Iran Brief JCPOA 012717

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Short Briefing Paper on JCPOA Implementation

Iran has completed first phase implementation of the JCPOA
Plutonium: Removed core calandria (IR-40) from the Arak Reactor and filled it with cement.
Placed all Arak fuel under IAEA supervision. Shipped out of the country excess heavy water.
Centrifuges: Disassembled, removed and stored under IAEA seal 13,000 IR-1 centrifuges.
Limited all IR-1 operating centrifuges (to 5,060) and cascades. Removed IR-2m and IR-4 advanced
centrifuge test cascades.
Iran is only permitted to replace broken or damaged active IR-1 centrifuges from its
monitored stock.
Research and development & Fordow: Removed all nuclear material from Fordow and is not
permitted to conduct any uranium enrichment, or related R&D at Fordow for 15 years.
Stockpile: Reduced 3.67% enriched uranium stockpile to 300kg or less for 15 years.
Uranium Enrichment: Capped uranium enrichment at 3.67% of U-235 for 15 years.
Provisionally implemented the Additional Protocol.
Requests approval from the Joint Commissions procurement working group prior to
importing or purchasing any dual-use technologies and materials, except for certain cases detailed
in UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (10 years).

The U.S. has completed first phase implementation of the JCPOA

Suspended secondary sanctions as they relate to the nuclear issue.
Lifted sanctions on: foreign subsidiaries of U.S. firms; exports of civil aviation goods and services
to specific Iranian airlines (provided they have a license); and on imports of rugs and food from Iran.
Suspended sanctions on non-U.S. trade with Iran, provided they do not involve activities in
support of terrorism, violations of human rights, or restricted arms and ballistic missile-related
goods and services.
President must act to renew suspensions of sanctions every quarter.

What must happen in the future:

October 18, 2020: UNSC lifts arms import and export restrictions as long as IAEA determines
there are no undeclared nuclear material or activities.
October 18, 2023 (Transition Day):
Iran seeks Majlis ratification of the Additional Protocol; UNSC restrictions on ballistic
missiles are lifted. UNSC financial restrictions on listed/sanctioned officials are lifted.
U.S. seeks legislative termination of sanctions (either suspended or waived) as of
Implementation Day, as well as sanctions concerning Irans nuclear program more generally;
U.S. delists more entities/persons specified in Annex II.
EU terminates or suspends virtually all remaining nuclear-related sanctions
and designations.
March 2024: Iran may begin testing up to 30 IR-6 and IR-8 advanced centrifuges, and begin
manufacturing these centrifuges without rotors at a rate of 200 per year for each type.
October 18, 2025 (Termination Day)
UNSCR 2231 is terminated; UNSC approval is no longer required for sale of dual-use material
to Iran. UNSC officially closes Irans nuclear file.
EU terminates all remaining nuclear-related sanctions.
Iran can begin phasing in and testing advanced centrifuges for enrichment.
Post-Termination Day: many core nuclear restrictions remain in place as Iran will remain
a member of the NPT. IAEA enhanced monitoring for an additional 5 years; cap on stockpile
of enriched uranium at 300 kilograms and on an enrichment level at 3.67% for 5 years; IAEA
monitoring of uranium ore concentrate for an additional 15 years.
the iran project 475 riverside drive suite 900 , new york , ny 10115 email : iranproject @ fcsny . org

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