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part of the patented machine.

Supreme Court of the United States **416*502 Mr. Melville Church for
COMPANY, Petitioner,
v. *505 Messrs. Oscar W. Jeffery, Edmund
UNIVERSAL FILM MANUFACTURING Wetmore, and John B. Stanchfield for
COMPANY et al. respondents.
No. 715.
Mr. Justice Clarke delivered the opinion of
Argued January 12 and 15, 1917. the court:
Decided April 9, 1917.
In this suit relief is sought against three
ON WRIT of Certiorari to the United States defendant corporations as joint infringers of
Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second claim number 7 of United States letters
Circuit to review a decree which affirmed a patent No. 707,934, granted to Woodville
decree of the District Court for the Southern Latham, assignor, on August 26, 1902, for
District of New York, dismissing the bill in a improvements in projecting-kinetoscopes. It
suit to enjoin the violation of an alleged is sufficient description of the patent to say
license restriction on the use of a patented that it covers a part of the mechanism used
machine. Affirmed. in motion picture exhibiting machines for
feeding a film through the machine with a
See same case below, 235 Fed. 398. regular, uniform, and accurate movement,
and so as not to expose the film to excessive
The facts are stated in the opinion. strain or wear.

West Headnotes The defendants, in a joint answer, do not

dispute the title *506 of the plaintiff to the
Patents 203 patent, but they deny the validity of it, deny
291k203Most Cited Cases infringement, and claim an implied license
Exclusive right to use discovery granted by to use the patented machine.
Rev.St. § 4884, 35 U.S.C.A. § 40, to the
patentee, his heirs or assigns, did not invest Evidence which is undisputed shows that
assignee of Latham patent, No. 707,934, to the plaintiff, on June 20, 1912, in a paper
films containing the invention of reissued styled 'License Agreement,' granted to the
Edison patent, No. 12,192. Precision Machine Company a right and
license to manufacture and sell machines
Patents 216 embodying the inventions described and
291k216Most Cited Cases claimed in the patent in suit, and in other
The owner of a patent may not, under patents, throughout the United States, its
Rev.St. § 4884, 35 U.S.C.A. § 40, by a territories and possessions. This agreement
notice attached to the machine embodying contains a covenant on the part of the
the patent restrict its use to materials grantee that every machine sold by it, except
necessary to its operation, but which are no those for export, shall be sold 'under the

Page 2

restriction and condition that such exhibiting and that it will require such jobbers and
or projecting machine shall be used solely others to sell at not less than plaintiff's list
for exhibiting or projecting motion pictures price. The price fixed in the license contract
containing the inventions of reissued letters for sale of machines after May 1st, 1909, is
patent No. 12,192, leased by a licensee of not less than $150 for each machine, and the
the licensor while it owns said patents and licensee agrees to pay a royalty of $5 on
upon other terms to be fixed by the licensor some machines and a percentage of the
and complied with by the user while the said selling price on others.
machine is in use and while the licensor
owns said patents (which other terms shall It is admitted that the machine, the use of
only be the payment of a royalty or rental to which is charged to be an infringement of
the licensor while in use).' the patent in suit, was manufactured by the
Precision Machine Company, and was sold
The grantee further covenants and agrees and delivered under its 'License Agreement'
that to each machine sold by it, except for to the Seventy-second Street Amusement
export, it will attach a plate showing plainly Company, then operating a playhouse on
not only the dates of the letters patent under Seventy-second street, in New York, and
which the machine is 'licensed,' but also the that when sold it was fully paid for and had
following words and figures: attached to it a plate with the inscription
which we have quoted as required by the
Serial No. ___. agreement.

Patented No. ___ Reissued patent 12,192, referred to in the

notice attached to the machine, expired on
The sale and purchase of this machine gives August 31, 1914. The defendant Prague
only the right to use it solely with **417 Amusement Company, on November 2,
moving pictures containing the invention of 1914, leased the Seventy-second street
reissued patent No. 12,192, leased by a playhouse from the Seventy-second Street
licensee of the Motion Picture *507 Patents Amusement Company, and acquired the
Company, the owner of the above patents alleged infringing machine as a part of the
and reissued patent, while it owns said equipment of the leased playhouse.
patents, and upon other terms to be fixed by Subsequent to the expiration of reissued
the Motion Picture Patents Company and patent 12,192, the defendant Universal Film
complied with by the user while it is in use Manufacturing Company made two films or
and while the Motion Picture Patents reels, which, between March 4th and 17th,
Company owns said patents. The removal or 1915, were sold to the defendant the
defacement of this plate terminates the right Universal Film Exchange, and on March 17,
to use this machine. 1915, were supplied to the defendant Prague
Amusement Company for use on the
The agreement further provides that the machine, acquired as we have stated, and
grantee shall not sell any machine at less were used upon it at the Seventy-second
than the plaintiff's list price, except to Street playhouse on March 18th, 1915.
jobbers and others for purposes of resale,

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*508 On January 18, 1915, the plaintiff sent another to manufacture and sell a patented
a letter to the Seventy-second Street machine, and by a mere notice attached to it
Amusement Company, notifying it in limit its use by the purchaser or by the
general terms that it was using without a purchaser's lessee, to films which are no part
license a machine embodying the invention of the patented machine, and which are not
of patent No. 707,934 and warning it that patented?
such use constituted an infringement of the
patent, and on the same day the plaintiff Second. May the assignee of a patent,
addressed a letter to the defendant Universal which has licensed another to make and sell
Film Exchange, notifying it that it also was the machine covered by it, by a mere notice
infringing the same patents by supplying attached to such machine, limit the *509 use
films for use upon the machine of the of it by the purchaser or by the purchaser's
Seventy-second street playhouse and lessee to terms not stated in the notice, but
elsewhere. The bill in this case was filed on which are to be fixed, after sale, by such
March 18, 1915. assignee, in its discretion?

The district court held that the limitation on It is obvious that in this case we have
the use of the machine attempted to be made presented anew the inquiry, which is arising
by the notice attached to it after it had been with increasing frequency in recent years, as
sold and paid for, was invalid, and that the to the extent to which a patentee or his
Seventy-second Street Amusement assignee is authorized by our patent laws to
Company, the purchaser, and its lessee, the prescribe by notice attached to a patented
Prague Amusement Company, had an machine the conditions of its use and the
implied license to use the machine as it had supplies which must be used in the operation
been used, and it dismissed the bill without of it, under pain of infringement of the
passing on the question raised in the patent.
pleadings as to the validity of the patent.
The circuit court of appeals affirmed the The statutes relating to patents do not
district court (148 C. C. A. 660, 235 Fed. provide for any such notice and it can derive
398), and the case is here for review on no aid from them. Rev. Stat. § 4900, Comp.
certiorari. Stat. 1913, § 9446, requiring that patented
articles shall be marked with the **418
It was admitted at the bar that 40,000 of the word 'Patented,' affects only the damages
plaintiff's machines are now in use in this recoverable for infringement (Dunlap v.
country, and that the mechanism covered by Schofield, 152 U. S. 244, 38 L. ed. 426, 14
the patent in suit is the only one with which Sup. Ct. Rep. 576); and Rev. Stat. § 4901,
motion picture films can be used Comp. Stat. 1913, § 9447, protects by its
successfully. penalties the inventor, but neither one
contemplates the use of such a 'License
This state of facts presents two questions Notice' as we have here, and whatever
for decision: validity it has must be derived from the
general, and not from the patent, law.
First: May a patentee or his assignee license

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The extent to which the use of the patented

machine may validly be restricted to specific 1st. The scope of every patent is limited to
supplies or otherwise by special contract the invention described in the claims
between the owner of a patent and the contained in it, read in the light of the
purchaser or licensee is a question outside specification. These so mark where the
the patent law, and with it we are not here progress claimed by the patent begins and
concerned. Keeler v. Standard Folding Bed where it ends that they have been aptly
Co. 157 U. S. 659, 39 L. ed. 848, 15 Sup. likened to the description in a deed, which
Ct. Rep. 738. sets the bounds to the grant which it
contains. It is to the claims of every patent,
The inquiry presented by this record, as we therefore, that we must turn when we are
have stated it, is important and fundamental, seeking to determine what the invention is,
and it requires that we shall determine the the exclusive use of which is given to the
meaning of Congress when, in Rev. Stat. § inventor by the grant provided for by the
4884, Comp. Stat. 1913, § 9428, it provided statute,--'He can claim nothing beyond
that 'every patent shall contain . . . a grant to them.' Keystone Bridge Co. v. Phoenix Iron
the patentee, his heirs or assigns, for the Co. 95 U. S. 274, 24 L. ed. 344; Lehigh
term of seventeen years, of the exclusive Valley R. Co. v. Mellon, 104 U. S. 112, 118,
right to make, use, and vend the invention 26 L. ed. 639, 641;Yale Lock Mfg. Co. v.
or discovery throughout the United States, Greenleaf, 117 U. S. 554, 559, 29 L. ed. 952,
and the territories thereof.' We are concerned 953, 6 Sup. Ct. Rep. 846;McClain v.
only with the right to 'use,' authorized to be Ortmayer, 141 U. S. 419, 424, 35 L. ed. 800,
granted by this statute, for it is under 802, 12 Sup. Ct. Rep. 76.
warrant of this *510 right only that the
plaintiff can and does claim validity for its 2d. It has long been settled that the patentee
warning notice. receives nothing from the law which he did
not have before, and that the only effect of
The words used in the statute are few, his patent is to restrain others from
simple, and familiar, they have not been manufacturing, using, or selling that which
changed substantially since they were first he has invented. The patent law simply
used in the act of 1790 (1 Stat. at L. chap. 7, protects him in the monopoly of that which
p. 109), Bauer v. O'Donnell, 229 U. S. 1, 9, he has invented and has described in the
57 L. ed. 1041, 1043,50 L.R.A.(N.S.) 1185, claims of his patent. United States
33 Sup. Ct. Rep. 616, Ann. Cas. 1915A, v.American Bell Teleph. Co. 167 U. S. 224,
150, and their meaning would seem not to 239, 42 L. ed. 144, 154, 17 Sup. Ct. Rep.
be doubtful if we can avoid reading into 809;Continental Paper Bag Co. v. Eastern
them that which they really do not contain. Paper Bag Co. 210 U. S. 405, 424, 52 L.
ed. 1122, 1130, 28 Sup. Ct. Rep. 748;Bauer
In interpreting this language of the statute it v. O'Donnell, 229 U. S. 1, 10, 57 L. ed.
will be of service to keep in mind three rules 1041, 1043,50 L.R.A.(N.S.) 1185, 33 Sup.
long established by this court, applicable to Ct. Rep. 616, Ann. Cas. 1915A, 150.
the patent law and to the construction of
patents, viz.: 3d. Since Pennock v. Dialogue, 2 Pet. 1, 7

Page 5

L. ed. 327, was decided in *511 1829, this the scope of the grant which may be made to
court has consistently held that the primary an inventor in a patent, pursuant to the
purpose of our patent laws is not the creation statute, must be limited to the invention
of private fortunes for the owners of patents, described in the claims of his patent (104 U.
but is 'to promote the progress of science S. 118, supra); and to determine what grant
and the useful arts' (Constitution, art. 1, § may lawfully be so made we must hold fast
8),--an object and purpose authoritatively to the language of the act of Congress
expressed by Mr. Justice Story, in that providing for it, which is found in two
decision, saying: sections of the Revised Statutes. Section
4886 (Comp. Stat. 1913, § 9430) provides
'While one great object [of our patent laws] that 'any person who has invented or
was, by holding out a reasonable reward to discovered any new and useful art, machine,
inventors and giving them an exclusive right *512 manufacture or composition of matter,
to their inventions for a limited period, to or any new and useful improvement thereof,
stimulate the efforts of genius, the main . . . may . . . obtain a patent therefor;' and §
object was 'to promote the progress of 4884 (Comp. Stat. 1913, § 9428), provides
science and useful arts.'' that such patent when obtained 'shall contain
. . . a grant to the patentee, his heirs or
Thirty years later this court, returning to the assigns . . . of the exclusive right to . . . use .
subject, in Kendall v. Winsor, 21 How. 322, . . the invention or discovery.'
16 L. ed. 165, again pointedly and
significantly says: Thus, the inventor may apply for, and, if he
meets the required conditions, may obtain, a
'It is undeniably true, that the limited and patent for the new and useful invention
temporary monopoly granted to inventors which he has discovered, which patent shall
was never designed for their exclusive profit contain a grant of the right to the exclusive
or advantage; the benefit to the public or use of his discovery.
community at large was another and
doubtless the primary object in granting and Plainly, this language of the statute and the
securing that monopoly.' established rules to which we have referred
restrict the patent granted on a machine,
This court has never modified this such as we have in this case, to the
statement of the relative importance of the mechanism described in the patent as
public and private interests involved in necessary to produce the described results. It
every grant of a patent, even while declaring is not concerned with and has nothing to do
that, in the construction of patents and the with the materials with which or on which
patent laws, inventors shall be fairly, even the machine operates. The grant is of the
liberally, treated. **419Grant v. Raymond, 6 exclusive right to use the mechanism to
Pet. 218, 241, 8 L. ed. 376, 384;Winans v. produce the result with any appropriate
Denmead, 15 How. 330, 14 L. ed. 717; material, and the materials with which the
Walker, Patents, § 185. machine is operated are no part of the
patented machine or of the combination
These rules of law make it very clear that which produces the patented result. The

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difference is clear and vital between the be unimportant, he should not be permitted
exclusive right to use the machine, which by legal devices to impose an unjust charge
the law gives to the inventor, and the right to upon the public in return for the use of it.
use it exclusively with prescribed materials For more than a century this plain meaning
to which such a license notice as we have of the statute was accepted as its technical
here seeks to restrict it. The restrictions of meaning, and that it afforded ample
the law relate to the useful and novel incentive to exertion by inventive genius is
features of the machine which are described proved by the fact that, under it, the greatest
in the claims of the patent; they have inventions of our time, teeming with
nothing to do with the materials used in the inventions, were made. It would serve no
operation of the machine; while the notice good purpose to amplify by argument or
restrictions have nothing to do with the illustration this plain meaning of the statute.
invention which is patented, but relate It is so plain that to argue it would obscure
wholly to the materials to be used with it. it.
Both in form and in substance the notice
attempts a restriction upon the use of the It was not until the time came in which the
supplies only, and it cannot, with any regard full possibilities seem first to have been
to propriety *513 in the use of language, be appreciated of uniting, in one, many
termed a restriction upon the use of the branches of business through corporate
machine itself. organization, and of gathering great profits
in small payments, which are not realized or
Whatever the right of the owner may be to resented, from many, rather than smaller or
control by restriction the materials to be even equal profits in larger payments, which
used in operating the machine, it must be a are felt and may be refused, from a few, that
right derived through the general law from it came to be thought that the 'right to use . .
the ownership of the property in the . the invention' *514 of a patent gave to the
machine, and it cannot be derived from or patentee or his assigns the right to restrict
protected by the patent law, which allows a the use of it to materials or supplies not
grant only of the right to an exclusive use of described in the patent, and not by its terms
the new and useful discovery which has made a part of the thing patented.
been made,--this and nothing more.
The construction of the patent law which
This construction gives to the inventor the justifies as valid the restriction of patented
exclusive use of just what his inventive machines, by notice, to use with unpatented
genius has discovered. It is all that the supplies necessary in the operation of them,
statute provides shall be given to him and it but which are no part of them, is believed to
is all that he should receive, for it is the fair have originated in Heaton-Peninsular
as well as the statutory measure of his Button-Fastener Co. v. Eureka Specialty Co.
reward for his contribution to the public 35 L.R.A. 728, 25 C. C. A. 267, 47 U. S.
stock of knowledge. If his discovery is an App. 146, 77 Fed. 288 (which has come to
important one, his reward under such a be widely referred to **420 as the Button-
construction of the law will be large, as Fastener Case), decided by the circuit court
experience has abundantly proved; and if it of appeals of the sixth circuit in 1896. In this

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case the court, recognizing the pioneer to an immediate and widespread adoption of
character of the decision it was rendering the system, in which these restrictions
speaks of the 'novel restrictions' which it is expanded into more and more
considering, and says that it is called upon comprehensive forms until at length the case
'to mark another boundary line around the at bar is reached, with a machine sold and
patentee's monopoly which will debar him paid for, yet claimed still to be subject not
from engrossing the market for an article only to restriction as to supplies to be used,
not the subject of a patent,' which it declined but also subject to any restrictions or
to do. conditions as to use or royalty which the
company which authorized its sale may see
This decision proceeds upon the argument fit, after the sale, from time to time to
that, since the patentee may withhold his impose. The perfect instrument of favoritism
patent altogether from public use, he must and oppression which such a system of
logically and necessarily be permitted to doing business, if valid, would put into the
impose any conditions which he chooses control of the owner of such a patent, should
upon any use which he may allow of it. The make courts astute, if need be, to defeat its
defect in this thinking springs from the operation. If these restrictions were
substituting of inference and argument for sustained, plainly the plaintiff might, for its
the language of the statute, and from failure own profit or that of its favorites, by the
to distinguish between the rights which are obviously simple expedient of varying its
given to the inventor by the patent law and royalty charge, ruin anyone unfortunate
which he may assert against all the world enough to be dependent upon its confessedly
through an infringement proceeding, and important improvements for the doing of
rights which he may create for himself by business.
private contract, which, however, are subject
to the rules of general, as distinguished from Through the twenty years since the decision
those of the patent, law. While it is true that in the Button-Fastener Case was announced
under the statutes as they were (and now there have not been wanting courts and
are) a patentee might withhold his patented judges who have dissented from its
machine from public use, yet if he consented conclusions, as is sufficiently shown in the
to use it himself or through others, such use division of this court when the question
immediately fell within the terms of the involved first came before it in Henry v. A.
*515 statute, and, as we have seen, he is B. Dick Co. 224 U. S. 1, 56 L. ed. 645, 32
thereby restricted to the use of the invention Sup. Ct. Rep. 364, and in the disposition
as it is described in the claims of his patent, shown not to extend the doctrine in Bauer v.
and not as it may be expanded by limitations O'Donnell, 229 U. S. 1, 57 L. ed. 1041,50
as to materials and supplies necessary to the L.R.A.(N.S.) 1185, 33 Sup. Ct. Rep. 616,
operation of it, imposed by mere notice to Ann. Cas. 1915A, 150.
the public.
The exclusive right to 'vend' a patented
The high standing of the court rendering article is derived from the same clause of the
this decision and the obvious possibilities section of the statute which gives the
for gain in the method which it approved led exclusive right to 'use' such an article, *516

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and following the decision of the Button- and the cost, inconvenience, and annoyance
Fastener Case, it was widely contended as to the public which the opposite conclusion
obviously sound, that the right existed in the would occasion forbid it.
owner of a patent to fix a price at which the
patented article might be sold and resold It is argued as a merit of this system of sale
under penalty of patent infringement. But under a *517 license notice that the public is
this court, when the question came before it benefited by the sale of the machine at what
in Bauer v. O'Donnell, supra, rejecting is practically its cost, and by the fact that the
plausible argument, and adhering to the owner of the patent makes its entire profit
language of the statute from which all patent from the sale of the supplies with which it is
right is derived, refused to give such a operated. This fact, if it be a fact, instead of
construction to the act of Congress, and commending, is the clearest possible
decided that the owner of a patent is not condemnation of, the practice adopted, for it
authorized by either the letter or the purpose proves that, under color of its patent, the
of the law to fix, by notice, the price at owner intends to and does derive its profit,
which a patented article must be sold after not from the invention on which the law
the first sale of it, declaring that the right to gives it a monopoly, but from the unpatented
vend is exhausted by a single, unconditional supplies with which it is used, and which are
sale, the article sold being thereby carried wholly without the scope of the patent
outside the monopoly of the patent law and monopoly, thus in effect extending the
rendered free of every restriction which the power to the owner of the patent to fix the
vendor may attempt to put upon it. The price to the public of the unpatented supplies
statutory authority to grant the exclusive as effectively as he may fix the price on the
right to 'use' a patented machine is not patented machine.
greater, indeed, it is precisely the same, as
the authority to grant the exclusive right to We are confirmed in the conclusion which
'vend,' and, looking to that authority, for the we are announcing by the fact that since the
reasons stated in this opinion, we are decision of Henry v. A. B. Dick Co. supra,
convinced that the exclusive right granted in the Congress of the United States, the source
every patent must be limited to the invention of all rights under patents, as if in response
described in the claims of the patent, and to this decision, has enacted a law making it
that it is not competent for the owner of a unlawful for any person engaged in
patent, by notice attached to its machine, to, interstate commerce 'to lease or make a sale
in effect, extend the scope of its patent or contract for sale of goods, . . . machinery,
monopoly by restricting the use of it to supplies or other commodities, whether
materials necessary in its operation, but patented or unpatented, for use,
which are no part of the patented invention, consumption or resale . . . or fix a price
or to send its machines forth into the charged therefor, . . . on the condition,
channels of trade of the country subject to agreement or understanding that the lessee
conditions as to use or royalty to be paid, or purchaser thereof shall not use . . . the
**421 to be imposed thereafter at the goods . . . machinery, supplies or other
discretion of such patent owner. The patent commodities of a competitor or competitors
law furnishes no warrant for such a practice, of the lessor or seller, where the effect of

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such lease, sale, or contract for sale, or such we have interpreted it.
condition, agreement or understanding may
be to substantially lessen competition or The notice further provides that the
tend to create a monopoly in any line of machine shall be used only upon other terms
commerce.' (38 Stat. at L. 730, chap. 323.) (than those stated in the notice), to be fixed
by the plaintiff, while it is in use and while
Our conclusion renders it unnecessary to the plaintiff 'owns said patents.' And it is
make the application of this statute to the stated at the bar that, under this warrant, a
case at bar which the circuit court of appeals charge was imposed upon the purchaser,
made of it, but it must be accepted by us as a graduated by the size of the theater in which
most persuasive expression of the public the machine was to be used.
*518 policy of our country with respect to
the question before us. Assuming that the plaintiff has been paid an
average royalty of $5 on each machine sold,
It is obvious that the conclusions arrived at prescribed in the license agreement, it has
in this opinion are such that the decision in already received over $200,000 for the use
Henry v. A. B. Dick Co. supra, must be of its patented improvement, which relates
regarded as overruled. only to the method of using the films which
another had invented, and yet it seeks by this
Coming now to the terms of the notice device to collect during the life of the patent
attached to the machine sold to the Seventy- in suit what would doubtless aggregate *519
second Street Amusement Company under many times this amount for the use of this
the license of the plaintiff, and to the first same invention, after its machines have been
question as we have stated it. sold and paid for.

This notice first provides that the machine, A restriction which would give to the
which was sold to and paid for by the plaintiff such a potential power for evil over
Amusement Company, may be used only an industry which must be recognized as an
with moving picture films containing the important element in the amusement life of
invention of reissued patent No. 12,192, so the nation, under the conclusions we have
long as the plaintiff continues to own this stated in this opinion, is plainly void,
reissued patent. because wholly without the scope and
purpose of our patent laws, and because, if
Such a restriction is invalid because such a sustained, it would be gravely injurious to
film is obviously not any part of the that public interest, which we have seen is
invention of the patent in suit; because it is more a favorite of the law than is the
an attempt, without statutory warrant, to promotion of private fortunes.
continue the patent monopoly in this
particular character of film after it has Both questions as stated must be answered
expired, and because to enforce it would be in the negative, and the decree of the Circuit
to create a monopoly in the manufacture and Court of Appeals is affirmed.
use of moving picture films, wholly outside
of the patent in suit and of the patent law as Mr. Justice McReynolds concurs in the

Page 10

result. use of the machine. The supposed

contravention of public interest sometimes is
Mr. Justice Holmes, dissenting: stated as an attempt to extend the patent law
to unpatented articles, which of course it is
I suppose that a patentee has no less not, and more accurately as a possible
property in his patented machine than any domination to be established by such means.
other owner, and that, in addition to keeping But the domination is one only to the extent
**422 the machine to himself, the patent of the desire for the teapot or film feeder,
gives him the further right to forbid the rest and if the owner prefers to keep the pot or
of the world from making others like it. In the feeder unless you will buy his tea or
short, for whatever motive, he may keep his films, I cannot see, in allowing him the right
device wholly out of use. Continental to do so, anything more than an ordinary
Paper Bag Co. v. Eastern Paper Bag Co. incident of ownership, or, at most, a
210 U. S. 405, 422, 52 L. ed. 1122, 1129, 28 consequence of the Paper Bag Case, on
Sup. Ct. Rep. 748. So much being which, as it seems to me, this case ought to
undisputed, I cannot understand why he may turn. See Grant v. Raymond, 6 Pet. 218, 242,
not keep it out of use unless the licensee, or, 8 L. ed. 376, 384.
for the matter of that, the buyer, will use
some unpatented thing in connection with it. Not only do I believe that the rule that I
Generally speaking, the measure of a advocate is right under the Paper Bag Case,
condition is the consequence of a breach, but I think that it has become a rule of
and if that consequence is one that the owner property that law and justice require to be
may impose unconditionally, he may impose retained. For fifteen years, at least since E.
it conditionlly upon a certain event. Ashley Bement & Sons v. National Harrow Co. 186
v. Ryan, 153 U. S. 436, 443, 38 L. ed. 773, U. S. 70, 88-93, 46 L. ed. 1058, 1067- 1070,
777, 4 Inters. Com. Rep. 664, 14 Sup. Ct. 22 Sup. Ct. Rep. 747, if not considerably
Rep. 865;Ohio ex rel. Lloyd v. Dollison, 194 earlier, the public has been encouraged by
U. S. 445, 449, 48 L. ed. 1062, 1066, 24 this court to believe that the law is as it was
Sup. Ct. Rep. 703. Non debet cui plus licet, laid down in Heaton-Peninsular Button-
quod minus est non licere. D. 50, 17, 21. Fastener Co. v. Eureka Specialty Co. 35
L.R.A. 728, 25 C. C. A. 267, 47 U. S. App.
*520 No doubt this principle might be 146, 77 Fed. 288, and numerous other
limited or excluded in cases where the decisions of the lower courts. I believe that
condition tends to bring about a state of many and important transactions have taken
things that there is a predominant public place on the faith of those decisions, and
interest to prevent. But there is no that for that reason as well as for the first
predominant public interest to prevent a that I have given, the rule last announced in
patented teapot or film feeder from being Henry v. A. B. Dick Co. 224 U. S. 1, 56 L.
kept from the public, because, as I have said, ed. 645, 32 Sup. Ct. Rep. 364, should be
the patentee may keep them tied up at will maintained.
while his patent lasts. Neither is there any
such interest to prevent the purchase of the I will add, for its bearing upon *521Straus
tea or films that is made the condition of the v. Victor Talking Mach. Co. 243 U. S. 490,

Page 11

61 L. ed. 866, 37 Sup. Ct. Rep. 412, that a

conditional sale retaining the title until a
future event after delivery has been decided
to be lawful again and again by this court.
Bailey v. Baker Ice Mach. Co. 239 U.S. 268,
272, 60 L. ed. 275, 285, 36 Sup. Ct. Rep. 50.
I confine myself to expressing my views
upon the general and important questions
upon which I have the misfortune to differ
from the majority of the court. I leave on
one side the question of the effect of the
Clayton Act, as the court had done, and also
what I might think if the Paper Bag Case
were not upheld, or if the question were
upon the effect of a combination of patents
such as to be contrary to the policy that I am
bound to accept from the Congress of the
United States.

Mr. Justice McKenna and Mr. Justice Van

Devanter concur in this dissent.

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