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Contact: Timothy Lantz


January 30, 2017


The Assembly overwhelmingly passed legislation to strip corrupt public officials of pension and
retirement benefits on Monday

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,TCN-Deerpark) today applauded the passage of

legislation in the house that strips pension and retirement benefits from lawmakers who are
convicted of felonies related to their official duties. The legislation requires statewide approval
by referendum but has been championed by members of the Assembly Republican Conference
for many years.
This is an important step in beginning to drain the swamp of corruption that has
embroiled Albany for far too long, Brabenec said. Lawmakers who abuse the public trust
should never ride off into the sunset on the backs of taxpayers, and this law will serve as a
deterrent to those who conduct their business outside the scope of the law. I am glad we are one
step closer to this measure finally becoming law, but it couldve come far sooner had Assembly
Democrats and big labor interests not blocked this bill for several years.


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