Aadi Koozh Recipe

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Aadi Koozh Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves : 2

Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Ragi Flour - 1 cup

Raw Rice(Pacharisi) - 1/4 cup
Water - around 2 cups(for cooking raw rice) + 4 cups(for ragi flour) + as required to make koozh
Curd - 1 cup
Small Onion - 2 tbsp chopped
Curry Leaves - 2 tsp finely chopped
Green Chilli - 1
Salt - to taste

* Note : I halved the recipe and tried


Mix ragi flour with 4 cups of water and whisk it well without any lumps.Set aside.Take raw
rice in a mixer.


Grind it to a coarse mixture like rava.In a heavy bottomed vessel, boil 2.5 cups of water,
add rice and cook it until soft to a porridge like consistency.Then add the mixed ragi flour
mixture and required salt.


In low flame , keep mixing and cook it till it becomes thick and raw taste of ragi flour
leaves.It will become shiny and thick.The cooked rice will be seen in between as shown
here.At this stage switch off and spread it in a wide mouth container and let it cool down



Add little water to curd whisk it well, Set aside.Grind green chillies to a coarse paste.I
transferred to anoth wide mouthed container to cool down quickly.Now to the ragi koozh
add butter milk,chopped onions, chopped curry leaves and green chilli paste.


Whisk it well without any lumps, add water to make to a thin koozh consistency.It should
be very runny.

Serve hot / warm.

My Notes:

Usually they soak ragi flour overnight and then add it cooked rice and then cook it this is
done to get a slightly sour taste I just soaked ragi flour just few hours before making the
koozh.You can even do it instantly.

Always use a heavy bottomed vessel to cook the koozh else it will stick to the bottom.

While cooking keep in sim and cook else lumps may form easily.Keep mixing with a
laddle / whisk.

Usually in temples they dont temper anything for this koozh , add onion ,curry leaves raw
even green chillies they chop it finely and add it but I grinded to a coarse paste to avoid biting

The koozh thickens with time so adjust water / buttermilk accordingly.I used thick
buttermilk so had to add more water.

Make sure you cool down the koozh completely before adding buttermilk.

Koozh thickens with time, add hot water to make it runny.

Aadi Koozh which is served in temples is runny but adjust the consistency according to
your liking.

Water quantity for cooking ragi and raw rice may differ, so adjust accordingly.

I mixed it with milk and jaggery as I love sweet porridge. :)

Badam Ragi Malt Recipe Ingredients :

Ragi flour - 4 tbsp

Milk - 2 cups

Water - 1/2 cup

Sugar - 2 tsp

Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp

Badam powdered / chopped finely - 1 tbsp


Dry roast ragi flour till nice aroma comes, it may take 3-5 mins. Set

Take 1/2 cup milk add a tbsp of ragi flour to it and make it to a
smooth paste. Set aside.
Heat boiled milk then add the ragi milk paste and remaining ragi
flour, sugar to it. Stir continuously making sure no lumps are formed. Add
1/2 cup water and mix well.
Keep stirring till it becomes slightly thick like porridge but still in
pouring consistency. Add cardamom powder, give a quick stir and then
switch off. Garnish with powdered almonds and serve hot or warm.

My Notes :
Stir continuously as after adding the ragi paste, the mixture starts
thickening faster so take care to avoid lumps.
If you are making in advance before serving, then add little milk
while serving to make it to drinking consistency.
You can also add a tsp of MTR badam mix for extra flavour.

This tastes best when served hot and is very healthy too. If you have it
for teatime, you will feel full till dinner time as its very filling.

day, September 11, 2014

Varagu Pongal - Kodo Millet Pongal Recipe

17 17

Varagu Pongal or Varagarisi Ven Pongal is a very healthy and tasty for breakfast.I often make
varagu pongal with coconut chutney and tiffin sambar and the combo is so good.This is easy and
quick to make for breakfast that you can just make it in a jiffy and serve it. Amma makes a
chutney for this pongal with coconut and garlic which serves as a great sidedish for all ven
pongals, will definitely post it in the near future.You can use the same recipe and make
kuthiraivali, samai ven pongal.Check out more

millet recipes that I've already posted.

Varagu Arisi Pongal Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 15 mins | Serves : 2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Varagu Rice - 1/2 cup

Moong Dal - 3 tbsp
Water - 1 and 1/4 cups
Cashews - 5 broken
Ghee - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste

To temper:
Oil - 1 tsp
Pepper - 1/2 tsp (whole or crushed roughly)
Jeera - 1/2 tsp (whole or crushed roughly)
Curry Leaves - few
Green Chillies - 1
Ginger - 1/2 tsp chopped finely
Hing - 1/8 tsp


Dry roast moong dal till golden brown.Transfer to pressure cooker, then add varagu
rice.Add water and pressure cook for 3-4 whistles in medium flame.Switch off.


Once pressure releases, mash up rice and dal well with a laddle.Now get ready with the
tempering items...Heat oil in a pan - add the items listed under ' temper' let it splutter.


Then fry cashews in ghee and transfer both tempering and fried cashews to the
pongal.Give a quick stir.

Serve hot with a drizzle of ghee on top along with chutney and sambar.

My Notes:
I recommend serving hot / warm else it will become dry as with any

Adjust water according to the consistency you like your pongal to be.

Drizzle ghee, garnish with cashews while serving to give the pongal a
more appealing look :)

If you don't like whole pepper corns then crush it coarsely.

agu Adai - Mixed Millets Adai Recipe

8 8

I love adai soo much....I just modified

ammas adai recipe and tried this one replacing rice

with varagu and thinai, it came out so good even tastier than our usual adai...no one can actually
find the difference that you have made adai with millets.This is another recipe that you can easily
include millets in your diet, very healthy. I love to have it with coconut


Thinai is Foxtail Millet and Varagu is Kodo Millet


chutney and sugar,


Millet Adai Recipe

Preparation Time:2 hrs | Cooking Time : 5 mins | Makes:7 small adais
Recipe Category: Snack | Recipe Cuisine: Indian

To soak:
Varagu - 1/2 cup
Thinai - 1/2 cup
Toor dal - 1/4 cup
Chana dal - 1/4 cup
Moong dal - 1 tbsp
Urad dal -1 tbsp

Red chillies - 4
Fennel Seeds - 1 tsp(optional)
Small Onion - 1/4 cup chopped finely
Curry Leaves - few torn into pieces
Coriander Leaves - 1 tbsp finely chopped
Salt - to taste


Take all the ingredients listed under 'to soak' in a mixing bowl, soak it in water till
immersing level.Soak for atleast 3-4 hrs.Drain water and set aside.


Take red chillies and fennel seeds in a mixer, add little of mixed millet mixture and grind it
to a coarse mixture.


Now add remaining dals and grind it a semi coarse mixture.Add little water and Mix
well.Add chopped onion, coriander leaves and required salt.The batter should be slightly
runny in between idli and dosa batter consistency.


Heat the dosa pan,grease with little oil, pour a laddle full of batter and spread it evenly a
bit thick.Drizzle oil over the sides and let it cook, flip over other side and cook till golden
brown and crisp at the edges.

Serve hot with any chutney of your choice.

My Notes:

You can make big adais too.

Make sure to cook on one side , only then flip over to other side else it will stick and will
not be easy to turn over.

No need of standing time,you can make adais instantly once you have the batter.

The batter keeps well for 2-3 days if refrigerated.

You can make thick adais or thin crispy dosa kinds.If you want to make thin adai dosas
then make the batter little thin so that spreading is easy.

I used my cast iron dosa pan so the edges were nicely crisp.

Pearl millet
Foxtail Millet



Kodo Millet
Barnyard Millet
Little Millet
Finger Millet



Cooking Methods for Millets (2 methods)

1.Pan Method - Refer stepwise
2.Pressure Cooker Method : For 1 cup of millet add the same 3 cups and
pressure cook for 3 whistles in medium flame.
I would prefer the pan method for making plain rice variety and pressure

cooker method for making upma / pongal.

How to cook millets

Preparation Time:10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: indian

Millet - 1 cup
Water - 3 cups*

* Water quantity slightly differs for thinai and kambu alone.Check my notes section.

Millet Recipes:
The millet varieties can easily be substituted for rice and wheat. The
recipes I have tried so far are:
1.Thinai Upma, Thinai Payasam
2.Kambu Koozh, Kambu Thayir Sadam, Kambu Sadam, Kambu
Dosai(recipe coming up soon)
3.Varagu Pongal (recipe coming up soon)
4.Kuthirai Vali Idiyappam
5.Saamai Upma
6.Ragi Malt, Ragi Kozhukattai
There are many recipes you can try with millets like adai, roti, idli, dosa

etc will sure post them one by one.


Clean the millet first and remove any grits if any.Take the millet(I used varagu here), rinse
it in water and set aside.Boil water. Here I have used only 1/4 cup of millet so adjusted
water quantity accordingly.


Add the rinsed millet, and let it cook covered till all the moisture is absorbed and the grain
is cooked till soft.


Once all the water has been absorbed by the millet, switch off and keep aside for 10mins
by that resting time it will cook further.Then fluff it up with a laddle.

Serve hot with sambar and any veggie of your choice.

My Notes:

For thinai alone soak for an hour and cook else it will take longer or you will need to add
more water.Check

thinai upma recipe.

If you want pulav style grains then use 2 to 2 and 1/2 cups of water if you want it little
more mushy then 3 cups water will be perfect.If you want to make variety rice then use 2 and 1/2
cups of water.

And if you want more creamier porridge consistency then add 4 cups of water.

Rinsing is optional.While washing take care as the grains are tiny it gets easily washed
away with water, You can use a big wide strainer to wash/rinse the millets.

Also you can even roast the millet for few mins to enhance the nutty flavour of the grain.

Serve millets always hot / warm exceptional for kambu alone.

The time required to cook depends on each millet variety.

You can make any variety rice or khichdi with the millets just substitute millet for rice.

In the varagu sadam pic above you see I used 2 and 1/2 cups of water to get it grain
separated as I wanted to make lemon rice with it.

As I made just 1/4 cup I used my small pan but if you are making 1 cup or more use a
thick bottomed vessel to cook to avoid sticking at the bottom.

Kambu Koozh Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves : 2

Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Pearl Millet (Kambu) - 1 cup (I used broken kambu)

Water - 3.5 cups
Thin Buttermilk - 2 cups
Salt - to taste

For sidedishes:
Raw Onion, Green chillies

Molaga Vathal

Note: If you have whole kambu,then sprinkle little water over it and leave it for 15mins
then grind it in a mixer to make it coarse...just 2-3 pulse is enough

I used broken kambu so used it as such.Rinse the kambu well and transfer to pressure
cooker and add water and pressure cook in low medium flame for 3-4 whistles.


Once pressure releases, open and switch on the flame.Keep stirring till it becomes thick
enough to roll into a ball.Let it cool down for few mins, then roll them into balls as shown.


Place the kambu balls in a bowl containing water till immersing level.Let it rest for an
hr(you can leave it overnight in the fridge too), you can refrigerate it.Then mix it well.I

used my whisk for this.


Mix well without any lumps, then finally add buttermilk,required salt and give a quick stir.

Serve with raw onion or vadams or pickle of your choice.

My Notes:

Sowmya told that we can make the cooked kambu balls and refrigerate it the previous
night itself. And morning you can just mix it with buttermilk and serve it.She makes it that way
and tells it works good too.I think that the traditional way too which lets the millet to ferment and
it gives a slight tangy taste too.

I am not sure whether broken bajra is available at all stores, you can pulse it in mixer. I
got it from Nilgiris..Actually I took the whole kambu pack when the sales pati enlightened me
saying that broken bajra is easy to cook so got this.

I have seen readymade bajra powders too, but I recommend getting the millet.

You can use chilled buttermilk too.

It usually gets thick after cooling down so switch off accordingly.

You can even cook kambu in a thick bottomed vessel,Keep stirring occasionally, when the
rice is cooked all the water will be absorbed and switch off when it is thick enough to hold as a
ball. but it takes time so I usually use the pressure cooker method.

Make the drink littly runny so that its drinkable. But if you like it as porridge then make
it spoon-able.

Kambu sadam is just to stop with step 2. I will be making a separate post for it in future.

Kambu Dosa Recipe

Preparation Time:24 hrs | Cooking Time : 5 mins / dosa | Makes:6 dosas
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Pearl Millet - 1 cup (I used broken kambu)

Urad Dal - 1/4 cup
Fenugreek Seeds - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste



Rinse and wash urad dal and pearl millet seperately.Soak urad dal and fenugreek seeds in
a bowl, then in a seperate bowl soak kambu.Let it soak for atleast 5-6 hrs.


Add kambu first to the grinder and while its coarse add urad dal+fenugreek seeds and
grind it a smooth batter adding required water.Sprinkle water then and there to avoid
sticking.Collect it in a container


Add required salt,, close the container with a lid. and ferment it overnight,set aside in a
warm place.Then the next day you can see the batter has rised, then add little water to
make it little runny so that its easy to spread.


Heat dosa tawa, then take a laddle full of idli dosa batter - In medium flame add the dosa
batter to the dosa tawa and keep spreading in circular motion outwards.Drizzle oil,when
the dosa gets slightly browned turn over to other side and cook for few seconds then flip

over and fold it.

Your dosa is ready! Serve with idli podi / any chutney of your choice.

My Notes:

If you want to add idli rice then you can add 1/8 cup urad dal and 1/8 cup idli rice for 1
cup of peral millet.This yields more crispy dosas.

Fermenting time totally depends on your locations climatic conditions.

You can refrigerate the batter and store and use it.

I used broken kambu, you can use whole kambu too.

I used my cast iron dosa tawa , you can use non stick dosa tawa too.

This millet kanji is very easy to make just like how we make

sathu maavu kanji / ragi

kanji.It is best suited for breakfast as it keeps us full and stay energetic throughout the day.I had
little millet flour after making

cookies andinstant dosa so used that to make this kanji for

me and amma.We just loved it with the added flavours and temperings am sure no one will




One fine day, It was lunch just for the two of us amma and me, as she had tooth ache she asked if
I can make some porridge for her, As I was also in no mood to eat rice I skipped it, okay I admit
that I seek all reasons to skip rice ;) haha So quickly made this millet flour porridge and we had a
hearty and healthy meal.We had it with leftover chutney, but this porridge tastes good on its own
that you don't really need any sidedish.

Millet Kanji Recipe

Preparation Time:15 mins | Cooking Time : 15 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: Indian

Millet Flour - 1/2 cup

Water - 2 cups + 1/2 cup

Thin Chilled Buttermilk - 1 cup

Salt - to taste

To temper:
Oil - 1 tsp
Curry Leaves - a small sprig

Mor Milagai - 2
Garlic - 1 pearl


Take millet flour in a pan and dry roast for 5mins in low flame.Switch off and cool
down.Add 2 and 1/2 cups of water to the flour and whisk it well.


Now heat this mixture, keep stirring to avoid lumps formation.While stirring make sure
you stir till the bottom so that it doesnt get stuck to the bottom and get burnt.Keep


At one stage it will become so thick as shown.Switch off the stove and cool down.In a
tadka pan fry mor milagai.


Now take buttermilk and add it.Mix well to form a thin consistency,Add water if needed.


In the same tadka pan add mustard seeds let it splutter.Then add curry leaves and
crushed garlic,Transfer the tadka to the kanji, crush mor milagai and add it.Mix well.

While serving crush more milagai and serve chilled.

My Notes:

Roasting the flour is optiona but I recommend doing so to get a nice aroma.

Always use a heavy bottomed vessel to cook the koozh else it will stick to the bottom.

While cooking keep in sim and cook else lumps may form easily.Keep mixing with a
laddle / whisk.

You can even make it sweet but adding jaggery syrup.Check in my sathu maavu kanji

Make sure you cool down the koozh completely before adding buttermilk / milk else it will

d Rice - Samai Thayir Sadam Recipe

15 15

Samai (Little millet in English, Sama in Telugu, Kutki in Hindi,Same in Kannada, Chama in
Malayalam) is my one of the favorites among the millets I buy.I usually make kanji or this curd rice
with millets like varagu and samai which is the best and actually there is no much difference in
taste , it tastes just like our regular curd rice so this can be another healthy addition to your lunch
menu.If you want to know more this millet check out the detailed


recipes that


millets post. Check out



I will not be in town for the weekend so the lunchbox menu for this week will be skipped..Will get
back to routine from Monday :)

Samai Thayir Sadam Recipe

Preparation Time:10minutes | Cooking Time : 15 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Samai(Little Millet) - 1/2 cup

Water - 2 cups
Curd - 3/4 cup
Milk - 1/4 cup
Carrot - 3 tbsp grated
Coriander leaves - 2 tsp finely chopped
Salt - to taste

To temper:
Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Split Urad Dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - few
Green Chilli - 1 finely chopped
Ginger - 1/4 inch piece


Boil water, add the millet and cook for few mins then cook covered till it the millet
becomes soft and.


Once water is all absorbed and the millet is soft switch off and set aside for few mins to
cool down.Then take the millet in a mixing bowl and mash it first.Then add curd, then
milk and mix it up well.


Heat oil in a tadka pan and add the items listed under 'to temper' let it splutter.Transfer
the tempering to the the rice along with grated carrot,coriander leaves and required

salt.Mix well.

Serve chilled and while serving garnish with leftover carrots and coriander

My Notes:

If you like add chopped raw onion and cucumber too.

If you are packing then add few tbsp of milk along with curd and mix well.

If you prefer add little water and curd while mixing.

Serve with pickle,mor milagai or any kuzhambu of your choice.

You can try the same recipe with other millets like varagu, kuthiraivali kambu etc.

Millet Flour Dosa Recipe

Preparation Time:10 mins | Cooking Time : 5 mins / dosa | Makes:5 dosas
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Millet Flour - 1/2 cup

Rice Flour - 1/4 cup
Big Onion - 1 small sized finely chopped
Curry Leaves - 1 tbsp finely chopped
Green Chilli - 1 small chopped finely
Water - 3/4 to 1 cup(adjust)
Oil - as required to toast
Salt - to taste


In a mixing bowl - add millet flour,rice flour,onion,curry leaves, chilli and required salt.Mix
it well.Then add water little by little.


Mix it well using a whisk without any lumps.It should be runny so that while we pour the
batter should spread by itself.Now the batter is ready.


Heat a dosa tawa, take a laddle full of batter and pour it first in the outer circle, then pour
to fill in the center to fill the uncovered areas like how we do for rava dosa.Cook in
mediium flame.The dosa should be thin so don't pour over then we will get thick
dosas.Drizzle oil and cook until the top looks cooked.Fold and serve hot.

Your dosa is ready! Serve with idli podi / any chutney of your choice.

My Notes:

You can use any millet flour for this even ragi flour.

The batter should be very runny.The water measure I've given is not accurate, I've given
it just to give an idea.

Also you should not spread the batter, the laddle should not touch the dosa tawa
itself.Hold the laddle about 10 cm height above the dosa tawa and start pouring.

Always use a deep curved laddle while pouring as it holds more and will cover the puter
circle fully in one go.Then again you can take the batter another time to fill in the center areas.

It is very important that the dosa tawa should be really hot. When you pour you should
see the batter spreading by itself with tiny holes in it that the right contistency of the batter and it
shows the dosa tawa is perfect for making dosas.

You can even pour few drops of water to check if the dosa pan is hot.If you hear a bold
shh sound then the dosa tawa is ready.

After you make 2-3 dosas check the batter, if it becomes thick adjust by adding little

I didn't flip the dosas as it got cooked easily but if you can flip over cook and serve.

I used my cast iron dosa pan.

inai Arisi Upma Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 15 mins | Serves : 1
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Thinai Arisi (Foxtail Millet) - 1/2 cup

Big Onion - 1 chopped finely
Water - 3 cups
Salt - to taste

To temper:
Oil - 1 tsp
Coconut Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Urad Dal - 3/4 tsp
Curry leaves - a sprig
Green Chilli - 1 chopped roughly


Rinse it well if you feel there is any husk...I usually get cleaned millets so I don't rinse
it..Measure 1/2 cup of thinai arisi. Dry roast it for 3mins , don't let it change the
color.Heat oil - add the items listed under 'to temper' let it splutter.


Add onions and fry till transparent, then add water and let it come to a rolling boil then
add roasted thinai arisi little by little and keep stirring.


Once the water is absorbed fully,check if the grains have become soft then cook covered
for 2-3mins until its fluffy.

Serve hot with sugar or any side dish of your choice.

My Notes:

Actually thinai doesnt have its own flavour...its kind of bland so we need to induce flavours
to this millet.

You can serve it with any chutney or sambar or just with sugar.

Heard that there is whole thinai also available but the one I got was thinai rice which is
easy to cook and adaptable for any rice recipes - the info gave by the same paati :)

I used 3 cups of water and it was just perfect. If you are soaking thinai for an hr then add
only 1 and 1/2 cups.

You can even pressure cook thinai for 2-3 whistles with the same water ratio though I
havent tried it personally but will surely update it once I try the pressure cooking method.

Kambu Thayir Sadam Recipe

Preparation Time:15 minutes | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Broken Kambu - 1/2 cup (I used broken kambu)

Water - 2 cups
Curd - 1 cup
Carrot - 2.5 tbsp grated
Cucumber - 2 tbsp finely chopped
Raw Mango - 1 tbsp finely chopped
Coriander leaves - 2 tsp finely chopped
Salt - to taste

To temper:
Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - few
Green Chilli - 1 finely chopped
Ginger - 1/4 inch piece

Note: If you have whole kambu,then sprinkle little water over it and leave it for 15mins
then grind it in a mixer to make it coarse...just 2-3 pulse is enough


I used broken kambu so used it as such.Rinse the kambu well and transfer to pressure
cooker, add water and pressure cook in low medium flame for 4 whistles.


Once pressure releases, open and switch on the flame.Keep stirring till it becomes
thick.Now transfer this to a mixing dish. let it cool down completely.


Add curd and mix well.Then add cucumber,carrot,coriander leaves, raw mango and mix
well.Add required salt.


Heat oil in a pan - add items listed under 'to temper' let it splutter.Then add the
tempering to the curd rice. Mix well.

Serve chilled and while serving garnish with leftover carrots,cucumber and
coriander leaves.

My Notes:

If you like add chopped raw onion too.

If you are packing then add few tbsp of milk along with curd and mix well.

Make kambu rice thick so that while mixing it doesn't go runny.

If you prefer add little water and curd while mixing.

Serve with pickle or any kuzhambu of your choice.

Ragi Adai Recipe

Preparation Time:10 minutes | Cooking Time : 30 mins | Makes:8 small adais

Recipe Category: Snack | Recipe Cuisine: World

Ragi Flour - 1 and 1/2 cups

Carrot - 1/2 cup grated
Big Onion - 1/3 cup chopped finely
Coriander Leaves - 1 tbsp
Green Chilli - 1 finely chopped
Oil - 1 tsp + for toasting
Salt - to taste
Water - as required


Heat oil in a pan - add green chillies and onion, fry till onion turns transparent.Then add
carrot and saute till it shrinks and raw smell leaves.


Add chopped coriander leaves and mix well.Switch off and let it cool down.Then add ragi


Add required salt and mix well.Boil water and add it little by little.


Keep mixing with a laddle till it forms a smooth dough, it will be slightly sticky.Just rinse
your hands with water then handle the dough.Grease a polythene sheet / banana leaf.
Take a big lemon sized ball and place it on the greased sheet.Flatten it.


Start patting it with your fingers till its thin as shown in the picYou can make 2 adais at a
time so that you can alternate them while one is getting cooked in the tawa.Heat dosa
tawa and drizzle oil


Carefully flip the adais on the dosa tawa without the sheet touching the tawa.Or else you
can remove the adais with your hands and then place them on tawa,Toast the adais on
both the sides, drizzle oil.Flip over only when one side is cooked.

Serve hot with coconut chutney.

My Notes:

You can make big adais too.

You can even add murungakeerai / drumstick leaves to this adai.Just saute for a minute
and add it to the flour then form the dough.

Make sure to cook on one side , only then flip over to other side else it will stick and will
not be easy to turn over.

Ragi flour absorbs good amount of water, so boil more water.

The dough should be moist and sticky, if its dry then the adais will have splits and will
break while toasting.The consistency of the dough is more like the kozhukattai dough but sticky.

Grease your fingers with little oil so that it doesn't stick while flattening the adais.

Adding boiling water helps to cook the flour partially, amma always insists to add boiling
water so I follow the same.But you can add normal water too.



10 mins

5 mins
15 mins
Author: Vanessa @VeganFamilyRecipes.com
Recipe type: Vegan, Gluten-free


1 cup (200g) uncooked Organic Whole Millet

3 tablespoons Sambal Oelek

3 tablespoons Olive Oil

2 tablespoons Tomato Paste

teaspoon Lemon Juice

3 Scallions/Spring Onions (ends removed and diced)

2 Bell Peppers (any color other than green, I used red and yellow) -finely diced

cup fresh Parsley (chopped)

Salt and Pepper to taste


Rinse millet under running water. Add millet with 2 cups cold water to a mediums
sized stockpot. Bring to a boil over high heat and continue to boil for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and cover stockpot and let steam for 10 minutes. After 10
minutes add millet to a large mixing bowl and fluff with a fork.


Allow millet to cool for 5 and then add sambal oelek, olive oil, tomato paste and
lemon juice. Mix well with a fork or gently with a spoon until all of the millet is
covered in sauce.


Add scallions, bell pepper and parsley to millet and mix again.


Season with salt and pepper if needed and garnish with a few parsley leaves.


Allow to cool completely and serve.

1) Do not allow millet to cool completely before adding the sauce ingredients. Otherwise
you will end up with clumps of tomato paste in your salad.
2) Keep salad tasting fresh for a week by keeping it in an airtight container in the fridge.
3) This might seem obvious but make sure you always buy millet suitable for human
consumption. Millet for animal use is most often still has an outer hull that can't be
digested by humans. Therefore, make sure when you buy millet is says hulled
somewhere on the packaging.

me popular millet varieties

Saamai - Little millet
Varagu -Kodo Millet
Thinai -Foxtail Millet
Kuthiravaali -Barnyard millet
Kezhvaragu-Finger millet
Kambu-Pearl millet
First we will start with the basics on-How to cook millets? before going to Millet
recipes. Samai, varagu, kuthiravaali can be cooked in the same manner as below and can
be used in the same manner as rice. Foxtail millet/Thinai alone needs to be soaked for
one hour.Cooking method is the same as below.
Ingredients needed
Millets - samai or varagu or kuthiravaali or thinai - 1 cup
Water -3 cups
1. Clean millets and remove grits if any.
2.Wash and add 3 cups of water and switch on the heat.

3.When water starts boiling, reduce the heat to low, close it with a lid and cook for 10
4.After 10 minutes, switch off the flame and let it sit for 20 minutes. The millets will get
cooked fully in that resting time.

Fluff it with a fork and serve just as you serve rice with sambar, rasam or curd. Just
replace rice with millets as shown below.
A very healthy Lunch menu with millets

Soya Beans Sambar-Cabbage Potato Curry-Curd- Millet (Barnyard millet-Kuthiravalli)

You can reduce the water to 2 1/2 cup for 1 cup of millet for preparing variety rice but
personally I prefer 3 cups of water for 1 cup of millets. Once it cools it becomes fluffy and
is suitable for any variety rice also.
Note -You can pressure cook millets in the same way as you cook pressure cook rice. For
1 cup of millets, add 2 1/2 -2 3/4 cup of water depending upon your personal preference.

Today I am sharing with you my morning drink - it is a power packed drink which gives
me the energy to be active the whole day.I know preparing this porridge powder is a bit
time consuming process but worth the effort. If you are going to try it for the first time,
then prepare it with lesser quantity.Since we have sprouted ragi, pearl millet, green gram
and wheat, it further increases their nutritional value.This drink is very good especially
for growing children and women. It helps in boosting immunity also.

Multigrain Porridge Recipe-Multigrain Porridge Powder-Kanji-

Prep Time : 15 mins (excluding soaking time)

Cook Time : 50 mins
Yields:1 1/2 kg
Recipe Category: Health Drink-Porridge/kanji powder

Recipe Cuisine: Indian

Author:Padhu Sankar

Ingredients needed
Finger millet/Ragi -1/4 kg
Pear millet/Kambu -1/4 kg
Green gram - 1/4 kg
Wheat - 1/4 kg
Par boiled rice (pulungal arisi) - 1/4 kg
Fried gram /pottukadalai- 100 grams
Barley - 100 grams
Sago/jevarisi - 50 grams
Dry ginger/Sukku -2 inch piece
Almonds -25 grams

Method for preparing the porridge powderWash finger millet/ragi well and soak it in water overnight.
Next day, rinse well , drain the water, tie it in a muslin cloth and hang it.
Leave it for sprouting. Rinse once in between.
After it has sprouted, rinse it again gently, drain the water and spread it on a cloth for
drying. Dry it well either in the sun or in shade inside the house.
After it has dried well, dry roast it, till you get a nice aroma.
Repeat the same process as above for Pearl millet, Green gram and Wheat.
Dry roast boiled rice, fried gram, barley, sago, dry ginger and almonds separately.
Now combine all the 10 ingredients and get it ground in the flour mill/rice mill.
Your porridge powder is ready.
Now to the Multigrain Porridge-Kanji Recipe Porridge powder - 1 1/2 tbsp
Water -3/4 cup

Powdered jaggery -1 tbsp

Milk -1 cup
Mix the porridge powder with water well without any lumps.
Cook over low flame stirring continuously till it becomes thick.
Add powdered jaggery and milk and drink it hot.

If you want your porridge to be thick, then add 3 tbsp of the porridge powder and follow
the same method as above . Reduce the quantity of milk.
For those who do not like it sweet, here is Another version of preparing the
Ingredients needed
Porridge powder - 2 tbsp
Water - 3/4 cup
Salt - a generous pinch

Buttermilk -1 cup
Mix the porridge powder with water well without any lumps.
Cook over low flame stirring continuously till it becomes thick.
After it cools , add salt and buttermilk and enjoy the power packed drink.

Quinoa Breakfast Porridge

Prep Time : 15 mins

Cook Time : 5 mins
Serves: 1
Recipe Category: Breakfast

Ingredients needed
Quinoa -1/4 cup (uncooked)
Low fat Milk -3/4 cup - Almond milk or soy milk for vegans
Honey or Organic palm jaggery -1-2 tbsp
Dates - chopped -3-4
Raisins/currants -2 tbsp
Toasted almonds thinly sliced -4
Walnuts -4 chopped
Hazelnuts -3 chopped
Cinnamon powder -1/4 tsp (optional)

Rinse quinoa well and cook adding 1/2 cup of water. Check out How to cook
Quinoafor more details.
Add milk to the cooked quinoa and cook for another 4-5 minutes until creamy. Add palm

sugar, chopped dates, raisins and chopped nuts. Mix in cinnamon powder if you like the
flavor. Serve warm.
For Vegans - Vegans can substitute cow's milk with soy milk or almond milk.
More topping suggestions - Berries, fruits like apple, banana, mango etc, mix of
sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, flax seed powder.

How to cook Quinoa

Prep Time : 5 mins


Time : 15


Serves: 2

Salt (optional)

Category: Main








Stove top Method

Place quinoa in a fine mesh strainer and wash it well under running water. Washing it
well is important as the outer hull of a quinoa seed is very bitter. Though commercial
processing methods remove the bitterness, it is still advisable to rinse quinoa well.
Add 2 cups of water for 1 cup of quinoa. When water starts boiling, reduce the
flame/heat to low.

Cover and cook simmered for 15 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed. Let it sit for
10 minutes.Then fluff it with a fork. Fluffy, light and tasty Quinoa is ready.




After rinsing quinoa well, add 1 cup of quinoa and 2 cups of water in a pressure cooker.
When water starts boiling, reduce the flame/heat to low, close the cooker and put the
weight. Cook simmered for 8-10 minutes or cook for 1 whistle and turn off the heat. It
varies according to the capacity of the cooker.When pressure subsides, open the cooker
and fluff quinoa with a fork. I usually prefer to cook in a vessel inside the cooker. In that
case, you can cook for 3 whistles.



Add 1 cup of quinoa and 2 cups of water in a rice cooker. Turn on to cooking mode and
cook. Once done it will automatically switch to keep warm mode, otherwise turn off the
heat once all the water is absorbed and quinoa is soft. Let is sit for 5-10 minutes. Then
fluff it with a fork.
You can add vegetable stock (for vegetarians) or chicken stock (for non vegetarians) to
cook quinoa instead of water.

You can toast quinoa seeds with a little oil on low heat after draining the water
completely to give it added flavor.
You can add a little salt while cooking if preferred.

Light and fluffy cooked Quinoa

Quinoa is delicious on its own. When prepared with vegetable broth, it tastes great. It
can be used in place of rice, millets or couscous. You can also have this with regular
sambar, kuzhambu or kootu. You can make a variety of dishes like salads, soups, pilaf
etc. You can combine it with stir fried vegetables, beans or even prepare a quick
breakfast with it by adding milk and nuts. I will soon share many quinoa recipes.

egetable Quinoa Pilaf Recipe with Pinto Beans

Prep Time : 15 mins

Cook Time : 15 mins
Serves: 1
Recipe Category: Vegetarian
Recipe Cuisine: Indian

Ingredients needed
Quinoa (uncooked) - 1/2 cup
Onion -1
Garlic -2-3 cloves
Ginger - 1 inch piece peeled
Green chilli-1 slit
Vegetables and beans
Beans -5-6
Carrot -1 medium
Capsicum -1 small capsicum
Pinto beans -1/4 cup uncooked or 1/2 cup cooked
Spice powder
Chilli powder -1/2 tsp
Biryani Masala/pulao masala -1 tsp
Salt to taste
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
For the seasoning
Vegetable oil - 1 1/2 tbsp
Cumin seeds -3/4 tsp
Bay Leaf -1
For Garnishing

Coriander leaves finely chopped

Mixed toasted seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower,linseed)
Cook 1/2 cup of quinoa in 1 cup of water. Check out health benefits of quinoa and how
to cook Quinoa in detail. Once cooked, fluff quinoa with a fork and leave it to cool.
Chop the vegetables lengthwise.
Mince ginger and garlic together or grind it coarsely.
Wash and soak pinto beans overnight. Pressure cook with a little salt for 4 whistles or
until soft. Skip this step if using canned beans (just drain and rinse).
Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and bay leaf. When cumin seeds sizzle, add onions
and slit green chilli.
Saute until onions turn transparent. Add ginger garlic and saute for a few more minutes.

Add beans, carrot and saute for 2-3 seconds. Then add little water and cook beans and
carrot until tender.

Add capsicum, chilli powder, biryani masala powder (available ready made in all Indian
stores) and salt needed. Cook for 3-4 minutes on medium flame or until capsicum is half
done. Capsicum should retain its crunchiness, so take care not to over cook it.

Add cooked beans, cooked quinoa and mix everything well.Remove from heat. Check for
salt. Add lemon juice, mix well and garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves.

Top it with a mix of hulled pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and linseed.
These seeds contain omega 6 and are full of essential vitamins and minerals. So I added
them to the pulao but it is optional.
Note - If you cannot get biryani masala powder, you can add garam masala powder.
Biryani masala powder is available online also.

Quinoa Vegetable Salad-Quinoa Vegan Salad

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cook Time : 20 mins
Serves: 1

Recipe Category: Lunch-Dinner

Recipe Cuisine: International
Author:Padhu Sankar

Ingredients needed
Quinoa -1/2 cup
Steamed broccoli -10 florets
Bell pepper - all colors -1/2-3/4 cup
Cucumber or zucchini -1 chopped
Lettuce leaf -2
For the Salad dressing
Olive oil -2 tbsp
Fresh lemon juice to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper powder to taste
Cook quinoa, fluff it with a fork and leave it to cool. Check out my detailed post on how
to cook quinoa.
Steam broccoli, chop it into bite size pieces and keep it ready.
Whisk together olive oil, salt and pepper powder.
In a bowl combine together, quinoa, steamed broccoli, chopped bell pepper, cucumber
and the dressing. Mix until well combined.
Garnish with torn lettuce leaves and serve. You can add chopped walnuts or a mix of
toasted seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds) to make it more healthy and

ecipes-How to prepare Kambu (Bajra) Dosa-Pearl Millet Dosa

Pearl millet is known as Bajra in Hindi and Punjabi, Bajri in Gujarati and
Marathi,Sajje in Kannada, Kambu in Tamil, Sajjalu in Telugu and Kambam in
Malayalam. In Europe it is known as candle millet or dark millet. Bajra is very
popular in Rajasthan and is the most widely grown millet. It is high in protein and
contains all essential amino acids. It is rich in calcium, iron and other minerals. It also

has vitamin E and B-complex. You can make a variety of dishes with bajra like bhakris,
porridge, kali or can be used instead of rice which I will be sharing it soon. I feel very
happy and satisfied every time I prepare such healthy food for dinner or breakfast as I
strongly believe in "Health is wealth".Today let us learn how to make Bajra/Kambu dosa
following this easy recipe.

Kambu Dosa-Pearl Millet Dosa

Prep Time : 30 mins | Cook Time : Less than 5 mins per dosa
Ingredients needed
Kambu/bajra-1 cup
Par boiled Idli Rice (Idli pulungal arisi)-1/4 cup
Whole Urad dal- 1/4 cup
Fenugreek/methi seeds- 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Recipe Instructions
Wash and soak all the ingredients together for 6-7 hours or overnight.
Grind it to a smooth batter adding water needed. Add salt needed and mix well.
Allow it to ferment for 5-6 hours.
Prepare just as you make regular dosas.
Heat a tawa, when it is hot, pour a ladle of batter and spread it in a circular motion.
Drizzle a tsp of oil around the dosa.
When the corners start lifting up, flip it over to the other side. Let the other side also get
Then remove the dosa from the tawa and serve hot with any Chutney or Sambar of your
To know how to make dosa in detail, check out this post on how to make dosa.
Recipe# 2
Dosa using Kambu flour/Bajra flour
Ingredients needed
Bajra flour -4 cups
Whole urad dal -1/2 cup
Fenugreek -1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Wash and soak urad dal and fenugreek for 4 hours. Grind it to a smooth and fluffy

Since I used grinder to grind the urad dal, the batter was fluffy. If you use mixer (mixie)
add a little more than 1/2 cup of urad dal.
Mix bajra flour with needed water and salt making sure that there are no lumps. Then
add the ground urad dal and mix it well. Add water if needed to get a dosa batter
consistency.Check for salt.
Then prepare just like you prepare regular dosa.
Note - you can prepare the same recipe with ragi also. Just substitute ragi in place of
bajra/kambu in the first recipe and ragi flour in place of bajra/kambu flour in the second
recipe. Find 3 more recipes for Ragi Dosa.
Use only whole urad dal without skin for best results.

arley Spinach Khichdi-Barley Recipe-Healthy Lunch Ideas

Barley being low in cholesterol and rich in fiber, naturally helps in weight loss. It can
replace rice in most dishes, so it's easy to substitute barley in place of rice. Barley is
considered as the best natural remedy for urinary tract infection, especially in pregnant
women. According to whfood barley is a very good source of molybdenum, manganese,
dietary fiber and selenium and a good source of copper, vitamin B1, chromium,
phosphorus, magnesium, and niacin. Barley may be an even better breakfast choice than
oats for persons with Type 2 diabetes. In a study conducted by the Agricultural Research
Service at the Diet and Human Performance Laboratory in Beltsville, MD, barley was
much more effective in reducing both glucose and insulin responses than oats. Khichdi is
my comfort food and I love to try it with different grains. Today we will learn how to
make Barley Spinach Khichdi following our easy recipe.

Barley Spinach Khichdi

Prep Time: 10 mins | Cook Time: 30 Mins | Serves :1

Ingredients needed
Barley Rava - 1/2 cup
Tur dal - 1/4 cup

Onion - 1
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Green chilli -1
Tomato -1
Spinach - 3/4 cup chopped
Turmeric powder - a pinch
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt needed
Water- 2 cups
For the seasoning
Oil - 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Jeera/cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Whole black pepper - 3
Red chilli -1
Hing - a pinch
For top up seasoning
Ghee - 1 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Garlic minced - 1 tsp
Wash barley rava, drain the water and keep it aside.
Soak tur dal for half an hour in just enough hot water. You can use a mix of tur dal and
moong dal also.
Wash and chop spinach leaves. Discard the thick stems. Also chop onion, garlic and
Heat oil in a pan/pressure pan, add mustard seeds, when it splutters, add cumin seeds,
whole black pepper, red chillies and hing.
When jeera/cumin seeds sizzle, add chopped onions, garlic, green chilli and saute until
onions turn pink.
Add chopped tomatoes and saute until tomatoes become soft.

Add chopped spinach, turmeric powder, chilli powder and saute for 2-3 seconds.
Add soaked dal and washed barley rava.

Add 2 cups of water, needed salt and pressure cook for 3 whistles. (taste the water to
check if the salt added is correct- if the water is slightly salty, then it will be perfect once
it is cooked)
Once the pressure subsides, open the cooker and mix the content well.
Heat a tsp of ghee, add cumin seeds, when it splutters, add minced garlic, saute for 2
seconds and pour it over the khichdi.

Serve kichadi hot with raita or any vegetable curry or just curd and pickle. Khichdi
should always be served piping hot.

I wanted to experiment different recipes with millets.I had a cup of kuthiraivali(barnyard millet)
after making pongal and upma and when I was looking for recipes my neighbour gave a book of
millet recipes where I saw this idiyappam recipe but the orginal recipe used samai flour.So I

thought to make my own millet flour by just roasting and grinding the millet.I made the flour
ready the previous night itself and made the idiyappam for morning breakfast which turned out to
be a super hit. I love all idiyappam varieties and this millet idiyappam was so soft and tasted great
that both amma and hubby gave a thumps up and amma was all praises for me for




You can replace kuthiraivali with any millet variety like samai / thinai or varagu.I had kuthiraivali in
hand so wanted to use that up but am planning to try sweet idiyappam with other millets, will sure
post them soon.Don't underestimate by the look of this idiyappam, if you like idiyappam then this
is a must try as its healthy too.The idiyappam tastes good by itself , you can even serve it with



I am quite thrilled and excited as its mittus bday tomorrow the one day I look forward each
year....:) Though we ordered her party cake from the bakery, I usually bake a cake for her which is
a small sentiment for me as a mother to bake atleast a simple cake for her which she also looks
forward. Now the cake is baking...so fingers crossed. :) I will come back a day after with all the
celebration stories and ofcourse with a special recipe.

Kuthiraivali Idiyappam Recipe

Preparation Time:10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Dessert | Recipe Cuisine: World

Kuthiraivali (or any millet variety) - 1 cup

Big Onion - 1 finely chopped
Coconut(grated) - 1 tbsp
Water - as required

To temper:
Oil - 2 tsp
Mustard seeds - 3/4 tsp

Urad Dal - 1/2 tsp

Jeera - 1/4 tsp
Green Chillies - 1 chopped
Curry Leaves - a small sprig


Dry roast the millet till slightly browed as shown.Cool down and grind it to a fine
powder(as fine as possible).Set aside.


Boil water and add it to little by little to the millet powder till it gathers together.Mix well
with a laddle, once its hand bearable hot, gather it together to a smooth dough.


Take your idiyappam press, Pinch a ball from the dough and fill it in the idiyappam
press.Grease the idiyappam steamer plate then press it in circular motion to fill the
steamer plate.Don't crowd it.


In the idli steamer pour water and place the idiyappam steamer plate above it and steam
it for 8-10mins.Turn over to remove the idiyappam, then spread it in a plate.Once cooled

down, crumble it so that the strings get separated.


Heat oil - add the items listed under to temper let it splutter.Then add onion and fry till
golden brown.Add required salt.Now add idiyappam and mix well.Saute well till its
blended well.Add coconut and switch off.

Serve hot / warm.

My Notes:

Grind the millet to a fine powder else pressing will become difficult and you will not get
continuous fine strings.So make sure to grind it as fine as possible.

You can replace kuthirai vali with any millet of your choice like samai,varagu or thinai.

I pressed and steamed in 2 batches as the dough was more.

I have not given the water quantity as it might differ depending on the texture of flour.

You can even add sugar,coconut and elachi powder to make sweet idiyappam.Replace
sugar with jaggery if you like.

You can add lemon juice to make it lemon sevai.Use your ideas to create your own variety
of sevai.

I wanted to try thinai payasam(foxtail millet kheer) since I started experiment with the millet and
when I was thinking of some special post for april 14th tamil new year, also I was guilty that I
hadnt posted millet recipes for a while now so this thinai payasam was apt. The payasam came out
so good, it was creamy and tasty.....Why not try millet payasam for a change am sure you will love


I will be in Chennai next week, have the pics ready for next weeks posts but have to find time and
mood to post it...Lets see :)

Thinai Payasam Recipe

Preparation Time:10 minutes | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Payasam / Kheer | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Thinai (Foxtail Millet)

- 1/2 cup

Jaggery - 3/4 cup(crushed)

Boiled & Cooled Milk - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 1.5 tsp
Cashews - 1 tbsp broken
Elachi powder - a tiny pinch


In a tsp of ghee roast thinai till nice aroma wafts and the color changes slightly.Now add
water and let it cook till it turns soft.While thinai cooks roast the cashews 1/2 tsp ghee

and set aside.


Powder jaggery....I used my hand mortar and pestle for this.Measure 1 cup and transfer it
to a mixing bowl.Add water to it.Mash it up well, I used my potato masher for this.Strain
to remove impurities.


Heat it up to melt it and boil in medium flame for 3mins until frothy and slightly thick.In
low medium flame,add cooked thinai and stir well to avoid lumps.Cook for 3mins, Keep
stirring.Now add elachi powder.


Add milk and keep stirring continuously.One it all combines together, add roasted cashews
give a quick mix and switch off.

Serve hot / warm.I love it chilled :)

My Notes:

Use milk at room temperature.Take care while adding milk, keep

stirring continuosly to avoid milk from curdling.

Thinai cooks faster so I cooked it in tawa itself.You can even

pressure cook it with 1:2.5 cups ratio for 2 whistles.While cooking thinai
dont mash it up, you should be able to feel the texture while eating.

If you want a more richer version then cook thinai itself in milk
instead of water.

You can even add 1/4 cup coconut milk for extra flavour.Add it after
adding milk.

Make sure you make the jaggery syrup slightly thick before adding
thinai so that payasam is creamy and not watery.

I used normal vellam(jaggery) , you can even use paagu vellam.

Kambu Koozh Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves : 2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Pearl Millet (Kambu) - 1 cup (I used broken kambu)

Water - 3.5 cups
Thin Buttermilk - 2 cups
Salt - to taste

For sidedishes:
Raw Onion, Green chillies

Molaga Vathal

Note: If you have whole kambu,then sprinkle little water over it and leave it for 15mins
then grind it in a mixer to make it coarse...just 2-3 pulse is enough


I used broken kambu so used it as such.Rinse the kambu well and transfer to pressure
cooker and add water and pressure cook in low medium flame for 3-4 whistles.


Once pressure releases, open and switch on the flame.Keep stirring till it becomes thick
enough to roll into a ball.Let it cool down for few mins, then roll them into balls as shown.


Place the kambu balls in a bowl containing water till immersing level.Let it rest for an
hr(you can leave it overnight in the fridge too), you can refrigerate it.Then mix it well.I
used my whisk for this.


Mix well without any lumps, then finally add buttermilk,required salt and give a quick stir.

Serve with raw onion or vadams or pickle of your choice.

My Notes:

Sowmya told that we can make the cooked kambu balls and refrigerate it the previous
night itself. And morning you can just mix it with buttermilk and serve it.She makes it that way
and tells it works good too.I think that the traditional way too which lets the millet to ferment and
it gives a slight tangy taste too.

I am not sure whether broken bajra is available at all stores, you can pulse it in mixer. I
got it from Nilgiris..Actually I took the whole kambu pack when the sales pati enlightened me
saying that broken bajra is easy to cook so got this.

I have seen readymade bajra powders too, but I recommend getting the millet.

You can use chilled buttermilk too.

It usually gets thick after cooling down so switch off accordingly.

You can even cook kambu in a thick bottomed vessel,Keep stirring occasionally, when the
rice is cooked all the water will be absorbed and switch off when it is thick enough to hold as a
ball. but it takes time so I usually use the pressure cooker method.

Make the drink littly runny so that its drinkable. But if you like it as porridge then make
it spoon-able.

Kambu sadam is just to stop with step 2. I will be making a separate post for it in future.

Kambu Sadam or Kambu Soru is a healthy fiber rich rice which you can replace for our usual white
rice.You can even make variety rice like sambar sadam or thayir sadam or just mix with sambar
and have it with any poriyal of your choice.I wanted to post how to cook kambu both ways
1.pressure cooker method 2.normal traditional method cooking in a thick bottomed vessel.I usually



Check out my








kambu koozh and kambu thayir sadam that




I posted a while back.I

clicked this kambu sadam along with kambu thayir sadam but it has taken so long to post this
kambu sadam.I love this kambu rice with spicy puli kuzhambu or with curd.

Kambu Sadam Recipe - Ingredients

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 mins | Serves : 2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Pearl Millet (Kambu) - 1/2 cup (I used broken kambu)

Water - 2 cups

Note: If you have whole kambu,then sprinkle little water over it and leave it for 15mins
then grind it in a mixer to make it coarse...just 2-3 pulse is enough



I used broken kambu so used it as such.Rinse the kambu well.Boil 2 cups of water in a
thick bottomed vessel when it starts to boil add kambu.Let it boil and cook.


Cover and cook in low medium flame Stir in between to prevent it sticking to the
bottom.At one stage the millet will become soft absorbing all the water.

Serve with raw onion or vadams or pickle of your choice or with any
kuzhambu of your choice.

My Notes:

If you prefer eating the millet with grains separated then dry roast raw kambu for few
mins then cook it with water.I like my millet a bit mushy so I don't roast it.

The water quantity may slightly increase like, it may take 2 to 2.5 cups depending on the
kambu variety.

I usually get millets from Nilgiris or any trusted supermarket so that they are clean.Else
you need to clean it to check for small stones.

You can serve it with any kuzhambu of your choice or sambar or puli kuzhambu.

You can even make variety rice like sambar sadam or thayir sadam.

It usually gets thick after cooling down so switch off accordingly.

If you want to pressure cook then cook it in the ratio 1 cup bajra:3.5 cups water.Pressure
cook for 3-4 whistles in low medium flame.

The water quantity depends on the variety of kambu and method you use to cook kambu.

I usually don't add salt, if you want add it as per your preference.

I wanted to try Wheat Idiyappam also called as Wheat String Hoppers since I saw the recipe in a
supplementary cookbook.Last year during Diwali I saw this Pithalai(Brass) Idiyappam press at
Kamala Stores but felt it was overpriced so I returned back home without buying it.But after a
month or so I felt to own it and went in search of it but unfortunately all the pieces were sold out,
the same thing repeated after 2months and I regretted again.Hubby was teasing me as usual, you

always ask for things when its out of reach and neglect it when you see it...Sigghhh but yes thats
a true story.To my surprise he gifted me this Brass Idiyappam Press along with few other brass





The moment I saw it, I wanted to try wheat idiyappam first and here is the recipe for it.This is sure
a better alternate for chapathi.And steamed food is always healthy, So I am planning to make it

This is my new Idiyappam / Murukku Press, screw type. I already have a

wooden press and stainless steel one which amma gave me now this one
is a new addi(c)tion.This is the first time I am using a screw type press
and I find it very easy.

Wheat Idiyappam Recipe

Preparation Time:15 mins | Cooking Time : 15 mins | Serves:2
Recipe Category: Main | Recipe Cuisine: Indian

Wheat Flour - 1 cup

Water - as required
Salt - to taste
Coconut - 2 tbsp
Sugar - as required


Take wheat flour in a pan and start roasting, roast till it changes to slightly golden and is
of sandy texture.This is the correct stage, switch off and cool down.Add required salt and

keep it ready.


Boil water till it starts boiling rigorously, now add it to little by little to the roasted flour till
it gathers together.Start mixing it with a laddle.


Keep adding water little by little till it gathers together to form a dough. Seperate the
dough into portions and keep it ready.


Take your idiyappam press and grease it well with oil.I used the fine idiyappam press
mould.Pinch a ball from the dough and fill it in the idiyappam press.


Grease the idiyappam steamer plate then press it in circular motion to fill the steamer
plate.Grease the idli steamer plate.Repeat this in batches...Don't crowd .I used my idli
plates for steaming as I wanted small individual portions.


In the idli steamer pour water and place the idli steamer plate above it and steam it for
10-12mins.Serve hot with coconut and sugar drizzled...tastes great!

Serve hot / warm.

My Notes:

You can see the texture difference and the color change, but don't let the color change to
brown, then the idiyappam will have a bitter taste.

I used homemade wheat flour.

Don't over roast, if its over roasted then the idiyappam will taste bitter.Don't let the color
change to dark brown, it should be slightly golden and the texture will be sandy, that's the perfect
time to stop roasting.

You can separate the strings and even make savory idiyappam by making a simple
tadka with oil,mustard seeds,curry leaves and onion.

hinai Thakkali Sadam-Foxtail Millet Tomato Rice

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cook Time : 15 mins
Recipe Category: Millets
Recipe Cuisine: South Indian
Serves: 1

Ingredients needed
Foxtail millet/Thinai-1/2 cup
Finely chopped onions-1/2 cup
Tomato puree -3/4 cup
Green chilli -1
Sambar Powder -1 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder -1/4 tsp
For the seasoning
Oil -1 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - few

Dry roast foxtail millet until it is hot to touch. Cook covered with 1 1/2 cup of
water. Once cooked, let it cool. As it cools, it will becomes a little fluffy.

Wash and puree tomatoes.


Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, when it splutters, add curry leaves.

Add onions, green chilli and saute until onions turn transparent.

Then add tomato juice, sambar powder, turmeric powder, salt needed and cook
well on medium flame until the raw flavor of the tomato goes and oil oozes out.

Add the cooked foxtail millet, mix well and cook for a few more seconds until
everything gets blended well. Serve hot with raita or pachadi of your choice.

This is a wholesome, nutritious, quick, filling and a satisfying meal.

Quinoa Vegetable Upma

Prep Time : 10 mins

Cook Time : 25 mins
Serves: 1
Recipe Category: Breakfast-Dinner
Recipe Cuisine: South Indian

Ingredients needed
Quinoa -1/2 cup
Onion -1/3 cup or 1 onion chopped
Green chilli -2 slit
Peeled and chopped ginger -1 tbsp
Carrot + beans together -1/2 cup
Capsicum -1/2 a capsicum or 1/3 cup chopped
Potato -1/4 cup or a small potato
Tomato - 1 small
Salt -1 tsp flat or as needed
For the seasoning
Oil -2 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1 tsp
Urad dal -1/2 tsp
Bengal gram -1/2 tsp (optional)
Red chillies -1-2
Hing -1/4 tsp
Curry leaves - few


Chop all the vegetables. Wash the quinoa well in a sieve (put it in a sieve or fine
mesh strainer) under running water and keep it aside.

Keep all the vegetables, seasonings needed for the upma ready. It saves a lot of
time and mess.
Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, when it splutters, add urad dal and bengal
gram dal. When dal turns golden brown, add red chillies, hing and curry leaves.

Add chopped onions, green chilli, ginger and saute until onions turn transparent.

Add all the vegetables (except capsicum and tomato) 1/3 cup of water and cook

Once the vegetables are 3/4 th cooked, add the capsicum and tomatoes. Cook for
2-3 minutes.

Add 1 cup of water and needed salt. (taste the water to check for salt - the water
should be slightly salty, once you add the quinoa, it will be perfect).

When water starts boiling, reduce the flame and add the washed quinoa. Cook
covered on low flame. Stir once in between.

It will take around 15 minutes. Once all the water has evaporated, turn off the
heat, mix well and enjoy!! Filling, and nutritious quinoa upma is ready and the
great thing is you have just one utensil to wash!!

You do not need any side dish for this upma as we have added lot of vegetables.
But if preferred, you can have it with chutney or sambar.

Picture shows quinoa upma and a bowl of chopped pineapple.

Tips from my personal experience - I have the habit of having a bowl of any
seasonal fruits (organic preferable) an hour before breakfast or dinner. Either eat
fruits on an empty stomach or 1 or 2 hours before breakfast or meals. In this way,
you will feel energized and can avoid most digestive problems. It also helps in
weight loss as we are not tempted to overeat. Try it and see. You will feel good!!

Quinoa Tomato Bath-Indian Quinoa Recipes

Prep Time : 5 mins

Cook Time : 20 mins
Serves: 1

Recipe Category: Lunch-Dinner-Quinoa Recipes

Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author:Padhu Sankar

Ingredients needed
Quinoa - 1/2 cup
Onion - 1/2 cup chopped
Green chilli - 1 slit
Ginger - 1 inch piece finely chopped
Garlic cloves - 3 finely chopped
Tomato puree - 1 cup
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Sambar powder - 2 tsp
Salt needed
For the seasoning
Oil - 1 1/2 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1 tsp
Curry leaves - a sprig
For garnishing
Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp finely chopped
Cook quinoa as given in the link - How to cook Quinoa. Fluff it with a fork and keep it
Grind/blend 3 ripe tomatoes and keep it ready. We need 1 cup of tomato puree.
Chop onions, ginger and garlic finely.
Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, when it splutters, add curry leaves, onion, ginger
and garlic. Add little salt and saute until onions turn transparent.

Add tomato puree, sambar powder, turmeric powder and salt needed. (we have added
salt while cooking the onions, so add accordingly).

Cook until the rawness of the tomato goes and it oozes out oil. See the difference between
the picture above and below. Cook the tomatoes well like that on medium flame stirring
from time to time.

Once the tomato puree is cooked well as shown above, fluff quinoa with a fork and add to
the tomato mixture.

Mix well until the quinoa is well coated with the tomato mixture. Check for salt and
remove from heat. Garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves.

Serve hot with any raita or pachadi or salad of your choice. It will take only 15-20
minutes to prepare this dish. While the quinoa is cooking, you can make the tomato
gravy and save a lot of time.
Suggestions - You can add cooked peas and top it with mixed toasted seeds to make it
more nutritious.

Tips for working women -You can prepare both quinoa and the tomato mixture a
day before and refrigerate it. The next morning all you have to do is to mix both
and reheat

arashtrian dish made with multi grain flours. It is usually served as a breakfast or snack
with some butter or yogurt or some dry garlic chutney.
Besan - 1 cup
Jowar flour - 1 cup
Rice flour - 1 cup
Bajra flour - 1/2 cup
Wheat flour - 1/2 cup
Chilli powder, Corriander powder, Cumin powder, Garam masala powder - 1 tblsp each

Turmeric - 1 tsp
Grated Jaggery - 2 tblsp
Chopped Onion - 1/2 cup
Chopped Coriander (Cilantro) - 1/4 cup
Garlic - 2 tblsp (finely chopped)
Salt - to taste

1. Mix all the above ingredients and knead with enough water into a soft dough.
2. Cover and let the dough rest for about 10 minutes. After that make small balls of the
3. Pat each ball with fingers on a wet muslin cloth or a greased plastic cover to roll out
the thalipeeth. (You can use a big ziploc cover too. Wet your hands before patting.)
4. In the meantime heat up the tawa.
5. Drop 2-3 drops of oil on the thalipeeth and put it on the hot tawa. Put the rolled out
thalipeeth such that the top touches the tawa.
6. Carefully remove the cloth/plastic cover from the thalipeeth.
7. Let it cook well on both sides.
8. Serve hot with dry garlic chutney or yoghurt or raita or fresh coconut and chilly powder.

Prepared dough for thalipeeth

Baking the Thalipeeth

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