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Student Name: Aman Jassal
Course Code: ECS 4070
Age Group: Toddlers
Date: Janruary 26 2017
Learning Experience: Gross motor and colour coordination
Programming Purpose:
For the last two days that I have been at placement, either the children were feeling sick or it
was too cold/rainy to go outside. Therefore, I decided to incorporate a gross motor activity
inside the classroom. Toddlers are a huge fan of gross motor activities.
Children will strengthen their gross motor development as they throw the bean bags
onto the place mats
Children will enhance cognition as they sort out which bean bag matches with the
place mats
Children will strengthen their hand eye coordination as they gently toss the bean bag
on the place mat
Place mats
Bean bags
Opening (Introduction)
Who is ready to play Fling & Fly Bean Bags? Do you guys want to pick which bean bag color
you get? When you hear your name you get to come up and pick one bean bag from the
yellow bag!
Body (Content)
1. Place the place mats on the carpet one beside the next
2. Call the childrens name one by one to pick a bean bag
3. Tell the children to stand on the place mat that matches their bean bag
4. Allow the children to communicate with one another while finding the matching colours
Wait time/silence
5. Than tell the children to take 4 big steps away from their place mats
6. Model to children how to gently toss the bean bag on to the place mats
7. Use behavior reflection to prompt the children to focus on their actions (Look, you
threw the bean bag too far, use a little less force)
8. Use do it signals (Everyone toss the bean bag onto the yellow place mat)
9. If a child seems to be struggling, scaffolding will help (First physical, than verbal)
Closing (Ending)
Okay children, when I call the colour you have please bring the bean bag and place mat to
put it in the yellow bag. Whoever has red and yellow please come up (so on and so forth).
Okay good job guys, today we learned our colors and we improved our throwing skills!
Time for lunch children! Help The ECE get the children prepared for lunch.

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