Single Phoneme and Phonological Development.: Yulibeth García Paz Licenciatura en Enseñanza Del Inglés 1160483

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The purpose of this chapter is provide the student an understanding about of the development of souns, the
relationship between the sound and the speech, however we have know that it is influenced by the childs
enviroment; and another physical, motor, and intelectual capabilities; and the childs need for communication.
To continue we have importat concepts:
A. The development of vowels: is when begin to develop from random sounds by infants as Young as 2
months. At 2 minths, some vowels are identified in cooing patterns.
B. The development of consonants: according to Sander a reseracher the children of 2 until 9 yeras old,
they addition new phonemes, sounds and learn to use them according they grow up. For example the
first phonemes that development are the /p/, /m/, /h/, /n/, /w/, and /b/ beginingbefore of 2 age.
C. Variation in the development of single phonemes: the children develop the consonant with ease at
the target age. Althrough some children experience a slower than another to development the
phonemes and exhibit commons developmental patterns of substitution, omission and distortion.
D. Phonological development: are a series of patterns used by children to simply adult speech. These
patterns are used because the child doesnt have the capavcity to produce adult speech yet.
E. Phonological process: there are numerous systems of phonological process available for
considertion. According Khan and Lewis, there are 15 key of this, divided in 2 groups.
1. Processes Asocoated with Normal Phonological Development:
i. Deletion of final consonants.
ii. Inicial voicing.
iii. Syllable reduction.
iv. Palatal fronting.
v. Deaffrication.
vi. Velar fronting.
vii. Consonant harmony.
viii. Stridency deletion
ix. Stopping of fricatives.
x. Liquid simplification-gliding of liquids..
xi. Making of fricatives.
xii. Localization of liquids.
2. Processes that are Nondevelopment:
i. Deletion of inicial consonant.
ii. Palantal replacement
iii. Making to velars.
To conclude this chapter shows us like we have developed our knowlege phonological in all life, Is important so
we are going to understand our little students and well able of help them.

Yulibeth Garca Paz

Licenciatura en Enseanza del Ingls

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