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Temple of Apollo

Andy Ton

Joey Orozco
Mickey Neang

Mrs. Kitt
Per. 1/English 1H
25 March 2015

Temple of Apollo Overview

The temple was the prominent feature of the powerful city state of Delphi. The Temple of Apollo was a very important
site for the ancient Greeks. It was said that the oracle of Delphi resided in the Temple of Apollo and gave prophecies to people on
the 7th day of every month except the winter months. The first temple of Apollo at Delphi was built in 7 BC. The temple has
gone under a numerous amount of destruction, caused by fires, earthquakes, and an attack from Roman Emperor Theodosius I, in
order to silence the oracle for the sake of christianity. Apollo himself was a representative of Delphis wealth and the political
image to Ancient Greece and its surrounding states.

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Significance to Oedipus Rex

The Temple of Apollo was significant in Oedipus Rex which it houses the oracle of Apollo who tells the audience and
Oedipus of his fate. When an intoxicated man told Oedipus that Polybus was not his father, he questions his parentage. Desired to
seek out answers, he travels to Delphi where he finds the Temple. There, the oracle of Apollo informed him that he will kill his own
father and will marry and make children with his mother. Thus, it moves the plot along, adds new characters, and allows some
foreshadowing from the audience.

Significance of the Temple of Apollo in

Greek Culture
The temple became a place of prophecies, which is important to the Greeks back then. Also, it was believed to be the center
of the world to the Greeks . It remains an important symbol of the city of Delphi. The temples doric style of architecture distincts
it from other types of ancient Greek buildings. Myths tell that eagles would fly apart from each other, and meet together back in
Delphi. Another legend tells the story of Gaia, or Mother Earth, was a prophetess who lived at Delphi with her son, Python, who
was a snake. However, Apollo turned the myth around by murdering Python in order to take over Gaia. Additionally, this was also
the site of the Pythian Games. The Pythian Games were held every three years in honor of Apollo, and he was often portrayed with
a crown of laurels and a lyre or bow.

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