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Bea Francesca C.

Comm 3
(Speech to Persuade)
Title: Change for Hope
Specific speech purpose: To actuate my Comm 3 classmates to buy hope in a bottle mineral water to
help build classroom nationwide.
Statement: To address lack of public school classrooms in the Philippines. CHA: To discuss the lack
of Classrooms in the Philippines, What Hope in a bottle does, and the Achievements of the Hope
Attention Step: HOPE. Big word right? But what does this word really mean? In the
dictionary, it means a feeling of expectation or desire for a particular thing to happen. Where can we
find hope? In the streets? Houses? Malls? For me, it can be found in a bottle. Imagine the children
who really want to go to school but they dont have proper facilities for them to learn. They would
go walk mountains and rivers just to go to their schools and some of which does not have enough
classrooms for all of them.
Clarification Step: Well, Hope is a Philippine company that sells bottled water for building
public school classrooms because they believe that our future depends on getting things right for
these students. How can we change our country for the better? Change begins with CHA: The lack
of public school Classrooms, What Hope in a bottle does, and its Achievements throughout the

Lack of public school Classrooms

Since K-12 is implemented, we experience problems due to lack of classrooms
especially in public schools. This year some schools to satisfy the need of classrooms had shiftings
when using the classrooms thats why instead of having one whole day of classes, half day is
allotted for grade 7 and the other half for grade 8. This affected the students because either they
wake up very early or they go home very late. This is what children go through for the sake of
having education for their dreams of finishing school. When in fact education is a right and no one
should be denied of it just because of lack of classrooms.

Hope in a bottle
Who are they?
The Hope company started in 2012 with their goal of saving public schools
since 88% of Filipino students are from public schools
The people behind team Hope or the people we call the Hope heroes
A. Hope Ambassadors : Boy Abunda, Winnie Monsod, Bea Alonzo and
Jericho Rosales
B. President and Chairwoman: Nanette Medved- Po, who believes that
education is very important as well as consumer empowerment thats why
she started this project.
What do they do?



Its the first Philippine company that partners with different commercial
shops and retail stores to sell its flagship product, Hope in a bottle.
The hope company gives 100% of its income to building public schools in
the Philippines
Achievements of Hope in a Bottle
They already sold 4,229,039 bottles of water
They already built 29 classrooms
6 classrooms in Luzon, one of which is in Imus Pilot Elementary School in
Imus, Cavite (2013)
4 classrooms in Visayas, two of which is in Calabacita Elementary School in
Jagna, Bohol (2015)
19 classrooms in Mindanao, six of which is in Bawing Elementary School in
General Santos, South Cotabato (2014)
Awards they received
2015 Best New Brand by the Global Bottled Water Awards
2015 Best Community Initiative by the Global Bottled Water Awards

Summary Step: Again, lets start change by knowing CHA:The problem on classrooms, the solution
that is Hope in a bottle, and its achievements. To answer my question earlier, Hope is really a big
word but in such a small cost it can provide something great for children who wants quality
education. You can buy Hope in a bottle in Starbucks, 7/11, Krispy Kreme, Yabu, Banapple, and
Mercury drug store just to name a few and it only costs 45 pesos. To know more about hope in a
bottle, just go to For me, hope means that no dream is impossible if all of
us, Filipinos help each other towards a better country. Educated citizens are a countrys treasure and
we need the right facilities and ample classrooms to provide quality education. Just as Christopher
Reeve said, Once you choose hope, anythings possible.
Visual Aids: Powerpoint presentation, Video of a short commercial
Time: 5 minutes

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