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IEC - Short-Circuit Example 1

This system is similar to example 1 from IEC 60909-4 2000. The system can be used to illustrate the
effect of the c factors and other IEC adjustments on the elements impedance.

The purpose of this exercise is to illustrate the parameters of the IEC short-circuit study case and to
introduce some of the impedance parameters needed for the calculation.

Load the project file named SC-IEC-Example-1 located in the Short-Circuit chapter of the workshop
notes. The standard ETAP library should be used for this project.

The following diagrams illustrate the one-line diagram of the system described in this example:

ETAP Workshop Notes

2012 ETAP/Operation Technology, Inc.

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IEC - Short-Circuit Example 1

Step 1:
Open study case SCIEC. From the standards page set the c factor to the Max Option. Select
configuration Normal. Run IEC device duty calculation. Record the fault current in the following table.
Repeat the same for the User-Defined c factor option.

Bus ID

3-Phase Short-Circuit (kA) Ik



What is the effect of the c factor in the fault current contribution from the network feeder towards

2. Try to explain why the fault current unaffected by the change in c factor for Bus1?

3. Why is the effect of the c factor change more pronounced for a fault at Bus4?

Step 2:
Open study case SCIEC. Set the option to Min. Run the IEC 60909 calculation.
4. What is the value of Ik at Bus4? Why is the duty icon disabled in the IEC SC toolbar?

Open transformer T1 and T2 editor. Change the Z tolerance value to 7.5% for both transformers. Run the
IEC 60909 calculation.
5. Why is the fault current smaller? List other examples of impedance adjustments and minimum shortcircuit assumptions.

Step 3:
ETAP Workshop Notes

2012 ETAP/Operation Technology, Inc.

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IEC - Short-Circuit Example 1

Go to Tools\Options (preferences) and modify the following entry by setting its value to 1.
Print IEC Short-circuit Adjustment Factor = 1
Run the IEC 60909 calculation. An additional output report is generated when this entry is enabled. The
report can be accessed through the report manager (next to the output report name in the study case
toolbar). Open this report with extension *.shr to answer the following question.
6. What are the transformers adjustment factors for the faulted locations? Print them in the table below.

Bus ID

ETAP Workshop Notes

Correction factors KT

2012 ETAP/Operation Technology, Inc.

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