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Let me clarify this first that this is not a letter.

Though I wanted to call it a letter but

my friend will kill me by his sarcastic tone, mocking me everywhere that Ive copied
his idea.{This will lessen the value of this letter, and actually I just wanted to
present my thoughts by this, not to compete with anyone } So you can call it
anything that could please your soul but dont call it a letter. As far as I am
concerned I will call this a notea thank you note for a teacher {my favourite} who
was there in every ordeal that came in my way in these 2 years. The little bit
teachers and students know me today is because of youyour encouragement
your care and your support. So this note is just the rollback of clock describing the
time Id spent with my favourite teacher with some memorable instances.
The first time when you entered our class, I was sitting on the first bench of the first
column. Actually I was a bit hesitant and afraid that time as I was a pampered child
from class 8 who rarely came to the main building apart from classes. So to study in
the main building itself scared me and when you announced that you are our S.St
teacher, fear reached beyond the limits as I had 4 class teachers who taught S.St
and were as strict as you could imagine {Strict here means torturing the students
with their comments}. So these preconceptions and past experiences led me to
think about you, that way also.
After some days I was very comfortable in your class.Actually I started to
overcome my fear of S.St teachers. You were not the way I thought of on the first
day. Frankly, you taught us extremely well. Clarity of concept is important in studies
and you how to do that. Thats the reason I scored the highest marks in the first
formatives and when you announced in class and said that I am doing better than
you expected, it felt like gold dust, also this remark made me understand my
standing in the class. It made me believe that I can do something too. The rest of
the session went extremely well with you solving my problems whenever I came to
you. Sometimes I wonder how can you solve problems so easily with taking the
entire burden on yourself .But something happened in the month of October that
changed me forever and taught me how to cope up in difficult situation {of course
with your help}.
I was off in a flash to you after my Maths exam with my friends. I just wanted to talk
to you. You were taking out Art sheet {as we also had art exam that day} when you
saw me and my friends reaching desperately to you. We did all this as we couldnt
complete our paper on time couldnt attempt question of 4 marks. It was the first
time for me that I couldnt attempt all the questions of a paper and I needed
someone to help meto console me and I found you. You were also distressed but
the situation was such that you couldnt do anything. Although you firstly consoled
us then advised us to talk to higher authorities of the school but it was too far too
late. I was, for the first time in my life, feeling defeated and I know you had the idea
about my situation. You advised to forget about it saying, There are bad days in
life but the worst was yet to come.

I was almost crying, coming out of my S.St paper without attempting questions of
18 marks, and then I saw you. I didnt have the courage to speak how terribly Ive
done the paper so I didnt answer to your questions about my paper. As you were
surrounded by students you didnt find out the disappointment on my face and I
thought that it was not the time to talk to you on this matter. The next day was our
extra class and I saw you more disappointed than me telling me what I did the day
before. I never saw your face as sad in these 2 years as it was that day. I kicked
myself as I was the reason of it. {I cant see people sad because of me}. This was
awful. I wanted to cry but I didnt {I have never cried in a school and didnt want to
break my record as I broke many of my records after that paper. ha!} This was one
of the most difficult times in my life, even more difficult than my Grandmas death
and as a sinking ship needs a stake I also needed someone to council me and as
ever I found you. I didnt tell this my friends as I dont want someone ever to call me
I remember one day after the exams, students surrounded you to ask their
numbers. Somehow I gathered myself to ask the same question and was surprised
that Ive scored 69 marks out of 90. I was expecting at most 60-62 having done the
paper of just 72 but 69 gave me something to answer to my parents. Anyone who
asked you about my marks, I saw you changed the topic immediately just to ensure
that I dont feel bad. I think, no one except my parents and you, knew about my
marks. On the day of result I promised to myself that I will never commit this sin
again.{Also never make you sad}
My horrible run didnt left me easily as the results of the Computer Interbranch
added another tag of failure on my name. Still my computer teachers have not told
me about our rank. {Though I guessed it correctly from their reaction.} During
these set of events I wanted to dig a deep hole inside the earth and lie down into it.
This time again I talked to you and your words gave me the strength to recover from
these traumas. I remember you said, Your abilities are not defined by these mere
questions, it is defined by your inner self
I think I have talked a lot about academics. Theres a song which I heard recently
and I think few lines in this describe youyour hard work.your dedication towards
your work So the song goes like this
You are perfect
Always worth it.
And you deserve it
The way youve earned it
Yes! Its the way youve earned it. You have earned the respect that each and every
person in this school gives you. And I guarantee that no one in the schools has more
respect and affection for you than me. {Sounding a bit cheesy na!}Also theres
something which I find in you which makes you different from others. Its your
dedication towards your own studies. I remember every time I went inside the staff

room I saw teachers checking copies or chitchatting but I always found you
preparing notes from books or reading any book.{Thats why your plan book always
looked awesome.}
Sometimes I think I should have simply told you the things I have written in this
letter but you know what a juggler of words am I when it comes to talk to people. So
I decided to write. I couldve written it on a piece of paper in my own handwriting
but I have a printer and its of no use if I dont use it now. Also I am showing you
some typing skills {ha!}
I remember the quiz I took on you on the teachers day. Actually it was a crazy idea.
I was thinking of something to gift you but I didnt want something materialistic. I
wanted to gift something that could please you..Suddenly there was a thought of Mr.
Amitabh Bachchan coming on the T V. He was saying, When you are confused just
do the things which you can do the best I listened and thought of taking a quiz on
you {this is what I can do the best}. I prepared some questions quickly and when I
asked these questions in the class {which I thought wont please anyone},
everyone enjoyed. More than anyone I found you happy. You said, It was a unique
gift and smiled. I was over the moon. It was because I didnt expect this sort of
response. {And I thanked Mr. Amitabh Bachchan}
But the best was yet to come. It was the whole year 2014.I did well in annual
exams, I did well in the first term exams of class 10 and also, I did well in Computer
Interbranch. It was because on the 2nd of January2014you said, This year will be a
good year for you. And it was. I think it was the best phase of my schooling
experiences {I call it experiences because Ive been to 4 schools since childhood
and when I thought the best time is about to come my father got transferred. ha!}
The best part of the year was our play in the Annual Functions. That was the time
when we had lots and lots of fun..No tension of studies also No attention towards
study. We had a great unit. The students, the teachers and you, who brought these
groups of 3-4 students {who didnt like each other} together and transformed these
factions into a team. I will never forget the response we got after the play. Also I will
never ever forget your appreciation of my mere effort in the play. I wonder how
someone can be multitasking like you, who can teach so well, who can encourage
so well, who can make plays like that, who can complete her studies too {Oh! I
didnt mention the day when you told that you have completed your PhD I was the
happiest person in the school and when I reached my house I rushed towards my
phone and changed your name in my phone adding Dr.}
I know I've crossed the golden period of schooling and the time of hardship has
arrived. But you are and always will be the best teacher I ever met. I dont know
what I will achieve in my board results but I dont want anything special. I have got
a special class teacher and a great mentor.. And I will come to you whenever I will
need your presence in the next two years also. And whenever you think I can do
anything for you I will be there. I will work hard. I will work hard for my parents; I

will work hard for my Grandma. I will work hard for you.{Again sounding
cheesyWhat to do! }
I think Ive teased you enough with this note {Not a note, I should say} but if
theres any word you find inappropriate or theres anything which hurts you, It will
acquire 15 cm2 of the area of your dustbin or you can shred it but please accept the
other gift in envelop. Theres a diary inside which is not for writing phone numbers
{ha!}. Here you can write about your memorable days in life or anything else. I just
want to say Thank You to your for transforming me from a pampered hesitant
student to a boy who can write a thank you note for his favorite teacher and
mentor. I will give this to you on the day of our result. Now I think I should stop
otherwise you will be bored {I know I have bored you enough through this note}.
So I sign off and owe you a big thank you again. And like a typical letter ending, I
will be highly obliged if you will read this{ha!}

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