Word List of Spelling 2017-2

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1. Abscess is a localized collection of pus in tissues of the body.

2. Accessible means easy to approach
3. Accommodate is to do a kindness or a favor to; oblige.
4. Accordion is a musical instrument.
5. Annulment is the declaration that annuls a marriage.
6. Algorithm is a set of rules for solving a problem.
7. Alignment is arrangement in a straight line.
8. Amethyst is a purple quartz, used as a gem.
9. Apocalypse is widespread destruction or disaster.
10. Atrium is the central room of an ancient Roman house.
11. Automaton is another word for a robot.
12. Avenge is to exact satisfaction for.
13. Baboon is a large monkey found in Africa or Arabia.
14. Babushka is a woman's scarf.
15. Balloon is an inflated bag.
16. Barbiturate is used to medicine as a sedative.
17. Barracuda is a long, predaceous fish.
18. Barrette is a clasp used to hold a girl's hair in place.
19. Bayou is a marshy arm of a river, usually sluggish or stagnant.
20. Beige is a very light brown.
21. Beneficence is the doing of good.
22. Benign is having a kindly disposition.
23. Bizarre is markedly unusual.
24. Bough is a branch of a tree.
25. Bouquet is a bunch of flowers.
26. Boutique is a small shop within a larger store.
27. Bursar is a treasurer or business officer.
28. Cabaret is a restaurant providing food, drink and music.
29. Cache is a hiding place.
30. Calisthenics are gymnastic exercises.
31. Callous is hard or indifferent.
32. Camaraderie is good fellowship.
33. Camouflage is hiding oneself from one's enemy.
34. Campaign is a military operation for a specific objective.
35. Canvass is to solicit votes.
36. Carafe is a wide-mouthed bottle used to serve beverages.
37. Caribou is a large, North American deer.
38. Carnivorous means flesh-eating.
39. Cataclysm is any violent upheaval.
40. Caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth.
41. Cellist is a person who plays a cello.
42. Cemetery is a place set apart for graves or tombs.
43. Census is an official enumeration of the population.
44. Chameleon is a lizard that can, as protection, change color.
45. Changeable is liable to change or to be changed.
46. Charisma is a personal quality that gives one power over a group of
47. Chauffeur is a person employed to drive an automobile.
48. Colloquy is a conversational exchange, dialogue.
49. Conceit is an excessively favorable opinion of oneself.
50. Concessionaire is someone to whom a concession has been granted.
51. Conscious is being aware of one's own existence.
52. Consensus is a majority of opinion.
53. Commemorate is to serve as a reminder of.
54. Committal is an act or instance of committing.
55. Corruptible is that which can be corrupted.
56. Cough is to expel air through the lungs harshly, often violently.
57. Counsel is advice.
58. Coyote is a smaller, wolf-like animal.
59. Crescent resembles a segment of a ring tapering to points at the ends.
60. Crochet is needlework with a needle having a hook at one end.
61. Croquet is a game played by knocking balls through metal wickets with
a mallet.
62. Croissant is a rich, buttery crescent-shaped roll.
63. Crouton is a small piece of fried or toasted bread.
64. Cynic is a person who believes in selfishness as prime motivation.
65. Debris is the remains of things broken down or destroyed.
66. Deceive is to mislead by a false appearance or statement.
67. Deductible means capable of being deducted.
68. Defendant is a person against whom a charge is brought against in
69. Dialogue is conversation with two or more people.

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