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,Re\t!~ aclk,ie of ~~«ri!1e.


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D..i.i ", ,;l__:ji j:.,." • ,,I;-liU:.rd ~1!K1,l1;' "'J ;

'~''''V'I;k1j' 'D'ii'ljiDL- 'iI';("I!,"',Iim~N~'O' fi&"'" :L,'TD--:'l ,~U, s: !\!..I1,UI~~I,~i\,l!· C \t~.!.. ,"

113~ Gol\d.e-lil li'oue, Dary~i~ ,New De]Ni.,ID;10002

PlloPlie' ;:; CUll43 ,63 25, ,00 F~~ :;: 'O]!'l--t1l ,53 25, :28

'W'WWJumJ;puhlie&~IMm 'imoo!a_lmlpU_bllca.ti~,~

{til AU wJg,AtI!!' ~T-{J~ ~Jith ,tM' Publi'i'iC'!'lfj'"

':N~ p~ of tAQi 'piijW~~~1~p;j:, ~ ~iE' tFp¥Odtw~, i8'l\!l~ iP:l. iJ N'tl'~lI6l II)Ismm", ,O!' ~iWiM m· ,~, (lM'm, ,OlI" ~)I' ,~~, ,~~l, ~"k. ~"~~ 1?&J~",,~ 'I'«fj~i'!qJ: (\I!' !O'tn.erwj;N wi1';:o!olt ,me' ,P~7' ;wi'if4!n ~riBi:;~;Q.1ii, (:)/ ti'ht, ,pijil~ll:9kr;


.' ~g.n;, {P~ ~ H~2S 61 U~ 6\U .' c:M.lLI .. iJ ~ : (),44.24 ,84 4:1' :2m'

'.' ~,~: 04M~a9"70'OO

.' 'Gliwfiihflti ~~, ~ OOe;l-~' M ,69" 2ii~I31 ,an

-, i;r~ • .;i--:-'i.-.;il ~Ei. _=_, : II)ULf!t"n'JlI, '~I~' ,on _0111"'", • ~~'~I,~~~.~~!IIi j'!I;II,.',iI;I"tI!"I.!!



:11{~ :~vit.t: Isr~r~,~ Hiwj£l1ram~ ,MA, ln~~, "ij"SA,

~ , 1,1ll!~':~4S1

~' ,J'RI~DdhaF ct'tf {P'~ ~ [o~re;t-;~: 1~: ,~~,

.' kMilata r(~rtt,j :;' ,08$-,22 ;2,7,87 "la, :~ ,2'1 62, ",'7], '.' :L~~' (Ph~ ~ 062~22D 95, '$,8)

.' 'Mum'hai, i(~{ll ~"o2:a..k 91 ,f,Hi, l~i' 2' 92; ~,a $9') ,iii' :Ranc~IU, (~ ~ G65~t~230 '11' 64)

~~1~~1).~ ~~'. ,~~G :l}pr;!ll!'~' iIIt : ~~ 'Coonput-.BI' 8iarvili"JllliJ, Nilnlv,.'ihii.

,e-:Jl.tuHiOWOO' "~~' ~,~fii iPtIJitt"'. :~lhi,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

_Wliiii' l!IIIIlIIIiilliiil!l .... _IIiiIiill_~iliiljlll~_~ __ IIII __ ti' COINTENTS -----------

'Jt '1.4

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4. ,Atlmmated AU@iJ[lbly $)iMru

s, r(}e'Mp~ed ,Mtmu.fa~ :Planning

~l !~:

i~ ~iI,.-~ '~ ... - i~""""~-]i

·ilI.] g.llU~, Jr. W~.... V!I.W.uJIb.l~UUJ

:ilii g, rt'iillll~ ~--

~,:~,ii'lfl' liI~.l.t.U.~1


Copy rig hted m ateri al

'1'0 th~ ,man,ufacituring !COBb and, 'time" neJW'er ,8,t."aGt.'e,gi~I3~!

'i"InciO!I'II!:o'-iiii"!iI.-~ ;al!l'ili'~ ,;. ........ 1>1111 DI~, ;be-.\n. ,~.,~~~ ~'" 'll'l!!;iIii~!".~iI"""'i~_a ~~~la~ ;f'I'~ft .. ~;bin,'" l~_~_U_"_~~.~ ~_III_ .. -lIIl ~J_q. MW.'JIIiI _ ,", .1II_1Ii_-"1 ~l [~1" lHII_@oIII_"Y!.I;~"~'l~I!IJ &_~_"'.HI_~.' VY~-I-lIr~\a

g._i',abed :M'~u&~I' (,OEM) iI ~e: "., '~e(ihQ1',~1 whidl, 'ie, 'Wid,e.lly ned nDW~tJ;,-d8_ys;. elM'·iO.mts BH, im~rt pm, ,of nmcumU. of M:echanicail, :En,gineering' and 9lli.ed Tbii!l, ,i!I'ubject ~ been, 'mtrnd~~"t in, ODt;1 fortIn ,or.' [o.t!lri~[' in mQ~t o-f't-bt;: Ujl'i,V~,~i"ti'eB, at ':-U'~ -.-1 .... ~..:I: ' - """'1 ,~~,~ ~A,-~ ... '~I ~~~'-I,

" n.'W:II,~ _U!!Il!.iC! m~, .i"Ui:!i~CII-U,U8)!IiI!:!! ,iLB'v'mi8i,

[The 'boo1 ~HPtm:R EN'mO,M_~mm MAmmACTURINcr written

hiv' C!I,..;Ii 'M,e,,~ ,F"I[~_~~,L,~ Pras ... .:iI ,,..,.;,;,,11 ~, •• t 1D}:~I_ Ul .. ~.~ ~ ... ';m,~' .... ~' ~L_ -Fif L'-L,~,. , -- ~IGJI. UII.JJ.CD.U.t:IJ , ,D.!IiiiIU III.LJ.-U II.':J_"I". IU.~r. a~!IIII. !IiiiUI·!J."~£D, ~:II. 'IiJI_:1J. ~

;If"..,...,. a, ;b'''' •• 'Ill..__" 1I1l'L.,~ '1ll._~'I'L- 'iii., 'L.~~ '~~I __ ~A 'iV~ ,~-,.:II ., ... ' 'II

''IAi!"y1C8, 1'0, wi!!' 8!~1~'" ',,:,~~, ~A' ,!I!U ~ p~ i,,,~ ~ .. ', Wthl, ~N 'm.:awDilIil

:~U 'been 'preae-nrted 'iia, '.est ~riate' ,&eqjt1eti.Ot\" ,At, '~e [end [~f ,~, ,nb\apte~!, ilU~~ and pn:K"bkrmIJ, Jire ,gi.~ b' ~cel w~, wiI, help thoe'"$ w ~rnIDatec t.b.e:t;Qpi~ ,g_d .pnw-el tb.ei!T' '_den~diQg of'the, aulbjeet.

Tb~s, bockk on OIM mteJ.ub w, meet, th8i :~eed' for, ,a, gpod '~000k1 I~]l tl"ie is uiqj eet. It m :B0,t; only useful -00, 'the, '~rilng 8itur.lents but also to, th~ p,r~Dtird.ns' eupDeer.,9 eiD~.ged, In :malit!)J,ufactu'ring aetiv,~It.y. as a, :hf .. ~, boot.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

'Thi$ 'book '~. WIi~n, ·with. iRte~ttgfi 'w filiifdW Il'he f.glilJQwlQ!g· (l~j~~~rv,~~~

U} 'IQ gi,ve aD, idea oJ CGmputti·I'~t.e,gmtedJ ,MamJuii~liWM.g ~td.$; ~(i), s~ud~lr!i~ ·~f .M~~:CaJ En~~, ~uf~ 'B'rngm~rW_,g, .ki:~d ~t"@g'~ :~Mt:io.a .. En,gbt~rilD,g· mil, A:u}~amiljti,~'e' 'Engineering: diKipll~D.e!i

'ij~ 'Ib :SEf;VIe ~ ,Ii :r;ef~1e;n!Ce to t'h:e pli":Kli9i~g E·ngin.eers; 1iIih~· ~iSh to bO'w ·t&e elM: :i~ Mi¢w

b! '!i'e I, ,d:~mib ..

'fh~' ~Q~k :1$ ·p:I_It~. W OO""~f :~Q$t 'ilif' th~ ~fQd1a~ti():H. rtliliitGd p;F,~b~m:!!i. m. :tiIi'I.~ mihi,S11'Y' 'whtlr'e N,(~~, CNIC~. Robot~~ 'C0I'Ji'lleyo:n~ ,et~. ,:ue :prese:ni. l1u~' b~ok 'c:o:nt9is~~!S ,0£' ,eiP~: c·h.a,~~s .. Chi.pter :1 b, 'e!5e'i'iuaMUy' .1111. iIl1lr.odiullt1i'oo to A'i1lil'fimll.'tio.n. mrudA 'uf wMtih. hillS: b!Ft~. diisCMis,sOO. hi. mo:r'e d,~ta&1 in ~ul1k~!(}]'i'tiin.g '!tiliua.ptltn" 'Chapkr- .2, h.[g'mI fg:tiU)!j, tlil,1!!' [h~ \'-O:lu!me' iPood;u.(j~o.i'iI! !!y81J1M11:! \iiMiD"~ f-e,roer.s w'~I~1 ... ·i· il\.rc~:il ... A~:: , ... ii;..C"iI;. "ij)'.:~j~~~~ ;~. ,~~ ... ;:y, I" A""I~""'mii!"':D:n "t'Th;"~~ti!ii' 'lJ iIls .. a CQ:Uiitifiiuii[tlltlln 'G1£ .. li ,ge", !I'iiIIIQi. _ ~""",ge ~QUJ., ,1!!r!il1l1_~pIJI~ ""'I "",,",m,: ~ ~.,_;~""",,_~,_;!-'I"~~"''''''''~~ _~~. q ~~ __ _.~ ~ __ ~_ ~~.~ ~ _ _ ~_

pr.eVi,ou5 clJapl'er "Wl;tb :motierurrng the !Ml't~l~dJ .A1lI:~oo. ~t~rn!. Chapter" is; QOI!I:~.el'r!gdl w.itn. me' B:iI_YMS: or .A1iIlomailed. A.ssemb~y· Systems" ·Chapter· 5~mp~teri:i.ed! Mmu;fiu::nu;ing iDL~. ~'.;'~:' ~'::iirl ,~:' -: ~ ,~.~ ''''d'~-~, ,=b~~~iilo ~'b~, "" ~ ~,:~':::: ,~--;;~~~- ... ~~. f'~F-'iimF'~ru:nin~ ·-·liIEfiI:Hm,~: i!!fii:IJll!llllS ,I;,Ia:l1i111l~ ''''!!IIi. ,1I,ve lin L eai. w.!'O:U, YI.e 1I5e OJ! ,,",C1mp!.ili~Ci! ~I;L m_~~M~ -.~g .P~~~~~~~g OJ-~·~" ~_ ~ ~

'wi~ ~W~ 'biQiic ,ignlilru-l' ~tiliy.itie~ U:k~ ~~"aI. 'CAP'P ~t~:s. ,and OeJlM.:dative CM'iB.,yste:ms. LJ'hiliB, clllliP~eJ' .&lm :hrightigbts the. Ma.rsler Producti.oiJI. Scl1.eGule· (MPSl' ad :Matl€fjal Reqlili~eml~l1Iil

iDIi ~ ~~. ~ ~~ rM--ID"iPlI ;i"'iL-n ..... '·;;C: .;Im ~" - - ... -, ,_,1:. .. :: ii'!I ,ii'11 ... - _c - •. :: ....... "' ... • ... ;1 'I·~'=· .,;Ii , .. iIo ~il ... "li....... wirti!!!fliiii!! ~ ud diilllit

il"laD_iDlliIJ 'L" _iIlIi-_l, l" ~r!lill:'· ""' YiL:IC?IiI_!i::!i!I!P!I! ~-IGr' ,lwOI !Il;v..;_.,U,,,",,, ,liN: '!:.I~. """ J!_"",I!. ~~ ~,I'~ ~ --~ .~- -'-- .:__ ~ ~_.

:i.d!ie"ntiiCIiIitOIll! 'SYi~enn:!. 'C"pter " 'CQ:D.!i-d!~5 'ilae mtpection. liUldi diata_ !ii:o'llecuon. :s.y:stems :m llifi' fa(ltory. Oh;apt:et 8 ligJ1lLi'gbJU ttu~' m.ewer .mIlillJU/[acowrln,s· tec'ti,niq.u,e' cailled Rapid! M~gu~ae~liD.g ~d~mo,lQ.lf~is ~~ul~ ~eh~ct]@.1Y :i.$ ia). buddliq' ~d 'v~ry 'p:rom~m:g '~oonQl~11 ,~]' th..~, :m~re. In thu ,eiba/ptel' the n'eeeuuy :RP '~d.Dlq;llietS, have ibeen di!IiCUDed.

We ,el:;,pteg. MI' 'lili!8iiib to .Pnf., lK. ,~Ii~ .1h_~~. ,~r M:. :r"m;.~ ... ,lMnQu' !Oflb:nn~.

I'm'" .!'i'I4;"dMliii'- 1'Ti~,t~U'V'l' C,.:tj~ ,Qt· !1!iIPi!'Um~ p,ro£ [G'.nJii",.,~, 'GaMfi,JI n' 0 D M~1I!~

t. -':f~' .J. __ .~_._h'_~:.r.~, .. t. ~"~T~!ll:il l~!I::"'[~J ...... ~~~ _';It ~o:rc:· .. - .. ~~ ~"'J~ -~r'~ .- .. ~~.-.' '-_'--'''QI:r.-r.'-l;II lj'll"l -e; .11, .. [J_ r .~.--.~ ••••• '

.EYljiJ:U1i", D~~rbtlu;, ,$ir .M: ~1I'UZ1\1mJd .ms-;jiiv.U· W :r",luurt.on:, 1JroJ.' .Po: .R'tJjmdM .~ Rl~w .1l;,Q,I)I •.• M~~~J E9n~'. D¥at~eJt·t, .M-----_VJ C~ 'rf··E~~,., Dr:. ~~if'PUJ~~ Dim:liir~, .~~.~ lJ4~Tte:~ .~ fLB,. Rdd1:~ ,smifH'M4.Mpt't l'SG:; 'G:iJ~rid·lmli.ri: Lim.fMt llm'1~ .. Prof., E. ,ja~gm .~, Sfi u. '~Mnu~~~, StU,;iwt;. oms; &.~Iorf;;, M_dn~m1 'q( Sir Ii: tt~~«,~tlyg 1~l~14 :;,1' ~,;~~~ 4t14 M~~~~' ~ MW' ":;tJfkg~' ~I E1!~~",.

c~k$ iM',~ d:y;~ ~~, ~ my ~glt~~. ,~f M~hg~-e~ :~~~~~g., O,~;jWtm~I1l'~: gE' ~lm' M.

VISN'e~p Insittute of'TedmoloSY and.:MV;J Cone. ,oJ ~~ :f'(lr th.eJir· m.ppo~, enc'OW'iaiem~m.

arl. s:u,Wstloru: ,o.ffelted w.hile' 'W.riI.'b,g .tb1!. 'bool.. - .

'Wf!~ M$O 'mu'k, MJ!!i! :~ :PUJ'blitiwatis ~~ litil". New Delhi ftk1 iFn.ij~llming thfus be6k wRb ~tivt:, &'Over iP~.

('ilUl!;CUve' DlggeshDlII! ue welcom.e ·fo.l:' the ~mpllo¥emel!lit oJ' ~e 'book .. and. wil!1i il)e. diuly


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U b defilp~, lU !!Ii, tec'bru;rlo,p cmu:emed 'wi.t.b ~e :a:ppllea.tiO'Jl ,~f :medimm~ re:leotr'&Dlcs amd, c~putel" hued, ,~ms to 'opemte and ~o:mblel die, :PElooumon (~mmati.'oD, of the 'wh~l~ [~mtliaUogJ" T'bIB, the ted:mology :IDcl~d~l'!l;

1,. AQkunati¢; ~~ 'tools [to :prnQt!~i :pw

:2. Auwl!llilLi!k liDen_My' mae'ltd.m:~i1

,:3i. AGV ,(A~tG~: ,pitled, 've~:)

"'" ADS ,~Ag~ imrage :a;m,d, 'R;a:iev,aJ, SJSlEIM]

,I:: 'DI!~,'ii., ~;M;''''I 'p'i_.~ .. 'I'\i'I;'I:.;i'I; 1.J.!"1l '-fti!Al MIII.IY ,_.~-'!r.' lllVIiI¥i

[6., CAJ);e,AM :~m

'1," f'eedbadii: ccm~l, I.nd, com,PUteT pro¢~g Q~'L (CCi~[)

8" CQmp~' ai\ded, :inJ;pection, .d quatity conttel

&:amjill;' Mbimia.i!ive iLndv.ilri.'eii, :~en:UcaJ, :ind~~[ ,PbilmiiiILieuti:cu and. ,AeIlGiS,pam

, -'1".-....:1,_,.,

, Q~'I'U,~'l'"


'~ d:nJ'4~{rm~ '~!C:' ,of a,~~cm ge~ 1, :~~, ,Afi~D,

:l :Pro,~ble' ,auwml1!i'om,

,3. :Flmtible~ ut~on .

.t 'F'I~ ~ .... "';I;, .. """''''''' -ill - ... H!!IiiI'-U .;I;, .. .-i: .......... -.iiiIi - - 'l~., . ,:I"", i'\Q!~"lIuO'~f~~~IIRI! i'UlM,.iI!IUiDn

:[1:, ,g, a, ~m :in wh.iclJJ :the se~e, oJ :p:ttlCe5:sfuS' 'operatiOIlS Js hed by d1e '~''l1lUf.m, Ocmt!~Iii. n,e' 'typical :ka~ ,of :Ib'ed ;~atlOfi ,atoe;

Copy rig hted m ateri al

I, Hlgh, PfOd~~~, ~~ ~d mo.~ :~ul~bk' for ,~!i :Pfl~~tlQm_ 2;" De ~'eq,yenee gf' g,peHl~'On~ W"~ cleafly d~td ;.d. ~°imp'lc'", ,3, AJlll!:JmaUon, is ~plllcaJble' '1:0 limtted :n:umber, ,of:' ;il!ip~mUom.

,4,. Re]afi~"e:Jr :infle:~bl.e' :i.B ,a:e~o~~ PfodJud, cib~$ ;(i}v,u •.

,5,. fbe o,~pill! ~~tm~gt, 1$, I~~; ;g 't>om~d. to OthH ;acutomatlolU.

iC'1...'''iiltl:fJlij~, 'i'iA',j('!I "' ..... ~'b·, ~~ 'i~~ilil. 7'raoU'ti 'h'o;'""., ... i"1 ....,iIII __ ~.... ,..--~ ~'iL ~~I.,...1i n~"'''''.

'~:~_1'lI~1J."".1 ,,.__~~-~ ~._~ILI_t, w_~~ I] I I 1I1;.1] [W_I":;~!I 'WIU ~L~W:P.:~~I~1iiI! !tLI_W ~_u _u_~, ~ • .'~"'~r.

I, M:O~ :1Inlt1hL~ fc;r' batd~ pl',O'dud:hm

2:" :Low p~dliCtion :re~iiled 'to' :lb:ed ,:!I:utQmW(m

3." :fi"xllittJe tD d~.d llritb, c"bu,ge!l: m :pmdlil~: mmlpntlon ,(I"~ :msh iII,vestment. 'm, ,p-oemll [pwpoose !Il:q,w,pnu:mt,

l!1'"'-.i;,~·,,,:ilr-' ,11.e ...... it;rj ...... ,~""""iI!,~, f!ilk",l('i' ,~:-~,,~~.,.;i ... ~ ,~&ii.~, , __ JiI!Ii' ... .i.~~l ~-"'!ltlil' ,~S_N7!'dr\w l~:'J~ m[~~PJ.~M!r.' !II~'L.1~ !Li;~;"'tJ.J! l~~nII=~,t.II'~~1i .BIf!U!L1I! ~ l.n.¥~ ,r~~~l .. I!I'lI!~M.~"b.;-

:, .. FIII'llbl. ''''wtoml,tlon

,A ttI~;dble' a,~~e-mB:fi'Mi, 5f$tem :is .e-jiU!' whi~, :g,;bl1! of :P~~i ~.ety et' pooducu with ~. nQ' tim~ lQs!I: for cb;mp 'M~' m~ QDe :produd 't@l 'Ih'¢ n~ :b; hi ~ iC~ ;of a, popammahle' ::iI)jC;om8ittinD. The ~Eeat fcoeatw:'el of flexible: au.~m&hm: are,~,

,~'" Medium p"DW~1i:ion, :l"Dites

:2,. ~xI!bJE~ 'la' ~a!] 'will tbG 'p[l~(1)lct d~1p ~orn!i

'~'. c.olltirnll,ou p:rod~oij,Q.n ~f v,Wible m~-.n, I~f! pwdu~

EzllRtJllt.:' Ae1dble );dl'mum.ctu:rl9g' S:y~t:e:m, (FM'8)~1 VeRiad and :Hln~on1ia1 :mfr..


I Ai;iDnl:tiI~1 :

Fi,g" l."l 'C~~gf!. iOf PiQ'~ld; '~~: Qf !~;'~

Copy rig hted m ateri al


(:i) 11:Jg~t Pn;JirmimJ~ AutomMlon of :m,a.(fuf~g 'O~RUo:~ :1i'U:;if~~i ~. :prod~tI.vity [@of lab(Jur' i,i!', ~ .If"e!!,t~ 'Qutpl,l~ oo:f ~h~W" m,;1tIt. ~e'.r 'plloQnetiom r;a~es ue u!Eu.rev,oo ~, :aummaUoiii, n1h:!H '~, With ~e iC~Ie-~'Qt'u:Ung :!nMIJg g,P~~:Mjf(O:m."

(:~'I' Jtw't~m>t:d ,l.~r CfJit. The: :bigbe.( Illveltlitemm in, aut-omated, e~utpl1'tents :made 'Iillem :re~!U~: mawlId 'O~OIft. The hip 'ooot, of labifu.t hM, f:o:t¢ed 'budne5i: penom tG ~1rI_}~lli~1J.Il@ ma:.ehm@5i (or biu.m;m :la!ooW' 'beca!~e ~~hrn~ 'CDli prl@'d)~ ,at lmlpe:r :rUe~ [~f' ;@.~tpl[t

1.',I·;,:II~.,". (I'1.- . .;iI\IUi'.", , .. -Ii .iI' '~It~i'~ In', ra""m"'" ,,,,,,it: ~'i,... llid'~ ""","11!1"",edr- 1I!I"'~o'I.TiI';: ~iIl-,:,"'e' ~ .. I<' .~~ •. ~ • ~ • rill 0::. "~nri"'l;ir,fl; n,'fl

'i Ii 'J. 1iJlw. .. ·'.~"" ... :/ . .l.I~"'II!'r. .. ' ~ ~ ;'?W, !iLJ, 'Y_~,h,." l~MiIIi • .twJ • 1II_.~~i._m::I l~l~1I ~I_IIIIHI! ~ ~1~1~.l~Or-- ~ill

lM01L'f.~, 'lhm, 1abQm' s'hmtaj:e _'0 lI!~e ~e dev,e'i.o:luJrent [~]:' ~u:tomatlon_

{~~) ,J~if.~~i~UI, [~,. ,ub,r T~r~' fSt)rvi~e S.~~l'01;

(:~~l lr:d~tn:al' SaId}. By ,aui!Q(mati(ln, the oper,aHO:rnJ and ~aD5fe:mrru,g !tbe' ope:~ai~" .fr-om

.... ''"'~'IiiI' 'n"'~".n:a~;fI;1jI1 'iI<.II'fI; ,"" "'i~p' iiilnri",,,,,I"V' '~~li:j; w",,--I\o' "1 !ii, ~~~llij; !ii=:i'ia~ ~'t. iirn'ii'oi"iCyJ;oiII-,;o;[

~'" [!'!!.'1;1'4!!.1IP\fi ,F·i!U'U''''T..~IilI."",.JI''' IIi.... iii, .... ,. "" .... ' .......... 1:' ~!U!' .. ~, ~~ "'~ ,_'iI! illIiJI.~.. ,.,1iI!Ii!!iii!lO. ,~,~ !r-'" ~ . I,Q;~

iIlmpems :ECl" :iI'Ulam.aUOfi"

{iJi} C~lr1 ,1.i;gW M'tu'f,naL H~gb roost ~f":mw' '~~$ im :i1UUllafa~ri~g nmlli!i: h~ ~,e' n,eed. £bJ grecat:er emde:mcy' Q:f th~ :raw :mm~. 'Thu [edutliion of '~' ,atlld, fuU 'use ,ot ~w :~ri:d :is, iaJ$.i!) nn:e qf the ~e~efili9, [~f ~w:Qmallf).Qn"

r{n~l Higk ~1i9 of Pro4~'f.t. ,Allioomatmn opemtl:oJlj, :Dm only ~r.oduce. pms at¢. :~er raiel du.n do, 'tb.-e:lf' mm~, [OOWlretp.~ but 'tltey :pi'OOu<:e' :p~ ~,,8featet: ~ns:im.ncy'

and ,oamu.Jmily to qualilu:y ,s,Pe-,dikatl(liJl1j;' ~ ~

1[m'r..1,lAM 7i';n; ,Br:.~li~ Autom.atinp, d1~~ 'the :1iJlaQ~ to rednoe me ~ beM"e~, the 'ClI:itmne:r ,H'cl,e~' aad pmdw:.t: de:~y.e.ry", nus ~ [~:mer' ::mrWte b iilcllre~d, b,y atlm~ti'elii;,

l~:~~:} .lft-,~lS1 .lDlIento"" ,R~-J:.M~'UtR. :H@~dlms la:rp ~vtmtnri.'e.s; of 'w~JQ~pr~~u r'e:~$en;U ill, sl,gniA'cam ~; ~ '~ Hlilln:ufaemrer becaw-e' it ie!! 'U,p capftal11njS 'illle mmufa.cmrenj ,~: U [10 (~UC1~ ~ :m, pro~ too, a :~" ,AllI~ tel1w to' I,(looitqihd~ '~' Fa! 'by' :re:d~ilnj: the iim~: 'w,@rk p:iIiri; spe:mds m :fad.o:ry"

~.t) CfJiti[ .I~.IJRd' i~ :gal ,A~i.' ,Ui~ Jttd;llIj,,~ 'Tht!!' b~,~~nt$ of ~~t.Q~tig~, q,&~~ :~w up in intangfblli!: andJ un~et~ wB;l"1~ im~lil, :~ _pl:\a'!ll~ [q~" higher. :sales, better lahcu,u :~li!di.rng; :_d. ¢Om,any :i~.

;F!' ............ ~T!;~~~ ,.I'.,,~.j, .,JI1.,.,. ... ~., "".,.Ii< .... .,... ..... ~ ... """ ~:tL·~'I~·: ~ ~=.dI "'b, ~ ~~" ~ ~[ ~., ",j. ". . •. ,..,....,iihw· ._jul •• ..:I., .. ~OI'P !I;;,;.o'I;PJIU~'!'.:~<;I, Ql~. gg~,~, _1gI~liliLlU!~~e @"il,,", ~.e,;'Y 1!N' nll:I,"" i!OU~~Ye9, '(1'1, ill [oom.Y"_Y,1I'·e ~'!IfaIl~~

'with tfi,eiit [~WJm_m!, ~,eiit ,em,i~yee.i, ud '_u'bUc" .

nUl iaill Ot' 'Ih~!: [acteD :~ tcr~er' ~ :~e p.I;(U~hlictjhm, anw.matioD, a fea:dble' and, dematl:ve, [m :manual :mt$tb(iid.$ (Jf :m'J~~'"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

De b;ask: :mm:lhm b '~ 'Ci0Rven :I!2iW :~ :I.m~ 'AQlm-ed, prod1!Kit. 'feb, Ji' 'oprIii'alii::in

Rnr ' [~.lIi!I',,'

~.[~IHGI ~'.~"!l;;Y ~"[lUijJERw,.[~





I . . .

"~~[ pr:odUcl:

if'i' ~', ~I 03' 'r.~. d'-'I .r: '!C\ ....... "h' ·dft .. , iI=iI;y .. 11=\-_. iii ... ,...ji' 'l;jI': •• :t.._;i,.."", .. ' "I" iii ~;I!, ,P.Il,O ,~, 0, ,iIi'K~.ry iIi_. JIiI·,."t-.D il"lk.,e 'iI"'!oJIII'!I,d~n_" !!OM, ,m_m~"H~!5

. A,g.u.-.t

1. l\J1rI!tnmMton 'wlU Ie'olt in, the ((nl'~ of:' me' b~ belng b;'r mdim,e3:. 'Thla, i.s r¢dy' an aorgumoeDi; I@!Ve~' wheth~r wQrk~~' j~b:5 w1l!I. 'k do,~ed ~l '~,p'pad!ed by 8!U~o.lJ'i..JIdQ.R;, A-utQmrdQR Itmilii, 00 't(;m,fi!!f' ~'IH!]l :(cif;q,gh" .. d. tt~ :p~dgnn w, ftOEl. buman QP~~io:r 'i() 'mac'llImel'l!" :It redAilc@l!!, ~ :liu~~,d, for i!!Jll!l~@d :I!aibOM,. ibe mannail w.od left: 'by alutO:mlltton r,e~,W'r'~5 lower' ~.~ leyel~ amd ~ends It~ ~,V~~,~ rattilAl!T manual. w'k.s '{~.f~' M~ anil ~"wml ~ ~ mo~ l'emm.1ng

... Jb~Ifi"'c I""t,,..}.. ~~ILg;r-!iI!l!i ... ~!II.!1! lP.

:2. 'Tb~ • ibe it fCduc~on 1m, 'tht\ labor fOltlc'!, Wl,tilI, femlbg 'WHmpl.oyment. It :b, ~.HI, m' i~ tb.!d; the ilmm~~ C'~t, of g~ will be to, ~Ut~1 '~I :~"I!d. (Dr :buman hb01'~ dUD ~ Wi.JRen., Th~ wemp:loym~ ~ 'w:iJll iDttease.

3" Al.itOmitIeo, lVI1IJ ~I ~ ~. Ai 'madJtiw~ ,~ '~ amd. thee wmhn, ,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'wm not ~~ 'Ibe waga ~' lin ~ ~'i~,~,wmbecome[~,W!th~ihat,:peQple

~,aIlm:d,w:,-~. ~"wilI"grnw~ ~,wm~~ ~m'wID, ~ ~~~,'wtddI,,~'Ib,:~ '~mk~,

2. Au.m.m.atI· I!Ii bliUm .' !i~iII". 'W'~''''''''' ,"~'--- ,~, ,;r~ . Iii;., 'W-...i~I·.-c·. ;I1lI'-I:' f'l!-~ ~~·~I 11- --

_. '_ ~ ~ __ ~ __ o:_~. ~ ~_p ~~er .. ' ""'~-"6 9,"'I-I,w ... I'I.eJ.II~ ,L'!li,tf UlI.e, .. w,."m. ;; II-iIiI:eR B ,lns

.:I~'~. i·iik....,.,~.,.,..~1 ,.·~~,.i! ' iI';l' ................ - ...... ..,ii.,~ " ,3' ... , ;1; ..... -: :: c·A.,.;....i!l!· .. ..... , d .. ·· , ~\." 'I... :

'IalI!;;C!!, PolilJ--R:Ii p!lll,I!"""'o, w 7 ~ ...... n ,Wl Y!l.e p1iO'IOlU ..... !IiIOD proc~ !l;Dere, ~ ,u;::!S

~' , - '_" - =

c'~ of :pemJll~ lnfrwY i(() me ~w;.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

3~ Amom.d, production :~uI~ :bl 1~' prices of :p~'dos aad ~e.r :p:E\~1K:b\"

,,jjL. "1I"Ii.. ...,.,......,.;'.... 'f' [i"'~ .. • __ !-~I'lilf\rv ~_.t'11 ~ .... ~'I;r', . - 'Iri.oJ. . m:...;l ... - "n{ .. - .. ·ri.Dn!itf··

... ,lallie' ,~}""''rrWll, 0 UlI,i!t: iBlU!!.Y ~~:Ii ,my,.:.,.,..,..,] ~!m !I,~~ ,pro'. _~!1\! 'Ii:!' r~--- O,P'pCL- _' , ,_~~,

Thele ,~ .. :Inc'lm!!e (:Omp1!der :PWtWII1llmlill,g'~ sp;mm, 'engi..meer' ett.

,5:,. Au~~n b I~ I~ :~, of m(;r',e~ dIe: ~~dn ,of Ii,vmg,

IUI_, F,lInct1On

iil?'~ __ ""I!1 ~

---.IIi,:1 ~ - "

~ ;=:'~l [ .... '1_ ......

Pfodud IDalign ~~~[~ .. gf[~~;~~[ '",'";,,,';o;',,"'_'"

~lIt~~ ,::



'. l~r:II

P.iInI~ [

l~hiilii!IJl t !F\1 - i


~~I~' 1~[PiIn


i i



i I


QY!I!1b!'~ i~,~!'1bl~, SOO'

Fii_g;; 1".3;:~ :Pt«euln,S' Cycl1e :In, ,Il, MID~g :Pb:m

The aOO,\'e :Ilipre :~ dile' qc'~ I~' tn:fnmta1ioD, ,~~' ,aeftVltles, h~ I~y 'Mew: In ill ~tur:i:ng:Ii:nD. Whi:dJ, ,preduces dba'eie parb: and il:Qemlbles ,~ mOOI fimail. 11u::1 m.u.:in ,imaiWm, ;of' ~I!I, pl~,g ~ ~;

I, Bl~II_Qe. :furn;~,

2" '~Ud d!e:~:ot'mMmn prooei51~' ,~" :Manut~,g' :planning'

• '-Man- ma.ctm:lm-" ~'-I

' [.. ir . ,j UJ·,,····.

11. , c __ _ : •. _ I. ~~ [...::.. _ _:~.-~.~~!"

11;; 8uln •• , F~~ctIOfl

k u {be ~pal me am, of ,eOJllIlUllni,ea.tmg: 'with, dle and abo< it :1$ ~~: 'b~,~. aad gdJ of' 'iib :bU'OD'I!illlan CJCle~" 'The 'vul.cnn fu.oC1Wm oJ the ~, ~'~

,,~,) &du

Copy rig hted m ateri al

(>e) Co:st ac'Co:~th1.g Itf} ,8'a:1,es fORCa.5t

2. IProdilict IDtiligri'dllnfo:rmatioi1i IPifiOCen1iiiil

Th~ product hIM '~l 'be ~~m~1!U"_ t~l iI!i'~er,' :'l?~~ $pt.~u.'Qn.;, '~: ,de. ,will be iPf~yjded by' ~U$~mer", ''lJi,e :pmdAll~t de. g, dKmnenled by nlleaJlU of' tQI~lpcmel1lb dmw:i~" :Q«ilcatiom: ~ a BO'M: whkl ,.iV,~ ,~ fd~M Qr ~~PQnMU; :(m, 'dt~ p~dclKt. A :prolOtype ib o£teD, bWlt for te~' and denwoslilatioD, purposes. ,~f' the ,vomplelliu ,of 'dte d~ ~e' '~em,ent, '~n 'be :m,Vi't'ed :101' !i ~DW I:fid ~lID~ :p~~mlJie11;, 'Th~ dulin, ,engmeer: gi,~, tbe demD~tian, of' th'! :prodlllct :50' thtiaat, th'li 'm~ment tU, .a~'dte l~' mWin.dao~ tbt\ ltcm"

~ •



I 3 .• IlIIIIntllrfftll ~11l!'!1!'!1I

t '~ mi~g, :md, d~~nt:atl~ _t ,ccmsMmloe .e dell-tn iIlf the :prodlJlot ,Dow' :h!I~1 I ~e m&mlil~~~ &gu:~~~" ,~ ~f; I~' de~~ ~q,~~~~, thti iI?fOdu~ ~ :~w~:tur~d 'by

mUl,S: 19(Jp:huti.cate~, , 'The variolit Nnmi()[d m,volvf!d Lit 'man~ Be:

[[4) P'tritU!;' Pi'I-'I; It, Cl~ ,0£ ~~fiDimn,g the se~E~ ,of pmdlld ~ be, ~ed.

Wim ~, ~QUte' :!ili~, ~ ~~~I pbm, :~, 'b~ ,of Hi'UlD.~ :fmi!teH~ ~11l1p:rmtnt [~~,

(,6) ,M~.r ,Sf,'6tJWI;~; 1), b: :1btIms ,of ~(ilodUct9: w[ be :Q!Iane'!, d.eliiVlered ,.d, ,mo ,~, t:),i_!iUtity'. ~ $'.. R'~~~'rtJm'm' n~m)JiI!',~ It, 'g, "gL1~i!id. ~~, ~~ TI'~'d~~ ~f' taw 'm~~~ &om ,~,

'I." T.'ll ~ IF'


(:iJ C~"J ,Pl .. ~, .It iI toncemed 'with 'lhe :planniD,g ,of tle, ~i!Ne:r and. madW:te~ ,of 1!le~ :ri:rm;,

(1') lr,i~'" ,E.,_~!,




4.. M.~uhJcturlnl 'C~trOIl

It u conamed, wiIh ~',and, [cooll'OlImg' the p:~kaill opedDIUI: in 'the 'fl.~ 'm,

1l1m,p1.e:l'lu!nt. 'lib ;~ctmrm,g plllD.

The \!'~W!: ~ Qi' :~~' o~l ~:gjd ,of~ (:ti} Sbop ,Oom: ~mro'~

[[II) ~ulJty wntrol

[(~) Inrvenmry Conb'loJ.

:Miop :tJOCf: ,conti,(l!i], :111, conamed, 'with the :p:m'blem {Iii mO'.ru1ml"lm,g the p~$t, (If [tb~ mgdod 'm, 'be' 'nroceH~ :i1SSfimhle.;l ,moved o.d, tll!;~dt:dl 1m ~~, ,fIt ... ""--:::-:,- 'jIj"L - --;-;-'~ -.:II;; -,- Ie £ ~. _ _ _ _ _ __ ,1'"_ - - - - - --! --- ~ ~ ~ - ~~, -~~ - ~ ~- ~-~~-- ~~ .... ~. - - ~- -~.., _~~I!.'!!-'.d;y. '~HUIl!! HlJi5I:w..U, 0.1,

qudiho' ionriil'...,;,Jl ,~~, 'iI<.-;. ....... i ..... dL. __ .. ~i._ .. ;l']1]1"U""", ~t:, ~'i..e n:r\l"lo-ii"",,~, ,_, __ ..i: J)..... """""""p..,.__;i, ..... _~-~~, [.t. ...

I' - ,I ~7:' 1!ir.'v.. •. II.YlV-.I HI ~'!W!. ~Mllillr.' g:lm· \0. '''1~--:1.' [~ !Y:J _. r-'v~.~~ __ ~ II~I 1!IIE~:I.iI_ !IL-.IIL-'U ...... ' 1II;&.III~1r. w~

dariidar6 :~m.'ed by [Ihe~ f'~~~; d~. ~ taW' rQ~ mdJ (om.poa,en~: :&om Idle owmde so~eij ,iJR; mspedecl :and hally' m.:a,peeioD, ,and, 1t€:stl"1t,g ,a-f'lke finb'bed, :prod1!ltt ~,

j il!!iii!!rf ......... ~.;I1 'In,'IiJ'.,d,'i'W'IiJ! l~-"""'t hi .~~ l-"-I~_, ~'L. ~...;'b ""'f rill- .. , iIf ....... ..:L ~ ....... rt-a, ifi'mi'd'i~WD' of: [~-

: ~C_~y~~~:. _·"'''___''_'''',I """",,L~""_ = ~'>!' I!;;.I---~~, [~""' '!I!!',Q~, M. g],.. o"""",Q!I! ilU,l, 1~·b~Vhgnt'ea tTl areri al

, e omp one III 8.


.A 'If~b~r Q:F 'p~dlll.C~6n ,OOIl:eepts Ue qYan'lfiMtive: Of. '~~r :~q,ub'le a q,lIm1itaiiw approach

to! mea-IUl.U! them, [~ili!me [!!lit' dl~m at~,

~, :r,rad11lci&on 'r[:1'J.'ei

::~L :Pwduction capacit;y

~\;, '~JUIlf,:abn ,and, av~abd)Uy

4,., :ML1" (Maniufacbn'ing' lead 'Imle) s, 'WJP' [fW~. :m :pr~~~][

r, PlUdu:ctlo:n IAlte

'~=: --: . ~..l-C';i"';ofI'~Tjio _.j.,,,, ii\~ "';iiI"' J:"'dl~~l':iil.~,~'i, 'p.""",Ofl:H!h!Ii"" !air' ~mblY ongratiom: iii e;nl'ressedi ,~

I J~ !)lTOu.u,'Io'!.iI.""""'., ,Mll~ iliU'dl, !A'II" ,In. - ,"~IO!I!~ , r- ~ .... - - ~"e! - - _. - - .. _ .. {! -Ji .. _.. . --,I;"'

in hcm.Jy' Rre'~ 'pubi, >Of pmduw :pei" :bOUf f~r' dar",

[~i"'-"'~,- ~' ,e~· e,I,' ... , .... ~'"I-.: '~tl, ,....J1_1!!,-.!I ,- s ~'I;--i I~:J' ...... "'I ,~,...j., ... (itA: 'W\'l1'~. ''I, k b@~tIi~, nreeessed or

~Ofllll'U~ '1"J" Ni!l!M'. ,iii ,1_!5l ~nney, M Y_!I;ei !!y_~,,", --~ '!o!'~,,", . Il!'~,~ _. -- - - """'e' ,r'~ - - .. - _. .

~nbl¢de I~ :1.$ d.1tn1!1i~'ed, by '0<; m,. It ,c(m.Sl.!:b of' :::

,I... A~turu mac'Imtins' operation, tim.~! {M:OJI "". [mili} :2~, WQ~k, pad, ~d11ng Iam.e [(WhJ ... (:~.)

,3\;, TOiOl. handling' tzUmi ('In!y -rss (:mbVPc)

'0<; ~ :Mo. +, Wbc, ¥ 1i.h~,

O/iI'1tllWJt. [CJl!k fi'mr /(Jf' bk;Jt, ,Fod~tifm~, In batdl, p:roduliiJo:nJ1. the 'ihm:e 'I'D] pNeelS: one kkh CO:MWh~1 cn~, [Q.'WQ~k, 'Wli.b b: th~ SlUUn Qf :setupl time! amd ~lIIoc;~sin,g· mm-e. :It; :is sj,ven by!]

:1., == ;~., -t, 9'.' oc

!Ii ~ ~ ~J

:Bt - :I'atcl], pmee~ imce I[min.)

li:!"t., I. ~!~", ,~,~~ 'iI<"": ~i'ii"'''-: ':;o,..r, ,.!Ih~, '~~~'f:~ :t,rr;r;.~'"1"'Ii

o::J!",_ [1oAi'~ wnil: !l'!i.!' ir. -r--.e ~.l!"JI, Illite !LiI~I, ~,.~.I;IiI,~

OCt """ [~_ c;yd~ dm~tt ~ (~cl~,)

'Q,~] :~ ctuantlty"

,;j\_or~ 1WiJJ:-,,-"~:niio 'or"";J .... ' 1' .. ~!.., ~i."e ...... il"li ....... _~'i o£ ~t..e n ..... 'd'·., ........ i ....... ;w_... 'jI" .. , ,1- iI'I'i~ ...... , ~., , ,nl .. ~IIf--OIr.' ,"'1I' ...'r.~ 1!'1Ai~~1 .It .. , ~ LU" .. ~'~""T~~~ - . ILI~ .. r~'''''- .. U,2llll.~ •. lJ..~1 ,1lIi ~1"'If!U'-.I1l lll.i!:l~1!


wnellle ,R, iii HoW\ly' prmh:u;ll!~ ~ [(Ptfl!u')l [t. :B:~, == :pmQe&:5lJng:' time

Opt,r'4t'f;;g" qt.J~' fi'm.; tiit fob' tlJ.l ptod'lliiffim: :!F7M' job ,mop pmdu.od~ wa.ea, ~llilam'U.~ Q!II! :~!' 'ilhe p;oduciem, time fur' Wfifl:. 'ltiJI:it, ·b, $WB, [ef ,:mtu,p,llbme am.d Ope.tiM ¢yd!e ~ .

.,.. .. '-T" ,+ '-T'

,I,:p 'W· 'iG:

Rp" 6ijffp

!"J)'L, .. ."cv~p 'n .. ~ ..... ~'~;w .... n:' ;-", ... ,~ iIlG~, [1.,IlI!l1! u. .. ,...,.,~~ ,f""_"I~~ ,~ ~

"I!_ DI'O!'iIo"",:'[I~]o, 'I!" Ii'i":.n.,..iiil!lil!'

&. 1"'1 ..... lIiI ... lIiOlIiI, . .,.. !!I.iI ~'I,i!II~'

Copy rig hted m ateri al





t I


To' "i: ',i_a" a1'V,.;I'". ~r_··,., .~ '!!II! M 'iii '8._ ·i· U :iII:~'Mi;

ilJ!I, ~ C .. ' '!I.~-~"', ~. __ ,_:. I :_: :_. ~' r.~ ::IB1 '_' .. " .,f"

:M' :::: :Ni'wn!be:r of 'w'(Iiik ce9~en ·~.e'-" [;l1li;[ ·~'~I·'''''''''~·-.~ ... r· ,~il!o~.·~\i.'!"!!"!!k

,;.J!W .;.,,!Il~~~ !I,L c?-!!~~ .... '1;'''-''

H '= N'~ber. of ~'bm

'~_'-p [;:::;: A.~~" -. -'. ", 'p' r .. · ... ".;o;Hi""' .. , """'~"",

. II In ... ,,' , .~u-~ ........ ~ 1Ja:~-

l • ': ~. 1 _-_'---. •• ,. ,'.- __ ~ ~~.~ __ -_ ~ __ '~ __ -_ "!'

,a. 00] lhtlOR[ lind ,Av-:alh!itiilJty' 1IfJJb ...

H ~efen ito 'Iih.e: of ~,wpnt ,of 'the pmdw:tian facmV r:e'lWive 1m' 'Its [~"'" II t1 de:IlGte!lli ihy j'tr arid exp~:Hed. in ~,t.

'ThEmf{nlle~ 'Utilization, 1111 [nu.tpu~amty'



It: b: lIJ comm,QD, m;ea:sm~ie or :r-eliahrut.y ,of ~q,wpmem. It is deh,ed '~y wing :meg, iijrge

~_-,j;, .. "" ..... ,i: ... jjii""":'", '''':IiI'~ ro-"""""" ~'n,"" t ... '..-iilfIIr. l~~-»'n'!i.lf!i.l~" .~~~., ... ~U I .. ~"'_iII Wl.l._~; r~ "~~l!ll

'U"ij'\til~,\, 'riilo :"_"4\1;~ - ""i--,e,; --;;·. " 'I,' - ......... , .' 'f Oot"i"'"_ ;,'I.:-j . ,(k.'j iIllIf' : ", nl.L . m .•. ,t ~.- . ~ i'i-'-,tw '.' ",

,I,'rJ, ,I U.IC,,, ,h ~1i,W. _ .... -1 gJl.e a~ ,.elil,~~ a. ~_!.~" y~~ !ILJ:~~ __ t:,!-Y.P~!Ii·L mlilJ l!lil!!:~ ~. ftn


:MTfR.: n :indtcate!! 'the ,DeR. time' ~~d ~ !U,Lrv,ice 'lhe~ 'equlp~ and 'b~ Q) '!!he' 1~g,tiil1A wlien, br:ediidnwn RCUI5.

A· ~,-.ri-i..~i'I~tv, ,." \ Iii' ~'D 'jJii.iI''r"'IiiD\.i'ItJi'T'R'Il:'

:,:·,·!f.~l..ILIc.~: ~n~ L , [~"Y--.I.;,"'£aII!~-~;L1!""" ,rI,,'rI1rii.p.~L-~"''''''''I£·

4,. Mlnufadunn,1 I.fgd: nIDI ,lilLY}

. l:t: i5 defiDfld u, the ~ mnei :req,[td 'to[ ~oc[:e~ a sl~n, pm, Of' poodum tbroup, 'liEu!,

~i\am:, It ~ de~~d ,,:,,' MLT~

~ '!I!': N'!i) o:f op¢~!1~~ati'~Q [St; =' S~tu.:p lime

OC~ !II! O.ptllfa1ii,Qg, ~~ liiln~'

Q. C' Q..;nHl~ [(de the :p:l'rt!! :p:rodupe;d!

NOt; _, lNlo:n.~ 'tmle

'ljjlL .. T· i LeI' 'iit-.~:~ja"'_""".;riIt· :iilI'II"_,.~io'''''_~Ari, ,~,_ :"'''''''''

L~_ .l~ !I:rV"Lll Y_l1: UU_I!P.II1~!U~' ~~~!IN!iP.-W.¥!ll_1! ~JL~_.j'_'l "'l~~'

:SATCH: :POOdUl.CtJODi; ,aG~ [Sho,p,. 'Q. [. ,~l





ltLJ.' - '~l is'!; + or + NfOJ.'·

_ '.1.. ,G.'!/.. . -"'"1~, ~ ·,I~ '.'

~ ~

:UL T :fOf' l~u.a:ntity' 'type mm: :pmrGduclihm. cue·", UWLT liIimply 'b~om.H 'Ilh~ ~,~N'~~, nl~e :fs[" th~! l'IUIChime' ,der' the liem,p :bQ 'beep, c;Qm,p'l~tedl.

MLT' ~m :G;!l]W' ~ :liiMi, ~tlDD ,case:,! ~J" eEl :m(Tn.mrer 'i'fmc' -;j!. :~n OCJ'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

I:· '~- ... [1'0 [P,~-· ",.p~ .~.

'. iii ' • .u.1\1 -.... 111ir!tP.v.: .. "' •• '1- ,f.

'WIP' hi tlbe ,~ uf' ~ ~f: PfOd!!l~ ¢,~Ildy' J~d m .: ,fld:o~' 1lJta,t; :a'Ui: el'tber Mbig' :proeeued or 'IH~, :~uin--l C,~g,bM, W1P ~ iUi, ,(nV,~~, wM* is ,m II/he: ~

~ - - - ~

of 'bema' :~ed bm raw ~ M '6»ijlu!d :p~Uct..

'.\iiHriI. A 'U'" '11;. "'i"JR..~,AU'

"-K" I ,.IIi •. .' LDJLiIJJ'~I.ll~~nl

,_ ... -t...;;~.'.~",'_'. A.·'\ I. ,,':'-"-.,-,11" .. -J'kj >el~' '~':. U'.· [. 'U",dl'=;O:"~In"7

WBt:l~-= " J ny.t .............. _~'lII .. _.~_IlJ

TIp [Rdo

.' 'llf :~It~ mc~ dlcH_linc: thu: _ pnutud lIII,pelllm, :hll .e' ~ "'Iau~ to :Ib

- .. __'_._~:II 'p"·""'I'>""e" .... ,~1n1P ~ .... ~ Tit' '3~: ~Dii"'~~i ,iii;. ,"'''-.-, [jj..,r. .. _.1 'l;n:"I' rt-- :Ii; '""""'"'~:"· .. d.· ~ ~.,;" ;a,'jiriil[_E ,iM:;'lilllill ,._ .. v. .... _~, ~ • .I! J.IiI l~ ... r,_u:u ... gtc· MiI.~,~. I_VL ~ ~J'" 'fIiIIIV-L1I . I iL'T 19l~ ~-~_Ii Y',11

:mdiwdial, ~oD, Uze tor the' :p:1ant.


Pmblem, L, :111, ,1.;& ,tui'ma, [ild1; " IbUM,,"' wlu-A\ ,JmMifiet& lh' :riit,ai.kM,I'lW' aid' [~ to ilJ~fb/u.l n, :aaJn'.f' of [6nfiAift[ 'aNmJ" ,bJ' " J), tJ. ,A!wnlI' pmdffel:r. :W~' ql ,'iUJ 'fR,le ,Itt, 2JJ' ,gnUJ:/ar. DtU:mliu' 'tJt.I WI'~' jmHl~, '1IJufI1 [~f' 11 ii' [&H'Ac' .fctlioa

SolurU(JD; Glvm~ 'W ~l 's., [!II! 1~ :0: \l1li) 8" ~, !"![ 2Q 'Pc:; l5: 'W' s, H ~

ii: $;:.0:: 10 )l: :8 x ~~

!ll!l D80Q[ uDt~bI'we:ek.

,Pro:Jllem 2 ... d r ~;&iiU' sA.[ AM :UI IMCMW' wAid ,f!r040fS :i'dMli'td' ,ilm' aU' oJcmltl' '1,8' ,;l;f/l8!1QR,rl 'QJiM, [dill ." [""11 ,a'l'S:I;Itq~[" 1L: ~Um' t:~t)[ (JI' :MiKM., skDJ 'u' ~"4J'5t}1 ~Aful ,Dd.,rmi1Je lA, [iJNmf' ,'~'«m Nk 'tJ{ IIu IhfCm. sNip.

hl~tton: ~."35(1[ :::: 10 ,~: 18,:~ '}' :x. Rp[

Rp Iii: ,l,l,388 ~ '!iC t2 unlblkr

Pm'blrem, 3~1 ,,.4l ~w:litM ~~.~ ,p.r(ffrs ,!Ni~nIUMJt (2;' ;1J4ft.r,,, ,6 iepJ M fall [,~), Ib ,JWod~UM ~ ;I:r,' 2,4 ~Qilt/At, ~ri'V' CJ ~J,"i1i"" ~di !Pr!tu-At1u ,~d.' 't,2'OO ,mu ,.:1M ,WM lidl' :m ,~~ 't'681:4iftl"8' li.t~ (I) Dtl.hiifik IJu fi*liitlittlt "'~ fJ/, Ih MdtmfU', {ij} W7hu' Kia ,t~J' ;idi&-iilitJa It tIu ~hi. d~ri.' tir ,~il

[~;I';Iift;W!~I" ~ ...... "-'_ ..... ..A.IJiIi

'~Q <Capacity, ,of ' the DJiI(:'hbtel ill: d~nnmed, 'by ~'sLn-l '96 ~,~,~ fro~tion Ccqrmcl~' :!III; 96, -= :2' ~ ~, ~.,

[{i.~ Utll.:qM~ II de~.fled ail, 'de nti.~ ~f" tille' num~ of piiU'b: mw: by 'the machme

, ~, ~ ftI; atpamty., 'U - Ol:1I;p1!1~acfiy

- ~200p3(M· :iii: 12 .. 0Mi,

Copy rig hted m ateri al


Mlt_';:r "1 n [~ +. [n t"iif'! .+ N'OJ-'-

~.J ~~il ~~~t. [I·"'-'l'.'

my ii: os ~ s 'T .30 {lll}- +, Li)

MLl' .1 os [~ ,8, +, I; ,+ 1 )

....... .,., .. _I-I""!T!_" '.' lIIi!-'liA h-- -~

D&_1I.iI_~ '~ .." [_ ~nl

'Nl~---bet: lof d,:a:-:-: -;-::--w-;-(Ij w· ,ca(1fi'"1'leg: ·tbe· b~h ~ ;III!: l:lO[ :h"'i"'J7 hn:~\iI"J..4!iilY :-

, _WB .. , .... ~ Rq,I1.,. . .... if.NI-- - .. --- --- -"'!f'" -=~-~~Y""-,if


l~ A ce:1DJJ:JJ 'pm b Muted, ~, e; ~ie~ '1"he partI '. mg.~ :hI, veq' ~, qu_it1.~D1 IQD. ,iI!). flgw. ~~@. ~ ~ whlii-h iim i.~d wt.it7l hmdlma: .~ ill '1IRa! 'to[ tFtmf'itl-. paFti. Mtwt~ . .... matihina .. '~ tiU:sfn- Iim~ 'biitwHo, IIa.tii!rJlt iii 1~ .-.onaJI" 'The tMa!J '1ImfI· mquIFtd w setup ~ ,c:a.dr!t. :1iDc: '11 ~H[ :hn" ~ [lime lim bull¥,ldWil, m~1! iiIii"6 .po, In ~I ~ 'blbl!!'!,

[: I

I' Mlutill.' ~ ,_, ,(.)





I • I








1 5
2 8.5
a 10
" 1..:9
5 f.1
6: .2.5 De~nnlnli!i; (b" fOll~' fOT: ~ ro~. :~, I~ 'tc< ]00[.

1. 'I1!w: .M!LT' fm.iUl ~ p~. pan: ~I)"dql lof'~ !lipt •.

2. :~II,Qa, 'nUc: far ,~ 3, '.vcnp.


Copy rig hted m ateri al

a Theo~ pfOduam.m. D.te fer 'ihe uih'e. ~. ~'.

2;, 'I'b!: !aYeRp [putl, produced bI II· ~ 'Iakh hll to 'be p~d. ~ 0. ~' (If 6

~bl.n.e1. 1'hHe 1IHi: 20' .new· bm~!! Qi :plUtil. m~. ~'hr ~e'l. Other. re~~m: Inr-el'm:ail.o:n illej

.Ay~ epe:~ Idm.e ,., 6 min .: Q,l :~ .. A~· :~I ~ .. I!!l .5 li:n

A~ bak& _ liil :25 ~ AV!!:1lIP ~ iimHI: - .liD MI.

1ihere are '~8 'WQfl; centen :In the :pi&nt: ,ind, the; p'lml· .Iin. DtI~ of 7--0 :~~]CitU~g, ~~k.. ~ ~ iii :Q~~e




t Mtir r. ,~ pari, '2:" Rant ,capadty

A1WJ., ,tOO ~, ,A"" 7·00 ~k, A.,u:., 11..(3 '~' 3~ ~ m~l :~ iIijl ~~' ,gf :20 I)tW ~ BB :paxelMd I~' mamb, SO pam ,1ft to 'be ,~~, 011, ,~ ~: ,~ '~ ~. 11M: ,p~~ of tM, _K' iii ,~, oW, tbmu,p. 10' ~-Jrirw., :In ,'_ ~:, '~ ~' daia, • madII: ,~ :b' fUriIleJ: wmputatkrn.

~, ~dwie ig,,' !fEb, pd !II'! U~ mm, N~~ bu; ptli" .... rat ucb J"A('l1l~ "" a::hn • ..., '~ fJfi mdfi :. 4], hn

:Nuwba' oi ~e,l: In, :~' ,~ 15

:Num'" d'lIn ,ot:plIim I~ I. ~.:hn

!I ,or 'pw'hljj~, ~~ ,~, IUY' tfmfJ :~ ,fI) '~

'I, d' I"MhtnCill' IlIldQo :repa&' ,ad, mI1_1I&1K'A!~ at aJq!" time jjjji .D. 'Y:QU U1!! ~d to (iftft'li~.' r",'"~-

."'" l ..... i!'ll_"I ...... ."II!!!I._' ._,~_-"J. . _~~~

1. :MLT 'pet; 'pnldua. ,Au, 245: :bn

2. :PImt~':per maai:h hi. 009,,7' :~l

a Plam: ~QII: ,40_." ~iij4l,1~

.. W]p Am.. !J9!!i

,iI .. lit. ,C:eJiiabI pari, II muted, ~, 6 'lIIJiC'hlnel ~ II, blk.b, pl'Odudloa plmt., 'Ehe RW,p aDd, ~ time '~"~ :~, b,,~, m '~I'tO'~.,"fte, bttdJ. me ii, l[DO UL~ QIIdJ the ~ :~, 'ime per 1QMtne b· Ut, lm.

,Al~~ ad ~ ,~, ~) ,~ ,~_" ,h~.u(--.~

:M;C I, if :5

:~ 2· 3; 1.5,

~ 3, ,8 ,10

U'Jt"'!!j ~.~'!Ji'

¥5 ~,

Ag" 14), :hf:1

, ..... ~, ~~, ,(w, 3 ., 5 :11 '.0s5 ,~. ,gd, Ut~Ul., p~~ ~

I .. Th~.venp fW :prNucedJ :ID a edd:!! :1UclI, :IIID~ 'pWU,:mut 'be' rfMaii~, ~

,m ,.~ oJ'16, mA(~" ,Ie :~' ~[ w':~ U'e 'IHmihed C'Kb. wed. Avcnp ~a !lime:

'~: ~, ,A~ ,~ ~ !'IIi Shft, ,A~~ 'b_b ... ~ [iil 25: pn, Avenp: :N~ratIDD, :time pel'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

1. Mt.1"

li'2; r:r..;'u;jlp· ti!ik~' Man·~···~· .

. "'_'~I!"'""~' . ""'........... . . ... ~ .......... MI'iII

iL ... ;a;.,i~ . .., li'l' 'i.~1 ~ ........ : ....... 1.0, ~- . .,'i..~ ... ;oo ~"'I ",1 ... _ 'p'I"'''''. "' ~ ~~L.'"; 'p"L-._., .""'n~""";j...,,, .. "'''', :"' ..... rs_ :~,. '-;;Ji'ti, p..,.."...I •• ....,H! ...... ,

ID_~.IiJ ,V,~ ,1J,~IEIi .. lII:.j aaJlCi ,~~_~-. II.1Jl ~ .: !iI, W_"". u.iiiID_1Il ~,r~JAK":i:I ........ J~~_.J~ W. l' U . .: .. '~W~

j!l-- p". '",">:Io'L, '1'iiIi'""rrI~"Q' ......... 'p ' ...... _...' ...:Il-i·...._~n .. ;il;.._ 'fi..'II-'oI .. cil'"

~ [_ ~_.I ·~~-.:I-"_"'_Il l~"~II:I~''''''?li!lu_~O ~_.l!l'll..: l.ll11lK;~1 QC!lJ[;'~~_I_U __ ~! ~ l _ ..... - U~~V

(,!} ~ MtiT ~W· M, ~~ ~t

~i;]' ~ plant, ~lty, I[MA r:IJUNB 2,006 .. :U ,Mill

~mJ' Tb.e f'~' utili~ and

[hll EqdiWt how •. :iltifi opIlRtiOD, [tlmt\ to N' d'~dJ rDy ihe ,p1Dt ,utl;Dlatian.

The, ~:us auoomatifillii, SlD.teP$ Ell: :::

[~ii.1I!i!l' '~l: , .. ~'·"'·-""""":DI ~iii--il[" .... 1 ... bl A_II.I_VIIt"'lav """~11!~

(d:) oi'j)~'

~ . I

(~J ~: (t) fl; 00 (i)l

Ii) (f)

,Sp~'Qn tfd' ~,~ Co bind .. ~

"'rDi_ .it ~p , .

,Strm.dbmeous 'O;I?~ :lnte~~ [~' :~r'hili8_rle~ ~ .. ed, :iltxlbdltJ',

:rmpmv;td M'.H. ,and, ~,&! (A,(~V:/ASllSl n",~lmt: IriiptdiD~,

~tu, 'CiOiltOO1! utd [oplh'1lB.tion Plant. ore:rdon ,comm1,

ClM [Cam,pw:er '!lntep.te.d :M'uru~

bdu.c:e [01;

Redu.ce W,!\~ :m", NO,!; n'_.;L·ce· 'WlR' 'III Min:.. [0.' "[ ~_u. -. T-~ ~iIIl~!!I t"'--Ll' ~"!I!IV.~ . - .•.

jD' ... .:I .....• WY', N: I~ .~w;:e ~~ '''c~~ cUl;i, ~'. 'I;..I"!:

·RtdU(I!ti ~~f. :MLT,~ 'WW

:itD.tR\~ 'm'~ b,ltl~, :NOrc, :MLT" W,W :Rtdu~~ NOli , [tiij~~P[ ,iiHi!!')

.Ldu(l@j NO~if. [q (:5C:fap ~:ll

[ Reduce: NO Ml.T Iru:rfian U

,,' .. j •.•.•• ~iI' .. " ~[' ." .....

' •. duQe: ML:r &~- lime, 'm~ U

Iro_ ••• _ ••• __ l!!l •• ~:.l. _ •. , _" , .11

O[t !II!' ~~tlom time!

'NO'I; .: N.i:m ()per:almn, [lime MIlt: !ll!l 'WOi':k huidllmg ~

:M OI':~ ;!II!1 N'~oo [ef' ~l1iacltaU!u:a! tm;o~ 'wl1ie'h, part mUM be routed.

MLT ;!!!: Ml'M'lract:wUl,g Lead, be 'WIP' !II!: W:mt :m, ptoeftS

Q.:II: karp :~,

'U • UWlzatl.on

D:~: !II!; D~$I~. ~j'n!e

(liZ} S~ljZ.'QII ,t!J1' Qpt,~MI;S" The £lnt, lhtcgy :lnvolv," .' '~: ,of ~~mi9J~' :'-~Q:~

"m!~ ...... i' [~'I;n..:iI:!~, .~ .. dlll!n.d iil ... ~J::;~ "'iii''' [~tfll~.". c.,...j~'1.r- [,,'Ii..-: iiTniI[·-;c.- ....... ..ii' ,-;;.~ .. ..:t'I,.'L, .-~l';"~:~ ~.c.,. 'O;"1, .... r ... ...,·.·,n ~ ... \I,. iL'~~ '!i.iI~-e""''''' , !iU F'.'!o:l!,jO,.iIO., '.un;: ... Jt' ..... '_!o:N .. :ft.l'lill !IlIlil!! D",.~iI&'I.'C.;n f<'DJun:: iI1!:u.u.:tenc:::y,

' .... 'L ~ ",'I;. ~ I1I'i n'l'.;..v..;.a: ]. ··;if,. .... i ri",' ,1!M\ .... ;oi- ~"';U ~o1I'kr-

!I'!II~J ~_~I~"I!"~ .. iIJ.IJ.OlIII.A; ,f."'_,tn:~'L~~'rIt."':"'['J

iliA t!"il~ -. Lo- . JI ~~'" i·U~.~cl. ,,'- .. -." i"!i,_~~_=; ~l u-,....,j .... .,.w: .. '. ..:. . . . . . _oj' . ·~iiIl~ .

,,"";1 [,,"OIInwua! ['-':r~!I.M!-~_'1:,miilUiRl::!aq ~R~). ,&"PlJ ... ~.on [GCiCUR ,as ,ill, !Sieqlilenee~ [m, O,PCI,&!iI.UM..

~l__,pl' '~"'x 'nam imII\'LI" _n·~I"I';"'j -d~ZHl!I, "'r' '_""'"'iIi' __ ~iII!' .. ~:. ,.,..,.~i ~il.V .-;J;' . ~~'I;..~, ...... d!

~ r ~'!i!~_' ,F-'~ =r=» ""'!i!'''],~_'I!i;i .. -'""-~~- ".L ,~,~. r". ..... ~, !I! ..... 'I""'.' ,UL'!:1 e~"f"lgrfletr'rrT~~Tlal


opemticuu m,'irolVfti ndUclq' [1M, n~bu of dbltnct, :pmMQhn nlUIChhiJes or WOl'btatiQ.lUii tlm.mgh 'w'hl,ch {he' p~ must 'b~, rog~e Smoe Mlbe$ 'd, be ¢(Jmliliied;, tkt: semp, time' 'CUI! be saved as a ,eomeq,Lii.eDce of 'tbis: :m,a:~gy. ~iillg' etff.olt and. :1i®:IIi,. o,peratiolD time [ate red1K:ed rioild, mBDWactwiDg l~ tifi:U~ b ;f-OO~ :£01" beftel" [~tem.m il!e,ffi~'"

([,e][ Slm~l~~~ 'OJki~iJ)"JS/P4r~1 .Q~itl1fJ,. ,A lo8k~ ¢~kn!lQa, 'Of th~ 'oomblned

,:~mt1=:~!! !:,:::~;:~!:;U:=a:=~G;:m::~,~~::~~~:~:;,

QQ, ~!!'! ~ woik :p~ ~~ :(-.f,dy,~ ~,~ :~mm.8 '~Cl,

(4) ,JWi9.r1ftnJ: of ,Hiihi.j;~l;' 1hb: ililD:.tegy' :i.9 '~ h'k iIIe:varal: WOilltad,()M :m,~e.f imo .,.,~e m~d :~b,l'~~ W!mg' aul.gmlted, 'WiOd :bgdbq:' d.~es to ~er ,p-.s '~etweem, ,stati:o.lH. :It Mdu~el d),e' 'nNlm~ ,at ,e,p~ :maclTtme" tb.f;(fl.l-P whith :~dl!IQ1 mWlt 'il.. 'il...:i •• '1 d~

ui!: 1C1lI,l!uwe. ;,

(t) ic","d4r4,l!Jtxi61ltf;t. The 5In.tew afte.mpl!l, m ~ 'maxtmlOO '~, of equtpmmi, f~f' Job :t'bop :!lmd. m~dblm, v~Jumc rltutUlQ~ bY' ~_' tbc ;'iilillti ~q,Wpmem fof' '!\ ~ty, of l'w or 'In·!M~. It. redm:es, ~m,p be -.d ,.p_mmtng 'limc' :~, iIlc' :prlodudl.o~ ~c ,_.d rdt-T! MP",

'(/1 l~'" ,M',QU\rtD,~ Hdrullf~' ,~ft4 St~,,, A. peat. 'OPP~' fm' f,edliicmg 'nan :prodllldi" ~imtlC: ~, ,m ,~ '~ [of iiI~ttd :ma~LrtI:1 :bamdJlB,g and ~~p lJ~mg" l],rplCal 'benefit:5l: :r,edJ.[iced, 'WJp ~d :$homtel" mm~i lead! "tkll~.,

,00, a",\lffu IMjittlltnil. :~D, f{ll" ~uallty of' ,wail is tradltI~ pedOmied alter 'lhe~

nTI'iI""-~" ' ....... ' ... ,-- -1M .... 1 ...... -,..:II 'r. =-~ ... ~ .. ""~ ..... -i'"'i'Ji1fi ...... d' iL='I-D" ...... ~~n q' -".=I\tru' ""f' db..~ - ~~ -,.dI~-.-.I' -.1= ~ - ~~ i'.'-~'_ ,IOI_ !IliI'!:,,",~I, _~."\t"I"'ICIilI •. 1_1Ii, ~""-'9' 1..;.;",,+' oAiIOl, , [IHU1., 'v'!!", ,,~ .... aw .. i u., I~,ne, pxoou~~ CruSH

Ii... .o'i.... !tn ....... iC!"" .. ~.. J_ .. __ .Ji ... .:i 1-., .. il.... ,..:II .. -'lin_

~' m~ ~,r~YU~~~Y!1 ~,,=,~-~gl ~1' l~b.' ~~cr:r.Y,~

Q~.._-tJ, \ijo;liiIiiili, u.-"IrW _ ,UI!I'V

:1 ~ What, ~ wtomatkm,? Ibrpr..uo tlH:: dHftitlol 'WPn 01: ~ wJIlb, [ihriJ' "Jii :~~~,C? :2~ :t:bi, and! e xplal a, '~mowi '~et [of' .~ ~"


1i'~ll:i1iil 'br-:N!n... ,ilil.f-:m;aHnfi ~iI;i;.nfl, to,!", "-'-; . ~~~~, '~~ii"-"~ , ""'" ,-~~ ~··!'!'--h;,,*",1I' ~~' ~~~~~, __ ro_~~~_ "'''''',_~ ... '!!IO!I ;Ijo:g,p~ , _.',~~" ,CIlili"'I_~ ,IU ,;_-...

,I.!, 'What ,ue' '~ :~, ,l'w' 81Jf.Ori'iattn8' '. :~~t md~, e~on:~' :!8:xpIa1n .

• ,' ~'>enE3!lDI' ~e e'J!ftllb:uu brleQ.y' 'explabll .~ ,dlfftRnt, prtOd1X!tlo:n, ,(:onapt

Copy rig hted m ateri al


.5\" ,Dbcuu ibdeOJy i&e ;~gq "",!n!ll. ,and. iD. &vour ,of , .. ~

,~. :~ 'iflt' :fimdon, of bl.fhmu,tkm pmmH&J :ID, :mamifadw1a:g wflh, neat. d.ek:'h'fl fOR]'

~i ,a pmd1.tcitloD, ,~, ,1.11(1, 'I~, :bO'W' it, !Cm N' .. ~, with a; em 'Y*m.

,~ Deflg~ ML;f, '~l8iQ. 'the m!Ube~~ 'CQ~t gf mT' fin: dm~t ~.~ ~~ 8~ ~ libt!':~ ~

.. ~u~~

!i! .~t '~a:padty

.. iManufa.ctwm.B: ,fud dine

!i! Utwzukm, im(i, ,A~' '" Wild.:1n pHHiHII.

~ ~,\, ~- oiL.~ ,"~·IIl...""_ ~_1..:ti~ 'iUlP!Ii-

:11,. ~in '1iU!; :'~,S: wM. RIA!:~' '10, ',diP.

,,. IJP'~

:1.0 .• , Del'me dearly' [CAD~f~[ em ad! ,A'UFOMA:n"UR.

Copy rig hted m ateri al



'H'ln'H"" "V" 'O···~·.' 'L' 'UM''R'" 'P'R' '0" "D'IUI'C" -T"'IO- "N [c'Y"'[CT'R"M"

,I. 1,,[y',1 ,[,[:_: 1:_'r.I~' ,1,', ,,' ..•.. ,,; ~'" 'il d[, ,:d;,.J,-Ii'I'Ii.

m aD, :,!JtQmated :lIow ~ l_ (,o:n~ 01' ie~mi, :~: Of' ~, t1,a,Ci~ af[e linked ~FIher. 'by' ,wctd;, hmd1mg deVk:M), Wbk'b, 'tramdef' 'Ibi p:utl 'M~ th~ lt1tioruJ. 'fbe ~ oJ work, pami [~W'I aummat! and die: '~Im.I: ~' ow, dtelr tp~, ~mg ,gloma_~a1q'"

1'h;:: ,~,ma.ted ;t:low :Ime ,b a; :~ m :Fts~ :2.,1...


1 ...... Ir;1

FllIMHId h!li:[OUi:

Nt; 21,,1 ~ Of' g, ,Arfikml.dJ fiow Utte,

~ ~w 'wmi;, :put, ~ [~ md [of' tM lIne, U1d me' :P'[~flIID,g R. U'e.: pe:rf~ed,eq!.i1~ as the pm moves, ,from ,one i~ W' lb_~ :men" :k:b :~ :po:stible: to' :In¢(U:'fQ:~' bu:ffc:r' :~: ZODeI' mtQ ihe low :~ dbH at ii, lbQIe ~~ Of' '~-en '~r,y' W'~D. It, b ~' '~ ~de' :bufection sWi'o:l!I, :m. the be t<)[ ~ ,mb:r'm ~dlltc

::=:::~,~ :,':e~~ ~I"i~~~d,:fl~~~c~:~~~'~~':~'

-'Iil __ _ _ ~~_'~ ~~_'~ ~ m ~,_~y dlhh pro~ I.te"~ ,~, puKillld, demand" Mk:~, te~.

~ ;f8.tti1 of :pii~am. -

The: maiD] ,obJeClliRii m i!Wtfninated, Bow :~, ue~: 1, To, :feduce! ~ lahow-' ~,

2- To[ :III,~ pmdliumon m.te

3" To, fie~e' il.e: wotk~,

f. 'Eo :~ die ~ ~ !lRQV'~, 'be~ the' o,penl;~;

Copy rig hted m ateri al

;E_ ''''": ... a;o;'L.Ji;ili""""l ,;;,;1._; '1P"'''clli!ill:a:l1i~ ,~Ii ~" -,:' -'-,' --- I,,'''' I--'~ ,...~\..--

~r. ,iw. ~W:r'!;;',,"!'!;;1 U:P.:l .. ,II!;.. . Ii.If._1l Wl . _... ..... ] "_N !III.iIU

,_. _'

oit!' 'iT" ......... 11.-' ..... ..,;, cl!. , ,j .. ;I;"";;tn!o,!Iflin,.;; QC-'-" ,~-..,j"'i,",,1 iI"ln..__..,;I;i ..... "",

10... I,[u !IAIIi..!:m-1Y;!p.!~ w.c' ,UUrC~~c""l .- . ~-~Y.a! -r~'1

. - -

'Illb~ I.l~ ~!.N~tloJg 'tiled lD tb" PrrodUdloD ~

,--- -,: --, - --1--- -----'-- -----

~~ __ ": [~,-"" '-"'''',

,~l. ,_. _,_, _,' ...

'W~ ,;/" ',-''''-' _""'" ~


moc '"" I\looHlLns: :sidOJl, ,dIY' coo, AsHwl.-I;y' ;SI&t1W Ei:SP :. ,wpr:dm.D W_ SORT'~~~

'I I I




,Aln'O' ,., ,&utDmath:::

MA:NU - M'&mId

'i :Matu:tIJ, :~' 11\.1:&.111,

{~' m-du~i '~k b' ~),

'I 'wm, :f!ut

Rm¥' Wr'mt, pu:t; ~~HHd:p~,:put

~ ~dooflow'

~ ~,'buIfet:

i'tiIiw ~

' __ 1",~ 1!irI 1~'0Ut!

~~I ,~~ ~.;~ :~,iii!i ,~I:S

Pil.' :2;j'2 '~a~ w' lin ,AWQm~, FlDw lmtl

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Thb, ,~ ,of ,:!Iie~e of w·aibwio:li! ~d, :Ln !IlL I~ he pdi, II; mf.M'n :In illi:U!! Iibov·i! A_I~. 'l1b!! doW' ,of 'WOtt, 'tU.eil 'n13.¢i!! tim, ,S, ~~ftht, ,aod a1m in~ 90'"'

- ~"'.'!Ir. ,r ~~

~ elf1er for wad: pece' teorlc:n.tatte:m" factory :laytrlJit.llmilathm:i ad, other att:euor:les. to ,diD, 'l]aJ~ m _, ~1 :11n~ :~,

~ 2.2; dUirw,s dJ~: lIm~: ~: ~Iilated ;~ ~ where dIe 'raw 'WId :pm emen, (n~e

== ~:!: r:::r;::elop=~~e:::=:~=

:~ eHber ,Ii; ii, :Ilallle :~OD or 'be~t)g, 'tV'cry '~fks~.

the utomated low' line.; crnPin ~f';J~ ~~ .w-hm~ mMm~JL. ;_tQm~ ;~' ,, andl ,1I:JtOma.ted ~tlfifi ~ ~ :permrm, ~ ,theel, om, th~ 'qua:Iity' of 'the 'WOIl, pam. AWomided l10w :Iln.e!l, are! 'die! DlCitCt ,ap,~w memu ~! pt:od~ 1m, aH ~' re:latlwl¥' ~'l\e prod~ life, MP p~, d!e1nmd whkh :~qu.trH hiP, ~ of PrQ~.

R~rr\&JI!!nI' ~E;"lllj"il"ftll' 0 "M1,;I;'IIN!!!!!11 ,D": II!!iL'~IU~I!iI, t~ .~,'" IIj ""r _ ["",IIII·Wl_~. "l'I!I;._ IF' ~~Q~_"~

[Rota., iIiJpe


~~ :11; ,11m, ;~, II an iID~ ;mac'htme ,01' ~ ~ 1TUJ,c'Wne:" The, C~I!I, ilJf::~ It,p :~ g ,.~ in FI.!. ~l3.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

18 ~~Ida"~

I': ',: . " '. ''',' ",,, , ,,'" .,', , .. " I','

- ...:...~.--- . ----~ .. [-.,.~~ ._ -- ~ ~ - .-_ ._ ~-- ._

. . _.

rf1! IUt:i., ",.

'~ ~d~H.Qn 'CQm$ld$, of' ;$~~u~mce of WQ:rbtatio:m:s ,~ed .lIt ,2, stnrillU; be :padi . ,as 9Iliown m dle~ :~~ :2..EL 1h~~ :IIA' of WOi!k, tak~$ :plw:e~ in a iii~t. ~ ,Md dro :m, 90'" '~ ,~~ f~ 'WOtl. ~i~c~ :~~ri.~gta,1iiQiilj !f~i"Y layout UmltaM~ and [~i!!r' '~lI!I~~ k,i[ :SW q!.il~' la, ~. mlght 1In~· :p!1t!b."

.r;&._ '1" .... ' '~l6Jr

=Ltmli:ed' m&I.I' wd' "

I" . "", 1" .... , "'. _, .",,','. ' ft'iiIIi ......

. --' l..u! ill , •• ~ .. ,. ir'.'~""

, 1. fter~ :rM WPi 'wodi:, pl~'


[l 2~ :~jj~lign:~ ~aan.

[: 3. :Fle:dbJU~ h!. dalga

tl, :[t>!tm iUeomm.oda.te ;I, :Iarger number 'm' ;1lUIidun~.

,5" '~PMe~ 'utW:u.tllg :11, ~' ~t !t'!tqu.h'el; :m.cre W:mry ~ iI,pac:e).

,6" :Bu.lI'er :i!hlirtp 'urli 'be ~.odu:ed.

'1i!I' ;ri _ ...a'L..I.tik. i_ . .:1"""" ...... , [Il~a; ~1.'Ii_~. lIIi Q"~~

:s;p" ...... , 'U;i.illi_~.o;"~ ,io;, '1_ .. ; ~.:--. l~' """'q'-"~~l .~ . ~ [N! ,.111-'" . II! "'!I.I-. - ..... ~_Qi


'1-- rl'i...,;j._ ,.rIJ_~, Ilpe" . 'e) I'

,1'::- --r IJKKI]" .. ,' 10

~. , . "

W' . '~RIii!' Dillil~ 'TD,JI;IN'S- "Ill!lh""IRT" L r .. U ,", _IF\. FRA..I • r...III '. IF"'U r.", .

['!'he tmmr.n mI(i'b;mbm of •. @ ;lQtamalrd, :Il~' llne! I) ;not (ualy m m.oYe: 'tb.e! ¢ODlPleted.


wott :pd [011, :m~w linn, c:au 'be' [claaii&:ed ;mtQ [Ihe~ :mUowms' '~~ c~son'eJ~"

~ [Conb.UOU! T~

'i' :~'t.teUt 'T~~

'!I, ~ ....... ',:'-=~I ~'; - - 'Y'C'"""i'"""£.·' l ~ ,~~ ."',~:1.~:"~'

.. ,1;'~I!;,r WN .FRe "I_D.l,!;,1:' ~;g,rlll .miIIOl'I_ .... '!IO!'IOIOUI

1b a:oove ,~, aft' dWUl:pla'l;'ed by' 'iM • [of m~ WhIch. :bi, Dpme~, _, _ 'WOJ'k ~pJf:ee by' die b:'anif'M mec'ba,nI$fD. The: m@d, appt!"~' ~ O'F' '~ki [(rot i~ pya a"PIlia tI.o:n]1 ~m d~ on tbe fo11O'wln:1 f~.

~. Type: [of [~on to M :peFcfo:ffoed.

2. N'UlOO.m'~, en '~ :~

s. 'W:elgbt; :a.nd ,~ ,of ~ w~ pm

,~. 'Wbdhef' tbe' mannll :5ta.tI...J)g ;~ :IDdn.d.ed [OB 't'bei l'me 5 Pmdudi'mi, me uq,Wrcernemt.

[ti,. B:;d\anctng;"~ ~ ~ tlm.l~ Ollt the ~


i .

Copy rig hted m ateri al


In, &11, ,oooU!iD1!I0QI m~1iIwd ~:f' ~er ~,! '~~ 'wrut, pi~~et I.H:~ mm,ed, ;;U, ~Uamt ,speed. 'ThIs uq,WrcI:ti ~e war};:, 11eii.di to ~~ d~g :Pl1Mfl~1 m o.rd~ to m~ ~nU.1WCnD :n!!glsVa1:i\iHi. 'W'iu" li1e~ 'W!l!lr:k, pm"

Far ,:some ~ of' ~~, ,th~ ~lVement IM'lilhel 'w,Dik h~w d~' ~ :lm~t, feQfble~, It ,~tl 'h~ diffit:., [Or 'Il!:XBliD.plt!,; W URI ~ type' oJ l:Pe:nl, 00, a ~g '~u lIn~ ~~ or~~, prob'lenu, due to ~ Dzel ,anti, 'we_til: ,of 'Iihc:~ w9ik bed., :10 ,mt..ef' Camij, aJDlifiwnLii: ~er' 'wlRdd be vety ptacdW. Examp]e!!l1 o:f :lb '!!.lH iilR~ :PJe'kagmg'! B~~' bdbts I~z:d~ :htl'mual anendldf' Gpemtio:w and, ,rtmplle uaembly 'taDs.

CoIl1ilwDlU ~:ef' :~Im' al[fi f!ktlWly' ,egy 'to' dHlID ,ad, :fIb~, and ~I ~am, add.e~~ i., ,hiBh :~I (d" :p~uclilon"

[I........ '1WiN..' S~' ·Jb' ' '.' TN" Ie ' ~~~~nn~l!l-',I!I!I!n[" [. ' .. ,:r_J~'Q\1'II01ll1 .. '.Jill'."r

:w, 'thU melhed dlie 'WOIl: pJeeei aft' t:n.mspGllted'~ ;g :in~ifit. [ot dheomiinuou motion. 'The ~mlI, ;~ :fixeel ibl! pOllth:m Uld pa.tb ;U;!i :mc~ Htweem, atatkuu ,gdl tDe:.JJ :re;peredl :at, diel proper' loea.'liuD, t. :pmce.a~'I' All w,m part:i ,are '1n.Q~ :at itbe A.Imi: tlD"m' and :feu;' t11l1,,; R~ d1J..c' ~ ~~~, '~r ~m'''' :h; aho ~ it.'o

,.;iL~~.....:I''ii..~, ,ii,'i.!I!~, ,~,~.o'L,~,..:i ,-~' 'IW\i'II~;' ~Ti' ~,ftiti"i"""" Jl'!iM;!K'!H'i;'I~ ... iIi O'tIf ,I • ., llil;jl; .. fi_"' 'l;6:.,_1.0f_!._II!' ~fi'.i'liPliIi \lA1IriI~"_~ u:iDl ["'_M:W'~1 m "'f!'yr'llil y....; ... ""1~-"r'il.1!61 ~_Hyi ~1iiP ¥. llA lUI!r ~;!'!r.~, .L~W_w~.cIJ ¥~~~~[~~

~g, _oiLing ~~' dI;~ :~'&ambed :~emblY"

It :is ,alia :rdemd ,u AP"Gwer ,and, 'free' iI)!1tem',ii!'. It ;~ [eKih w,M:k pari to :m.ill'Yt!l to, the :next ~ when :p~e" at .~, ~!l!fl lII!~ bM ~ ,emnpldcd.., Each ,pad :m.ovca

'Lnd.e m"'" 4 "'4'd\y, =t! ,~df.~ii'~ 'm'"'~ ~-..n ...... , '"'om'" iim'l""l1ll, ';'111''''' ~~:; .... "~Ti,",' 'n ..... ""e"..,; .. ·~1 .,. ,11.1:-- i~,-,:-_ ~~ ,illi. .. , .. "' __

[ ·,Ir· .. _ ... liI_lCtUII~,.. W ~_II ,(",1IiY11IiII. ~~~ III - ~ lr--,_ YIII,!I,r. l~_~ 11"" .. V. ..... ~~ , !I.I-~ ,~ ,11M. !ul~, ~ ... ,

liD~e' that o~ rue' being' ~~d be1W,em $t.Uio:os;,

~HDlU 'tfilmffl' ~m1' ~' tht: appo~t;y, lOt ~~' fiexi.Wllty' thAn-GG

· ~.'~'~~d,:~,,&~~,[~~a,'~~~·~;~~}~~:

~ Jn~ ptOC-e.a&, ;1ItO .. W9JX ~: can be :mcmpoo:ated mw[ upc'hremlm! ~; 'wUib ,r[ddv~ 'euc,

'~ :Fower and bel :~ilfiI, ~, ;~ 'Omiipensue' fur line 'b,il,ndQI' :p~ 'where' diem ,~ tlp1li1tgt, dHf~,,~ m :p~egJlS'Hme !b~e:n ~.,

,;!> ~eh:m:mooa: !limt:I, are ;often WIled 'w&e~ IU!.e-fiC :iU'ti ,~~ !Of ~rc(!! 'manwdiy ~NIed :ltatimu; ,and ~ time VUJatmos wowd, 'lie, a 'p~lem O:D 'c:oo&er' ~I!IOWI!; 'ot ~,~ieJ:~m,

!ii' l""p 'wml, f'IlbIi ~ 'be' handlM,

D&ia~~~: ~ [ClYde' ;~ ,Plil.e.~ i!lO'w,e:.; d'ian, fur 'Ifte alber ~.

iII!t,i;;;, ~I~I"'" [-F~~ • "~ ~

IF •. igw; . Mill/iii ...

'T,h,e ~e:r I¥'tenIi, b lometi.mel ,d.ellgmed, 'to' a;o!Q~Od'tfi :5Q1i'die :10ft ~f' :p~'!!!,.

WQrl[, parb;,~ ~~ to,'~ paiI~t flxil!i.ui~ and. '~ paUem, ,ate ~med, '~~ Itdo~

,~ dle :pan 'i:hroup, 1_ $e~c: of o,I?~~~' Copyrig hted m ateri al


1,Qi ~ l~ ,Man~' \

D.'II~' Ind] f"bfia.UOIlI 'Con.lde:r.t:lon, ,_ ,;I'm ,*llItomlted [FlOw Iun. .

ne :f~Il!~,wmg' ue 'the d.eii,p ,.do :~~ ~n$lde~ru: fbr' i!ID, i.\itDmated:fhw ~.

,w. 5&e, W'e~~, Geom.e~ ad IdJatmi'alI of a pnwe:!I:5Iedl wml 1

'f.];, '1iro.'~'iii.".fIl.-T,~ 1 .. 'J'jI'ii'i'O......,....,.... .....

[iii'!. 11;""YI_,,,_.~~lI,, !Lr.'!i;ll1II_ .... ;r..v...1_~.'-J_~

a 1" Qle:I:'aJK~~ :Rl~:~.r"al'ftfm@I'!lib, ,4", :~:ggce$ qf th~ pmom, ,5;., :Prodtl(lr!@R :ra't:e'

,6" ~¢' 00 [kand'~r Sr)"tem,

,', "M"I'oi~'I;-;;- dll_i ,J ,B"~I'...iiT iir [til, , _ .... -!IiI~~ lPJ, U1l!wrllrl~1

:II?; 'iU'"·~.ii'" ~,-;Q"" ... u .. ~=I;'N u .. ,Du.u..~=.I, ~-;.I'~~ ,.".-~.g/~m.:t

:9." :M'aJli.tenanoe

:~elo' ,Cmm;~1 feiiWeil;

:~"t :R~r' ;jpaoe :teq,l!Ibie~ :~:2. :Mel:KilibfUty of the be

~,~l :Em~~~(i,y of tbe lm,~'

l'" O,p~mu''Cnam and t~hg '~It.

'-m.fer ,Mech.mi.m.

Th..eRi Me v,mou 'type!Ji of' ~f~ m,ec'lmoimu ~ed lte, :1nO¥f! pam betw,e~ ~ ~~~-;,

'Th.eie m;~, cam, be ,gr~ :lntD MO' ~!'

1. Uneu' tn.¥e:l motion :fo:r' 'i:n-JIine. :maebhle~

'0" 'D:'~hl", m, ~_~~~ .. '''~'I'' ,.;i._~ ~-.;ie-wi"",~, :_ .... 'ko-'e "' .. ft(J-',J~cl,;,l, ,l:tv. ... W.D.II: J.U_UL _~ ...... :IIHI.-~WJl_ .•

': ~ .

U .. , 1iN...-f,r M'Hiwpa.:q,

The re.plleenmtl,ve ,~fei '0£ 'lihne mec~ ,ate:

I". 'W:~ 'beam :M~m

:2:. r~,w~ :~De~' 'QOI'l¥'CYW ~~, ,a. ~ dlrtrve.Q OOQ'~'or ~elill

liUcALlWllU:I".! B'':= AIM~'" TEl Jll:IN"S~'~C!R" BA" JR' C!--'VC!'TE'II~1 ""Ii!ooii -nn,gl '"~, ' ," niooi ' . ,FIE, ". , "~'"' "". !gIG", ._

'Thti work, :paris i .. ;e Itft:ed ~' :~, 'tMk 'w,~n loed~, 'h,y a ~er '~~ _~ ~dl :rnov,ecl ,itmt:~ :posibn ,ahead 'm libe RI:'xt, :imtlM.

'T:he, '1DIUf.ef' b-.air 'lken lowen th.~ :pam :i:nm :nem, ,WIlle'll. ',onUm dem, m.fift!~ ~,iUe'ly :&:If' 'P~~~~ ~ I~ [derl~' :b Pi mluiatcd m fi,pre :2.tiI.

Copy rig ht m ateri al

," 'FblId fbjl



In 'thu !y*m ,' ,I, m.atn .or. a :t1~fbli! ,!lie:el 'bell: II 'used m tmwIcpott, the 'W,®~:k, ,caHim, Tbj! daam :1:1, ldOvt!a, by' ,tdley m elthet an !i!over' ,Btl, Uiild'e:r- C~I1, lin wWd), ,~ :P~)' [~ :uout. a oo~mJaiI, ~ eil" ~. ,1!;UQ'ud, me (Om;u'W o~~ 1n ",*11, 'lhe~ P'~.ley :riJtm' ,aJb.oliU a. 've~, ~.

Th.b type~ of' ~:r' :m.ernanhun can be wred fOr GQn1Pl.UQ~ m~m !@!)', M~' :~mou':s: ~vememt 0f ",.eik; part, lin dle :liion..syncbmne:.m motiD'.l!li,! 'lhe~ 'work, aJ'IB :pWled by' :f:rk;t:lon 'or. dd.~ ,~ iQ. ,oil lb. ,alo~ a ~'k With. the 'c'b,lg or- h~[t p~dhlg the nlavm~lU!gt. n 11 neeeuary '~ ~ iIIome :iWft ~J finaJlJ IKatino mr' fte~ wollk. :par:b when they' :at1i,ve~ :id, 'i!ll~u; rapeeDe' !SWJon.:a"

R.~" ,.' iIii" ~ ',' • --;, lUi ~-:''''- -1'-' - - ~: ~_""'~" _ rlM.,.1I' _lIten." sm.

n~ :repRiSe.n1ati,~ ~]e of t'Im med1aolsml!i iHe:;: l" b,clk gd pini'on,

2, ~M-d paw]

3. GeQeva. :~m




illiIIIF'F,C'R: 'S":rl\"!~ .'~E~: 1~1Il,II! . ,1Iiiii .' ,Ii U',I7U"!II,Q, '



,A~ low' ihlC;!I :~ oReg, ~~ ,with ~~ teature:ll, 'be.10md, die, bUk: ~r' mooiwanWm and w~~, 'wi.'di, aD, uldiJilon of 'bulin' ;t~;

The' bdi-c :pdDdpa1J :~,M rti U1~: URI [of buff~ ~~ :wllIes a.:re~:

t, 'Fo r.edUa~ 'tJi.,e eff~, of ~Ua1 Itatlu, bl'eaic!i__nwrui! [em .' :~ ~,~~.

'[lhe~ ,ecmb,!lDtU or' imt~ [~f' ~, ~.~ g,:I,~' :~~ ~. 'When bre~: ~cw: .t 6e, ilitation ~' p.reventl,w~ mrdubma::n.c.e' II :appll!ed, te [lb,c~ ~hiD~~ FI'"ucthm ,1Il'Wilt be haJted. fte~ :PJGP~D, ,of :lJDue die' :1i:Mi 1p!!,aWJ gt ,of oper,atlQo, 'can 'be: i!iU ~.cimt :IIU ,.$0\11;[ Of' ~'"

[Smne o:f' the t:o.mmon :f,e~ fOr lIne, ~t:I ~;

:~" 1'ool MUm I, .' tool ~Da :Ilt, iD.di.Vid_;1, ptocmLng *~, 2 kbc~ ~ Chal'l...ges

,810 ID:efetUv.e WrO:ik pW 'Of. tQ~om~ iU g,sem'.Iy' :~ which, :r.eq,ttire~ that t:he feed :medlMWn 'h deiU"cd,

if, I'Jmlt: IIWltcb, 'Qf. oth(!lJ' el~ ~D,' ,S", M:et'Umlw :failUR of' 'lnn"f' ~, Ql' lW)d.lIati.OM

lli<:Iw M'~lrn

~ pg'Dm

~1' lli.m::a

:I':ll'~ 2~7 ,filQW Un" ~, ~' :~ ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Iiih.Jo U_iIL . iL.-.:!' • .-.i' __ ,~ '!I; ':II,

I!,! •• _11 , .. PJ.IieJ ~~ III!!I'/i~1lI1 ~~

'~ '. '~ ~ ... ,g, :wmmaJied, :tl\o,w' linn!, 'the puffiR of':the buffer sto.

ZOIl.e' :a w' ,allow _ po~ ,of .*~ !me, to 'Q~ue'D,g' wI:d1e !!be' r:ema:tmn,g' pmtion is 'lo;pped .00, umkr- npaIr:, ,~;, 20 ;&d~,

iii' To, ml.OO1h Tnt Ile' effeca ,of v.mtl.o:n. ;In, cycle' ttim~ 'he~ ~Dii.fI; oocw; dlihel" betwem st:afkm.I 01':" in thel ¢ale cd low linn, 'wJih [~ ti :1llCR :m.anuall, ,Itiltlo~ 'l'heIY an ,Q«V Dsm, ~ m ~' ;M II!M: w,1lO.,

"C'~ O~' 'lkI":I'l-D~1.. [F-"liN' ~1iJ':C!i I~F~~R-' i:Ii.lj~1 '-I:lR' S~-:"IFftI:Iil--'·[[-:A.A:I:l' .. -~. 1,,1., I?!I\U -] 'I lU ',r'W. IfUH;G1 [I v. .... ~11T"1F"11iii .... I ". III Vf"!UIIVIiiiJ

[~lllmg ,U, awmoa,ttd, :DOW' !line b la, ~'Q~e.x pmble~ [~' ~[ the :~ :(!:n.uDbe~' 'o-f

:~uenlhl *-EM' Ithat mmIIt, bf; ~ed, [out

,I,.. 5equma c:onRt,

'1nI'_ c!~iI~, y: '...,..._ .. __. ... D" ~ ... --;t j""if".,..~'1 ;6. ~ .. o;, - -~,IIiI,!:Ii Il!l;l_fJ ~~.-!-'I,I!.!'"

3\,~~r t",~u,I~, !51.M'~[~,


I", 'Wbtl,:111 1m, '~d, Bow, ~,?, :Bqd~ ~, C:g~gg, ,gf iUI, ~~d Qgw ~ ~ '~'u.Md~

2':0, :~ eM [D~ ,or ~Itedj Ii_ow :110", :DIKu.u lUte 'twG i!l:ouQpm:l_otU ~, neat, mid!!

'lINd! La. ~,,,

I,. :Dtffe:rt:m&te~, ~~ ad kot&ty 1)pe A.u.tomated Dow ~ .. ,

,.~ [StIUlI I. ,~, imd,~ ,~~ ,b' an, ,~d,:Dow lint.

,~ W:1'I.te ,ii, nm on D:np' buJlti and ~Iam ~~ ~ oeo~ :~~ :CUI.' ~, &:r~'


I.. WUh ii, !RUt :Ihwh ,exp.m t1H:~ ~S: ~CI' l:IKc:brdlml. ~, W.'", 'belilQ. T~' ~


~, ~ ,!!u:ulJ ,RukJn

~ CmM!ll, miIi!t!'lupriw,

~ ~ ~~ - I -- ~~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al





to ~H J~iIi"E R

... I_:_~'_- .. "If· 'I,J .. '. r..:'l

ANiA""L' ·Y·.'=S"··C.I··5'··~ or Aiiiil=Urr' ····O:-:··-M··:-/ltiiiil·T·· E"-D" r·IiiiiLO·-'---···~W·-·--:· L--: I'-l'n--'~-E-'

. i . I' II :< I'. I ". :: •. /.. . . I ': I. ." . : I .. I',: , . I) "','.' I":

". .". _ '~. .~. _ "_" _ " __ " '_ ' ' __ "'_' '_' _ .. " ,_,_I _'_'= =~

A'N"D' ·LI·N. DALAN' 'C"'IN'O"L .I. 1 1_' .'.!I.U U·~;·~~n,-.J~ ~J.I. :fll'




:mow :11rn!, 'rf;f~~e, lcan 'R :m.eam oJ ·tlu.-ee· baik ·meu1U'e-J.

1. Av~: ft~I![:~

2. :l1ne ,elli'l1:il.ienq· (pl\~l!ti~ I~' the ·time· dud .' be' b 'operafl',!~l a lCo,;t pelf ~m. produced. ell, Ole hRe

,&nE:JsII~ ·CbBSidef· ,a :Oow Hoe &at ~_UeI n'o :im.e1'iUliJ 'liWfH 1tDage: cap •. :' . .A


.~ define ~Je, :~a:l ;er tlieOfi!tieal, ~e time, ,of die, :~ :line 1[<;) a,

Cf:-the0 telkiJ. ~yde time.

C' b'!Ina1. ~l iMmill! :M,n""~dJ'l ~~ .iI:'!j ... ..i!: iii ... ~_~iI:':..., 'i!:'il\"._-,iIL._, ii"rrt'm~~""''"' .~._: ",iI;. ,011..._:.: _~._. t.

~'!: _ _ _ ~ _. .~ . __ ~ ~~''J!~~' ~ !li1!OM, .r.g.a:'~ !!;U i!!IrWiiK .... , .rl,lWI !-ilL'!:' !r'~,--II: ........ ~, Wille __ !-ilL'!: _~II.

.!liL1......;a •. _~' .. : .-ii~;IoI:o,.. "Jiril. .. : '""~I'IiO. III'- .... "i'~ 'I'Ii~' (,,!, ,.~, . .,.; ,·~ii..~--~~-ec..i b'. ~''''''' ••.

- ...... IJ.I-.IJI. :lili.-u Lib ,~,.[ll~ !LrI~I.i.I,(" .... ~ ~_IJ .~ -...11;1 [~.~.~_.g .. ~.~W~

BetclUK!: of·the bu • .dDWiiU1 of 'Ilh.~: :11Iu:\~ the liI\~ :prMiUcllO'I![ time 'fptlil 'wIY. be ~~t. dU.m. 61e :ldeaJi qr,oi.e time.



Copy rig htedl m ateri al

Fir .. 3.,1 'CQ.~g~ of Cycle T~'

~AD'~~' :r-ep<us9b, ,the avem.F d:~, iline m <lli~Me~ '~ ~t;Qblem iDdl m~ RP~ 'wh,m ~~WBi@(i~.

MeaD dine pet cyCle: U 'multi/plied 'b,¥ th-e ft,eq;1ltent;y' ito the! av,~e down tirn~. ,Avemp :Pf~Q:g, time I(APJ\!

,AF:~: !!!!IIIC\'t .. (i' III; ADJ

1'he~ buk m'tlU'U.H of perf~,(le for a '~er ~Ibte, js av~ :Pf'OOU~!Lo_m ~M',. ~, av~ prod_lltili'oo tate' 11 ~ on the ,average pM~tlO;n time.

Rfi ·'¥APt,

Th~' ~o~aIJ :p~~g, ~.f.i 0:£ 'Ihe~ :i]~,w liD~ b ,~om.puted ~, .ltC =' 1 /Ct.

,1i. ,iffic.i'~' I~ b: deQoted 'h:y Ie tie,' &, wWch :I.s, 1CJh.e' :prnportioD, ,~f 'Iire~ time Wh1lH line 13; up ;gd, ~,Pi!!I'iIbg'. :U b ,oompuMd b,'Y ;M ,gtvtD b~'l?w,

E ~ CJAP~ ~ C.l (c. ,+ (F * ADJ)-.

The ,dDWD time, ,m: 6e\ line, (U), :II! lC~uted ,as

ID D F '" ldJ'IAP~

n :. F.AJ)'d I(Ci i- F.All'j.

E, + D' ,-1.

,i""'i,==i, 'p:'"'--; iI!ii;-i;'O'Ii' pl' -_:-:I.~ ... ~'..:II ~l,",

!Ir..#W!I,'!;i;f" InC....., . U'UI~ GO

" ,

("'l'...c ,iii em + CL'* AP -I- em

"'""Ji" " .. ' , .. , . It," ' ......

~, I!!!!!! , ........ t ,~f -w '"iOi"ii~.,,~I~.1I·~~,

'!!;.4y, ""I!o!',;I!, 0 ,.1(11;" tIJIOII __ '""",¥y", ... uu,~!I,.

1if'!i,I;._, ~ ,l'ii'WIE' ""'f 'iII~l~ft,.,.)

~ !!.!~"" ¥. '1_~.""''''1l

CL z= 'c~t, pet mimwe ~ ~~ I~ Inc' Wbldb. :lncl~de:~ Id~Qtu'~, overhead 'O@lt. mitlm~"Dlmce Itt.

Pm:,bllam I .. , S-~Sl d k. ,csklliatl: I.raJfJjff' m~lflju is :uAl. ~id;rd~r1: II} jmNlliti d: '~m' w;_d i:!i '~,f»-¥ ,~J' .. it;. is tant,afl}',pwiiWd iJ' m~ ,~tJf'JIMRJi~ m',~~ iMI tJe dug_ /.' tAi!' iI'Ilal ra _ w'md T-nl' 1JI4IfI/fi'lIlri'lW d'pari:moJ.. am t:litmtfi'til tAm. Ilk

~~~~~,~a.~':'';'Y41f/~ liu~ ,Is ·~~14' ~··~~l~flr~

9P'! wilE ,UUllr ,Wit.i, Q, Ir6flJlJ~1 ,F (1. YO ,fm:a!d'JWJJ/~lfw ,diiJ ,~m tdwr., d(Jlt:.!llI, ~l'U'lll~ ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al



1" fimdrwiif)1l: ,all.

,2" ,N~mDt,r of ,~tmrs 'ftfJid''f,t,J' U' mttJ iI ,JJ~ of 1'M)(j[ aRiUIUI.I1; j, U,u tfffa'f#)' .aM hfMj,\'I$ ,d"q

4. C~V am" ,~d~'Ctd'

G'iVti!'D, dailo.:,~

In _ ,. ~ !iii'; ..

~Ii I. II.'_'._"'I

F L.J [o~ 'ttl ,~~/tydti"

AD~ ;;:;1 f ~iI., C~, f>:: ,$ f.,50

el, -IOOt~:· ,S/~/wB.

C,~' :z: 'ii".~[ \'t"~ '~,i) ""!Ii,l, ,~,~


t, A¥~~ :PfOO)~gg, m~ f~ 'I!b,e~ :11ne~:

AP~: Ii!< ~: ¥ [[F iIr ADJ ~ l ~ (t.l0Ilj,~1 Aft: !III ,tlJ :m.m.

'I!ii-; iIIl ~ ,;ii&~' 1111 ~ Ii ~,

Bp ,1I,j!'.i!"U"t ,1I!,,",,,;\1

'1!III11):~til5 iJdl~mig~

'H"' . .....,..,..;,v.;, ... ' :t...r' ... n_ .. ifiiril;... .iil.._ [~. [i<'il._ , ........ ,._'1 '"I'tl...:i •• ....i!lL~_ ,_oi;_ -# iIIi'i'l- . .,iI nTt'i..l.,........ ~ .. ,

• ' .. J!IL-~JIIr.-~ ~",~ .1,\1.. 1Iir. ...... ~;!lr.IIr.:~..-~ IllrU:1 ~~ !IilU:~ [...,.'HII_'" r~UIII1.i~"i ,L~' [~ e.~uy, ~!,,!;,"P'~:~~ ~

u:~ .1 ""1'1 A;E~ ~Jil[fi'l; ~/~' ~.~'~Y-or.''U~''

:_~":~ltli'(J: n'I:-~l.'min

V>fl"'~ iY+.P._L", __ , '

2. N'u.mbc~' ~f: MW1i :~~d t~[ mti!C't, a d~~d [of :~SOO ~~tee'k [~I lSOOJ(tSn*'oo,)

,!!!I f2J,tUj~

'I:' ':II: tf"OJ.'Ji. '1mI' [- ,C' :I'/t,' ;q' - ,..i.. ,':-1 i 'i' AD" '-I • 'J' "J

~ '_ ~"~~.-, - ";"." " 0'-., '1!"" 1-' .', ",' I

l. _ ',."L l 1 tt .. .'.:. . tl .' l - ' .. :_..

[Iii lJJU)

E -,'0', i:!~,iI!' . ~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

£!pc, - ~ 'of!- c; '* Af:~: ,+, Cto "'" 1..~ (:t !Ir.:I,Jijl ,+ [(1.15

~, !Qj,;j) ii!" ~. ,-iJ~~g'!

D~- :iii 'it'" ,.tfll; llr ,+ "r1 An '; , ',I[' ...n.ulf'~"1 -' .I'·t'U.!I'ui

'n . 'I:! ]~

,ilJ.1 """ .IliI[ '!II!! :,

=- :1 .. -0,6'25: '~ =I~'~ ~.,,:~ IU V.idl'"[iI

~~~, "'" :$a.25,!iIII@,,;~$

1IIlliI-~~iIII·I,'''''''''m-po··:--,oIIt '·--r,' P" .-.":,,..:il p-d-u •'

~l]IiII-v.a. 1Iir.U." . .' ..... ~I:. ._ .UU i.U I 1Iw. 11

- - -~, - ~ "~. :__:

,An., :~~- :;l1li; (L3.6S: 'ri'1~~~

~T [f'" ~

., :. ri Ii. ~ .,Ii _ ~ - , .';' -jj' ,j... - ';iII iii .jJ.~ .. _, j lit' ''li'" ''li\A ~i\., .1-0..... ,iL

-'i. n,lnliw~ fJ' iW1I!n :rt~Jumt~ "" m! til I!' [Q: ~\PBai!Ml!; [~, ,~.."\~,, KIIII!Ii>!,VW1!"I\I!I,;

.iIi,~_ 'III~ Qi'II ~_,

,AiUI!.11 ,IJ~I~ UI1II

SW~~g [.Rd BIOciIJlog of :St.aUonl!

[814m.' ol.~.1IC If' a w~tatio:t:l anmot, c~e to I~ b~ it hu :1:10 ,aM:! to ~ H~ (be Itrdh:m ill Wd, w[ 'be, ~~.:l [00: :pllN. V/bm ii, breakd~, 'H:C~: at, ii, pen I~~, :lD. b :llnct,! the ,ttabg ,~, '~om.e I~d_;,

,Bkli. of Sl~: :k ,~un when a ;*liion :bi: :p~ted &om ~~' Ib, wort, :pari; de os' 'the fa:~g' ,1l:l'ble~,H.m nab,B. 'Mteiil ,Il ,1I1atia.n breakdown K~' '!he preeedmg' or' upb'[~, .q~; ~ ,idd ilo be ('boked" ~.~ thqr' M'C '~b'l~: 'b ,lImd, WOft :p~ to tkc

, .... ...-~, ;"' .... ,iill~_ ,ii'_ ... Dr .. '''''.,~c'!;i;!!l!" ~ '~II!i.~, c..C !I;!I""'~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

AMIpIls [of irlnafllt Un .. ~; ;Sto~',

OGMtMlt .~, 'Iml'l~ 0,," cHbwm md mtel!m1ttem, ~er' machiu!!, Wjlflu:n~~t ,~, :~~ €8pad.ty. 'When, 'br-ealdawo, OOCUD at, worbtatIon IdleR' an N,O! poutbilltles, :faf' [tile: ,_II1Y,IU.,

L U)J¥r ,~' ~D.l. Tbe~ ''WOIIk, :pm is ruIt. :rem9V,ed, :&o:m 1ihe BtI,on when ,ii, ~eM~ down ,~ ,at dial ,lIWilOo.

,2. L:JuJt,' &tug ~!, ft'ti 'w,aik; ~ :b; tdg H.t, • ~ lta~ whm the ItIdOg, breakdown oeeu,n.

'1"hJIi ap,p~ ~ an atlmate' ,of the '1appU ~ on, [the: frequency' [of dJe 11M I. pel" cycl.e'. The~ b~ u·d!.e _lien ,dQlel: ~ ~ 'tDe pad; ,to-be mlil.Q¥ed~, ~ ~.


.' I~ ttool ku ~' 'wo:m, ~'ut, aft w:~: ~ be ¢hu,gt-,;,

;], 'f~, .ad~ b :~dJ ~, 1~b-taLn Ifhe~ ~, ~:leanGe.

nuu in dlJ.e~ ~ examp1e 't'here, ;11 ~ :teiIWiJ, ;fOf' iIihe~ 'pad, to, 'bt!~ RInOWdJ from 'the . '~f' iillach:m.

~t ~rw :ri~PI'; 6J;: pmbabi.lllf' that: pitt w.dJ be ~, ;11, ~utM :~, L,

~ ~ :"" l.t ,~, [3~, ,,.,, n.

smce~ 'Iihe :pa.di' ' Mt, l'enw.¥ed, 'w:ben a, !HaCi,Q,fi jim], '~ ft, 1:3: :pomhle: 'dw die' piI'ti Wilt J:am at ,every' Rdoo. The, ,e'xpeeted n~ [00; :Iine~ ,IM,PI pet :patt, ~' 1m1~, dte, :Iine~

......... , 'b'" ,.,,!U.;i;~ ....... "" '1O.u M_-m"'-'tirt ~Ii ;I ...... ~1.-_,'L-I'lw' __ "'""'"""' ..... _ [I ... '!' , ... - ............. '1riIYI_" _:.II!;;' V''''' __ Ul.~U ~,[1· :~!lHH_~-'"e.1 lUll w.~ r.~J~o~,~l ¥~~~; 1U;U:' --:H; ~~r.

If the :Pre(bahfUv p~ D 'eq,ual

P' I!'I! '!P;- !'!!' "- [!I'll! IJIIIiP'!!'IIi P

'I. ' ':2, ':3 ,;,," <n ' , 'I'

S'! ~:,:- '* 'EIii-

~' .... 1 .E"':~

:In thl; ~ il\ !iva; ag, [~1e~ [cd l!fie: :I~ 1Ii'nlt, on, ~.t, [expected num:het ,0{ lm.t'

~ :rwo.Oi" ......,.'1_ ~''1I--, 'b~_'L_:iI~,.,- ~'e-··'''"- ,1'_, ~'e _.;i1 __ ~..i1Il~_, ,._ [d ...... ".... ,~;I[' , .. :~ .. 'LiLI~, 'pte"ce'

~r-' ~- ... _iII, .... '1·~11 H'~ _~iU. 111'. _111.1.1..'" ,1.I1l liD_ . ac:II!I.IIU~1Ift:N1l !U!'JI, ~~ !U:I !U"II!Iir -n-w-. .. . ...•

1:""',-_11"-. D--::,'-..-t.__~ .. - :il.., ,.il.-'e _...., -"---"'-"

,~~~~ .__:"'!I;I~ .w m : IIJ_fJ"!lr.· ~1l.III.

,Lel p~ 'be~ the :p~ly lkat dlc:~ put 'Wti!1l. ,a am, d partltuW rtdm ;l;, 'p,- 'L._ [1'1.,_ ',' ,'baJblli9"" that' ~ pgt- I willj'-a-:at '~- - i;'--J-: ~ ~

'~I ~ ~ ~------ - ---' ----, [----, '- ~"- ---- ---- - - - --- ,.

[ c·~·=" I. I •. II

(I, ,= "~) be ,~ IWJ'barbJl~ Oiwlt, die' :put 'wfll, Jilin at ~' _dhm [~"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

.~ JiI",ttoI t!i1It'di~-, ,j ,I...... . _,;I jill-. ~ e,"~

' ........ ~~ !l,J'l ~~ ~ "r_lll,,;; Gr_1!\II1 ,~I [M.I'I!'WI!~.' iI.";p'

'B_1 l' 'Eli' '\ b~" dl.... . -'II-il· .. fhlv d..=~ ,ilib=, '~P"""" ,_.,,jl~ ~'"''''''' ... _'_.'1_ ..i .... ;i;I __ tw,.,.

c~,' -, .£~, 'e' llUC: pm~:l 1w.iU;, !IiIL'I:i ,. 1M"",",1LIi ,~,~ _ ~,_-,-; :;!~'~' .. ~,.

Th' .~ ,:blh~~' f'ot iIIm, rrM;ven 'mart wtD ~liiIMil at. iIIImt Itafii_ I !II aihJem, ihu.'

~,~e FO~ .. ·r..Dil '. .~ ... ,r . ,~t ',or-",~!;! , .... ,,' ,. 'I!:!!"'~"- 1""1

'f [!II! I =, 'liP '!II!' :~,":ru, =, P'~

I I l~.~ ~I -~,- ~'IJ

If the pio'bBhilitY' Pi that a :part "WiD, ,j. at f~Wu. ,~ are' [equal

'IP"~ ED 'ID ::::; D:. zD[ iii 11i!'

'- :1 ,iI' ~ '~,~ ,".. ~ ~, .v..

'F~' 1.1 ~ =' :i'] ..... Pli

[ I .11 ilL I oIi 'n

1lmi 'ih'!!!: :p~DD, :Rtc:: :fGf' tie [iow·u 'b~"W1d. :il,pproiWh 11, ~, by

Rp - (~ = :ij/Afl,.

~, ,f I~i ,(bI: b :&.e,,~~ ~f' It&~, lm~ ~~I"

Problem, L, lif, [ii ttl ,drdi. ['~f,r Ii. '[.'W' ,pmhlt'lit)' ,ia tit rlalin, ,~dJ~, Will' ,~_ Iw a PM, i~.t Ii- It tt- r;tkI}l. TIaif JM14i11iq U il4J:U jfif' 4ll tj" :U), ,tl4tio#s.

~ ./~ Qj' t~u' siief ~If;c~ tAb ~ "'", ~.' ~ ~.~ ~A ,~ t'OlD« ~' ,~Ai • a tlHMjf '~'di'G'Ifi T,., AP~ [l1li] t.6.,dll. lMk,m:.(u 1M ~~ talii.

P «co

S- I"Jdio.

,0- . , "'-'."'I!i

.' . _ 'llA1i

F !II!: n'·, [!III; ,1,'O·O.tH, '!!;'OJ:~,

Dc.,.., '. 1 '_ 'itl')tA'iQ;

.. ~ , , 1Jir/I'1J£'[tl

'.' 1 ,= o. ~lL6

F 1 (1 'f)

'." ','

'~ ... , ... ' I-

.:l l I ,_,ill,

F :. I-n - GLOl',· ... ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~~Hu'

,. '~,n,_~1iI ~, iill ,0·· ,I::~~~

,~I-IU.V ... ~,IIIII;W .... ~~'II

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Th.e O.D.e (If·1he ·me:liho&. by. ·Whte'lli. Dow·11neii caD. be :~e fQ of.e~ :!!'m)~e em~ Is [1;0. add IU,e~ '!l)f· :lnOfoe :parrh, of' ,~m,p buffen; betw~ ~(J.D.1 '~' ~~ be. ~ the 'b.~r ~" ,dt~de I~' :~ mto t:w~ di~~~]l~t, ;~ .. If' one' ~ buIf~ :11, ued" ''I'he :Ilne~

'.,., ,..,t.:"",',41-;:iI! ]D- :~,jj.,"i', ;Io;,·~~1 ~"""IIrP'" ~lf:"' ;I;..'.'Ii': ii'I~~, i1h1 ~- y,-g;~~- ~ ........... "i'""41 ,.iL. - ii>- .. : i\nl~:'i'~"d~ ,i_~_ ~"';'IAiII! ,.;~~~

,1.&1. UI'-!I!',L-~ .Mi.:.! !Ir!'I'¥v. 1i3!1ri11~r-'iJI. ,!Ir!'JI!~ 113-~---ll1;i;Il~ 1~~1I;I! ~'~ ~ ..,-p;; ~_~ ~ ~,",Ig~._, ,~ 1~~1!P." ~f!P.'~

,.-di $0 oHi. .

ThiC:f'e' :iiti't:: 'two' ,~nd ,~ (If;~ b~if' iI!I~~IlIil!I!I!!i 'tbiat ,e_, be ~de:l!I~ u r. :No bu.ffer :dogge eapllCd~ at Illl

In tbJ..s clI$e 'the :l1ow line, i~ as one mathm.'R. 'W1heD ii, ;:stati.oo, bre~d~ ~c~~ th~ 1~lti riln,1!i l~, fQK~ do:'~, ~ the d£icl~' of Illwi :IJM~ :ia, gI,VeD by'


Iii: ,('!i , .... It''Y.. '* 'IE" ~, .A~IJ

'4~ [~,""'1 ,if ,lU!;iI v

w:br~' :~-1dgd~ 'l!h~ cftildcocy' ~f'.c be- Mth 'M b~:~ ca_padly,.

:~, IDfiDJite Ciiipd~ iMDgel 'lndfers·

In '1ibD 'case tie 'lruJifei" Z~ of'~' I~ :g, :Ini.taJled, be~, each ,state 'which b md~~~m, of' the Ult, 11nu th~ eflb:~ 'M gy' ,!ltap ~ Ir'M, by'

~ ",,!I 'GV(C~, ¥ lit' ,AID:sJ

'Wh~,'e t, dt&~ '~ ,11:aie8l,

Thel!'.~~ the ~raMI, dflelency 1M' the Ilne ,~ .'Im b"y


ho'blem ,I ~ 11~ It,." AiIV' to ~~itiIU t«j: i.: ;I' ~19 oj' kId~: l{l Q2. ,11'C'

,~h' ",Pm ,d' lA" tig' i$. :t:~j'" ,~ "l11~, !ti~ IW' MI~~' ,~,w~' M4 i' t., smNU i.~

,.~,~ ,- ; ..... ~ ~~ if~\., "r-", ',,", a., ~,;J ,..J,' ,1-... ,_, .~ "... .', Irlftflf .. r· h·· ;~"_~-, ~~. ",f.=~, ~,~,~,it, ~ ~'~~, ~~t ,J(f;y-"'., ,;1M !Il!tiIUi ~ K!' !(III!J 'iR!lI!!PHI!Ic.!!, "',!Mill' _ .. ~"""" 'If". D, ''''''''''''"''!rii!l • ",'lln' m iI!'.IRU ffin ;;g.>.'

~~'·,l.ji ,·c ·~,~~\~;I\c, fe,' ,ii" ~, .. jll", " .. ~ rf".iMiilltibi ~~t'~'IR.'iiI"~~~ ... il' ~Iil,~, :I'.!',,",.~ I~'\I·~ , .. ,L"f"I'." ""'- .. ' .~";l¥ ,W;i I! I ~ .. i!i (t, .J -»_rmu" .... w.'"",l'"-' It.iIIIi 'II'-~ !!!II- It.iIU Aft« WIM, ,IIDI !fiI'IIIJJ'U' O!I~I!'!I'.' ij,':T-'~J

,w ,tffic,~ ./w ,~ttLo' ,J/rIf' ,paw Ill •.

Copy rig hted m ateri al


P- : .. Lii""}I'. '0<.1 7'~;iII,~I~. ::;:: 5mi1i , v;. u,,,\!' "~ ~'i!1I~!I"1'j '~,'~, '_ "" ~. ~'

,N' '!II! 10 ,uaNrnu

If ,!II! nlmiwr (1/ ,",¥'~' :: ,2

:f -:Iili,~P

I. 10.',.0,2, -0,,:2:

:~-'0 - CHIC. ''Ii'' :r ADJ'

~ -n~l~, ..

'!II! ~I[l +t.r'5]1

I·O"S ii:51%

I) lliil i.E,

:~ 1 _, O,~' :::1 O'.15: -150%

!It:ii 5

F '. m,~P

:oc· S'"(Url

:ii'1J(] ,+ ,Q,,]""'5) '. l .... tl,fi&5'6

:=!'>!= 0."i600

'!II! 0,3838

' ••• 1!If4


Problem, ~, ,:rh',~ liiP' ;i,ip", 16 ~ n~ witA: iii tyt'll!' tim (Jll'j itMJilflh ,and'

,:l,":"_v_,~'.J'=_~, ~-",~, ,".' ,,"l, ,... ....... , ~,~, I'nrmu,"" " .. ~~''''''' ,hi"," ,.i,I.,~, ,;r.#......r ....... , ...... J ,...... M~ ,iI,'~' ,'{~,~ 'c ;fIIl1'illAiIIQW1I !WIiItU! GlJ "', nHn;, ,oil! ,Ali !:' 'l'_'''''ICiiI' ~I ;WHi ;1II'UliWJ\Y" Ii'l!U' _ ,fi~-1!1' WWiIJ.

'IMia, ~YIRll1

1 0.01

Copy rig hted m ateri al

'=='==='='=' ,~,~,~,--,-- ,,_,,_,,_,

5 [(Un

6 [(t,Q>J

'1 [O.O:~

,8 [~;tOt

9 1~)'08

1.'1) 1~"Ol

u 10.02

l2 ~jt02

.1.3 0.02

.1:4 '0.01-

:U~; i0.03

:~,6 _ '®'.Ql


~"'. ,T~~ tRWilJUY[ ~/lh Uu wU~ Qdj' .smdl~' lnilf~f~

2. ,:T'lte ~nfBif.#IfJ' ~f tlU liu' w:b~ d~~' jDt:" Z~ 3~ ,4 nag;'ts"


The :hw' "[me: in ll!ulw,try., [ce.atli.lJ, botlll, :lWtomat.ed, ,aod ;ma:nuamy opeA.ted woli, ~"

T~u: mg, R!U~; 'Ihai: ~ ,ii~lnQ~ 'p~Uttig [~W1, ~i;

'ru., Strklily 'baled Og, 'thei KQg~

:2;" M~oo ;of' manl1a1ID.y' [~ flaw Iln.'t! U ~, gRdllillly,.

5o:o:te' gf ~,e ~mM1/.l.aJJ Q,~~M ,ue~ ~ tol ,mom.ate ,Md It may be '~D,im:d,ta.J, ro' do !O. TheMfonJ:~ Wbem, 'lhe !!ieqGeJl.(e~ of WC~QJQ; ill: planmed, mil" 6c, :dow :lm't~ C1tltaln, I ;~I!)~ aIJ'~ d~td. to ~ o,pe~d"

1he aut.omatl.c e'Vctce' [c;::a.n o.mly ,~k the ddi!Ob tot W;b.ich it 'w,u cl!~; ldiereaa; :b~ operator bi capdl!e Qt' ~~ ,il '~~ of '~pc:deQti!oI!Ul in, bi parle To ,~ lillie' pmMMatiCe of' a :p~ ,au~~d ~' be 'the :fGhlowtng umm_pti~: ue '~'"

:~ ,', 1C;1 It b th~ ~de~1. ~cle ~, d~~(I!d by' th~ ~iL-ow,m ~cm :m ~'-lIjjt;e,

:2", :P-fr.obahIlUy of a, ;staUon 'hn:.down, fbi' an allRQll!l~ 'wo:rt :head

3", :~It :bi thf) tntaiJ :~I!lmhr of 'w,oik :~tath:mJ, Olil me be

,m:l!-Et:epes:e:m'b, me' ~Ilumber of ,qlQ:roaUc :!!i::aft.Q:m: :D,j!i~Re,p~ 'Ihe~ number [M' manual! [~tbl,g .$1atI~

D iilil Boa. -t, 1\.:,

-- -

,i .. , c;,,:-COs.t; 'to' o:perate a. :~

s," C;~:-b,pr~ ~" '~ [coqinanw itatI:o.n

Copy rig hted m ateri al

6. C~--LpueDU the 'eDit per ~~ Wicnbtatl'Omi.

;" Cali~emliS ~Ihe cost rex mlllulte! ,of atomatlc hnlW lnedumbm. (lMt, of :. ilme' b: p;NeD by

• ~:!III; 'n~ Co ,+ I\.,it' Cu ~ (~iat

Anrap prodl!l~ 'Ime~ :ffi' ~e ~ ~j~n, !II ,P,g, by' AF ["'" Ie '* 'r'AD

~ ~ l ~'lt"~ ~'-'---~,

AP~ ::0: 1'-', ,¥ :I!IL'·' PAll. - ~ ~ ~.~ ~ III; - ~ -~ tt':

a - 1~ :PiIi_ - ,~ :PI, ,_ [tJ., ~u - ,1td'Olmi~

[Cd :ii: ,R~'~'[OI"&

IC:" - 3D!" ii' ,lOtIO [iii: ,a,.f~k,

l~', .1, 1,~lR'j I. n .iii'.-.':-\lli, I \.i.[.~ ~~I· {IV V:, ..,.-,gr ....

,P' .IOJ3[r.

,CR, iii: 1U SO/Villa.

.iill in ., ;it:-;IlL'~ '~'l ~~'.J

,:Soliltloli:~ 'hiKlal )Inc;

~ - DrO'~ em ,+, 0. ~ C .. ~ [C:~ - 4,1IIi'15 +, 6,*:1,0 -+ :1'0

---nn-..:iI __"'_,~ ""·II;V1r--.·1IIaU -1\ ....... · ......

_[ t!t~,:Ii .iIl:k.,;'kI;[ - ~~-!lI~'~r.

Copy rig hted m ateri al





- 0.64, min

{!Pc - Ctn ,+ Ct '*:API'~, + ~ - 50' +, (l,.~O'i") +, 0,

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c,.c : :',+~,~~:t':I~CbJ'

:~ :.la8..fJlmit.


Mmu.a]J ,'bly liitia; c:om5:ist ,m' mill_pie w,omt.atiam :m, wJ\Wh tle ,aDemb,1y 'wo.n: :b, ucmm,pl1a'hedl,;u I~,e, pmduotJ(ll!Ib ,ammblt) :[1; :pamiIJ hm :station to, Itation, ,along'~ hoe. Ail each '~n, one or mDR: 'h.wmw, woftn :IU!Aotm iii :pmi!I,o'll, ,m'lb,ei total aaemblf wort, ~m. the f~m:t, 'by' adJcimg 1!lm1!, o'r :III.O'M ,~m,pom.eD, to lhe emtimg sUD ,aueDlhly", 'WilteD, the ~, eomes of 1ihe, haJJ iilatwn, 'liM 'woik hal been eonlp'l=d"

Thb Ilyipe oJ rrwlembly lI.!m: ;au ued, tin :hi!gh :Pf~UctiOO 51 Lb,udiO'.D.!; whme' w~fl. to, he ~~'td eg, M d1lvJded :~ ,~, ~ ~;" I~'nlt 'c'lemmt and tl,d; ~~ ,t~ IlhlJ' 'WO'd;, Pilta.d.oD 00, ttli:Je'line':. The ~tap of' (hU 'be D !],rckdnatiOD ef ldmut' by' ~' each '~ a ~d. ut af 'tall' '~ do :~dlf,. Thel 'wm!;. ~N Ii, rcpedftl'kt! !Dl! ~OD! gg,

! uu1 b, dll~ to p~, '!he tDl vlU)' ,uk;'~' ,and, 'Q~", The: ,I_~ lOO~OD ~f' 'manwd :membJy he' iI s'bown :i11 ~ 8..2.


StiiIIm a

~ - - - - ~


_I ' ~ 'II! '1;;1', " .. _,j A ........ t.,'1... t ,;_, , ,..':..:1,. ,.,.,;1; ,Mmlollllll, ~_mu..iI" ,LiI,ne

LI'N! D ALAliJii!'i!oll-'N'ii"!!!!:

. " J .:. ~. _', .'·_lfI~, .. - JU

In ft~, l'iae ,~I!I, ~ ~, !II.inf' :~ ;gd, ~t, ~e~ ,a:md MMmbly tiUb 'm' 'be: ped~ 00, die pmduCl :~ tile' Hquem::e of:prKeiitri5 M' auembly ~ is re&tri.'e.ted '~ lome' eBent :1m, '~; of ,' !1m Whkib. Ih.e, ~pUl.ti.~, ,~, be ~ ~

,&#';itJik: :In ~'hN't~ ~ 'Ut. wa$be:r mu;st: ~ :placcd ~ the, bd bemfe) libf!!' ut. eM _ 'hwled ud, tiIb~. ''[hue: tHlncl-MUl Me UilJed p~!ena: ,CO'.D..Str:aJ:nD:m tf£re:

~' f"~1.iD '~~' "

..... : ... " .... ',-'" ,','

... _, 'Ii.r.,. . _ •

- - - -- ....

- - "_

11re~ lime: bdamdq problem :1.1, ~ il.i.n,~ the 1md.i~, :El~,g Pd, ,~b'~ ~aU

,..Iii, ,iI'ii...~ ,w,_..:il., ,,,,_ioIilOWli, ...... ;,'i..~,i .. :i.. .. 'iI .. j;~,l iioJ_,," ..... 1I!i, ... '~d·.' ... Iii, _~.",,1., ~=~!.,,""=iii..!;i"j,ft ,j.., ~.~~ ""~~' ........ """ ... 'I!.., .d!.. ... ..r. !Wi_~~ '·.-.'Wl. ~~:1 ~l g_lIA· ~~ W.IWl UII:M:! IL~~-!l.UJ1':;< ' 1M: '~~iIl ·ftU.l~uu, ,"'1 'Bf.',p-It~A.IiIU-~"l· l~~

ADU!'~ :6' 'the 'woik; ,elemou, ~, be ,poo,ved :10' that. an OJe Itatfoo, times ,are ~e~adir' eq,~I:I, '~' bl'ei ,iI ~ bida.o,oe of ttt;e: lliu!, :iULd 'ihe 'pFOdAilm, ,of ftImy' 'wil, !be hB~lh.

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(J. 8' (}~2 (J~:7 0:,(1 f,l4 Q;,,5

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

_ I

Whefi!: ~ is the eWdeliq ,of line:"

If :I.s. ~e "q,~d :pr~~U(kR ~"

(4') DdJmai~1im til Niun6tr 9/ ,~~~ '~~ ~ ,1ilt1mbrr ,of ;~omIi b d~~

'Io;;.u 'I:wiITIi;N' , .. t.~; iI<":,~~'11 W~ ;o;"'~~"'"~" ,&=~ ~L~, ~'Ii..~ ~I\o.; ,~ .. , ,IE'~-;:, ;/1:- ... "'_;i..l:~I~ ~,' ....... 00 ~ II!~ ~. ., _. '!;,;I!o!' •• _"''''''~~ ~ ~ g,.. '-,l-_L~' Alilill!:! ,wI' WI!O' ~,...,.~.

n ·'Tw~{

[ 1"_/~~Ip.

W~~f,t1 'TW:b tb.C' to:taiI, work ~e:I!)'l..

<; b [I!h~ ~tl~i 'H~nt~,

:1fI. b 'the a¢maJ, RUnflber' Qf' 'wod: stadoQ.$.

[[~,I) B~~ Dda" U: :b ,abo m.eamt g HlI!iltdq _, it is .~ 'me~' of' dle lme'

_.m-l!~. ,.~1.~'b~ , _'1\1.._ c.. . ...,... '1..:I1 __ 1i ;1;.1-- . •. _. iI-~ il!--p"".-I...ct·, _H j.ij! __ . ""ii' ......... rL '''-''''nil' &-

~-~----l: W,D.IAW , 1 iI:I!UJ.I.3! U""L~-.11I.i1, [.uc::f&Ii ~ UIIc: ~ UII.I~ .!Ir_u..: ',' ... ~ vi, ~V_ 'AI 1-.&lU.V-'1 lllll::~

Ell I. [~n,·CI; ~. 'Tw)ln·~" B:;IIII; i-n.

~"I)I!Q...·JNI''';;'''''''_''' p .... ·.j,rm:-iI\.' T~ ;iIi'INi-t'V ~"l!IIiII!'.~' --~~'i..'iiu, ~ ,.i..~, ,~ '1'i"__;iIi~I~~,",,,,, VI, E·~~~ ... ~-!N!!l-~!P. \J-~!!-P.!iIJ~_~~~ tIU!. !!r.'L~"~~'J. r'¥~J ~ '~-~-!lil I~ ~!I!';. I~"iij ,F"'iiJl!r.-"'-~1I!r

~~._~.e se~e .whkh'Ihe~jt'!ib[a.nbe'~~. [~~, I!lR ~.al1ed, preeedelilce ~m.

(f)l P'rICf:.,PWJ ,Di.~m., :It. '1:3: dle~ graphruJ ~Ientatl~ [oJ the :sequetKe of W(R'-k, ~~~, p dcbed 'by the pre-cebte' (i.Q~~.

I •• 0111 of ~IJiI" a .... nclng

":[he, 'variolU meth~ of' linc!~ '~ are:' .. ' :tug!l: ,camdidla1e~ :I"ille

'", KJlbrldp and, 'WI.Itenl :am:&od

~ ~ed ~~ 'Welght m.eitwd,

i &R-;:!!!C:S-?'r l'!i'A'~" ~N' ftlII'!I;A'i"IIii:::' ~R·iI[illl ,ii:'

...... " tUliA . .! III ¥ . _ I .WI!liiQlli~llliil "' lW'.liil

'D-..... ....... ..:II'-_" .E' 1.~U.~II_.~~!j

].. Ccmtbu~l 'tihe ~()edepCle ~ for ~~ .-wm data.. :2 tp~: d, .~ cle~"", tQ. ~epdill,I' ,~r' of Tt vJ1n:e.

,]'. To, :uu.p the e:Lement:s to 'tll,e :Ftnt rstaIiGon~, nut: at, 'llie 'lOp ot the' w'l. and e OD .• A, feu1b:l,eJ ,elem,e.;lllt Iii onr'! w:brc'b Il!tilfiel the p~i!dence~ :reqU'lf-emerd!I\;, Thus ae' .um of' ''f~ 'v~uc, of' d, ~km.mb :at 'lb. ,t.H.IlQ, sho~d :001 ex~eCid dtc ¢y·e'te ~tm·e,.

4,. ~ d\u:~ ,aJb.o,", .nep 'fOt: idte~ [c&.et' .• ilh» .. : 'Wltil all cbe~ [elaDmtl: :ue ,~.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

5. 'W;Mk; eltememtii :iJw.Ul!d. be arraoged 'tiDl die· 'WOrkltatlom a.eeOl:'dmg ito die lBll,gat. t~te: :tM.Ie and. ~. ddHmlb.e· (b~ m1moo ~f:' ItaHOU ~q,"'ri"

6, 'Then ·Ci~p~te 'dle ibIlllloe ~y .amd ,emd~' o:f the .~.

ft(Jb'lem 1 •. 1. d .pa;U' ,iI'i~ JmHlm' U' w :H' ,Qttmllt4' a..:'." ,tM, .f~~· ;Ui/~

E,l,mnu :nfJU ,(Tt}miil .l.JR.M:t,dl'tIl·~ prt,d't,(/t~I(J"1

1 ,5

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,2:" ~f' ~1~ 1m. :U· 10 iiII~"~ d.d U· ttL, umkr .r( iildl'iDm RpiuJ?

~.. .r,"'MIIi~ ,~'I."", ,"'-.J:"": ..... "i~~";i'Iijii nl' i,it ~ ,J:F "'!. ,~ , .. ri-\lliit.· .~;lijjii'!iUH':-~= ...I2'.JI:.-.4<~, ,-" ;l!ll_.J!

~ "'"'''''''Y ........ WI", NlIU __ .' iII<I:_" '7 ,li.ilIIi !II ' ~;J. ''''~-~ J_fjo'_" (:'1:iI!IIiIII:1U_i!! ,1RI"JIlIII!IIi"



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Wod:. deliP.enQ: ~. to T-ie .~ :f~' {h.e ~t ,~dkb.te. :mh,

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,stc:,pi Inv<dv:ed, in, :.01,~ be ~':probl~m, by' :Idlb~ Uld Wie.Rl:m meth~d :b' Q, :fd~;

1. I~ lCbe:~ dl~, a ~:iti~ ,fl!,P;eJeiilliitig,woik~, of~,

rre()ed~ afe' ~d ventc~':m ,~~~,

2. llit, 'lkel ,e'lielme:lib!, to. me, workstatlOD:i, 1m 'tire order .' their ~.

!!ii. ,"'"~ , .. a'~I,ID!tn, , .. ,].., ........ o't_.. j;\ol!', 'io'b""': w",~'L..j;",'i,~_., .'~I"I~",'L, Jio'l.''"'1 , ...... "omn 1', ,.- ~.-,~ -, -",

'"'. Ii .... · _..,... I!O;, ~I;I.'IO ,!loll! ~ '" _!!ii' ~, ... I""II;",_I'I/"""1OI111 ~1iAiIi.WII ,,',111;0 UIi'lO ,"'WI, il:lcme:IiIi];., ..

CCUil~I!1;U~' '(b,ti gl~m!!lg't.. .'~G~eda_D :~D, c~d~ of eo~umM until the ~iyeJlel 'time 15 fe'K'bed;,

P1Ghlem ,L lie.f~ MI ,'~~I ,r'N\PZ tM.Ia f. IhI m"lI~fy af 'iii proiwl.

E~' ,T~ ,(MiD)' l~i6I,' ,pnm'U!MF'

~- ~Ij,'- ~_~ ,~'., '" _,. .. ' ..iliiIUIJ.. ~,al.~ ,F:;I,lW..l ....... , , .. ~,,j' 'Yl"" ..... ~ .~"J:.._ ,1'_, ,_.t~_ ";1.00 •• 1:., ~,,J!

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ilCiiiA1d1lt-En p-nS- ~rr-~I:AoILiA~rll. ~w~ ~-EI~·' .~-~n 'DDIiUIi nioinri w . ~."" .• :: ,wn.' ..... ,[ •.. ·nllil .. ~lllnV~' ,J"IiV'IIIl',

RPW klil;u :mto.;K~'Oum, b~ ele.m~, 'dm.e] ad ~ pOill~, 'wetgh_ g,f .~ tui" It. 'Cio:mbl:ne,; che ;.~~ IW laq;·cd. canitdate :~ .and, 'D'brld,a:e aoil W~elhen 1II.ed:i.Qd.

'I!b....~_~~_ ~:...- ..... 'IIu4...;r,o &._ 'li"",_. 'b ... 'f\;,;wo ~'Ii..'I[ __ 'J..u, 'il!li1rmwr' ._.--iL._..:iio-

.Ir·II~_W;IC~ ,wF .u.t~~ u.u:! I~ WaMW r~·~~l ~1 IY'.~". IUI:!~

L :Dcaw .] ~cnl, (II'p,pam ,iii, rpa' the :~ :relll'J.ODIldp.

:2., ,~] the :RPW fOr each e'~~ 'by' wtp~·the ~. 'Ihat:ronow dite, ,InlOW

·cibmi, of die] :pf'ecedellCt ~maeedDlg e'Iemmb) •.

. ~ 'rr II ...... _,.,i ill!li'iUlft ~'L ..... 1 __ .. _ ~_ .IiL~ ","-...:1 __ , A;r,' a:.., .. I_, nl","--,~'

~~, ,~[~c~ ~'~~£ ~_1I;I1 I!I;I~_~~I~,~' [~ 1IbI~: ~_~ ~··n·.

4 .. l('hQup, the ,~I: :iD.tO d.te 1Wfu.m. 'Q~,II' ·the :~1)tWl ~ ,e'~ '~ ,and :pMi.tlan.

5.. .d·the :ldIe· 'liIl"MJ ,of eadl ~

6.. I~' the '~ de'my' and f!lfIclelX}!' lil'f the b.

:rmbt~ :1.,1" II ,plaul MI· I~' "fIII'mI m'~ ~. milA "". ti., I.'

~~j '~' ir Ii~ k~ .


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.n..-~",",jji~ .. ", .. ,N ... -...,.." ,C""~~iIK"~~ ~~~I!N!!L'!lh.

,~Iid' W:'.igatJ,~

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RPYi' a,l 25: 21 18 12 :9 11 17

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,Pndk.n,' ! IlatI.cmI 8R Rq,aft. Bala.rlee De'tayj


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Pmldem, 1 ,FolloiDi"l' mY ,f. :,,~,~, ~ ,tim 'mw ~g',Ft~t [;T' ~itJ ~. ,lb' ~'h ti,;w g' '1,,5 _k

:1., '~' d ,,-mu._, ~,

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BaL@noe' d~y~

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Compute ... IMIthOdI of 8tquI!!ldnll ["ration 'foil" AlI_" UM

'C\ioo,-n:".t,~ •• :h.""';-, ~''''i;,:Ii..~.,;- ,;r ...... , ~~"- .. , 'Ii---';o; "',,_. '~"l ,:tu.......... ~Ii..,;o;~ i"t. -, ,--, --ullil :-- -"1;- : .:11_ "1'11.',

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lI!Ioftw,~, wW be' [g¥'el~", :11, pel' dte m~b, or: ,e.O:adiUODI m:q,tih,ed :fhl' lID

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Ste" ~nrY~lved in, ~, met:'hod ,~: ,~ flii)ll~_;

ru,,, Comntt a table' :mcwiP_g :dl '~fk, ~lem~gts,;m Qme' ,o~hmm, :mrl. ,~mesp6ndmg' :Ii'liimbe~' [M - 'f~educe :1m1 adJJ~~nt [00'1 IJ mtnl.

;I)_~ ,"": ... _, .. i_~.~, .. ~ 'a ~l"';~b:'i .. , :-''i..,~·~-oo;a _,1~ ,e~le"~'':'II!I~, ~'-oC-'m~;' 'p"~iIi"4,",ifi;C' iIi, ... ;.".'I_ ~'''''''''iIt ~,,,,,'!t- fi,n

;.t.; ~-'Y'!~~I;If""~~!l.J '_' _~.~,h~· 1l\l1!U·~·,lJli.lil~!iII.IJ, .. I .. III .... II;r.III.!~ ~_~. ... ~:~·lIiillLw_~ '~Ut'!'r.' L~_I:~H~ ~_INt.,···T.· __ ¥

:i.mmedJ3ite :plli!ide<;eeor,.

a;" ,Select II ;1UL-diDnl, [m' elem~ ftom 'the~ ,Qbove ~ whHe' ,~ (iOIjUp~~~ 'W!owl(iJ ~ :Pro,~ed. '~[ ~>C)ml ,th1! andGm iSeltecllion ~j. 'Thou, ,tk~ ,only' ,Om'iSEot l\9: 'that ftletlteli'U. a!elKttd muD !not cx~ftd 'Ilhc' [cyd~ ifm.e,.

4,,,, 'Eli~' the ,..:lem-ent :"eJ.eottil 'bI. th'!\ a!oove' tLQ and ~~: .~ ,abov~ lb~ if :~e~. Upd.amS mill" be :l!Ieeded ib~ the !elerned e;l em.e nt, 'Wi&i ';~ababJy an ;im.medi_ p;e~~"H:r for ,o4iet 'eleme"P.l!i",

,S~ :I:~t:at'~ ,~~, :~~~ iWU.:Il ~, [~:le~n~, ba~ 'b~D .c~, ~n !Uili\lin! 'wltbm ,~, ,cyde tim-e con~b.

:!Pro'blsm, l~ ,77",' im':,mM, rlt~,U hi ,d'clRl [LV '" 'ilt, :i¥~mMli01l: ,:giN~ &diow" :l1bl' qd~ i~me ,b' t mt~

7." Cmu~ 4 ,""d'''"i~ d-,r(llft.

,2'" lhU,!"Bir';u ~" i,lItiiW£~' [d'tldj "'[ :wii~' COMSOAl. :riVtW

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tid; .• 'Ihe~ [e.1~ Will dtek'immedWe :ptele~. [~the ~ W:idd.n ~

w~.~a~~r~-i ·~I

. _ 'lit.!r _

'lJpdating'the next elememal tdlle.







Copy rig hted m ateri al

'if'l'~""'. ' Iy ~ C, ~,~~,~

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,it.. An, :l.n.dfIxhlg :Irw:ilililll':~ 1,101 ~ 'operalloDS at 10 ;~!!latlom.! 'toiaiI, ~ &n_CI :lIIclU:d1.a.g ~, ... ~ :Ii 18 !!!C'C" The, ti'tdfiIJ 1m=ili~, db, :a :~ p iii ~OO~,~ '~, ",.", b~ ~d~dJ ~ fu.r ,aU ,(he ~!' '~~ '~ '.....-wi :~. ,~~ i; ~!!: 0, :~~! gi 2.~ Dlio, 'lei I~g~ dI:~ '8PlIt pug. [CgmVU~ W lbU_S' iby ~j:tIDg '~ h',app~.

~, '~- ----lUDIi"V I~ii , .... --, 'Ii~ .t_1

,!['~q -"":1/ I;ll IDI!I ,un -~,I:"

~, ,"-~ ......... A\.-~ .. - .. ,iOI __ ~ ,E.lIt.::...-'..I~i"'" If'-.lvu.-~I.a ~'.

,Algi .. lmA iIII!' iO.ti:w and, E.BA • 11"" '~dd~ Anl~ 'UBA iii LW'mm, mil, :LBA" 1,.iJB75:~

..,...... TjfII'" 1111 '~[!Ilil ,iDi1i; ........ ;11,,-. - -..:i, T 'a1,iIL • lri;~ ''2fi .. n .. & .. ~il ~un' ll~~ ~~~l I"~ ~l l ~Ir.~:~ 'U_.-MHf~"""

,.' ft.opg~ of' I~ ~, ,', Lkr.e e.Bkleney.,

,Au~, lmA !'IIi ,es.m, ~ ILBA, '!!!, 19k5S; " ,A1g!.. 1mA ., Ui.OI, ~ UI\A" ,. 20~

,A1g" ~ :him.d ~ .. '-Il - ~~' dm. apply' - - ~ fer. 'h 'r Q' 0' - 'All' 'haw

g" _ '1 ,-,:,- ","~- 'JlII' I' '-':-',,' -",",' ' ,"I, ], <Ii ,.·-~;i;I"_1 : - .: "..___, , !"!at;~In'" --':-: 1'1', 'iI, I~ :_", ...... .iiIi~~, "-, _- ':

,"'iIi ,,_. .. L!3' - .,.'-, ,-'ii~~ "'.!1& .... .~ ..,.I'lI, .11 ~l" .~~I_ ..

an, ~uG prto'bUllity 10:£~:) I-;,Iiil 1l.3 :m.tD ,md, Ant ii ;9 mtn. t1lma; upper 'bowId, utd :~, ~~gnd ~, ~ompu~ ~Bi :~,g"

,., !F~~", of 'I:ine :~

-_. ifiI"D~.;i;,.: II; iilQIWp"-~-~~---'-h ,~~,..j '~'Dj.. on. ~Ilj:l£ '~'--- -~"::- ~'--,

,~, 'u.»n ~~.~ .. ~. ".--',' :: .. [aug. l~ • V~,~.l~ ~.~ .... :., '. __ J

'J • • II • '.

a. ....... _ '~'Iil:I! ,"",_ iii 'RI'i', ~~ '1]1...,.., .... ." ... ..11 'II:1Ii'.&,. ;JDgii_.-1ii'a iftIl-"."";II..,, ~!I! ,,-!!~ !inI-I~~ ~~~~ !IMtI~ ~ ~~ ~~!I'IIIt.

,AN'4 mJ:A :iii: .,~ and! LBA, - 46.m Copy rig hted m ateri al

,8;; ,It. H~l ~ ~f' madl~' ~, ,foF' :p~.S: :pu.mPI ~ompo.nt1:l.t bas ,Ul ideal, qcle 'ilme Q !II! 1. DIm" ,~, ,g, ~,d tmendowm, of ,.0 ~, ~~ 'wtiD ,ii, :Creg.u.e.Dcr ,of P;..Q'"U)' &t:1lkd~J...· 'le and .. . ... . ill' . dm.e ,.. 1lAe' i;Q h 6 min Th .. . 'rate 'f! lb.e

. . 1 '''''''~'':,:r~ '. . ,m ~rage [ OWtl'li, I. ..• ,pH ... !I',p '.. ....• . . .• ,' .. e. , ' ... ~. ,.or __ .'

_. ., of: .... , .. itkmd ,-'o'L.:I1 'b' _. . ... i'~· . ....WI. 'd" ~ -- ...... ~ ,;Ii' ... _,.a..~ ~-...I'.. 'II:-,_, ' ........ ,.,

~~. ~IL- m~oUi, ,;]\!!:! 1%I.1i.I, yo ,con~_iI!re ,a, ~ , ,1VIl" l!iBJI:: lJHg~r~, ,,~

~' ~ ' " it ,oL.~, , .. ..,._.pmten ' , , i'i':-l 7~,'~ ",_~'L_ : ~ '!iii' ~""II : 0;0; , :fi_, ,~.' .. ",' '1"· 1. , ~"" o;o;pente ' . ,iL_

.. _ ~_u.Jo W'I: !b.U'IW.I .-. _ _ _- _ .. ~... ~ . UI! !Ir.~ u II~ -.0&1. !!l.u." ~ . .. ... 'Mil! IIIII!-. _ r __ .• ~

- . . . . . ,

~r' 1m!:', ,QituP_j' ,~ :~ ~dJ ~I ~ :~ ,\~ w,o.d;, :~ ij:'~iil ~.~ &m ~~

;ill._. 'followmJ· "": -.". ........._ •• ~fI jill...._, 'pen. .' ir;. ., .. '!'e

!IIiIIC. _ _ .. , .... ~ ... !IAII~ ~ ~ . __ ..... _.;.: _....l

. . [ .

~ Pi:QduClloa n,te

~ NUfi')ki' 'Q't hoi ~~II.U~, 'm, :ifiMt ~ I~, 'Df ,~500 ~l

• UM ,efflfJ",~

• Cb,u, "if "'d: ~~"

t,,, 1t.:20 stai1Ga ~ :11D.e has ,ID qrlt' 'ilme '1, - 1.2~ :n:I1DUIeI. 'TIbt. pM'ba'~' of tt&Il'oo ~ :pef I~ ,iI eq-ua1 ,tw' ,.n ,RtMinoi!! ,~, p !III! ltOOS: 1ne!li~, pel' qde" LDle :avenge down, 'time' per ~. :Ii ,9, mtmil:ei. rial' ed of' ~ 'upper hOUDd, ,:ad low! 1" &oun.d ap~:I' de~'.

'. li.feq,wt.D~' lor'tI1t:, lln.e IblI,('JI

,~ A~l ~tii:ill :~~ nte ,j, '~D.q'.

,.. 1'hc.~' lilt dcinH iIh.e pl':eR_n.ce :~la:do~, ,Dd, e1tmeutll !tImMi :1'00' .. D;eW' ~, ~~y:.

JElintualo' :r" ,(M~) II
,~ t.~ [~
:2 G.3 I,
,3 'll8
,4, 'OIl:
15 ,0, . .1
6 '~l6
l'i I~l.~
8 :[LS:
9 aa 1 :I :2 :2 ;3

>t 5; s., ,5

"~, ,8: 6'0 :91





:2. .A..,; ...... ·" ~ di: (" L": ~iI.i. ....... .,;I;~j!j:....-~ '1.IIlI'n"" ...iIJ#' .. j, .' · .... ·-·.:II~l .-..t' '1.,=<._ 'L._'I_~."C';... - 'If'!i;~""""""";'''''' 10''''"",

-"' ~ 'WQ~ ..... C'~me --e' ~_iI!ren ... mc~ PI, ,IIJU!: ~~K" ,~~.~ ~

:num"ber m:~ H)q,~i *ndJ the' '~amlml ~ dfl~. ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al




'~: ~ ~.Ql;iI :medtocD URd !in m~' m, ,BCCGmplilib, 'the ~'Illy' proem: amil are

cb:nI.6ed, u::

L :MlnuaJ m.gJe ~ ,a.ue:m'bly ,2. ,J\utomlt8Cl _u:m'bly :~

I" :Ma.m.ud ,aaem'bly Me:

L, MaD'lIl1 ~SIqI. Ibtio:n, AJrM:m:b1y~ ~ :Ilatlog ,~t.s ~':~ 'w~c 10, 'Wbitib uaemblY' wedt ~:~ 'MoompUaled u, Ct...: ~ ,or ,~b ~bl" i!i' ~, :p~Utt. 1'1lIa mdhod, :IJ .~, lOB ., :p~ 'Wbk,h, :It, ,oompI~, I.Dd wlddb ~ prod.Uced m, :1Q"Cii~~ qt, .. t:lt!i~,

~: ,MadUile ~ air ~I ddp 'lndlf1in,s", pr,ototype: lIIocle'~ lid Wp ,~ex

iiibape eam.pomema., ••

:2 .. ,htemided, ,Aiftmhl,' Lia,u", ~h maket: U:IC: of' a.1.LtOmateil :m~dI, (ro'llxu:a:) :11, 'Ihe

'w"'o.tatf~DI, mtha: than the :&""'8Jl1 bein.p, .

3~ Maull AHemblf J'ADe. Man~ ~m'bJY' !li.Qes ~Qn'!ig of ~'~ 'w~ Ln Rlc'h. 'the ,aa.amhly wmk b ,aecc~, :iU 'IDe product ,(Riil" u.emb:ly]l li :paaed &em liatblilil ~ :rtatI.w, aliq' ,~ lm~, A't 'each 'W;~g, <me' ~r ~: hunnm 'wnrke~ pnf~ ~, poriI.oD, of llhe: toW, uaemb1f WOD:, H, tbe :~ 'b,,. ,~ ~e ti imDte: ~.eltib; t'O the ,e:~' :ulb ~., 'When, 'the ~ ~. of the :fiiDlll~ thel 'watt, :bu beem, eom,pletttL

1"h.fs 'type ,01 iaaemhlJ' :bu Uie: u;ed, in b1ih. :p~on IliwatfoIg 'Wb.ere 'WOJi, m be ~iiiDed ,em be di¥id,ed iilt.o, RltiID fIOl l{wOI'i, l1emem) lAd, _. 'to ,~ '~ Gil 'ihe!' -nre main ,act~ of't:bb: '!me II !~ of ~l 'by ~',each ,~~;W, ~t~ ~,~ ~ :do,'~:~,!he:~b~omu, ,a :spe*D1'-tb~: ta.41

Copy rig hted m ateri al

.... ,'1

'I&e. ~ ue; lb. ~ of the· rfiom_m~tI_ODji tMt, (;I'll 'M QP11ed to ~I~

~taI UHmb:Iy:.

~. ~t!1 die ~t. mmemhlf nquired. ~. 'UR~ modUkt .dHI·p.

~ Eted.loot!! h~ mmlW of Wienen: R:q,WHd .

Ii 'l!li1_.;II...~" 0iL-, : ." ..,1 &0:.' '"\.'I~·ft·II_,. ,m," - , - ......... 'L._, 'L_=~, ...... 1- ',-',,',

~~el i!'W!:I, ~u, '--'-~ D.lw"'"¥!,ICi oo __!'ll!l !!;!,;!' ~ ~.e~ _. ,onu.

i· lAlnH, the ~uJred. ·tlHC~i of i~, ''': ~~ htlb I~ 'lnl~

'. ~~c!~dIty."


'lPV'B1!!. ~ ,.,I'~l.'iE, Pi; •• SI!! .. B:II'V' 'U'Ii.:II!!!· III 1 rlW w;r; "",llll'~ IIii!' ,~ .~!IP"i1i I·. "III,

:1,., [~Wi ~f·.~.

2~. :~l kaDrlet ~, a ~OUlI~~; c4. Sld~ ~ :p_, ~

- By' 'tb&. :p'~ ,o:~~, ~ihey' ,iaR: :1; mmJ '1iypC~,~ mliebtne

2. ~: ;umD'l~t,' macibb:u!·

3. Oar:ouui, aaembly :I)*m.

,. S4qie Itation ,~ macl1me

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~;[. .... __ -.. ~ jujI,,",-.~ •.•.

~!IiI!J ~.r,~ I ~ ~I mur.rvi,Uli.WrlI'Of

DAi:I:'"Ij C\-EE-rullJ~, ft-EiUI~.'E··S' rPIi~ I ri " :..,.nrU !III, ·:· .. ·I~l _',_ :



. .





~,Inid [~

:r:i,., 4~2 :rtkme:nil o:f pam :~' dI!,~

,Happer: H~ :11, :iI ~er ,mm ,Which tie parD BEe lQailed! to dJ.e~ ~ :in aD bulk ,it,,,~ Pub ,are Zi1Uidfl'l:Dly' oriented tmdiidly' :bi, d'ie' :~.,

'Pam, fM.dlr:' :It 11 :medl.ulJm tmd, re:nlDVU lie' comp~, :i'om tbe 1lI~ mM M ii, 'Hm.c' foI ,deUV'eIY' 'W the asJem:wy 'woik :he;ul,

C" ... 'I""' ........ -. T)j;, ~... .i.-coli"",,' ,",i._i,· .. It. ... .~... ·~'l'ttlnilll' __ 'i~" ....... ' &_o. . ., iI'o..;. ,"'I... '.' ,..4, !';J~,r .. .II~ !Ia! a !Io:iII1!:''!!'",,!~ Ig~ acl!l'l!i U ii, ,WAUl' p .... ''*"~ ""nllJ ,PQ"':'~1 IgJ_uu. UllI!! !L·Ul I~_le' mM,,"~

·~ ... - .... II.IOD ;1;- p"_ &PZ'U!'nJ.., 1il1.,~_ 'UiJl'L~I_'1l.. ......... t\l- n~"'k. ... ..iie·..;..+,..J1 _ ...... :t-...~~ '1:..", ... '1.., ,~ ~~

~,iII-~"""-~ 1 ~ _: . ...a ~~.J ~j"'WI! .. ~~Ii'[.;_~J ~~ .. l~ ,t--~·~t .... 'iJj,fI}.,· vIII. ~ ... _ ..... ~ i ~ ~1~~f~J ~!IMi." DJI.~ lllU:1


:Fetdl, ~;.A. :(ftd,~, b: URd 't~ 'tJ:anmr tbe ool!ll~ntl ~ the ~ ,::mel, pam feeder in l!he i~D, or the' usem'Mf' WOII):, :bead~ ~ p~ nrienatlDR IDf"the pam: d~lIe~r,

",emellt Ilt' PJ~nJfeiQ!t De'¥',b: LThe :~ Ule~ ~ tbe~ 'e$Gl'femem, ,dem :h!i to umove 'Q~; :f[-om, ~ f=d, ~ M ,th!!')i line! ~~., ''lli,e~ :~.mat1; ~,Ot,

,~!~~ m, iI!b ~~t locating, at 'Ilhe 'WQJ\btai~i Wf' dlc' ,assem¥y op~~a in, the:

Copy rig hted m ateri al

jlc. ...... ,J' jj,",~~ S'""'"*- :51'

[~~r......".-.,,.'!tII!~_r..1! .. ,-:'


,AGV' D ii, HideruI :haadllng ~tem dilat, me! ~e:mly' ~~ HI:tp,F~!iled

'. v,ehicles SLlidedJ alOB;! dcio,ed ~~\"

Batteria ~:r d:u~ie v.:dik:ta, by 24, V ,or 48 V,,, 'The 'Htterl~ ,~ns: :is done 'by' Om.e of: 'thei two tftltudq~UHi'

'FulII eycl ~'

, I " "_~~'.';iIo ,',' - ,,~, ~,~,

iii [ -. I,' J . '~' r -:_.I!'r.~ ... ~ ': _"':' ':.,

,AIGV' ,em :be ,dMded low] the foU~g three ,catepries. 1.,:Drl~'~

:2~, AGV' Met ~

,3~, Unit '[Hd ~

.~--.~V-------~.l~ ~g!f!t,




~~~-- ....... -_: ~:'fram!

~~--,==~,~- - [~'~



I'~r~ "1.1 A~~~d Gui~d 'V[c~:t

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:i" Ddverleg "Ihdn,. U. [oo~b:b; of ;11. 'to_g ~hkJtl that pull;,. 'Ojii~ 0.1" DlQIe ~len ~ form a train 3.1, ~o:wn m iA""·'Ii'e ,iI·:3( '''lihis: rune· 11 :a.r:lifd1cab1:e' 'im ,_.~iIiIl!I!' ilte.vv 'n:.v lQads a·Wi"

'_- .. ... ..... ~ ....... ' .. ' .•. _ ,II . ~:J[F·· . ........r.r-- -_- -_., '. . .'I'!.~~,. - .i··l~: [f".~:l' '_ .. ~ ~. c::.~

1u·. (;I_etan.£e~ m. wuehouiU!!S ,or faclOFie!1 Witlli. or Wi~t mteml~dI_ 'pi¢lu,p, .. d d:rQcp ,off'

'p..;i:"1'i;" ,_:iO·1lIi1l' .;I,'i.. ... ' ........ "._.. 'ii"~ ~"1'.ni ...... ['!1<f~' :i!i:"""", ;10, ..... ~~.,.. ","--;ilie·_; <Ii.,.. _j] !i!-, :"'l1l1I, ,efIi:""~]"'lI1Iif ~""'·"!'~!fri·o:n··· fti'...i::e .....

,~tI-.lU.1IIl! .. - _...." Ui'!u, "JU!lll~IJ .H IU.I~ ~, ,iiU,~'~ ~ 'IP.G_I.'II UJIU __ 1141 .....:;.JU Y. .. III . _ ",....~ .. lll.ldl.l.~r - " I ''','li;II'IL _u.L:IJ

2:.. AGV hUiet. ThJt;k :~ ~, an!~ .~ 'to, ~ ~alJ.etiud :b:t!8m, allng :pre~ed nunes. The ca;,a.dty oJ an AG"V :pd~ ~'k: :rang~: up 'k;[ ~,~, ·tho~d! :kMQ~ ra;,q;d

, ...... _"'" .. II:';<> ir';"I'p,··.,'i..:I·e .... iI' i..~ ... dImg ... " .. ' ~'",A ,p_.lil_ .... ID.'I.!.I_UL~ iI::I.III'~ [!bD ·.D c' u.1l. ,B-.a.!.lc - I 1 .... ft"!I.JI. ~ilJI.C~ ..

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - - ~ ~ - ~-: 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - -~ - - ~ ~- . ...::.... - ~ I 1 ~ -~~ ~ ~-

1'1 ;aL., ...... i... •. _.,._ . .J ,it'"" ... , ..... ~l~~ ..... A'.iI'A ..... ~~ .... ~ ..... iIi _,1. ~~--._j\... ...... _,_,'L._ . .., ... .;1 .. ·b· .. :t· OJ • ....,· 1_" • ~~~ ,,~~ !p',~~, '~·!P.·~~~~~"~l ~l ,~l~~ __ ~ ~~ ~_~, ,~~_~ I~_g, ~~'~_~~>T~'~~'


'" .It .HI, .in~iv,ed, .m [!he! mQ¥ement. of ~! ~~t!ie.s [M .~. ove:r' :wF' ~\" ,~ :bJ, JtQ~g ;:md. dhtn.b~~m:,

,~ 11D, U5eliD~ly be ~lh:iid:iam.,

,~ :m o:m:c~i maUl ,d~~.'-!1'efY ~ Ml.p1talI. 'materbil;l~ort.

AGV . .. .Automated. Gul~. 'V·'ehid~:"

.Jut ,AGV i:i, !II, eam.putef~Db"aDed ~ bmdliag ~m eom.pfW:n:g· of ~t!:pffimm;·~. self~p~ "''e'~, [~d.ri1v,eri~ \!'.ehI de $]1 plded il:loq: dehed paihlW'aYS" :2:4V' Qr' .4BV :0..«;:. lnd~~ 'bat~~· ~·~y' Pl·wer- .AJGV'S.

l1UIU: .. miter)" iC;'ha!rgblg b: d~ by' ollie of ·two· 1de(:·~niq.ue5:

~ 'O"portll:altr Q.a·rflnI~ In\!'~:1V,~ tboe ·ktkdes· belQ,g' ·charged while ·th~ \!\~htd-e :b:I; rrfumDog or: ~ to ~, .a wk.,

oj PWlJ. Cycle' Cb*rllMg,. n~ :lnVQ1~!!i' '1i1e1 if.[GV· 'g .pu[l. :1te:1f' ~ of :lnm' ·a des1pa~d. dlut~gb18' ·u~.

Fili_~iilliii'li. _. ....... .:II;,t'!:·u, 'IHi F;M·S··: 'I ... ·... [ft!.r'" [.,~ ,iIl..- .. ~_, aUI·li1.lio.i"" [In l~iIIIA~iIi' .. l!W! .. ~UVI;ICII lUll a_ll!l~ ft.,., •.. II~l .. 1 ..... · _IlNl ¥',UII ~~I.~-" !I"'-'I~ll~ "_'~'_'_"~ ~~J" .~!II! "W. ...

AG,y~S ,:ed~ ~.ety r~f :fUQdi~tQ m :Dexfble! [Qiill ,and ~m. eo:fi$im. H

~ 'FnIoJ1.1pori!ina· p:ms .. '~H'b, aid fixmei m ;and. :bm dlIe :Pll~ ·qu.emn,g amd bWld,


~ lDelivenng B,&.I: :to d),i!!! Qt:1l ,ot ~tem,

~ 'F~po~' '6nlllii'bed pazh &om '~f!~ ;~m 'W' ;assembly .eas

• DeEivtlmwg 'p~~, [rooiJ ·~d btUR~ to· ami ~ ;u. ·g.1cmlatl..c .tromp' ~ Httie,vaJ. ~.~cm (MRS,)

~. "f~po~' !C' QQn~

~ A'J)I~ma:~y :ra.ti~ and low~' ~t:I [w[ ~tratlo~. ,pcidHOlU ~ :Pf~:e~ :f~F loajLo,g :and 'lmiIo~'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

The safety :f~iailme:!l! aY~labJle an A'G~S M'~i

~ - I{ -!leI tim Ba,s'b ~

• y.' - 'U~-" '-",-·i·~ -- I ~1inl.,t ,;~,c-~~ ;>i; .... -!I .:; ... .io\. ,~~,j, "" ... d ~:- .~ . o:f' ,", ,: ~; .. st : ; ~iIi' : '-,- ~ ... ~ wi ,;0;"1"

... ' ~_OW ~a~.Q.IlIi .• ,u' ,moun.....::U (]I"'I, !UiL-'!<;; ,I_iii Vcl~, ----"!= Ip;!~;",_~ . ~_ ~ 'Ii;.'<U,". 'Ii. ,IIi;.. ~~ _ ,";iIOl,

ilhe ~, Ft, fce~df 100' H1(JY--e,

~ Ajjd~Me, mlmti,Fl~-pikib. ~d ~:ustab~e 'Wanllo,g 19~"

~ Sdety breO'iS on llib, :dd\!\e 'whe,el tba:t is :w~mjilitii.caly' ~d. when 'l1!1~' :p~r !1;, ,off.

~, 'II"_'___" . - ,"', -: c~': - _', b" ,- iI;Io ....... ~: ,-, ,~ '~~7'1f-~'41--'f ,.rn,ii!!' v:~ihlcllll!~

,~e:rgenc:r atop liIu.uu-3!M1, e;a~I, ~:I--~e< Q~ -~~--~-~~~. l

.' '~"l""' ,; '.' -~~ . '~jj!i~iIJ" ,..""t) -Iv' 'b-'~ - : ~ -,;' ~. "~! - C,- -~- .~ ---..,'1;-1 ,-·-iil ,~ .. '~ ... "·~'I:-'~I,,,'I"'i' t+ ..... :"""'_p the ,carl, WheD

.:iII.I~,~"""",,~ ~e":1 ,-)_nIl,-e~ '!;ltD, ieillCJll! I[;;u,illIi v], UiL""'I'",O J! .. _ J!j!, IW@, ;:!II!V _. ~ . _ ~_~' - -,

~d ~ntl\d iand, bumper' oompE\ess:ion ar-.e :~'.

~ 'Operal:o.i" oontr,GiIe.r' ,mkhes: 'e're.~e:r;e",

~ :Battmy]aw :power :messag,e: dbplay and ~- f,iil~~ 'ih~ ~OP!Iputer.' dhpby' ScreeR. j :EnclQlUres 'le prated el~troi1l!i.c ,~Uil~, ~, cihJpl~ tlilttlmg' tQob :aod con~lm.

- - - Ji.L __ .a, '!l_ .!L-!I path

~ W~':~ ,: - ,-, ~- ~,.dI 'b~~_'If--- h,- .. -'II'~;11 """'fi, tholij ui3:d~d.e, .of IIj]re, ,cut, ~, ilEieep: iLilJe tm1y.e--: ,--, .' .

. ,.,en BIiIi.u u~.e!S ~I.!:Q! 1!o!'~_1;,' '~-----~'~~~-~ .~~. - ~- . . ",_ .. 0'- . '~,.-

Dee or dild, MId cbl,p~,

Tu -" -, ._. 1IiiII.i'"I~I.;;I-"~-- ·S-~-tem·· A' ',""- "III· · ... 1\61 ib..-r .GV

."lpeli UII UIllN.nee ,. 1:1 , :'i11.r';!UQ !I!Ii.!P-~ >~ :__.~

Th,e' 'cillf£ef,tm.t 1ty-pH of ~@ rs,t~te_; :aiY,:l1iIaJhle fG:r AGV ar-,e: ~ JmUd~

~' ~.,'_.i:="_-_..:I:II 'ItJb-; lii','U -~ ":.-J.d' A;Ii"',I~j,V, :.: l~'IIIU_I_~ .W_l'e ,~~W~. ~ ~v _

j, IDead :rdonm,g

.' I·O·~··. ,t:I~

.. f.L_~_.

t 'lri~~w1"Qn ~~d

~ l'o.ertiu

~ m~mc: ,aad l~et :~__g

Buded '~~ 1'l¢s burl~, \Y'kes, ,atre: used. Q ,a, ,Q.etwod: .. 'There: 'wires are Imanpd. :m th.~

,tt~ ;," '~f--;',,~ -""-.'1 ~"", ~l~~ ~" ,-.""'"~I-·-,'b ~l~--::--:--:'"~- ,,," ,d.iSi-£,~t ~'!I""tIiUi wMch ,Ci1:1!Ii 'ibd: :ensed bv'

,1I!i1!HB, Q cDmlu~x. ~'!ll!'Op!5! ~N i!:.!iKJiI iL-illIQ,P i!:~-e!!il Q. __ ~'!iU.\,!~~ "_"~"'I'B""_~ ~, ~, . ~ __ ~_~~.~_' . _ '. . .. '!

'f«-el~ om ~ooW'd ~e' ¥,j,'-bicle", ,Di:.rd~m~:f,:: It :hn~t 1~!li!Jjy ~@1 ,add or'~ pa'lfhs (!lela-liVe to :Don,;w:(re '~~que:!l!.

P.ted liDs pld,ed A;GV'; It :~, ~lm!dw; to wife: gujde:d b:u.t the' path, ~~ i~ ~__t-ed, '~' inv:idb:le~ble: BUoR:K:emt, dye,;, :~l hi Ie-MY m ,~ pMh ~' d:~i 101v¢nI, F&o'tn :muQt$ a1'1'e '~, 00 d~ct t'h~ 'pa.t1ru .rm' the ,AGV'. Pamted line pded path b: not, S!wtaJble :fo:r :beiiwy enpee~"

Dead, :~DbJ.g!: ''Ib.U w 'used. :m, eOIij!ILI~!Ii, wd, 'bufiitcl WJm~. It wee! 1~a1 c:g~oom 'lim ~~ ,~ 'w.~,,~b 19 me.~~' .1lI~~1 ~i'itn., :0" ~e 'wheel ~Ba ,aRi ~ on both wn,etds, die ve'illele~ mG¥eSi Ifi iJ~ght li~,e'., It :i!i rused :for: !i'boot ~CN ~aUle' 'wh~] :!lillA?ai:e ~ I~WU~ polld~ I~l~.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Opl,clih: ~ I~i pa:1.b, th@ mtrav:Jol@t ~nsjiv,e '1a~ ~ 'med., Ve~~ ~"~:bJS must, havel:m.ore mteU'fgent board ,e9Rb'o1, ~m whlcl}, 'wes prepr;o~.ed :map" ,~~, ~~ ~od~ :facil~l:1~ Tb!!S~ iIU"@ ¢asy' to i~ e00M~am :;md, pdde' pathI ,cn be ~bampd..,

'~UoD;~ TD,au~hn b1 '~d 'to' d~~~' PMltI~ 0'( '~~lt fit~, to 'Ou::ec 0:1" m~ ~flft'~ct IQu:roCS p!Ja~ aM .... , ,frn!:taD!lir@t!l.,

:b:edLah ''Fbe AGV' ~ o,ptl~, '~D~ to dietennine' ,~~ :poSlU~ when 'Qolo:l?lfed 'with ,g mte~, pre~~~d :ma", ,An on hard' :!:~!iI: iat¢elera.ti.o.m, dU't!, 'w, .'*'tWn, &mm a jhj~glt MIt

'dn~dlive ~~ ~1~Jetkm~ ~ or:~ ,mal~b'Ie"~, b d~d' ed' - ft'

. - ~ - - - -' .' - - -

... "." ," . :, '·,,1· ,. ' ".--_

I em _if: ... .m" ~_I'",

~ ~ ~ed

,', " i ') -·1

Wire ,gWdJ -." .

:~ He:l: am, 00, 'board m.b:-r-a,pr«es50f' 'to, steer v"ll!'b:lcl~[ em, a pupr~:


,: pafi;,

T;"',rk.,., ,O;',...~., lll_Wfal ~~U

III l-!M'e:f ",afui~ '~ :m.(umte~, 'bar: 'Qoded reOe~~g. T~ known df&., ~i!:', aad ~"of:'~ I~e'~, the '~IiYJ ha",~,

Ru]w :~ :read, Md, tIiad, ~ ftmm"eseeJW ~!: :patn.ted

n---;' iI\"ri\P."',~ n,','"," ~-_"'i'i;~ii;", ;o;;r ,t'iiIi,TTi"'j,~~ iiI ... ~_, _A._ .-;.·)l"~iiji, .... ""'~,-'" '~~:,~ - ......,., ~_'"'"

vI! ~.r'''E.y ¥~_.l "Ir.Y"l._"~II!r""rr.1 ¥Ill "Ir.~.r-I§''''~ 1.ljVIYi.I~ In !!r.iI.~." !'!r.Hi,. ... ;W III_~I.R m

-, ~ •• ~.' __ ... !I'o.o;~,_._ ,;;'1...... . .,;;'i..

~q,~n~ J:li :1oL~~ '!!IJ.~' pa'!i-Y'

T ~_~'"'"~ pi' .r . .;!I_~ p,db'_' ,,_j -, iby'" ,- ~_: ,-, - ',' 'L -.' '~-' ,~.", _ .. - ,~,o '~"I ,~p.,...~-~. ,~-. ~ - :~. - ~~,I.~I~II .. , I.

~~;:~._.I~' ,._~ __ ':".: __ . . _~. !':"'_ ~,~ H :"Il-Y " ~ __ ., va_~

[ •• ' [,' • • ,'[.... • •• ' I

:UI moved ,1iI~ the deme~ ~Oti.te'.

''I'hfg, :ilI1:1 ~ ,RVf)rali, _flen1 AGV ~Qe SJ,m~ '",hkb are' ~iyaibJbl~'., ,klt-dlO'g, b: ;~' ~ent 'upon. appticatig" ,~(!Ol, gJ! ;D~ed;,

A!GV' CU' !be UMd :ID, I), '~t:v' eE' .pn~on :~ hm, ~ mam.~' :5hops

b), deu, m(nD, anembly lenwrieltnH~m:..

Dey ,offer' t5eRf'IiI, ~tqH 'OV,ft! :liullii.dfiq~ wclu.dlq_j.

lII' ~!' 'ku'k~q: and :MQ~8

~, :Iette.t :r-aQulee 'l1Id~,

'" '~'=~ .. ti-d': ,;o,;;o..-ro;lIir!l'~1 .-.::_:-;' ~"'i:"'7'~'I, [l.1b"_.I!'!r.!WI!·~. _, ~'i.iM:""'''r~ v-"!I"!'!r.1 tli:H~L~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ Reduced :Pf-HlKt d~

,t . R.outiq" co~m,qr ,aud ImbilUJ

,~ Hlgh iloeatiD:(i, m '~tlJ,I~~ ~~~

,~ Ope:tatku;ud :f~lla!bru.", :m, ~IU and, speclaJ eo,lri:ro:mnent

,~ Im,prerY'H, coo aa'¢J]n;g .I~~ Rm.oU.'ons in, :O~f: :iSpiWej 'Wfillk, :w prooen and IdIr«t 'bihar.

1bfi typkaIJ ,A!GV pld\t 'path Wd [nt, ln :fMS maHer :plan :Ii, as :ib~ in, ftgwe 4,4'"



. ',' - ~' ..

. .


. , .

C ~-.-.)




[j 1---.....;: .. "'.,.. ,N/,N' )_---~~,


,r-I n
II ,
il I :1 I~ III
.u I
.. [I
~ I ,hGV' pdM ~, mUll. b~ bid (Uill M pad, oJ tbe PM'S ~ :pbtrt,. Gul'de patIU ~ typlca1iy a 'C0m'tH'~d, ~: [of :Io~ ,3.l1d 1.0, he se,gmenU j;omd 'the IHfii: :iU i!iib.O'WB :iiibov·e.

'Guide' pill!lu: ,mUll be' wide! enoqil, :rof' dle AGV m worl, 'their' '..-y ~ dle S)'!teJil, w:lIhaUI 'amy mleri'~DCe: be~ ,c~ thftr 1,a¥WU, ad '0 thf! f' ~mpmengt

,Adv«rrtaa-, 0'1' ,*GV~I 'OYer CO li'liverd'o 11'1'1 I rna_filii hanellllltO I,ptem

~ 'f1'U'~I'Ii"'iI'""""j' .... -,,," ~ ... \.,~n", ~_,.1 ,_ ... -..1~-...ii-i17 W'I' .11 __ , ..... :d' jIOj....... . ...... m'ft.~- __ ,--'I .. v.~UiI,r-.~IUI~~I, ~Mi~, iiiInU ,Lu.uc~~lel .. ' nw. ~,~.~ .~. ;~c~' ~~=r'~~~' ~~w

• B~ l¢I~i!:' 'QH!JIufioIll,

'. ~a.uuil, anh'ol O~!r' maJ.-efill, :lltD¥f and :~m-ent

Copy rig hted m ateri al

;j! D'.,i\ ~:_,. c :-:r~~~ ct: :41~'I:"""Rai~! ....... d' ~, ... Ui, ,...,. ... ,j",-;d-'il ' ......... ~Il":',~t '1lIi~

nlfluilLlCeu prjjlluue ~~I~e au , !Ii'Ii'!iIQI .I.'.RO!I!!;UW ,"'I!!o!I'!I""'!I'~~!L =',,'L __

" Rolling' Consht:e:DCY but :11:e:xfuiliity

F. O,p~,raUQPail :rftlia!~' :ID, b:zatriIom ,md special ,e~eDiii

;, Abillty 'l~, ml~aQe ' 'vario~91 ~P~p'heml, ~te.m$i 51L1C'b, u :mac'hl~le' m. ,rl~ls; and 'iUOin.VeyM :syst:e:~,

.. lli¢fe~ droo:!i!gn-J~l 'bt,~'U$~ Iyf:' d~ble ~Il,.:ttme: d.ehell],1'

!o Full ,electdeaJ power ~~ and] d~ modNdar.fty' ,fOr ~: ,c;tf f:rQbl~m d!a:~oaQ' iil1nd :m.dnt'enance

;. High locatiOc]ll Blld :pDSdi.tntdiDg' a«!umtf'

;. Im,p:ro¥€d e'Ost sa .. dn-oqp, :H!d.u~tlom, :is, :000(' ,~~~ w~lk ~ puu;~" ad db:cct l\a!b e:,Uif'

AILI-f'O'M.A"r~ED'1 '~"II"AI-::::'D-,A'~I~E: A~rN'~n DII::'T11-R~I--E~u,·'L l'iUS'TE' 1M]

.. r ' 1 ." • _I _.". [!iii] I. ~u~ ,r,"·' III.! Ij\~ II f.: [-',ItPi_" ", )·f .. : .... ~ ..

'0' 8mrage :sDctil.f,e

'I' Swrapf reUiev,iiil :mac'bim:e:, ~ ,Sto:~ mOO~~!ii

~, :Pit'k up and - d1epmlt atafiimu, ~, ~'~ '~el' ltain

~, $h:lm,g' ;datI.o:os

~, fUlJe~ btn, d~~efit'Q:rs; .s~,~~ ,~I'W(-lJU''i. Storate ;drw;ture, is the :rad; ~ew'~ 'made ,of :.bri~d ;dee'~

""';~-\l ri~nn'l1l'-, ,..t.. .. ~ .]0:0:.1-'1 1 .... .J'fIIi.tai.m .. -'I 10°: ,A~~~~, ".l!.IU;J~ Q!1.III~·r-!U!-.IJ!L';I ·w.... -IWIU.!Lr.V" _ _ ~UI "'ii¥,~1iiJl"1

'lite: '~, :~f-e 1I1t\Uti po~ :wm~w :m~, ,Md'dily that II dMm'~t, ~et,;J1gmlfI.c~tly' d'U@~ t~ lQad!, m, rsl~'",

Th.e! '1ndiv:kl1aai soo:t,age! co:m,utme:mts m the strucWes: mrnst he'',gned, m :~; :moG! !!IbId ~' :DlOdul~ 'ued, ~ co:mtam :m~"

11u::' :racli;:, ~Wl!Iclui;e$ may aho be 11Jed ,~ $~It, 'the 'fOOf' ,and, sjdiu,g' of' lie, bd~ m 'w.hlQIt ASjRS !

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,~ Auem&ly' S)tmm, 6.); The~ ~tG:mp: sm~ltl.'u1re' ~ ro s~,port ~ .'[e, hfw m~dJ lin dp, the ~ ~ms~th P!~t. t~ ;sto~ ~:QIn~~ of '~U1!~ ASJItS."

,Sl~f/B'M~1 ,M4i:;It~, 'Th~ :stR m!!iclmt1!ii!!l' 21rEi' used '~~ a.cmmlp&'b. mrap tra.nsat1io~ dfiheRng' 10. '&om ~ll!U!i: !input :stati'am, ifW(J; dle nurage i.~, :f~e:YIl'Ii: loaib hm ~~ and d~h~~' thtm Ito, 'th.¢i output; illtaili1~, To :pe:do.lm 'Ih~:tiie ,~ati~ the SjB. ;mJc: ;O'Ullst be

~,\e of :btnwn.mJ and 've.f~ical RG¥el W dip, f~; ~a.p

ii' Clr;pablle of 'F'~um the liDad tq;fi'om, me [d~ ~Ittmot

Tmu ~ ,aooomplb,h, ~~ des.trOO :mQ.thm ,~d' the SjIl mwhiBei, Itree dlive ~m ,au:

-n""~'__d ~1~''ir~;!1!:1·91

.' H~atail, mO'1~mg~ ~'iu~ m~ ~, V el!ti.~, mov'.e'JilU:m; of' the ca.rriage

j SbWd~ '~er. bJw ~ and ,Ii, s~~ Dlm;UIlmen.b,

S~ M:gd~kJ~ 'lbeR ~' '~~£[$ ~f ~@1"ed, ng~ ~lY:de ~, ~eel ~, 'balk@~ and ,eon~n. ~e' ,m~dm~:s, ,~ m!lde u_p ~f' b~ ~e '~t CaQ, be' :~ed IU;iwlfjuili~Y' 'by the ~ is'huWe ,(I./5jR ma.clruine.

Thee ltandard mel, are i:UsO desi,ped to fit; in ,Illte, ;sto.rase co~el!lb, ~d! the r,D, ,~tu.t:e.

Pid;tlJj ~ drpd: JI~rm.

,j ,"F'i.,_ 'il __ ,~l_, ~ .... , __ ,",;I:'~_,.iIi .,,....JfTl........ ~'L,.. ., '~m''Ili: ~.~ ,~~ ,~~ ~~~~~:~o~~, ~.~l~~~ m~ .~~.~;~"


,j ~1!I.e~y :I!ocat~,d, ~t 'the; '~lld, Qf'tb:t\ abIes [or. ;~t~~U ~Y' the SIR 'maehia~s.

'.. It 11 ~~ ,such that u :1.$ com;p~Ubl~' wttb 'both ,SjR, 'm'a~(J~ :gutt1t'! and ~~, ,Iluuuillng ~~.

~ Oo:mm.rm m.eIih'Ocbi; to handle low to thtl p'mdl :0 !talon mdllldic ;manmliJ IGadV' 'wdoa;d" :fcddlft ~,' ,~~,~'YO(' and AG.v~s'"

~~'Jiiji!.- i!J"'.",.(~, ,n .. ,,!,~, I'~' i1.] "' .... d ...... 'm' ......... glQ ~.~ ... 'I!..~""" .. , ~'- .. ,~ ... !,\.L,', ' ...... ...;1 ,t:...="'L ik' .. ,Jlli:,'·~c , .. .t ... 1, ... .., ~ ... '_pc --':ann

n~u JI:~~._~J'[~ •. ~,~.,~, _[~ ~ l~~.___; ~w ~-=-Igr.!W!f;;J ~~~ ~_W_l-"!;, l~ [!IM_~IU, ILlIl.!lJl-U_1l lWJ''!!' -.m: ~ l!IV ,. !!!_l~J. 1 _ I

~~ i~f) ud; :(~~ fimui,Qo. .

,FAll/E.}, Un: Dttt:tfou. 1nese iue~ ' by SJIl ma~ to d~~ the pn::lm,~: Of .~: ,of ;~, load, m a, ,gt¥m Itc~' ~Qm,aHmmt.

:llIRd Oll!; o,pu.c.l RII'Ior :Ii; tb ,d.e~~M,

A Kbe:~ b_d, em, iil.lpbulDerk lC~~; ill Uled. Attet: the CUlfipletiOO ,Qf ~~~nJe" d!Ie' 'gftA.ctim Ij, :te¢:o.rdJed, mto- dJ,e~ :Iie:m, ]0!!:atI0JlIi :6Ie.

I~I« coruutb and :pm~ble !io,gi:c ~ontrQJlen ~ ~d, m ~,~ fequind, locdlol!l ia:md ~ .' ~ madh.'mti ~, ~ dMtlililIiH' Co~r' amtro~ permits the li~a1

:~~,~~f:,th~·~,··~~'~~~te~i~~~;~up~~·.W~Il~ Ptd, :f«Ofd,'k~~


B~-.n~., ~;c ,Jj'.;[I.I"'_'" , . "~/_ !I.. liIIiL:J:F,iRiJ!

~, ,Lnpmved :lD,Yell.fory :~em ~dI ~~I

;0, :&.ellalMe and :I:n'mtedia.te dtehry'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,~ Space dI1ide:mqr'

'~ SlmptiDed. In'd, fader iin'V,eDbJ.ry' 'fe:spcmu::

,~ :Redu~ l~t, Of' :miiplacec!l, pi;JD~, [ooO:~ at'id ~I ,~ :Red~ [:sibOW' aJllt,

" 'i'-" .. -ii- ... n' _ . .:1'''' ................ ' ~ ,~,!I!.~:~~~j. .. !!!!,~Qi~y~

.;;' :me.reued, potenliiail,

'", ft;,_,l~ •. _. ''''d' ~n , ...... ,~ _~ •• ~..1'., ~g~~.~_: ,~~I=F1 ~~Ii4I, ~~'J'!Ip.-~

w' ~\:'

_ _....__... -.11. ' [~-~-~[r:~'r

[;:::JI ,Ii












p ,n [0 iItaikInI Bo1Iiiim ,... L

:ric., ,'~5 '1,'0;' ,gd \lIce ~ of' ,IL umt had ~,


, ,.a,ilalD '~, ,1iI ..... IAIljliI!dI\,;,~ iiiIi','III', ~~ ",:r!l"!"'l' ~~ ~1t!'",,~I~Ct~1

'Tbe 'hportant. eate,sorlt:r5I; ,Gf' :Ilumma.ted ,itO~~ ~m 'CUI, !be ~. '[be fbllowiD8 :~ 'tbei pMt1,ple' 'tyiJm~'

.t r

'0' 'db'] d ASjRS' ,.. ,

'Ii [ ".;" ""''", .. ",'.': "'.'

.:..:..~I~~ .... ~_~_.:., ~,-.~. ~;.' _" .~.

'. ,Deep bne ASjU ,~ :Mfu.i, load, A.SJB8

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,~ :M8.n"OI!I~OIU'd. A.SJBS

,~ ,Ai'Womated, Uem, ~b1!evt;d ~~, ~ 'Vutled lift :irtoMP m.od.w~$

lJNt liHiJ ASIR$. n.e' lUlU l~ad ,ASjRS b; l~ ill, ~ (lOID,pu1e:r Oontrl~ automiliblid ~m deti,pedJ "to :liutcli\e 'unit I.oam: :muu [en paIl'et1.

The: tyrtem :II iOOmpwet [ceattOl!\ed] :and die :5fB. ~e:ll' ,are aummtied, and d\e:ti;gned to :bll!ldl.e, libe: unn :road 'Qon~~,

,ihf}·14u' ASI:R£ :n b ~gly ~Imit: Joad s~-p' :~m ibat, II 3i-PPJ~~' w~~, ~: q,,,ur_~1i~, of i!!~, ,al'le ~~ but thfA nwn~ of S~pMa!te' dQc'k ~i b ,~,e1~el:r lI!I~.

It ,1tOfe:ii: ten or more loads :m. I. i9~e mc'~ 'ORi:: behmd, die ,atber'. Each :r.u::l ;1$ desi,ped,

['Of: [~~~",~, Wilh lnpll1t. OD, eoe ~e aitu), ftJ/r [on 'l'Ite, Mhef~ sidle. ~

MffIU' lAiiI A'SIllS. ':nib :ml"llF ifdem ~, used 'm[ handle m:mdJj liGach 'b ,are ,ooruamed, m 'bblJ Ql' dra\Wfll :[g 'tM I~' ~ltm.

!le, ~ mK-h~ :I.: ~, ~ ~~~, [(be' 'bm gd [de'~·er' :It, ,tQ[ (I, :~fD ,~~ :I~ tbe emd, ,of 'dte aWe 10, 'b :iD.dividl.Wl HeIiQS cQi be wttbdra'Wl!l, ~ 'the bins. A Itp,lIman 'w·oike:r'

'11._1,..;11"" " ',~,' " " "', t'!'i---l 'IP'· ,,--;-.~ 'D':' _~,,"1lI1 ~ --;- _ ~-..!1 !iil,p"'!~'_!l! l~ ,_ g~,. ~ ~~L

Mall!";f.!Ilo!!.m,d MIll.'S~ 'It b :mo [called, m~~~i'll~ retHe¥a1 ~" :It ~!iienu

"" .. ,_I\i.._~~;1'.1~ annr----''''' ,i- .... ,0/1..,_ 'p, ...... '!il.,;L_~ , .... f:' ' ................ _ft .. ,1_.:III .. oiI!_.l.~_,l ,1"_;0; .r;..~ .............. r:-A!~ '~\L ~'Il~ ... '.u, illl.U~_II~~· .... , -T,',F-- 'L~ .u w..;;:~ 1:_I;~~, ~ __ . ~l~_~"~!'P..'~ ~¥~-~ ,Ui~, g;~~ ~~~'~~!! ,~, !IIU!~

,den g, l~~ m[ m.tteue ~tem, dntJagh. "ut.

~"."'_, ... ~l;o,";' ,fJ_ ,:I!Ii'""O!.aii'~~,~ ','l'Rj_.,- "jI'I'Ih-~~~, ~iI< .. -~ ~~. ~~~~~ .. ~ - ,~~.dI, ,1'-, - iI-..i'~---~ -.1"

n_vmII-I Ii rI' L*~\1'fl! ,,n~tUCi,,," '~rnfM" ,iI,~se :Iih ..... ~ ~~~~ ~ g_ ~~~_~~ ~U: ,I.~ r.e~I.~i!_W 011

m.dlYkllW. lUmJi 'ot ~ :Pf_U¢:t ~DS\i; the :ltmill an Ilmied 1m, Lmei :~:r dlim Wn.!i.

WheD am, u~ b: tre~ev-ed" It ~ p,U$h~ ,~, t~ lm'I,e' :Md ,&~; 'OBW' itt. ¢~ ;ro:r [delivay 'W dle :pl~ :~" fte~ alii~d 'item ~va!l, :~m pmnIb !htt~t~ul, m~;~cm.

'V'.tm~'d 11/1 ~'I- M~iel~, 1h~ al[i!i dao ~ 'vatkaillift :DIO.mued :M~b'ievd ~kmI, !lese ,1,f1e capalbl1e 'af U~~Dg luge Ul,venkay 'w:hik m~ 'va.:1wWLe m,ol" ~e 'm ttJ3e f~,.


:MM1, ,ap.P'~ of' ASj)I8 leclmulosy have '~D ,~, • wvdu;n~1q' gd,

~aDo,pe~.. ~

An ASJRS ~ .0' be' ,~. to ~, ;m¥!" m~all' ,andl work, m, ~pn:;ceiS lD m_~'.

~---- ann'I\IJ~,,:,,',- ... : ............ ' ","";, iIl.l-[,'---' '- ,..Ii\Li'Iin_I'Iiii,'h._d' E=--:. j;_~;g'!::i .I"~ '~.IFC~~ ~'W~l [~~ l~ ~~_.~_.}!Ir. .. _. lwf [~ ... ~.

1. Unl't load, :~11J and 'bandhng'

2. 0rdH pJckmg

'~ 'C'W'.'~~'i.., ,j'-~~., rai,nP!:I;;INIo nH'ti~"l""[ D.. . ... !II.I!-..Ii. ..... ,f."''':~ ~'~"'eil I~Ji~~~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al




, ,

C -

" " ,I - '



PIKeu !p~ mclU:~le5 the pH,paratiof\i and d~ematiD1li, ef p:1ami for' mmu!~

'-:Il. ... 'p ...... ..:i. _ _;.. 'b'v _.. ... '"' ... ~ AI, ~Mri'I""m,--;OJ-F ;i.'i. ....... , :n:;i~"'~i\o,; ... , ,iC. '~ ... , .. 'b''V oiiL"" ""t'i'mnlilill..,.. 'Dc,' .............

~~ ,~-~~gy-~~' _:__,~ ~~~~ I""J; '~~IIt"-~~~~~"~!al ~~~ £~~_.-'." p£w_~~~, __:__,I' ~-"!P. ~-!lP.'-"!~T'~~l!'l' ~'~,~~

P~' :g: ool!lcemed wub 'the h~s; :bsu~: I~f nruiki''lg' 'lhe ,p~du-ct,

:It; tdso :kidttate:s 'Ilbe: prifa-'ritr' iequ:enee' oJ lille, e~Pb~'b, lo 'be: m.rndac~d., 1lw lm'k. '~~m dmp :imd. :man~~dng :SYi_m .~: CAD~ ~.

Tel '.dlmtutdl ltbe proe.e~: pi\a.n fif: the ~eq~:e'~ the. (([Deep-t, gf' ~!.:1,p' '~hmolo8Y' b m'M'~ iHsmllid, '''Qo~,p '~bo108Y :1,$, ;~, ~uf~ phliI~,pb;y :m 'w:ht.c'b, aUWIu' ~: :~ ~ed ;IH~ ~d , to ~"~~ ~~ of:dniflari~ bti, dtiipi iutd. ~D.~ Sim.ilar puts uranpd. :In.m :p_ famJ:)j:ecs. whme eaCh, :pari ,fium1y ~~es,"mI1M' d~ andjor ;llIWlj~ di~~.

'Group '~Dlo,gy is :iI :l'eBilUfi\oa, t'lw.t ma:ny :pam :u.tVe ~ , ,fe,a:~: and by '9ambmLQ' ih'1!l!!lC d@~~ and fl@'carg(;m.~ ,far raJ, commom, pMt :5G!ubm~,

GD:n~p ~¢'bnolo§:iB lit'Ulirt ap,pr-opIiate Wldeii' die ;fOLl~' ;.:ond:ibIiii. 1. ld.en~8 dl~ ~; :~

,2, '~: lot :~'b~!r ~f c~pon~ :b 'kmg: ,man.~d, 3. ~ pmdu~m. ma.clrL:me .~ the mac'hiQe' ~D.

nUg ,1P"fm~ ~llii)I'Y' lI1 ,~ ,~ ,I'dli{t, bdw·ttn dHip ud 'ma.nufaehlR and dabidllae.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

r-· ..... ..-,......;I! ,IJ[ ....... ~ ......... [iIIiI'-M-- -~f- ~."

~ ••;--~-~ lJ'JIII_fi~fJ~l!lnll5 r"INi_J .. ""' .. " Q.,.

fan, :r-.mtlUel~ A. iP~, .family':o ill colIDeolon ,a.f;au ·tIw, liJr.e ,Irim.i~. ,eltber' '~aU1~' 0:£ I~~etrie :~pe~ and. ,de 'O'J' heca;w>e~ similu :pji~lilg ImpS :EIfti t~-'lD~ed iIin ~.eiJJr mi;unda.c~-&.

:l~ :Detl,p [~m-t:ta~ '1lLe .P~ wbit'h 1ft v'lHY :t~ :m, '~ 01 po~ttk, d_e., bm. difftmlt m. ~"of: :~.d~g 'ltrJ¢(i~ of d~'lJmMe' .m '~~i~e!!l! :pf>od;'lu::ha. q.IDnUty ra:nd :matedaJJ 'w;cd.

( .. - "J('>- 1(' ...•.. , -: ...• - ~;.-....., :.: .. - .. ~~-J ...• : ~.OO,'QIDO'Po!Yr;, '~ ·:t!(l!,~11i(1i~·

.... ~ ---"1s .... - ..... , .~ _ lMaitIMI iii 1D15' CR, IIMI ni!:t,;ti [_I

_.- ...;; .. 'IIO;, ... ~, .... -.

'11,W~; .~ :~t!0'.G1iQ h ~ -. 'lMI CR, IIlInIeN .I'iet!!

iI.h ... nIi_" ....iIi ~. -1i:"'..Jl1In...ii '.'

~~I!I!!~~~U ~~ .IVUp[~_ ---'""'O!II!W

L :!B~r'lgd-u:me· .~i :a, ~ re~rd~ and m~i Rlte:bltJ :pMlKt. -1, WIP' gd fiQJmw- i8l~ ~¥e:h al'le !r'edl!K~,

-3\" :Marerbl. handhm;g' '~e _ :r¢dltted,

,'~[ 'iD'-~~r p-~.iI.,.~Ji.I~ ,~~\a;~'!O~,-""" ... o:-.:i :~ .... ~.'i I!I., .~_ _ _~"",u; ....... Y ......... 1' .......... 00 ..,.u. 'IiA,I'-u~.

,5~, Impmv-ed, [~ulilf md scrap' redllictmn ~~ ~ ~~: yUl~~~~n

DEndv.nag.. of' IBroup 1'I"hnol_~' l l'm,pl!'m_tatkm. fi' ¢olt

2. be of c'h!,_n__ge' of prod1!lcl :~ not. adJ!Kle~l~

3. DIIlitWth::!Ii.~ d)e' ,out Iol' cell Q,pe~ 'which ~t, the ptOdUCI!!Ofi, tate ,. Co-exiltence' will :EU11IJ ,oe:itw' ~.~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

68, ~ !~' MWlufKtu".,


:~ ~' ~ ·conc:em;e;d wi,tb d:etemnirIlng the ~,i!iIf!IilOe IN ptOOe~' ad .1ILW)~ly' ::step,!; UitM :must 'be aecmnpliSked ~o _e th!i :produtt The ~M'b!r seq.~!: :11 dcc~ on :iI, fblm ,c-aUed] .&(n~~ ,,-heet.

'1'h'ti ~ CArP $)'Stem. has d~~d ~lmd tw·o ~ache.s. n~, aw~iel ue~: .1.". :Re't:rIe~ CAEF ~m,

:2~. ,~~.V!· e1lPP' ~rem.

R- ~-R· '~I~ji:A~L ~'A~IPP-' :S-YS-:m1&MS

[ &ll:l,. __ liiii:...-,",. ¥- _~ .... ·UI._ .. ~ __ ~~._

Ti, ~\O;; ~·I\.o ... 'I.F;"' ...... _, ;0;-1 "Ii.~·,iI;.D,T·.".'I'io."i'1'" r;/i;'~ :1I!Vd.'Am_ ,.·.;L'....-~b·.· 'b- ; ·i;. ...... d·~ "'-0:0 ,,,1.",: 'n~l"!i' J G1" i"'":,,.;I1 J.I~ g .iiIUI!-1lI.! 1U1:.W'!~iI_~ ~ V-IA_~..Jl.'!I!II~l '-'"ft_£l~ ~J·~.-~l '~._ll.'_. u~~._. ~Rl ~:rr.1 r~"H:_~~~ W '. '_ ~

~: ·codtlng ,~d. ·cla_lIIdfil!c.a,tl'c~ •. A. ,~daf,d. :ro~lei ~ibect; tpm~eg :plan} bi :~ m. OODl~

m-!...· ,( 1.. ~ __ .;1' .. n'li.- h ",-..-i-il~.,_iii ,t"I_ .. on ~m ~tp .. .,,"', m'- - ".~_._.~_.JIi .~- ·A ".,.,.;. it:: 'II

~~.;;Il ,'i~~ I~~~ lt~l '\.~~l . __ ,-~~ :...~_IJ Ii ,n ~:~!CI,m~ ~.~. ~:l'--W " [~lj-~ .. n~I'~_~ -..::p. I _ 'UlII~, ,u- .. '~~ ~ .. ,~,.


~,~, '~0i'1 '~[r.I!iI~. fctpM

~ r

~ ~ ~,~ml

[MGa.iiIi~ ~'i!M"' __


'~ .

[~lil_" fonnatiIt,



~ '_'" ___...;

~ll ,3&.[

[ ~ -- . - ~!!!I

[""",' ~,


, .

..... ------' .. - :~I:I'



~ __.... ..


.~.·I ~ P,QgiWt'i1

, _,.. __,.; I

Copy rig hted m ateri al

i!I' De' uar h,gjn_e 'by' ~vmg 'the: OT ~ode' Itiiilmber for me [OOlttp~t for' 'whldh 'ilhe' ~eMI plan :b, to, be d~.

!ii' WIt.h, this code number ,II !!leard, !Is. made, ;ef' th;e :~ugt bm1J:y :fI1c'~, '~O de~e :11' a Mas dud, :K.omc:, :!IIhc:et e'ob .fGf: ,~ g:We~ :pm & ~: 8hmdiU'd, :p*eu p1m, :lJIe'![ 'ft Jj ~, Md, ~ :fOf' tbi!l Ultl'",

~[ De' liamauicl ~i .' :ill 1~¥UDjru~d, ~ det~ whm:be~ any' ;~,QM ,m: ~,. ,A1tb~ 'lb :I!ICW" pan hP :gme CiQde nul!llber~, 'there, ,are ~enlilOe:l m~ iu!: prooeg :fl~~, to :m.e '-e pad.

;I[ '1I"Iii.._, ""'.""r'-~~: ,(i.e' --. __ .:1[ __ .:1 ~:"'''l ...... ..._lIili"iidlu. ,j~, ii ... ~,~, ,cap .. .-.jfjv ,~o;. 1~1'1~ ...... ,."n ~~...i4"1"'g ,~~ ~~._: ~ !IJ.I!Ic~' 1:5~U f,'_.....aJ ~'!Ir.'II.:I!'II:~l: .. I" g WI:II ,~ ..... _L-'1rJ ,I!I.:.!'! W~1I; ,~, ~~ .. '

:p:ro<:ep plam, 'lihat ,pili 'Ilhc:: rebie,YaJl ¥tem :lb otl:La; 'n.ame: 'V:~t C,AR ~mu!"

~ :0; '!he lie' dGam,',( e~ :iI :Mn~ p;roolU, :pian :fuji' ~ SI,ven ~ ~lJm'berl' Ii&e' 'iiil_ 'liriav' __ .;i.., i"t..~ ... nliri, ..... iifi"..., il!!!il:." 'f-~ ,c. UIW1\at; ....., -'I.ate-l ..,=.-,1", 'n-FF"Il=-. f~ wl'ikl!.

~, [.~!: ~J .. Ul LU:M: ~.~J lIl'l.., VII. 1_ ~ ' __ 1 'W~.l Ii} ... .~ Ull '~UJ.I~ IH,gg_~,~~, ,_~, __ ___'_---=-_'

,iii ~, mute~ ,geet, don exilt,

.' :Efther by editing m exblimg :precea, :pl\an 01" by :JtaRmg" from ,~ 'Ihe: Wier' wdb!J, die ;~ lllteet :fOt the: i],ew puti, wilen H. 'MD be the WUtidutl pfGCeu :rd:m fw. {be Hew pan coile I'LWl!lbH,.

'", De' :PfKHI :p'lannlDglflli,cm onclQd-'ijS 'wDb, I~ ~i ,pl,_n form!1lter:t w~'b, p.rtnu ,nu,t dile :t01..l.te: ~eet; :i..m, the :propel" fonnlltter 'wi& cds m[ ether appc-~m, p:ro,piJiii mtQ, UX' .•

Sc.1lte o:f the other ,ap,plkatku:., pm~ ;i\U'i: 1. 'T'O mm,~ die: 'oost ~.tinum~"

,2. To ~w 'tbtl ,~dMd ,tt~c {w '~on!,

,$" 'To detenn.iBe 'the ttulch1n1m& 'oou.cbtilJO :f(,f.' IIhe~ v&rilJ.u, 'ffUICJld'De~ U)ol opera1l.,."

~, ~I;-'e- ;aiiiO·iO .. .".'-''' lUi. W_. ......""I!IIUii.II.I .... '!lr..

,An example' tm comD1erdlil, :tetdeva1 ,C;APP ifltc:m, ;u, ,M,vm: CAPP M :FROIM:

Ol~m, f.or ~, B.ali!uciI., '

n ~~ ,M, Ane~e' 18:~h, to ;~_ :pooceR plump,,,',, :wteid ,of rettit,Wng' ,ad, edlbg :M, e:~ plan, amtW.ed In a 'eom:putef;~ ,iI ,gemen..ti¥e ~m aeatell: 'the ~ pla, 'bued, Wl lqI.eil :p~ whk!h ;h:!lmilu m ~be :prKed~ ,a, :Ilruman ,~ do~" 'nUB :w CAPP ~m,~ 'the ~' :MHluence w.dl 'k '~ ~~t, ~, m 1G{ ,p~de:&.ned ~\.

'(Iii :1\ 'fUDy ~ve CAn' ~ tbe 'prooea: ileqliieDoe ~ 'be 'wiiilun.d

hl'~ ... ~ ~ ,~~ ~, !I~' ,ci ~~dlClmdiud, ~ •• ' ., ... ':, ".,' .. '. '"

'The prob'lem, of,~ ~end ~ [eAPP'b, [o~d 8), put [of:fle1d ~nu, M, ~n; ~m ill it camp ...... :pr~ IIha,t II ""P1hlie oJ aol~ oomplex pro'ble.m. Due ,are ,leveml i.mgredIeu :~ulI'ed :In, :a:1idIy Im~,~~ ~t;. :(t'~ ~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

"',0' r..._ ...... '~ Ji.J' -,r..-,,~

" ., .......... t""...... I •• -:tI'......... ;I'"!lI tiI~r ""'."Ah". 'o!Iii

L The. techm'cal kno..wledj-e! ~;F' :ma.nufa.ctw1Ji,g :and, w! ~ogIc. 6a.t :b, 'w:ed, ·b.y process :planner m~; be ,ca.ptm',~d and CQd~d. into a" Ci~Plltor :p.w.~ ·whkih. u b~. ~ 'bowIe. !bite'" Th~ g~~~.\1'~ ICMP ~t~. w~~ then. ~: ~t :k:nQ:.wle~· . base ~0 !! :p:roces;s; :plamn:ln,g :p.rob1eou, :i.,~'!,~ :I,(jum, SHEET,S.

:2~ The s:e:co:n;d. ~dJ~.~t. Lsi .~. ·oomputeJ ,cempatible ~~ oI :paft 'w. pr.od1/.l.Ctd. ~. d.,~-ftio!1 CQg~ all th~ d_'at~· In~ 'illf~tiM :needed .~~ ·:liiml, d'te' iP~e!!i8 :~unce,

~~ ~._,oOIi~", ......... )"$ .. ,_,~ ,p: ....... , .. I"'ii..·_ ~-'."''''''!Pb".- ...... _. ,ll nt;' '!f.',~-~, !l!"l"11:1,;",.- I o:I . _1.u.'V1l[]J.D ., UII.I.!i. [~~G .. I . <1,;,1, 1I:I.II.'~oi

~ - - - -~: - ~ ~ =- - ~ ~ - - l _ ' - - - - - ~- - - - - - -- -

:m.. I~~C m~~J. ,~f:'.~ part. that: !\!Ii , H. ~. CAD .~m. dUrhl,g prodlKt


:2. ,G'T code :l1:lml'helr' o.f· the !part. dmt dd.mes the ,ut. :feamrm :i.n ;~..gnifIC6Rt detd1.

'!iI "Ij"b.... ""'Il..j . ........dI ,j .... iIiT1!I.dI:t ...... >Ii' b, .. 0; ",11"... ...."'fi'j,'b 5Uft;. ,ill.... :iljj -pi".. ~'b,.. p:tO ..... _, '1,-=.= -"dJ,....A...... ""riI..,j p- " 'iiil'inilfn,1iii' I"~ JLUII; i~l LI_I!IT;""'-W~.-~-' D_~ g~ 1¥lrIIr~W-lJi'\i.l· ,\.:.!l 7,~ ~!: W..r. ,_. ; .. ' 1Ir.!Iir_",1 ,~~,1Iir. 1 ... ~[iI, :~-.IJ .......... .."

~.C ton~, m. the lti:uYwt!edJ~ ~aali! to a ,glv,en part, dH~~n., 'Thus CAFF' ~~, ' tbli bowle~ ~~ t@! 801~' a;, :~:cl!k: ,Pflo:blcm p1annLng ~ fOIl" I), ~le,w' f'roduet., 'lhb: fJloblem ;so~l"ini pr:~due b :refemd 'W sa, the' ,jiINif.E:RENCE, ~,y~~~~_'l>ll '~-).:'~\G.,·,·ji~iI":,!!i m- -, d .. , .. ";;~lIiie~'~' !WN··t-

!!::lI ~.Ii I~J l~;~ •• ·Ui!'l]~~ 1__ Y~hlll' - ~~.r· .L~ ..... I,... '!i.nI_W.

Be:mdts 0'" CApP

~ 'D.-, ~_.=.,/I!Ji..~;i.!;

L iI~,i,K':eIiS1 lta.<n:uW'~01iIi

2. Jru:l'~~, prod!iloU¥:Ily Qf ~~@'C~lU :plal!l,

3. IRemwed, lead '6m~' :fQf' fl!'~:e$.$ 'plaa, 4\,. lmpwV!dJ :l~gihally'

5;-. [f--nI"iIl:in_ilIt-- _It ~j;L..... ::II~if;'rI~"''';'''''"'''' irrI""'~m, - u~:~~lt:'Ir.'~~~~L 'WI ,U'U_L,.~' ",i-~~Q' lr.~IW:ri.l~_.l

,:. Pmu5i,~ A'~ ~1fQ :p'LJllnlmg:kada 'to' ~:~ ,gd ~t :pmcea :plm" L'Iih.em,., wnen ,prn~ss :pb.nnims ,II, done c~ 1I'Im~W1Y~ thw ~

'p.~._ ,.,.1~ ... ,iI._~1 ~ ,.--.~'it :Iln i1_W,_ ,~,.,;~,...iI1'~.,,~,~ ,,,~, ,6 .... d'~ iIo~';r,lb prodl.,..- q'. ~.1Ii"UI\u

, -- ~_""'~ If'-' ~ '!i-Y ,","';'Q!~~ = W - - 101\11, iIOHM.II",~ oII~, ""'U'!Mi,..... iII~,," . u ..... "'., '"-".,

2. 1.~4Jri',FM~'idIJ 'l,tJnH~' ,I~~ Thc' ~kmde 'l:P,p~ ad (bu:yaf)alfJUity· ,of 'the' :damdHd. procm; pl;m. ~ 'Ilh.e: dAti. :Blel ~r;wit mOfe1 wotk 'm 'be, ,a.ooJ~ed.

'by dfie ptumti':. ~

$" R':IiJ.-U '.iIl tiJm' tot' ,tmt-tt3 .~ii. froceQ ~ 'wortlbrg 'will lOOT' ,~ am, ~ mute: ,aih.eet, m. "", ~OlUf Lead, 'lmJe ,compued in '~mu..ali ,~~mh

I~, l~~Hd' lviiri~ilj;; 'Conlp~tw :p~,ecl :roe ,iiih.eetl: ,are Ii •. and ear '~ ~ut. Ithan mwmaRy :p~~, !f,QUtr@ :d!w~@t.s:!,

it l:ntutporatMn; ;(Jf' ,at'nllr' ,.,i;'c.4/i;m }HlHJIt;i. 'The CAPP ~. itu!: mtf!!l'filc:ed 'wi1!h othef' 'o~u~ ~-ppU~do:~ pLf,\e~ ~:n, u; wm-t. :~da:td.a: and, ,eOlt elsti:ttui.tLom!i!, ~.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

·", . .# ...

I""""""" ............................ ~l '1111'

'! r.. 1. '. ~ ............... ~


~~ l_irIi

~ .~iOit!I

..... 1

~, Imlillrt ..

r: {


. . .

.... :::: , .......•....•

r' ""',

'~ .. ~

..~ .... -- ...... ~ ...


'iI',:_., "If t:i. ~-~-1 ... ~;jij..".,. 'I'iI--_i"'l7 , __ ...:I In..,._~'1 ~ __ .... , l~~. ~!I'!~ ~-~~~~ ~'Lgy_'_~_~~J~' !IwiIl.~ ~l~EM

Mute:r. Prod.don SChedule .. It is ~lU1!! listmj of ~~ prodnels ·WI be mam4aetw"oo,. 'when lihey ,au: :~q.~d, a.nd. !In, 'whilit '~1~ltitlt:5,

MBP~ 11 :Ii:, ~, mmputationaJl tec'~tl>e! that: mmte:ru: the ~I" !iichedUJe~ :£Gt.' lendj pmd"ucti: :1D1e: a ~cd 8ibed~e fbr raw' ~~rla ,and. (;QmpQgeD~, ~ :In 'Ilh~ rend p~~bi!,

,c.:pae:IiJ H.iji!nlnl~ ~, amQnni:; of p1IOOU,'(t, ~I!hat a gI,"N'!:r!. prod~600 ~fadffiny ~, :pHiduce '1:0 a ~, tiinle! perioo ..

p.nplq:ee., II!II:d, Mant.'-dng ... , .,[he~ _bailie 1(;l)UmJm, the! eD,re~ring data, equIDd, '~ mal,,! '~'IGCmp~ ;m-d aae,mb'lt) lih,!:' piodUt.II;, ''Ebm die! d:a~'a. ~I~, :prothld ,de~p" :ma-tert.aJ s,l;u!:tlflud:~, h11fl, i@f:' nlIltertab. gd ~~' ]?lao.

lDy,.DIGIT ~tmt. Th~~ :manmach.l.iUi,S· en~ is Icn.eer:ne.:l ''WIh, keepms

tI.&~, ~~ lim, ""W' mat~j, wgf:kg.,~OCeg ,and fbillIlited goodl. f'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

72. ~ .l_~,Man~'

Pu.Rbiil,"il""'ll' 'Th~' Wi~wlla~'Cii' ~Ii>ftii:i+m ~~t 'iIi'l ~''C ~ i!I1 ~ ofdm, d\at l~ "C.~: !lii'ieclfi.ed '~ milteihd

I . _ ---~:P! l_ e~'_I~ ~H:~ · ... I~l!l'll_ili_.en··,r_~e. __ ... - l ... ----. ~~,r ... --- ... -l~J·I----- ... ----.

:"~1!Ib!e:meBt, F1Umm,g and] IimreBt~' mama,gt!mmt It ,mo; !Ii(Wroe5 of ;mppr' m.r"

;Iho,p RO'Oif [CIiI;n~I~ It b O~f;e:m.ed 'wJlh :1nQ:~ like ~ops, ~f' ord~ In 'ile'

'''-.-iI',~, '.'I'I,.JI .. ""p....-H ... ." 4_. ,..oi'.n.;b,~", of' .. ",,_'i.. _-.:I-r, ~.-. 'mililmilure'lilli'e:""

''''-~'''1 ~~~ ,1J~1.~~"'~1 ~ [iJ!IUM_~ .: ' I!UM_1L1I1 I~: ~ ' .... ~~,,;., -_U.IJ


'~MRf U a, tomptftl:lfhmaj] ~mtd~W!!! 'width OOIliVW: 't'hei 'ma~er ~.d"" :fef' ifndJ 'Pf~b :lmw, a, detailed ,eh-ed.'.ille' for :r,aw matetifal Md oomp~ med 10, die' [md, pr;othKu.'i!!'

'"I'M! d~ed, :~e :ldm,tift~s, rile' q,~~ ,of ~, ~ .. and !l!:o:m.po:mem .l~mI" :1, i~[ [le:ih when eac'h, Uem, must be' [M{lel!ledl and deliyered, 10 iILI; 'to' meet 6e: :~ter' :fO:r dJe bal poodlllDl'. 'The maiD, p'illrp~e gf' ,MRP is 'to [~"e Ilw, ~ a.m,d [cempeneDtii:

Be' ava:llabl\e tm, ifiiie :~gbt. q,umW~: ;_d at; tM 'i1g1iIt, 'timJe~ :H[ Wt fln.idted :prndu¢t;: [tan 'be ~~d ~nitn.g, m] me: :muter. :p:rmiluc!i~p, .c'bedu1e,,,,

MaP' b [~ ~ldmd 1..9: a IllIMet {;f' :irfve~ OOD.tt_. It b _, 'i1lIife~,~ '~ :t~ mlBlml7Jmg 'Ilitmece;s.lary' :lnvenmry mves1lrnents" 'iri,~:Ii: a ~, ,of IjdMBlm,g and ,~ dJe tim~ed ~, r:equiremel1ti!i tfo.r pr,o du 01'0 0, ;D,lu!:~WI'~", ,~[ :m [of ~l ,dlm:rent ways-I., ,MaP .. 1 or :MRP' :2:" :MRP~

YJULL, It b g :Uti,veiH~OOY ~Q~~, ~.~ whl<:b ~a!I!i!iili jn'Ulilaf~ and' ptlf~~ ~Nm at. (hI! ~8ht time to t~pport, lb.!! :m.~u :Kh,d..m", 11Ib ~m ,aiJO ~:(UlblolJ~ 'the! mw' nW.'erhl mveD~r.ltil, 'mnr.~8h :pr[0p-ei:r' ~: of' ordu placement.

:MRP~,2~ :b, h: i~ :~D, :~m iI!l$ed,' [to[ ~dM W (:Qn~l :tn,vgwl1e!!i ~d ~' hi! :mamufacw.m.a~ :lhm.

DbjKI" .. 01' IMRP]

:t l"w~' "iJ.~ ,MJ'(f[ d~eandme5 bow :1lIl.Ul)' ~~ are' meeded and, '~ W, 'omm 'tG:m.nt ~Ii' d~e, ,And :Il dw [~a 'Ihe!:~ ~[ptocw;e~ 'Iihe ~mDpnumm

.;tOJIIio.tI""i-d hue .1IIt\i'.....tdJHii)" ;o!'.....40 ._ii::' ~'Ii' ... ~ ... ..:t., ... twN-t'i"rt'!lOl' '111~~~.'~·1 WI' .'.'-W.--~-.O '~~, ~l ~i~-"!iiiil~lfll!r ~ULI§\I_"~l.ll,,.'r.

~2, 1&4fM:1i,im, ;i~ prn4W:l:ioa, [tJ1f4 ik:li~" le,a.J RmI, :MiU'[ Wmtl.Bet, mlt~ ,Dd [campoMn~~ nuamtitle!li [f'i_I ... D'lII' ,avd:ddlltlle!li W ~~UIcemeDt, amd ,~..._:I'"i.l:Cdom, ~m, '~uhd :m, :meet

'''I,~ ~.! --~!,.. .. !r.'-'-- ~. ,r- ~ ~ ." ~ -~'"J!. ~ ~ '. ~~ ~ ~

delW,eJY dAA:dlbl~' 'I)y ~o:rdin~ ~ill~d~~! :~~ ,~d ~.~ d~u, n~ :MRP help" 'to. ,ii:voidJ dek" in :pr_Uetion aI1id itt ;Ih~ :pfJmi1bel :~III, auiM_liet, by' :p!dtlm-l [dUf) dhlel, OD, ~~m'f Jo'b' [~~(:,

"10 ,B,~ f~U~Rfi;. :ReaU3dt d.e1lYer:r' plOtri_~" and ~, ,~ ;ptiln~diw!I, 'liheilie by' ~' :MBP :Pf,ooUetiOD, ~, 8i~ :manfttlill8' be'lY :lDf~ ,Bl:xJw, :1:W!'1y' lelNea:y' 'limes 'lio] the nI'fM:I!i~ltdt:ve~ iCWIiicmle:r '&teBI:iia1 new' ~' 'nee..:l'·~; CUI. ibe a.dd~ to, thl:

_ -_. -_". ~ _-_ F.--)-~r~-~ .... ~ _'_"_ -_ ,II, ... ~.. ,,~t .... ~- _.~ _~~ _ ' ~_.~~~~~ .~ __ ~ ~ __ ,_, __ ' '

~liio'iiii'iI , .... "",'b= -a ~ .. 'I!.,~. '-,~.~.~,~~ '-, 'I!.,--~ - .. !Ib..~ -~ •. .:I,_ .. .dI ~,= •• -.:II 'll~~,..lI .~~~ b' ~ 11-==.-11-11 , __ .!till!. ~'lifiin ..

[ .. .1'_ .......... ,., !);U ,UW'W'·!I!!. lWUl'Weu W"IIlD, ... ..,._---o'

~ - ~


.~--tf.'"-. l .. ~ II.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~_'_ _ _..I~""_"_" ". ~·l_'. '''']'

[ .~[ _.' ,', r. : ~".l

- ~- ~ ~ ~ - ~. ~. ..

,~~ 1~~' tl'_~\; :MIP pro,vt~l (il~e ,o(Ml~.illiian,s v~, '~ oe.ll.teD ,B!i ,pfiOdUd, pr.o~, 'tbm~ lib~, De :Inf<mnation pfOli1.ded by MIl' ,to.coumg:ea, ,RidU;(tiM

fignd.mIfttIl ' Inl IMHP'

YIP lei 'baed 'on fI~~, '~!!!J,.b: mil, ,M~ :tmplI.dt, m 'i2h¢; Q~·Ii,vem, below. li l1Heperu:lelli. 'V:e.nel De,peade_at :~

~. M'ml!UQI!uriq' :Lud lHimC:S

3. Onm.n:u:m 'l;1J!:e ~

:1. 19fpad~ ~'d'peUl.' JJJ1UJ1UL the ~liIon 'bdweeg, m~mt dePlaPd. ,md, ~ d\cmand Is !imp~t. :m. MRP:, ~ demand :m.ea.M 'dud; Idemamd, fm '. :p~, :ii, :m.ot. Idbrecdy' ,Rlated to demand tor ,oti&er itemJ. !m.d [prOdacb: and :ipilR paiD

,~ -'"'"'"ft'i.Ti;'I __ ... ii:" u.-.~ ~-~.~~-~ d" _~==~ ,l_ ili-nA~AI..on., 'I~ .. 'b.~~.lIi.1l b.··- r\i"io~,;o;,oII;iI;_jI ~1.~'!;~.1ILc I"'!'!r.~ [e ...... ~.IIr.. v.~, I!IC ..... w[~ , ... ~lI.MUu.I IW ~~1I_~_I~~ 11-" ,~11i!J.!u.tVIl [ ... ~ IN.ill''!r.~~~~ l~~_~:ly~

MBP' :is '~ ~p~ ~clmi~ue lbr deteJm.bdng fluantitle! .' depeoilemt, dlem_d. ftcmJ~,

;1. M;,u{4t_rilll lI,a ,H..I., The lead 'lime lot a. job u 'I:lw 'Ii:m.e' l!hat mlW; N: !ldlkrw~d to ¢omplde .~ Job, hm ;1'i:aD, fO 1Dis'b. There Ute M~ type! IGf :leadl.!tim.e:!1 M WP, 1" ~ Uad 'iim,u, 2, :Mm~ ~ad tImH,

,~ orceq :lead IDle· for an, Hem is i.e 'tim.!!: rreqrUlredJ rrcam. bli.Hattom, Q.f I~,e' ~mduue ~lWbn, m, 'the ~lPC: o:_f' fhe· :lte.m &om ~ v~r ,ad, M'M-!/.I&~._J l~ad, Il1me :g, d~btd 151, the ~. 'Ili:m.e req.dJ '~ :prMf!!iS ,a Siveo put or product. 'lihmup, die~ plant.

,9,. C~ :lUI' iftUIJlU~ Qm,mO'.D ilQiI!: it:enJj Be raw' materiah ,amd ,eom,poments; Illhat Kfl' 'llHd M :mml1 ~hln one ,~lKt., !dRP (iO'U,H;g ih~ ~cm '~ ftemJ fto:m dlffef,ent [f)'P)du,'~g

,iI; .... ~..... ~ ......... 31""" ,I... .~_.dII~_j·-'iiir' I"'''' ~ ,...."_,, , ~.",_....fi_'L, ,_~_.Ji ·n .. - ....·-ilritr ~'L... ...""'mnA!flil!'!-L.'

~ [iIIII.j;-~ [~~ .au ~ ... IOC ~-- ~I .... [F-~~·~" YJ.J~ ~- ,c.;...;,..,~:u.m_11

FlIRIIona ,of MAP

An, MIlP, hP I~e' lPjm' L~,ol:~:~

,2. ~ ,Gf prlI~I' mr ~b; ,(chpmdlng '~ 'th'fK' .1I,~' <111ft:) ,1, :~rmlniittl.a, of; ~ teq;WRmeDli: _, ,_ detailed, level

:Pt:itor to b ,a.dvmt ,of NRP!, tbc~ 'wg n1!)' ~'~oJ~e, '1btl 'typlceJJ :manu!aotwiq @Jillp1ni.e!!l ~ :all :in~e1 'iWi,&, ,order poim, iiJI1elfiii., Some: of the by ~m ibebNeeD, :MI]i' and larder' :potnt, ~ ge l'IIlmmlHud, Ol! 'ihe: 'lilble U: :fol1!~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al


~ -

M:eetl :mm'~D" :n,eedJ

:I~ D-_-'g-'~'-'

1." : - ~,'

'I _' ' __ " - -', -~, , _

'1" - of: 'iI'-Vil'lfttnt"'lil', [III W,"':'~..JL 'i!d __ ,-- -,.1Ii D, .. --- ~_-~ ... ~-..i~.'11 }'iP'f! .- ,D.L.~__"""',,, [ ,"UDi,~, aD !.ii, Ji7lr.ill.W" ID&I.CDiIIIi

lI'iI!i!iI!ii 'p,iI!!!I!~~iI!ioe A'JUfi II.IIPII~ ~[ M-a'.," _~_""" '~ ",~~gII ~ ,~r.."" ~"_ !!I,!I!'!I';gI 11'-'" _ _ _

'~~ GiI'dHi,



t-_b_. __ "",,". ··_-: ...... I

~~'f:j, lUi ....


M!lP ~.iI!~'



C-Fq;' 5' 3-' .~.,- . of--: -MRP'~'

I, .I. " . ',' .' '" , - , - ," . ", ." .. I I . '. I ~

.... Ii .. '~ .. ' .... _ -J'" Ml._

B!!I!U' mlll.tlilili __ .

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,~ The~ :lii.Biler prodUtll®ll ~hedule' b ba.s~~ 'OD ,ac~ !i!lI[mall~ of d~~d folt the ,fIrm',',;s ~dI~ct" t~etler' 'Mtb a :reallWJc &I seome nt, of lifol pJodUmL91l ,ct\p&cl~"

,~ ,iliiJl~, ,-- '-I, l:.t...o:';;~~-~""'" _,~ ~:".",;i;;o, : ......... ! 'il"", 'b-',~ nm~ecM· haw' mm,~' of,eiilim ~lr<odUct,

il"~'.U"~ ,1_l1 !Eli !,1M, G.Ii,Wll!~ '!O;,._,,~ ~.1!oAi!i-"~ -,""' ~ - ""' ir:~'~ - --~ ~ -, ~- ~ -- - - -- -,it - - - - - iIr-

:b: to be plOdgC'ed, and 'wb~ th~ :pmd1lWb, ~ lik~ly' to be r.eildy fOr :sllpmern.t,

,~ ~'ailxwe :~ :~"!Q ~kly d@kvel7', th~ w_ver' the dlI!LF,a1t®D" dU:~5;e blie~ :pe~~ ,~ called, tuDe bw:ibts :Ia ~',


1--" -~I

i 6, I

• - - I

~ tDr im'ndud' PI P1 and '3 :s'h.......;j'-1lm' demBlild

" 1, [ -. , c' , ~_' _-. _ •• I . [I! .. - -, . - '. '~'I!1'I'iIi;,I~ '_. ,

'fii 'Ii,:!!

1'hei bill Q:f' m.lttfcieill (.BOlAlt1.) :nk hi ~ ~ ~(LQjln~~ the: ~ ma:t~~I!1 ~ ~om;ponen,t; ~WRmenbl, lot ,end :p'roo~ b!.ted :In, the :m.arier s;c'bedU!\e", U; pmYlide9i :lnformUlOJlJ on'ille pnidua ~ 'by :~' 'the: ,oo~l :pam: and :Jllibaaem'b'l1!t, thill' m.ab 'up each ~Dd.

A doo'limait; ~ 'Iihe: de.ta&h of ,m ~, :produd b~ ;]gdlm.S ,alllhe eom-peneDtiJ. of die, £tem :In ~eb: lIeq,uemoe ~ .d q,~ needed :~~I" each, 'wolIl e-emle-.r 'to rn~rm, the 'lrJuIfd 'Up aei!J,I:J~. ''Ihb infommtiu, fa ob~ ,bm, ptodlll,Ot d_e~p, d.ocum_e_.m~, wort, low ,~: ad, other ~imdard mmuf&~.g Wfth, eopeeH;n;g,em'tati'oD. Ff:o~t, :s1:nK~~ The lewlJi ,of oom;pG::ne~b1 ,~, prodlKt' i!~d. pro duotJ a

''!he p.rod~ot, m-ueture' u slmple' 'w:lDm will ,il:erw!: for illuaD.tion pwfoset(" :PtodAlim P D aJ.ed ,of. M,~ i\\IJba:s.iem!blies, SAl, ad :s~~ ,each ,Gf' ,which :is .made '1IIP' '~Co:m,PO:BeTI.ts C~." [C2, 'C3~ C4:" [05 ,and C6 f;C~edye:lj. Fiiialy:, :ilt, the '~m I.en't a:R ,th~ mw' '( thai p u.lG eadJ, ,eomponeat., ''Fhe :I.kttti: &1 eaeb ~,ve'ty Ju!8,ber !lev;e! an ,caJl.ed me :parent:B:

of' th~ :llep's r-eed&tg hUG H ~ :!pre' S~l., - -

~~ [I~ ~o:rdI\ItJ"1 Fill •

• ' eompl!te, dKlilmHitalil~ er' :m,'leBtary' :riahia, 0:(' ,each item, :In the p~dutt !iln~m-e' :~':ilem 'W~g gd, '~", ,safety' ~, lev~i~ W ~, ~l~uu,~ty ~Q~~d" ThU1), [nvtO~' ;~I!d, :ftle' ;~ WHib, the, ~Il, ~ proc~ 1~:tS Ui ~~' ItjrU!'

..;il~ .;i[ "_ilI/ft;s,i"!h;o,

ua..wu:N ,~_~, ...•

Copy rig hted m ateri al

[" Jft,Jn ,M,'tul;t;r D4itJ~ [t prov:i~:i'~.e !ilenu," :iilemWkatinD, {Pm: oJwnbe:r) ,mil, Glh.-er dm, ,Dlixnn [~; :p_ imch ,n order' ,~ ,and lead. tIm~l"

,2" 1~' ,Sl41~: It ,giV{$ ,iii, ~ ~ :recUl'd of :wvtmtmy ~.

,5:" SllJtUi_'1 .~; :n pe$ the ~, .~~ ,M p~e' [~f;$,! "rap Qr :rqe~ and. :~e.ednJ ~d]aogel.

p !I



[I R1 , t ~:
',' ~~l) MApl ~.or'

[The:MRP :p~ ... loJki' ~,pi1 'the 'm,.ter dedWe; ,.ad ,de~l'!I the ~~CDtIJ

,~~'Ib,,~.11~~1 ~ '~"", ;t; .... ~~'k;. ~,""~",,~~,, ~~~='I itIuo. ""~~, ,=~ ~,~, i·ijit1I'.:IIo~"'" ,~., .... ...,...,.., 'I't" , C*W~UH ,f.=" ,~~,='b

~J:W_we i_ ~IJ'!"~lJ· ~~ 11:v.'!i:J IJ.II:DIII !U'il me r""Ii;r.IIIIU~~ ~1~!I!;IIt;J [_ .- .- : [LV_Ii'

Utm, 'Ill "am ;pmd:w;t,:~ ,aDd fof' ,el.dhllole' ~ In the f!lmmn_g b~J: how' 'many t~ f!U!e needled ~, ,r'e~eDb:~~, how, ~ iUI1i_ :finm ~. are, *~lhdd.e,~

_ p.humed ,otdn: ift.~,ptl mtd :planmid [oRiel" :rdeua ilO 'dLat d, ,matenah :im'i~.e j_ 'iJdin 'lihey ue'~.

["DD, nlllilllfi.ili .... [

· .. nlT" WIII-'-_

''l1le: MRP[ :~ pnuml.t.I' :Il '¥Uiltty' of ,oldp..m, that' Cp be '~, :I.m p'jlaaullng' atld mlUUflm;s: pJ.m 'operatiom .. ''Fbe HlpUb :bu:lu.d.e~:

,1.., PbJiDn,td, [oo;d'ef nl~~, whkih :pm.d'd\e ~ ~' bl plul' [~[;1 b :M,\!II bun

p1Ju\f_med by the' MaP' :~,

:2~, ~, of :p'lau..1lcdJ ~ rel~ ,m :~; ~

,a~, R._be~ noti~ 'lndi~' [~ in, due; [ ;w ~ ordeD.

,t,. C_~,DOd~ ~dlid,~ open mdm b~lw:m,~elied~;

_~ ... 1. ' oI_ dl._ '.L~

iU\I; _~ J,U, ~: ~iJlo

Copy rig hted m ateri al

6., fieri'~e' :~i ,of li"J.I':Jl)lllI ",e:s, hdlcati'u,g' c-. iteJD, ~, radUal v~ planmed, lead tiJae:s and! ;S~D.

'i~' '~b.~ep1i-" ,~, , .. ' .... ..-...uIi ....... ..Ji .... .iI ... ;i,Ii ......... ~...,..,.. ,~I..- ,-,'Il.."d·' .,.'1(,;. "'-d ... _, ,;.1._., ' ........ ;o;.u ... ~.;i'''.;iIi,

[". ~~'" ~. I o.n 1 ... ..r.~_~III,_J ~1.U["·~1 U)::r¥IUIIiIV-.lIIiI' l.L-~_1Lui UU:~ [1I!'!.l..~.Ill-'lr.- .. m-~ v~ '_ ..r_.~ u_~~ [All~! W!''''~LU;~~1

"~P and ~ 'OD,

S- &Yeqto~y fo~. _dlca1blg:' fr'~~~, bl.1V'~tory :~~h m !WIlDe peri~~, ,Planned

,~ 'c '~,"" '. , .. ~ ",'; . f 'r.wo, jLoi,,;,,-..:II_, ;i!),!!I~et ,n~~egtl ~ (L _,_ ~~,

,iI;~'~' ,Orin" :U provtd~i llIhe: ilU.t&~' to ~b!Me raw 'mated4IJ Ol' :p~ hm ou~de' ,Vftid.o:ri.

W_Dnt tftim. it pgeg;teJI, lie a;utbority' to :~~ChJce pWi 10f, prod\[l.J:b; 1m the b-

MRP D ... ..AI., .: ....:n .. IIlliO

'fbe vatlom ~ o:.f 'MB,F ,Me':: 1. R.edAll,etiM 10, m:veD.taq

S!, ~H' :fl~e to (i~t.~1N :Ul dWMd.

3, :RI!ctuced, ump' m :~ul'~dUct, fhmg.~ over' ,oMb 4" :Improved] ~~ ~Mce'

S,;, 'Belter':MJC g~,

6" ~ater ,pr~UdJ~

']'", :irmproved ,capacily ~ ,r,~md, to the ,chUl,p, bIi, the ~Qtel!" ~.~we' 18" Ai, an ,aid ,m de,ve~ (he ~ ~'b~dwe.

IDR'P· LJI-I'6 .. i'I"!"ifil· a' 'Rd, ' .... ~~\iI'l i,ilin_:

III! .. . UIUl.IJ.IVIII. .111, ,""-I¥IiI'MI1II-

:~,. ~tel\' b :ge~~',

:2. The ~.~ ~ be Ule.~1ly Q;~d. a It'S wmy expmut~,.

4. D.,,~ty,.

5, ,A va1ld :.nuter pmd,ucffGD liCbe du1e' JmWt: be :prepued 1m, .advamce.

6, BOM: a.nd mv~' ,~ :mt~ must be umnbfed and ,oOl'BpDtedzed.,


'Th;e ~ ~ iOl 'l:he ~ ;~ :1.1: a VitalI ~ 'wheRi u; re~lI: '~r.n to ~~g' ,ooo,dl'tio.~ in f.uDt, it dm'Va gl dmmge'.

1M' ap' ll-ni,,- ... _;iIo_·(I' \A, ... . . ni· .~I!I~. ~ .1_1"':"li., ~j~~I~

. Copy rig hted m ateri al

2. Ad.eq.lllate Uo:EI1puter' ~pori; ~. Aoolllmt'e~ Sllppatt

4l,,, ~ent. Stl.P.po~ ~i" O:!u~:r it[U)WJed.p~

TiM' manY' m~~: JWlIIF' :1.0. ,~ itart. :lmpbenln,g :!MIP ~ a.d!c-q,~ .Pf'~~Il. and ~~ '~ pm'b~ :Iater' 'OB. :WpJmueata:ll:aIti, :~ ,~ help, ~th ~em.entIUiOD

d~iti. -

ImplememBdou pl~' ~UId ~ ,edueat'iioQ. ,of ,.eiiI.Wr' :~m~ seleclil~ 0:(' a 'mL~" Appcm~ of a mlplHg.emtaI.on team, :~:ei1tJng all, ,pull, ,@f 'Ille eompfmy" p~M. et OOjedi¥a ,amd, detailed, adina, plan. :Seletlllcm Qf' ~, and :!i~,e b,p-roV~.elll af' dm. :~' 'and ,oihef' unple~Ofi actl¥itie;s 'be,gm.

bnpl:e:~:; ;;~=s C;~':~,~= =~ ~:;::It~~,e! ':,;;

ODe of 'dIeD: ,~., An :MRr ~tem, re·~ ~~ [datar. '~ ~ .~ ,drI&UH m' ,~, ,A ~1!IipUl,. dud; doeli:.r!I,'t :bve ,aB, :~ ~t.em, 'W1U :need to create: ~e :B'.Ill 'o<f material

:~!~~d~·"=~::~ ':, :~:!:~~~=:,::;:n~ =~~~e~ tb.~

AUJ ~the.r !diI.P ;~ms data such ~ .bop IQU~ .p' :OQOf statw., ,ud c~ mwt; 'bc' iKmli;e~ i~ltiaHy'.:fer' ,e;I:\rQr5!, .,ud, then. ~ainbi.:lned, :10, '~' ,~le ~.te ,a,emu:acy. MU'd.lua aec~ :i.iII mast ~(1tamt fm mainta1nm,g' dte [~m :lDtepty'.

Mmy' :md~et hilve' ,dlOWli 1!he~ wp :~mem, fiI,p,pOmit b dte~ key m· m£t:emw, h,pl~~~ ,of MRP, 'Fop 'ma_nq~~egt. mw:t 'be: ~tI,~' :b\voliv·cd and, ,g!)y.~ SU~ m~ ~ ;a'to,pI seM,ce', ''The 'WMI!I!I3,1c' e&;mp rre,ubd by 'mMIpn: at ;;ill1e.vd1 is roo '~ (be' ~tem and :mot [~, ,ov·el1'fde :u: by 1I8bIi' the :~ ,~;

The 'hal requiHment iii 'user bowledp u an lew'lI, of ¢iDmpmJ An 'MKP ~tem ~~I~"",~", '~'~~'I~'~;_ ;l1WiWi .. ~'~,.. '_6~.~~~~~""_ y:_ ~~, ~"'N"t"~ .~~;~~"!1~~'''1I~~ ... ~;_· ,,--,~,

~'!Ii'~"",,,,gI IIIUI, !Ir_.~-IILI;~-lil .~'IT """ll"1l"~,_ ...... 11 '''''''' nHHO ........ 'PI,~,.~., .. u •• " JlI;I, '!.lib.; !IOO!"O' • .....,.,..,~C!! uti. IIIL'I:! iIII~LM.IM."jI v.o .... ,

Ii :f~ :~ need [hl, 'h ~d, :But ,ill! the' ~ 'bc:gle~ m bc' '~d" all mp~~ :mldrllc' 'manasm, uel tor mgage_ ~ to ~d! ,M'KP,', :lm.d~ :~ ~e and, ;@~U:dde of' ~.

MiIconnp6on .bold, .IP'

Sem-e 'mUeoDcepdons ,lIWol:lt. :!MI.P' ,1Rl:

1. ,MM' C' Q ~tr ,"',";lm" It'), tHIIf ;a people qrstm1, :ma:de pO$!Il'bl.e, 'by the iCOm,tllw." 'The computer does 'm~ but - ~en.ta: ,mitptlt.. It~ii what people, dD 'Wdl thAt

,~mmamin 'diu m~u "bp :happea, 1..- a ~" - '. ._.._ .. ".' . _.' . , . -.'

2;. MJflP,pdmtJrllJ tJffid$Ir04r;cNrm, «d;~ ,~'rOl,~", ,M'ml~~: t¢SQ~

il!i1!.. ~rIHfll' tIiA'D'm ,o,,,",.;i,,iV '~ ....... ~.,... l't :b. iii, U[mNllllv 'l!Iiil_,. ::1. Wt.J?' ,tG tie: 'J.clll!!' :maiketlmill_

,r _ .. _ :II!iJ \:~ ... "!Y J. ~:l· ~~~~ -~ ~ ~~ - -~=:l' ~-~~. .~J.. _-_ ~-~ .~. ~~ .~. -~ ~J

:iDIfi~g' ,uil, ,~ermg",so 'lU' .'!led.del 'M aU ,of' tbn.el il.dl\rUIe~ ,cm, 'bel

,c~d 'to ,get belt fHllI.t.

a ,E'd, to.mpslJ1 '~J!ll ~, nifi¥l' ,vn~ ~,f'ilt ~. ~ "iOIiW!~y="JQlm~rial

r __ ·,I'·m M"IIiI~''''''''''' ~m1n1l' 191

~.~~·LI:;c _ -~1 __ li~~"""""""[I." [ [ __ J __ • .. • "

m,p~:ihe:~I~~'*~i sdIe.dW£qthe'vmd._,am!,~ '~ ~Villi~ ,o:f maFutiD&, ~~&I manmaettu.m.'i,g and. 'fifBmCcf; a.f~~t 'um'q,11I~' :Ito:m ltomp~ Ita ICam;pMiY' ne,~ iI a :e.adud fa,Sit; ,f~ JiIRf.

4,,, n, ,AlD' :utdialin #1OMt,rIrS ,dR ,fl. ,fo ,&I.' :IB ,,'al' &~t:r G:H~ 'The ~at ,pr~blem

~04 ......... !I!... _ .... '..-!j''i!i.0j" 'b ... ...Ii ... d' -0,.., 'hlk. ;Ii"C'~._i't\'Fij - ... ~="I~ .......... B··O·':'''·J!' "" ...... "._~ .. "" ........ ~_ I~-, 'm~ m ~~~_]~~, _.~~ [,~, u..~ ~lI!V~_~~~"'11' ~,!'!P~W~ ~cy __:_·.:__:.m. ~-~~~ ~~~~~,~ ILYI!

';n~ 'li;.aiD' 'if:" 'l~'Q '~rna' aiCoi; ;iirliiiifi' ~ ..... UH:i""l" ~~r" P""·""""""'t.L 11:'b ~~ .. , .;1b",=. liio~ Ii' .... 'biii I"~~l!t.' rm_~lil _ ..u:~' I.J.'~_"_W!I Mill'''' I~---O \V ·!~v.lIlllL I'u"lll 1 .. ~¥r~~J W:_lnl!r.· ~ WM~ ~ _,'I!r.'

:~. A ~ pm'~, h; I~ ,m~ ~: ,nmn.ben ,Dt :people: tiD w: Ol'prdzatlo:n.. Ths ,trl'd; :lI in rtevibl, ~pl~ '~ ~ ud u;se' dIe" WoU efft:di~Iy'.

'~ad.ty, ~nt"'l :b: c;Q~.ed w[tb, ddermtmD_J iE&e bbour .d, eqW,pllIlent; ,~ume!!i needed to ae'~ the: I3dle~. :k ,alSo ~ 'kI, :~ the :lbmildDIQ: oJ 'lhe li,IV,ailaibile ~Ucm :ftSO~: HI Ilhat an uuall:tie: ~It ;sdi~dUloe :i:3: ~ p:lan.oed"

Capadty' PWmin,S' ~ ~ a.ooompllMled 'by bYo ,~~: ,as :ihown :m, :0pH: ,5.5"

iNl !ii!ifAi I ~~ ~iiI



r 'I





'~~ ~ib,= :~=i'b ~!,"_,t - ~ .. ' ; ..... I ~ ~ ',~' 'l"'li.iifiib'l ' , ,c,~ .. '~ ,~'L~: ,'~ rtiilZ,~N. '"'~ -, ~.:; "d'li', i~,. " , ~" ,: " . ';- 1"-'- '. ,,_.:i ~

, ,D, ~ KlILC'!lIWe g ,D.U'~ OORiIir--'ue WIUiIi un:: ca,r,-~l~ IiWi:R IL1!If: 1i':JlIlUibmeDili m_, I~ ,~~

iI!!i!lb~ ta, ~, ~ lor m, ~be' miW:ef' ~dUfe:,.

1~1dty' a.4~ma ,~, ~ cludlf:,d, ~ 'two, P(U.~P"~ ~,. !hort 'temn, .-dJ~

2- :r-~ ~ adh~..,.;k

~"~ '~J ~- •• ~-~ -~._____!J~~-~~~~-

o>;~~ ,CiAhi~ .• -iI-, ,~~~_ -'b'~, tetlin ,l''':"~'li!id' ... .,~ ---"-,,1' ~, ............. ,Iilg ,wI" III, .'IN,~ ., ,Llil,;e_".. ,I!O;II'.

(a) E;~ ,k.,t., ~oymeDl in IlIIe pla.nt, can be ,;:re~, (01') ~,t,~ :ill, ffl,PO~ W cli~, fm cgpac.i.ty, R~rn.aitl;,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,I!.. ~ ":';j,mMfliifti"~ - - - -.if, --~, T\-<";"":", , ,-, ,_ ,- - - ~ -,-'I~_t, 'L~_: ~ iii [- ~ ~ 1 ,~,L-::-, 1'--- , -~~-_,I- '1,..,,,," lr~~' -~ - 'W ... .-L ~. -,-: '. '~I '~'~'N"l""""""';)' [~Aij:!~, u~eue ai, empl .... l'...__._..' ,~,~iII, C'&lIi ~ IlJ!e ,ma.'!I.:Ie U,j!' iIlI!ilDg __ W;I;:e~~

~-"f""'[ .. ~"'m'~",,",- --',' q:-'- ,iDi"l"'CY"

g-Qlc~ '!!=II l~_. _:_. I_': . _ ~ ... ,:.

1 .". . ."

.rC~1 :1.1- -.f' ,--~-.~ ,~-I.~";;, ~~" ~~~-~~'Ib._~--, ,=1} ,_!bdb, ~-~--L_-_.:I: - [L-,~, '~'''''-'''''''''''''''''d' (.....-\ ...:I -...~~-"'I

[~'"J ,n'(li 'Ill) '~A, .fll'IJ ...... ,iI,~, ,1lliIIm1Ue1 W [l.Iwm ~_liIi;.C!Ui ' , l~ ... ~:l!;_ ... ,,',w.I,' [u ,'!i'~.

fJ ~[ ,1"_Jt~~, !t,_~ "jI"ii.-", - ,,[b" , - ,~' L'~ -- "'i.. .,..u,,i. ;,~ ,- ~ ~ ;!i ... - ~--~41 (,;:\..:I~c __ ~ ~,~ -~ _..I 'iI\'f'[

''"I ,~~r ,~. ,il,D.C· D.Umi, - e:r Oil JallJ01!f ,DU! l¥--....~' 'CBI), l~ aI,,~;Qi ,or;!! lJI.eereuelJl, Wi!

;,'L_ ." .... !'i!iiii' ..... ~~.- ... ! , ...... d~ ~.;II..· .. e'd,~ 'i.~~~ ..

~ "'U!!Ii! ~_I, u~~"~U:I:.II." IiiIIi.I J ~~o\Ill'-. ~iI'!iJ

(~J[ om." ~i/.#, Dellvedes QJ IJe: :prndPd '~l 'the c; ,oou1d 'be' deilare<l, ~ bllllY' pe:.ttc~, wm :p~ :tcaOumr;!!i ,~ :bVI!ulJc~ to, meet die' [demp •.

('~r~l Sui '_r4dill~ It In\t~u In ail'tH~II" the WGt-t dOM 'bv ot'bn

.,j'l (~::. 1 .. ,.," ~.'.'~~' •. _" ,i~ ... ".' .. -._~. iO.-.!IioIIA.II:...,I,.! L.~· .. I. _"1'.'1_ .. __ ., "1'.:,. '.' ~_'.'"l .. 'li

~_;o;liklr ~p,"]"'_I ... 1D' ... .:i'jl ... ..-t.- ...... bi ,"-t' ,iii.._. 1 ...... 011' lam! mdud.\e'!"'

~Mio7 ..... -~~CI! [~,~~w~_' W-...: ~ ~I ,~-~~, ,-~~-~-~-~ -~,

{" ~ N'" m ~ 1m ~. t Itt mvDNes- '~' - mradnn'l - '(0 - - t dJ'l

I" _ .'_ -,'1 .' '-' - ... - ,.' ,r' ._' _ '_' . ,-, _ _ "., •• I _- I' ,": ,_,' c_ I"' .' _ 1

I,', ~ t:.w (lIq, pmeJ!ll; '-----~,¥e'lmcn~_, __ , .~~ ,1 ~ , ~.~. I '_ ~. more· . .. n, .. · ,mee., I e,

ioctea:sed mWre :pl\~, :~u1temmt1"

tt{l'i. Pwil-tue of' til - ~lD" ~lgt. ~·l'·'·· ... .,--!:!iJfl~


:MRP..n: u; ,D :i.n.te,~ :i.ntOtm.ltioll, I:)"IIem llihat ,ilhKea, a'fa ;amom,g'.ud, ~,c:hmIliR! dle'

,-·R..-iti"-' ,.'li,,-- =_..!IL~"ti·-c--- '-~..!Ii ~iI:b,~c .ti_=~t.:-==-'I, ,"---:--'~ ,,'~'tb" [L~~~l,=,~=-

KW:_',I . .e~1 01 'pf~ut: . .on WN QYiL'CI' ,1!!.WII!O'~1lIm ,iiU'eu, ~,,_e I!,;I!~~.

1!!1h .. 'oIi; ~","iofi: :""oii' ... .,.. 'jIi;I"D'Q' 'i!:--~ ... ,;il ,~.m' ,i.;"" pl ,...iIi ~ii.. .. , ............. 'O'iO"i- ... ~' :- ...... ·~~~h~ftiil" ,~~l ,1_;

I I _,~ ~~ vt 1HIII_1l 1~-rI.lU'· ~~~ ~l¥!r'!r __ . ~ ~ .. ~l Ull w~ ~l~Q!,W.!I.WI;~~ vI, ~-~~~i"-lfli W;iIll~ 1LiJ.

¢~ MRF"I['1t

l1u~ ~;.J!I: ~m, c~dina.tei sal~ :p~~ ~ ~~ ,and ~D,gi.oeerl:lilg ~y adopliinJ; tiL f~, production plian ,ad, by "Shil' one WiW.ed am 'baH, 'W 'the ptan and.

~ ii!I;pdat-e the ~ejij in, lin 'ihe ~m&,

:MRP .. l!JI ~A1Id~, lI!ItRkr: ,band!d ,pbrrndq:' ,u, w.e:U ~ p.rod~ pla_m~ Ibll__gb, the Ufe of :riInu1atlon ~p~e!!l '~ 'liR~ 'what: ,tt ,n~(m '~ 'evaJ~, ti!.e' ~te.rQ.1ive' :pkm~"

The ~ diagram, ~. 5.~ 5bows :MBP-II. fte, pmx.ea :~i dfey,elopm,.' • ~D,

, ::!:f!:~~ ==e~' m :rpecify' :mD~' ,Ieve'li of':~ plan whkih areca all,

The :pWd1llCtion [depptm~t tih~, b: I~d, '~l ~,~ a1 'U~ 'oQmmtlted h¥el'd the hel,p ;@f' ~i ,pil, ~e de~ept and [~ ,ad.eq,~ f.e5QoUFCe5 (Or "" :~l 11re:m,

, ~=::::~=S==I:::'~P==:~~

To ,create '!he mateda1 t"e~emb, ,:Jl)d, :priorlty .chedu1e' lOr prod\\lCIiiOD ~ oJ deld~d. capacl1y" p1ggllilg' iU1 ~ for tb,e: 'Rqubd ~edw,e';, .'~ II, :f'eillbti.t ,capacUy p1m

b de,wm.~l n emJl'l''h,,,~,,,,!!: ... 1:1, .. ~~.hI'I'-'IIl ~ [~~l 'Plil.PIi :1-, iliL._ -'li..nn :"I' ... ........" ,~ .... ~~,' ,,.-~ ~= i'-~!]_~

t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - r-' ~ ~ -~--'l""'----- 'Y!_ ~~~~ W Y<R! .t""""'""' iIIII I!WII:! iIU-r UUUL" ... WD.Ii;UI,~iRilI, IUR! nil:lLp

. ,M'.OtlHl' Wn~ d!epmm.enb.

1 ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al



! I

I ......


- = --




--- -- --=

~1~!111!1d1 _- _ .'uCIo!!!, -cc_







l., ]!)d.Q1;i ~ '~~? ~, 'Ehi!i [pad ~ lID GT.

I. ~_ .. 'il.; ~ 'ooila. ...... i ... tr"~ '!IliJ'i'"lh n""';' llri..." _L~ .... , __ '\"'1 ... , .... - _ ..... ' __ '1' ~ .i"'I'A'IH'.io

•. 11 "JBU· ,U! ~.f~~j .f'."u-lfUIlll:lt.; ",1 __ J _ "-!IIM LI,W·,,' ~ ~_I'Ii;~., IUIC l.j!l.i-~ ~7lr- ~[(""'.

1.., T.;itt· ad! ~~Q 'die ~~, 'gr' CAN ~~, ~ '~' ~~Pl ~~ 'CAPP ,~iil.Hp"

5, ~"~ 'lfp~.:I, ~.~ til III :~~"(!ID, :p1mmh'i-8' ggdJ Qgg~ ~ilb I: lkiie:1I,.' explidn, &~ ObJectives or M"f{P,

I DHme~ ,!M!RP:? Explam Ithe funmunn.tIl, ,(:o:nA::epb; ln, iMRP" I. DUfert:~ ~aem :MRP' 'v:ereli Order, ~, ~m..

Copy rig hted m ateri al

!t :!Bni!!fly ~lain [the :5'truiElilll~' of an MD ~ttm, wfth Mat; 'bTod:. di~~ tO~, :Wt; die ibm:i.~1lt5 and imlji[l!~on ,0.£ MD.

n .. :Brlefly explu ile~ rO:UOV!f-:LU!(J

iii M_RP :impleml!!!~.i!1i'1.

iii Mbe~~ '.O\I~ MRP' ;, :plmnlog

0; Btl1! g.f m.a~n.ab


Copy rig hted m ateri al


C iiJ] ,A IP-' T-]E-: R' .'

Iil ~[ ... : .... ",

~hnn d .... "'"'_~~;i;_'i 1-, ~"'D".;-.:m;iOd'-: ",,,,,ill. ,1/\.,,;, '1'.iI![~InI-.ili' [~.I:' [iI;..-;, n..,.;..;Il •• .._W~ .... "f'fI~1 , .. ~~ [io'i._j ,fit;~,~ qI~"r'r' ~-y.~, ~~~ ~ "ir.¥"~~~=-'Pir.-. ~ ~1!-~' ~~ '''!IIr._~-~-'!r.. WJ ~J'!r ,ri"¥~Y'¥IIL~ ¥'~~.Il!9.i ~ ~-p:j '~-~'7'~J

OOI!l~' the :pf~:ni [of the o:rdm .[qp, th-e varlbm WOft centeni ami ~1ubiq:' ~-~ ~Q, on, ~ :stalin!, of ~, Qrdm.


Shep :O~ oon.tml deailS w.i~ :~agmg' 'Ih~~ WQll~ht-:~e$$ (W]fl,


0. .. [ bne [~ " Pll'rwwi!:!gi-

flOM~=i b~~ ~~;['~[~~~~c_~f_~~~~fle;,:inputW'lh:,~

.. '_ -,_ ~,_, _ _ ~= of pJoduotiOn, pla:m (tLt." ,~ of ~' ~, MBP.,

~~ Plan ltc,,) ;mc1. b:fadm;y :Pf~dMi '~Ihl-"U '.:be fmJC~ [to 'IMi ~11!d.'

.A '~ ~ noOA" [t~1I.tfQ1 :~m, aJ_Lli'iits ,of Idhme :p~ whie&, lA' MlPlenteill by

C(Qllpoter. These Itree phuet, ue'~:

,I... ,ChideI" :R.e'~

~'. [~~ ,Sch~ub.g ,310 flnIer :~FM

Copy rig hted m ateri al

AR. 'lI"Ii~jC!1 R .• ~L~~A[~I~ U. _WEn . ~E. _EiftlliJ.hE

:n provtd.e!l' 'Ute dOO'Umen1atlom, needed, [to :pUlcea a ~O:I!l order throop, dte ~ and, d),e W:htion jJf:' d1ie dOC1m]eolil; is eaJ1!ed as SIIDp :It Ol)mmb: ,0£;

, ,

:L ,ffal" SMd'j 'Dkib, ~1!lmi(Jnt.I tb~ ~pr~el1i :pl~ for t&e item, q[ be produoed.

:2;" Mat~riiii 'nfiIiiiiJ'im, 'to maw ,~, nece~ :m.ate:rim mm, "Dl¥enm"Y"

.~, .f~l., .,",,,,-;J,'~,, ,...:t...;[_,t..., ~.,!li --'~-'-l 'th·, .. :~M\,""I:I'I'P.- o.·~ ",'L .. ~-:-'~"'''l'' ~~"..iI.[ ''';'':-e t.. .... l.....-.;J' ,"""'.) L'I)- ~~F-:" ~\~ J~ I;.~;~ T.fll~ ~_~. ....1 w.--'~V __ 1fiI! _I m_~ ~_f.LUI_"'1J l........a~ !IiIlI_ . ~", ...... _Ul Ull.KJ!UC

,u.-.;iI;, [d' ;o;,crii"ioii<~~ ~"'" ~Ib. ... , [om!'"',' !I.IIlII,,;:: ,.., '"" U!l'e!lil II:,UI 1l1li1,.., .., .... if •

2,~' '~l.


SydIm I

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a,'GnIIr IPrOgu",


PJ,!J4' 8 .. 2 11mcc ~i:. ,iI,~' ~ ,~, ~

. ,

Copy rig hted m ateri al


.1,.. :M.achln.8 l"'MlI-US' :pmhlemif!i~' All~(;~' ~ Q~ to iib.e' ~rk ,ce.m1en.

2., Jo'bl Sequ,e~ :n ill,Yolves. [del!~ th~ ~r' m, wJd~ the' jobs will be prooesmt ftu'[ou-gh ;a glv,en WO'r~. 'omte~i 'by iUJlma;' prioritY' oomroL (;E'g~: LPI';;

'~~iD'" ~ .ji' .... ..." ,!ii1,L· .... }i...·'1 ,DILl, _". l~ £"v-E'il!;. .. Li'C~ lkJ.~_5j"

T:&e famly dam ,~ectWm, a;ptem, (l:oMbt!: ,Gt ld!.e, vm:iin.,. ~ d~ temrlul", _d, ;~, dcmcs, ~ tbroqbout 'ilh¢i :p_lamt, (br. [cOUecaq' data '08, I1top[ Boor' ~,pedQ:~, :fdus the meas (Or compilJn,g ,and :ptKeumg' the data,.,

lhc :~ [. 'c@lJlectiion ~~elD, lie:~; !a, g, ,~, l~[ "e' O~eI" :~. module :(Q, Iho,p' :t:l.0Qt: ,eornr~! .as :Ww:uated below.

']'he 'IJliima.t'e pwp~ of dli~' f~ry d~, [~i!l~, :~m :11, two :ool~~

:~,'. LTb,~ ,~ .:and pe;di@rmanoo data lbll' llbe: ;mop :d~ ~ ~.

2. "ifiG ~ '~lit, mfonnditm w :produetiH OOme.D,~ :fliDt. ma:nwment ,and. :p~, (iQgb:Ql ~],

~e:s, of :lhc ~e, ~' ~ [~ :r.~ry' [~D Clolieded, by the: :Futory' [Uta, omteetlDD, ,.,.~ ImclU:de' plecli:' u.l!.WlU ,e~pl*d ii!d, • c;c:Nlm 'WQg [cegkfi~ ducd'w-' ~ te'~gMdJ Q:fl, ['!ac;b ~r,', p~ rth~, ~ ~ pW :R~ :~Il; ,amd, ,eq,Wpmeot.


Copy rig hted m ateri al

pg~l '0Ili~

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c;;_ ;IiZ~, 'F-' - .... - -, ' .... - .0;,. .... ~'U~-....o.f~, '!Ill."..j;" . "':"-6" 'lII" .. ~ .; ;1li_~wl\Y ,b!'a .... '!!;.All ~ [ .. ,"' .... m

O'M' illliIl~ '!l~RS- "U' S-" 1I:Ii,.iIIi.mC~'LlI ,ey' ·S--"r'II:!.~ . ~. l' .... n~ ..... ~ r", ," ::. - .," .: IiN'1ill !" ~'1iI Igl'o (. .! :I~ l~ __ .Ql

1'he1 'iidv-aBtaps of dUii 'ilfiod~1 ,ate(:;

:t The drua ;e1Ie repr~~Dtmg the ~ ,of dle 'hy ,em be :kqu, [~ at a:ll t:im.~.

2. JU,~ :IP, ofdcv:pJ'Op5.1' ~ ~d" .HC ~ aRi 'hnm~'b':in;o~ mtQ Itbe shop .h1s me.

3. ~le· ,M aCCeis: m teall ttim.-e.

'1'- 0.--; 'jE'E':..T '~1jIi" .,lL-"~, 'i'!"",'liIi .. ~, ...... ~j., ......... [~""-~ ":!I[-~- ... , ......... , [1~-~=I:'l'1O!' ..;.,..,.~ . ..iI :Ii..;, ,_:tiIL_, "" 'illlltn'i'!i!ii'NiI, .m. __:)I"F. UIJ!,'!!II~ ~ ~.g~~~c~, ~:l~l~~~~ ~ ~~ ~-~ ~~r~dID;#' IglMJ.I~1 UIl m-Ul,..~. ~ 1~1~"!'Ir.'

d_e,*el 01;' iil. !S.tam . .taloDe co.mpulel' ,sy*m ~a be ~dJ and pt'Qo~d .eq,l1Iemtiy' ~' 'tMl '-:-huit ,~~ -~'~~ in - batdi.· -- 'd"

p' COH1P _,... . a , ,mo ,e"


. 1'he' ,!ld~: of (hIs [Oo.lIne· 'QdeQI~I!I,'~ is thlt l't :b!; P~' IUldef' to ~ and

'imple:memt, The ldiaad~1 of 'Iihii mu:nle, of oper.ation :u, dw dl'll!~' :Ii. 'de'la,.. m .e dlia !pr0(tMl:n,g and '~me'f1't.11.tly:! tille' p'lant coomputer. ;~QlICJ.Dnot ~I :rl~llnf~at1i~l, ~itii ",'b=iIi ;n~M ~:~, [~;F-I ~._:.~- '_~~~:'_~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

c: ........ cr:I\.._ ,,.--..__~' '8'""

,.,..'........ nIi!I:iI"r' '" .. Vl1I["",,, " ,I'

n. .. i_A, [In-p'~~ '1': ... ~ ... r ... I~~-, I..,...;U!!, _~~,!I!!II!O; ~'I!n!'Ii!~I~~~

'11M ,~)Cb 'Dv,;:Jei' ib«:o~J, [~i!:!' ,clY'M,Q~I.Q,gkiat :~Qrd of the :pn;u;;eamg' ~f:' the ,miller",

'~ B~.~I ,7im~ ,S~~I$,;, ,~_ ,~~;~C~:'~~~:,of I~~~ ~~~i l'~'~:~~~~~~f:'

~fe:~d fur ~..cll worker W ~:e W!litik~f mu~ fiU i!l!I~t. ~, f~ kJ ~4Iute_ ~ ~ ~~_'

~i. -1- - - - - .,.'h .. 'h., - ,..I ,..ii:rrl'nU' ~'b ~ ,11 - - . 'h..... ~ . ...,.._.. .. -.-l ~.... ,,,1.,_, t...,_, i\o.o; ",,'II... ,.;il_, ,,'i.. ",,_.;11 __

'!UlI.:ilL ~ ,acOC}IDp.u;-ueu, 'u ..... ~ ... -e' 'ure yay,,, ~A4A ,e_liI~n~lU, '''''' ..... YW Ii~,""': '1iI",,1,~ Yjl,~ yJ,~~,

'I["lmkr~, ~~ ~umbe:r' 'on libe ~me ,ahed1, the omn:ber I~ ¢~, anD,plewd, dMn__g the .!y'l be $,PM1 canod] :~om. 'The :abo'y,e data :ue takeR :iom, Wo:~D ,e~edJ :Ln 'I!he Ifhep :pilcket, fel' ~e Qrder,

,j tJ:fH.,(JJirm T''4tT 9~'d;(J!S", 'wnb ~ ~e~ th~ dt~p' ~el mdnd~ :a let; QJ p&',:epnmed, '~ :_,P~ ind, can Hdl,' be a;e,pam:l:ed ,~, '1lM: :packf.lib ~ 'pI"ep:ri1Lb!:d ~ 'OD each 'teD'Mrip mdudes o:m:eJ:' number], .M~te S_~ details ,ad. HI .on.

'When ,ia wo:rblr' tlbtb!hes an operatiaDJ 01' at, the emd of 'lhe ih.iB:, olie m": Idle: 'tear ~, tl rom, ~, pleoe efi1mt :a.d, time dab, aR fe~r;d)ed ],-1 :dl.e' wof-k:ef' ,land the r:arm 1'1 turned :In, to

fe,port ,OJdef'.;(U·~.. . .

'j P:np;WuJ: ,C:.o.Nb., :~i, :Ui, slmilu' B!Ii '!he: ~U' :strip m.~.od .. but pref1!U1Cl~e.:J. computer' ,car(b, ,af-e fDcll!ld.ed '\iiicitb dtle :sh.op :padet ~d 'ef 'te-ar: ,rmI,P!l!.

'The ~cliI.ecl ~, eo.ntaJiD 'tM: ,ume type of ~f; data. :lDd t&e 'WOl'lt!!fI ;11UI.St write' the :g;me lind Qf'l!Jf,~g, data onto the',c1vd" l1!u~ dmmnQe in '~~ ~ of pmp~d ~ :bJ '!hat b'l- (lQ'I'fI;pUin,g' 'the Idaily' ~lIde:r p~e!1.!l" ~ Id. proom~' proc;ed ... uti. be 'med, m :recolld, mIRe of 'Ih.e: dB"

l'h.efiiC ~: :p~]em!!: w:Bh ,au, ,ai' ~e:u~ ~ua[iJ;~' orlc~t'id. ,.ta (iQU~~~~, ~tdgre~. 1'hey aD ~ly QQ, .e' (i@()peA'bn of cl~al. ao~ or f~ 'wml~ tW, :~rd, data omo' ,a Pl'ptr d~t9U:. Th.c:f,e ,are mvma~ e:r:ro:rs in this kind, ,~' :p:mQedure~ ~' n.te.I ~OIii~d ., ,bud, ''Wfm~ t!~ of d., a:venp'"

:D., m_"m; tf;ee'bmq,I,.:u~~ ~[ud!e'~

,t Martual ~f'oc!dw'~~

:2,,, CoI'l1F,llIter '~eJ'

L, lbn!..J Pm,ceduireJ.., :Manlllal data ,o~DectlQ1!!i ~m ,rctCJi~, .' :prod~hn wo~m Ito ,mI, ~ :p~ ~kldic:atIDg Q~' ~~,~ ,~lna. 1"Jterre:~ ,ate e-o:m,plled 'wmg a, combirurhli ,m dm.ctd, ,md c'O.te:rizatlon modhG'ds", HeRCle: acC1tl~ ~~d.s '11I,pa:m!i, the ~p'I~'ee tQ re~ord ,\ill;a, :pr~y ~ ii, p~~' dKI!!Im,ent, Th-e oommoo ftnn ol !i!HeR 'that an O~' ue

~ii~'i'li6" ~oO" ,;Ib ... _ ,j' ..... .n-nr ... o,oiIi, ''7~.fc' 'i;iIi,'iT1Ii'I'l.. .. n-, !"--41 ,i, ... ""'~t ""1De.,...;I!-I- ... o .. ....;'i..--, ,_":, __ ;i:'L_~ ,_", ,1- '1Ir:I:~~ ~~·.I'Zt'U·" ~~J l"_INV.-L.11I~~ W}IU~_ II_U •• "_iIII_I_UIIr_ ~_~ I.lw.~:"~c'?w.' ,...,F .. "!"-IJ ........ _Ii.I.......1IH:tQ [~ ~~ ~

u.e •• ", in :mbmiWm,g 'the ~ prop. d_ :(Q.[' C1ornpilvlh:"o .. Inad~, to mu ~, 11 aim ~ delay umcla.ted 'with 'Ci)mpiImr [ile' dtia ;into, '~RfW t:e.p~"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ ~ ,- :,,.., r- '!jI"J;., ~_: ... 11 I '1j1I~(~! t-c, ~''''l"~ 'C - clf.~l~ -c- ,- -~."...4ii:d-'..;I •• ...,i.'b, dlJ-- ,.~ ----, '-ali -, --:'-"~-~UFi! ""~ ~,mpu'!.'!I:!1f ,1}!I:I,mlUlUIJ,. ,LI';UU~ cQ Y:I!e ,pIO!.:iIl~JS iUi~~'e'y, ~I~U ,~e, ~1l_Q~ pf;O('~ ~ _ j

tt:~mniqn~; b\!l~ 'Ib~~ d~VI~loiP~di that 1,(Ij5e' d!a:ta cQl~~oi~n '~Jl1WiQa!ls localed tril, the £aoblll}l". Ther'e ~~ '~~Wili ~,rM)pme:Db QF keyb~ ~~ te_~ p_~bLe !in, 'Ilh~ fad:o.ry'. Th.~e'

1., C~mrRlzt-,j' TnM~'iidl;:: In this single itermit:ud, l~d ,e~' in l:De pJim.t whMii, :~,~~ 'iM w,oik~ to I~' ~, d\le te~, .d '~1ef' the da.ta., :If .~ p1aJiII :h :~' :It '~(iQ:me$ ~B,"ni:nl~.JlI.t to the: 'W:otk~.

2. ,-'mdltk :r~rm1'md$: In dii" :~m lIt~ ;Ke~ muMple ,d., OOU~ ~o.iI, located, [ihr(,l~.gba,n 'th¢.; :phmt :Hi ~ 'Y'ef)" tonlV~ to the 'WQli~e:_n.,

,~ r,~'~_'l-,'r...-~ ... ,,,,,,, ...... _-, .,._-": .. ,.......,i;M' ... -~,..,, "i"!-~'~ t'i:iT'i,">-:--- -,::f-' ,ii~,=~~~~1 ,: .. , .... -:;0"", " .... :U...b]_"'" ~~,-in.-'Iini--:--'~--ifio;j., ' ...... , ",';b ~,-

0. ..... ·~r.~iI!Ui! 'k;II!·~H¥.U; ,11 ~_(gJ ~"',r'e !fa .'~J~I_lI_W_LU ll:U! .I_I_~' ~u.l1A_ .. ..r. _::.' __ -a;- __ nle_~u. ~ w.e

WOil;~, ~ bliQi diu~ .t:a ~lk~~ '~n:nl~n'i'l ~t ~~h WQ'd;, ~er" ~ red~tI (,If' savel 'lhe~ Ume ,of the. Wi(H':k.Ef~ 'm, ,go 'to, the~ celllGd ~nal ''lldI, ii, j:mtifii!d ~ 'whea, die UDGwU; ~f: dala,'~ be' ml:l~ed is 'vert '~''''

'&"1 __ --1... [~I.;.i ... ,"i"iIIoiiIiJ~ .... ---, ... ~ -t-~Iel\'l-l [iU~""'".;i1.iio .

• Iftll!U.l!lII_.1.Hi 1IiI'Ir,11.~,. -v I ".UIIVU"1

11u~ vartow ~atlc l~ern,dcatlen ~;(:h_Qlq,~ whitb :~ ,gc~' W!cd ;;ut;; :l. Baf' O( .. le: T~bQlosy

:2:. ~, ~~,y '~~hm,q~$, 3. 'M.i~p

'~L ~al '~t~r :f~paUQg, 6:", :Ma<;hme~ vUi.O-n

AiKOm~, is ,ii 'lemJ. tl!.at referS to the '~otUI: k~l"e.1 '~, m iWlwmalk 'OJ: i~m.ati£, ,aeq,uilliti~ [00: :proown _ta ~Ot: entry' 'mto a, '~r~ :iY*-m"

''T'i..~: ';'~'l'i~"l'";i'io'I-;i'io1D'V ;~i'~ -m,~.k.' ;lioili'M;;jI;;o;,T b"';~;iI;:~1 ,~.~'~"f~~, ~i;. .... , ~":jI,,,,~ .. ftIio- ... .,,;b:-ii:"',"--iid.i.og • .,;I~",= ',I~ ~lIiIy, N!,D-f RIo... .. 'WNI!W!;- ~iI~W\I, . ~'I:iIi n~W_~ 1IlIi1"'" ,it" .. ,,,,,, .. ~u.,,", ...... e-... 01, fEl , _' uaw

.bllt a«! ,~od~, Og, ;~ ,d~emt ff'od~~ (ompODmt acnd, ~o om, wiJIhout the nm r:or: b'uman J mtel![pretadon of .C;a"

,Amomdc :ldeDd~fi'efi, sytte~; ue hem,S; -us;e;d mueasin.gty' to oolLett, ,data m lOatedai

!ha.:ll~ ... , (,;,;;p;.fill;o; mc'Iu;dr: s'hlppmg and mmui,t'UII' ,...i! .... rt:liJiJ'iIIj; ..... ~_ ird·.:L.i\.",i)!' ,......,..1 '1.!.t.;iJii;'iilt ~t: --~-~~~ .. , '~~-~--__:---' ~__:-~~__'_--- ~~~I:',~~L" ~-~-:..~ ~"-''':'---'~'~~ [~~'-""!~~~ ¥.1;'\i.I~ r~-I., [AII_~Ul 1"'_u.I .• _-a1 [WI

pa.1'b, for' UH'mb!,,) ud, :l1Ianm'il~' ~:rnoni~' the ~i or ile' ord~ ~opeQ, 'WEP, 'wo:fk'u d~e~ ,IWd pef;('O~~l;,

,ADC (:automrd¢ data, capWllre:) ha; :many' atP~Qm ,ol/.l~de die fiu.1;QI"Y w;1dclt i~ltlej, ~i ai'id duirlbW:loD~ ,chedk5 iPftJoC~s:lrn;g ~n b .. .-b!, dlilliS;"~ in, ih.os,pibb: and bany :In i&e a eeurl ty, ,$~;,

AdYg~; ,0{ Qtoma'ilic ~de~UfkatJ~~ ~DU;

~~) Ao~' o:f m~ dab, ,~1!Ie-~d 'will! ~ h,pro,~"

'{I,) 'To :m~ 'Ihe~ [Hm~ ~e~~d by tb~ :hlllmim 'w,all'ku to :de the data ~.

~ ;;o!'\ Ti""~""I!'n1"E'",~;bIinTil' ,f;"'" ~'i..-e ,-d~""i- .. , ~ ... fi~1 ~-:, -- , Ir;..,...,~1"

,!Ii, ~-.-II!r.'?r.-r.l'''''~V., U .. lb Y1 __ ~, '"'"10. J l~ ~L~"'ll

Copy rig hted m ateri al

t. Bar' [tJOOjc' [Rdi'noh);gp;., It, :1$ th~ i'A!~iSt PQ!p;ml!U" :mlj;mod, of:' antomattc :ideotd'tciiiltI,oo,

11 ,,~,...~ '-~" : '~I ,j'"'1'l ,j'A, " ,fi ,;1;. [,','I~""",,I!"i "","iI'" ~~I ~I~ 17,~("~~~..JI~ '~l""i'i;~~liIi." ... If' ."'i'ffiI'''li~I;o;;o;

~, !reJl~ ,!!!iil!,l!C~, ~g ,y~ ,la~! .. '@lry !l;il!a .. a !l;lO, !lie .... ~~OD, i9y.9i!IIem. .Ii, ne IJiil:fCOgee ~"""I.!5l~g,W ""'~ !i!'!r.'-,i""'S.,I"''!r'!r

ot' tbfck pdJ nan-ow (:lO:L~r ban: ~:e:,p3X3it'ed by ~j.ct ~}d n~OW ,!I!,p'a(e~ :~c,~\lU'aJ~gg' th@ ~,~,

---lil"'~J . ..........oiI,', _ W"Ii!'1JII~~IO'"

[~~ ..

• ,p' ~".iIi, 'Da" [{"!,,,,eI '·T'· ,'Lc_',:I'," -', ,I;"!I\~" Q~~ ,p~Jt ~.e ,,"_.IUet ,o,gy

'The, 'bar' ,code uad.m may !be of 'two dliR"e:rent, typei:

t Qmt~' ,~,#,; Th~ light ~ns ~~ used ito d~ode tile' d.a~, fb'nn the b.a:r I~~~'

~. N41QI.£i~iIt~~t' flit.;: 'The' Ughlt :r[:I!.),)s; aee il91ed lt~l df;icode ithe daq, :frQ:Qi 'the h.


,~ jjl",,",~,1Ift, '~nu-ai'!v' T"~_D..:Ii,q:"'".~"'I'1II1 ~'"[ ,:E..-" ~,,"~"- ,'" ,~ ~[ ~~c~;I' ........... ""'h • .-J ,.,..1'~ ~":~cati C-"~' ,;1;, ~¥ "'!I.-II!I,,_, ,'!IiI " .... .;t' ,",,~!, !1.:I·U_IIl-i¥"'I'~ ,_" _,0 l.;l!:.q,Llre.IKY U an a\l!!i'U\liIi~liiI, ,1,'!;I.eflwlll ." ,on

,tG6l ~, em~~ 'b~Q:oa1 :radi'~ $I,go~b as Hle lern;odbtg :~ :qd, is 'Yi.lde!y' ~ed, w :~novt6 :tumd.t-=fiee aKeu CQ1)ib"ol

lbdtG h,~e:ncy' 1:d~mlfk;atJ~ [gff'(i~ ,$ioh: • .tIQ~ 1l'Q ~~i\lcatl~n 'probl~ :I,m, ~dW!~ ,~alIon :ud, miU~, ~udH"g wlltme th!e;,-e U :lfIe :Im~l ,nf dir-eet .t blw tile Kanner ;:mdJ ~demd.c;ath;m :p'We' Of ~i:aIg'.

3. :Mla.-oddp" MittQc'h:ip, Me:rn:WicaHo(H, ,employs th~ '~ l~f a :mj~Ji. embedded. m :1" g;:dHIJ ¢8:PtW.t! 'Ihat can, be m"e_rct.ed. ~n, tke OOQl hoMier. '~e' use ,8 ,mo:rK.'Gotad ;~nl:Y head 'Iihat ;£aD b;!lo ~g m iifj;~] 'C""U!i"1MiIi-TiIl~ fi;'l1'",,",;diiJi~,~, ~~·"'I.iii"[_~ .,.- li ...... <l ~ni'i-i"\iI;[" 'iI!i! ~ ... .iI~"";DI' [;o,~~,

.... ~ ~~".' ~ .. ~~ .~""" ~~~.~~~~~~<~ '~~ ,"~..r~ '~~~""!I"'),!.o;!O~ !F~""~~~oCI ~~'!!~""5l' '!o!!( ",,",Y.;, e"~.rr'!r."""" ~~-~D-""

OOtmf ,fit, [I, Idi.I~e of' 'u.p' '~®< (bom :lliclJ, 8irId. read, tilIU~1 ts [_ ~ 50 ~Ildt.!, ' an

.owabl~: l(tl~cb ~fm;t, Ri~te m!laoc:bJp id.enWkati,oD, ~teim e<~, RU, amy ;u moot. appropriatel:bl, ;an FMS, [01" ~o.n; all:llfmer", "

,4 .. , Op:t:kal Cb~~ Reoo,p-idoin~ [Opti.ea), C!hu:a:~f' reeognitioo, uUlzes, Ih.OIiJUW 'fudahle' letted amd 'Dume~ rather 'Illm..n l~e lines ami 'bus of bar oodJmg 'ihU '~ ~-ed

.'w1Jib.;~"'~' '·:~[~ce. ' - -' • " ,,: .. ' . ;, . ' ".' .. ;. :. : c .': ~.~;~ ~ ~ .', ~~' '.c 2 ~ .... ,.: ~~~:' [~ oJ ~ :"~~. _' .,:','"

'Wbm Ii, ~tWiU' pa'km, :i$ ;(<<ognized. by the SCillD1\1ie.r~, ~e' d,ata, ,11«\ ~QDY'C~d, to, elec~ ;opu!iSe:!i, fQf' ~ tbe comp_gk:r',

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ ~ ......... i.,a_ - v:· '''' .. :Ii. - .

. >.I\. ~ilU,e · .. ·y:a.ODI'

'1. [!~'IQ!!I~ ~ ~rnl

.-. I IIl'iilooIiiJ...-L._· I

l ~!~j~_1



~ "ml-_., -

~~II [~' II . 'I:[,~~).



'II il 'II ,jl

[II :11 I!I Iii

~n[ ~

Pili. 6,.,1 ~Sit'he~ m ~, 'Vb.OD,

MII~ vision can ~~ d~ed ,aa me ~qo.i.sJ.thm af' the i.m.ap' dJta~ :fd~d 'by ,tM ~~j: and mte~retatlon (1.£ £his d~, 'by Co.mpliller [OJ' lome~ usefW arPlI~. LThe~ 0~c~I1'Oa, or :~h1nt:, visl'on :sy&t:e:m ~am, M~ d(,vl\'i\e,d :lntl@; rufiowtQg, lu-Iee ,m~~ ,~om!~,

l" , 3.CfJubition ,and. diI,giti2atlon, (whoe!ll:e th~ :pGimt d~nd ,d;rta, 'wi.U, 'be: d'i~) ~it :~ p"QCe~' ami analysis l~r(me9Sinll~' th_~ hase by ~' p'@tm; d~iiid, Iddalnd modtfh:::a.tio.n. of' 'the 'i.m:a,~ by- mm,~' ~L~~ IMJplitatioo, srO:~)1

3;, 'Image mte~~~, C1!he' :~ ,g~ne~tetl wtII, be mte_rpr;etetl With 'Iihe Q~, ~:ee(), A,utQm.ed, ,da.ta, I~l!lecljjjon ~rem rna, '~e' of :;

(,tiiJ,): :nata lac,ubflltGll '~m,

l'.it,~ 'iL-"'·,·I\o .. dl~~ 'l , .... "' ...... i""Iii', ~."" .....

\,~j.' ,OOL~ l~~ ~~~I~ I~~~ ~l~.i~~~~

"'-6:- .&""iI'!I.I';-I.-I'6'I"", .. ;B,'Ilf-iI'-m ~'D--:A--'.'S· -J] 1iinII.. ,~~. - ~. I~-~.111 m~.u: _. 'to .' - _ '~,

~ ,A DAS ;15 a ,oo~~ ~m, ~$edJ 'rol ,ooUea; d\uI. :fiiom, a, :Pll'OOeSI, ;Or' :ptece of' eqW;pmem 'b~' ~; of auw:matI('~

'I' :11, ~er ~'@mu an i!Ulai)'l1$ ,Qf' ~be dai~ or. '~t ,tb~ ~ '~ iUlathelr ~om'l\I__ru (or, p:rooe:I:9Ln.g' and tmd}'\9i'st"

'" ..... , ,~~l~~, -'i"'~m'n."+''',"'' ,1- ~~l'i";""';n'li!' ., .... ;ro,-:'II : .. .., '"' ",,~o-...'I~l_ , ....... '1!I~.;o;.T' f: ....... 'D' .•.. ;11;. e ,~iI'iiM ~~, A,~ ~~~~llt~~~ ,~I~/~~~~;r.· ~1iP~~"~ [~-~~~,!dIc~~-~, ~',F~I~~~VIIl ,_¥:Ill [~.~ ~}"~.~~' iI~P:

,e--tbe:r pGulMe ,c~lIIe:r ma,y be :micmpI':Keaor:~ ,~OQ1Q_ptilteni and ~, iil'-a. "ifhc~ f1Imamn of 'ihe cO:l!ltr:01le~' btdud~.s, lj~1!ddng th~ d .. g;~g' ,and. ~~, gbuIDatifig' tile data, ,fDr pR9e:m:ation aIld ,atbe.r ,am alp b.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

m nUll U'I e\ild. ~mmiq u.r~· ,~. 'bH,'O :~~b of 'p~ $~~ :pcri'~d ~)1' It&e ~mn,p,,*r ~.Iptem.

:DutiAg. ~e Pfil"itl!li!d [~pe1'.iOl~ of ~e p.[\QceS:9: emy ~ Np Ie.vel. ii, :~don.ed 'W,b~ the !key ~.le,!Ij; .d $l:3im!l: [d:![la Me !3t:anned. 'Wherce ihbe!l:l;!: via:rlable!l: iDdit:a.te 'k .i!~ I'ftscen b: ,op~ ,ahmormaEy' dlen, 'IhE~ eOD1l,'i!iter :mlChes: 'tGI a low' :Ievel, scam, ;tet' ,effectiv,e ,~oo and ~ulpllUnt.

'VOice ,bcoSUijHt(ln '''.1

'V~, ;f~~n ;~mJ Rt .. ~e ~.e ~f),!S VIMa!lnI~ (NiLmibeD :itml wordsl Wild

.-.,... .. "1 ~" ~tMi. 'If ...... "C, ~iTliii'a>iIio ... f -ii4"', 'li1~iI<.,..,..ijio·~.,~, ,Biiji'~ l;<;i;I\.TI*niI.· '0 "C .• 'I"'~,'.c ~'If .. , ~~tMi.' 'It';" .. .:II','!.. .. ~ "~' iio .... [i;1l.~, ~.":'.i"i'mI!J .. 'I.!'.·.....,.. ~_~'!r.' "'" """'''"'"r __ f ''''M0'!0811o' Y.,. ~1i<,I1 """_I,_I.('e __ ~1iiII ,!O, ........ I ... r·~'·~~ , __ f '1II1J!r. ... .."_...,, ~ ~ !<Iill!l:i ""~~""'_I,

-1_",_ tjo .o1!._ .. . - . 'h .0<1;._' . d- ". ,,_. _u dJ-1 I' 'b'_';""'-'d- . .1...,_ .-

UAl& n [1D.t:' ~t mm~ [1IIiU::~ Mo:n! ... paUe:ms, ir.e.D.tlQD is i.~~ .. ,.t b: ,Q.DII.Wc· t,I.n;:'~!Ib,

,eaplbiliUea, and 'cO'.Jt:.


:L ~,'~ :~e~ hw ~'b.I.m aJ, ["Leal mo;p ~ ~onll:'d tytUm :IUSI'II,ghl!ln,S' '(he ~

~~~ :m¥g'~dJ WJ ~

2:. :DJK.@I!, [the ~ua ~c1!mQ]QIfe" 1.~.I_ila'bl.e fQt, we lID auWG:l&ilc: :L:I'CGtIDcdon, :¥leJrg., ,3:~ WitUil:!!l lie fnoUence ltd' ;!IU~ Jh,r ;~ Ii, 'b_r ,lhop' :ll\oa.r (iO:D~"

L '~ ~ ,~, dlI~gt lypel' ,o['.~ ~e~ ~"

5~ Write :!l ~' gg

,!, :Bur coCh:~ tecmla!),'

,', ~Ilc i!lhi,p '~elo,sy ~, Vo~ Hi(l~ ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al



, ,


C iii A IP tiE: IR,



Q.uaJliy' 'be' ,d,eflned ,M ':&neg; fo:~ tib! 'URi',

QlUlity,,el :b; ~ ,u, ,like iodu_.l ;~eD1. ~llI.t, by mea.u ;Dr whtDh

'nm'd~ .~I~' [orr;~' i-~'i"""" """Ae-n~Cn[h~, -'le', ,,,. 1 0:1;11 ru' ,~ ' ..... I!'i· .. ii:'..-":'" ... :'-'"'·d'~1 [1'"-' "J'"' _ U~I ~;IJ, il~.unJL ...... ,~~ 1Mo..!-!I.o.!'. ',(".~ '''iI~1 Ii.1! ,u.&DIII.I.~~-. ~ .11

II-N·"Slp.'E"""'I'QU A·'IN_-"D": "~)iI!io,'!I1- 101;1''i1

_ ... 1 ~ If. 111 .. . Ea l . RU

It ;15 an ~ ,of' die pI~t. q~ ,Bitef' eDm,parl.i.irm 'with, 1D.e: ,e~d ~ and rpeclO,Cii'tiflm. Thlllii, :Ii i5 th.~ :~tlofi of 'the, q,u8my ,eontroJ.

t .... _ , .. _, iJii~":" ,- ;a:_.;;,..jI-~; --I't ' ..- ,-, .... 1ii .. ~ .,,-4 ~ ~L~ ~~ , bitemd - I , ..... 40A diRt' c,,; tIDu!!' JiJiliJpec!-il!.:lr .... , :II ~lY.o:nilll.l 'f ,1W~m¥-~ -8 __ ~i!inU' ~ _ ~ _'V«! ,~IfI!:',~_.Q, --~' ~ ---'

~O:lW!l"'lng and 'oQ.!jt1y~, 'w:IMch c;Q~,uendy' m~r,~s the mqufac~ :l'ead. tI_m~ gdJ :p~d CQ~ wtlb~ addmg' ,~y H'a!i v,dUt1.

~ pd, ~' o~ lie, >i!D,P~~ ,part: of[~~, control1bey' aR! :pe:rfonned

i be1me~1 d~ ad ~ mUimutwmg' te. 'e"IUV-e ~~ ~Jiality'. ~-

etC '[in~_»L ~:~ :Iil~ny '1liI~ 'to, ~~, ~ thel pIl~ I~O~.e:nlI'!1 !!IJub~em'MIeil ~ mat~,) ~0mJ; tOI l~ dH~ :a:uglcb Ip@dfied :fm: :Lt. Th.uJ, Ole, poodum !!I,pedD.~ 'W,~d. be' pTQb~ly' ~q~~~ed ~ '~ ~_lo~ ~e fimla:bjl wle~e", ,atld appe.~e.';, w,pe.ctlntili :~fiOiCmIliR!Sl !If:'e ~M,e, :at. 'vaHi)'W; Mage5i .. 'lher' are~;

~ :tnrpedtoa, of h:msmlm,g :Mate:rmb

! • '~tI~ d~g' :~ufac;t~g

~ :1'~tiD:m cf' me ;1'm.aiI, ~emMi!'d, ptodu:ct.

Q;.C L .. tIing~ ~D, :I.s wed til)l access, lilhe, :prQduct 'Whether l~ '!!:a"" fle:" the' des:l~, 'l'!l'p~~0:rni8: '01' :~ot, 'J-eslilnj: til ~Q~y ~oJat~. wl~ :mnCltionil aped [0;£ 'lhe '~l 'Vulo..u '~ De comduoted ,COt' .' BlDa[I, !p.tlodUtt, i'~"'~1 :Pun~~!d l~, &,~ Of' ''ii''C~''~ ove:dLoad ,t~ ,e:nmonme:mt:ail, ~5t and. No:m-rle:nrutUve' k:rt"


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