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When Youre Feeling Down

Remember these lines :

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the
doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short
again and again, because there is no eort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive
to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy
cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he
fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls
who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt.
/ November 23, 2016 / 1 Comment

How to read books?

I came across a very nice answer on Quora which beautifully dierentiates a coach from a player or a king from a
kingmaker. This compelled me to put a disclaimer on this post.

Disclaimer : Views expressed here are personal. Do not blindlyfollow them. Tweak the methods/approaches to align
with your lifestyle. Devise your own strategy.

The best players are often not the best coaches.You must seek the best knowledge from anyone and not
inuenced by the source of the knowledge.
Source : Awdhesh Singhs answer to Should one avoid learning the success mantras from exceptionally
successful people?

Before blabbering about the book reading, I introduce the broad categories to which a GATE aspirant may belong:
1. Category -1: one who is new to concepts or the one who has not read them even once.
2. Category-2: one who has read them but feels there is a room for improvement or the one who has not touched the
books for past 2-3 years.
3. Category-3: one who has sound knowledge of the concepts.
Well, strength/weakness is subjective. I leave it toyour conscience to choose a category for yourself. For instance, I
was a member ofCategory-2 when I started GATE preparation.

Rules to be followed by everyone




Rules to be followed by everyone

Finish syllabus as soon as possible

Enroll in at least two online test series
Never guess the answer, be honest.
Leave substitution, elimination etc. methods for the Final exam. Do not practice them in mock tests.
Learn, Test, Analyse & Improve
Revise as much as you can rst revision after 7 days, second after 14-15 days of rst revision, then after a month
and then monthly.
Use the internet, do not settle for unconvincing solutions/explanations

Category -1

Option 1 (without coaching) : If you can complete your syllabus by the end of November (2 months before the exam),
I strongly recommend you to follow standard books. They will help you in the long run. Beware they consume time.
So, if you are preparing alongwith the job and have less time, you may refer postal_study_course/video_courses too
(I may not comment on their usefulness as I havent read them).
1. Read only those topics which are mentioned in the GATE syllabus.
2. If some of them require some background, then you should learn that as well. Mugging-up concepts without a
strong base will eventually collapse your building. But try to do all this as soon as possible.
3. Make notes of whatever you study.
1. Dont copy the entire book.
2. Your notes should be very concise.
3. 10-percent rule : If you read 10 pages, try to summarize them in 1 page.
4. Revision from these notes will be easier and take less time. It also helps a lot in retaining the information.
5. This is the reason I dont share notes.
4. Make use of the internet as much as you can. Most of the information is available online for free.
5. Other resources:
1. NPTEL lectures
2. Coursera lectures (onADA by Tim Roughgarden especially)
3. Random, FREE, reliable, online lecture videos.
4. Wikipedia
Option 2(coaching) : Here, I shall give an example of my sister. She is an automobile grad and she appeared for GATE
in Mechanical stream. As most of the subjects were new to her, she joined Weekend coaching classes in the month of
July and secured AIR-75.
But . . .
1. Never rely completely on coaching classes. They are there for guidance. They are teaching thousands of students
and all of them are not toppers.
2. Classes mayextend until Jan.
1. Ask your coaching institute to schedule classes of important subjects (subjects with more weighting) rst like
Maths, DS, ADA, Operating System etc.
2. Dont blame coaching centers. Try to study some subjects on your own.
3. Dont just sit and listen in the classroom. Prepare notes too.
4. Make sure you enroll in a test series of some other coaching institute too.
5. Bug your teachers if you have some doubts. Do not settle for unconvincing explanations.
6. Use internet.




I shall not comment on whether join a coaching institute or online video lectures for I havent taken any of them.

Category -2

Since you have read the concepts at least once :

1. Brush up on the concepts
1. You may refer the books you have referred in the past
2. You may also refer the PPTs of the standard books available online.
3. OR refer the notes/handouts available on NPTEL/IITs website.
4. This shall take 2-2.5 months. (well, it depends on your strategy)
2. This may reveal some of your weaknesses. Work on them. Prepare notes!
3. Use the internet if you dont nd the explanations (in books/notes) convincing.
4. You may refer some postal study course too (I may not comment on their usefulness as I havent read them).

Category -3

You are the boss!

1. Even if you know the concepts you should test your ability to apply them.
2. Take a full test this will help you know where you stand.
3. Although you know most of the concepts, it doesnt harm to test and improve them repeatedly.
4. Do not take your competitors lightly do you remember the hare and tortoise story?

Please do let me know your concerns, I shall edit this post accordingly. All the best!

/ June 3, 2016 / 38 Comments

Do not Overstudy
This is a must read for GATE aspirants. Learn from others experience too. Reblogged AIR-28 GATE 2016, CS Akash

My experiences while giving GATE

I studied in rst 6 month of preparation like crazy. I used to wake up at 5.00 AM , I used to start study in early
6.00 after getting ready and used to study till 11.00 PM. I used to seat for hours straight on computer reading
books, watching video lectures, practicing questions etc. I was gone crazy for GATE. I was so determined, I




could study for hours straight and was able to concentrate even at 10 PM even after preparing from 6-10PM.
was it right way to go ? Guess ?
NO, it is worst way to prepare for any exam. Please do not do something like this .
Now you would ask, why Im saying please do not prepare with this passion ? because if you prepare like this
itll hurt your health badly. I used to sit for long hours before and due to that my
View original post 420 more words

/ May 18, 2016 / 2 Comments

Books and others

I have been asked numerous times about the books one should follow for GATE CS. Below is the list of books/online
material I followed:



Discrete Maths

Tremblay Manohar

Engineering Mathematics

Random online lectures/notes to brush up topics. You may refer Kreyzig/

Jain & Iyengar

Data Structure

Tanenbaum + GeeksForGeeks


CLRS + GeeksForGeeks

Programming in C

Dennis Ritchie
NPTEL Lectures by Prof. Kamala Krithivasan +

Theory of Computation

Lectures by Shai Simonson

Compiler Design

Dragon book

Operating System


Computer Networks

Tanenbaum + Forouzan + Jochen schiller( wiFi)

Digital Design

Morris Mano

Computer Architecture & Organization

Morris Mano + NPTEL lectures by Prof. Ajit Pal(pipeline)



I didnt read books word by word, I did selective study than exhaustive. Moreover, I had read these books during my
B.Tech so I referred notes/PPTs/online lectures to brush up on topics. I recommend you stick to GATE syllabus while
referring these books. However, if you think the foundation is not strong, you should rst work on your basics.
Below is the list of books GATE 2015 Topper Ravishankar Mishra recommended:




Use your conscience to select abook.

Other useful e-sources:
NPTEL lectures such as:
NPTEL Lectures by Prof. Kamala Krithivasan(TOC)
NPTEL lectures by Prof. Ajit Pal(CSO- pipeline)
TOC Lectures by Shai Simonson
GeeksForGeeks / GeeksQuiz
GateOverow / GATECSE
RavindraBabu Ravulas FREE lectures.
GATE 2015, CS toppers interview
You may also read :
/ May 18, 2016 / 6 Comments

When results were declared, I was unable to absorb it. Even today, I sometimes feel that IISc would alter the results
quoting an error.
This is how I reacted (copy-pasted from my Fb post):

After seeing my #GATEResults, I walked down the memory lane

1. My parents supporting me through every thick and thin. My Mom and Dad asking me to resign the job
and focus on my dreams.
I dont know if I would ever be able to love them to the extent they love me.
2. My dearest sister Vaishali for being my Ramu kaka and preparing food for me at 3am during my
preparation provided she was also appearing for the exam.
Vaishali you just cannot imagine how much you have made me proud.#AIR75 in Mechanical. Gold
Medalist Automobile- DTU!!
3.My dearest friend Abhinav for having so much faith in me. You are the one who believed that I should
not settle down with less than rank 1.
Abhinav your words meant a lot to me. Thank you so much.
4. My sister from another mother Prachi who used to get oended whenever someone questioned my
dreams. I know how you backed me that time.
Thank you so much.
5. My bestie Shruti you were there when I had wanted an escape. You were always there.
Thank you so much.
Now some special memories which I didnt let fade away
person X: so you will do something after Gate exam like some MNC job?
me: I dont think I will do that. I am leaving this MNC to prepare for GATE thats it.




person X: but what will happen if you screw up your exam?

me: that day will never come.
person Y: I just cannot accept that you will not prepare for some exam like UPSC and leave job for GATE.
me: [frustrated] hmmm.
person Z: hey! lets meet (provided I was there in DELHI for 3 months already)
me: no, I have to prepare for Gate, I am left with only 1 more month for Gate exam. we shall meet after
person Z: what exam! exam! exam! what will you do with gate!! you should join some MNC/NGO after
the exam for your resume.
person M: what will you do with GATE? No one has achieved anything with it.
me: I have an interest in AI. I will do specialization in that.
person M: you will not get anything.
and much more
To all these X, Y, Z, M etcwho thought I am dumb, stupid, crazy etc IN YOUR FACE!!
Once again.. Thank you all who supported kept me going.. and special Thanks to those who
didnt for I know how to walk( read run) without you.
Apart from these assets, I thank:
1. My brother Saurav who introduced me to the world of computers. Even taught me C/C++. He didnt sleep the
night the results were declared due to sheer excitement.
2. Delhi Technological University my alma mater
3. Victoria Girls Senior Secondary School people who laid the foundation
4. ACE & MADEEASY test series and other stu
5. People who provide study material online free of cost
Did I mention, I have a dog who gave me a lot of dog therapies when I was not well?

To climb the ladder hard-work and perseverance is required, but to reach the top you need blessings.

/ April 13, 2016 / 2 Comments

Just like you, everyone out there is studying10hrsa day. But what makes a dierence is your strategy.





1. Finish your syllabus thoroughly as soon as possible. (lays the foundation)
2. Make sure you are strong in basics, no need to waste time in advanced topics, just adhere to the syllabus (most
3. Practice previous years GATE questions and good online test series. (improves your understanding of concepts. I
joined a couple of test series and did previous years papers).
4. Sleep for 8hrs/day. (helpsrejuvenate your mind)
5. Be regular in your studies. Study for neither 15hrs nor 0hrs in a day. Dont exhaust yourself too much in a day that
you end up taking leaves for next 2 days.
6. Do the right things and do them right; throw away the unnecessary things from your life (I left Fb, WA) and
embrace the right ones (health , family, discipline).

I came back to my native, Delhi, on September 11, 2015. I spent 4-5 days gathering the notes and formulating the
strategy. I didnt join any classroom coaching for I was too late to be admitted to any batch of any leading Gate
Coaching institutes. (Though I was recently enlightened that THERE ARE some batches which accept alatecomer like me.) I
was also clear that regularity is not an issue with me. I made a long-term goal, monthly goals, and daily goals.
If you have slightest of the slightest doubt on yourconcepts, please join a coaching institute. Or if you believe you can
perform better after joining it, please go ahead and enroll yourself in a classroom coaching program.
In the exam, your hard work and self-study will help you the most. But, never let yourself feel the guilt of not joining a
coaching institute. Let me annotate it with a quote:
Guilt is to the spirit, what pain is to the body Elder David A. Bednar

GATE RANK 1 (I had even set daily reminder for this. :D)

I slept 8hrs/day and studied neither more than 10hrs nor less than 6hrs in a day. Be regular! There isnt a single day
when I studied too much or too less. Not more than 10hrs and not less than 6hrs.


I had paid attention to my academics during B.Tech, so I was pretty condent on my concepts and fortunately, I had
the lecture notes with me. I referred those notes, NPTEL lectures, and some free lectures available online. By the rst
week of November, I was able to nish my syllabus thoroughly.
I was able to nish the syllabus in such a short time, only because my University (Delhi Technological University (formerly
DCE)) teachers taught me very well and I paid attention to what they taught that time. Moreover, I appeared for GATE in 2015
also, prepared for 1 month but was not able to secure a rank under 100. That time, I bagged 450 rank. So, I was in touch with
the concepts.
MOST IMPORTANT Revisions. Keep revising periodically whatever you have learned. E.g. if I learn something
today, Ill revisit it after a week, then after 15 days and then once in a month. In the last month of my preparation, I




revised everything on a weekly basis. This is how I distributed my time:

General Aptitude 5 questions daily.
# keep a margin of 2/3 days for some unwanted events.
* It doesnt mean simply taking the test. Instead, take the test analyze it identify your weaknesses and work on


On the rst day of this period, I took a FULL test to check my understanding. Obviously, I didnt perform
exceptionally well, I was able to score 57 marks. From there, I started improving. Daily, I took 1 online test [subjectwise] , followed by its analysis and then a WRITTEN correction of my mistakes and rectication of approach. I also
practiced previous year GATE questions topic-wise daily.
This period helped me identify areas of improvement and involuntarily skipped topics.


1st week: Revision + 1 Full test*
2ndweek: 2 online subject tests* (daily) + 1 FULL test*
3rd & 4th weeks: Online tests* [subject-wise] + 2 FULL test* + Previous year GATE papers ( with corrections)
During this phase, I tried to improve my speed. I tried to solve the full syllabus test in 2 and a half hours so that in
the remaining half an hour I can go through it again.
This literally helped me during my GATE exam. I nished the exam in 2 hours and 40 minutesand identied my silly
mistakes in remaining 20 minutes whichsaved me 3.33 MARKS (IMAGINE!).


I ate healthy to make sure I dont fall ill in the peak period. NO JUNK! NO PIZZA! NO CHEESE!
Revisions also included revisiting my mistakes again and again so that I dont repeat them in FINAL EXAM.
1st week Revision + I solved GATE Previous year papers again and did written corrections for my mistakes + 1
MOCK test*.
2nd week 3 online subject tests daily with corrections + 1 MOCK TEST*
3rd week Revision + 2 MOCK TEST*
4th week Previous year GATE papers once again (with corrections): 3 papers daily + 2 mock tests.
Remaining days Revision!
Feb 5 RELAX!!
I practiced GATE previous year papers more than 4 times each. This practice and the Online test series made me feel
at home during the examination. I took more than 100 tests during my preparation. I found explanations provided for
GATE questions on GATEoverow & GeeksForGeeks very useful. Moreover, I used handbook of CS published by
MADE EASY for quick revision in nal days of my preparation. I found it good and precise.


Practice played a vital role in my success. I had joined online test series of MADE EASY and ACE. I suggest gate
aspirants enroll in multiple test series so that you can encounter a lot of questions without over-tting the data. For
more information on these test series, read this.





I referred my class notes which were prepared from standard books. As I had a little time, I skipped going through the
books all over again. Instead, I used my notes, NPTEL lectures, and some random free online lectures.
You can refer the books suggested here.

Free Online Resources which were very helpful:

NPTEL lectures.
GeeksForGeeks / GeeksQuiz
GateOverow / GATECSE
RavindraBabu Ravulas FREE lectures.

To all GATE aspirants, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE yourability to succeed. Remember to LEARN, TEST, ANALYZE &
IMPROVE. All the very best!!

A nal note to the readers:

If I have helped you in any way, and you wish to say thanks, then please feed a stray animal at least once in your lifetime.

Thanks for your patience!

/ April 4, 2016 / 234 Comments

crackgatebyankitajain / Blog at


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