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Yes, it has

Technology has made many things easier in our lives because nowadays we can do many things that before we couldn't ,
for example, you can see by videochat your relatives in other countries and speak with them in the same way if they were
with you but without touch, another example could be to search for things or places it's easier now, or education because
you can take online classes and this would help you to save money and time.
There are bad things too, but that is another topic because the question is: `If the world is easier with technology` not If it's

Technology has made the world a better place

Why because technology helps us communicate with other all around the world and not only that but improve our life's by
making it easier for us. Technology helps to cure diseases and to further our knowledge our way of learning and viewing the
world. Technology also helps us learn new things and to have a better understandment of the world we live in

Yes, it has improved the spread of knowledge

As a result of technology, knowledge has spread more quickly around the world, allowing for better
advances in medicine. The increased spread of knowledge and ease of communication has allowed
second and third world countries to advance more quickly. Organizations like Doctors Without Borders
can now more easily go into these countries and provide necessary medications. As a result of newly
created communications, doctors now know where to go to provide medical support.
Technology has made the world a better place to live
I believe that Technology has made the world for living. We know that technology is advancing day by
day and making our work easy. In 21st century without technology it may not be possible to live in this
One reason, I think that Technology has advanced a lot and approximately everyone uses technology
to do their work fast. For example, before the creation of the computer we were performing a work in
an hour. Now we do that work in almost ten minutes.Another reason is that everyone needs to use
technology to make their work easy. For instance, there are some works which are very difficult do to
without technology like, before the creation of the plane people were going to far places in car if they
were reaching there in two days now they reach in 2 hours.Ultimately, there are a lot of reasons that
technology has made the world a good place to live in. Technology makes our work easy and
government must spend more money to make living in this world. Still technology needs to be

Why use technology?
Studies have shown that students with access to the Internet and other
technology not only present their projects in more creative ways but also
turned in work that was more complete and had better syntheses of
different points of view. Numerous other studies show that children in
technology-rich learning environments showed more enthusiasm, had
higher attendance rates, developed better writing skills and displayed a
greater capacity to communicate effectively about complex problems.
Technology has given our students the capability to construct their own
learning. It gives them the power to create and problem solve on their
own. We know from research that students learn and retain more
information if they are interested in the subject and if they can synthesize
and create their learning. Technology gives them that freedom.
Technology has changed the way that we live and think. It is not going
away. It will only grow and change our lives even more. It is critical that
our students understand this and learn to use technology in their everyday
Technology is changing the way we live. It has
way we communicate with each other, and even
the way thinks. And it has done this in a few short
years. Not long ago, technology was a word that
was linked to a huge computer that took up large
amounts of office space that only a few people
knew how to program. Today technology is in our pockets and purses in
the form of phones and daily planners. Computers that were once owned
exclusively by rich, large companies are now in most homes in America.
With this type of growth it is crucial that we began teaching our future
generations why and how to use it. It is estimated that 60% of all jobs in
America today require technology skills. Without technology training it

will be impossible for our youth to obtain these jobs and be successful. It
is important that our students begin early to learn these needed skills. In
the elementary schools there are many ways for the students to be taught
about technology. Group projects can be based around the computer.
Power Point Presentations are a great way for students to present their
new found knowledge. The internet, when used properly is a great
resource of up to the minute information that students can explore. There
are many other technology besides the computer that can be used. The
TV, Digital Camera, and E-mail are all ways for our students to
communicate to the teacher what they have learned.

How Technology has Changed Our Lives

Technology has allowed us to connect with people with ease, and has made many tasks so much easier. From
desktops to IPhones, the world we live in allows us to communicate with anybody with wireless access with just a
couple of clicks of the mouse. From listening to Led Zeppelin, to navigating to the mall, technology has made
everyday life more convenient. We can text on cellphones, connect on social networking sites and video chat on
Skype with little to no effort at all. It really is amazing to see how much technology has advanced and what it allows
us to do today.
Imagine attempting to live the way you do today, a decade ago. Remember having to yell at your brother to get off
the phone so you could go on AOL Instant Messenger because of dial-up? How about calling your friends from, dare
I say it, a house phone? At one time, we all had one of those Nextel phones that could withstand a nuclear explosion.
With all of the new technology that was introduced, it was difficult to see what else the technology world could
improve on. Sure enough, they never cease to impress us. In the last couple of years, technology has done things we
could have never imagined in 2002. Now they have computers you can take anywhere, with internet that works at
lightning speed. Our cellphones answer questions for us, as well as allow us to have a video chat with our friends.
The communication options are endless!
New technology has made many tasks easier and more convenient. It was amazing when they introduced phones we
didnt have to have plugged into an outlet. Now, we are now able to access web, e-mail and social networking sites
right from our cellphones! Another really huge advance weve made technologically is the sharing and listening of
music. We have gone from Walkmans to Ipods, and from radios to Pandora radio right at our fingertips! I dont think
we ever thought it would be possible to watch season after season of a show

Lesson 4: Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction

It has been a long time issue as to how to integrate technology in the teaching-learning process. The mere
use of computer does not mean that technology is already integrated in the instruction. A need to provide learning on
how educational technology can be applied and integrated in the teaching-learning process is very crucial. According
to Pisapia (1994) in her definition of integrating technology with teaching is that there is integration if the learning
technologies are use to introduce, reinforce, supplement, and extend skills.
The difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of technology and technology users is the way
their classes are conducted. In exemplary classrooms, students use of computers is woven integrally into the
patterns of teaching. In other words, there is NO INTEGRATIVE PROCESS if a teacher would make his/her students
play computer games as rest periods during classes, neither that there is integration if the teacher merely teaches
students the computer skills.
Here are external manifestations of technology integration into instruction:
Theres a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted.

The quality of instruction is improved to a higher level in such a way that could not have been achieved
without educational technology.

There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining how wand when technology fits into the
teaching-learning process.

The teacher sets instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues/problems.

The use of technology provides the opening of opportunities to respond to these instructional
In sum, technology occupies a position (is a simple or complex way) in the instructional process.
There is actually nothing to be worry about for teachers who are still novices in technology integration because
learning how would really take time. Technology integration into instruction is developmental and takes a gradual road
to mastery and expertise. In time, a teacher can advance from basic integration to more complicated integrations.

The integration and infusion of technology into instruction is not really easy for it needs time and training to do
it and I believe that adequate hands-on computer skills would greatly help in the integration of technology for a
teacher. Taking into account Pisapias definition, we can already differentiate or tell if we have integrated technology
in our classroom discussions. We need not be a computer teacher to find a way to integrate technology into our
discussions, nor are we already integrating if we allow our students use the time for classes for them to explore the
computer through playing computer games. This does not serve the purpose of putting instruction to another level nor
giving students quality education.
Many of our students take cut classes or spend more time in computer cafes and only to find out that they are
playing computer games. This is already one manifestation of technology misuse. Allowing our children to be more
engrossed with computer games would not help them to be more knowledgeable about it. It only gives them the
venue not to pursue learning. The right integration is already made possible if there are external manifestations of
technology integration (as stated above). Technology integration could be more exciting and enjoyable for students
than playing computer games if the right strategies have been taken forward by the teacher. There should be
strategies and planning as to how to go about with the discussions with the use of technology that would surely fit to
the lessons and the subject.
Technology integration is really good and can enhance way of instruction. But it would be difficult especially if
there is only one supply of computer unit to each public school. How can 1 unit of computer be useful to the
integration when even 1 is not enough for the teachers use nor can realized the goal to integrate it into instruction?
How much more to the students who already outnumbered the teachers in population? Again, it forfeits the purpose.
Doing so would mean wasting money for the purchase and maintenance of these units. Better yet if the Department
of Education would really want to pursue giving quality education to the students, then they should comply with the
standard ratio of 1computer unit to 2 students. With that, I believe there is realization of the technology integration
into instruction.
21st century

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) advisory group
and the strategic council of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills have approved
the following core principles, representing a shared vision for integrating 21st
century skills into educator preparation. 1. P-12 education will prepare all students
with 21st century knowledge and skills. 2. P-12 teachers and administrators will
possess, teach and assess 21st century knowledge and skills. 3. Educator
preparation programs will prepare their graduates to possess, teach and assess 21st
century knowledge and skills. 4. New teachers will be prepared to become change
agents for embedding 21st century knowledge and skills in all subjects in P-12
curricula in accordance with national and state standards. 5. Higher education
leaders will work with leaders in P-12 and local communities to inform the redesign
of educator preparation programs to more effectively meet the needs of 21st
century learners. 6. Each educator preparation program will develop a 21st century

blueprint for transforming itself into a 21st century program. 7. Educator

preparation programs will be recognized as sources of leadership in developing 21st
century education and learning strategies. 8. Educator preparation programs will be
at the forefront of research and evaluation of 21st century education. C

The Teaching Profession in the Philippines invites readers to take a second look at their beliefs and reasons for
wanting to become a teacher who need to review their career goals. It also examines the complexities of teaching,
the multiple roles ofteachers, and the characteristics of the present teaching force. This is not only for education
students but also for other working professionals.
Using this book, students will gain knowledge and skills that will establish a foundation for a successful teaching
career. It includes:
The teachers philosophical and values formation
Teaching career opportunities and preparation
Innovative teaching through various educational technologies
Evolution of the Philippine Education System
Legal and Constitutional Bases of the Philippine Educational System
Philippine Education is a product of long history of struggle. Its metamorphosis was a gradual process
which was a product of generations of colonialism and imperialism. The Spaniards were for sometimes,
successful in making the natives illiterate and uneducated. From the coming of Legazpi in 1570 to
1762, the natives were contented to be vassals of Spain. The Spaniards triumphed in using religion to
make the people submissive and unquestioning. The people blindly obeyed their foreign masters with
the hope of salvation in the afterlife. The Spanish policy focused on treating the natives as a ward;
hence, there is no need for them to be educated. This policy offered no opportunity for the Indios (as
what the Spaniards call the Filipinos during that time) to improve their lot in the colonial society.
However, the second phase of Spanish colonization, from 1762 1896 was a period of awakening. It
marked the start of the realization, the dawn of critical queries and, ultimately, of revolution. The
global changes during that time, like the opening of Suez Canal, the French Revolution, the opening of
the Philippines to world trade and commerce, among others, provided
ISSN: 2186-8492, ISSN: 2186-8484 Print Vol. 1. No. 2. May 2012 ()
. www. P a g e | 62 opportunity for the illustrados
(the educated class during the Spanish period) to send their children to school, even in Europe. History
tells us that education during the Spanish colonization was selective. It was more of a privilege than a
right. Educational opportunities were so limited that learning became the possession of a chosen few.
Only the illustrados, the likes of Jose Rizal, the Luna brothers, the Pardo de Taveras and others, availed
of it, even with harsh treatment and discrimination from their Spanish contemporaries. Learning,
therefore, became a badge of privilege. There was a wide gap between the illustrados and the masses.
Even if the propaganda movement was spearheaded by them, it was evident that they favored the
assimilation of the Philippines with Spain. This was a clear indication that, educated they maybe, they
were still captives of Spain. The great masses, the majority of the uneducated, were those who favored
the separation of the Philippines from Spain. Aware of their educational handicap, their desire for
freedom was, for a while, suppressed, giving the educated illustrados the privilege of leadership.
However, when all else failed, the uneducated masses had no choice but to fight for their freedom. The
Spains policy neglected the education of the natives, more so the tolerance and growth of native
leadership. In fact, it was hostile to every influence coming from the outside world. Although, Spain
initiated educational reforms by passing laws on education, these did not appease the restless minds
and the burning hearts of the natives. The Philippine revolution against Spain which was sparked by
the discovery of the Katipunan in 1896, resulted in the surrender of the last Spanish governor- general
Diego de los Rios to the Ilonggo revolutionarios headed by General Martin Delgado on December 25,
1898 in Plaza Alfonso XII, (now Plaza Libertad) in Iloilo City. This event heralded the end of Spanish rule

in the Philippines. However, later did the natives realized, that with the Spaniards leaving the
Philippines, another master knocked at the door, the Americans. Education was used by the Americans
as one of the most effective means of pacifying the restless natives. Schools were established all over
the archipelago. The natives were taught how to read and write by their American teachers. They
learned American geography, American history, lives of American heroes, sang the Star Spangled
Banner and learned the English language. The Americans was successful in making the natives their
little brown brothers. The Filipinos regarded education as the most effective vehicle for social
mobility. The Americans made education accessible to all, regardless of status in life. This made the
Filipinos appreciate the Americans more. Even if literacy rate continued to increase in the first two
decades of American occupation, it undeniably favored the elite in society who can afford to finance
the university education of their children. Although, the Americans claimed that education has
succeeded in the Philippines because it had somehow transformed, the once ignorant people, into a
literate population, imbued in them the values of civic consciousness, had lessened disease and
epidemic, it failed to develop the moral and political leadership, the country so desperately needs.
Education during the American period brought with it progress, together with its ills and shortcomings.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that the establishment of the public school system was beneficial to
the Filipinos and to the Philippines. Even if its impact cannot be quantified, it was assumed that hig
Teaching profession
When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that
reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made
lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my
When I was a student in elementary, middle, and high school, as well as in college, I found myself paying attention to
not only what was being taught, but also to how my teachers actually taught the lessons. It seemed to me then, and
still does, that most of my teachers enjoyed what they were doing. Too young, and with no real context as an
elementary school student to appreciate what my teachers personally derived from what they were doing, it wasn't
until middle school that I began to think that I might want to be a teacher. Slowly at first, then more quickly, and with
increasing clarity and depth, I began to visualize myself as a teacher.
The great teachers I have had throughout my education are my heroes and my role models. I began to understand
more fully in high school and throughout my time as a college student that great teachers had skills I wanted to learn.
I wanted to excel at the things in which they excelled, but I also experienced teachers who were not effective, and
they too taught me something. From them I learned what I would not do or even try when I would someday become a
teacher. I fully realized that to be a teacher is truly a calling of not just the mind, but the heart as well.
I saw that the great teachers were good at explaining content, were patient, yet firm with students, were always fair,
set high expectations, knew how to motivate us, and used humor appropriately. They were excellent communicators
who had a command of the subject-matter content they taught. I wanted to be like them, to be able to do what they
could do, and yet I understood that I would have to forge my own style of teaching that would draw on my strengths,
knowledge, skills, values and experiences. I have arrived at that point in my preparation, fully realizing I still have
much to learn.
I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function
performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I believe that teachers individually and collectively can not
only change the world, but improve it, and in the process find personal and professional renewal. I want to be part of
this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

But the new century has seen questions arise about how rapid and how extensive the information
revolution will be.
Will the internet turn out to be a radical force for uniting and democratising the world, as some have
prophesied - or will it cause deeper divisions between the haves and the have-nots?
Delegates to a United Nations summit on information technology in December failed to approve
practical measures to deliver the internet and other technologies to the world's poorest regions.
Despite agreement on lofty principles, negotiators could not agree on key questions such as whether a
UN agency should be created to govern the internet and whether to create a separate fund for
projects to close the technology gap between rich and poor nations.
How have computers, the internet, e-mail and mobile phones changed your life? Should
information technology be available to all? Are there downsides as well as upsides to these
technological advances? How have they changed the way we do business?

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