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Proposal on Digital Education

About The China South Publishing and Media Group Co. Ltd. (CNS):
China South Publishing & Media Group Co., Ltd. ("China South Media") is both the largestscale listed publishing and media group in China and the most extensive in terms of the number
of areas it operates in. It was established on December 25th 2008 with a registered capital of
1.796 billion RMB. China South Media was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code:
601098) on October 28th 2010. China South Media offers a spectrum of media products,
covering a broad range of target groups. China South Media strives to be not only a leading
domestic and international Chinese-language publishing base, but also an important strategic
investor in China's cultural industry. International co-operation plays a crucial role in helping
China South Media and its international partners achieve a win-win situation.
The business scope of China South Media covers the publication of books, newspapers,
periodicals, audio & video, electronics, network, animation, mobile media, framework media and
more. As a multi-media, integrated, large-scale and comprehensive publication media group, it is
involved in editing, printing, publishing and supplying; forming an infrastructure that involves
the six core industrial categories of books, media, internet, printing, distribution and investment.
CNS owns 5 of the 100 leading publishing houses in China, along with the following businesses:

Chinas most profitable bookstore, Hunan Xinhua Bookstore

Chinas largest book and periodical printing company, Hunan Tianwen Xinhua
Printing Company

Chinas largest newspaper for elderly people, Happy Maturity

One of the top eight news websites in China, Rednet.Cn

A leading digital education publishing company, Tianwen Digital Media

Technology (Beijing) Company

Strong publisher with many bestsellers, China South Booky Culture Media

The CNS follow three ways to spread their foreign business:

1. Make investments and build partnerships to transition from traditional publishing to digital
2. CNS is looking for international mergers and acquisitions opportunities in the field of
traditional publishing and creative media.
3. Leverage our existing IP and copyrights to increase our global rights business.
Currently, CNS has built four digital platforms for digital education, news and information,
service life, animation and entertainment. We strategies in place regarding digital distribution
channels such as the internet, mobile and internet of things. Our preliminary digital distribution
system includes a cloud platform, various channels and terminals. Besides publishing, we have
expertise in dissemination of education to students through online interactive means. About 40
percent of Chinese students receive online education from our digital outlets. We provide
certified quality education to large number of students outside conventional schools.

Concept of Digital Education Towards Achieving Digital Bangladesh:

The term Digital Education or Digital Learning can be said as to make the overall education
in the simplest manner by using digital means, like, M/S Power point slide, audio-visual
learning, movie clips, animation, PDF textbooks, online features in the class, digital classroom,
videoconferencing and so on. Digital Education is such a learning facilitated by technology that
gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.

Time: Learning is no longer restricted to the school day or the school year. The Internet
and a proliferation of Internet access devices have given students the ability to learn
Place: Learning is no longer restricted within the walls of a classroom. The Internet and a
proliferation of Internet access devices have given students the ability to learn anywhere
and everywhere.
Path: Learning is no longer restricted to the pedagogy used by the teacher. Interactive
and adaptive software allows students to learn in their own style, making learning
personal and engaging. New learning technologies provide real time data that gives
teachers the information they need to adjust instruction to meet the unique needs of each
Pace: Learning is no longer restricted to the pace of an entire classroom of students.
Interactive and adaptive software allows students to learn at their own pace, spending
more or less time on lessons or subjects to achieve the same level of learning.

Digital learning is more than just providing students with a laptop. Digital learning requires a
combination of technology, digital content and instruction.
o Technology: Technology is the mechanism that delivers content. It facilitates how
students receive content. It includes Internet access and hardware, which can be any
Internet access device from a desktop to a laptop to an iPad to a smartphone.
Technology is the tool, not the instruction.

o Digital Content: Digital content is the high quality academic material which is delivered
through technology. It is what students learn. It ranges from new engaging, interactive
and adaptive software to classic literature to video lectures to games. It isnt simply a
PDF of text or a PowerPoint presentation.
o Instruction: Educators are essential to digital learning. Technology may change the role
of the teacher but it will never eliminate the need for a teacher. With digital learning,
teachers will be able to provide the personalized guidance and assistance to ensure
students learn and stay on track throughout the year and year after year to graduate
from high school. Teachers may be the guide on the side, not the sage on the stage.
It is glad to know that, the present government is committed to make a digital base of education
which is a pragmatic step of turning the country which can be termed as Digital Bangladesh.
The purpose of the government for making this digital platform is to make the education
universalize and bringing this educational service at the doorsteps to students. Also the CNS
knows that, there are some other agencies being involved in similar tasks but their involvement is
only in a specific segment like, production of supplementary learning materials for learners or
teachers. In this regard, our proposal is to digitalize the whole educational systems including
learning materials, teachers training and developing IT classroom. This transformational change
can be realistic steps for turning the whole educational systems in an international manner and
standard which can add value to students in their career internationally.

How CNS Can Contribute in Establishing Digital Education in Bangladesh:

After gaining liberation in 1971 through a bloodshed war headed by the Father of the Bangladesh
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh is a friendly country to China. In line with
this tested friendship, our organization is willing to provide our expertise to enhance quality of
the overall Bangladeshi education system to your regular students at the secondary level.
Though, we can provide support to all the educational streams of Bangladesh, e.g., Bangla
Medium, English Medium and Madrasah Medium; but, for the experimental sake, we are willing
to undertake online educational support for the Bangla Medium students in grade I to V.
This support will be run on the Pilot project basis. The support would be in the form of coaching
through the internet.
We are very much aware that, so far, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME) has
undertaken the plan of digitalizing education through the following tasks as priority basis, such
1. Developing a Complete ICT Education Guide:

o This guide will follow the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB)
policies fully. In addition to this, this ICT education guide will be updated and
upgraded recurrently, so that, the overall educational system will keep up-to-date.
o This guide can be applicable to all streams of education in Bangladesh that is,
English Medium, Bengali Medium and Madrasah Medium. Albeit, primarily,
CNS is going to consider some selective classes in Bengali Medium, but,
gradually, CNS will cover each medium.

2. Development of Digital Textbook:

o The digital textbook will be made according to the existing syllabus permitted by
the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB). The digital textbook will
be in the Portable Document File (PDF) format. These PDF file can be
downloaded from the NCTB website by paying a fixed subscription.
o In addition to this, the M/S Power point template version of these textbooks will
be available in the respective website of National Curriculum and Textbook Board
(NCTB). These Power point file can be downloaded from the NCTB website by
paying a fixed subscription.
o Each book will contain a lot of images relevant to the contents of the textbook.
These images will definitely make learners interesting towards reading. These
images should be printed in a clear-cut form so that, these could be understood
o These books should be student-friendly and make these books easiest as possible
compared to the existing textbooks. However, these books wont violate the
National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) policies.

o Visual means like, audio-visual clips should be inserted with each book. These
audiovisual clips can be downloaded from the NCTB website by paying a fixed
subscription. In addition, these clips can be published in a DVD as well which
will be a supplementary copy with the textbook.

o Insert Apps of these books on subject wise. These Apps can be easily downloaded
from the Google Play Store and/or iTunes. These apps can be available free of
cost so that, students can download it with a great interest.
3. Providing Intensive Teachers Training:
o The teachers training contents should be emphasized on using digital means of
education as much as possible. Using Multimedia Projectors or Theatre Systems
can be added value to this regard.
o Concentrate on behavioral training to teachers ranging from effective
communication with the students to motivate learners about study. Teachers
should be bear in their mind that, proper communication to the learners is efficient
for delivering knowledge properly. Motivation is eminent for ensuring proper and
interesting learning environment to the students.

o Encourage teachers to establish a system for delivering video lectures. In order to

do this, the respective modules for training can be inserted about how to make
video clips efficiently and effectively, how to make Power Point Slides and so on.

o Teachers should meet virtually with other countries teachers in order to share
expertise about modern teaching methods. These virtual meeting can be arranged
through communication apps like Skype, IMO or Videoconferencing platform
arranged by the facilitator organization.

o Teachers should use social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, IMO, Viber for
sharing course materials like, Course Outline, Course PPT Files, Course PDF
Files easily with the students. Teachers can facilitate their lectures by enabling
LIVE VIDEO, so that, students can see the video file after class or even they
can download it.

o Teachers can also use File Sharing Websites like Dropbox, Weebly, Mediafire for
making these file sharing activies with ease.

o Teachers should build up their own websites containing course materials like,
Course Outline, Course PPT Files, Course PDF Files. Students should have access
to these sites and download their needed files.

4. Development of Multimedia Classroom:

o Each student should be virtually connected with the classroom in addition to their
physical presence. In order to do this, proper infrastructure should be developed
and installed in the schools.
o Teachers should deliver video lectures by using apps or software. They also use
LIVE VIDEO FEATURES available in the Facebook or other communicating
o Video conferencing should be inaugurated and should be held frequently. In order
to do this, proper infrastructure should be developed and installed in the schools.

o Develop unique Apps, infrastructural set-ups and technicians for the multimedia

Regarding the issues listed above, CNS has proposed the solution to addressing the urgent needs
of MOPME. MOPME has conducted a systematic and continuous communications, discussions
and field survey with the CNS. Therefore, the technical cooperation between MOPME and CNS
will be based on an in-depth mutual understanding, affirmation and willingness. A MoU will
response to the priorities listed above will be signed with a value of USD 7,000,000.

The overall goal of MoU is to enable the two partners (MOPME and CNS) technically to
cooperate in the field of education and promote education development in the Peoples Republic
of Bangladesh. The scope of this MoU is the Phase 1 of the Project of Comprehensive Education
Development for the republic of Bangladesh agreed between MOPME and CNS.

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