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Meeting Minutes

1. Point System:
Members, dont forget our new point system. You need 60 points, be
active for at least 2 quarters, and pay membership dues to be considered
an active member and qualify for graduation cords.
2. Tabling:
Tabling is our main method of advertising SHRM and we look forward to
doing that with you. Dont forget, you receive 10 points for helping table
for SHRM. Announcements of when we will be tabling will be made via
email. Another great form of communication for us is through the app.
"GroupMe" (SHRM_CSUSB). If you are able to download it, we ask that you
please do so.
3. Crash-A-Class:
Crash-A-Class is when we go to a class (with the professors permission
ahead of time) and inform the class on what is SHRM. We announce when
our meetings are held, upcoming events, career opportunities, etc. and
create an interest to join SHRM. You do receive 10 points for helping
Crash-A-Class with SHRM. There is a sign-up for those that are interested.
4. Social Media:
Follow us on any of our social media cites to receive 5 points, you
get 5 points for following any, or all, of our sites. NOT 5 points for each
site you follow.

Facebook - SHRM_CSUSB

Instagram - SHRM_CSUSB



5. Social Gatherings:
Attend our social gatherings to receive 15 points. These gatherings are
fun ways for our club to get to know each other more. Please fill out the
surveys we will be sending out to determine when these gatherings will
take place and what you would like to do. We will be having 2 gatherings
per quarter, we hope to see you all there.
6. Main Event:

We will be having guest speakers throughout the quarter and you will be
receiving 25 points for attending.
7. Surveys:
Help Us, Help You Fill out surveys we send and receive 5 point. (Links to
surveys will be attached in emails we send, so keep a lookout.)
8. I.E. SHRM:
Receive 10 points for attending an I.E. SHRM meeting. The meetings are
every third Thursday of the month, you get to meet and network with HR
professionals, find out about job opportunities, and get the latest and
greatest information on HR.
9. Spread the Word:
Tell your friends all about SHRM and get them to join. You will
receive 5 points for referring people to our club! Just make sure to let
them know you referred them to receive your points.
10. Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday Jan.31 at 4pm in JB-457,and
Wednesday Feb.1 at 12pm in room JB-280.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to
the board. Have a great week!

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