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There are several different citation formats that are acceptable for this essay.

Examples can be
found below:

According to [author], [quote], (article title, year).

According to the National Sleep Foundation, Teens spend a great portion of each day in
school; however, they are unable to maximize the learning opportunities afforded by the
education system, since sleep deprivation impairs their ability to be alert, pay attention,
solve problems, cope with stress and retain information (Backgrounder: Later School
Start Times, 2016).

According to the National Sleep Foundation, One solution that has worked to solve this
problem is flipping start times, most commonly elementary with high school. This
solution requires no extra buses or drivers, just a change in the order of pickups. This
schedule also seems to be more appropriate to elementary school students sleep
schedules, because young children tend to wake up earlier in the morning (Eight Major
Obstacles to Delaying School Start Times, 2017).

[Article Title], published by [organization or website name], states/illustrates/says, [quote]

An article titled, What Happens in the Brain During Sleep? published by Scientific
American, illustrates this point. According to the article, Sleep serves to reenergize the
body's cells, clear waste from the brain, and support learning and memory (2017).

In an article titled [Article title], [author] states/illustrates/says/suggests/comments [quote]

In an article titled, Pros and Cons of Later School Start Times, Leigh Ann Morgan
comments that Many school districts use the same buses for elementary school
students as they do for high school students (2017).

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