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Animal Farm

By: George Orwell

Slides By: Jose Orozco, Maya Basham, Roxie Aquino, and John Pham

Thesis and Major Claims

Napoleon and the other pigs gain and maintain their power
by appealing to the animals ignorance, begging the
question and employing bandwagons.

Post Hoc Fallacy- John Pham

Says: Only get rid of Man, and the produce of our labour will be our own. Almost overnight we would
become rich and free. (Orwell 9)
Means: If they got rid of man then they would live rich and free but there is no evidence of that. They
are also saying that man is the reason they dont live rich, free lives. So they believe if man is the
cause to their poor life then by removing man they will have a free life.
Matters: He is using post hoc fallacy by getting the animals to believe man is making them suffer by
giving examples of all the negatives of man. Which in turn gave them no reason to see how man was
good, making them finally believing if they remove man they will become rich and free.

Begging the question-Jose Orozco

Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal? (Orwell 50)
Squealer is saying Snowball was a criminal even though there is no evidence; He gives no evidence to prove that
snowball was a criminal but states he is one anyway. His only claim is that Napoleon is correct.
He is begging the question so the animals believe him without him needing to provide evidence. Thier blind trust of
Squealer and Napoleon lead to them not asking any questions and just trusting what they both say. The fear of the
dogs has also discouraged the animals from investigating too much.

Appeal to Ignorance- Maya Basham

Says: He repeated a number of times,Tactics, comrades, tactics!. The animals were not certain what the word
meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled threateningly,
that they accepted his explanation without further questions(Orwell 53).
Means: Squealer is attempting to persuade the animals that Napoleon had never opposed the idea of the windmill .The
animals could not understand the large and unfamiliar words Squealer states. The fact that the animals didnt
understand Squealer, they then believed that he must know what he is doing.
Matters: This quote proves to be appeal to ignorance because Squealer utilizes the fact that the pigs are way more
intelligent than the other animals. He manipulates the animals lack of knowledge to enforce what the Napoleon wants.
The propaganda that is being used is fear. This is because the group of snarling dogs are present in order to induce
fear into the animals so that they do not question Squealers statement. Since Squealer used unknown words to the
animals, they did not understand his words and became easily persuaded. They didnt question his words due to fear of
the threatening dogs. This proved to be an effective use of propaganda to ensure Napoleons power over the animal

Bandwagon - Roxe Aquino

Says: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four
legs, or has wings, is a friend. (31)
Means: Old major is telling the animals that all humans are vicious and
enemies. He tells the animals that they are all equal and friends but humans
shall not be a friend. The animals agree with Old Majors opinion.
Matters: The propaganda used would be bandwagon due to the fact that the
animals did not question, instead they go along with everyone elses beliefs.
Old major uses the lack of knowledge of the animals as a tool to gain as well as
maintain power.

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