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Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

About the Guidebook

It's hard to think of many things powerful enough to disrupt life across our entire planet.
We may take into consideration natural disasters like earthquakes, erupting volcanoes,
terrorist attacks or catastrophic nuclear explosions, like the one that happened at the
Chernoby (Ukraine in 1986), but even they do not affect the whole Earth.
Global warming, which is a gradual rising of Earth's temperature, is different from all
these, representing a scale of threat greater than anything humans have faced in recent
history. Unless we tackle the problem soon, it could transform the planet we live on,
making the climate (Earth's weather patterns) much more erratic, forcing many species
into extinction, and making life much harderespecially for people in developing
Due to the importance of the subject climate change is no longer only studied by
scientists. Increasingly policy makers and citizens, including teachers, students and
families are discussing and grappling with serious climate change issues facing the
nations and the planet. Students are ready to learn and explore this complex topic and
its importance in their world. They are energy consumers today as well as tomorrows
policy makers. They have the ability to continue on the same track or to help slow
climate change.
This guidebook is part of Cool our planet the last activity of our five yearly campaign
Green Ways, with an aim to help students and their families develop the knowledge and
skills needed to become informed participants in societys climate change discussions
and to take action. The contents of each Guidebook are carefully developed in
accordance with the capacities of the students in their respective grades and association
of the teachers and supporters which could make those more meaningful and practical
for the Green Angels. In addition to teaching facts, the suggestions and guidelines in the
guidebooks are intended to provide students valuable life tools, like critical thinking, and
encourage students to be active and responsible Pakistani citizens.
Establishing a comprehensive project Cool our Planet for the students and their families
had been a real challenge with its capacity to facilitate all Green Angels in their different
educational grades, having diverse subjects and studying in varied educational institutes.
There were many aspects to making this happen, but technical team has successfully
accomplished the task.


And implementation of this project was never possible without active participation by
the dedicated administration of our Green Partner Schools and their Campuses. We
thank you and believe our valuable association with the partner schools will bring a real
positive change in the society.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

What is the

We all live in surrounding which includes living things and

natural forces. Living things not only live in the
surrounding but interact with it as well. They affect the
surrounding and are affected by the surrounding. The
places we live in consist of air, water, land, plants, animals
and the micro- organisms; they all are part of
environment. We depend upon our environment to fulfil
our various needs such as oxygen, food and shelter etc.
We must keep our surroundings neat and clean to live
healthy life.


When we talk about the environment we mean everything

in the world around us that surrounds and affects all life
on earth, including the air, food chains, the water cycle,
plants, animals and other humans.

When we talk about our environment we mean everything

in the world around us which can affect our lives.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

But over the years the human population has grown and
grown. This has had a huge impact on the environment of
our planet.
This impact has affected our environment with too much
smoke, carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in making life
of humans and other living forms difficult.

A Clean Environment


Every household generates waste or garbage. We should

not throw
waste or
help in the
growth of
germs that
cause diseases,
like cholera,
diarrhoea etc.

To stay healthy we need a clean environment. For a

healthy living, two things are required, sanitation and
hygiene. Hygiene means practice that we follow to stay
tidy and clean. Sanitation means measure we adopt for
improving and protecting health and well-being of

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Dirty and stagnant water is the breeding ground of

mosquitoes. Mosquitoes cause malaria and dengue.

Water Cycle
There is limited water on the earth and exists as solid in
the form of snow on the mountains, ice in glaciers and ice
caps; it exists in the form of liquid in the rivers, ocean,
sea and underground water; it exists as gas in the form of
water vapour and steam. The total amount of water on the
earth is relatively unchanging, and it has remained about
the same since our planet's formation.


The water is constantly undergoing process of evaporation

and transpiration, condensation, precipitation and
accumulation. This journey of water is called water cycle.
The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

The processes of the water cycle

Evaporation and Transpiration
Evaporation and Transpiration

Heat of the sun causes evaporation of water from rivers,

lakes and the ocean. The water vapour formed rises and
mix up with air. Evaporation is an important part of the
water cycle and occurs continuously throughout the

Plants require water to make their food, which they

obtain from the soil. Plants releases water from leaves
which evaporates into the air.


Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)


are formed.

Water vapour
from water
bodies in the
air, it
and changes
into tiny
droplets and
then clouds



so dense
back to
earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. Precipitation
is responsible for bringing back the fresh water on the

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

When water falls back on earth, it gets collected in the
ocean, lakes or river or under the ground.

Water is continuously
recycled on the earth; from
water bodies to the sky and
down to land, to be
transported back to the
water bodies again.

Importance of water cycle

We use water for drinking and for other purpose. We
have limited water on earth and if the water did not come
back to us through the water cycle then we would not
have fresh water. So, we should use water judiciously and
avoid wasting water.


form when
rising air
cools and

How Clouds Form

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

expands in the atmosphere. The water vapour in the air

condenses to form tiny water droplets which are the basis
of clouds.
Why do I care? Clouds are important in that they can form
precipitation and bring rain to crops and plants. They also
shade the earth, affecting the temperature and keeping
sunlight from directly hitting plants.
Clouds can take on all
sorts of shapes and
sizes, ranging from
(cirrus) to large, dark
(cumulonimbus). While
there are several factors that influence and affect the
formation of clouds, the sun plays a major role in producing


When this happens, a thermal (also known as an updraft) can

form. A thermal can be thought of as a rising blob of warm
air due to unequal heating of the earths surface. When the

To help understand basic cloud

formation, lets take a look at a
field at sunrise. In the morning,
the field is relatively cool. The sun
begins to heat up the field, and
throughout the day, the field
becomes warmer and warmer. Certain areas of the field may
begin to heat up more quickly than others due to the terrain
or surrounding conditions (for example, bare soil heats up
more quickly than vegetation).

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

thermal forms at the surface, it is warmer than the

surrounding air. Warm air has a tendency to rise while cold
air sinks, and since the thermal is warmer than the air
around it, the air in the thermal will rise. As it rises, it will
begin to expand and cool, and will continue to do so until its
temperature is the same as the surrounding air

while gliding in the air.

Many birds will use thermals to fly

higher in the air. By catching a
thermal, they do not have to expend
as much energy to gain altitude since
the rising air will carry them
upwards. Hang gliders also use
thermals to gain altitude and fly

The process of thermals forming in the atmosphere is a

form of convection. Convection is basically the transfer of
heat (in this case, through thermals) from one area to
another. In our example, the heat was transferred from
the surface into the atmosphere.


The temperature of the earth is

directly related to the energy input
from the Sun. Some of the Suns
energy is reflected by clouds.
Other is reflected by ice. The
remainder is absorbed by the


Earths temperature

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

If amount of solar energy absorbed by the earth is equal

to the amount radiated back into space, the earth remains
at a constant temperature.
However, if the amount of solar energy is greater than
the amount radiated, then the earth heats up.
If the amount of solar energy is less than the amount
radiated, then the earth cools down.
To a certain degree, the
earth acts like a
greenhouse. Energy from
the Sun penetrates the
glass of a greenhouse and
warms the air and objects
within the greenhouse.
The same glass slows the
heat from escaping,
resulting in much higher
temperatures within the greenhouse than outside it.


Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Methane make up 1% of the

earths atmosphere, but are greenhouse gases, since they
cause the earth to retain heat.


Likewise, the earths atmospheric

gases affect the ability of the earth
to radiate the Suns energy back into
space. Nitrogen and Oxygen make up
99% of the earths atmospheric gases
and are non-greenhouse gases.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

A number of recent scientific studies have confirmed

that the climate of our planet is getting warmer with the
passage of time.
This spike is due to the
exponential increase in the
use of fossil fuels over the
last 150 years. Shown here
are emissions of carbon
from gas, solid, liquid fuels,
and the total carbon
Despite this rapid increase
in carbon emissions, only
about half the carbon can be detected in the atmosphere.
The remainder of the carbon dioxide is being dissolved in
the oceans or incorporated into trees.


This will result in a likely doubling of carbon dioxide levels

within 150 years, due to increased coal usage and
increased natural gas usage, although petroleum usage is
likely to decrease due to increased cost and decreasing


Due to increasing
trends of production
future Carbon
Emissions are
expected to further
increase, especially in
the industrialised and
developing countries

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

supply and with the increased usage of renewable energy


planet from the future risks.

The doubling of
carbon dioxide
levels within 150
years will cause
dangerous effects
on our lives and lives
of the animals and
plants on our planet.
If we check our
activities today we
can protect our

Simple and small changes in our lives and lifestyles can

make a big difference.



Our planet needs care from us

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Use less water

Have showers rather than baths. Short showers use less
water and also there is less use of energy to heat the water.
Have 3 minute showers by wetting
yourself, switching off the water
while you soap all over and shampoo
your hair, then turn the water back
on and rinse under the shower, and
then turn it off. (Not keeping
yourself clean is NOT an option.)
Clean your teeth by putting water
into a glass. Use the water for wetting your toothbrush, rinsing
your mouth and cleaning your brush.
Help your family save water by
using a watering can to water
plants and vegetables in the garden
rather than using a hose. Maybe
you could help recycle the water
from the washing machine.


Help your school save water by

switching off taps properly and
dont let the water run for long
periods of time.


Use a bucket of water to wash your

bicycle or the pet.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Use less power

The following things will help your family using minimum
heater or air-conditioner:
Keep doors and curtains or
blinds closed in summer
during the day to keep out
the heat.
Open doors and windows on
summer evenings to let cooler
air into the house.
During winter open curtains and blinds during the day to let in
any sunshine, then close them in the evening to keep in the
Don't switch on lights during the day.
Switch off the computer, TV or radio if
you are not using it.
Use the LED bulbs. 15 watts in a new bulb
is equal to 75 watts in an old energy saver.
They last longer too.


At school remember to switch off lights

when the room is empty.


Switch lights off when you leave a room.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Make less rubbish

Your family can make a
compost heap or start a
worm farm to use up food
Sort out the garbage into
what can be recycled and
what can't. Use the recycle
Save computer paper by
printing on both sides.
Recycle clothes, toys, books and games by giving them to another
family, charity shop or putting into a charity recycle bin at the
Use food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic wastes to
create a compost pile. Adding the compost you make to soil
increases water retention, decreases erosion, and keeps organic
materials out of landfills.



Raise the cutting height of your lawnmower during hot summer

months to keep grass roots shaded and cooler, reducing weed
growth, browning, and the need for watering.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

At school you could

recycle the uniform you have grown
out of at the uniform shop
use the recycle bin for paper and
maybe start a school compost heap or
a class worm farm.
use re-usable bags and containers
instead of disposable ones.
see if you can pack garbage-free
Before starting the new school year, look through last years
materials. Many items can be reused or recycled.



Purchase and use school supplies made from recycled products,

such as pencils made from old blue jeans and binders made from
old shipping boxes.

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

At the Beach
If you are fishing, be
careful that you don't
leave hooks or bits of
fishing line around. Put
the fish back if it's
small - it needs to grow
Stay off sand dunes at
the beach so that they
don't get damaged.
Looking for small
creatures at the beach is fun, but be sure to put them back under
cover or they could die.

Plant the Trees

Trees shield children from
ultra-violet rays
Trees provide food
Trees heal


Trees provide wood


Trees provide a canopy and

habitat for wildlife

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

Plant the Trees

Excess carbon dioxide (CO2)
caused by many factors is a
building up in our atmosphere
and contributing to climate
Trees absorb CO2, removing
and storing the carbon while
releasing the oxygen back into
the air. In one year, an acre of
mature trees absorbs the
amount of CO2 produced when your family drives your car 26,000

Trees clean the air

Trees provide oxygen
Trees cool the streets and
the city
Trees conserve energy


Trees help prevent pollution


Trees save water

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)

What to remember?
As we have learnt about the environment, it is everything which
surrounds us naturally and affects our daily lives on the earth.
Everything comes under an environment, the air which we
breathe every moment, the water which we use for our daily
routine, plants, animals and other living things, etc around us.
An environment is called healthy environment when natural
cycle goes side by side without any disturbance. Any type of
disturbance in the natures balance affects the environment
totally which ruins the human lives.
Recently, our environment is getting affected to a great extent
by the means of air pollution, noise pollution, deforestation,
water pollution, soil pollution, acid rain and other dangerous
disasters created by the human beings through technological
advancement. We all must take an oath together to protect our
natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever.



Remember! When we protect our environment we protect

ourselves and our beloved homeland Pakistan and thereby we
protect our planet

Green Living Association Cool our Planet, Guidebook for Category 2 (Grade 3 to 5)


Information in this guidebook can be shared/reproduced only with clearly stated

attribution to Green Living Association (GLA) 2016. All Rights Reserved


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