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Yellow Dwarf Stars

Temperature: 0 - 1,800 C

Lifetime: 4 - 17 billion years

Spectral Types: L, T, Y (after M)

Evolution: early, middle

Luminosity: ~0.00001

Temperature: 5,000 - 7,300 C

Radius: 0.06 - 0.12

Spectral Types: G, F

Mass: 0.01 - 0.08

Luminosity: 0.6 - 5.0

Prevalence: unknown (many)

Radius: 0.96 - 1.4

Mass: 0.8 - 1.4

Prevalence: 10%

2. Orange Dwarf Stars

5. Blue Giant Stars

Lifetime: 3 - 4,000 million years

Evolution: early, middle

Temperature: 7,300 - 200,000 C

Lifetime: 17 - 73 billion years

Spectral Types: O, B, A

Evolution: early, middle

Luminosity: 5.0 - 9,000,000

Temperature: 3,500 - 5,000 C

Radius: 1.4 - 250

Spectral Types: K

Mass: 1.4 - 265

Luminosity: 0.08 - 0.6

Prevalence: 0.7%

Radius: 0.7 - 0.96

Mass: 0.45 - 0.8

Prevalence: 11%

3. Red Dwarf Stars

6. Red Giant Stars

Lifetime: 0.1 - 2 billion years

Evolution: late

Temperature: 3,000 - 5,000 C

Spectral Types: M, K

Lifetime: 73 - 5500 billion years

Luminosity: 100 - 1000

Evolution: early, middle

Radius: 20 - 100

Temperature: 1,800 - 3,500 C

Mass: 0.3 - 10

Spectral Types: M

Prevalence: 0.4%

Luminosity: 0.0001 - 0.08

Radius: 0.12 - 0.7

Mass: 0.08 - 0.45

Prevalence: 73%

4. Brown Dwarfs

7. Red Supergiant Stars

Lifetime: 3 - 100 million years

Evolution: late

Temperature: 3,000 - 5,000 C

Spectral Types: K, M

Lifetime: unknown (long)

Luminosity: 1,000 - 800,000

Evolution: not evolving

Radius: 100 - 1650

Mass: 10 - 40

Prevalence: 0.0001%

8. White Dwarfs

Lifetime: 1015- 1025 years

Evolution: dead, cooling

Temperature: 4,000 - 150,000 C

Spectral Types: D (degenerate)

Luminosity: 0.0001 - 100

Radius: 0.008 - 0.2

Mass: 0.1 - 1.4

Prevalence: 4%

Lifetime: unknown (long)

Evolution: dead

Temperature: < -270 C

Spectral Types: none

Luminosity: infinitesimal

Radius: 0.008 - 0.2

Mass: 0.1 - 1.4

Prevalence: ~0%

10. Neutron Stars

Lifetime: unknown (long)

Evolution: dead, cooling

Temperature: < 2,000,000 C

Spectral Types: D (degenerate)

Luminosity: ~0.000001

Radius: 5 - 15 km

Mass: 1.4 - 3.2

Prevalence: 0.7%

Most stars, such as the sun, are
medium-sized stars.
Very large stars, also known as
supergiant stars, if located where
the sun is, would fill up the whole solar
system as far out as Jupiter.

9. Black Dwarfs

1.Color and Temperature

A star's color reveals its surface
Red stars are the coolest=
3,200 degrees C.
Yellow stars are medium= 5,500
degrees C.
Blue stars are the hottest=
20,000 degrees C.

Most stars are much smaller

than the sun, they are called
dwarf stars. Dwarf stars are
typically about the size of the
Neutron stars are even smaller
than dwarf stars, reaching to
about 20 kilometers in
3.Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of
most stars is about 73 percent
hydrogen, 25 percent helium,
and 2 percent other elements
by mass. Spectrographs, a
device that breaks light into
colors and produces an image
of the resulting spectrum, are
used by astronomers to
determine the elements found
in stars.
Astronomers use the patterns in
the night sky to locate objects in
the night sky. Even though the
stars in a constellation look
close together, they are actually
not. Different cultures gave
different names to the
constellations. A large
constellation in the winter sky,
Orion, is seen with a sword in
his belt and an upraised arm.

5.Brightness Variables
The brightness of the star
depends on the size and
temperature, so even if the star
is huge it may not burn the
brightest or is the star is smaller
it my burn brighter then any
6.Absolute Brightness
Absolute brightness or
luminosity is the brightness
of the star from standard distance. To
find a stars absolute brightness an
astronomer must find the
apparent brightness and distance from
the earth. The absolute brightness can
vary greatly and the brightest of stars
are brighter than even the dimmest of
the stars.

7.Apparent Brightness
Apparent brightness is is the
brightness of the star seen from

Earth. Astronomers can measure

apparent brightness very easily using
electronic devices, but astronomers are
not able to tell how much light the star
is giving off, this is because the closer
the star is to Earth the brighter it is,
that's why the Sun is so bright and that
it hurts to look at it because it is the
closest star to the Earth.

Astronomers use constellations to
measure objects in space. Constellations are a
pattern of a group of stars . Greeks thought of
these stars as mythological objects or figures.
We are in the milky way constellation. Also
known as Sagittarius . There is 300 billion stars
in the milky way.

The Hertzsprung - Russell (H - R)

diagram is a graph relating surface
temperatures and absolute brightness
of stars.
10.Hertzsprung - Russell Diagram
The Hertzsprung - Russell (H - R) diagram
is a graph relating surface temperatures
and absolute brightness of stars.

On the x axis, the graph shows the

surface temperature (C). On the y
axis, it shows the absolute brightness.

11.Most of the stars form a diagonal

group called the main sequence. More
than 90% of stars (including the sun)
are in the main sequence. At the
bottom, are the white dwarfs. To the
right of the main sequence is the
giants and above those are the
Giants and supergiants are very

8.Measuring stars
Astronomers use parallax to
distances from nearby stars .
Parallax is
a way to view an object from
a different

White dwarfs can be hot, but usually

not very bright.
The main sequence stars can vary in
both brightness and temperature.
The supergiants are very bright, and
can vary temperature.

12.A number of different luminosity

classes are distinguished:

III: normal giants

IV: subgiants

0: hypergiants or extremely luminous


V: main-sequence stars

Ia: luminous supergiants

VI: subdwarfs

Iab: intermediate luminous


VII: white dwarfs

Ib: less luminous supergiants

II: bright giants

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