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fom Yokohama = Bay ondge Take cy seen rma 2bus topo Sharh Tay burr for Metomachchkags Sean PP enuawacie VeUBak Sankelen Garden isa spacious Japanese garden created by Sankei (born as Tomitaro) Hara, a successful Yokohama businessman who had built a fortune through his silk business. The garden is ‘approximately 175,000 m?in space and is located on land facing Tokyo Bay. The construction started in 1902 and took 20 years to ‘complete. Sankeien is comprised of two gardens: the outer garden that became open to the public in 1906 and the inner garden that ‘was for Sankel's private use. Being in perfect harmony with the 17 historic architectural properties (temples or buildings associated with historical figures.etc) gathered from areas such as Kyoto and a r 3 z » \ station Kamakura, the garden provides delightful scenery that changes ot. FT ae cane 2 5 5 Japanese culture including art, literature and Chanoyu (or the tea 8 we ‘ceremony ritual), ape = u ‘To Yokohama Port z ae i : |= : ai Around Zenzabura Hara the fst generation ofthe Hora fami gh ek "aur Sonat sep anathch bus ale Shots a are ‘Around Following the death of Zenzaburo (in 1889), Sankei 3 eee Pe Kekushokaku is built as the main house and the family = oF Site moves to the premises of Sankelen Garden, ie 4 Tate cy bus stom | public for fee. 2 a Fy "oath ursg Pasewal nee | 1914 Three Story Pagoda of Old Tomyoll is moved. (The outer Feiog iermceaea Grden scone . & 3 1917 _Rinshunkaku is moved. » § Bre 200 yen for children elenenny schoo ser 1923 The Great Kanto Earthquake damages and destroys op odie a eclbuaige a a g Sear tne tr ana. 1939 Sankei passes away. = a 5 unnpane wnmasenns 1945 The airborne attack during World War Il causes severe zi : eae cece ees ae a Fabia SOE S es Rover cer wa Se g a Be aero ane er ceeeat Sa 1958 The repair work of ulldings and gardens damaged by * 1960 Former Yanoharake House is moved. Please note the followin (hives vstorsto ream fom binging the petsinto the arden makings parted ony n designated seas (Sisse do not nc ary plans or fewerorremove any wide eniching at he er garden prombites (Shivate use ofthe butngs end he gdens aswel photography fr commercial Purposes ees ror pproval Pens conta the ofc ara, Sankeien Hoshokai Foundation 58-1 Honmokusannotani, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi Kanagawa ken 231-0824 TEL 045-621-0634 (or 0635) "FAK: OAS-21-6343, https/wonwsankeien-orjp 1970 The South Gate Entrance is bult in accordance with the landfill of Honmoku Coast. 1987 The Main Hall of Old Tomyojiis moved. 1989. The Sankei Memorial opens. 2000 Kakushokaku (former Hara family home) goes under repait/maintenance work 2007 The Japanese government recognizes Sankelen Garden as one ofthe “Places of Scenic Beauty, Refers to the area that became open to the public Outer Garden in 1908. fhe three-story Pagoda, which was built about 550 years ago and moved from the Tomyoji of Kyoto, is centered as the landmark. Different flowers such as Japanese plum, cherry blossoms, rs and lotus bloom according to the season. Architecture of the Outer Garden HI Main Gate Posts Blin 1906 during Mere When the garden frst opened anyone could enter freely asthe gate didnot have any doors Ei Three-Story Pagoda of Old Tomyoji__mparantcutrl Ase. Buln 1457 during Muomachi Period / Moved in 1914 during Taso Era ‘This pagoda used to be a Tomye)i an abandoned tempe in Kizugawa ly of kyoto Prefecture ‘This curently the oldest wooden pagoda nthe Kanto region. BRindoan Buln 1970 during Showa Ea ‘This tearoom was donated by Rind Group of Saher sy ane ofthe schools often ceremony, BYokobuean Buln 1908 during Mere In issald that this country-styetea hut was moved from Mokke temple in NaraPrefectr, but many of the deta te unkown, Buddhist Sanctum of Old Tokeiji pean cara Aset {ulin 1654 during Edo Petiod / Moved in 1907 during Meira This Zen Bde sanctum ved tobe located t Toki temple Karaka famouse providing efuge to women seeking releasefrom mariage 1D Main Hall of Old Tomyoji Buln 1457 during Muromachi Period / Moved in 1987 during Showa Era Asin the case ofthe Three Story Pagoda this building was relocated om “Tomyoj of kyoto Prefecture Former Yanohara Family House (gassho-style) mew cision, Bul curing Edo Era / Moved in 1960 doring Shows Era This was enginaly ulti shiakawa-go, small Walton vilages located in Gifu Prefecture nvr designated as one of UNESCO's world heritage sites, ‘Amang al the buildings In Sankelen Garden itis the only one whose Interior is open to the public at all mes. Although it was designed for ‘armes, the bliding features high-ass tehitectural elements, sch a the Spacous entrance halfor quest, totam mats inthe reception room andthe ‘windows with distinct designs often sen in Zen Buddhist temples. Tis is ‘neof thelargestgasshosiye private houses that stil exstin Japan Inside the house cspays the faing too used nthe Hida region. Thersitor {afirepacein the mele thelvng rom for which sfed with logs vena. Kakushokaku Bultin 1902 during Melia: Repared in 2000 during Hes Ea Boasting a otal floorspace of 90 mths bulding was bul by Sanksi ahi home: s known that many cultural and political fresh whom Sank Was acqualnted paid vise. The haute went through somodeling dering World Warland was recently restored tots orginal design, Irs now {valle for public use formany diferent accasons, Tange cura oper desist Yetta Cy 2 Thnee-Story Pagoda Eeridan Borst ra ‘of Old Tokai my { te 9 Former Yanoharke Hous The Sankei Memorial Buin 1999 ‘This exhibition hal was designed by an architec Hiroshi Ohe (1913-1989), In adtion to ntrodicing Sankels accomplishments in supporting young Sits and hs contibution fo Yokohams'srscvery effort liowing te Gret Kanto Earthquake, documents and artwork associated with Sankel are ‘Seplyed, There's also a tearoom and agit shop. Bototel ‘This tea room is located atthe lobby of The Sankel Memorial. Visitors can casually enjoy a genuine es ceremony whilesiting on chairs ata table. (Open from 100010 1600) aking wat loven dnd onthe sexo) Erno g Suen SL ae Restrooms Wheelchair accesible restroom Nursery Information Coin lockers Ho cnsnen gE This area was enjoyed by Inner Garden. their tamiiy a: their prvate space contrast to the outer arden bursting with flowers, the toner gardens designed to enjoy the graceful view comprising of historic Buildings. Arong then Rinshunkal ult abost 350 years fgoass vacation home for the Kishu-Tokugawa clan othe Stl building tha brightens up the whole ane garden, Architecture of the Inner Garden Gomon Tanabe Catal Popa deity eto iy Built around 1708 during Eda Period 7 Mowed during Taino Ea ‘This gate used to belated at Sato of igashyama ln Kyo BHakuuntel Tange aural rapery designated Yotama hy Bult n 1920 ding Tah Eas the storage bung was ult in 1921 Sanka! spent me at this vadtona hous o erat with Msi BRinshunkaku pont Cora At Bultin 1649 dung fd Petiod / Moved in 1917 ding Taso ra ‘Thisvllawas bul by Yorobu, the fst feudal ord ofthe Kish Tokugawa lan Las nn asthe son a the st shogunat of Edo Period yas Tokuga) In Watayaa Pefectre long Kina iver Te nterots decorated th mich ‘Sphiseaton sseeninthelnk panting denen the sing doors anal Juto Oido of Old Tenzuiji pont otra At Buti 1501 dung Momoyama Pred / Movedin 1905 dung Mei Ea ‘his building was onginaly Bult on the premises of Batch of Kyoto by Hiseyosh Toyotom tha as ane of the most famous shoguns in Jpanese story to contain to atone monument to wish ors mathers heath and Iona ite Ml Gekkaden pone ura At ult 1603 ding do Patiod 7 Moved in 1918 during Taso ra ‘This bling ws oiinal bul on he pres fFshio Carte in Kyoto and was sed a2 wating room for damye Deadng furs of feudal clans, i Kinmokutsu Bun 1918 sing Tao Ea ‘Ths smaltea house with space of round 8m? big enough to fone ane 3 "atarmat) wos bat based onthe vison DTenjuin uit 1651 ding do Peiod 7 Moved in 1916 ring Taito Era ‘Thishallof Zen Buds wa founded an the premires of Shinpel temple rear Nencho of Famakura BW choshukaku port uta Ae But 1623 ding 8 Period 7 Moved in 192 ring Taso Era ‘sles balding witha unique actectural design une anyother in apa. i bnievedhatieused a belated onthe premies of Noi Caen Kota 1 Shunsoro poe uta Ast ult during Edo Period the small oom) The big room was added ltr in 1922 ‘rng Tasho a.” Nwedin 1922 ding Taha Es Iissaid atthe small oom, whieh tea oom tha space of bout 6.2. (lg ‘enought spend the and 3/4 ata mat) was bul by Uak Oda, 9 mlry “ommander alo known ors deep interestin thet ceremony tation, [Rengein itn 1917 ding Tab Ea “Thstea room was designed based on Saker son Wkaiganmon Bust curing Edo Ea / Moved during Taino Ea -Asinthe caseof Gowen, this gate nas lated at Sion Kyoto,

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