Peter Master Resume

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Peter Master | (925) 324-7139
To procure a software engineering internship for summer and/or part-time during the academic year in order to better
my skills, gain experience in industry, and learn from seasoned developers in any and all development disciplines.
University of California Santa Barbara
B.S. Computer Science, College of Engineering
Major GPA: 3.90, Cumulative GPA: 3.72
Accelerated Study Plan: Graduating in Three Years

Expected Spring 2018

advanced: C++; proficient: Python, Java, C, Git, Unix; familiar: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
PROJECTS (hosted on GitHub)
Connect Four (Legacy Code)
October 2016 December 2016
Java application that has been in development since 2013 with over thirty distinct people
I enhanced the GUI, made the AI smarter, refactored code, fixed existing bugs, increased test coverage, wrote
documentation, and automated the documentation publishing process
Emphasized pair- and Agile-programming in development
May 2016 July 2016
C++ console application that scrapes school classes and their times from the UCSB registrar, then generates all
the schedules that fit a user's class schedule, time preferences, and extracurricular schedule
January 2016
Health analytics app for the Pebble smart watch
Uses Pebble Health API to obtain users' daily activity and sleep levels, prompts the user for their daily mood,
displays this data graphically, and provides analysis and recommendations to the user
Developed in C using the Pebble library, received "Best Pebble Hack" award at Hack UCSC
Project Euler Problems
December 2015 January 2016
Developed a console application in C++ and Python to generate and access the solutions to twenty-one
computationally heavy mathematical problems from
Intern at Master Electric Walnut Creek, CA
December 2011 July 2016
Created company website (WordPress) and Excel spreadsheets for inventory and accounting
Shadowed electrician on commercial and residential jobs
Kept inventory of supplies, handled billing, managed company calendar, and took calls from customers
Online Poker
May 2015 July 2015
Participated in group studying of poker through Skype and 2+2 forum workshops
Gained experience working in teams, thinking abstractly, analyzing data, working under pressure, logging long
hours in front of a computer, and being completely accountable for my own success
$5.59 hourly rate of profit in July over a total of 119 hours
Cofounder of UCSB's only Professional Engineering Fraternity, Theta Tau
Member of Professional Business Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi
Executive Board Member for Two UCSB On-Campus Mid-Sized Clubs
Northgate High School Speech and Debate Club President
Northgate High School Varsity Captain for Tennis and Cross Country

December 2016 Current

September 2016 Current
April 2016 July 2016
September 2014 June 2015
June 2013 May 2015

Scholarships: Stapelmann Scholar; ESTEEM Engineering; Micki Rainey Scholar; Rossmoor Scholar; and more

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