Social Action Task 1 Lo1

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Social Action Activity One

What do you think a social action

I think Social Action is getting
people involved and more aware
of an issue that affects people
around the world.

What do you think a social action

video is?

A Social Action video is

something that is made to give
people more information on the
issues that are happening around
us and that need to be delivered
to the people.

List as many global social issues

as you can think of

Donald Trump has banned 7+

countries to enter America.
Racism, which is a huge issue
within almost every country.
Gun Laws

List as many national social

issues as you can think of

If abortion should be illegal

List as many local social issues

as you can think of

Teen pregnancy

What social action

documentaries have you seen?

Kony 2012
Trump Campaign

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