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Honors World History Syllabus

Mr. Michael Bowen Room 453

Introduction: The Honors World History syllabus is a living document and may be
updated or changed so that the goals and objectives of the course can be met.
Course Number: 43035x0
Quality Credits: .5
Term and Year: Spring 2017
Course Objective: Students will develop an enduring understanding of current
world issues and relate these to their historical, political, economic, geographical
and cultural contexts. Students will examine the historical roots of significant
events, idea, movements, and phenomena and will understand the contributions
and patterns of civilizations from the past and societies around the world. Students
involved in this course will expand their historical perspectives and explore ways
societies have dealt with continuity and change related to civilization, revolution,
government, economics, war, stability, movement, technology, ect.
Expectations: Students will accept the challenges of rigorous instruction and
understand that a higher level of study will be required on their part. Students will
complete independent work outside of class and know that the pace of learning will
be faster than regular World History classes. Homework will be assigned Monday
through Thursday.
Standard 1: Students will be able to apply the four interconnected dimensions of
historical thinking (chronological thinking, comprehension, analysis/interpretation,
and research) to the Essential Standards for World History in order to understand
the creation and development of societies, civilizations, and nations over time.
Standard 2: Students will be able to analyze ancient civilizations and empires in
terms of their development, growth, and lasting impact.
Standard 3: Students will be able to understand how conflict and innovation
influenced political, religious, economic, and social changes in medieval
Standard 4: Students will be able to analyze the political, economic, social, and
cultural factors that lead to the development of the first age of global interaction.
Standard 5: Students will be able to analyze exploration and expansion in terms of
its motivations and impact.

Standard 6: Students will be able to understand the Age of Revolutions and

Standard 7: Students will be able to analyze global interdependence and shifts in
power in terms of political, economic, social, and environmental changes and
conflicts since the last half of the twentieth century.
Standard 8: Students will be able to analyze global interdependence and shifts in
power in terms of political, economic, social, and environmental changes and
conflicts since the last half of the twentieth century.
Required Materials: One three subject notebook, lose leaf paper, pencils, black or
blue ink pens, glue stick or transparent tape, highlighters, access to the internet
outside of class (check Media Center for availability for after-school operations
and /or your local library).
Grading Policy:
Classwork: 20%
HW: 15%
Portfolio: 25%
Late work and Extra Credit:
Missing assignments will be given a zero; missing assignments due to an
absence can be made up within the time allowed by county policy.
Fifteen points will be deducted from assignments that are one day late.
No extra credit will be assigned for this course.
Instructional Methods: Students will receive instruction through lectures, digital
multimedia platforms, student collaborations, inquiry, and research. AVID strategies
will be routinely implemented throughout the course.
Student Classroom Behavior: Students have the right to learn in an environment
free from student disruptions. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to all
posted classroom rules and school rules.
Teacher Contact:

Phone: 252-514-6400. To speak to me in person, please call during my fourth
period planning.
I will earnestly attempt to respond to your emails and messages as soon as
possible. However, please allow up to 24 hours (the next day) for a response.

Honors World History Syllabus

Mr. Michael Bowen Room 453

I have read the Honors World History Syllabus.


Date: ____________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:________

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