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Presentation Feedback / Witness

Unit title:

18. Audio Visual Advertising Media

covered by
the activity:

Be able to present audio-visual advertisement ideas to a
client for feedback


Sinead Armstrong, Hannah Johnson, Aimee Grant

description of
the activities
being carried
out by the

12th January 2017.

The group confidently pitched their advertisement campaign
to a panel.
The advert idea is for Spotify streaming service.
The group took it in turns to confidently present their
advertisement campaign, each sharing responsibility for the
delivery and explanation of the idea. In this pitch the group
also explained the target audience they were going to
interpolate, showed sections of their pre-production to further
develop and clarify the idea.
The budget outlined the costing of the advertisement
campaign if it was real and the storyboard and
accompanying shooting script clarified the idea and provided
detail on how the shots would be used.
Finally, the group outlined a rough production schedule,
identifying key deadlines that would need to be met.
Overall, the pitch was very clear, well planned and organised.

Questions /

What locations will you use?

Ensure that you make it clear how the Spotify app works
without wifi / 3G/4G.
Arrange filming in the LRC with the staff members and make
sure you dont film students who are not comfortable with
being in the advert and make sure that you obtain release

forms from anyone that you film.

There are no improvements of the advert required at this
stage, you are fine to film. Just ensure that you film a diverse
range of shots so you have plenty to choose from.

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