Review Form: Recommendation To Editor

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Review Form

Article Title: The Development of Instructional Materials E-Learning Based On Blended Learning
Reviewers Name:
(The reviewers' identities remain anonymous to author/s)
Recommendation to Editor (Please mark x for appropriate option)

( ) Excellent, accept the submission (5)

( ) Good, accept the submission with minor revisions required (4)
(x ) Acceptable, revisions required (3)
( ) Resubmit for review, major revisions required (2)
( ) Decline the submission (1)
The editor will forward the section below to author/s
Evaluation (Please evaluate the manuscript by grade 1-5)


3=Average 2=Below Average 1=Poor



Contribution to existing knowledge

Organization and readability

Soundness of methodology

Evidence supports conclusion

Adequacy of literature review



1. Revise your paper. It has various grammatical errors and with

plagiarized statements.
2. Interpretation is very limited. Give the implication on the findings
of your study.
3. Mention the protocols that you madeethical standards that was
adapted in your context. This is very important..
Suggestions to Author/s
Very Good (VG) = 4, Good (G) = 3, Bad (B) = 2, Poor (P) = 1---- change this to
Very Good (VG) = 4, Good (G) = 3, Poor (P) = 2, Very Poor (VP) = 1
Currently, there are various studies on blended-learning media. Kindly discuss some justification
that indeed your paper has contributed to the body of knowledge (what makes your paper
interesting compared with those which were previously published?)

Please return the form to the journal editor.

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