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Choose the letter of your choice.
1. What are group dynamics?
a. The way groups determine member roles
b. The way groups measured level of group participation
c. The way groups choose a leader
d. The way group members interact and respond to change
2. Which of the following is NOT a norm?
a. Participation
b. Hunger
c. Positive attitude
d. Confidentiality
3. Which of the following is an exception to the confidentiality norm?
a. When a peer shares something really juicy and you feel like you have to tell
b. When harm could be done to a PAL
c. When something is shared with you in confidence
d. When a peer asks you a question about somebody else
4. What are the stages of group building?





a. Closed
b. Open
c. Trust
d. Belief
The following are characteristics of supporters EXCEPT
a. Nurturing
b. Sensitive
c. Callous
d. Caring
The term group refers to
a. People who are interacting face to-face
b. People who are interacting in one place together
c. People who are able to verbally discuss problem solving
d. People who are interacting with one another in such a way that each person
influences and is influenced by each other
Small group can be defined as
a. a dyad
b. any group of people, no matter the number, brought together for problem solving
c. a group small enough that each member is aware of and able to recall each group
member and recognize each group members role
d. all of the above
The two major categories of small groups are:

a. Primary and secondary groups

b. inclusionary and exclusionary groups
c. personal growth and learning groups
d. problem-solving groups and committees
9. A nuclear family, roommates, and your virtual group of friends are examples of a:
a. Committee
b. Secondary group
c. Primary group
d. Personal growth group
10. To be a valuable member of a group, you need:
a. a participant-observer focus
b. information regarding the group's task
c. to conduct yourself in an ethical manner
d. all of the above

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. ALL
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. D

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