The Trump Government Will Deepen The Offensive of Capital Against The Periphery and The Working Class

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The Trump government will deepen the offensive of

capital against the periphery and the working class

With the Trump government, the capital offensive and the imperialist role of the United States - most
likely with policies of a higher level of intervention and bellicosity - will be deepened to impose its
interests on the rest of the world. Faced with this exacerbation of the contradictions between work and
capital, we commit ourselves as SEPLA to continue the struggle to articulate adequate responses with
workers and peoples to move a path of social emancipation, against capitalism and imperialism.
On January 20 he assumed a new government in the US and Donald Trump swore as his 45th
President. The inaugural speech is not very different from the campaign there are generalities and few
specific announcements.Its economic program is aimed at the displaced of globalization To which he
promised to reindustrialize the United States so that there are sources of work for the Americans. To
this end, it would carry out a policy of import substitution, whose main instruments would be: increase of
tariffs on the entry of "maquilas" products; Redefining and narrowing free trade agreements, such as
NAFTA; Reject plurilateral treaties such as Transpacific; Lower taxes, and subsidize corporations that
produce again within the United States.
To increase the level of activity, there would be a Keynesian demand shock through large investments
in infrastructure financed partly by the State and partly by the private sector. The expulsion of "illegal"
immigrant workers - who have lower wages and benefits - is another measure to favor local labor. All of
the above framed in a xenophobic discourse, basically against Mexicans and Muslims.
Another point of its undoubtedly important platform is its rejection of the agreements against global
warming and its decision to make the most of traditional energies, including fracking.
From the geo-economic point of view it defines China as its main enemy and aims to restrict China's
trade, financial and foreign direct investment expansion in the world. It complements a policy of
alliances with Russia and its allies to achieve stability in the Middle East by guaranteeing access to oil
and reducing the flow of refugees. It also seeks to reach out to all those right-wing European political
forces that have social bases to those displaced by globalization, such as the Brexit leaders in Britain
and Marie Le Pen in France.
With that same logic, its natural allies in Latin America will be the countries governed by the right and,
of course, the governments of the left and those who promote the Chinese advance in the continent will
be considered enemies.
To implement this program, his cabinet includes the presence of people of American and world
economic power.
The oil tanker Rex Tillerson will be in charge of the Secretary of State. A chancellor who comes from
chairing EXXON MOBIL, a continuation transnational of Standard Oil and the Rockefekller clan, with a
business path of plunder and exploitation in its long evolution.
With Tillerson at the helm of EXXON since 2006, the USA regained the top spot as a global
hydrocarbon producer, made possible by the exploitation of "unconventional" and highly contaminating

and predatory fracking technology Of common goods Common .

For the Secretary of the Treasury the banker Stven Mnunchin of Goldman Sachs and specialized in
activities ofspeculation In investment funds. A man from Wall Street, seat of responsibility in the crisis of
2007/08 with worldwide irradiation.
Other charges are covered by millionaires who only recognize the logic of capitalist gain, accumulation
and domination. All committed to MAKE GREAT NEW USA.
There is much speculation about the destiny of the US and the capitalist system with Trump at the head
of the hegemonic power, and even more so with its "protectionist" pronouncements.
Interestingly in Davos, home of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, it was the Chinese ruler Xi Yinping
who defended globalization and the opening of the world economy.
From SEPLA we say that the Latin American working class of the new US government can not expect
anything favorable. The struggle between protectionist and globalizing fractions of capital can generate
multiple policy mixes, but all of them will be inscribed within the capital offensive to shift the impacts of
the crisis to peripheral countries and subordinate classes. The hegemonic capital has been, to a greater
or lesser degree, protectionist in the central countries at the same time as and I seek the total
liberalization in the periphery.
It is worth mentioning that the major capitalist states have generated an international structure of
agencies and rules for the liberalization of the dependent world, with all guarantees So that the
protectionist practices they deploy themselves can not be modified.
It is important to note that Trump's triumph and, earlier, Brexit's victory, show that social discontent with
globalization - measured in terms of job losses, low incomes, impoverishment and inequality growth finds its political representation In ultra-right and ultranationalist forces.
It speaks of a crisis in political thought and practice that is alternative to the capitalist order and commits
us to deepen the critical study of the reality of contemporary capitalism. To dive into the recognition of
anti-capitalist practices that are processed around the world and systematize a theoretical conception
for change and revolution.
With the Trump government, the capital offensive and the imperialist role of the United States - most
likely with policies of a higher level of intervention and bellicosity - will be deepened to impose its
interests on the rest of the world. Faced with this exacerbation of the contradictions between work and
capital, we commit ourselves as SEPLA to continue the struggle to articulate adequate responses with
workers and peoples to move a path of social emancipation, against capitalism and imperialism.

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