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Highlights from Chapter 12 of ASCE 7-16

Provisions for Linear Dynamic Analysis

Finley Charney, Ph.D., P.E.

Professor of Structural Engineering, Virginia Tech
Member of the ASCE 7-16 Seismic Subcommittee
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Linear Response History Analysis

Background and Motivation
Overview of the Procedure
A Few Details
Modeling Requirements
Numerical Procedures
Ground Motions
Accidental Torsion, P-Delta Effects, and Load

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Linear Dynamic Procedures in ASCE 7-16:

12.9.1 -Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
12.9.2 -Linear Response History Analysis
The motivation for moving Linear Response History (LRH) analysis from Chapter 16 to Chapter
12 was to allow Chapter 16 to be used exclusively for Nonlinear Response History
(NLRH) analysis, and thereby to provide some simplification in LRH relative to NLRH.
An alternate approach was to eliminate LRH analysis entirely. This was not done because
LRH analysis provides the following advantages over Modal Response Spectrum (MRS) analysis:
1. The algebraic signs of all forces and deformations are retained in LRH analysis.
The signs are lost in the modal combinations used in MRS analysis.
2. Concurrency of actions (axial force and bending moment) are retained
in LRH analysis. Recovery of concurrent actions is not possible in MRS analysis.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

MRS analysis was developed in the 1960s because LRH analysis,

although theoretically available, was not feasible. Since then
computer speed and storage capacity has increased by a factor of
at least a million, and sophisticated analysis software is readily

1978: Vast majority of new

building structures
modeled using 2-D linear static
analysis. R, Cd first
proposed in ATC 3-06.

2016: Vast majority of

new building structures
modeled using 3-D
linear ELF or MRS
R, Cd basically

16,000,000 Kb RAM
1,000,000 Mb Storage
6 Core dual GPU
$4000 in 2016 dollars

Mac Pro (2016)

MRS Procedure
64 Kb RAM
0.5 Mb Storage
$4850 in 2016 dollars

KayPro (1982)
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Modeling Requirements in LRH Analysis:

The structure must be modeled in three dimensions. This is also required
for MRS analysis and NLRH analysis in ASCE 7-16.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Modeling Requirements in LRH Analysis:

The structure must be modeled in three dimensions. This is also required
for MRS analysis and NLRH analysis in ASCE 7-16.

Where required, accidental torsion must be represented by use of mass

offsets. This is necessary to retain algebraic signs and concurrency of force.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Modeling Requirements in LRH Analysis:

The structure must be modeled in three dimensions. This is also required
for MRS analysis and NLRH analysis in ASCE 7-16.

Where required, accidental torsion must be represented by use of mass

offsets. This is necessary to retain algebraic signs and concurrency of force.

P-Delta effects must be included in the analytical model. This allows of the

inclusion of P-Theta Effects (amplification of global torsional response) that is

not possible by use of post-facto amplification of forces and displacements.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Modeling Requirements in LRH Analysis:

The structure must be modeled in three dimensions. This is also required
for MRS analysis and NLRH analysis in ASCE 7-16.

Where required, accidental torsion must be represented by use of mass

offsets. This is necessary to retain algebraic signs and concurrency of force.

P-Delta effects must be included in the analytical model. This allows of the

inclusion of P-Theta Effects (amplification of global torsional response) that is

not possible by use of post-facto amplification of forces and displacements.

Not less than three sets of Spectrum Matched ground motion must be used.
The ground motions are tightly matched to the same spectrum used in MRS
analysis, providing consistency with MRS analysis but at the same time
allowing for the advantages described earlier.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Creating an Accidental Mass Eccentricity


Relocate times original floor mass to edge of building

Reduce all original floor masses by factor (1-)
Determine alpha such that mass translates only
in X direction a distance 0.05L.

Line of Mass



BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016

Modeling for
P-Delta and

















Lateral System

Apply ACCURATE spatial distribution of gravity loads.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Ground Motions:
Three sets (two orthogonal components) of spectrally matched ground motions are required.

Each component of ground motion is matched over a period range 0.8TLower to 1.2 TUpper

Match is to + or 10% of the target spectrum based on average for three components

Time domain methods of response

spectrum matching consist altering
the original acceleration series by
the addition of wavelets at select
times. The time domain method is
more complex than the frequency
domain method, but it possess
better convergence properties and
typically better conserves the
nonstationary characteristics of the
ground motion.
Spectrum Matching tool Developed at Virginia Tech
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Amplitude Scaled Records




Match Point

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Spectrally Matched Records



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Comparison of Records
Spectrum Matched

Amplitude Scaled

+/- 10% Match

Significant record-to-record variability

Generally above target at higher frequencies
Converging on Mean Response requires
many records

Virtually no record-to-record variability

Generally on target
Converging on Mean Response takes
relatively few records

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Numerical Procedures:
Both Modal Response History analysis and analysis by Direct Integration of
the equations of motion are allowed. Where Modal Analysis is used:

The number of modes required in the analysis is the same as required for MRS analysis.

5% viscous damping is required in each mode.

P-Delta effects are included in the computation of the mode shapes and frequencies
(by use of an initial gravity-load only load case).

Where accidental torsion is required, one set of analyses is performed for each mass
offset. This generally requires combination of results among different runs, which is
not convenient unless the analysis software accommodates such combinations.

Modal analysis is extremely efficient, even when diaphragms are modeled as semi-rigid.
Single ground motion analyses can be completed in a few minutes for even the most
complex systems (with tens of thousands of DOF).

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Numerical Procedures:
Both Modal Response History analysis and analysis by Direct Integration of
the equations of motion are allowed. Where analysis by Direct Integration is used:

A maximum of 5% damping is allowed in the dominant modes.

P-Delta effects are included by using one of the following approaches:

1) By use of an initial geometric stiffness based on a gravity load analysis. This
stiffness is held constant during the analysis, thus iteration is not required. This is
consistent with the approach used in MRS analysis.
2) By updating the geometric stiffness at each time step and iterating on equilibrium.
This is in fact a nonlinear analysis (but the materials remain linear elastic).

Where accidental torsion is required, one set of analyses is performed for each mass
offset. This generally requires combination of results among different runs, which is
not convenient unless the analysis software accommodates such combinations.

Direct integration analysis with constant geometric stiffness is computationally efficient.

However significant disc storage may be required. Where the geometric stiffness
is updated the time required to perform each analysis increases significantly,
and may be a concern for large complex systems.
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Run Time and Storage Requirements:



80-story SAP 2000

model with semirigid diaphragms
115,200 DOF

Note: LRH uses CONSTANT geometric stiffness

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (1)

Compute elastic base shear in each direction
using V=CsW. These are designated as VEX and VEY

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (2)

Compute elastic base shear in each direction
using V=CsW. These are designated as VEX and VEY
Compute inelastic base shear in each direction:

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (3)

Compute elastic base shear in each direction
using V=CsW. These are designated as VEX and VEY
Compute inelastic base shear in each direction:

Run linear response histories for each ground

motion component without accidental torsion

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Analysis Without Mass Eccentricity:



Basic Analyses Used to Determine Scale Factors


Two analyses (X and Y) are run independently for each each ground motion. This is
required instead of simultaneous application of X and Y components because different
scale factors may be required in different directions.

Analyses are scaled by multiplying each set of results by Ie/R, and then adjusted
(if necessary) to provide a base shear in each direction that is not less than 100%
of the ELF base shear.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (4)

Compute elastic base shear in each direction
using V=CsW. These are designated as VEX and VEY
Compute inelastic base shear in each direction:

Run linear response histories for each ground motion

component without accidental torsion
Compute Force Scaled Factors for each ground
motion in each direction of response

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (5)

Determination of Scaled Force Histories
The combined force response in the X direction shall be
determined as Ie X /RX times the computed elastic response in
the X direction using the mathematical model with accidental
torsion (where required) plus IeY /RY times the computed
elastic response in the Y direction using the mathematical
model without accidental torsion.
The combined force response in the Y direction shall be
determined as IeY /RY times the computed elastic response in
the Y direction using the mathematical model with accidental
torsion (where required), plus IeX/RX times the computed
elastic response in the X direction using the mathematical
model without accidental torsion.
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


LRH Analysis Approach (6)

Determination of Scaled Displacement Histories
The combined displacement response in the X direction shall
be determined as X CdX /RX times the computed elastic
response in the X direction using the mathematical model with
accidental torsion (where required) plus Y CdY /RY times the
computed elastic response in the Y direction using the
mathematical model without accidental torsion.
The combined displacement response in the Y direction shall
be determined as Y CdY /RY times the computed elastic
response in the Y direction using the mathematical model with
accidental torsion (where required), plus XCdX /RX times the
computed elastic response in the X direction using the
mathematical model without accidental torsion.
EXCEPTION: Where the design base shear in the given direction is not controlled by Eq. (12.8-6),
the factors X or Y, as applicable, are permitted to be taken as 1.0 for the purpose of determining
combined displacements.
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Additional Analyses if Accidental Torsion is Required





Four analyses required for each earthquake

Analysis is performed by use of 5% building dimension

mass offset in one direction (without amplification)

A total of 18 analyses (6 for each earthquake) are

required when accidental torsion is included
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Load Combinations for Each Ground Motion



Combination 3

Combination 1






Combination 4

Combination 2
BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Values used for design and displacement

Forces and displacements (story drifts) used for design are based on envelope
quantities from all analyses.

Envelope values in columns and walls (and in other instances where

interaction of forces is important) consist, for example, of maximum positive

bending moment and concurrent axial force, as well as maximum axial
compressive force and concurrent bending moment.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Linear Response History Analysis Summary

Offers significant advantages over Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
Based on CURRENT commercial software procedures, the method is

more cumbersome than Modal Response Spectrum Analysis. However, the

limitations in current software are related to post-processing. This issue
can be easily resolved by software developers.

Software developers should be encouraged to implement procedures that

support the Chapter 12 LRH Analysis procedures. Some programs
(such as ETABS) already provide much of the capability needed,
including spectral matching of ground motions.

The future of ASCE-7 Analysis Procedures?

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Run Time and Storage Requirements for 20-Story Building

18 Minutes for LRH Analysis

(18 LRH Analyses)

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Run Time and Storage Requirements for 20-Story Building

135 Minutes for Direct LRH Analysis

(18 LRH Analyses)

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


Linear Response History Analysis:

Level of effort required to run LRH vs MRS or ELF analysis:
Choose Response History instead of Response Spectrum
Select Hazard Parameters:

Site Class:
Longitude -87.4

Select Analysis Method:

Equivalent Lateral Force

Response Spectrum
Response History

Automatically selects ground motions

and perform spectral matching

Automatically sets up all required analyses

cases (including accidental torsion), selects
and matches ground motions, performs
analysis, and post-processes results.

BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016



BSSC Webinar: September 28, 2016


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