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Sharing what you know is the like giving a piece of treasure you had.

That treas
ure is the learnings I had in Accounting. When I heard that the JPIA will be hav
ing a community extension service which is the accounting lecture series, I feel
delighted. I somehow waited for this to happen because what I know about Basic
Accounting is from the JPIANs who also had the same CES project. I want to teach
the students in Lucena City National High School from which I graduated, but we
are assigned in Dalahican National High School. But nonetheless, I still feel t
he excitement toward the program.
I had a very wonderful experience teaching Accounting in Dalahican National High
School. At first, I personally didn t like the schedule of the lecture series. It
was 7:00 in the morning yet our class is 4:00 in the afternoon, but enthusiasm
triggers us to wake up early and teach Accounting. All throughout the lecture se
ries, we had a great time with the students. They attentively listen in every le
cture and approach us whenever they need help which I appreciate because it show
s how interested and determined they are to learn.
I am looking forward to another lecture series in the future. I was thankful to
be given this kind of opportunity to share my knowledge to everybody. I hope the
lessons we taught instill in their minds and became a foundation for them to co
ntinue learning Accounting.

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