Any Alien hit loses 1 Life for each hit received.
Items that get attached to Weapons remain attached throughout the game. The cost to activate such an
Item only needs to be rolled once. A Player may pay the cost again to attach an Item to a different Weapon.

One-Use Action Slots

Several Action Slots have a red background. Whenever a player places a die on a One-Use Action Slot, that die must remain there until the end of the Round.

Permanent Action Slots

Some Action Slots have a Blue background. Whenever a player places a die on a Permanent Action Slot, that die must remain there until the end of the Round and then be removed from the


6.2 Search Slots

A player may have his Character search for new Weapons and Items. This can be done by moving a Character next to spaces with a Search symbol on the Game Board.
When performing a search, a player place search symbol on a Search Slot and draw 2 cards divided any way
among Weapons and/or Items. One card may be kept. The other must be discarded. After placing his die on
a Search Slot, a player may choose to delay drawing cards until after the Action Phase has ended to avoid
wasting time for the process.

6.3 Weapon Characteristics

Several Weapons feature a red border around one or more
of their characteristics (range, number of hits, number
needed to wound). Such characteristics may not be improved for that Weapon through Items, Abilities etc.
Weapons with range 4 or higher always shoot in a straight line (orthogonally and diagonally). This rule must
also be applied to any Weapons with smaller range that have their range increase to 4 or more by Items etc.

7. Aliens
Aliens Name



Number of
Aliens Spawned

Acts Now indicator


Roll the D3
to determine
Spawning Area


Ability always in effect or when specified on the card.


Ability done when spawned and during Alien Ability Phase.



Ability done during Alien Ability Phase.

Moves Now indicator

Alien does not move
when Spawned
Alien moves
when Spawned

7.1 Spawning Aliens/Bosses

The standard number of Alien cards spawned during each

Spawning Phase each Round is equal to the number of Players for Easy and Medium difficulty and equal to the number
of Players +1 for Hard difficulty.
Any Aliens card spawned by Events, Tokens, Abilities etc. should
be added top of the standard number.
To spawn new Aliens/Bosses, reveal the top card of the Alien /Boss
deck and check the following:

1 Which Alien is spawned (the silhouette on the top right will help
you recognize the correct miniature.
2 How many of its kind are spawned.
3 On which Spawning Area it appears.
4 Whether or not it performs a movement right away.


In the example shown, the Players need to spawn 4 Biters on the

Spawning Area Number 1. The
Biters spawned do not perform a
movement right away.

Each miniature spawned must fill one of Xs 5 appearing on the

Game Board next to the corresponding Spawning Area. After all
miniatures (of this particular card) have been placed on the Game
Board, those miniature perform a movement (if their Moves Now
indicator says so).
If there are not enough unoccupied Xs to spawn all miniatures or
if there are other miniatures already occupying those Xs, Players
must move other miniatures (following the arrows) to make space
for all miniatures to be spawned.

7.2 Aliens with more than 1 Life

Several Aliens in the game have more than one Life. To represent
that, when an Alien with multiple Lives is spawned, add Life tokens on its card equal to the indicated number. Its time the Alien
gets hit, a Life token should be removed. Once the last Life token
is removed, the Alien is killed and its miniature is removed from
the Game Board.

7.3 Spawning and Killing Bosses



When spawning a Boss, put an Alien Technology token on the Bosss card. When the Boss is killed, place that
Alien Technology token on the space the Boss was killed. When a Players Character steps on that space,
the Player may immediately remove the token from the Game Board and draw an Alien Technology card. A
player may choose to delay drawing the Technology card until after the Action Phase to avoid wasting time.



During each game, Players must complete an Objective and return back to return to the Maps Starting Area.
Using the Setup cards, Players can choose which Objective they want to play with.

Extermination Objective
SETUP: Shuffle all Extermination tiles face down and randomly fill each Objective slot on the Game Board as indicated by the chosen Extermination Setup
card (based on the number of players). Then turn all tiles face up.
In the Extermination Objective, Players must destroy the Extermination tiles
removing them from the Game Board. To do so, one or more Players must be
within range 1 from an Extermination tile, and place all dice with Shoot symbols
on it before the Round ends.
Once a Round ends, all tiles filled with dice are removed from to Game Board.
The last Player to contribute a die on the Extermination tile may draw one Alien
Technology card.
The Objective is complete once all Extermination tiles have been removed from
the Game Board.

Recovery Objective
SETUP: Shuffle all Recovery tiles face down and randomly fill each Objective
Slot on the Game Board as indicated by the chosen Recovery Setup card (based
on the number of players). Then turn all tiles face up.
In the Recovery Objective, Players must move the Recovery tiles back to the
Maps Starting Area. Each time a Player places a Dice with a Use symbol on a
Recovery Objective tile, he can move that tile to an adjacent space on the Game
Board (orthogonally or diagonally).
Characters and Alien may step on a Recovery tile on the Game Board. A Recovery tile may not be moved if there is any Character or Alien on it, or on the space
it needs to be moved to.
Once a Round ends, any tiles that have reached the Maps Starting Area are removed from the game and the Player who moved them last, may draw one Alien
Technology card.
The Objective is complete once all Recovery tiles have entered the Maps Starting Area.

Recon Objective

SETUP: Shuffle all Recon tiles face down and based on the number of Players,
place Recon tiles on the Maps Starting Area as indicated by the chosen Recon
Setup card. Also, place Objective tokens on each designated Objective Slot on the
Game Board, based on the number of Players, as indicated by the chosen Recon
Setup card. Then turn all tiles face up.
In the Recon Objective, Players must move the Recon tiles from the Maps Starting Area to the designated Objective Slots. Each time a Player places a Dice with a
Use symbol on a Recon Objective tile, he can move that tile to an adjacent space
on the Game Board (orthogonally or diagonally).
Characters and Alien may step on a Recon tile on the Game Board. A Recon tile
may not be moved if there is any Character or Alien on it, or on the space it needs
to be moved to.
Once a Round ends, any tiles that have reached the designated Objective Slots
may not be moved any more. The Player who moved them into position, may
draw one Alien Technology card. Each designated Objective Slot may only receive
one Recon tile.


The Objective is complete once all Recon tiles have been move onto the designated Objective Slots on the Game Board.

Demolition Objective
SETUP: Each Player receives 2 Demolition tiles as part his Characters inventory.
One depicting 3 and one depicting 2 Fix symbols.
Place Objective tokens on each designated Objective Slot on the Game Board ,
based on the number of Players, as indicated by the chosen Demolition Setup
In the Demolition Objective, Players must place the Demolition tiles they are
carrying on the Objective tokens as designated by the Demolition Setup card.
Once a player gets within range 1 from an Objective token, he may place a Demolition tile on it and fill it with dice with Fix symbols on them. Each Demolition tile may only be filled with Action dice belonging to the Player the carries it.
However, a Player may give a Demolition tile another Player in the same way as
Weapon, Item cards etc work.
A Demolition tile must first be placed into position and then get filled with dice.
Once a Round ends, any tiles that have been successfully placed and filled are
considered complete and the Player who placed them may draw an Alien Technology card. Any incomplete Demolition tiles, return to the Players that were
carrying them.
Important: The die that was placed on the Permanent Action Slot (blue
background) does not return to the Players possession and is instead
removed from the game.
The Objective is complete once all Demolition tiles have been move onto designated Objective Slots on the Game Board.


Map Name

Objective Name

Layout for Game Setup

Area of the Game Board
based on the number of

Setup for Objective Slots

used based on the number of

Event Tile
Boss Tile
Number of Players
Objective Slot

9.1 Choosing a Setup card

Objective Difficulty

Setup cards allow Players to easily choose the Objective and Difficulty based on the Map they want to play.
We recommend starting with Easy Setup cards and moving up to harder Setups once you begin learning the
There are several ways to choose which Setup card.


By Difficulty (recommended) - Shuffle all Setup cards of the difficulty you want to play and randomly pick
one to see which Objective you will be playing.
By Objective - Shuffle all Setup cards of the same objective and randomly pick one to see what difficulty
you will be playing.
By Map - Shuffle all Setup cards of the chosen Map and randomly pick one.
By Difficulty - Random Map - Shuffle all Setup cards of the difficulty you want to play from all Maps and
randomly pick one to see which Objective you will be playing on which Map.
By Objective - Random Map - Shuffle all Setup cards of the same objective from all Maps and randomly
pick one to see what difficulty you will be playing and on which Map.
Totally Random - Shuffle all Setup cards of all Maps and randomly pick one.
After a Setup card is chosen, make adjustments to the Game Setup Area on the Map you will be
playing to match your chosen Setup card based on the number of players.

9.2 Make your own Setups

Players may always choose to make their own Setup. After choosing a Map and an Objective, players may
adjust the Game Setup Area (see 10. Game Setup Area) adding Events, Boss tiles etc. to make the game
as challenging as they desire.
Also, more Setups can be found at


Each Map features a Game Setup Area. This area is used as a reminder of things that will happen in future Rounds (Bosses, Events
After choosing a Setup Card, Players should adjust the Game Setup Area of the chosen Map to match the one depicted on the Setup card adding Event tiles, Boss tiles etc as indicators of things to

Events represent things that happen during the game.
After being revealed during a Rounds Event Phase, an Event card remains in play and its effect is repeated
every Round unless it gets cancelled by Players.
In order to cancel an Event, Players must contribute the number of dice depicting the required symbols corresponding to the number of Players. They do that by placing them on a the Event card during the Action
Phase. A player may contribute dice on an Event card regardless of his Characters position on the Game
In order for an Event to get cancelled, all needed dice (based on the number of Players) must be contributed.
As soon as this happens, the effect of the Event card stops. If the Events effect would take place later during the Round, it is instead cancelled.



In order for a Character to shoot an Alien (and vice versa), a Character must have the Alien within his/her line of sight and within weapons range.
For a character to have line of sight to an Alien he must be able to trace an uninterrupted line from the center
of his space to the center of the Aliens space. Line of sight is blocked by walls, trees, various obstacles on
the board, Bosses and Mega-Bosses. All other Alien figures as well as other players Characters do not block
line of sight. Thus you can, for example, shoot an Alien figure behind another players Character. Similarly
you can shoot an Alien behind another Alien figure, as long as the Alien in between is not a Boss or a MegaBoss. The Alien must also be within the range of the Characters weapon in order to be hit.
In this Example, Bus is using a range-3 Weapon to
shoot at Aliens. All Aliens on green spaces are visible
and within range. Regarding the Aliens on red spaces:
a) Bus may not shoot at Alien #1 because the building
blocks his line of sight.
b) Bus may not shoot at Alien #2 because the Boss
blocks his line of sight.

c) Bus may not shoot at Aliens #3 and #4 because

they are out of range.

In this Example, Bus is using a range-4 Weapon to

shoot at Aliens. All Weapons with a range of 4 or
more (even Weapons with a smaller range that had
their range increased to 4 by items or other means),
may only shoot in straight lines. All Aliens on green
spaces are visible and within range. Regarding the
Aliens on red spaces:
a) Bus may not shoot at Alien #1 because the building
blocks his line of sight.

b) Bus may not shoot at Alien #2 because the Boss

blocks his line of sight.
c) Bus may not shoot at Aliens #3, #4, #5 and #6 because they are not in a straight line from him.

13.1 Alien Birth Tokens
One-Time Spawn tokens act like normal Spawning Area. Whenever such a token is
placed on the board, one additional card should be spawned next to it

13.2 Objective Tokens

Objective tokens are used to indicate specified areas on the Game Board (such as
Objective Slots).

13.3 Acid Tokens

Whenever a Character steps on a space containing an Acid token, he/she Loses one
Life. Aliens are unaffected by Acid tokens.


13.4 Slime Tokens

Whenever an Alien steps on a space containing a Slime token, that Alien must immediately be moved one
additional space. Spaces containing Slime tokens do not count towards the number of spaces needed for an
Aliens movement. Characters are unaffected by Slime tokens.

13.5 Alien Technology Tokens

Alien Technology tokens are mainly placed on the Game Board whenever a Boss is killed. A Character that
steps on a space containing an Alien Technology token may immediately draw an Alien Technology card. The
token must then be removed from the Game Board.




In order to play a solo game, the two following changes must be applied:
a) During Setup, get 5 Action dice (instead of 4).
b) During Spawning Phase, spawn cards like you would in a 2-player game.


Plan your strategy before beginning each Round. Prioritize. Try to focus on your Objective.
Direct your Alien Move symbols on Aliens that would harm you the least when the Round ends.
If there is increased risk, consider having some or all Players stop playing before the Round ends.




Note: Project: ELITE is a product of fiction. Any relation to actual names or characters is purely coincidental.
Should you have any comments or questions, please contact us at


2014 Konstantinos Kokkinis & Sotirios Tsantilas

2015 Artipia Games - Drawlab Entertainment. All rights reserved.

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