Christina Ellul Ba GD Im Group B - Statement of Intent - Final Soi

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(also referred to as Statement of Intent Form)
To be submitted by the researcher to the Institute Research Sub-Committee (IRC)
Research Title:
How can one express a classical performance art style and collaborate with modern technologies and
practices of media?
Institute name
MCAST Institute for Creative Arts
Course / Programme:
BA Graphic Design and Interactive Media
Level and year of study
Level 6, Top-up Degree
Main area of study being proposed:
The intention is to conduct a study about how one can assimilate classical art types with modern ones,
specifically dance art and animation (projection mapping). I will be studying different forms of dance art and
how their performance effects the spectators and what they desire to perceive, while working towards
generating a well-designed projected choreography that illuminates the history of dance art via the latter
itself and visuals.
Name of Researcher: Christina Ellul

Researchers I.D. Number: 370894(M)

Signature of Researcher

Date of submission of Form

23rd October, 2016

Name of Tutor (or Recommended Tutor):

Mr. Mark Azzopardi

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Personal Motivation for the Choice of Research Theme.

Dance art, animation and web designing/software engineering are the main subjects that interest me. I
want to be able to design and produce something pioneering that syndicates the three together as to
present new or improved ideas into todays world. Dance art has always intrigued me since I was just a
little kid and I would like to take the opportunity to incorporate it into what I have been studying for the
past few years. As a starting point I have been looking into different projected choreographies where I
could learn how many artists are including the two art types together.
Outline of Key Literature and Theoretical Framework or Propositions.
The main resources are mostly going to be books, media and online resources.
Significance of the Study.
This thesis will help me understand, what I love to do most, better and possibly assists me in continuing
on this line of work. I have seen similar work offshore but not yet locally. I believe this will help integrate it
more to our local talents, giving the audience a much more spectacular experience.
Hypotheses and/or Research Question/s
How can different art types and styles collaborate using modern technologies and practices of
How can different art, and media types combined, use modern technologies?
How can performance art merge with modern technologies and media for a better experience?
How can an original mixture of different art types, or different ways to express an art type be
Target Participants and Research Methods for Data Collection and Analysis
I am willing to conduct questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and online surveys to gather data and
information. Preferably targeting an audience who works and contributes in the music, dancing and
animation industry while also other entities from various backgrounds.

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Ethical Considerations.
Refer to guidance points below. You are also additionally required to read MCAST Document 074
Research Ethics Policy and Procedure that is available on the College website via link,PoliciesandRegulations.aspx
1. Research shall be conducted in such a manner so as to avoid any psychological and
physical harm to humans and animals and financial damage to organizations
2. Only the supervisor and examiners will have access to any data gathered.
3. Participants will remain free to withdraw from the study at any time without having to
provide any reason. In the case of withdrawal, all the records and information collection
will be deleted.
4. The participant, who is the sole proprietor of the data provided, is granting that such
data would be processed for this study purposes only.
5. The data collection process will be a transparent process.
6. All transcriptions and/or electronic recordings reflecting the data collected, once
exhausted, are to be deleted
7. Confidentiality, anonymity and data protection procedures are to be ethically abided by.
8. The researcher would provide a soft copy of the study to the participant, if required.
Confidential personal data:

In this dissertation, I may conduct surveys in which the data collected will be strictly confidential
and used only for data analysis purposes.

Physical harm:

No physical harm is foreseen in this dissertation.

Moral harm:

The final project for this dissertation can be used to raise awareness about moral harm and
encourages the viewers to seek for help and put the required amount of attention to their situation.

Business harm:

No business harm foreseen for this dissertation.

Any material or services provided for this dissertation will all be paid for or sponsored.

Anticipated Contributions of the Study.

I believe this will help the art scene in terms of entertainment and more exquisite experience in
performances in terms of introducing new technologies merged with classical performance arts.

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Dissertation Project Plan.

List of Key References:

Video Playlist of inspirational videos

This section is to be filled in by the representative of the Institute Research Sub-Committee prior to
forwarding of this Form to the MCAST Research Ethics Committee for final ethics approval:
Nature of ethical
Outcome (*)
Consideration of possibility of
issues regarding confidential
personal data:
Consideration of possibility of
physical harm
Consideration of possibility of
moral harm
Consideration of possibility of
business harm
(*) Legend to record outcome by Institute Research Sub Committee:
A Ethical considerations have been addressed appropriately by Researcher;
B No (Nil) relevant ethical considerations are applicable under purpose of study as described by
C Ethical consideration have not been addressed appropriately by Researcher;
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D Applicable ethical consideration have not been considered by Researcher.

Details of Representative to the Institute Research Sub-Committee.



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