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Abacre Cloud Retail Point of Sale version 2.

Copyright 2016 Abacre Limited
All Rights Reserved
----------------------------------------------------------------------Abacre Cloud Retail Point of Sale is 100% free retail management
system consisting of two main parts: classical software for Windows
working with database located in the cloud and web-based part
representing shop's web site. It is a complete solution of the retail:
taking orders, billing, purchasing, inventory and labour management.
The user interface is carefully optimized for high speed input of a
client's order and prevention of common mistakes. It's designed for
using on multiple computers, and contains reliable and secure
authorization levels.
It works with all commonly used hardware: touch screens, POS printers,
line displays (poles), cash drawers and barcode readers (bar code
scanners). The layouts of the client bill can be customized, and the
program can be set up for any currencies, taxes, and number formats.
Payments can be accepted by cash, credit cards, or checks.
For managers, there is a rich set of reports that shows a complete
picture of retail operations: sales by given period, hours of high
load, Z-Out, on hand inventory, the most active employees, payment
methods, and automatic tax calculations.
Automatically created shop's web site allows to clients to study items
with prices and order items for delivery or pickup; managers may see
online sales reports; salesmen may take orders with iPad/iPhone/Android
or any tablet computer or phone supporting web browser.
By standardizing the entire retail management process, the software
makes better use of your employees' time and energy radically
improving your turnover and profit margins.
It's easy to install and easy to use. It may be used in any
environment from small single-computer retail shops to large retail
chains with multiple checkout lanes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Program works under Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/Windows 7/8.
Installation instructions
----------------------------------------------------------------------Simply run setup.exe file.
Download and install CCO OPOS drivers from this location:
What's new
----------------------------------------------------------------------ACRTPOS v4.0:
* Feature: new report: Clients Accounts Totals.
* Feature: new option for Take Payment window: Clear only for cash
payments. So Amount Paid maybe cleared only for cash payments.
* Bug fixed: corrected many issues related to Divide Order button.
* Feature: Implemented support of Datecs FPrint Fiscal Printer.
Read more:

* Improvement: possibility to use Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+X

keyboard shortcuts on Registration Form.
* Feature: added possibility to print bills and notifications in rich
text format using new HTML printing module. Now it's possible to
change font's name, size, and weight and color of almost any element
of bill or notification.
Read the manual:
See online video tutorial about this feature on Youtube:
* Feature: added calculation of associate commissions based on client
types. Added Calculate Commission on Client Types window. Added
Commission Rate on Items window.
See online video tutorial about this feature on Youtube:
* Improvement: Field Alternative Name was placed under field Name on
menu Configuration
* Feature: added possibility to track sales commissions for
hostesses/associates. Added Choose Commission button on Order window.
Added Commission and Commission % columns for Sales by
Hostess/Associate and Sales by Hostess/Associate Details reports.
Enabling/disabling of Choose Commission button is controlled via menu
Configuration - Security Roles - Show Choose Commission button.
See online video tutorial about this feature on Youtube:
* Feature: support of Caller ID devices: Industry leading Whozz
Calling? device and any Caller ID enabled modem. Read more:
* Feature: added new button: Refund Order located on Orders window.
The buttons allows easy creation on refund order based on selected
order on Orders window.
* Feature: added new option: "Refund Order" button.
* Feature: added new button: Change Qty on Order window allowing to
change item's quantity.
* Feature: added new option "Show Change Qty" button.
* Feature: added new option "Show Help buttons". Turn off this option
to hide Help buttons on main windows.
* Feature: added new button: More Actions. This button is located on
Order window it allows calling rare actions on order like: split
order, divide order or transfer order.
* Feature: "Transfer order to another table" shows merging confirmation
window if destination table already has open order.
* Feature: added new option: "Make Log Off after Print Notifications".
* Improvement: added Company field for workers.
* Improvement: On New Order window: order's buttons and item's button
are shown without empty places when certain buttons are hidden.
* Improvement: main tool bar containing buttons New Order, Orders etc
is colored with gradient now.
* Improvement: removed Set Active button from Payment Methods window.
Because it's not used any more.
* Improvement: corrected tab order for order's buttons.
* Bug fixed: notification about new order was not displayed on pole
(line display) sometimes.
* Bug fixed: Choose Waitress caption was shown on Choose
Hostess/Associate window.
* Bug fixed: windows Choose Waitress/Choose Hostess/Choose Associate
were displayed in maximized state with incorrect alignment.
* Feature: new option on menu Configuration - Bill Configuration Cash Drawer and Pole - Show pole messages on flagged items panel.
This option allows showing pole's information on flagged items panel.

Therefore if you don't have user pole (line display) then you still
may use our flagged items panel to display pole's information for
See the video demonstrating using this option on youtube:
* Improvement: in Email Sender if field Preferences - Email - From
Name is not the same as field Property Settings - Property Name, then
Property Name field is used as Organization when sending email.
* Improvement: added scroll bars for message in Email Sender.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown after pressing Send button on
Email Sender window.
* Feature: Added new security role: "Show Split Order button".
* Feature: Added new security role: "Show Divide Order button".
* Feature: Added new security role: "Show Transfer Order button".
* Bug fixed: for orders with discount error message was shown after
worker's login.
* Feature: Date filter now works with all profit margin reports.
* Bug fixed: error message was shown when updating stock quantities of
item modifiers.
* Bug fixed: for the cases when item modifier has two or more stock
items only one stock item was deducted from stock.
* Bug fixed: ingredient's name was not shown on menu Configuration Item for just created ingredient.
* Bug fixed: it was not possible to add items to order for restaurants
without defined tables.
* Bug fixed: it was not possible to assign number of persons for Order
for restaurants without defined tables.
* Bug fixed: it was not possible to add items to order by drag'n'drop
for restaurants without tables.
* Feature: added new report: Inventory Sold. With this reports it's
possible how many ingredients/components where sold during specified
period of time.
* Feature: added possibility to work with service charges.
* Bug fixed: Error message "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible
window" was shown on Items window when adding new item from tab other
than General.
* Bug fixed: It was not possible to add price schedules or ingredients
for just created items. Note: the normal ways to add ingredients or
price schedule. Add new item by pressing Add button. Then add item
name, price, etc. Then press Save button. Now you may go to
ingredients tab or price schedule tab and add corresponding
ingredients or price schedules.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Create appropriate directory, for example, c:\ARPOS\, and unzip ARPOS.ZIP
file. Then run setup.exe program and follow to standard installation
To uninstall Abacre Cloud Retail Point of Sale, Run Add/Remove Programs from Con
Panel and choose ARPOS.
Company's address

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