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Monica Romero

LEI 4724
Activity: Kick the can
Source: Personal activity
Equipment needed: A metal can, flashlight (optional)

Activity description: A game very similar to hide and seek, this activity is best
played in the presence of at least 3 persons minimum. For this activity, 2 persons
will be assigned as it, responsible for tagging their opponents and protecting
the metal can in the center of the playing field from players trying to kick the
metal can (up to 7 non- it participants). The it persons must close their eyes
and count aloud to 10 in order for the others to hide. If one of the two it
persons tags a non- it participant, that non- it person is automatically
captured and out of the game. The only way for captured players to reenter the
game is for their fellow uncaptured players to kick the metal can without being
tagged resulting in release of everyone currently captured. The game goes on
until all of the non- it players are tagged.
Leadership considerations: The activity is competitive in nature but in order to
ensure everyones safety, it should be noted that excessive rough play/tagging
such as slamming to the ground to tag someone or sliding across the floor should
not be displayed due to a more likelihood of injury to occur. If there is a
participant who is not able to speak, that is not problem. In order to facilitate to
this individual, instead of counting aloud to ten, the participant may keep their
eyes closed and visually raise their hands, showing everyone they are counting
using their fingers. It is also suggested for players that are non- it to keep tract
of this limited time, to count in their heads as well. If there is another participant
that is physically handicapped, someone with cerebral palsy for example,
modification of the game is possible as well. Start by turning off the lights of the
room and the person with cerebral palsy be the it person in charge of tagging
their opponents by utilizing a flashlight. If the light lands on someone, that means
they are tagged out.

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