NWRB Rules of Pleading PDF

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Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD 5m FLOOR, NEA BUEDING, EAFAMO DELOS wis ARNE, UREN ery THE RULES ON PLEADINGS, PRACTICE & PROCEDURE BEFORE THE NWRB ‘THE RULES ON PLEADINGS, PRACTICE & PROCEDURE BEFORE THE NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD Pursuant to the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1067, otherwise known as the Water Code of the Philippines, and Commonwealth Act 146, as amended, the National Water Resources Board hereby adopts and promulgates the following rules on pleadings, practice and procedure before it rule! ‘TITLE AND CONSTRUCTION SECTION | These rules shal be known and ted 35 the Rules on Pads, Pate and Pocedire before the Nationa Wate Resources ard SECTN 2 Aooicabaty- These rules shall apply fo al cass bought bow the National Water Resources Sead! Inthe eee off powers and funcions under PD. 424, #0. 1087; PO. 1206, Se. 11 paragiaph (2) Sc 63.0 PO. 198; CA, 146 ax amended: RA 6234 as amended by PD. 425 and othe eae ov. SECTION 3 = Consuuctian- These rls shall be leat construe to protect and promote publ intrest ano ast the partes ia acetaning the wath in the most expeitoustechnxal fs on eudence and procere in il proceengs, SECTION 4 Dfintons- For purposes ofthese rls, tho terms {@)_ "COOE" shal mean the We Code of he Pipines: (@) "BOARD" shat foter to the Hutional Water Resaurees Bose: (©) ‘ACT shal wert the Commonweaty Act 146, 8 amended (@)_ “CHAIRMAN” shat veer tothe Charman ofthe Rona Water Aesoutes Board (e) "EN BANC" sh ate to the Board Hawn oF Secing cases by at east sx (6) regular members: ("HEARING OFFICER" shall tele to such Attorney and/or Speci Invesogatos duly desgratec by the Boars rule w PARTIES SECTN 1 « ComplinanyProtsant and Ressondent testes - The fevonintising the acon sna be eed oa Complanent/Protstent and the pay agin whom the acton & made sl be refered 5 Respondent SECTION 2 - applicant and/or Onnost o/Prtestan «Ary peion of sup of persons, natu rude applying wih the Bod fr Wer Permit Dr Cerificate of Puble Convenience of for any foun of sapheation Suthoraaon sha be seo Sp Rae aS oso TS pA EE ced Oppenheim ute in COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION SECTION 1 han Aton i Deamad Commenced An acton i deemed ‘commenced upon fling ofa Cmplinyprotst in accordance wth the res and upon parent othe docking fe, une the acton ates by oe eee SECTION 2“ Caption and Tena canes ed wit the Boa, the fll ame of al partis 35 fas they ate kno shal be stated in the caption, ‘motion, resolution, o1der oF Saco. and inal summons, notees nd Processes tebe served upon them. However. in cases where the partes are omer tat ts mpratesble toincide ter nates heten the pase “et sf sal be wed to denominate such partis, ifthe acto is inate by any pson othe tha the Bo, the pion shat be 3 alow Republic ofthe Phiippines [NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD ath Fleer, MIA Bung, EDSA, Quezon Gty as NomEWRC)UC CASE No ‘Cormpnnane (Grae Waaie of Compa Fespondent In ese the action i inated by the Board, the caption shall be as totes Republic ofthe Phiippines NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD 8 Flor, NIA Bulleing, DSA, Quezon Cry National Water Resourses Board NWRBUMRE)UC CASE No (Gate Natur of Complain ieipendent ‘The Comeiny/Prtet shal be assigned a docket number in the otc ofthe date and time offing tert, SECTION 3 - Complains» Al complans shall be in wing, swoun by ‘he complainan/rotstnt and must contain the lean 1 Name, postal odes, nd personal cumstances of Complainant Proton rama and postal adres of the Responden/Proteee Substance of the Compl, ‘rounds of causes of sco: Brief and concise statement of the pertinent facts and eto soughe: ane arses and portal adderes ofthe witnesses to be summons, itary In eases of protest against Water Permit Appliations fed solely onthe round of arte eats on th plage to ue water fom any source, te ‘Sime ny not be entertained Unes the Potertant 3 water permittee 'SECHON 4 = Hace ot Eig = Complanl/Protet may bo fled th the card oF Office ofthe Fuble Werks Region! Oreo of the ube Woks Distt Engineer or MIA Prec Wigaton Engines, of the roa whee ho ‘source of water subject of th contioers seated, Compan Protest on tho so of war for have power eeelopment cl be fed Wath eet the Bout or the Otic of te Pubic Works Regional Director, Mowever,complaintpiotest noting the operation of water utes) otrwons syst shal be fled direc with the Board ‘SECTION 5 - Docket Fess, Dakat Nunbat abd Clndat of Cases - There shal be imposed and calleccd 9 docet/fang fe of Two HunSes pesot (200.0) from every compsinantpreestant exept tom “pauper iigans* 4 dating inthe Res of Court “he sad fee shall be pid atte ofce where the complan/proust fled in cash ox postal money order in the name ofthe B03 ‘Alter payment ofthe docking fe, the case shal be forwarded to the acard tegether with the postal money eer Upon recent tarot, ns ‘oe sabe numbered and docketed aeeoringy The Board shal pee in appropiate places the schedules for heaig the conference of doves case. SECTION 6 te z06.Assnamen of Cases «Al docked cases sal be selered to the Excite Duet for fale 0nd assignment fo eating otis “A ssing Off may hb hms rom Resting aca, povied tat he sh statin ting the reasonable grounds whi shal be aesed 0 the sound discretion of the Bxeutve Deco. In case of inhibition, tho ecutive Disco” shal rete te same SECTION 7» Angum- Upon asignment of a case t a Heating Offi, ‘he Bead sha fra he party» copy of complanVprtet and egos hiro ansver i wating wnt to (10) S57 from receipt tat Should Respondent/Protesee fal answer within the period, he Hearing Officer shall proceed exnarte to rece the evidence of the Complonon/potetont an al dit i pot the Soar based on te "acs and enone presontd SECTION 8 - fects of withdrayal of ComplsinVOnossion - The withdrawal of 2 complamtdoppostion shal hot hove th fect of automatic smissl of te proceedings thereon. The Soatd may mot proprio conte ‘he sme it deers appropiate inthe ioarest of th pubic PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE/HEARING SECTION 1 Peiminay Confetence/Meting - Upon receipt of the fespondents/hrouste’ answer, the Heating Ofer shal tet the pate 2d thor attorneys to appear Belo the preliminary conference conser the flowing: 1 Romie setoment of the case 2. Simpiation ofthe issues 3. Adtsabaty ef asandment to pleadings Gout of sipulston of fact 5. Admisabty ané autbentiay of documents propored to be Subsite y a ary Fosse maton on the nurnr of witnesses tobe presente 7. _Suchesher mater 35 may ai inthe sped dspestion of the ase The proceedings during the conference shal be conducted infer n nature an the heaingofcs sal ae aprepit stpe wars a peace Seek equtabe sttement of hee SECTION 2- Amable Setement -Amcble stants in acts, be reduced in wring and Sed by the partes. wai teen (19) das tom the signing thereof, 9 teport with comments and ecommenditions dal be Submited to the Beatd for teconsiceration. Howevet, such amicable ements not ind the Bosra If finde that tare i 9 prima face Vilation of hela and is rplerenting nds and vegans, neh ase, the egal acto against the erring party sna pores SECTION 3 fale i Aumear a Preteaing Confeence- A party who {als appear at a pinnary conteerce may be nonsuted Ir of constored sein cetut SECTION 4 udoment onthe Heating and_ Summary meat the ComplainyProtest doesnot rasa quesion of fact and nels pure @ (queston et the law, the Heating tice shal dispose ofthe cae Bae on the. plesdings and evidence submittad. Inthe ee of fiat impression, the parties, aide from the pleasing tes, may be request some ther especie pesion papers ot memotaras. Howe, the Heating Ofer may Call the partes toa hearing to answer danicatony questons aff the submission of thi respective positon papers and memoranda, RULEV PROCEEDING BEFORE THE HEARING OFFICER SECTON 1 - Authoriy/Pmers of Hesng Oar - The dy designated ee es ave ewig stores. "o har cates consistent ith thse rues and to eve fl and acive convo of tie proceedings at ary stage theo “o sdminister oa to wines, ake dopostons and secure the tenance af wtneses andor producton of relat ocuments thu the compulsory proces of subpoena and/or subpoena des ‘ecu Hew, the contending partes my all te processes ont by fing a formal witen request with the Heating Officer Te hear and reohe al motions ‘To conduct physcal or cau ispection ofthe premises and for that purpose, the Hearing Officer andthe partes shal have authriy enter upon pate lands ith pres mois to the ‘umes thereat The acl inipectionfinvestgation shall Be fauisod to to pats an shal frm part af Ue 6c of he 5. To conduct axparteiverigaton/hearng if cicomstancer £0 swan; and 16, To'te anor dacare any perton in contempt in accordance with the provsions ofthe hues of Court SECTION 2- Venu should thepaes fal t agree dung the pelininaty ‘conference, the Hasting fier sal immadatsy hea he casein the pace ‘hate the subject of Ue contoversy i cated O tay other pce agreed ‘pen by both pats. Any agrearant as tothe venue shall be resold by the Hearing Oe However, netuthstanding the agreement ef the partes a the venue, tho cut Oxecot may chnge/tansler on mestogaus grounds he venue of the heating of te ase “SECTION 3 - Bessa of Edence- The party inating the case shal tbe tho fist to presents euidence to support is case i the case's initiated by the Board, the Hearing Offer sal proceed stecy wth the presentation of ocular investigation rpc aftr wich the Tespondent shal present his evidence. The responint may as be fordes the rght costeramine te estat inthe cross eaminaton of te witnesses, onl leant, parent and mmatoral questions necessary to exighten the Heaing Offer shale lowed ‘SECTION 4» Orde Ring = Intloctory orderings ding the proceedings are not appease SECTION 5 - Offer of Compromise «In cases whe the offender, at anytime before the even of the order or desion, oes in ving ty the fine imposes send of having Ns parmi/gant suspended Tor agian ‘etd, the Bard may. ifthe cicumstances andthe public intrest so vata, accept such offer of compromse. Hower, the penlly imposed both fine and suspension ofthe parmirant. the ofr shall acerca inde the amount of the fine imposed 35 wall 35 such amount 36 ay Do Getermined by the Ecard corresponding tthe period for which the ptrit Should hve been suspended SECTION 6- Intention by an nics Pastry party who cls to hae intrest or may be adv afected by he proceesings boot the Soard may lea maton fr mervertionstaung the efounce reed upon 896 ‘a remedy aught, song 9 copy ofthe same tothe respondent a the Complainant The mation sal be fle pr othe promulgation ofan orc or dection “SECTION 7» Submision of Memoranda «The Board or Hearing Offices ‘may low the pares Upon petton 1 subeut therfrpacte mamersnSur popes nt late tan tes (10) das om the termination of te hoa, SECTION 8- Aepart of Heating = Tha Hearing Oe sha, wthin thy ($0) as fim te teeinaton ofthe ning, subi the Bobed he eire ‘ezord of the case, eather wih hs eprt nding the mater incings of facts, the act constituting specie violations of the law And the Implementing tes and regions and his recommendation, SECTION 9 -Consoiaina he Board, on is own #tation or upon ‘motion bya py, may hla join Peaing In processing: Iniveg commen question ot ons of fats, Howes, upon motion of be inrsted party & SopsateResng may be held on eve pecvar only t te move. RULE VI SECTION 1 foun - Unless made inthe course of a hearing al motors ‘shal bein ting and copies thereof shal be served upon al pares atest tee 9] wong dys before tenant thre. None sung he hen maj be stated orl upon the record, ures th Henig Ofer requires that 02h motion be re6uted in wing ne fs separately. SECTION 2 - Eesnnnaments- Won for Pestpanement or conéruance stullbe based on ai an reasonble rounds ard the gan of del thereat Fests upon te sound dseton ofthe Heng Officer, proves that not mare than dee (2) pestoncinets maybe given to either prt o a otal ats (6) postponements ina given case, regartess ofthe mumber of pats. SECTION 3-Eugartetdatans = Eparte mations shal be acted upon by the Board tr the Hesing Oct and onl upon shonin af urgent nest there! and provded further that heights of th opposition party ae ot ‘substan impaved. Hower, the movant shall furnish copies f 503 rmoton 1 th epposing patty. FILING, SERVICE OF PLEADINGS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS SECTION 1 ng Al pleadings, motions, documents another papers shale filed wih the Board. Ont pleadings, noir, documents and ott Papers ufich conform tothe femal requrerents of these fle shal be Beceptes fr fing, SECTION 2 euvce Upon fats - Al pleadings, documnonts and ober apes fed wit th Burd sal stew proot of sence teeot upon a pabes to the cose. Such service shal be rae by personal delvery or by registered ims prope adresid with postage pops, of oe (1) cofimed copy ‘ich party logeter wath al arnesee attached hatte, SECTION 3. See Ugon Fats Repssented by Couns When apy appeated by cous. see upon im ss be made ypon ts conse of ‘eon 'SECTON 4 - root of Sendce- Decson, resolutions or orders of the ‘oatd shall be fused to te partes, or thu counsel if represented, By perio or substituted sence o by registered mad vith ture card. Pesonal fr substituted service to the paris sal be acknowledged in wn, fscating the date of recapt and the name ofthe petson serving. Should any person reuse fecele the decors, resluton of old's, @ whiten Stemento such effect dl signed by he person ening shill be subi ‘scion, resolutions or oners coursed tough the deput/agens of the Boar, shal mall ess, ba served upon course represented, of the pay ‘watin fve (5) da ftom the date of cept bythe sffice concemed ‘SECTION $ “tension of Tie - Whenever by order of the Board, 2 leading, motion or document equred to be fed within a foe period, ‘he Bord ma. or a good cause shown, extend the etiod upon mation made before the expiaton of te peed fred. The Board may yoon such fms 135 may bs just sow ay plening/document wo be ted afer hee fd by tase res. aut vin [APPLICATION SECTION 1 - Anglication for Water exit - The provisions of the Implementing rules and reglatons ofthe Water Cade wich are consent ‘wth thse res shall corn the precadue for wnter permit soniston SECTION 2-cogliaton fr caisate of Pubic Comenions: cutie ‘pubic Convecsence and Necessty_and others « Certfcate of Public Convensencs Cerifene of Publ Convenience nd Necsrty or any form of ‘authorization under the Act and/or PD. 1206, Sec. 11 Pat. (@) shall be “Commenced by th Hing of the corresponding appeaton and the payment ‘ofthe requited es SECTON 3. Ravance of Notices of Hanna of Antatin for Cornice ‘er écems of auoszatons - After the fg af sppicaton and payment ‘of the requ fees, the application shall be docketed and the Executive Drector shal case the sance of note of ering fursshing thet of atected parts, any © the sppcants wath comalance 10 the 800s justia reqireent The sppcant shal publish the ntice of beting once in one nesapaet of general culation atleast ten (10) days before the dat of hearing Provided, however, tat when the appcaton covers one reglon,pubecaen in te lca newspaper of geneal aration within tat region wl sue, tnd copies of tha se togethr vith cepa 9 appleatone thal be served by tw opcant wo a Ise ated pte, ULE ‘ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE SECTION 1 han Ansa sed on tho offi report of an agent oF any petson deputaes in ving bythe Boar, ofthe credble sworn Statement of any offended party, the Board instead of acting according 10 ‘he procure inated for complains, may. when pubic intrest rues, issue an order directing the respondent to appeat before the Board win ‘en (10) as tom recat ofthe eer and shows euse wy a cease and dest ‘order sha not be issued pursuant to Section 5 of tis tue ‘This summaty proceedings shall apply only in cases where the ‘espondents i reported t have or wll continue ta cause death, phys Injures, detaudation of pub uly uses. of will oF contumaccusly ‘etue to comply with te ote, us of feguoons ofthe Bod oF anf powiion of te Ware Code and the Fue Seren Act the heating, suspend ay ceria or the emt of any ght or autbriy sued oF granted whenever itis necesaty to aad the cause mentioned in the preceding paragaph ‘SECTION 2 - Contenis ~The Older to Show Cause shall iecluse 2 starerentin substance of complained of and, whenever practctl, there ‘hal be appended o 8 copy oF the tapot or complaint Upon whieh the ‘order is bed ‘SECTION 3- MonAggantance - Wheneit the respondent fled appear ‘on the cate and hour spate i the show eae once, he Boars shal sue an order requiting such respondents © explin why ha should not be dears In cont ofthe Boar, SECTION 4 - faplanaon wot Anpenranc - Whereer to repondent ‘entioned inthe immediately preceding section fled to appear ut led 2 witten elaation whether of at supported by any documentary escene, the show cause order agamst respondent shal be deemed submits fo! resolution based on the alae evidence without further arguments SECTION 5» Cease and Des Gade tthe Board fs satfled on te basi ofthe evidence adduced thereto tt thre ese alan, the Board ay su0 a case an cat order sonst th parson responsible fo thea RULE x DECISION AND ORDERS SECTION 1 Destions and Gren «All orders, suings, docsions and reslutonsespacing of the mats of the cate snl be rendered By te 2058 with te conedtence where the same i deere, SECTION 2 Foum and Content The desi, rng, esolton or order of the Board determing te merts of the case shal be in wtng 09 Seat and sina the fnings of facts, baues, and condor of fw upon Uhh itis based ad the velit granted if any ‘SECTON > cation there A cates ‘tal be dds win sy (60 Saye ater the partes sbrot he same for Secon of teskaton. SECTION 4 xzuton- The decison ofthe Soar shal be immediately cuter and enforcement may be suspended only when a bond in a8 mount fied by the Board 1 answer for damages occtioned bythe Suspension oF stay of eseuton shill ave Been Hed by he appeding pty, ‘xcept won the suspension is by vewe of an oréer of a competent court The Board shall waue wns of execution to enforce fe decion with the assistance ofthe local or natoal pale agenaes, SECTION 5 - ili of an Order Deon «Ary ord oF deion of the Board, in the sbsence of appeal therefrom, shall Become final and fmeutory after ian (5) ds fom the date 3 rcpt terest SECHION 6 - Complaton and pucaton of Dacons Te Brute Ditectr sal compte al ral decisions ana the tesalton of th Sead, 286 Shall use them to be punted by the Buren of ning In Bound ond RULE XI MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND APPEAL SECTION 1 - Aoosl/sion for Reconsisaon «The decison of te ‘soar shal be appaated te the Region Tal Cout ofthe Prewnce where te subject mater ofthe convovesy situated. Appeal fom the deciion of {he Board shal be mace by any pacty waitin fieen (15) days fom rece the dection unless a pation for reconsderaton i fd wit the same period. Tha fling of 58 pestion suspends the running ofthe fifteen (15) 43 potod win wach tee at appeal wth the cout. "Roped or Motion for Reconseration shal be based on any of the fotowng grounds: 1) Fraud, scien, mistake or excusable negligence which could rot be. guarded agaist and by reson wich he aggrieved party hs probably teen inaied Nis Hoh 2) Neaty scorered evidence which the petitoner could not. wih reasonable diigence have discovered, and produced at the Iestgaton and whch # presented woul probaly ar the rest, and Palpable eros in findings of facts and conclusions of lot or dessins that ate not supports bythe enc adduced inthe imesigation Te party interested in upholding the order, nats, esluton, oF Ldecion of the Board may fie hs opposite tothe moten or ‘ecorigeaton atleast te @) das belore the scheduled herng ‘hereot, provided taat not more than one motion ot ‘econaderton sl Be oie rue x MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION. SECTION 1 - annicality af sues of Caut The preven ofthe rules of Court which ate aot inconsistot with these ules shall apply in an Analogous and sppletory characte, SECTON 2 Rena - Al pir rues, regulations or procedures hereto fore flees in the Boar, which are inconestent wth hee rues ae Mereto ‘epee, 'SECTON 2 Mecity These rule hal ake eet fen (15) diye ter publestion in two (} newspapers of gene cteuston, UNANIMOUSLY ADOFTED AT THE 84TH REGULAR MEETING OF THE [NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD ON 25 MARCI 1962 PER RESOLUTION No. 040385, (s98) EDMUNDS v. an ‘Urcdersecrtary, OPW Chains aresteo (699) LU m, 5054 Beaute ieee

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