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i,rsl Edition: 2007-2008

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Mcro,contro,ller System

A. ~ Godse e. A. Godse

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Mrs;o D';o ~ ,Godse, IBJIi,.I~ ~'its; [~t E:. (Com~ Aq I'Ma nt: IP.~ [In [~I'wuatl 'V'kIy~ '~n'.a, ,~, ~ ~g!'!l'Ar:lng[ P\l!ne


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rh~ im,p~ri~ nee ()~' MI'(~prowslor' IQndl Mt.:;tiO~Q.n!lirOlll.1i" ,Sptem, is weH 'k1'!O'Wfi ~n van:01J.S, 'eilgT~eer~ngl fr;el'os. Owerwhelming f'Ec'SpOJ15Ie to our ~Oksi On '\Ii~ri()!!!lS :!jJiJoijecM; ~nspiilr'~d 'us 't()1 'wrilie this !boolic" The b~ok ilS, ,s.:tmdured '!cr !Clover the: kq' I!lsFfedsi o-f '~he: sWlb~eot Mi'cmpmQes!]ci' and Microcoii1!ooUer Sip!sf,em,


lhe boak uses p'lllliWlI' lucid IDn,g~(Jlge '1'0 eJo!)p~t]ifl '~lJrndamenlu.lls! of 'Iills $ubied. 'The bcok p[Q'!.!'id!:l:s loogica~ 1!TtI{l,thocl, of ~:';p'I!il~nii1gi w n1o~:s CO;(1mplloo~~d eeneepts omd s:~epw'i8e flmi~i~od~, to, 1i!:~I~iiftl fh~' umporl'(lfl1' 'r,o.pi~:., Eriid'il ,diaprer ls willil Siup,Poi1l!:d w'i'th fII~~Sia!F'f mu~tJm!ioil1l$1

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pmpet ~eqJueni:e 'Ihat permits eneh ropTc 'ro bu ild! u''p~n eQ FUel!" tllJdie5i. A11 c'Q!liie hCl~ Ibeen 'token '10 make: slu,denf,g; c.:{)mforti'C:Me· iilli IIJ ndemt:ail1d~ng ,the benii'if i5CHlioePlts of~he: subied'.

The beek n~' cnlly ,covers fie entIre, ~(iO\pe' ef ~hel :5UIC1ed bWl~' Ie;:(P~QJi'!'I~ ,.he phil!o~QPhy ,of ,.he iSi.ib·-4 Th'i- moCk,-- th-"ltiid-'~~n)di:; of ,.tJ~~ :s!LiI!lJ'ed' ,iTtIOfl'iel deafi" Cilfl!d mClk~!i iI mon':

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,teodhe~. The $1lll!den'k;, Iha,ve '1'0 ;om'iH' n(lith~1'lI91 mld IPCllsib~~' h!'J'V!e f'o c:over nalhilng ImQre.

We: Wbi~ fo lexpte;ri our [profound 'Itianks t'OI aU 'li1oS'a C~h() ~ellped inl n"lakJl1gl 'i~i!ll bot'!~, t:l reaUty, Much needed! moii'C~ :supporit 'il!l1 d lenciJuraQ'emenf' is p~pd~d 'o;rl 1!1lUme!rr'QiiJ.~; ()CCG~I'OM: :by eur Wh()II~! f'cmilfes:" 'We w1~h 'h~ lhof!k ~h~ Pi.ll'bli.~(n' arid ~h~ erntre team of 'Technh:ol PI~bm:lgtions 'W~(l nCNe~lken ilillrnelit~e PQ~n '10 9fEd 'Ihf:s ibOQk iii':! 'trrtm~; WlHh q!J~,I;il~' pnrrling.

~y s\f:gge$1liOft fcUir f:h~, implriOV,em~fit @:f 1h.e: book willi he a,cklrlo:wfiedged and ~I III Pr-a~U'i1: ~;la Ie d1.

~q. ,A r. Gkdse D_ ,A Godse

Copyriqhted rna erial

Ta'b'le Olf ICoIDte:nts,

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1 'Pl" i:n~rathJc.tio.n, 'Ihol M~cro . m~s~r,!o~,~,~-!,~ ~,!,~ ;;;'!o-!';;; !l'!O~'~'!'~'!!1 !'-!'~'!I'!'-!'~'!"!'-!'~!II !,,,,~ •• !'-!J •• ,!' "'. "[II" II.II!! .[ [11 •• [11. 1 - 1:

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1,;2: Mlcmoompu!tew Systems, ,",_,'~.,',",' .~".,",','''',','',.,'',. "',',','" .. ,,,'.',,,,,,,,,,.,.'.,,.,.',,,.'., ..... ".,.,.~.,.,."., l' ,"' 24

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1[,2,6 12,55[ Pr'Ograimmin,Q and Operartio,!i1 ,,',' ,,",; ';" ,,",' ""," "i"""'"" e;" ,,"',' ,,>;,' ",' """",'."", 12 ';" 11

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12,1 Intenao'l'ngl 8255, in !~O Map;ped 110,.;, '",' """'';'' "."' ",., ".;,',' ';" ,,',;'" ",;" ".,,' ".,,' ,,'," '12 "', 22,

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'17.13, Arc.hiutecturei ,of' AI90S2Si1 S -, .. '- .,"'- -,",-,-,.-,- -,-- -,.-,- -,",-,-,OJ,- -,'",- - .... - -';;'- -';-'-'O;';'-'-i'- -'"i'-"W i E~ 17 _ :3

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17,7 Riesel andl II1l,wrrup1lialit Jlng .. ,., .. ," .~""'.".'."" .. "".~".'.'., "'."".'.~, .'.," .,."".~, .. ,,,'.'.,.,'.'. 11 1 0

1i1',,;S RlEl!g'i-&te:rs ln 1\1901523'13 .'.,," "" ." .. ,""'.'" . ',"','."" ","""~' ","" .',.' .. ""'.,.~ .. ',"""'.'" ,',""',',,,',',,, 17 ,_ 111

11 8' '1 i"'J- ................ [I'~'" 1i1L. .. 1>, [D ..... ::...._ ;i!"'I{IU~I7' 04!7' ~1'1

:- .1_'" WJiaI~ IIlI'IiIIlf~ NIdQ~ 1;"""'9IQG11'''' ~1!'tI;;i!", , •• '" • '" • , , • '" • -u •• '" • " , • '" • '" •• '" • ' ••••• '" II- r ... II

17;!B,2~ ~ Im-en;pt FLAg; Re:s~ - GrFA,. " • , .' • " • , .' •• ' • " • , ,', • " .' •• ' • " • , .' • " ••• ' •• ' 17' ~ ~2,

17.8,3, 'i!~~' I~: Ma$Ic: ~ - 'TlMSK" • , .' .• ' . " •• ," •• n, • n, • " • , ," • , ., •• , • ,', ~7' .. ffi2: 11.8,.4, lhner/Colurtef' I~~ FlAG ~'=. 1i1FR . , .. '" . " .. ru • , •• , • ," • " ... '" • '" ..... '" • '" U,. ~3,

11.B.5~~~'-iMCIJCR;,.;; •• ';'.';'.'.; ,; " ••••• ';'. "".,;., •• ,."."",."., •• ,.17' .. 14,

-1"" iii C; wmer- ,iV'--~""_1 -, --I' - "'''''''''_'I -' iil_dan: '1'"'7 - "4',

. if "~I.u ~I,! ~~~11.I::111i;I! !L.rU1i11l!LII • ,.... .. hI ... ~ .. 01 • II, • ,II • ,II ... 01 • III •• 01 • Oil ...... III •• III • ,II •• III •••• III • III • ,,-

·17"M,:1 lrllllil[rooullttlfl '~IReg.'A,-'TOCR1lA , 't7~'1S

U,8.-6.2 'r .... xcw!1t8rl ,~ i~' B,,_:iIrCCFt118 1r1'.8,'6..3:TiI~rfIIW1 ,_ TCNTIIH ,amdl TI)N:1I1l,

'11·,16 U~17

... ...... • t., •. .

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ ~l',[1.!51merroo!llm~f1~ IrlI~!!!~ '~rei ~Istw' ,...IC~U'Hl ,ar'ld It~1L , • , , , '" ~,7'· ~:e>

'1'1,,8:' W~d!l9 TI_rr' Contro! Re,_rr'~ WDITCf(", • , , , '" . " . , .' . ,;, ; • ,;, , • ;, • '. ; • ,;, ; • ;, • ;, • ,;, U' _ ~8,

1'lJ).a EEPROM 'Re~!-e ~ ~"~': ',-iitellS ,,',. ,', , • , , ,', • '. , • ", • '. " • ," , • ,', , • , • ,', , • ", • ", .,' 17',.., ~g,


1,1' '" :2Q

~ - ~.~.- -~ •• ~H'.~ 'i+i,·~·tiit.;' 'i

11 ", 1

... .1 . .11
.. , .. , .. , ,,, .. ,
... ." .11 ~le.$.5 PiC Memory Orgarnimjj'MI • ,', • ," .... ,', . ,', . ,', •••• " . ," .... '" ..• , • , ••• '" ... , . , ... ", ..... '. 18:;0 ~5,

18.;3,,5,11 iPqnan Memory" u u " •


IQ.~· .• , ~ !f:!l!IIiI[:1,"'-lIII" II' II

118~8 Watcl:~ lrnl1ler'~ r. 'i' Ii 'r. ~ r. ~ :: ~ r. 'i' :i 'i' ~ r. ~, r. 'i' r. 'i' :: 'r ~ r. ~ :: 'r. ~ r. ~ r. li' :ii 'r. ~, i 'r ~ r. ~, r. 'r ~ r. 'i' i 'Ii ~, r. ~, ~ 'r 11-;2C1 Re,vlaw QLI8stklms ".'.'.", .. "".'.",.'.",, .. ', ...... '.,." .. "". ", .. " .. "" .. ,,". ", .. ~".,."'~ .. "'.,.,.~.,.,., .. ,.,.~.,.,., ... '.;,.'.,,;, 1,8 ,_ 21

... .' .: ~p • • - .. : • ': • .... •• • • • •

Copy rig hted m ateri al

" , " " " " " " " , f. , ,_ ._ ,. , •• ,. ,., ., ., :3 ~ ~6

.. ~ IQoo~ign51! I 1'1 ....... ill II •••••• Il .... 10 ••••• ;I ;.! ;3. - 40'

LIlD Blpenmefii' 4 : '$ubkht'it'hMn ,EMiil' lIU,mbEiC5: - .

Lab &-PD:riif'lfieiiifi' ,:5 : Add !two '~ 6..,tM !!!j!Jm!b!!lIJ5,,- - -,-, -

- - - - .- ... - .3. -. - .. E.-.

J -,47 ,3 ~ ,<\1,a

LllD ~E8:nmBfiii 6 : ~ubrlt!d"tw,p l'D-bu tJ!!llmPergc ,3 ~ A,'9 lob [~PG:ri mGiTi~ 7 : ched:: IliBsllil[~ {lifter ~cw[jon oJ IN~ B.INml C and 1m Ell .IfliS'hrudlCiU, ,. ,', " _ ., " __ " :3,~ .ffiO tab Dpe>rlmElnt' a :. Cheek Ui!!:wilf.s: cff'ei" ~fiE:in !!:Jr'[IiU~, C. OCR iii ~n_cil [!(X lEI iM~filtEiik!o;ju_ ., ., ., .' ., ., ., ,3 '. iS,l

tab 5:pa-ti'rn~nf '9 ; lFiocli fue' 11 "s: compl!3mE!inl ,of Cll!Iiwrmbi3~,. _ •• ,. , ... ,. ,., , ..... , ., _ • ,3 ~ ,52

hb &J)eiim,en~ '13, : _ 'sI:lFii'lplc ~iJblft1l1ttil'i~ plfogmrtrn" •••••••• , • , " , " " " ••••• " , , , " " •••••••• ;3 -_,$4 lilb Et:pi3'til'i:tEin1l' 114, : Mdi ~nl~ ,ad'if¥,ro l'!'Ii!!mOI)! IloQC!liQ~, - , ,. ; ~ , ,. ,;, __ - - , , ~ .. ~ _ - - - - - - ~ "'- J - 55 Lob ope<nmem '].5 : IRi!7thll !~hih' d~ wltnfr! 'Ene a~bl~ i!'e~lsh~r, •• " • " , " .' •• , , , • " " , " ••• - , - , - , - J ~ 56 Lc!b C;tpeerl me~' 116 : JUgN ~h;~' g~g wi~n an ~ 6--:bir ~9~Jtei".- , •• , .•• "" '. • , - - •• '" .•• - - • - - - - - - - ~ ~ ,57 L_1l~ &pe-'!'f!1;!en~ li : Leal',shiH 16,011 ,dlil!c:il ~Ih'!~ '~&·bil' reQi'!~e~, "" '" '" , ' •• ' ••••• '" " , " • " ••• - •• - - ,3 ~ 58

Lab Dpe-_rimenfJ ] 9 : Frnd ';2's QOmR!~m~r of ~ 6,lbUt nurn:'b!!!f';, , .. " " " " • •. " " ., _ •••••• H •• , , ;3 - :59

Lab b;pBITF!i1-em :20 :' :$nrnw'mn c&CAU ama RET rnsfrugjons: . . .. . . . . c· . - - - •• , • + ' ;3 - .59

LD b E'jlperiFf'ioj!ff1i :2 ]. ~, Find tbGi ifeeKllrij rnl ntn !tll [mtbj!!~' .

L-'tib Expe:fi1nenfJ :2' ; Cobjli:rPn.(nll: '51JrFJ, dsmJRS pf'mrnul6cr:;. - .

. 3 ~ aD

- . ,;1, ~,3

Lob !?;pSinli~\'jEnli ::j3 , -Daf{lilron.sfe.r'from me.IiiiiOI',,!, bloQk 18,1 ~o liI1i1tmolJf b_lock 16-2 •• , , , •••••••• , .' , , ~, • .s Ltib txperiirm;enl '24 :: Mulii!l'l¥, M~ ,ilJi.l:!ii' fi'fllJiiii'ibCff$, • , ••• , " " , ; , , , , , ••••• " " " '" , , " " , ••• " • - , '. -4" ~ 6 Lob Exp!lHiinrt13i1i11 25 : DM'de ,1 ,6-ib~t Dumbilli'" Dr ,~-bil' numbsI'. • , , " , , , , ••••• " • " , " " "'" " " " '" " " " '" ...1, '.' ',. tab ~eriliJ\~iIIl 26 ~ Fi\nd ,th·r} REI :-lJjl~l!i: iil!fi'iiih!lill$ In! a bloc:k fif dOl'l'el. , , , " •••••••• " • " " ... '" "' '" '", " " 'r 4 '" a Lab &p~ri~fIiIl' ,2 i ~ Find tb~, ~lJmm of glr,re;n FWmb,,~" ••••• , , " " , , , ••••• , - - , ~ - " ~ ,. " ,', ,', " " " 4, ,-, 1 (Ii Ltlb EHp en I'fi\e ili I' 28' o,,!In1 jlIiuti,lbcf,of tHinn in g j![1!irnbee . . .-,---, 4, - 1 ] Llflb ExperiniHU'ili' 29 ~ AnaiililEi 1'ill!ii1l1bi3r£ ~1'1I:the 'Il's;caooinq 'Order.. " • ,', , " ,h _ • __ •••••• " " , , , , , , , , , .:; • 12

.,,4,,. H

Lfib Expu:nfi'ii\8ft1i,}H • C(IIlhllnte '!he Gum af!l;)eriB5 nf nAd mp!ITjlhem ;: _ _ _ _ . . ,04, .' 'I,!)

Lab &:pCITm:efift '32: ; f,ioo! ~M ,SQuare cl9i~slTilll'l!IIJiliibcT. • " " " " , ,', " " , •••••• " " " " , " " " ••• - • - , - ,4 ~ '~ '1

Copyrighted material ~nfM~liIl' 4.,] :: FI'rid thill: nidm'biSt,of I1IGgojl:"'i!I,:moo aM pOOI~i!\ti: Ii'i'lllFlTlli;.cfS" 0 0 •• " ., " " " " ,; " •• " " ,~, 0' :2:5 Leb fpnmsn;' ,4,2 :: Mufffp1rt...m iiliighl' b:i~ [l'IlII!liIiibal'$,'Yiiirh ii~illi tint! add [I1I1IEllhad_. _ •. , ." ." " " " " 0 • 0 " 0 0 ,4, .0, ;2:6, Lab t:ll!p:mnmE:liiJI' 43 :: L1iNi'di!;l! ~ 'D-bit nUrfIlll;lI~r v.~ a-hit numher'lusing :shifttfrii!J MD1flllliguD" ." ." ." " " " " " ." ,", 4 '0 28,

l_g;'b 'E:.;ptJrnmIl3lit ~4 :: ,Si'mullJ'Is DM in:sll'udti'O~lL ,. ,. ,. ,. " ,. ,. ,. ,. " ,. ,', ,., ,., " ., ., • '" •• '" '" '" '" ,", '" '" '" 4 ,. 30

l, .... u, E' ... n-""~e .. t' ~L ,., w~., .. , ..... , ~ ..... lb_~ :,I' ... i':"';, .... "' .. : ........ ":".,... ... """':"' .................. ~l.-~ ........ ",,.;··~Il..,.~ ,.,. ,4" ..

\,!!I~ . .-rI.~!i:il! I!!llll! III ~ II _. !!'IIi''-'! W!II ~.,!:I!I!.;_lJIjr 'i.il111~'i.niI~~ ~I ~~_I'~~~ III.I.l ~~Ii!'~l~11Ii' ~~~_~ ~'I-QII!II~-~III. [I I II II r. r. r. • ¥Y-


LaiO E>1perl'me,n1' 4.7 ;' 'GtH'I(W(jiIC a d~lofIy g.f a'A! :IDt:OMs. " '" '" '" '" '" '" ,", '" ,"' " " ," " •• 0 0 0 • '" '" " ,"' " " " " •• " • ,4, '0' 3'.fl,

l,.,ab E':.:petfl1flen.t 4,8, ; G.ei"J.!er,OO'e iCm:l1 di~pl\aI bingry u.p iCOW'ilIlero • " ,", ,"' ,"' " " " ••• 0 ••. , '" ., .,' .,' " • " " " " " " ,~, 0,37

[I ~"" ~ '.' _,!, '.' .... ;t:-"", _ "l' n- - ... B"""F!I, .... iL.- . ,.' .. '".. .~ A'~'

,UlIilJ' !I::iIif:Iuni"ii'ii9~"1 .;;)1.;1" L,-LI~9!1' D'l..,.Ullo;;J' Ii;IJI!1iI;II)! 'i;~!;'IQI'11, "., _ ., " __ • •.•.•. , ." ." • " " ••••• -<:I' ~ '"!IoJ;

Iiilh brienfi'l1\'illi!1ii' ,54, • !Ei~riary ~o' ~CD amvGmiolih .. , ., _ ,', ., ., " " " ., ., ., ., _ ., 0 __ ••• '" ., ." ,", ." " " " • " " • ,4,~ 45

~L.ab, ~rilflilleiill~ ,:55 : FtiiMJ' lhe 7 -~gmgnhXKihli~ fur g'iVmril numb~l'rn" ,', " " " ••• _ 0 •••• , '" ." ." " " " • 0 • 0 0 ·4 0, ,4'; iLCfiD' iEwpcrirli'l!Cnt 5~ t Fimld 'Ilfie MClllchllrmat:., ., ., ,', ,', ,', ,', ,., ,', ,', ,., ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', " _ , •• _ • __ •• '" ." ." " " " • 0 •• 0 ,4, ,., .48

[Lab· &. - ·eri~~~ ,S:7- : l~lfJ~'~ 2~dl·~ ii' BC-D ll1lUrtnbGli5lJ II II I. II [II [II .11 II II. II. II. II. II II I: •••••• [I [I [II II 'II II II P. P. P. P. P. !"! [~I .. 52

[Lab. E.qJunii'miBnii' ,59 ~ :s.l!Ib~iQr:1i ~!IN~ BCO null"!i'!~aQ" ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,;, ,', ,', •••• __ .' ••. " ." ." ." • ·4 ,_ ;$4,

[~b, IElffleril'fUft~ ,60 ~ MIIi~i!lil:r itwO :2--dilglt aOD IfIl,!!rrtI~rn:", ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ," ,', • '. __ • _ ••• _ ." ." " •••• 0 •• 0 .o4,~ ;54,

t~b, ~n~iltii' 161 ~ ~~ gmll! i;l9UQfii:;:i!"l1" ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', " ,', " ,', .' .' ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', '. '. ' •• ,', ,., ,', " • _ •• _ • ,5 ,_ 22

[~b ~t:nfi'll\'8l!t!!' 6:2: ~ ~li!i1k pO~"C bIT (II of 1l)25§L ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', '" ,', ,', ,', " ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', '. ' •••• ••• ' ." ." ." • l2,~ ] ()

[bab, Dp~riif!liiEi!iTt, 63: > HcJdWar'e1 Q~ ,o[twQ~ for nQ~~rm [fi~, '" '" '" ,', '" " ' •••• ••• ' ." ,', ,', •••• , _ ":2,~ 24,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

II.' ..

• tliiiiiil iiII II !ll!ll1I!!III

1-'" ,t'~ ,-,~ d'-- , -'t- -"-, to- - 'M-' , ,"-' - .. -',-, ',-" -, -",-, c- ,'--"C- ,"

, ,n"lro, U,C ,lOin, 1-[ ,.'" : .: lcr[o'processor'

and Mic~~Qcom",ut~r' Systems

1 ,.,L1 hrttrod1ucf:i,onl to !Microprocessor

'I'hls 'millptm~ the first of: tihis 'text;. ]:9, w,ritteo primarily' m inlrod)u.~ m 'the' Bmd.ei1l,t, ~be ~sor: based sy.stem, and 'the, role 0'1 mi~pwcesso.r :in- iit:., If ,ailso explains va_~ oo.mpmten.ts ])equiredJ, 'to, bui1\cl a, system. and the 'W1o-t:idng of g~falll-ed :~5W W1!i,t"

'J"""'-t' ",. .. 'II. A":f'1"nn~"A'r 'ft,. __ ~ '('!!!iffli~-m' -:.' ..... "'.-,/~" u ........ r:T1l .. ,,...,, c""1,.,,.ill ilP'f'I't' f-:""'" ",d- "'..,;; a;~bn"i:j. "fL!", """[1.1:1.-, .c.i::I g. N.LlIc~,'_'~\.II,~'I;~, D~U '~.t-.~ .. ,f L.II!UIcLI. it. !H-U.,.,J'_"i1' 'nr~ ~,l.IIJ!I, .0 ........ · ,I.!. _)IY:U. 1IIrI_ V'HJ~, ~lU_~

'on oomplc.:lIiml of ilhis mapter'.

'Pmb4em l Ta:sll:,

,i ~",

~f'!!~,t$) iIliIe ~~i'!1I91 ,qf' ~~' _ _ !~":fU~!tm 3I'!d acts aceord!119[ lO'IM i'IiISIlFUdi'O:!iJ a;nd GiI~; '~he ~11:: df:!M; wi1!i'1 '~h.e help 'iJiJ ttI~ SUbl:!fJ'dlllliSlJes, ,

S'1~es !5!1ep, [by ,$)rep Pf-oced~re to" ~!"'~ '~h.e [problem or to tmpl'emenl: ttI11e t::I_~k

Pl- I. '1..11 WOrkin-- ,o.f SRi:lIlI- ----ailizalie:D - ,,9,- ,,-- -- - - --- ,,- 9 ,,- - - -- -- - eng - ---- -- - -- - --

Copy rig hted m ateri al

ImroddCtiOm "to' Mlcm;pfOCHHli'. &, Miti!'OComp~ ,&',11.""

A"" a :part of :itltrodUdtkm, 'to 'the' mlo:oprIOO!SSOl" ~iUed sy,stemJ I 'w'Qu!.d ]~ to ~lw,e plMllosophy ~ ,~ ~. ~, sys~" 'let 1lIS , a ,!l!mill.[ orgam mtiion. l~ ,e:onsists of '~: bod,y~ :~ end his ;su'bordlmilite5!, jn,cfi'iI!iin,g '!.mit,

,"''IIiI..:I ,~~""na~;"'. nrn"·~ !("Tn ';if';n,;,3~"''''~''!1'1 ~'4"" ,,,,:,,,\:L';;';:lly., ,";',,,:,"..:i iu_qt' ....... Ar;n,it"',]"n :i'lljl,:;;'~nlil<'!il' I" 'hav"""

~~Ul Yill-"'r,..,.:~~~l w_ _ f~~'1 "- ... ·v IIL.J ...... _;II.l._Ul~ILi iU;~ [..::I_U.l.r~~ "_.: mllU. ... .--:. lU "'r."'1rm __ Il!l, ......... H,d~IO\l 1 ..... ~~~ ~ "!Ir

(lo.~i~d ~ 'ruc,~~, as, $hown, 'in 'tl1I.e ':~g. 1. ]~) (,see :!Fiig. 1,.'1 gn f'f'g\froUS, p~,gQ).,

11; "" ""1ifIn,,¢n 'l'iiiI ~ Co F~'IZ ~I' ~,:irn':.iIl1riilij!' 'I;, ... ,;liv oici'llN'Xi ",h::OT;, 'i;.v ,:~ p" " ...... ~4i.'ir.c., ' ..... , ,cnhiilO'io ~ ... l~ iiIl'=I~·!!~ ~l.l ~t!l. W;h ... 1 IIc~ ,~.r.~';' lli_.l ...... _ .. ILHO·_._.I'"C1 IJI!V~.I tIi.,~·~~ '~ ..... ,l.r". !IJ! j!"' 1Z-1I'lr.y' "Il~~~.lllr. ~ r~~'~ W ,~~

'fi.-.n'if.'~ .... ..." .... " In, ~mc ~ iOll':';fr"':.TiI~' ,.;k.. ~".::i!.. ~.A',~(nlll'I1""'" 'rro:lO.n.m"""- "';"e .,h:I.n l:;'V, ",,'I'~ .p~~ ..... ~'~,_, ad

.~,.I¥~~H.I V~I ~v. ....... t".'L~:~Ul..,_ .. ...l!lJIi :UII_w Mi=I.~..:fi..""l ~f"'J:_Ql .• ,IiIIrIC-'1I ...."~IP~~ !l.U,;1 .. 'l:'-or..1r"' ~~. ,~i"---r- ,:, .. ~~~~ '~_~~,_,

,~trlu.cti~lU giYl!m 'by ~, 'OOdy and e)ilecw~, '~ 'w,i!th, 'IibCi help of his ,5uoo.xlim,tes" The :manager and hig, s~bordJiniite3, woo belon,g t;Ol t'{r~' Wll,t a!I_~, t:equest fur :[a,W m~~al to ~ltU¥5. it' ~w H1.Ii;~ i." Mt' "tv,a..~iillble in, stmes~ p.~g 'unit: ~ iret[ues1 fm' ra,W' :mat~ 't41' incomin,g uni,t, ACmr PJ'OC€SSin,g the' m,w' mamrlat pmces.Sin,g'

~ .. ·'t~· .... ~~ ··"til~c .. - d"'···~· ~k'b"- -~"~ ·"""t """ 'keep" """" .,~., "t ~

I II .. .ni!i'ifil.nJ . ~'I'lrF!ilr::li ... ~I' >,-1' ~l.'" ~.' .... r- '1'1 ~1'r.'I1 '1:1 ~~

. __ ., ~,~ !!o;~._;_~I, _i:!l!,r'.'" ~",t'""''''"'"' ....... " .. ',.' ,I, ",",. ,,,",V.,"'''''

'i ~~'.";:'-cilt, ... ~, 1Il\":_, ......... "~....." ........ "' .. '" """' ........ t."".J'V' .... ~ ......... "."'j;"j, ~oi!i"l:i.t. "d'~ .,,~;:;, '~~el ~l~, ~ ~~,"~'IJ.I~.J!~~,"J!~' ~H~:~~j; ~~~Il~ 'tir· '~',~~l~ .I.'_~~!,

.' Cg 'we' desl~, s~cllt an at~utiuD, 'M!foo,ut: anY' m~Ql.~fit' human, ', '1

.' Can, we ro,pLa~, htlim~~ 'b~-i: 'wi~ some el«~' d1ev,b:e'& 'whicll [~, :mtm.h,; h GPeTll,tioe ~C1Lll@d 'by h~, ~ 1'.

In, '!his 'Wiay ,~, idea ,of' ,~~ 1P~ :s:fS1'em, W;U, b~, !1n.d d~p p~ 'Was Stfalrte.d. Over the !period 01' dcsip ,p~",,~rs ,fim'st came up w1!th, M; 'm)regt~)ted d~jt: wh~b,:has an ,aohli;ty, t'O mimli'i.':' the prcocesses, e~ted, 'by 'tile, :p~~~g' 'Ullit They ropl~cM raw !D!tateri'atl 'h-y d\aJta and, ~~ti~, by oode 'with, ~~ ,~ '0'$. 'fte' :~regra)ted dn:;uU a~tB, dBita ~, ,EmJ mput ,and iP\rI~ ilt, a~' 'to ,Oilmdion, rode' to g,erter~!te ,MrI, IrufOrmaaQ'n- As it." exa~.p,l!e., 'we. <lin" ~1~ 'marb, of ~tudem~ :in, vari.ou.s ~ is ~ dati! ~Ild, ~e'S'Utn 'Pre:p1lrOO ,on 'I:ih.c 'h.uis 'Oil ~ marks ~, an W~tioA,

'~o g:~r t.he dalta as an, inpUIt, and to, giv1e ~I~ m 'the 'U6etS1 tbe ~~ ~

,r;.'I1~,",,:,~"a"· ';un u .. ', ........ ,~- 'inn.'." _,_ . ...:I! """'.ii'n.~t"· d'· ..... i ......... ,.",,'I.j'..,'L, ,~" .......... ~lIiL~ lc_,......._~ C'J'-....,l.~it

IWKIUJ .... ' l-r- ~",l;lllll u:~ '!!'!"'T~o\' ,~ [~-~-!'!Ir~'~' '~'_IP;;~.~1 Fr-~, ~ ~~ '~~.~ ~I~,~ ... ~, .·.L!I;.IiI.;II.~11

n.e.retOfe" v,,,Uh, 'ilb.e, ~. 'oj' mput: dllW,~ ~' uNit mn ,~; ·the :inpllll!f: and. ,ilHer ~in", ~'" ~i"irnrn"', n~ti;II:LJfL";' ~lll" :iri'q,c. ~..-, .: ... t..,.,'iiWjIfi;flitj·""'"' ~ .... fL. ... use.'" ~['I!'if;- i:l."", '1.,..,1\tr;; of'

w.''''~~~CI! ILLlLIIr .... 1!lr,.,.!I-j. ,~ ... ~-.. '.PI!". I b.,!1!'!\.r iU:~ .lIil1IV-.. .• _III!I_W _"""!Io I~", IUlle . _ ..... p'_~i1 !Y!:~ ~'~¥' ._~,

OUlpllit d\ 1'lw. ~a.ted, ~,t: w:as ~ desi~, wl1i(h has, an owly to store' the data.. irulmi.diull ,code ,:II.nd! :iNomta!timl. The' prooessin,g lUlLil :reads instRIdml ,~ wm tms ~,t ad ad' ,a;oro:r,dJlllg'ly; ;~ me-4llUWi.gfW ' 'was; ghr:en 'to' ~ach, :i.ntq;mkd ~,t\ as gj_v,gn, Hlow"

Far' [P __ .. l'"-~" IU'" ·It", [1 ..... JUi!I "-LliiiI "'1'" - ~ k- .. 1-: _ _,! Y_Jng[. ,n .. u~Ii"V\iII v rcUn iii

.As it: js. ,~ ~' gf g.rj;!iwzam:m ,~ ~ ,~, ~ty, '~ :P:~' input as pel' 'the :iruitrudi.'ans of:~ ~y" it: w'. ,rnmled 'Cemtral ~~ Uml' ~CPU) ,ot SiIHply' ~',

Copy rig hted m ateri al

hlb'odudiom to MlC~fOCRIOI\" '& [Mk;li'OComp~ ,

;, J

Ftor IJru:;omlimgl U:mi~: Imrtegltil/tN Circuli:

As, ~t, ~:!I,\'H, h'tm11l' d-ta ~ 'lih-' ,-~~,~-- -- ~ ,11 "',--, 'named. [ --, t, d --c· c'-' ~ ~ - ,e.F- ~"I'" ~~a --~' - _e ,P,WCes5Ol' ,I . WEiS " ' " npl:l .eVl'l:e.

~. - DI"-- - ........ Ul.- i't" 1' .......... --..iNo.. .... -C'i' - 'iit ror _ ~Jl:ptII""II!Ii ,_' ,n!: n~"!II1l.CI!U 1_ reu " ;:

A- "'t -'" - - - 'in:fu'-- - - - Ii" to the "t: nmned 0' -, tp t d •

, 1- '.' -'. • ,"(, •.. ' (-",,' I. " • _-., 'I' -. [,' -c I" '.- •... _ [ I ,-. - .. _. ,"'

, !!ii, il! ,g;LIVeS, , , . rm:!,.on " 1!llJef .. I., w,as " " .' -_ 'Ui ' ~g , , .eVU:>fl"

,k, ~t \S-ro:~ da!~, :i.ns~I"),u;;tiQn code ~ :it\j:Orm~lionj lit- '~;as (~'I[E.d 'MflH!cny.,

"i't.~ ~i"~' '1ull;. ... , .-...:ri:jI~EiI,l- til~n~' '~'.""':,.. 'inrill'lil-' ,Al""",;:"""", ..... ~jlin,-i~·t A...,. . .:,....,. ,..,...4! '-01'- "'-m-1i!'\1Fioi" "'~ifI'Io ILILtt= _JilK_~lili !!!'f! .. .u:~, ~il;~", ,t." .. ·,..,,.. . ....,...,.....-'"C1 1"'luJl..!'!, '-T'u,'" ~~'!I'II~~!I" U!L:.a.i!ll¥'!Kl. ~~'J ... ~, !I=!II:ll!l_~l '._ .~- ~l,;r ~~

'bi!' v,~ i3i!i' !Shgwn 'm 'tI:\e :F~tT. 1.2. '~ ~~m d;~i:iMi'ied ~':is '~,l!;m;ail!l.:En, il"ih,~~,

- ~ "~- ~ ~.~~ .. '~~ ~'.~ .. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ~ ~r= t:'l_~~ ~ - ~ •• ~~I'!Il"~'~ ~ ~w" "~-~~-". "~ ~ ~". "~=. .~ ~-~'IJ.j _- ."" W 'rf _,

;slzc',~ 'rom:p~rod, 'to h ()rgani~bon wUh,~ bUUilan, heimg'. The p:roc'~r :is u inrn,gr,aited, ~t· m a ''!tp,t''ll!' sma.l!l fii1..:z2 and 'L.~~ mOf£ i!!i'W!Irapr1lab! nrune ~0'Jt' it was S'liI!D'~ted 1m ill

['II,.~~rrr •. .':' -, ·":~';_i· ...:.~.j •. ~_ ,...:. •. :_:_.' '~.~:'.~. ,"~~·cll:' ~~~~_ . ...:.; ~.r.,r~'~"~. ~"."i"~. _,"".~~ . .:.; ~.'~~, ,_I ... .: .. ~-O~~"'._.' 1 . ,

"Mi'cmp'~o.f!" The ,!!I::f$tem 88 ,8 WM'lfil' was then :re-hrred ro as, ",Mi£rOp,mcessol:' 'H;a~d, Spte:m,'r.


iFlg~ 11.2 Simple m'lcropll'OC8Ssor based s..ptam'

'1 ~ '[1,.11 Simlple, Model of iMI'croproceS8'QIt'

In -the: ~ sedi~n wif h~i'l,i''e' see,n ~e hsic bl~ ,of ,~. mrcro,iPl'~sor. l~~ systmn., 'Let us disciIlss [~ 'block with SOD.1.~ d)~hWls. 'nus sect]miI; ,expl~ the '~rbtg '0" ~ ~':took. 'M,th, 'help, of ,:Simple 'mooeL

Simpl~ model :i8 ~ ~,u~u] d'ijgiita] circUJilt: as ,s'~'Wn iln l1e Fig'. 1.3. n oo.n!rlsts oJ ,4, bit

c .. , ,'...Il-~d·· ' ........... "~'L- ~'I'·, -"J-- --!furl ---"t-d m'iihm.Mi to·, "f:

U~j"'el..';, !I;,iLa.;V ", :regIIh:c.I;;';;, ~'!I!O'.~~ ,tOlhlCV~ IC~ ... n ,~,,-\O~ iUniL _ ,an, I,. ." ,." J, ~ •. gIC :u.nJ.,


Copy rig hted m ateri al


: .u~it u~


P<~ - ,~I 'U ii ","""",il1ItrV'! I ni.:

I r

4=116, ~8CC!der (A}

... -"""_."....- .;,-,~ ~....,- _,..;-o.=- .... ISWitch;

t;-=;~~"'-=II l'OOfiIhol'


~."-~' ,. 3" 'S'''' ~,-- ,ti" I dl-- iIl6,...l .. JC_ - I Iii r=lg. [I. ,e-qlle~la " '!IiilIrclll!li.

1,.1.. ~,,11 [Cliurdtr

]'t h ,~ 4 'ibit --~,- ~~~let'- 'mt- ,~~ - ,-mts, !Tom (Ii ~ 1!~; and! :it ::uw-a,,,,s, ,s;~rts fI,om ~. The

,- Ill! iii," _~,_ Ur ,~~!L'm_~ _ COliL, --_~, ~-- _-- ~-~~~ -- --~~- -.1- --~ -~ -

OO'WlL'ti'er is dri(VgD, 'by '!'lite clod, signaJ, and the 'O!LI!tpul' of rounier 119 gi,VeR to dle decGder A.

1.1.1..2 'Decoder A

]~: :Is, a '4~]!6 ~dc:r.. Th~ f~ hit ~I)ltptl~: Gt counter lis used, as an inpu!t :f-ar the decocte-t A. It aocti,vates, ills Oll.l'~1i.d d\ep€ndmg on 'the ~'tarms Qr mput5. 'Ihe oUJij)ut of d\e de(;od~r ,A, ~ used Io ~tect ~ oj' 'the' ~tefS 'W~~ ~, ~!~t~ 3lray"

11.,1.1.3 Rtg'ilter May

Re,gistef' oo.DSi iii ts, of ~lE~ .3 'hilt r:egiSite;t,S .. E.ach tegUter C~ ,;s,tOl' 8[ ilfut 'WM,d. Ere,

.............. ,iI... ... .C; ,_U "M~.J:.....--, ....... _=_, __ ...;1,_-1 ,~ liL._ ""'-"" .... .,.... ....... , '!-nCo ,liil._ .... "i~h~:, ,Ioil.",," [1f"II,.-''ifn_;'i~ iI1::""",]..ll,,, i'O-~ii::\ 1I;.:.!!L;.I"'-yuIUt. 11;.1.[' 4.JI. ,~.~~_lI.mi)l l.U~j LU.l.U!LE11;Jl!~ LU I!..(;m .... -uLf.llLII!.n.UJII,~. IJ.!I.I&I:I! UllEL~""'d" UiUi::1 v;~l~,Fl'-"}lo! ~1_!i;!ll.;ItlJ; \,: .:~J.

- "'''__ 'L _"1.__ • 'E':: "1 -"I SlVllWiJl as :~.I:I.\iiwn.:m r~" ' .'!II.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~&' 'M"'I '" mroI" ,--181" '8)'-. '

1 -_ I" "" . ,-; ",', '

._ J - CRICO ,_ _ _ ,_ ,, 111

1~0II1 to MIc:fQ~1Or

!ii, UlI---m'ptI'" -r'S',.,..----, _I .... ~I!I.A.I!'W. _ - ,KiI! _ .,. .. - .......

~- [



~ ........................ ~


R I ,.',!'ji

'I'iI!, , "'i!j:




.. , ..... --""".~ ..... - ..... --~""'""""



R:1,4Ii - [I-~~~


l .... ~ ........ ~ __ ~ ... - .................

r:II"Il.._ ,- -, m ,~ , ,;:; "'L__,.:1_~.,1I, , .iI; "" ._._-..;Ij ,j!." "'Ii" - - ,........ !I-n, iI. ,- -, :b,l,- '-'._!:i~!c ,t....., -"....-...-

,Ulm' lotIJ.,t"U'I:: 'illi]' UICli ~@l' J!"!I" 18i ~"'U!, l'O' ae ,varu CUI.FUel, eJlIa,illli' 8.1&,,'_ JUI; 1SI ... ,I,iJI;;'!;;I,I,

:- - -:-~: m',_'q!, ,_~, A-""'" ,..::~~, ",_t, -", h-.- '-1'-''-' .,:i~ ... .,:i ..... ,. -'-''''::--i~-'-~-.-A-:: ... ", ,ic.oo.] ,i!I,,-~ ';-iI;'Oiit"i''1i' RgetIXL:l' ,;,""."rAl_l)I'" " ~ ill UiUIU::;, o.nlY one O,UJ",rU nr '1U.~'Uti.lC£ ,IS ,iilil;.ilLV,~~ aCCQ .. 'oiUI'~ '"!oil IlLPo': """~;t'~_'

sl,gnaL. SO dra:ta ,tto.til mIly' 0l:iLe1 reglster b, a,vatlable on, 'ithe OOIll.lllO,n, bus.

,,ill '1' 1 ~l ii'!i',,..- - -- - - -- D'- -~~ I.; _., '!Ii'UnYnDfili gUS,

The, ~ 'bit- 'oommmit iIb~; is ,oo~tOO, 'ro :~~ .A, ~e,g,is:rer 'O,k aad 'to the l.'egistel" 1 '~t);1.1P !1e swWtcA., If ithe switcl\ is ra,'~ 'positi.ion, A '1llIm OCI~ ~ 1$, I~ ~o :the .A

Copy rig hted m ateri al

MIUo & M~ ~--

. .. - ,. .

~~--~.~-~-.' .-. -.- ... - [., -._.

". p~l!J!II.I.Or - __ ~ _ JGrooolilb'olier 8'!!IIIaInI~

[lnb'OdlilttiQRJ~to IM~p~!\" Ii, Mk:~pl!lte:1' System.

,~ D' -r.c."";;~I"", ,.",,4.,.....,\.0";.,\1:1, l':jI" ~'"" ~fl!" jj.l~,l t)"', ,1!i'L. ... ~Cljj.-J:Io'IO' I 1"f!1.. __ ",,,,,":iJ"'h 1I"I"''''·IJ~.n-r.1 ;.:: ''''i'>Ti~1~1~~1

W"IIl . 1.1~~!t.'Ir..l-r ~ilJ;~_'iL_ •• T~ II_~ ,f\ ~ 'ii. ..... lll.U1il ""'lloat. ~ ~~_'-: .. ·--:dI.~IL-_,_--:-.Ii . ~ ,J.,I,~ ..... ~ 0II!\-,-, ~Vi'i:P_ IUtVr.I,1I IUJ ~~!I"_li~,~

'by h swU.clt ecntrel dl',cult

1 ,.'t1J. 5, Aegl$ [I

It :i,s, ~d! W :sl{Jr~ d~ta ttt;m, the iOOID_t.H~ ibus.

1i.1.;t,6i Decodef :B

:0' t& ii, 3~ d~'- The: d~ta £[-oOim the :~~' I is ~sed as ,an, ~t: fur: the decOO~. If' ;swikh, is m po,siion, '9,1' this; data, is d~ded aad ~, t~ se' ,appwpriaf@ ~trol cirmrll' nom, me oooJtro:l, tmiJt' as, shown m Tjlblie 1...1.

II ~ D'1 Do
[ [0 ;0 O[
I ill (Ii 1
I ~.
10 ~ o[
10 ~' 1
II 11 ill iO
11 [I) 1:
1 ~ Ii)
'1 11 11 I MCi'V' A; C i

F======~=If-;===~~~~~ -=~-~~4- 1




{ 1.1..'t7' Collb'<Jl Init:

n ~t5 ot eight oontrQi] circW!ts:. MOV A. c, MOrV' 'B,~, C1, ADU~ SUB~ ,AND~, OR,. lOAD ,A. Dd, WAD B,. '~ ,~tilr(d -d~ts a~ 'U;.i].eil ~O< ,~te s~ls whlkh, se'led' ~ 'Qpera,fion, Qf ,ALU and ,adiva!oo' mp1l1'~ ~b~, signa] ,OJ! r~lstnr A ,<md ,rogis;tcr B .. .A:~ 11, ~ '~tpgJt: ~m. [@:niy o:ne ootttrol clt~i,t.:i!!f ~Cf~iy,a.ted, as ~'~ by Un: d~' QU~t


'rbi.s ,~~t;r~l cir-cuit gener~~,es alll.tro-l ;sipWs whirll. ,at:ti,varte: :input ,en.WiI.e' ;sigmaili lOt :~mr' A andl Qlltpllt: ~'bl:e: sip:a] fo:r :re.gii!ile:r C, :So 'the darla ~m :regtster <C :is ~ "into tepter' ,A.

MOV' B,. C

This ,000000OO] ruOllit Q"eneraJi;es oont-toJ ~Si~::i~ wb1cll ,adi~:~le: l~ml!t ena-b'~e '6 i-·'" 11 'fCI

- ~~- ~-- ~ -~ - - o-~---~~-~---- ---~~=-- --0"'=-- --'" -~" -- ='Iif~ --r~-- =---~--, -6·' ...... ,,--

'' '8 end 0'Il2!lp'u't ,~~, $i,pal for :re, c" :50 dle daih1 from :regis~~ C Is oopied 'UlLm re,giSter- '8.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

•• _i'_ ... _..IIo.c..-i!l .... loI..ii" M' 'i~r" WW-UU:UIJil!UIliRI LU.. .... 'lil'p1'I'!IiI'~

& Mh::towmpu,ter' Sr,tteml


1hls (ulb:Pl cirOlli·t .getler.!!!te6. oordud sip_~i5 r;eq.Uih'eci {OT: addUiOl1 operatinn 'WliLkb ils '10 be !p~dQm:'i.M by' au~ .Am.J] t~, A + B .=[j;' C-


''i'i'i:rl:'' mf!I~il ,r.;:r-fi'l .. ;-If ~ri;~"""", """" .... trol ""'~"':Io:: ·.-.:Il!1iHI".-.::I...l :t""r" ,:."·l,..iI-.,:> .. Iiil",,,," ftD~~niii' ·wt;.I· ... h

~ ~~ f •••• H''I.It~ ~_._ .. '?II~_ill~ 1~_.I!l!W~II,~~ ~"".I!l"_I,V~, -..~D.i-.l"'_~, _a;;J '.lllw:-.],"",,~ .ll""Y' ,~}..... ~~_V'_ll~"'J~:~J!I.iIr..l!l, '~r. .... _:.,!tIII!LU~ltl w w ~~~ w

is ~o 'be pfri~ .' ~,y the ALll te'- .A - '8 .....:. C.


'~:'-, .......... .,.,_t ..-.i .. : .... , •• ; .. g' ' ........... rafO' :..,..111 "2.l:g:n: ~'i", 'Nq'" ,.~, ..... .;-a ~"""", l'og"':~-~I .. ,t.'i;.TD OpM:a' "iI-i;~ , •• ,,'Il..",.,'I,-,

.w,il~ ~c.,.IJI,vJ, ~,~iwl ~~ .. L"_~ liu.!l.JJJ ~ I ruiii:ll II.IU.I.IEll ,[tU.1. c"' UJi2..jJ . .iF"l.Ii,'IIiII. - ,'".- ~ '/ uU'-~~ -!n"J:Il!1.~il,

~ ... '~rfI; be ~""d 'ib', v "'..:..__: ··;!i;'LjU·,·' . ~., . ~ . ~. "

~ ll/u- ~ .. ,~"---:-","V.-;I,""'i"""-. , ', U~LC a I. .•


'~ ,~1tI[0!1 ciTtu.1v. ~ates. control 5igPaJ9 nqu.lfecl :ro:t 'I.Qg!k:~J OR. ~ti~ WMt'h '~ to ~: :p~.1hy' the ,AU(f,


''JI7'i:.1:'"' ..".,.n ......... ] "";;-r;~t' '~"'I"""" ,"'.,....,~'I ., • ...,...",lil,.:: ,!,..,'_~-'l-, :II' ~'i.j:>~C; iFnii~I' ~r::.'I;.iICl li;:1:_:i,l '/"iI"'

l~ ~~ 1WV.-:.I!lc'_I;U,. 1iIu.............. o,..,.._ ..... ""llrllUi::al !i,;;;-,lLF.-JJ[L-IUU, I!I~.,~ ')T,~I.U,;IIll c~~1f.-IiI!lI_v. ....... .r.Wt\' ~!LIiI_IIr.!'I:r. ~~l~. lliv..

~~~ A' '~\j..-'I .. """ ~ .... A" '-",,",",", '" "~ .. iL" --""-"-1' '.--'.;F. ..... ,4.' -- ,- ~~;.. -- - "!I'l:..,.- _ A.

'!.:'''"C''''';!I-!;,I' '" :IJJ~. ili~ ·il.li1!.Y1Cli1i)~~ ;5'W'lN!i.I,i. 'CQ]11.IIiI.'O . CIICU.h 'w 'iI,;Lia~ ~'ri,I)~."'U pgSI,lIiI.Vn '~'1lI ,M;,

'Q' ,-- ~

..... ·1 _


1 • .1'.,1.8 Moh COJ)tr!Ql CircuIt

c. • ..::: .... i..,.,' :""r,~ll·"';--':·iI.:"',","'.:-' :""I~~" ,f:... ,':---~'r"""h""':;'"''';:c'i''' 1'" ',.-..!!-r:''';;''''', "--'-··--t"~m V''''''AD A ';;!!~'!"II.Y,I. C'On"""iln crClllh :is! ~~il.-e- ,1U,r!liWli_ ,pGBh:IIUlJ, )~, is'!;m !l-J!'!I:, ]IJpu. U'I,!I_ ~ .....:'V, __ ',',

u.d LOAD B oonh'ol ciloCiulJs, If ally of 'thel ail:!(nt~ i.npu~, ,bi acli,vialmd,. it, dmn,gct:8 :&m'lm ~itim, m ~ o~ :llt: Ih.olds, Stwit'ch. a,t: position D"

AtU ,~ tl\e, :inpu~ from, ~t~.A. ,and ~tcr B", 'ThiI$ input: is :p:f'~ ;,1,«o:rding: to tie o,peraj~ :selede(:l, by' the cOIihol WlIit" The p~, ~t: !il5 ,5t~ :ilTh 'the ~tc:r C"

,iii '1'11' 110' "",,"....dI_

II"." •. '!iII ..... ,.WlIII'!III

_;Ii; - ''''''''''''''''';:7--..J1 .. ~.~c:__ ~1~ ... iIi·"" ......... iIon, ~-. ...~ '!I',iI;LI"- ..... """.r .... iIi·"". '~fII"i ... 1"1."! 18' ,"",iClro' ,~.:..-v;.f1- ~ ,L.II.~.u~, ~I;U~, !I&..·c~~ILll~ .:::I!1..Ol11..;:t. ,IIUJII, ,~'!Uil ""·,[lI1IIll. !L._'I..J!II..a.U.J!IJ~_........ ~'lI;I.olllipl""'~1 . I ~. . JI lI_~-'U!u_'i.r.II,

~'1-...-.1:... , .. :'1-_, iC~iI,· . "' 'fD~'~ ~. ,lill.._ .. co, ........ _ '. ,",--"AI , .. 'Ii..._ .AI ... ,~ .. r'---'-- +' ~1'~41 ~~

_.,~IO!i' g,m, ,I;~l :reg:m r '1;.,"t)J'-' J,nnn. IlJHI.~' J:e,gtsn::a ,iilirrilly aBo;;!! mK:' \U!iW, :n~Ii1I:U.e ~;~ ,l. ' .. ~. ~~

tlt_ 'I; " -, ,'-c -j~~I='ii..'I ... , .", ,i.1-.~, '.' - . "'." - '~, "b ',' - l''''_':!i::, .. ~]''" --, --".L+"b '''''C - t· - ...... ~timt B ,'" dam Mm. h

"'"'~ ,IS IJI,t!li'" U;:, an u;u;:, cam.motli. i,lus. I.i;U~~:Y SWlp,;:n 15, ,~L p~ ~ '_ I :&1)) . ,: ,' '.:_ c, ',Ie·

~ bus i!, ~" Aoc:~,dim.g 10 Id)~ta" 'OOI!I.ktil mMit serems h operation. and ,A:LlU

~ ~ ..:;

r_u1m:DlS,l.l[i.e 'ope"r,BI!I.'rOO,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~ limpomnt 'thing in 1ihis; p~ ils dfU:; d~~ &om ~l~d Rptef ,d!ecldw 111e operati,(m" The dJaita 'Wrn~h decides the ~eJti)M, is ,C'ij'!l!ed ~Opera,1iio:n rode'" ,~t, ~IOpcod.eI!"" Ea.db. opera,mon. has its ,pwn. opeode, The TlIb~ '1..2, 8hows 'the' O]J'C,odes ,€~]" ~~ ~,~;Iigf\'5.,

ror opefiilJao.ll5 :MOV ,Ar C end MOV 'B:~ C tile' data, :15 k'am:rerred bin :re,p;ter 'C ~ Ite;g:i&~er.. A ~Jd. :re,~st~ '8 ~pectiv,e'I.y",

11'~ ..",1'N"i't',.'tI:-~-:" ... " A: '·'D~;·' D~I": '~;~"m )1;.,,"'lh, .~,_..;i O'~-:iD ..j ... ,io, ... '.\II.'i,.]", ... ,~;oo , ....... , ;6. .. , t'iifi"ii:'\~",",.~ . ..;i ,~~, io .. ,y'.·...,.. ~. A:~" ~., Y.r~~~-Iir.I~~' ,~~_._.,~J [~YP.,. ,f.'~""rllllu ~11-U.J .. ·'A [~~~, ~,I:Il.I-~~, ~J ~'141 ~~ r\~~~~~"J.i)! ~1;Jl~~ ,lI1J]II.: "

~d. B :~,~~i'S., iB'1;j,t :i.n, ~ Of LOAD A ~ LOAP ~ g~~ d~j~ ~, ~m:m.(J~ ~,~, iis ~y loaded :m.m th.e A and '8 l\~~r :re$pe(Il,veiy'. Fol' tills 'opeF,alloo :S,;,viJtcll mwa' be, m,

Il'L D'\"I Il'i"'"'l:,' ~1Ii -v

o , '1


11 1 0

11'.1)1. '1.2

Alter. ,Mdu o,pm·",wn, ~'tcr ,m ~l'Iicro1!EU1nted] ~y ~ :$0 d\atl ~cr ,sc'locI$ h ,~ ~~fH" ,A,gam darti, ,from. ,seledEd 'regi~~ i~, av,aimable (Jj] dH: mmmoo, bu~, and d1e p, is repeated, ~ f(lUOW,mg: eQlllIfTe: wiJij ~lp you. to, 1!m.dersmnd, 'Ifie' p:r'~, ~~@!'

Eumpl~ :i Mid, ~o rnuln'ben:

Sf~ ;~ Load. 1st ilIr-wnoo in .A Load ~_d number :in B AUf) mo ]iliilmDers

P,ilrst, step is ·~o [ioad, 'the :n~'ber iin lPegist'er: ,A, Tb, do -thist U is, ~~ to mve opeede 0:1: LOAD Ii operation, in the register '~l ~ ,Mtd ,~ rtumbar in, 'tim ,~t- ro, ,Ut))" SiDlihlarly 1m tie 5eiDJ.Dd, ,6~ it: is, ~~ m hB,¥e' 'IJ,pcOOe of Load B operatimit m. :register

i\I' (rl'_, ,--,!I Ii.'L_ 'n-,"_'L.,... m- . ~iI-.r.." 'li, ii'R~'\ %_._'Iliv ,i~ ,i.,. '"'lI~"""'r"IJ" ,1=., 1!._ ...... ~.", ~.~' A~nD ~ .L~ dFtI.U ~ ,~~, . _~I."-T.I.i .~ [~&:-=VII '~~!,l ,,,,,,,~ ";~-~.!;I~.J ~ ~,Tlt;; ~~~JI!p W _,__:____:.,__: ..

,operaJti.mJL in t.egister' ciGi: ~)"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

4eil UP [!X!

c 01 [0 oi:

.. .!:

.. ..

- --"- - ,

I\i, 1; ~ [1Ji
R11 t 0 [0
~ 11 ~ 11 ,I
Rrl [
.... .1 [I) '~ [I) I
R o '1 [I) I
~ I
~ I
[Fig., il.S 4:116; OeDl:li1e~ ,(A)[

:STEP'm = Counter 'otttiPiiJ)t ({)ij(~ml

Inj:Ita]lyt 'Iilm iC'Otmltm' Is m. ,~, reset (loodi;no:n 00 Gaunter' output is zero (0000)\. n_e, d.ecOOer A vriI sE!~ed' 'me l[egism [0 {:Ro) .. ~ 'the :~,p~!t: fur ~d!m:" is. zero.

n...~~: ii:i..~. - '~.,..I;" ........ , ii'1I lV _ '\ ~:'" ,......-.!1'_~AI ;Ii .. [,.~ ,~,'~ ~;::r1;q,"""'r ,1i\I, 1\!!iU,~ U,~ ~~~".L V \.'-u.l .L';I ~~~UJ.~' IUJCJI!IJQ 1~~"'LI; lli,'''"b ...... :II_IW, U

:Lc. '1 ~li [ill, Is a,valila'bl!e on 'tl1i.c: [COmmm1l '!hUB. The decoder' 'B "Will 'use thIs d,a,m to select, 1ih.e oper,~'tiO:tt A,"j d_!l,~ LilI,l '1 [0,1 d~d~' B wlil[ ~eJ;~l 'liO~lD A ~,~li!l;m. LQA;IJ .A opemthm, 'W,iU [~br@ linpul 'lux ~eiris'~r A aJnd chm.g~ ilm' ~tcl1t :position frem :8 'l'o /t. ~Ier Flg~ '1.6).

[~i!glst1:l~ ;afi'lti~hY

- - -

...... --.....r.:..-t_ _~ ~O; _ ~ _[

~~~~-I[ (I[ 1 01 [

O[ 1 [0

I ~ __



Copy rig hted m ateri al


,Mlcm,pl'OC8SHl' &, Mlcrocon,troll!er' S,,1iIarm 11 iii to,

'I-._._.... ....JI.! .. ."_ Hi' -- . -. --. '., l'iluVulih"1lI0lilN 'm crop~i!X

,i [~~ptll8r Sys1IIma

,lI:!i"'~'-i!iI ,,., • ,.-.;.~, ,. .'_ - , iI-PI; ,.iI. J'~1I ~ ~ J. ,or ,,;;;, • "'-..\iIIIlllJL~ on.,rtb., 'I;,IU\lIU.1i



I.' ~i!;Il,IJ;I' ~n!Bf

- - -- - -- ---- -- ---I ---==--=-1

, I

'01 ~: 'CJ, 111

, I

, 1 I,

,;1':116 Dflmder' {All

:s~:ch eo:nlfd! i::l!!i'W~,

_ FiCl~, 1.'1

Copy rig hted m ateri al

-~bllm4uctioli'i 'to lMicmprocnmt &, Mk;~p~ Sy,~,


48il[UP [00\II n.i.:er

RegiSt1U arr:ay


.1 1

,~k1;$ ~If [~A)

1 -I

Copy rig hted m ateri al

.. ,~,~IZ,

il"b1Odudh~'il. to Mi~ro~ '& Micll'OOO:I1!lF,Ktter $~e.m.

~~ '. I

STElIi' 4, :~ CQ'unrer' output' (<DOll)

The; d~wdi~ A. wlill ~l!ect 'I:h:c :~,g'Jisklr ;3 ~) Once t:ile re,plet: 3, is ~l~~di;, d~1a &'om 'roptM ]. iii}. ;0 1 ~)i ts ,!lowa:illiahle, 01'Ii '!'he mmmDJ.1L b'Uls" This data is, dtrectly '~TI.'!ifE~di 'to the

. ~c."~t:_" '6 'b:c~('· ~ ~.'~~c'ltch 15, '-posdllfone(i <lit .A. and :mntl.~ ,fm' '~isb~:r B is aJlmadr~ ,~h]ed.

regl5ieI . "ecaiU5e 5W]"""., .. , .. ,.~~, ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~-~~. ~~'.iIi'~' ~.~ ~~Q~ ~ ~ '}

.A~[' dtitti b~~M.b"" .s,wUcirL .iPOS,iition is ihangEd mom po~ij;l±on, A to 'iPos;i)tWn B\o

~h~r 'fig',. t:9)


.iii IBilrtJp I _oC(Ii;,WiItE!ii

4.116 I~er


. e!1l"'E"D 5 ~ 'C'' , ,- iii..... ' ~., , cj;. 1M N!f\ gii,lI.:a..r ,~ :,~.o1;ilnJ~~L 01,1' .u:~ ~Ii. ...... '~~

'_ - ~

''t;ii!-,e iI;':""""~"r' ,A,"", ~:f1~1 ~i~ ~e~ q'iliiil'C>'P jil, [('?: ... l"'ii..:-~! the , '~g,"rr ,it, , .. "~'~-~I~:-'ar~-;~.~~ . !\.!L~'--'Uly~c " W~. 1IJIIIiiiii_~1 ILII_ 1 .• __ ~'ii ..... ~~Il v.;JRl::: ., , ...... 'O-.u:~, '!I!I.!a ~~-un~t~ U411.Q, U'UlIQ

,-:'" c~;"ii'e' - )I,. • J"', fIi '1 ;n l',. ,,.v,,,,"ll,.:1!-~-: ,o':'iiI;'Io ,',.-! :"'''''-~ ... '''' bus. ,A,,.... d:~,,.~, '·oli, li')i '1. ll'il .. , ,.:ii ~ ~.,.....:I~ ~ H! ,.,.,,:-:il ~t,

;rr;;;!.gl~. "( "'Ii 1~!iP' !II .~ 'V jj;:J! ~L !I'I.iI.I:~'!Oi~ 'In~, I-lil!e '!O<li.i'''''JWOI,!o'MI,I., ....... ~'I"IJIo!;II 1", U u,~ u; , . '!f't.',W, ,

ADD oopirQI ,~t. ,ADD o:~1i.Qn '\\V,iIDl ~,ab!! :i!!~ 'ktJ' ~ec;it ,add ope;mtion 'whiich, ~ 'to hi! ~JQrm.ed, 'b,y' ,ALU, 1lum, ,AtU wm ,~d!, h !Cml!~~ts,;of re,gtsm' A IIlld, ~ D, ,amd

·jj:,,_.':~11 ",~, i'ik ., "".,.111""," 'tl;. .... ~"""'~"""~' :'i '1 "1 t'i 1:io-~ '~" ~ "1, iii b· w,w. 5"",.1,11. '!.ue 1'!e5!OY:.' U1Ii ,.;~ l'ep~.r '\r., ~"e, '" '!;,!' ..:v= .• ,.,.r I["lg" ,iL u, ,M"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~":d'~" M~~·~oi1" 5; 'MiCR!!oomputar' ,Sytl;'tamli


oti"Bit UP oolJnter

~lster al't~~'

Ai::~ I). 0itMdM" (A)

Copy rig hted m ateri al


l"~"T"""" '~"'''''''''''- :t.i'f'L'Ii'1 .:i~:tt:.:..."..,..~, nnF"I"'"'l'iiQ'''''' __J!-~ !Id[~~lU,.v.,.,1I '..-:,...."l., .... ~.,I~~ i''I.J.'<JI '.IJUl_I,'u:~l~"'!lJl ...-: . .r.--....:-_~LL.. .,~Il

R*O!.~, Ai~
1 ~ [)
'1 ~ '1
"1 1i '1
0 1, a
01 11 '1 '1 11 I 0 I' t.oad A rli!glster ,I

I " 1

'1 Q '1 Wi'!ldi U 0 1i) I


'1 0 0 LQgiciiiflY ,AND 0wI1 oonlm~ lof

R.qifiiM' A aii'ld ~i&'ter B ,Mill ,SWI'ifii iib& mutt III:'I! rqll!er' C



cr)1 SoINe' 1 G 1 (5, -ti' 01 01 '1 (t1) '_ G' 1 1 ,(3;;

IRq'iI.r ,A'ITa}"
~ '1 0,
11 0' '1
, ..
11 1 1
'0 QI ,I 1
'0 1 :1 0'
0 , 4) 0
'1 I ~I l'
01 I 't 11
CI! I: 1 ~ ~.',,~ ......... i·_~. ~·I ~. S,""""" , ....... , ~._b' . ,~' "'! gl!Ail~:~ '-..rV_lllU:IIiI~ !UI .~"'I'l . UUllul.1Ji1lli ~JII_UIIII - UI

"'I)l!Jter ,1\ ,~ ~.~ ~ ~it 1m 1!fIiIG~r (l,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Micili'i!'U!i--1iio - -- &. M" - - - - 1 __ -1-1 ;i:Ii~

____ ~.I"""r_!~~o:r . ,Icnx:on",u_ er ~;i .... -..m

iII"f'~''''''~';oo;" ."" M' Ic·I'i"iA'I'"""- .......... r-

!l!llnl'JU!IS_u'lin!~1 IoU _ _" "'!!I"'"_,'U'Ioo'IlJI_W

&, Microcomputer ,Sy,&te:ms

d' 6 'I' ,- ftft j4-'~ ".. t- i'll', f,I; in, 1 "1) } 00 ve ;[vU' '\1 A iii I ,I ,~, ''i;{ U Iv ~;'

:Rq'iatur ,Atni,Y'
1 '1 I 0'
'1 0 0
'1 " '1
(II 11 '1
'1 ,0 a
0 ,0 0
'1 '1 '1
(] ~ '1
'1 '0 '1 1 U~'i"', 0Ii, ('1,00': _ ,) nWI!"I! \

lLDgICaIl)!' AlNInI' lltIe ,co:rnimts of ~1rteli' .A. illilitd

. ~i':st-Bf [8, B.nd :!iICn!l1 UIB' m!iii.!l1t ~ifI :i1tIg1:&1Bf -G:_

F'~ ,Ij{4.;, "",'t;. ............ , _.j.:..:~'lfl!liiri ... ,:" .. .AI ev,"~!O'I~, ''I.7O'li! m ""':',,," 1j-'''''f-.a -.;..;;tj"""",fI '''~,,":I- ~inl 'oCl:fii.n,l" 'm~;o'!i'l ,.1~1:"'!I, .~_~;~, ... !rII~1f1liii: ~I'?II~-'.II~.'~·._ilf?I.iI.l!l. H_I:M _ ........ ~lIIiil,IIr.J ... ii;;II 1''''''''''' . .'0 ·~.l l~t~, .. ,~, II ~ _ ,Ii.;~, !I.;t;~_It.I.Il.' l~_.,!'i ''W~~'.Jft.'''!-r ~ .~-":T.~

ihard'waro ,oom.p~ls are ~~, 1b-uX ~.Y ,c:-ll~_gfiJtg' lile seqiJ.I_,CtlC'e of: op~ ~nd G,p~,~ (b~l :it :is possibJe 'W process, ,dtFfeJ~'~ 'opefa,tiQ~;, ContnllLing th~ O:~,8!ti)on in a fiXed hardware 'by clumgin,g :seq,u.enm of ilMlnlioomns :15 the basic principle: med. ill, the g~I,oces50t:'. The s,i!m_ple moole] '~, ~;n HtJs, ,chaplet is, ,a ~ ~I, ~~kmt oJ I~ mi~p'l)~5~, bl!, 'tl1!e M'XJ 5«tiw '~: wil[ d~ 'the: vad~ ~~m,gif.;s ,~, in, h ~'~SO'l'"

t- '1 ,"" 'T's-rni"i;iii"i;f'!Iri- Iusii!liid' ~·n M-ii"loro'!n-_i"Io66~-r . iii . !Ii 6 . : .:Ij-.:lil I :1Iil.1f~~ IlJil!V ..... v '. I .. ; - l~ .-.' ·[~I·w.!~g'v .

lttg'. l.ll :jS'howcS 'tme' ~1!!'I!1J nl'Ode'l. 'with sp~ifk ]1!!1bch;, ,Mid. S~M bl.ocb. 81ook. '1 mp~ts, 8, mi~ w,namM block, :2, K)preserlits memory",

Mi~Of:; U oo~:t:s I~ ,~tgrj' :~w1ikh oonb'Q11~t, ~dcr B.~ oo.rIitr.,al wm'~ ALU and ·registers.

Mc~r.y' =; It is a ~~UQ.l'!j, lof ~t'er. amy ~nd h d~dl~ cir,~t.,

Prognm,:; n.e. ~,~' of .U;tsmu;Ii'oru: 'W.ritron, for g~ ope1',artion lS ca'U\ed, propm,

:P,mgum, '(oWI.tM' :: ''nr_e. ,OOWll!ffir used, in a ~ mude1, :is used to loeate :im!~.ilS in,

Ii, P-cl"OD.Pl:' "iI:fI!tffiII~Pn""" (,'n~"",",,li Thc !II .... ,'l"'" ~" _'Ul--l 'II nroltrlr'"'1"1"10 ....... 'IOni ....... ' ..... ,~., ... -r.- .. ~: ....... ~,~ .. -._'i;;_1b. ·.i"~,i!r.!ti .. !;l" . ,L......:I!, l~ ~ [~ ~ :t." . ~~., !LUu....R:iIl;,.

Copy rig hted m ateri al


.Mtod~Ii:O:Q 'tol Mi:e~

., M' I' ... .._ ... m'p· '1-. 'ii:lt,., .. _ ."" -'!iII!I!!~'~'-'.1 .IAi!UIiII!lJ I~, i~_~~_""1

Ad~~~s ~nd AddJ~ "BIQ :: ~ IO'1;i!ipU't' (fJ tIi¢ r,i'Q,~mi, OOtlIi"i!tM ~S gl'v-On '00 8le :m~mO!y, The .mti:email decoder ( ,A:J i'm, Uie: :mem.ory~ dBcode:s ,~ mt'~U!f. af the

pro;;f!l"'"'m'l """,,~, .... jj.,J:>'IO' i-...,. '1 ....... ", ...... ,"'1 <i.~,~:.., Tat\i!llt<ii~ ';:rji; t1+-""', m·.,.."..,oI"1'~' 'Th' I,,, '~.,"'i"'.:1 ~ii.,,"',t, n;,;llin.'i.t·' lil'cllt .iilt-~ " ... t!I ....... .; -, ..... -"UIH.I.!ll--'!u~.. ~~ ,~-)oIIoIl~' ~ ~..,,.._._Illr~ l.jlll;~ ....... !I~I, 1I_~Lll . :~iIJ.U ,_ l~!i.I_-Jl_.l.-v.l,}.'!"! 'j, •. __ I;.'!l ,.£lIll~!ioII_.,!Ii;II '~_~;t_~·~ Ii.t._~ ~u:

:pr'O,~,i'It_m ,C~_]1,rer ~dd_];6~ ~ 5pecij];e '~giste!:' in 'Ih~ :memoiL)". Th,u_~ 1ih~ OIUltpUi~' ,of progr~ 'il::O'IJXTIJb.e.r :IS, ,clli~Fe:d address and the group of w,mes itha'~, tm.~, ,adJdre.s '15 ~<lned, ad_il~

II!..'·I A"jIA", '1:,.1r ,Ill,.,. '., TI':, ,'111 :'",.,;i'k~~" ,',..,11. ;['!~l:""··'.j· . ...fIAI· "-1''-;: 1'2o!1i')""iF--"-j.~ii:'ii 1i1\1S" n'!O'l.'!;A~S5 ui!J_S ,5\nQ"'WTL ,In. E',lg" ,: .... c!, J, ~~ ":t'"Vh m~e:" ~ h iQlUli ,et'!o'lIIO'llr;es~, ,,1[;1' 'I;. ~ . ~~~~"" '~.'

the fl('@_Sit~' ,a:rr,ay- Th~ lii!Ujl,!jb~ uf ~dJdJ~, UIileS d~«1clie ~ ht)lW' Pilany ~oors hm, l1m. re,gjs~.r 8lra.y (tliI.€mQry lucaJIi.o:rua:} ",m 'be' iIII~SSied" F(t;r.' €)II}iilimpie: if ih~re are U6 ad!d'ress :I~ 'llbetiL it: 'is po9sihl~ to ,i!I,oCe:ss '2],6 1(655'"3i6} :memDry Iacaitimm,

En~ 1 M!~!'!Op~t!~e~Q{ CILK

" ~,

,~r{JfjJ fa mil ~rrrter

IDilia ilWji>4! 'D' ~t"'iI"' Di""" ' ......... - ,~""., .. "!I~~ll,.~;"", 1,1,._, ",~.q,"r- ~" .j ...... AJ ~i , .:I;I"- ~' ~ ... """,,..:a-. ;u;.

' .. -ee ~~ 1~I}f.W [ . -II. 'IU!IiI.QI I. .1,11£ ~ .. ~ ·!rI!·.d,Jilllll;~, 1I,'Lt: ~i"'D-~I,1£,",i:l1 .a..Q. 1~!jJj, ,., ~·JElI;tIIo.u Li~, 1',Uj"~UlZt .:p~I, I~ and ~'pC~, '~ dJam, 'is mo~'ed, from ~ter ~ te,gil5~t :foon\ ~J!m(ttJ' to tegffimr '~b group' m Mm, ~lled, dli,ta bWi. ~, daJja, ibu,i¥. within, '!he. mria~~ la, eaIled, inter:Jilj~l dJiJu, 'b·1lS where' as d.aJa 'bus, OUI5l\de ~ mi~J~ "is caUed, ~,

..:ii ... :i ... 'Ii'-,~i"", '1"1;_,;b,. L., ..... , .. ,~ .... ~"r-, ~ ... t'L:-: 'F.j,...., '"I"' '1" '1" 1;1;; '!Jj_j~~~ wiii\(;; 'TFL1Il" '.~: . .,.' ii'1I~ fiiL.",,: ld"~.,... 11'..[ :'111', l~~~'~

!'AIIIlUi. IJIIIII,D.. ,~,~, iIJ~JH~ 1.,~r11.,.·n·,!II!, ,.~. _ ~ ~. '!?-' r. lili. _' _ ~ I~IJJ!!!:~, _ _ . l!LJI~ ~_I1,.. -·" _ L!.r 11;1 tt~ ~~_~~, llI'-~_ -t"I ~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

the size of operands" It aam derii.rles 'the' mmmum. 'num.ber. 0'1' open1tim1lS tnalt

m-~~ ]".......,,-p~ ~cn ... ' "':iln-~ pelf.-.- ,,-,.,. 'd- :ii~'" 1;.""., ~'rn, ... ij... iC_;o;;'jjl 'mod:cl '~"" -:t.Jblt wj..:i ... , :iI,'t .-.:iirn, '~.n_

:: .. _ •. ~, .,.~",~" I!W ..... _". ';' u Ii.I'JIIl._Ii-to_j' ll"li3 . __ It!II'Ira ~'~_ii;.!J .... t. ~rw:; ,~w~_u l __ .- ..... :. ~ ~.:....._ ... ~-_ ~----.J!i! ." ... ~.!Ii ,r-~'!I!'~!IIll_~!ll

. oi reJ;~t: -dl:ffe~Jt opemti~" 'Ihe ~nd!a_m, ~ 01 .'t,a, 'bus, '[$ :in ~'''I.iWlHf,l'E!! Clf 8: ~~., 8, 1~:1 2, 3-2, eK'" The mi.crop:rooessor 'wHil, &bit wUa 'bus Cill1L ~te' macdmum 25'6, [(28) itL<J;~ti~

W:(trd Le.mgitih ! ~ ~,o-up [Qf 'b:i~, 'Ilhat :~ C31Ii1J :recogmzei .and, ~ is, called wom" ,am ro~ ~ ,~fied ~~ding' 'to thdlr 'w-@riC3l Imtglih... For

'-_--"-_,:,i~,, ' ',,:"" ",:,-, ::_~ " ",.4- ,-, ;D_t.,:t,--,~-~,:~ ~l~=~-:-,;, ,-'-, ,c,.Wiit ~~~hP ,and iI

examp ...... f a ,DlIl~ W'liU.l, an C=U-J Wil».YI, IS ;II;;IID'!/Yl1Il as ~"" .... ...,_'""r""""'~ '~~ _

microp~s~r ~Ih, MIl, $,6-tH wurd hi, lni.1,W]ll as 16 bit m:i~"

J11JwdiGn :~t,et' ~ The: ~gis~ m w:hJcl\ :~tro.df~ ~ ,is stored rempm'mUy is ~~ed, IMstructlon, ire,gtsmr",

'~',- -:a.... .. ~i ~ --:-' ..j ~'7"~..j- !~ TL ~'..iI'==~4i_ I'd,' -~ ... ';"", .... ;o;--= =0-, ,~"", :;o;I!iIO"'U' <:'I"ijO'!jd.@l~, wJi!llit:h. 'taikes tlu:!~

,ilIUh'.lIl'U • .!:IIDD, 1IiI.~, .... , • ]"De ~1W.I, ".,~~I' ,~ ;W;i~ ;]!...,~~= ",--,,~_~~,!-} ~ '_ ~~ ~

:im\stm.dIian, o,pood)e from, 'tln_e, instrll.:l.dion, !rl~ter and decodes :it to :a,!p,!p!i'o,pli~~' ,control S'l,g!mds cCorr,§po;ndling' m. 'tl1te' .~trn.-cti'on. :is ~ned, lmlnJm(Q;l -d~',

1',.11,.3 DiHerem Phases ill th.e Il:XecUilon IPII"OCi&88

The three 'blod(s in 'lh.e' :Fi,g.., ].1:2 stmwJ9 the 1fhree di~t :p'ilas,es ~1\I''OlV'~d In 'the' ,~a()fi, p,~.

These M,e : 1) F:etch, 2) Decode ~3) 'h:ee\ilite,

- -~ -~I

. ~-"~I

IF.~="-~-:.-.- , .... jj'll I:


i, i



~ ~~ 1" '1''''' ~........... n.... ... -.....' u .,,", c..... '1"'-

r'S. -" ~: ,iI:;; m="'''''lil~, I.i"v~' ,!alh,1I! ~c~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Irrtfod~f[; 'to [Micll'OproceQOl' &, MI'crocom,pmler 5,.1Iams,

~ -

'~~'1:.3 .. 1 FMch,

bL ,te,t~ih pbsej ~jClfOp:t'~5m- p~ ,the ,~t:emts of the pro,gxam '~ter on, h address bus, aad G-t!ts ,illsit1ru\CtiQfrt ~Ic~ ,~~ from ,~ ad<kessOOi ~ IQcatiollh., 'I'hie

'1'!I!'~~r '~'I!--n' "'~"'r,;:,;a' eeeod .. i".. ,0/1:.. .. ~'II"'I."I;--~\i"".:;..,...... 'I"",";IjI,'li'-r

.• _ u r" -_ " u~_"" 131U,!I!.~.:!II [""'-[1""""'''''. _'i;..; .1Il.a.!L ll.[h.~ ~ILl!r.~.ll:l-.._U.II.J.'-J,;!I, ,II,!L~ U:; II

1l.,1.:3,.2; [Decode

In Ulis p~;. the 'opooile' {r,orm the' :inslr.U~ re.P~' lis d~ 'Wjlth, h u'lf> ~f in:slmdiml decoder 00' gemera;oo, appropriate c-omrol ~, to ~te' h w~,

In '1lfD ~~, ~or g,~a.'~ ,a,ppropriam' 'OOJlLrb"~] ,8~ and ~te$ 'the' inslnJmon"

11A Mi ~ "" ~ ~"~" ~ ~ - ~ " "" A--.LiIi&.-_'''' [1-- 0' ·1'

'~L ~~~ ~~_CfOprocessor N~!I!nurti;.U. ,any ,~fUit:raIL on

1m 'the' ;geelicm we _vee ,~, siimpl@' J"l't(o'!del Qf mi~~:r syst{m1. We have :~, 'the: impofctiaJ;it' mmp~ of· ttihe. :mi'crop1'OOessnr ;51~Vem, mre\i' :~~~, ~ty tmit, ud. dQdc.., &, :m:koop~f' 'block we' :~"'e' see:n, ~m 'mlmter;. :~~ d~~,

ins InI dian ",' ,;',~, ,.o!I1i,u...." 'i, " < ..... ,:~ '," '.11.;0, r: ~i 'Ii ',. ,,~i, ,~--ill All ,~,'i'~ 'it- ,L'Ii.!_, , .. .......,i4 ,,", , "". , ' ' • ~ " '~_~"~'. :ro,~~1 1'!UI!;I!~ren~ leg!'Sp;!,"S .. OO,I'!i!l-l!O,- 'ogIC iitl,M ,tu .• ,"'" ~u u;~ ,~Y!on~ we: ~

gplng 'to see ,Dl!.Q~ pl'adiicat :~~I' biQtk, diagram ,imdj pwgI'~1 modd. I~' :Fig. ~,J3 ami Fig. ~.14)" 'I'he mlcrop~(s '~1.Qtk ~,~ Md tn.e' ~


" ",lI"

lns'tf'lOO1fon d~,'




, ,,!I

, I'

: 11,1,1.,1'1'

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E ,I



i' I:

M'ennery [I

BddIreSS RlgT:III,et

E:ctemDl ~nput ,ami output ,~I UnQ

~..... ',·11:0;1 B'rii!!"i!"L d, ·I"n~ ... ~ m1i"-I'U'ii"iii"'A •• ;o;, ..

!l"1". ".,., ",_1\ ,II~II!'IBI!I 'U'I' I, ..... '!W''". __ w~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

.. ,,,,111

t-,_..i.~-.i-. ,IIO..! uu . . . ,

UUI'U'IiIi!li1ii'l.W'm !WI m~m,processor

&. MI'crocom;pumr ,Systems

,pl', m.~l ,~ihlMIY )'(:1.1;1. hQw ~ ~~

'ii'':'-'r ;i", ........... .,rIt-"'''''''~ ~- bloek ..:II~II'l!,,",EO""'"

~"_'i~' '_'" .1V.!.'-~· oIIl!I! ['i;ou~IIa'L!j;"LK..~" ,1.jj1t:. -.,~ tI.]~ .. !IiI""')~

s'ho·wc~ :mi(rQ)'~rs ~tt~ b' d~ta :pr~g: and, data Wmdlliin,g., n ,!lIso :Sh~ how

~,'~I:i!_' -1--IReg" E ,eaCi1L o:f' diesE' logic :funcIlGI1B' ,are' oommcted ktgetl:leT .

.... ---- .............................. - ..... _ .... _--I 'The ~~mg' m,od,d ,~ts· y<l1.u, m the

~_:Ii [Reg" L pro,pllLuni,fil,g' proces.s;, 'De d,ii_.reoce 15 1:illat: the

...... --:s .... ·mdk .... ,· ..... < ..... pDij..,..J' ... ·nrer-· .-(-s-P}--...... :p:ro,!P';~':mod.W ~ws only' '~ p~rts of' h

..... ------ ....... -- .... -~-----....-.... :microp~ wbkh ~ pro~~r ,~, ,~:e"

Pli'Il!lgtam cni;li"lter'(P'Of - :50 'we ,call say 'tihal' block di\aigram, rna'lces· it; easier t'ij'

ItIm 'und~tarui" tthe ar-(lultectute, '0'1 a :mh:fGp,r~r iIUld tlm' pv,~m.m.itt'\g rntodel ma_'kes, it' e~er to Fig\. 1.,114 P-mgnlmmtii"s Imodel

uadeestend the workin,g o.f' ~p~~' m a

.... :pw~,~~g' miV~wfioitV.:lU·,

~ block diagla.m i9itown, in :~~g. 1. t3 'lilI.c:ludes theee majnr :logi\':: deviees

A.w.Jirmul .

D-_ ~ I


- ----~



- .....

'. ,Sevet,aiI, re,giStms

'" nm.trol mUlt·

The inJemal, data, 'bus ig, Wied, to tratlSElit data. 'be!;_w;een_ ,~ logic deviees •

....... , ..........

. , :,AI..,U : --

'I -. • -. ...... , •

. ~ .

one. ,of: 't'h.e m:i(:rQ'~:'s, ~:QI' logic d.J!vtii:e5 ,lis the ,mt.lunetie logic: ~t, (_A'lJU). lit

OO.lltalins, the mi.ttoprocessot~:5' ~~, :p~_g: ~~c. l~ Us, tw'o inputs ~ g ootput.. n.e~

mL......, ... l ·d'-"'i-n.. j). ... -, .-t, ,--,',- ..... , '.' , ' ....... L....:II~1h.. ,Ii.\... iI...~ ,- . "iI:-... 'f,"'~·J'''~ 4 __ ... !h ;1.1,. .... ~_~,1! •• ,1i'"!!PoII, '_'!"I.wi :1,l,'WIi 0., ,~proom.sor IS ronne(mu, ,~ ..... ~I~' ~wQ ,I:nn:ut~ Q .hiILil;,J UI£UU,&",~ u,uo::'

'. ~-T

.'. ~' ~tet aM 'tRe !1~WaJmt" ..

'!he ,AL'U"'s smgre 'OU'Iipll.d ,is ~ m the ,intern!!!'!, data bus, U allows to send the' output of A'LU ,over 'the' ~U!I, to any d!ev,~, m~. 'W h '&u.s. In most; of the, ~ :r~ A giVte;si da,ta, ,(m' 'Ihe ALU and der perlo:rming tile, opera!non.. 'l1le! resuiLa.g d~b. word is, ,sent to 'the~ 'reg1e,te;r ,A ,E!;M 51ored. theiie. 1'his spec]al f.Iet~, 'W~ 1!l!m, ,~ililJt :~ ac~n~;wa!ted is ~oniY' blown as a<lnunwamr~,

!J"i,.~ A·.'L' '~'1' 'OH">.'L.-, ""' ... ~lli~- ,.....,.. .. o:r ib..~ d· .. ;I,.~, ''''"~''''~8'. ·-!le'f'H'! ... ..iIlb:lI .. · 0'" ~\..- 'IL.:~..l ,.".Ji ,,",1'lI.:n''.-..n_ Lt.I:~ l. flt." 'I!"I! Vr.1Il~ ~IIl!ll ~.IIJ~-U:[" VO-illl.... - lVfUUiWl ?!Ir'~'~f U"',_r"""".,.-~~, LI, "1i.iU: J\I.iIllUlJ v.J '?i.iI,r· .... _.lH _ ,V*I!.=

• AUU uses mput :pons as, ~'" For'" e·)(a.mple:,. ,adill~;n,' opet--ati:an uses both AlJU' inputs wUe romp:~ d!lfa operation ~ ,~y.' cm.e mpurt·, To Glmplemmt· ,~, da:ta

--~ ",,]'1 ,LiT ..... ~" ; .... , "i"L~ ,L1l.._, ·word~.:. .;L._,,," EO ..... '~ .... aiil"'" '1 ,EO""" ,m...... t'.... .]~f' , ... , '''",..:II "",'I!Jj[ ;&;L,;; 10..;, .... , ""'f; .afi. ...

~U,I;~_f. ~ __ [ I !Lln~ ~~'~13i ~~ ", .. , , . ~ U,ta;~ !liIo.II,~ lV[tr-'1r.o, ~,l~ II'-'!Ir.I .;VI c":"'d.-:: ~,'" !ttlIlUJ. 'R. iLl:b:r ~011~ 'U.. 'Ul~

WOld_;4rt ,lo.g1C [3'.iM',e :set to l.ogk ~,. . . .\ .

lhe! ALU fi£ the most .oj tb.e mcmp,rooessors cm, perWrm f-QIJilDwiing :funt:tiO'ii1l&

'. Add

• ~tr-at:t

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Mi--, --- - - -- - - - - - ,ID! [Uii"! ........ -_-, ,,_i(Ie-' ,'8- .____ Cf'Ogmcesscur Q. mftiliuCGl1Vu U1! _ r .!ySwlin,

l'n,bind\i~tj'oo to' Mlcro;p:fQCluor I; Microoom,pmer ,Systems

~ OR

.. ,t""o:mfp] ""m "" ,i.

- '"-', ,.,..... : _ ,I!L

R8!lisWts, :

UL.. ' , ,''''L. 'bl _11~ di .:I ~'L__ • ...... .... .41..;1' .&1'

LUiplem are iii, prominent p:ad' OI,~Ue: .. i(!cio;., .-, UI(gI"iiU11i. !lUlU. Uro;:; :p~a~g '~J!~ w;

any '~e5S(;f:. The biaS:l;(:- :regi~l\ie:r5 :OOuoo l~l ma~t: ,of '!:hei IDJaop~1 a~ i!h.e aecunullato'l.'1' ~ p!t'logram 'i;~t~r~, '~ shtd po,ini-(.1';~, ~\ :stAtus, the ,genera!li purpose' '~ter:s~, the m@ll·tOory' address :~mr.!' 'the :instru.emiJIn register and '!he 'tem,pfitittjf. da"tli :f:eglsters"

Tb:a AcCUnltlllator' ~

The :attuIruim,ro:r lis the major 'W6l'lWlg: registft' '0'1' mii~or~oc:e99m'. 'Most of the ame fut

i., ~,-~....... '4, ~~'I JI t-t. ... : :4!i'iji... ~o1"-'if m-,,,;,,,,,iip' ... 'I",i;l;i"i,Tf' t.iioJ1l;.;nr; ... , .......... fk .... 'i"\f'W:i .. ~+I:'"1'ro ~~. ~'",\N 'WjA'-~~ .- ~, "-!I ~ru, Y,I:~ "","~1IA ,iii"",.... .R.llu. UI_'I'I,\IUJOlb ,-, '~_"'.:Uii "-""ll iU,I_Iir ~r~-ilOQ,~',~, rt.'~~ ~,".., y~y;Io ..

'w-'Il.~~'L--.. ",~"'L-_, .. i:i: ... ~'I~','IJ" ...... ., ~""'Iil4_"__":I1'!U', ,"t._~ ... "'_, ...... '1'11............ "' ....... '"-"'_ .... " ....... "" ._,r,,,'L.,_, ..... ~~- """'-, OL-'L.~

·.Ilim~"I:' ~.I!~~~'I:;;;'~;I' ~~ '~~,~~i,_l ~ ,~Ii:'~;~~i~~¢~'- [~c'lJ'~~l~~~1 ~,...w;; W' ~ P-~'II ,~,]im . U~

ward] ·~Y' be p~t :m. u.othe:r :regis~ or In a, :memoryr- ,loc~IiOfL M-o~t: of the ~' ~

,..."., ... 'it .,,;f .:iiri; ",,"'::a:l;;."f""e-"'::'" .... r- "o-Iiii\cCll] ~~ti·.;fLn; ~~ 'p'I,_--~ m"·, ~....... :i im - 'j'~IEilf""""'_ -';:'-', ,,, ... .,.:a., ,-~

.~~\.II .. ~ .. H_.J~1 ~_ .. [.;ll;Ujll .. U~"'l U· ,iI. I~_~""" .,...,r.,..".JIiI. }UI~,," ~ , .~m~.III.I.!i.I, " u,~ .... 11;-~ - .:W_Hi,""'~' IU;~ oil!~:1111 ~.~

'!!Iif~' ,exettdi'cm, (tf :~wtikm lorl~l oonle:rlJ:s ,of a«un'uJiliatm' ~, E~t 'b~a~ hy He ove:r'W.rltoon.

"T"'L._ "' ........ "' __ .,:~I-Ji...",_ ~" _'1_- ,.,. __ ...:1, l''''-r ,...:1,' '.- .,~_~ h ..... .,.t ...... I..-"",,,.~,,, "',", 1=,'.'0." -.-. 'p, . ........" _:....l,. <> ' .... .emory'-. .-._

.l,[m !lU..A..~L[Uilli!lUJ.L .Li:I1 ·WlMJ ~ ,Iu" ~UI, i[£!U.!Ll.l:lit~, D'IS't,W-~·~., I~,~, ,".. .U,[1L'J iI:I.l"W. iii. ,iiI;.IdlJlY. - _ -. "

- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . '_ ..

'locartl~j' QJ; ~e~ one 'memnty' ~tiom, and 4J_n~" 'fllile Program (:'olll'nmr!

'The, Prog~am C-Di1.milet ]s one' at ftte :mPSt :iimpmtoi te,gii5tei'5 it'll the mktop~r". ,Ai

'--ti' ......... 4 "':i,T\i,~"...., 'Eil p~ ""'~m_ ~oii. lEiI ~.x: 0:- ,to ~""cl-;,..; .. ...r;;:............ ;:~'ffL-;;~: ,~'ifI, .it.... _~n1Mi.!' 'T'L.~~~,

,II •. U.~IJ. __ 1Ji);~ '~litl .... ,r. IIrIl , ., ... ~~.,.....i.. ,1&J'l """ ~,~ -.Ij. 1 .... !hJI!UI!.lllJ!i.l~111iJ 1;.!~.'i.I!lII.~ ... JIi u;~ II_iII~ .. _~~~J·,!, ~I~

'w'm.i;di'__ons, tell the, :m.!i\cro,p~t' ~a~y ho'w 'too· 5Olive' a 'problem. 'U: :js ilnportanl: '~Jt, ~. l!rtstrut;itlQrlS ,m1llSt 00 e:x-ocutoo ,m fa :prop~ Q:rd~' 'to ~t I:b.e (lOl'NCt result, 'fhiB, ~1!I.ellOO lOt. wtr"l&Ction exec-iliimOO, liS monitot:ed by' fb~ p'I&gt~m ootmtel'e It :keeps :t4r-.ack of wbicl\ ~ditm :is weilng 'used ~J:'~ .what 'th:.e :Q~t lirtJs~~, 'WID, be,

'D1Le :Ff{Jgtl1m I~tet ,gIve5 th.e addr~1 Qt memory· l@ti~ ,ffgm, 'W~,i! '~ ~ insbuctiOli!, is, to ~ f-et~. Ou@ tiO '~ ~, ~~!lh. oJ llie progrJam. OO<Imfer cl!,ecides Ole

....... J....::m·',i..... 'Ei~P'!"9m· 'I ..... noi"h ~~I ........ ""'" F··....... ,c,iio;"""m- -!I"~i'.e, m-- c ~'-';;';[H];;"""""!!I"'''''''' ,c.i;.",,~, '1;- ... .., 1;L bit- 'cl?~m

[._ .. ~_,' .• IIA.Lu,l .. ,t-.iL~I~.'""·~· ,~ •. II5,I ....... ~_1i1J U·J·¥.u~1 .'-U';:_II. ~-n~_"-~·;r·~~. 1'_I'.: .... _~..;..,..r-IIIIil1~ .. _~~'!IIJ ~~~, ~~1iiI!' l"""lV -'-~' ll·!""!·-,~~---

oo,unWr~ '~n, a.ddrl($S Jii6 byms, {64: I() 0-1 :mmnory'.

Copy rig hted m ateri al


Ifl,~dlltdOflI m Mioro:'!'Q~gQr &. [MIC:fQQQI1P,~r' ,S,y,9w:rm8,

'BefOrE, ihe m~~r' 'can 8'hIiL't, ex:ecutinQ< a nroiin:':R11iI!" '~he' T:liro~alJI\ OOWl~e1" has w

_'_~-~-~"~' -_ .. ~'_~='~'Ji'"='~';'~';';'_ .. ,_~ .. ,_ .. ', _' __ ' - _.'''Ci" ,If,", ,oP'~-jV ,~~ , ~L,-,',~;" _' ',',-',,, ",' [__ -',

be, lliJad!ed 'm{h, 'valid me-m~ .ad~. ~, ~mo:ry :loe~l:ion ~~l~ 'OOfi!~ '~ Q~'~' oJ fLrst iOIii!h1.K:tJ.DJ.1!i :i.fiI, 'the p;rogrsm. In most' of 'tlle :mia.o:p~rs ~s ~oea,tio:rIJ. w fu:edL ]{iQr '~p:leJ memwy ,add_j'[e5S ([,00l10H} lOr ][6 bn p~m, [mu:~~(" The ~, iIIddw-£$ i~ LQ.,td~, iIrLto ~',prog.ratm. OOIH'iIDr' 'by' ~ ,~ n~p:roc;~"

A:! :~id [~J:ligr:I' 't-e. iim\fiJn:ctl....QI1!5 'must '!be e!;e!:UteiI, ~I'!I ,!ill :pwpe.r, ord!er. to ,get: ~! eo~t ~i!J.!lt 'Ibi51 clJoes, nm :mean that '~ry :ins~r!l, mwt rol[~,\\,\r ,~~ hst iLnslnlWQ.f;!J in, 'the man'u)'q,,, 'B~i~ :it rtUls;t: £olIl~ the lQ~ 'seq,uooc.e [ui i!i:he iool:n;idiQl:lit ]n :5~ 5i~ji'CI~ :it: :is better ~o [execu!ie P,iJ'ri: of ;,'I, prQ,~,i!im, ~i!'i!t :1$ :mQt :(n, ~~' (danl!, iCQ.~ w:U::h logk3~ :scq~'). 'IN.i,th, ~ ma!~ '[ff-.o;tiim" For' ~Jlmp'~,e:. the.te '~,y ~e' ,a part Q.t ,a ~arn '!hat, m1lMJ~: ~m reptlioltOO may '~ d~' ~ ~tiQl\ ",f 'ilm' im,~ :poo,gmm. RiI.'ihe:r' ,tman, W'dti"g :oo,pea:b!d pari oJ Ole :pt-ogt-am, ,a,gaiR a'nd ,~i~t d1e' p:rog,ammel' (":an 'w,mte' lllal: iP'a~t only !(}nc-e" Thi's' part is, w,riti1'en ~a~ately,!, 'l'he: parl' '0'1. '~ program, 'wbidit is, w,rUWn, ~pxarely is, ~'It:?d S\I!b~plp~- rh.c' Fig;e t15 ($'hqW8 how' ,~, :r:o~i!t1. ~ld. ,Sllbr'Q;1;i!Me ~[ogt-ams[ iiiJ'e [~,tEct

I Pan: QUh:e

• L. pr~ra!if! w[ ~,


~ program, ooW'lt4r:[~ the m~,qr rol~ tn, .5U~'i;)1U,b.e' ~(iI)~Mliiafit as it cut ~@ loaded, 'r£>.i'Iuim',:ed] n·Kmt~ add:r.,~" 'Wi~h. th~ he'l'r, of:' ~itruiCtiO]1l it is '~'H)Ssi'bte ~o load rai;lV

.. --:0-'1. -"!'" -',.{. ,r" ,lL .J ~~

-~,~--,~'C:-;::-F '-'d--..:i~ uc., d .. ..., '~~--,C ~~-~,-;~[ -- ~~ ...... -:, H'ri. ........ ,-~-t...--c:~,~;Io!ll!1l- 'j" rC~ 'i. ... @x', -".~ ml! ":",,,,~- m

m,eJI),oT;'f1 iii, .Y.lIi1~ 10, U)~ I'l~rwr-am OOU[h,o;:;ir" '~'HJII:'lU, ,5UJli.'~UUI!,~_)!e ~!'j, [~V ~~,:ecu~ c_ ~ ~_

•. ,1' ,r- :...r.a- W'~''=gr---

........... , .... ~ ...... ,i", 'l._ .. ,jJl~--!I' ~_.,:J'i_1l. d...~ ..... _ ........ - 1'V' "'-d'l~,_;po;po .... t: ~,__--: ,~~lio, ~""'''"'_'''.''''~~:'''n ';i!"Ii ~1..,_, ''''''~''',''''''r'~-~, A,,1I'f-.~'_~_~~~~, ,~,W~1;;I;~ w~~ l~q; ~~'~-~~!'!J' [~:_:_I;I[~~~_;;I ~~ ~ ~~I;, .... L;lLI.LUA..;II.J.~_ "LILlo g,le [Q!Li.IU'~,~"~I~r. F.LI;~~

~non of k' SUi;~()W.[irte;I' the p-rQ,&1';a::m, «¢',unrer' is, lqad,ed, 'wRh. '1:Re' :m.e.m.or.y addl'[@s's[ [of 'the! ~_\I!t ~~il. horn w:~, t!he 'pr-.©~m, oontool, w~~, '~'~ to ~, lJU!hWlJlIDe' PrQ,grollM.

The St~, R-egW~~f:':~ 'Ihe ~ta,~, ~ster' Js used ~o smm' ilhQ results, 0'1 ~!rmm ,mndillm1L w:h.m, certain, o:pe1'!:JJlions, 8~e pel'Jorm.ed during; ex~'tii'oll Q,I: the poogw,a..m. 'l'he slam!; U!Ii'sler is alSo[ 're.ferredJ to as flag: N,piifer:. Atoll oper,albml1![ ~tndJ certaiin, :ro,p~r

~:"fiO;~ ... "" ,~ ... v "'"1!.' ,J!'.O;" '-"'it~' "" .. ~ ,o!"iI;" '""1" ..... 'I':"'!i '''-I, -1J'iI;r. 10-" '~lf'":"' ,c"~;Ifo, • ., .~,,"'!Iij.~ :"'''''''''' .... , ... 1i;,.,i, .... , '~..:.-:.,.4! ' ...... ''''

'''!''!'lr",,!,,!,,-~U.~hL~ '.~~,.! ~I;, ~~, '''~iI;:;I~_ ~,~. ~~, ,w.y~,'~ 1[J. lliZl ,UiU::: QUI:~,.t-.I.i'- ."IIi.;;~_"'IJ~.II,~ i:].I.~_'tII'~ ~~~.~ l~~1d ~ ~l

, -, ~, ....... , -~', .e-. '," '," ''','' .," ~ , ~,; , '''i''-~-, :" ''''--''''''':;'" -, ,- - - ,:', .. , tt. ... , c;;'~ ,~,~-,ti'--,~ '- .. f'" , ..

new ~~, 0.1: ,mleNl!,ProeCSS{]il:' mi.Slru>cuonEl. .L iU.t.':!14:: lifiIS'~:rw.:u.ons pe1'rnhi.'L!i: EXeC\I_Pn iI,'d g, to ,c-h~nge' flow' oil 'tne 'b.a5l5 'M the oond.j[i~, of' bUs in, th~ S~,h1S, re.giste:r" 'So '~.e ¢(Q\~t'!lion biJ~' ig, ~, ~ta~ :~~' cm, b~, asedJ 'm ~eke :Iog,icru. d.e'!Cisi-01lS . wi~hi~, 't111e

, -, .. ' ' ,('!_. " ",I!; ,,,\..- " , .. ", .. t: ' '" ., -...... 1i..'."...., - r u

,P!rDgram.., ,~m.'il!: [Q(J[ wrw' oomm.o.ll Sfai.tlS regI1S~r vllll!!o [De.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al


,. .. ,22: . ,.llm_lIoductiollil to Miar.opll'OCl!ISIOf

'& IMicRu:o:mp.Jh'r $ySttm.

MI n.-n- ......... ' ,A\ilUli"'~n~II.··r ~,~

.... 1 ' "' .. _ ..... _u II .., III _''IonioV !iii''"''. 'Ii:II'~!WIR111

'iI.) CUg-1BoJ'MW ~ '1looi' ~''hit :18 :set when, 'the, swnmaltlon, of 'two 8 'hit: :iiIi~ ~

~~. ,i:i .. , ... ;'"'". P.I",'l .. 'l., 1111~'~ ~,':"._. ',,':1,"" A,'" ' ....... ·.,·(f,Q.w,.' "":, ,~~~te~"..,:Ii "i, .. ~1;--~1 ,... '1,... ... Il!i'jlI" .... iI!~,...'I:t. .. ~ .... , ',"!"'. " .... ,".~ ......... ,:-...J:

!:r'_'IiJI:'." U:LIm.lU. .lL,,," ,J,,~,.lL,.ll, '1,," '"' ",",",/0 , L!'!J, "" ,Ie; '00""",.,~.'Ao .. ,101, """~!L~,U, !I'll, ,_'1'1.'0"'" .. ,~~_ ... ~~_." !Ii:!' "'i!;I__P,y,~!,l~

,frol!tl, a, ~ir' 'i'Uinmer.

~ Ze~I:; the,~ bit:is ~t wherm, the ,cmdients ,of :regisler; ,aH,~ "ft:el1' ~Y' ~,a1li.'oa, ]']:is hIp.pens not Qrdy 'wbm you d~,m:t the epler, but also 'When any rlirid~tic ot 10Sica1 opemtion. mu:ses'the. oontel1l!ts, of :register.' 00 ~e ~"

8J N'~~l1rye ar :!!liJ,gn ~ 'ron, :2ts Olrnplement I;1ri~ the ,most: si\g:nificmt hlil"~ ,211 ~,

~lt. If'~, ~U~ 'is [o,g1~ 11 '~:number- :i,s, negatIllVl!' n~be'fl' ,~~,~ a :po:si'tiiv'C' nrllUriber. The' me,gative 'bit, or si,gn ~~t is, ,set' when any m:iJnmeli'C or iogi,cal op~ra)tio:n r!I, :~l!' ~t,.

4) Au;:d~b!ry Cil'~ ; !he a~li!M'Y ca~' 'b:iJt~ of s;~lu.~ :~;t-e£ :i.:sl ~ w'lWn, ,~, ,~d!wb, in,

~ ~~~t,~:'o4: ,~i~Cs, :~~~,~ ~ :~~:~~ '~f,j'~~t:'~ 18 often :refen,ed as ha]( '~ny 1m'

,_nte~J;a"te carty ~ =~ _15 liS u.sed m U-.e BC~ ~_lb1dc.

II!') ~- ~ ,.~ ...... ' ~ rr:- "fI"" . , ,'I' "~ ;;:;I," UVll!l'olJ'oW .:0. '""""lii' ,;, ,!l!ll, ;;:;. S ,eom,p, emeI'h

'EiI(~.~T,n:: .. " 'm",,".-.ct ""·I·~~~"Eiliif'i"t 'Ll"='~ ]"C, r'· .... AI ~,iI"'>

!K:JI~ .. ·~IU.l.Lb.r.~. ,_. Ul'i3I I d~ _!6.,I .... I.d ... ,_~IIJ~J lLA"~1 ."- l~, l~.u.

~p~t, 'i!iign ~~d. ~~g 'Wl$ ~~ ~ to :m,pmsen;t: :magnitude of 8 ntambe:r (s~

'C'· 11 "iLL~ 'Tt...:: - ti - - L -t "'f' ;1.10... - ~ ~"~~t - J! ~ ,("ii'. "'",,~iQJ'; 1,,1 u:!!' :uiai,g liS ser u u~ :re:;,'UiIo '. {lI,L a,

irigrun opar.a:tion, is, '100 ,~ too. .ljt~ in, :ihi! m~' ,01' hi.b av:ailJ~bi!e ~ 1~.'biJ~' ['off. g..biiit

M1f "~;""""""',~ ~ .. ~-~~-- ~~I "t

~lJ~~gJ 1~¢.Io :fepfe5eJJ.: n,

'1':::",:" ,": ," ::'" "," ";I; .: 1.1 sdd t' .. · .. :0 II.:-.,~ ,",'. ',' d '. I' 'n i!.:-' "'1'11,1i1i~1 ~11Io '('+'1'11 Q ...fl." : 'r : ~'~~"I ........ ..j t;i...-, iC'-'k!Jti, cvl' e_~;ln:pi.e,~ :h; yOlJl iit, . U~ O"",L!'h :5llpe 11I!1lmL!'er 'IJ' ... 1llI',U,'IJ' ,~ . "Jill:;! 'I.ilecJiIlliIiiloj ,R.l1Y '1,1,1; Q""II\1i'

""""'1"....41 nom'bet 1Ni'i(]!]li'lIllO' t-w- [I:'~I d:~~"miiil~\" "I'"L .. '"C- -",'1,,1, -"Cm iilv, 11!'i,111i'ji,1100.··. ~,+ In ..;iI~~ail'li, W'~~",L,

$'!~l~~ ~ ._~~.~. _."._ Vl!r.I':.l'_ ~t:l ~. , ~ ~~~ ~~-~J':' :!J.J~ ~~l~, w= l~e =- .... Jl~~l~-=.', ~ J ~.~' ~!~~~'1,_ ',". ,~:~~.

:is '~ I('~: bhltary :~m~ 'wi :m '~ ,~~ .H is, 'blo' ]~ 101 tU m ~ 'r:..;l()iik!;~,wed fur 'the'

' ..... ·ua·II!-,.Ai ... m' .. "'In, ;fI' .'L,;;It- signed",', "", I n'·~·-'L.-.,. ~.-, "," .. ,,-~.~~,,~ ,1l"I1'!2ig' .' ",.,:111 'L._ " ... t"' ,-·;!:';n;r ,i.'Il.~'- ""peg' '~'!!In , ...... ,

.1,;,n,M .1. 'lI)l;.Ullc~ "will O'r.'Vt • .l1l. ,,' , ULIillI.IJ'E"CIJ ,J..I'I1:a! !i.:r.·r.E..l"llO·",,·)11 ' "!r..W. ~ ~.' tiU3 []iblil! ~ -.- 'J '1Ji1l.ll_' LU

l". ,.':' . .· .. 1 '"

,i ... ""'"~:j:,.;, ,i.1:..,=:il- ..,1..- ,~ ...... ".~]~Ji., ... t: i:i...., .... .:l,Al',..;:,-~" 'i.,~,- ~-~........a ..... ,......,.J 0"., .. ..,'i.., ... ~,,~ ", 'b""·;Ii. !IiIi.Uh"'IiII!i'II: u:Lai~, 1i!.I;!,e if~U '\' •• d u.~ ,twIoUil'iil.aD, .lias 'OV'~J!.I!WWJt:'U, IDMllI li,j[lt:: ~1;gIl,.,h,

,£:'iil iD ... ..J:gr: . • W· ~ ',II:.[ '._ ._. • ,~.\..- -c----·il" ""f': ''''iI''> ~P"""""';I,.;: ...... , 1_ ... "' ..... , ,.!L._, ~'- . .-!I'i .... ", '~d"" '"""'gts.': 11, ...... ,",;;i;!.:~ 0111\"1 ..... ~

UJ J. .[)_ l • ~. ·lliLC.I,lii. [l[m ~~, ~c .......... u, .1.;;::.I,u!U.......::JIl ,LEu" ~ Iill'1El l..L£I(]J"-U.UE. , .a~I,' ",l-k.~.Ii, ·!I~·;ILlJHL [l:IIIJIil.; ~'l'r.~~

[' '~'

:i'liij'm";"'ii:-.e~'" r"f: ]..::" iJj';,;nn.'~: ;'c ", .. t'-

."",,_"!l,;I. -,~ ...,~ ~,,:; !r-'''- ~':;r Pf! .... .,.... "

, ,I

'He stac'k: P(liIIi'lJmr :: :

1lI1s i:s 3rt :itrm~~t.!u1I.t 'regi~Jtet 'Wmch p;roya'mmef 'uses £requen1l1Y. mn, 'tile &dier ,~

he how bro ti too b 'hmg~ ~~ 1 t' 'fs

,._,' I . t'," :. I ,.- ,_',0. ',:,' - .. -1-'-':,1 . ','-,' ,';, " - '-,"', " ." ,",_, 1 __ . ,',' 1,,", I,': .. ." ':,': "",' - "--, -.'

we :ve seen ,... su "Ill. nes aT.Ci exec:rul, y C, "I ~UIi,g,e 'program lCO'WiLer COli'I.ert~,

'Burl' one ;(I!LI!~;5,tion y .. 'iJiIa milV M'i.II!Il: "in 'V<liW" 'rrWitd is. aw'~ :how' 'Illiite' '1'ri!r;l!"i,O'ram ,ooUirliler is, leaded

. - -, . 1.. '''';1, .. ~ .. '. . . . - ,- _. ,/.' ,. -, ~ .;0] , • ..Jo", , .. I , " , .. J J • .., I. ,r- '''''''0' . ,. .',.. ,. - - .

w1i~ '~~ ,ad!d~ Gf :the :oexl :In.~b"l!tdion .(~~~ ,addlt"eSs) rnnm wmi!! the prowam oOmloo]. 'W,I!IIS fraillS fmed, '00 the ,s'LIb:rOll!Ii.n~" ''[1Ms Jlelum, add'mss :is ik.~ lin a ~~l ~m~ all!:~ ~lW tIie: ~tii¢'k, :Bd"o:re' fr,al[lSfE~g' the prow/a.m, OOr'lib:o], 1:0 itM :sltlblO'lll!tI!rte: 'the remm, address ~ pushed onto. 'Ilb.e: srn.c:k. M~c:r ,~, ~)j)~tro-n, ()!f :s~ro,Ujt1~Iu.~' ~, retu..m, ii1Jd~ is

'i"li.nDP"· ....... , ...... ~ ,1t.-.-11I!O ,IlL .... , "'''''"'"'''11. ,ai"'~ 1L""""Ai_~: ~ .... ;I:"" ,~:1i;.-, 'n~JIlI'l"8'- ......,..I.I'!";i;·"". C·"""Ir."""1 ,.~ v.j~~ 11~ll",._illi!ll YiU: .z:~_"''''J .... l._~ WM-!iJlC'Y. ,Ul!li"_~ 1I~ ,r"IIJVtti."-I_ ..... L .... -'?U!-II.&I.IJ!lJI.i!L.\II,.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Ui'c~~-"or&·'[M-·~i:. ~_ii""S··y···"·""'m·· '1. -2·' ~.'.'.

... .. .. 1IiF'!IiiI!!IiIi-liiI!. J _1'\ii"L ~ll1U-~",~1 .~ .. ~'~ .'~ ~_~

. .

I'~.tfod!llclo" 'ito lMicro~~" .. ,ra lMie~pliI""'~

Th~ ~ry ,~d)d~~ of' u,.~ s,tu~k ,aJrea, is givo,

'hu, ~i .. :I. .,.,"'"...... ,_~'I_.lII.&:;l--.-, ,. ,'k . -, .,_. '1:1" ~ ""1. '.""; !II, .. f"""._....., ~ ..... r ,it"WUICU UIE ,!h" , !pO:l1lIiuotl'. ~

h Progl'am CoWlter:., tfbe Sta.C'l Pointer ,iillJlOln8itical!ly poin~, ~Q tlLC! ~Jt: i<\'vniLahl~ :IQCa,1i~fii, itiL the mento-ly" In most: mi.oro,ProcesBO.fS.~, the staek. :polntel:' decrefiitetits (!p<im}ts to the! I1IiE!.xt l.ower' DMllmo:ry ,~d&~) 'w~, dam. is pus'h~ ,~, ,~,

·~ ...... L, 'T"i....::. ·1~··· ,",1.._ . jj., 'L.,."l..ll .. 'I!.._

,s~..:., rms ,alIlI.CW;S IIII;M:::' progra:m:mer ~\IJ' ,DWJ.:U, 'UiiI.t::'

:staa d~, m ~ry as Shown, fn the :Fi:g~ 1..1,"" 'i[fsu,a1[y sma: opera:mo.ft$ al'!12 2, by~' Q~,atifons-

~ ~ '~. l.""!'

"T'i..~,-: --; " '.' :,' -: ~ ...... ~ ~....... " ~.~ .. 'L, ", ,'. "·1..... d' "', ·1 ..... · ho., ,u;~i5i m.~ u.LICt~, U~ ,!!!,..litCII< pomn:::r .ecremenD ... ,

M!'" 'm""riI'IIii'WV ,...·;)·d'· ;r,"""'" '·I ...... ::.Ii-l:rfLTlIi'I, ..,·,; .... h·', '''::l"I\'Iia '· ... -hen .~,~_¥ -~~ .. _!.!i!-...:-:J! ~u. __ .. ,!iftiJ!ilI ,~HI!I.J~.~ ~~_, !lltl_I.:II!I~ !Il!l·[ll~_,

'2 ~" i ... ] [.,.'Ii .. j;.. :'.. -.".' ·'b _ . ..j -.,. , .. 't;:-""" : ,',," ,iI. l'&i!jio.,.. fi-- d"iIi-" '_ [!\\'yM:: !O!:ii!ilol;l, liS pw~, an. lIi~ SmC....~'¥ni!1'11l UK:: ·:ibill

is '!p~, ofJ :t1r,0l1'!l ,~, :~~, h: slack 'pWiP!~( ~

,: ... ""","",-..1 't..ilI" .... ,.~ .... ' ........... i"i'r"V ... .,.:Ii;!i_·_-s 11 ... _ioii.-.e ... .,.

,L!.Ii!l_~t' ... '.IIL., ... \~ U"J. ·ll.n-~ '~._~I.;I;._~',! 1:.I'1l~~ _ I 1~l.Iru_~I~


0 I
tao I


n' '~ :impGi1:~tnjt to note' 1hait' ,as yeu. gOI (In. ,Fig' •. 11.11' Slack e;pelrllh;;nl

;~doring; ~) dalt~ Q.CiI: ,~, ,stac'~· Ule su.c-k. .

pO"1mrer ,alw.ays points '~.e Jast'dalm pEaoed em the' ;stack and wheJ1l you try to, remove (pop} data :yo.u. 8[W8,YS ~ the last: dalm placed on th~ slae'k, This, 1cind of stack operation :15 [called, 'UFO (ti:5t, 'Wit fifiSt' agO optDti.e.rI.

'Generall P~rpM!iiJ Ibglltwrs,::

:mn, ,a;dditii>Oll iI!o 'the slX basic r:e,giisters .. mMl: mlcoopro~fS hai'ite' o~· '!regi~ters, caUed.

_ ...... ,1 lIIi~iI~~ .. :~"I:j, .. _. "1"1.,... ~;I' ffi~ "C'; ...... .", ",",~ -:"'"'"". '.""" ,""ol''';.1Ij ,--: :ol'l~' rii'ii]" ,;o;~,~,.:;:p ,~rai!J. ,~"~'~ ,r',.....,·,r'"'!i¥~ ~~~,~...,~. ,I,~~ ,C!f~-'~'--'=' r~TF~ ;r~c·5!i11r .• ,~ ,ji!I"" .. iJJ~1j,Ji ~5 "~r"" ~~V""~,~ ~~~~~""

:mahi!l!y 'Ili.ese are. 'Used to 5-toR mtentLedila,te' 1'~Wts 0'1 'the o,per-aUQo. Gettm,g the o,per;arui ,from 'the ,ge,netal :pur.pose' re,pters is mo~, ,fa_Ste:f t~, fro;m, ~m.emozy 50, it is better to l~",e ,suffici'.ent: :nmnbu of ilMftnral 'p~'I~SC ':~o1,q;ror in :thi!!! 'mi~r", Tm!: :m~~'

" ~. _ II lo::--"' r-"'::"'~ _ "~~ _ ~ --_.":":,,,""'.-::- JT._'.-::- ":":'~":":'.":,,:,c _ -~"""r"""'·----~'"'"""

~ iI11J'tru)s ohprer M.S six: vnera1 !?mprnre :regisite1:s (Re-1i:lr :Fig" W,.13)< ,call)ed a.e B.; C •. D" E,. Hi' an..:i 'II', ..-.:.!i:th.q.............. ~..-..-. ... 'Ij'oD!iL<ii ...... _ ~"t .... ~i.,,:,AII'lIiI,~ly, '-'''''''l' .... n.., ... "'~ ''''Oi: ,0. iL~,t ';r'~':''''''''_. 'Tnt!<l!llit.Di"', .. ifr ...

~~ _ty ~ i!J~~_~~!l.oiJ!"! ,~I~~ .. t"'e~!lI!I;- .. ~ 111.~N::II~*~~:~~:l. ~::lIl" U'~~.l""l~.1IIr. IMI_~ !IJ 1~1I1." ... ,..c._ ... !P.IIi=~.l~!' 1".~o;.r~""".!J.~ ~~

Be,. m,1 3nd! I·r!L :ro,giiski:rs tan a,perate as 16 !bl,t :re_~r :p~irs.

Memoty' ,AddNSSi lReI'lstell" :

"I'lm mmtory add!~, !t'~s.tnr gj,V{!$ lli", :add~ of m~m.o.ry' ,Wei3itlarii 'lETi.3,~: me: plocesso:r w,-~,; ","" t;: '["-' . ...;... ... ,._, ':'. ",," 'C," ·c: c ... 41041 c '.- . '''C' -."· ...... ·c ifr",,",'"IA - 11,~_j;;':',~ 'i,.. •.. - c' ," "'m'b . 'C. n",~ ~"}iT'iui' of ,~~'!;;]! cG i!.:I6e" ,1,U~!I, 151" ,mem,o:ty ~1;;!<re55 ,re,p~!;;f ,l!i ..... Ly!S .,II,Ilr,,",,h ~Iruuy !t'Ul~~_.eJ'" ,~,,I!~ 'I;.rU"r~~~~~·

the memory' ,ad!ck~ l'@,gtsWr' drlv€S ~ 'l6-lbH a~ bus. Th3s OO[fpUlt:,~ '~ 'to ~1ed:,~ 'rnJeI~lOl)r lOOiItloo.

'l1be Inttnllctlon lRegliSter ~

The :irn;~,dion· hOilds ~: oper;a,Ml!) (:~),b~! (o:pood~) oJ the; irn;~~ 'lh~ 'mi'cron:roo:ess:or is ;c,ummUy execu""I'IIi!J'" Th.e il:ts:trudion :~s~er :is load.ed dt'l!lJl"i!l'l!l7' the opoode

,f,". ,,~ti' .. · ... v ._'-:.0 _'

:L .... 'I!.. cv, .. ;t ... , "J"iI;. ... ""'~~""'" (l·t , .. l!.""" ':;riI;::h.;;r ...... ..:\nri; _6il~i' .:lol' u .. ~ ' ..... [.;1"::"",, ~ .. p-:;,r""'I1 , .... ~: .aA.. ... ~ .. ~,11 ~!I:~iL __ ,;'!iIIU;~ ... ,~u: ~~!1!~.~:~1ai .. I] ~~, .LiII!Ii.."!~._ .. ~!I..I.'i.iI.l!ll [ .. ~~~ •• ~' __ ~ "" ~_.[.l~·~ ·~I.'" ,.~_.!P. ¥ .• J ~p; !lir.WIU'W,

lOgi\c ~~ ,BiS the :iigs~dion decNJu.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

Ilttr.od;u:cUon to, Mh::;mproceuoli" & Mlcrocolin;pllItlir ,Systems

l.'am;porary Dau Regllsttr ,:

OJ: ~eed, fur the tempor,a:'ry' d,a,~ :~,~lters ari~ bec-aUise the A1U ~;'ta_5, no s~roge >at Hs Q'wn., ~ AU; :~ N,t'Q ~1!1'iis-.~,~ :iinp~Jt· ~ ~,up~['i~ hy ,<It::,.~tilat'M and ,from. temporary' darl:a, :regis~~.r.. ~ ~p~ro.g.rarln1llil.@r ,ean:noi' 3~SS 'tihis t~P()l';~ry' data, ~gis:ter and,£ot-e·:ik iiS noil' a. Plfrt of pfOgramming '[lJu').citeI. .

C~ "'-'-1 Ltv:!i'I'" ~ _ '~~U'U~I _'c~$.~' I~

~ control 1t.;Ygie Is ,~ importal'rl!t bloc'k lin ~ rnt±crop~ssor'. ''fihe' oooool. [ is l':e8,pml5~ble' for: working ,of d othe.r p~:r,~s Oil' the :mK:~ 'lo,get1im'. n meI.mtahrts the s~,t:im!.. in. operation of dJHerent' p:alrl"S m, 'the, :mimO~:H;oce9SO't:. '[he,, 'is acl'U__.ev'ed, W,~tll 'i:h.e: :hedp oj' OM' o~ '!he' oonho] l~c:;~ m~j:Or ~~l m,pu~ m.1(roli"~~r':s dO<'k- T:he c-loek 'Is,~ s4gJ@1 'whldi. ~s ~'b~s, ~f d ~ ti~gs insiiki' 'h 'mitro.p.roo~t'",

'Usua'Uy :mi,croproo~t!;s OO:ntto] [c,p: is mtot:to:PtQ~mmed.. 1hi5 'ote!iitlS thi-t 'the archi~ oJ the ~tJr,o'l ito,gic ~tsel!J: is :m,uclli, ll&e ilhe ,~led:~' Q.f a 'v~r.y s~, .Pll'rp~' :mi~p~Qr'.

The rontroI lo,giic' :rea!iv~ the ~ ,from, lnsffilclion, ~et w:lUch d,~ 'the' ~truttioo" ,S,WIed :iil the ln5~timl '~ter:" The ,~h-(li logic iiihen genel'a,te& ,~, >c-ontrQ),

oI!"~'~;5i;I;f' ''i'I~"''§"i'II.!' ,Jcio;, "'''Io'~ o!'I.'I,~* ,tldo:!' ~''''''''''''''''.-Lil'i.'llli 'TI.~~, ""o!'iMi!l"".·';l ~~~:,., d'o'"'ioniC' ''!Ii "iMI ... ~ .. ,_~ "1'IIei"i_l ~~~ __ I;t [1·~~~1: W. ~~'~j: [V'~!.i- ~;~ ... ~~~~~cWI~ ~,~~ ~,~~~~-~ '~ID-~ ::..'J~ ~ ,[D~,", 'b'~ :~II'·-",,!,,-..;..mI,

~:@l'IS:, U !lOOb, aher the :m1<;roprocesso:r POWer,..'Uip seq~.el:li.(ie" u: also, p-fQ(i~, m~-pb" An jn~pt 15 li~ i. Rq~e5t m dle: g~,I?~r ,bQlJ;!, other ,e.x~, d.e:v,~, s~ '. ·the memory and 1/,0. ''I!llc, mrlem1lf't asks the mi.a.op~r ,to. e';I!)eruie a :speci.a[,

'The: mbi:ii:iI:.a] d'aJ~ 'bits, ,~, d\ie d:i~Jt :p~U'ts of m~"~~·~ 'together' ,md! ,H eJ:lables the oommtmi"~Jtlon. ~, '~ pw. 'The' Mtl, ~' ftlroQP 'this ,m~ dlalta bus 1\6, oon~d, 'by ~~llogk"

Mi"~li~5 :il1Ii!!erna't dam bus ~suraUy ;c~d. to, g ,ex~ dialta" bm:" [)ue to '!lids miaop~ ~ ool!nmJ~:ca!b!: with, e:x~, ~or.y or I/O' d)~" U51!U1lli1y '!hE :inrem&I, dallSJ h1I1S is, ,~~ ,to. the @x~ d1aila, bus roy logj.c callEd a 'bus


1.2 MiCIfOCOI1i1[pUr'ter Sys:fems

In the last: 6eclion 'we 'llaVl!' ~ s;i)rnple: model of :ml'coo,P:~~'- ~I in pradi«- .. 'tnc'

' .... ~("rnn .......... ....,"'..,. ... ' !t--o:,,,,, ·m""""'" :n1If;>fl1nrl1" ,,..........,.,., o'oain """'!I'v m' ""'re' ~ A ,-ii',;, lo."i '" ~.";:',.4lth~" , ':i;i'l;A 'm··" ~me'

,u~-----,r\L""";~-".;P. ~m,~·~ ,I .... _lILt'.;ol ~""":';;-''''''''''J' ~_'_I.A:P [~",r-...-...aJII,l"·'" - ....... J YIIiI,lWl U ....... 1"If,~ !RIIo!lM] ':: IJ .. 1 ..

'." ~hnl~ ~..::,c~,~~ :. 'L.:;,~'h~' ,~1l. .. ~~ :~,~,~ >~:~ ,~~ ~-, '~~~~, t... ............... : ..l'_":d'~-' w"'r-i" "',:c~~ Is S;"~if;"iilidM' InSf .. n,'1.Cu;~, WJiiIJ.t:, Yiu::,r can process. ,L,I&;I,ese ,1~,"I;t!' '"!Ir'!ool ~ e '.'~ !I;~;~, n!Ola~ C~'~"~~'i" - - ' .... -r~ ... ~,

than ~ o,~- Normally;. mi~rl~t' is ,~ted, as 'pGI' h ,mq.mort 'Oil ,~, a:ppliica'!i~ To b,~ a ~ :p~ we' eaa ci~' go fur ~perior mi~or 'dor ''We can, 'use' more than, 'one' 'nrtO,p~ m, the same system, :mid, e,~ec'i.~e 'the ms'ilc fn parallel. Attazidling' 'to, siuperiodty and 'number' of mi£tOP.~ used.\< m1~~or sy~~,'iS ~ dlassffl,edJ ~ rol:l~·w~ :

Copy rig hted m ateri al

.. ~putm. • ~pUi:a:r.s,

.. Ma.l:ni&,armCl· ·Olm.pU~nn;,

:MJcrooOnl!Pl~ttrs = As tl1:e na~' 1!mpli~ :m~mpu!ttm:, 3J!e .:!ImaJ!ler ,mmIu.iretj5. They ,~onb'in. only one 'Cen:tril~ f.'i~in,g Unit. lOne di.sti,ngtWNIl.S :~tu_1:'e of a" miaoc"'Omp1!l'mr is

. ,~'I;oi' .. ;It "iii,., - ,if"l;.(U • --'-- ''Ill c' r' ," - ,_,1..-., "-, ....... -,-:i3t ..... o;i"-, - -it' 11M a nMB'C r,OO!SSM

U;L\III;i,"-il~_e ~,r,-II.!' IS ~J_ ,y iii, !Sliog:~: lnp;;,sr',~!&I!.I!' CI~I"C\l!_,~, ca~_ ~~ __ c: _! ~p ,~< _- .' ,.

, :Microco.IDiplll'rer is dle m,te,gmtion oJ m:i(j!;OPI~950t ,a.!ffLd S1JPportiAg' ~h~,als, (memiD<ryr and 1/0 devilices'l" The word, ltmgtil depeod!s M 'tJrie mi~ ~ .. and is,

,~. i'fI.-- : - - '. , ,~' ii::i' ':L.,..~ ~ ,"li-r., '1.,0 • ..,., ....... _- tun - . --. t ,e' -~ - f "-i-.r..-;,o- '1--:' 'i ,'~~..:II € - malfl .mihIlstri!ll

m Ute range OJ, 0 I~L..., i.U' ~-' uli~". .l.I,~ ".., lr'e 01 ilDm,pU~i!;,5i ,are U!1eY _00:' ;s~ ~ ~' ~ '_ _ '

,~~'~" P(QQe5$ (:Qil1!,ilr-Cil ,~ where storage i!Uld. sp-e~ :requrilr~ts are :1!l'tod~,8ite"

,MiJU~nmplilte:rs :: Mm.iCOIliLputers ,are' 'the scalted u,P 'WrslO'I1, 1M 'the :~pU!~ 'mit..

Hie mmi,eraVe' :'3,peed ,a_nd ~wm:ge' c-a,padty" Th~ ~ ~igned ·to, ,~ smailrer d)~ta.

""'I"'-"',Ji- ~.._'nl ... '~ 'L.o;.\ ' •• "' ..... -...:1- ''ftL.,=_. ,hl"ftll! ,o!"!~ 00' . ....,.t"iil!l'~-, ,'";"" 'I~--_,:II """,., """'.:.-iii';Jt!:,ti:::"., ......, '" ..... ~~,t '~I',r: ... "'I!'!I-l!;.!!· ~ PIi~, ",",'Y',~,,, .l,~ ~J',f'-~' ""]- -- ·,""l.r ~~lJ:aZii 1:iI!.L"" .~, L ....... ~ .... "!~_I,rt;,;, ~~ ~·~~-'~-~---I

'~~ daJm, prooossmg; applica;11lon. aad mimy",

M'II~.e Compiilf'em := 'M~iM-ame~ oom,Fu~m. are imtplim'Lented using: two' or mate cenllal :p~mg 1IIDlts (CPU)" tb~, ~ ~pd. '10, war](, a:~ 'Very high, s~, lEi"" Mm, word l~,~.~, 'typkaIly M b~ts '0']' ~ler.'. 1'he~ da.,ta, ,9hJ~ge~ (ap:~~ ,of '~ CO!:nFn)l!tm. is, 'Vel'}" ,mgtL 11ilrese 'type o:J (lom.]}1!lrers :EtHl ~d. :mr ,mmplel( . .sde:ntiru; caJ!nImWms,r age data p:wcesslng applicatiloru.., :Milita.ty ~~ ,lOOJ'trhr'o]. ud fur 'cmrwle:x grapWes ,a.pplilealllfitl.S, (e.g, ; FbI' ,~ea)1::ing waUI!:th;r,oug'hs wUh ~ .hfil,p- of mJn~timi. 5O.ftw~}.

I IReviow' Q:uesUOI1lS

.. - I .

- I -- r-

i. D.raw l~ bi«l d'~ 'rJj' i5li"mpl~ mknJP-~' ,~ ~~ ,~~ ~xpi,dr:t fAt fo~ ,rjf eMIt, "1

Wool. -

,~ ~ ~ -- -' i

,2'. ,D-mw tmd ,~1m\n; 1M ,sim,p!~ mDdtIlff ;m~ti~r,. I

3~ ,DqiM ~~ ~mi' ;ii~~rndi01t,

,.~ ,U:!f: ~ 'mri~~ dfgi,Rl ~rn~ :rJ~' m. ih.E' mi'fio~f" ,5. WMi~~:~

6. ~M~.

7. m:at 1$ ii\h~ fo~·Um; ,a! pttQprii .tJjun1n :7

Hi. 'WliMf d':.o ,YM: mMilt ,liy d~ ,~r:rd ikl~' b~ ! 9\, '~I M ,~: ~, ~ WOld k~(h ?

:Ul. S'fglt!' ,~·~t~~" (Jj' in!!~~tii :~mt' tItIl1 l'wh1ll~jMn ,~~t", .H" wf"~ ~~ ---, '; ' ... 'r-..,.._., "'~vM'.'. ~- ,,' ~. ,.1"" ,~ 'u!ir:nr' ~',. -

" " ,~p" .... _s ,L ~, ,~ ,. 11i1' . ~~ . In.S ~rn'C~!Iim, ~~- -- - ~-~ ,p-~"

I~t ~in ,~~ ~~I~L~ ,peiffArmM. J~ ,~ ~JQ~ ~ ql iit5trn«ctii1~ tRC;lir~iil'm'. 19~ !LtpIdir:t ttl'inaJII"S foi1eMrn5 tlj',iU.U;,

~========~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~====~~ ~l

Copy rig hted m ateri al

[LlL.i!'ift;ftroc;a--~'.' iI..:I.l.oo ........ __ lI- ,ifiI ___ ~., ........ ,~aor _ I11115fIU" .. UIl,U!·Uft!IIII!Ii' ' ..... 7''

.~ "I-,iLN..;. __ -~~ !LU'!I!'II""""!JIiI'PI~or

& MI¢~mp~~"",

];5. ,~,:i.5: ~~ ~'Ol!im" r .l;I!li~, '~':i$ $iI!~rnrdj'IlrII!' ?

i7.· ~~":Uu ~~: ~ ~uhli·tijintO;I\I!' ~., 1& Who!tt' ,is ~ttd;U$ :rqJs'C' ? ~ ib PlU'.

1:51. 'liSt 'NriDus flap iI\tt: tM ,I!:tmw& :~me.

,ro:, J!h'~ isl ~ ,~nd sfgd:' ,,,oi~re!' ?

,2.[ ,~; tht I~~ (!/,~

,21, ~t ,do yoM ,man ~,smrnU' ~~ :~~ '"!

,~., W1Wt ~ ~,~, tim:m"l #d' ~ Wi" in ..m~ :? 114 .. WMt ~ ~uttr' ?

25" Wbt g ~~ :!r

,Ut, Wh# ~ ~~I~ l'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,2" 1 Introductlonl

'ii"i ... , ,~~~, 'I __ t~·, '''''L_p .. ~ """"': ~I'-"'''''': ~I' 1 +--: "-I ,,''''II'liI'i ;t'+-.' ..... ,~, ,0:,11;', , -.~ . ~.' 'r:";'1 ''''''''~I; ._'I,.I_P, ilA'll"

,n'l. UiI.I!:.~ l::.Il4J U!!lIJ Yr-.::l 1II.IiI.-y.~ ~~J~, ~ lDlllliDlclJl...: i:I!:lLll.iR.:llilaE . !J' ,.,LII,;,II"\;;_~""ll .U,iIJ 1lJJl!l3 UJI.'iCI .1L1_VJI,

~ - - - ~ - ~ - ~ - -"'.l - ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ - - - - - • , ,

'W!e willI see ,l1Mr~ :pm, ,diagram.. HdU~ typ~al c~tion,. and mem-ory' ml19mang: rnr 8085A lIli'aop,~r; ~, by :mtei,

The 8O&5A iii ~ 8-b:it '~~I' switable, ,for ,Q, '~ ~ o.f 'lI'!. It: ,is a, ~,I?:~' NldOS [devfue ~lem.m~, wfult approxi.rna~:,. 6200 ~, on a 1,64:x 12.2, mil, emp' oontaanedJ ,m ,iao ,.g".pin dua!l.-jn..line paeka,gE',

"'iIi ;0) [-F"aal: 1111,- _. 8~·O~ '8-'5-"

iiriil& ,. 'g. . Y. V.-IIIiiI' WI . ',.' ,".'

']he, ~~, o,f ,8085 :10014. ~

1. It :1s an :"-It ,miOi'io:p:r,~sor' ~.e. :it: ~m 8~,Pt,. proo~; or pmvide ,~'bit data, simuID~y.,

2" It G,Per.ll:te5 'OR, ,eo :smgie' -!1-5 V 'power wpply ~~, at VCC~ :power' :5U_p,P~Y' g:roud, is, connected, ,to \155"

3,;, It, opef~jtu 'on dotk, 'qrc:le' 'Mlb ,~ duly cycle"

,~~ It has on, Milip ,dd ,generator", 'lhis ,m~, cl~ ~ator :req,uir,a ~, ci!rorlit ~ LC~j':a.c or ~" The. :mtem:a], doCk generator diivfudles GSci1IDator Hlequency'ib.r

i'!I, --..:II lP'iII'nill~~ ~'I_-,'Ii., .,j' ........ ,1 'W'L~...:L ,.._ .. 'L_ ~.-~..:II ,f"",p' 'C'"I.-- ... 1I.""""","~i ... ·: ... .." _... ..... -,-~ ..,1 ...... ....."., ~ ~ ,g.~~~~ '~, '~-~~lt. ", .'.IJUl;Il, '~., IJ'IE ~ ].Iu.& ~,,·-~!"~I.III..E..a.I;-1f:r. ~Ui:il"iliiilll [~_!l.J,,!r-''''''''''''''r.

15,;, It, am operate; 'with iii, 3 MH.z: -clUCk :~~, 'l1iLe 8085A,~:~, v-et&lon ean operca1e' ,alt'

'!he, m.M1m,um, &eq.uency of .5 'MHz;, ,r

6. :It: h8$ 16 'i!Ii~ :~,~, ~ it: can, [~ ,[2~) M Khytes of ~my", r lit" ---:~~·des 81 bOt I'/~O -ddlf'-:::ses '~ !a~ ''2.6 :) 256 'l'j'O ~

,~,,~ l r .. , p,w.~ ._. _ " .. _; .. 1; ... :.:',".' iI _h __ I 'r •••• _.' .,'1.' 0~' ~ : ,:_'::" .. '., '_.' [_", r~~'~:'J

,8. :nn, ,808.5, 'the loweI" S;bH address b1!IS [~,jj , • .A 'I) ,and, diatl, ~lW [(D,!) ~"n,:) ,lID!:,pi9Ed to reduee n~ ,~ .extemali pins. But, due ~ thlts", e:i!:lterMi, b.miwtare

(I .. ~\ ,o,~ . ....:.rn~._.,'I: t . ~ iii-.... . ..!I!..iI .......... i"!'-----, ............. .-1 ........ '1: .... -

""m~I,,, ,iIS :,. .. "1, ....... ,~ . .0 separa!~~' 'iliI.iI:~, mr=i ~u...., i!i.KI;l.Q, ,m~.

[9[. U ;su,p,pom, ;:74 instrudlo:ns with, the mII.owmg add~ mOOD ~: ,s:) Ilmmedh.te b):bgister c) 'Ilimcl d)J mdmrl e) Implied,

~ .. '0

Copy rig hted m ateri al

11!'i'_ '~ .. A~;&;'kIl'l!l'''''iI.i .. t~"i!'III7i .. 'Ui""'t: ('A',"'~' ":~:n 0;1;' ,,,fi;i::i,c, nl"r"":-_"" ,

=!!)_ ~ ~:I.JIiiiii ~ ~ !I,lY;I_"_::lIll~':I""l . ---0 .... 1 . ,I, iii. ,l :l!...r.U} [O\..NKJ r--- ,lllL.II.I,~ ~

,~') S' bi:t b~:ty ,a,dditli~n 'W,ith 00" wttlhOiU"t ca_ny'

'b} 1.6 bill' binairy adilitiiD<n.. c) 2: digi~' BCD addiition"

d~ ,0' '1--."', 'H:narv S".,,'L..L.""''':'''n 'I>'-,""L. ...... ~i'~"''_'"'''I''' 11:.. .................... }.' (T-'U, ,l~, u..!..;'_;J ..... WlILL~_~lI.I.v, !I!~, ;[1"1, ~., ~"'~~-~I!-IL~ [,"~·!IT

e) 8·"bilit, '~(i,Si:'Caii, ANDt O~-i '[gX,-QR,. ,complemetiJt: (NOll" and 'b~t' shift, 'oper;ations,

11. H has ,8-.bit accumtd.a,'rol'" ,fla,g regis:rer, ,illtstmt!li(m ~isw;!' $lx, ,8--\b:it , pmpose registers (8\1' ~ 'Do!' :~ H and l) ,and 'two 16-bit ,~t&s (SF and :pc)\.

r'''""~Q~1!'f ,.ii;.-, nn----A] 4-"'m ,~1:,._, """"", •• -':L" n1~Ift"1I""'''' J'IiI;tr1!1i1i""'_ ,= .. , '..,;; .... ' rt--- ........... ' ~, ... ,._

UC;!l.U, ~I ~rtt:: 'W-.f,".~I:iIiU,~ JJI"U .' lIJ~ b'~"'.~'" r."-',r-~ .,l~j~~i:]! ,~ ,UI!LIU.II:!I.;.t ~iIiI3!MU'l.J. ;U:1litilJ1

:f[.;o;m m-r:"JoN" H--- __ it,.::~ll~ ~:';r'ojI""~ a~,]wa~, p.-...i'...r ~ ... ,'i P"ii~

_._!'1ir.I_-~ -~~!I!·-:r.-=.if'~' l"J .. .,-.~ ~_W'=-YIJ .r-t··~C·JM_Ul"'_I.'~_"~ -- .~~ _~'I"'-: • ,.~IIIi:.' or--!""'--~· .. ..,."..rr.~'

~'~'tI!1;'S to' s~, l':IIOSHm variab~ '!11u.n :mJ~mory'"

12: It pr.a,vides, fiye mar.,d),w.a:re in~'ts, : 'l'RJ\P", RS!I" 7,',~\I' ,m 6.5, :m ,5.5 ami INTlt

13", U}:tQ ~ UO ccnlrol. whjcl\ ~.llIow,$, ~. 'wrn:m~~

'l4" H :p~, oomrol Isigruds (~o./M'j' RD .. IWR)' ~ ~m;it h 'bus, ~, ami ~ ,~~ bus ~tro:U~' itS oot: H:qUited,

l5, The e')f;I~l bmw-are {another ~ or equiv,Dlent: mastel) cD ~' whidl, m~ il"i.iTl!e mictOo~~:r' ls ex:ecMiIli;na' tI!iitl1t1Z smtu5 'si'lHluiils

~ -e-e t J._. _ ... '_ ...... _J J. ''_.i·---· l_'~. r.:II~.''_'lr' .. ' . .... '.'" -.' .-,' r _ill._~ ,-.._1-01 •• '__ :. l. ~lon::II __ .'

(1D/lt :$0.. :5'1). Thits, :~~, is, v~ry'~ wh:en, mOlie' than, one~, M,~ umg ('Onml.Q<11I. 3y51~' :~CC$ (m@lnOry and 1/'0' ~~)"

16" H :has a ~, by whlch :it 15, ~bl~ t'Q' ~s@ 'ns :im1!~J~t rumd1Iing cacpaci!ty,;,

11", ~ 8Q8S; has ~ :a!biity 'lo' ~ s.ysleDi\ ibm- wii~ '~: IM'etmlOlY ,A~~'_

,~_il-...'I'l~ '~~'- ~-I"I·-'" ,_,'I~,~~"'!'D '"~, '~"'II\"I"!f"". 'I __ ,jil'P, .. ..,.""' ...... ' , .... f: d iIIi'- ~~ 1'/:1""1; '-~lUUILLC::·~.E". .~.~.l£II;ii [!GUJl,JlLIlJilL'J liII.I.iO'n·a! LU llLj;!lJl..:JliL.;r',....... .UI.£~~ iI..&U.I.ULAI .• " !L;I';.' W. .1.£U.Ijj1. '_, Y

d\ev,K:e. 'to, :memary' or :£:rom, :me:mory 'm' 'va speeds.

11., It, 'mil De: u.'ifd ro ,~plem~t 'three clOp :ricrooompUllel:' lYith su.ppo:rilUlg' 1/0 ({iev,ice5 lile 1(:, :&1,55 ,and tc 835ft

2'~3 Archttecture, of 8085

P,lg'. :2.1. I~ h ~~ or ,809S.,

It t'O~, o:.f various, ,~ b~ ,1lS :m:red. '~1Uw' :

'. :R.~

'. ,Arithmelh; and logk 'uNt:

.. lnslr!l;l£!i'on derod.m: and, madt&ne: cycle. encoder .. Ad.dress bWfei"

• AddIfe9s./D:ata bu1fe:t

• ~e1'rtteI/~~~:Ia~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

!!I'j,~~ ~,- iYI!

IN :IJ. ~,S:T' iUi iI"R,ii.;P'

~!'II"]:"~ ~c5l, T' $,,5 Ft~i!'" 7' ,15


i In! tru !:;LIlI!!1l ,di!MG!JiEiil' i!j,lilil maenlna ,(;,)'[jl~ 'Bl'ii:lll!der

IID~tei~i1-91i'i~.ei~ ;D;t:J'~m_ffi!tl\lll~r i!i;i;!a ~M'!!l I';!ifi:iti,

" .. ".

A!:~ .'I!..E!

AddHI!!!!'ii 1b'!!II,

,A~\l ,. J;.0ili iPiiI~;llI" Add Rii!lll II!; !!I !!!,

.. ,WeJ~ruJ!i~' ootdrol • ~rial I/O control

., 'Iirnmg ~M ~~'i:lr!~:l '~~J..itry'"

2 3 '-11 D, __ --·:--li ... -, ,C!'4iii1~~'. ,

• _ .• ' l~gl&lmr giLl lIOIII!!i;on.:lre

T-em'j;lO~ fagisnn:r

~, FIg'. 2.2 ,~he,w;s t\h.c, ~e,gis:i'e:r ';strw::'~ ;®f SOStl, Th;e :!i'haded '~n, ,a~ ~ ~l"e-gi5:mr mode], 15. ;cailledi, pro.~'e'r-:s; model 0:1' ,8~ :ft: mtclu.~:l~ :s.i.x: "ilt~s~ (B.~, 'C n B, H and, L). ane ,a'CwmtLbltio~" ~ne lag ,and! 'two l~~it :~~$ (;alp and, PC,). Am 'these' ~t~; ~ ;a~ible 'W' p'o:gmmm_~ ,MLdj '~ 'they ~'~ included 'm 't'he pl'-.ognmmm mQde1!. 'DN_e mm~g; ~itew, ,_, ~~ry~, W' ,ruru:l Z ·,He' I'LDt ~slJle '~ 'Iil\e' '~Ior.,~,u'l"l1mgfS(; they He 'lim by' :m:inu,pmrresso:t' ,fell' 'mtet.rult iJn,t~dialte 'o,pemJtiiOlJlS.,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,MI"'~:l!II;a·or '& 'Micmcolllb'o:lIar' &---

"""'-1"""---' . [_. ....., . '1'_.1.

1,. Ganeral P'LilI'poH' RegJ:ste:rs ,I. Temporary' Regiate,i*

a,) 'Temporary dia!i:a :register ;3~ Special [Purpose Reg'llfters,

I) ~- - - - - -tilil-' --W;t- -

r I :., .; I " - , • I . ~

!III. ,= ... _,_- _~_ .. ,'

. .iiI 51"""""'" . B'IIt' IR -' '1-'-- - . .. , . AiLQVlil. ",eo OIWI!'f5,

aJ ~-axm (~gun~' (PC) b) :~k p~~ 're:[-fc) 1[ .. O._,,*I[ Pli.lliiPo~ Regi$ters ::

B/ 0('1 'O~ ~ H:I, ud L !!lI',~ 6-biit: i~QI~ p~ ~l.e:rs ean tOO"~ as a ,~aroo' 8-bit: ~~ ,~, as 'l6-bit: Je,ghiter: p~ OCI' D~ !U'd, Hl, 'When 'used in, :~,gis~' pak :~,. 'I:ibe' hi,gh order 'byte ,r,esi.des, in the ant ~rer (ide" :in '8 'WheI1l 'Be :is 'used, u ,Bl 'r:egismr '~) ,aJiId the, l'Ow ,m,der byte in 'the ~ (Le" ;i~, C when, DC is ,used ,ail, a, tegJ5ter "ait],

'Ib]~' D"'''.' ,-~'""'~, ;I;~-,~iI'i:~~ II." "I ..;I-~, 'fXIi;nl~~ .,. .. !IIT"--"OI'V' 'f]i{'!I,;...,.o....r '~-- ... ""re- - .. ""1.-.-:,,, ,,,","'11i .. -:fii ~ r-liLi.U ~ ,[m:K.;;UUJJa. 1iI~ I~ UJIlli41 r· .... I.IIi!l!]~JI, ~.... DLUi:I ...... _"L'--.. .. J" r,,",",,UilJl.IC_, II JIi.1l~ ,,,_, 9L':~~,

:~__J'a.d l", a" user ~ ;!!;tnf:e. da:ta, ~ them, Ta ~~ ~ :read, ,dab :&om ~, ~~~ ~ ,~~S, is nQ,t: ~j' i~~ is an in~ ~~ti~ Thus, it' ~I ~~: way 'to, store, intermediate' R'SUtts, and.1!i5E' them, w:hen reql!lilred. The ,efiIcienl' :pw,

DlifiI~ ,~ "i;;.:u:;; , .. l;. ....... "'" -Iili'<ii .. ....,...., ....... oC~'" j;rfil~~~m"""' ~..-.;li].,.. ~"''':71 , ..... "'" 'm<rijliliifiFiij ~l..,. ...... ti~.,: ~,.:.i..!",*" r,-.} ... -I~ "-'Iyr- ~ u;~ [.l~t~~oI!'il! "' o.'-'~ ... ~~.l;ll~_j~~~!J~ ~~~~ ~;~~ ~;~ '_ ~~~""-!!lrl ~_~l~ "',I;ug,

:~re' 'bus aeeess ad :~ mOfle lime' to :peri~ the ,~-,ation,

,2. Tempo-rary IRSllstenl

,.l 'Yiemp.,lny data itJeg!i5W' : 'I'be ,AiLU has two ~pu;IS., lOne mpurl' ~ ,supplied b'y' I,-.e

"" ' ..... ,.~\-4.r.... and .... :i..~ ~ ~D'-""':;irV' d 1:0:1',.1 'reviCl~~' ''I]i:.·e '11I!1'Cc1'1l'1':o;t;r!l,..".. .... "'''i''', "" .... t' "''''''''''''''''''I ,q...:"1

.. ~_ ,'i.,iL;,n,iUJLiCII,UJ.-.I, ~!I, I ~-:U~IC'-'[' l~tlJ_II, 1.'~_I_'I;r,='V.""}H_.lj:' __ @lJ~ '''·'''O·._I:'-~~,=,,! .I,~I"" ,r.·-,~o- .. ~_III_.J-IiLIJ.!I"'_.' ~.'~ l • .'.-u ' l~"}lr~ •• ~ '~!II:'-I

ilk..--nararv ,_,:II .. ~,~, '~!i:~""'" ~i ......... ,- • ...-. !L"'" ~: .. :""~'''l!Iv ~~--~ ~".... ,...-"'-"1:1- ....... of' m~" oi"r;f', ,,,'1:.-

lL~·~i"~-- J lIu!l;Q.J -~l~!I.~'· .D~"'!r·~·!P ~l' I... ~ ..... ~1LJlll&I·:1 ~, ~~-.Ii, ~~~~_ ~iL,~ ~:~,~, ~~

IILcithrffietic .mil, b)~l rns~~

'~'1W' ,,","'_1'11'101 ... , •. oiI.jIf'iII ..... '8, ~~" fb-- ,:",,,-,.~,,:: ....... ;'''''1 ,":'I!;--, ai~~'"~''-''::''' '~:p. ;i"L~ ~"""''''''~~.:O''''''' ~",,'If-:,",,1.;., ll:"w.... ~-I!IIi:KI.II-.IIf'.l~' ~ [n_~[~ " .... iUl~ llA!W!U 1l.U..1lL-Y.Io!lo lLiIill '"I.IiFL~ ...... [.iU,....u-I_ ... :! .... _~ ..:r-':W::'~., '~\j u..:P.!U.I~11L ,loW! 'rP.'~lUIiI"

,ad\dl8 the ~ of' :~ter A ,and re,~~' 'B ~ :sto~ :~rul' in, ~te:r: ,A, 'lhe :adWthm 'qperalWm ]B, perl~, hy ,ALU", The A'LU' tl'lms, mpurts ,from. ~~ A l..d, ~~' data n!gi~ter. ''OLe, ,~ontents of :regist:er '8 are tir~ tOI 'rem~' dara, ~te:r .mt, ,a;p;pl,ying ~ :mp:ut tQ' ftc' ,AtU,

I)} 'W' ,Dd, Z te,si5teD :: W ,Emil ,z;. ;re,gister.i, are tempontry ~ter.;. These reglsUmi, ,He' ~, ro' hold 8-b~lt dalta, dl~' ~Jj!.'m. of $01:n__e~ :ID&kudi~ '~ ~1:er,S !lim net B,vailable fur p:rog;m~1' she 8085 uses !them, .m~y.,

Us. _':W land Z ["'BI~ :;

'Ihe CALL, 'eti1.Ktion i9, 'used 'm' ttamf,e;r.' :pmgmm (ionfm!l to III, s1libpI'OW'&m, Qr :submub.e\ 'l':bis :lns'tnldtian, ~, th.e ~t PC oon.tents, all-to the "mdc:, and loacb '.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

3. $pec'iaI IPlgi'f)0881 mg;isters :

II:~ R.e,~ .A. ~1Jll~t@r)' =; It ~ a trt,-stl~ [~~t: '~~t ,~tcJ" ,n: :is 'GXtGnsiy.tiI:y used in, aritJmlem:'~, ~ load, ,md slOlre '~I~ as well, as ,~ inpult/ou:tp1.~;t (1'1'0) operatic,ns. Mo,,_;:;t of 'llie 'times, the ~esuilt, or arUhm9t:' rand, i~CiIl ~)tio:f:'Is [s s~ in, Ole :reg1slE'l" ,1\;, H'~ it: 'is ,a;'16u identified 4J.~ ~U!law,

'b), Flag :n!lisler :: U :iB, ,an, &-bit :re,eiiSter .. 'm 'w:hi.cll, :Il,ve o:f tile' ~~Is ca.ny ,!aigmfirant infurmati.~ :iJn ~ funn Q:f,' lags, ~ S {9Ji~, :H~fJ~, Z (~ iag' .. ,AC (A:uxD.i.a1:y '~r.ry' Dar,gt) ... P (p,llIity ,flag:> .. ,!1nd CY ~cM':r.f ,Ra,g)\!: as :!5hoWllt in, :fl,g. 1.~10

[bly' [~, Os 04, ~ C'2 0,[ ;I!]o
" ~1 ...
[I S' z, -~ x ~' ,~, x, II 'F I x _I 'C,Y' Fig:. 2.3 filII, IieIiII'stelr'

[~' ;i!;:ia:n ti', ..... '. ...,4_ ;,L,,,,; .................. ioIi.,..... _J:: ,...,:i'i.1i..~-~b---" ...... '~"_~i.oo-'I f'H'iNIi', .. ,~~., ,:," 'b,iil. 'roiL, 0'" +~~'''!!' .~l !! ,~~, l~~ 1I!r.~~~y~~ IW '~L-~YW~:.:_'~ ~, ,w~·i;!lI, ~r.~.J~Uc~JHI.i;I~ ,u: -.\.11,\, ~ - l "n!tC

f;e$pJt '~ l"", i1e • ,tl~,g :i.5 ,set'. :~, iii, givm 'ib,pe '~f 'D-1':is ~~, h :i'Nmber wiliB be v~ ,~ ~tl" ~~~" :If 0" is 0 .. the :~ wm, ~ oonsid~, iU poI~I'\I"@' :numhe:r.

L""_!!]!'~ --~ .fi ... "" ......... - -~. ilIl ... ,~ .... ,:l .Iii:.. .. ,_..._.111' ~'f~ ,- c'~ - ~ ~ - ,._- A'L)'li'T " __ . _ . '~i'iid i'I', ..... ' ~ts ~£o'eN ";-,e: ~ .l,ne ,iliWg, ,sella! U:IiliU:; ,~!Wli, 0: '~nb,IOliIi ,In " !!J ;a,,~f;O' !i1L~:, ~~ '~~~. ~.

if-", ,......-., . .'1', ,i.,. ........ , '''''''''''''' '~~, .,._ iIli1"~~, ,i.,: _-'I~~, .,010, ~;t :'0; """"'_j:.., ~lil'__"" ... ~iI-.....,.~ "k~I'!II"""'" '''''''ro'~-,

.______: .... ~~"~ ~~L~, ~~y---! ~,~!U: ~;~ ~~, ~,~ ~~ II' ~ ~,~j~, ~~~~ ~~JJLll~j~1I.. ~"LII~ ~ ... ,

ro1lowi!ng an ~t or d~t: ,~,timr!, Qf h,t ~r,!,

.C- 'A,' "':'1': 'f]' ["I"':k:_, iI,_" I "if: .. 1l.._~' ~ - ,-----tI ...... ",. ~ - - t ~ 'f' W:j:. "ill' ~:... -:t'AI' oft ,,",~ ~ , r. 11,1, ~ ,u:~ ,uS '~ sel : :: 'UiLCR:: IS, an O-VCJ.uuW OUI.' a; !LlIJ~, a ~;~~ j '~!,;,r.)

~~ ..... , 'it..:-IIH''''''' TW .... ~i .... ,~ '~~~- '''':b~t;.'~""'' (0-,"" 'bi~ "t': ....... D:.·.· l).., .. ~" ...... -= .. [ :flii!lO' ~'.,. ~~.~~ • .;I !for 'BCD 'nne-rai'ons

nl,......_.i~ 11.,.:1 _ ~~, ,.,~II.'ci.i!R= !!IV iL!I!,I.'-W- ....... , ,.,!II.i.i!~ " - g. , !IY , - ,;J: :~b) - ,u,~ ~-.!:) ~ ~ . ~ - ~ ~r~·

~, it: 'Is not a,v;:t1!Jiable fOr '~ 'progr~~'-

:P~',lri.' :BCi.8 :; :PanJty iff ddined by' 'the' :m.mtber of ,~, :p~t, in ~ acomtwawr:.

After 81\ m.~' or :Iogical ,~raltio:r:Ii iiI' h res--m't bas an ,even R'umiiber of ~,,., i .. e" ~Yl!lI'Ii, pmity~ the fI.a,g is set. If:' '!:he, parity' :is odd!, hg' :is reset.

a:..cany' fliI,g :: 'This :fla,g t9 set if there: :is ,aD overlew out of b&t, Z, 'De: cany flag a&o ~M' ,u, ,!!Ii, borrow' n~_g fbi' sUbtradkm. m both the eQmp.~ shown 'l:~lQ'w~ 'the' [~ lag' :b_

GBH :+ '75 [1--1

Carry m1:01H

:50 lift '=' M'H iBO~ ImOE, iH

1iGOO' 1,~1 " ~ 1 aMi! U)~'l

'1I!IIt1Q1 '1'1110'

Copy rig hted m ateri al


" I

1'085, "lcl'Ol"roceHo:~~.-

Mho - "." .... ... .iIf:. M' 1 ... · ....... II··;CIo~ : Nil!O;proceeu:r VI, " crocOI!W'MIV Gil" ~'''!HllIlliIi

d Instmrtip ~,gi:s:tB ; '[tn, a typi~l '["r~"5SlJr ~tiW"r!., the. ~r ftrst: fclcll~ t1w.

""0"'---:--..:1-, ,'!'II" ':'Ii""'Ii--'.~""~ "'--.... 11"1""". m.·nrv . l"I' '"" !I.-,. p.~.-......,.., .. 'WO, ,_ .. ,..1'-, ,..:I ,,"~ .. _ ... ,~ ~'L .... ,-,o.:JI,...:I,~-" ib,-"'" --:-..1

!\.II.r.","-~ !J.JL ~,LaIll[UclL--:,u..V.,II, ,ILUI..UiL ,lLIi~_L,:""::",_,, \~.~ .. ,I" _ Li:I~!=I1 Il:l:.Ii~ ~~, ~"'iL L[[1~ ii1U~_:3! . u.I:Il l~i1U,

m-- -.:.-;;ni'1iFv' resoonds '11..1" 'Ii! ,iI"Ii11_,.. .... II"i17 ,0,1._, da ~ S~"i'~<!i "'t' ~'L_ ,,~'fi~~ ad .,;1;;,- ........ ' ;o:'L-'If" 0,';--, ,<!i',-+,- 11:.1" ... c,'\ ..,...._ !iiii:~1.,~.1 .I .• '~r, ,..... c.,~ l~., ,t'"~"""""'.LD- U,U;:: . . ~iIII U,JI~:n.i l1li.' iU,~ a!r .... ~·.n.:.·...... Dc cYlE" ~ ...... ~ 110 lJL~ UoI:iILQ. l~"~,"l J,,[IC

' .... r-u·' ",Iio;o;, .. _, .. t.~ •• -----,.:1- n . , - - -- "- ........ -'I-~'''''..I &'L.- • - ...... ,.~, - . -":a-,.,...., ''jl!'i!..~, ... ~ - -d-- .- L--.i.L~ ,-~'. in'O\~~ '~~ ,u-pOOioJle 'm. a, H:.pu;:;-..- [ea !Lru, u;ie lflSu[wii.:.Io'llOIl :regts, .... J(. IILliiUlai 'QPCC __ .e' 'IS :Bl~iI;!-!i~I;

~'t 1Q ,me W!..~ttutti_M .d!ec-.oder to, stil.ect' ooe' oj 'tmLe ,256 ,aiUemama

,4. :SDtaen Ent Regi'swt9,

a:~ :Pmg,r:JIm co!.:1niftr (PC)' ! P,rogram. is a ~t;'~ of ,in$;trllldim!l.S, As Mm\tioned earliM~, '~f,OOesmf; J~b~ these' in5tt:ucfto.n.s from 'the mero.ory rand, ex.eru~ theniL :5eq_u,entia'U.Y. 'Dm :progra:m, o,1U!r1!Wf is ,~ :~eda!l pu_tpos:e' reg1s,Ier wllidh~, a,~ a" given -tLme:_, stores; 'the add~ of 'Iihe nID.':t, m.s;m:u;1tl.Q'n ~'~~':futdi.ed P,Nga:tn oow~r a~, as a pointnr 'to the :nm msttuctioo.., How ~ incr€meI'lil's p1r'ogram OOllDter' depends on, 'the' :natme, [of dle ~~"' •• 1'H- tfrnt ,~~, 1.,.;4.s. !:"t ... ~ .. ...i-:~ '~t ~'i1lCfeftl;!CiTi""', pfQilT:iiii'ii' ~~if'io~ ,kt~, ~~, 'C"'r fw,1'i; '~

~."'~ .~~"if . ~-' ~~l~ '~J'~' ~~~~~~lll ill., t1_, ,.- __ ,.!r.-tl!lJ : ····C ..-H·.JIi ,.1iII'~!I~l ~s ~1~J! w.~ ¥ ~J.~~

mslnK' .it :~melll;ts p:ro,gr;arm, oo,un~' by two and, ,fur' ~, ~'yte: im:tm.dii:o:n, ~t ~15 :piiogram, (;ounter by Utroo sum. that :progr'i1:m. 't"OillIrter always, points w I1e ~ of. the next insmu.dfo.l:'t

T_ ......... , ,"""~ Tf'nm ,--~ C" "A- ~ 111' !' .... .,.'- .... i-O"" ... '" .. ...:I1..;Il~~.. ;I:'~'~'o'M.H-~1 '-!v' ''1II''IjIcJ"DI ,-~_.,I F',1.T'T .IlIJl ~ ~,j: ., ~~y~- ~l\U '_"~, ~~ ~j~~ ~M~~~,I'! ~~'W~ ,J!fJUI!r.I''!!''~ P-.r JJL~~"'.LI.- mw. ~

insllrudtimts ,is pJJaoed i!r!J the prl~m [~~, The: p:~r ~ h!i~, ,~, next If\SM.icti,~ from, the :new ,adldlres!, specified 'by JlJJi..tP or C'A'!LL :ilns1metloo" :Iii, «n;dijti:i~l

JU~ ,-_..:Ii"':r ....... ,..,]- C-'-A' '-L"L' ,"-- --,,~ ~ --- ,~,".I&.- -- --.Ai:'I'o':.- - '-, -- ....... ' ,- -,.::: ... t:i .. .JI ,iok... 'iII!i~

, __ ~- ~~, ""' ,u~]I,!I-IN, .. ~, .. _,' . iLJiIS....,w"!UDm,,, .u.lio1le OOI1IOiUiIil.OliIi, IS i~l"", M!Y-ilI,u~ '-II:!!;;' ,r~~--

~elds 'F~m counter' ~.Y three so flmt :it :poi!n15 dle H\stn:uii~, followed by oondltl.Qi'ilal ,JlTh;[P or CALL msb1l;l.dfiQn; ,o'Ch~ :p~r fetChes n.e :oext :in6~~ mom ,~, ,MW ad\~~, ~~f.led by' ,}lJMP or C'A'![.'l :i::nsn,ctim'fl"

'b)[ StiI,tk po:i:1iVte:r (SF) ;~ il1i.c, atade. is a ~:cd ~,Qf 'the' mtmlory m h :RAM: ~ '~ry' mfurmati~ ~y be, ~WIed. ,A, 1,6..blit stad;;; f<rli1tet.' ,fs '~. to\dl, the ,a!~dreN, ?l

.iol.",",, ~,.. .. ~ __ _.,,'L, iI:IInh-u UU::: .... _........a!. .Io1lU'1Io'_lIi:I,;Ii1L iI3!~ ~"""l"

2'013 .. 2 Arfthmdc I..ogh: Unit ,i:ALU,"

lhe &'!85r:s. A'LiU' ~ Mirl!hm.etic and logk-al ~ em, 'mpt- bit: vat:iiib~ Ihe~ ari~ 'unit ~ bi.twise fiwldim19ml ,illiEtb:m.etic operati.on! rs·ucl\ ,M, Mildlifu:m and, S'Uhtnu:non., 'De' logic 'wUt :~ lo,gkal, ~tk!in5, sum, u ~t ,AND:" OR, imd, EX~l., as welill ,as, :mmm and. dar. ~ AL'U iiliID looks, after the ~ ~,

2' ~ !i!i I "n[~'" n ... ""' ....... , .,~~¥I\ol!iln·. I ",yen, U!Iai~ar'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

The 8085 ex~~ .S~Y~. difkor,mt: ,~, o.f' m:arih.3fr1.e qrC'lli,}£" U· gi.v~ Ute

~~t' .~~~: ~.~d~~~ '~lle i5.=~~:n;!!e enood~d. Ibrm. eM ~ ~~ ,S.l and.

lO.lM ll~l~. I'!ll5 tMk II od,1oPj~ by ~"".~~.~ ~(L ~""" " .

2.3.4 Address BUlffer

nus ts: an. ShiJt unidiredilQnal buft~,. H is used 'to d)rive~ ,extEl1:'!.IIIl l'ci(gh 'OoIder add_~~ '!bus (A.15 ~ A :~)-. IDt- is ilbo used. to tri.~la,te "lh1: high, ·md_jl:( !ldJlJ:'eSS jtqJS under. ·cerlaim oondit'kms .!lucll as :~t,. ho·l_d,. :hal)to!' aad wh.en address Iines ue no~; lin. 'USg,.

2',,3,,5 AddressJData, Buffer

'1lui!9 :is !to. 8-b;i;e bJ,-diRcti_mal bu~·;. It is ~d. te drlv,~ :m!1;lliti'p:~",(rl .adJdross,.fdata 'bus .. ·Le· low' mder, ,-.:t.j~i!i 'k-""" lA·· .-."-~: iili:'iicl!;la,ri:a. ibm: iD\..· .. :O )~ \, l1i:: is ,i!l! used to, m . ..£tale ·the

,. .• , ... ... ,. , !iIi~M.loriPil' 11'''"''' \L 7 lJ'1I;'!Zif =""" IOL "". ~ ""~ ,- '7 ~ ·il. ." . . ' . ,

:mU!ltipl~ bus ~r oonditioIitS, sueh as ~ese,t". ho:l~ ha]t· a.lld. when. 'H!Le 'bus :is not m. use,

The ,a;dd~~ and data bu1fets a.l'e I!lSed to' drive' cxlmnHll address and da.m buses n1'!.pet:lli.v@y. :DIm 'to ~, buliff:rs ·the· .a;cl;dfoo5s ,and ,djaii;a, 'ibu5e!5 l@D. be ·lrt-stated w~ fh~ are not :in use.

'nM,s 'l6-bit re,pte:' 1:9, used to iiiIILtternent: ((If &!~: the co-ntmll.fs, cd p!r'ogram OO'Ii.tl1!ter.' ...... !;f'L.;.'!' iIiW!Iill1o ........ ,"!;(!,~, ctl!~..i ,....~ ;i!i'io',._~,u'Cin. ~,. :iM~ctimns mlared to, 'Ih.e.m.

v.. ~~~ ~.~~~\"=:I; ~ ~ .r·!2I-'~ "r~ I§=_~~~~~_~ w· ~.~ ." ~" ... ~ ~ . .. .

1tl,'7 Interrupt COl1ltrol

The ~r re~ d~ and exet:1i1Ues iii1.smtdimlS in a ~;. :Som~ :~t 13 ~. ·to proc~ 'tille· '· .~1le ,~. oJ ~ ~ of '! routines'Yer :specia'l oondititm exm: vri~ .Ii!! ~m or ·the :m.i(roromputer· s)li5te'm~ ".l'1le IDJ»t im...pmihull: tlUn,g :1s 'Ilha~ .~le.r ~tion or d-te special :rolttine;. .~ propm.

," ''-'--I . I 'L_ ,~_~;r_..l ,b..,. ,11l.."", ~ ~ . ~ .". - ~',;.,: ... t.. ':n~~ .~".~.. ........~I.,Iii~r! .. no' 'L._L_.... """''''' conU'I;I' m)U~h Dt:!: Ll.1II.L.1:.L~.~ Ii.U uuo:: p:mgran:li W.:u.I.Y~ if,jii~~.~·_· '~""o.l.o.ol'll;il ~ 1U;1t;::

~~ ·of .the: ~. ,~iii;m... n_a, '~' .oJ 'Ilhls ;special condition js. :~~ as ~pt. The ~pt· 't"OlJlitr.U] blod;;, 'has iv,e m~pt blput& RST' .Si.5",. PST 6.5,.. RBI' '7$~ !lAP ,lind lNfiR, Ind. one ae1mowl~~ ~ .. INiTA .

. 2;3;1 SeMI 110 Conb'ol

:In .1i~1lio:m :likejl' da~. ~~.on ovgr long distii:fiOe ,Imd Ol'~u::r.ramrl.caiiOn. with ·~tte' tapes .or a CRT terminal,. il::is ~~r:r ·to· b'~t· data 'bit: 'by bi.t· 'to' ~UQ! the oost~ ~ ,eab1ir~g;. In serial mmm~&p, ane bilt :is h'~ at a Itiime ovet'. a :smgle' :Ime·, The &185·';'5 serial UO ocmtirol proyl~ two U!rn~J' 000 ,~, 'SID .fur serial ~~tH;m. The .smal ou,tpu~ dam ·(SOD)1me is ·used "lo' ~ dab! ~y and. ,s.erlaJ. :~i ,&ita (SlEI'

1U!.-._ fI'- ~~-~""I .~ ~ ....... ~I_,,,,"~~~'''~~ Wl~" UlItI:\I ~ .. ~-~"',. ~'" ~~~1'''!'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,2,3,9 'fllmingl and 'Cl)ntlfOl C!lfCl!lilb'y

1'he c'OIttool cf:wirlty im 'll1I.e' :pmcessnf' [S085[ is f;e5pmlSi:h!e fur ,am 'the ~tiOlil9', 'The 'C(m!trol, circUli,try and, ~G ,~, [~I~ m, 8085 ilUie ~d wIth, ~ ~'I,p' '0'1 ,CkKik ,signal, A]Qng Yrifh, ,~, [00Il'~/0'], Q.f ~khin.G: ,~, ~' ~l?eratiioN' ,~d g,~aJq ap,pooprlate' ~~liS fot '~mu,~,~ ~.ecll,ni.m1l.,., oo.nbd], ,m-cwhy aillso g;emera,te9 !9i.gnals[ ~~Ied. 'W' jin~f,f~ .gx~, ~,v:i~, to 'the' :p~f;l' 8Oi5,

2.4, Pim Dell'lnltl'o:ns [Oil'IOIS[

P,ig" 2A, [(il.] and. (b)[ sMw 8@85 pill, ooNi~tilm ,and, :functi~'~ pin, d!j_iilg2m, i@f 8Q8.§,

'''''''''''~ .. r,,,,,l\u' TL,, __ s;"""",,'1:8 ,~iI:' Oi'1iIil\~ , ........ 'L.~ ,,,,,jl ~'.t!;~.lI1 ,~'-""", ....... ~ '_"'1'i~ ... , .. ~~:.... .... , ~ ,il'L...j_,

"'~~!'I.!I;&~~~l).". J..DE '~~~.~.~ ~..f. I~ ~~~, pg ~~ ~~~ ~!I'~:~I!!, ~i~~.!"!,,, '~~'~'~!!fi l~ ~





;~F!;'iI1T'[Oi;fr' • --=-1 ll, I sool 1,4, I

Sil!) i 1:1,


'~~ 6;



~ I

m'~I§,. !Ii -- -I

li~, 1m


:ftml -



~I- ilAtil;

'~,I IIAt~

1\1\1; I -='~~


F1iI~ U [~bJ" F'Ui'iClh:null pllil dl'ajJiiIm

Copy rig hted m ateri al

MIc I" •. '. " ••....... ;--&. M' h:-.-~ij-I.· '. D~ . . _ ~ _ _ _rocollll1i.1lJU,1 Itt' g.r.I!!II;JI~~1

1011 [Micfop~

.aJ) :~~e.r supplY' md ~c.y mpals. ib:) Data. 'bus and. ~ 'btJ!

e) 'borub:p]. 'bU\!5

d)\ :mi. ........ ~nt 1-'_,,,,,11,,, -" =-~;I,-,';Yir" !51o-.-

e~ ~l ~"O si.gmds

f\ 'D'MA ""~:".;, .. ' :

~,~ '_ .~- -~'-' ~. se-eeee

~,-), 'D~ . "- . :i_1


2.4,.,11 IPowur SiUI,PPIy ,8!n:d IFlre qua I1cy' Signals :i)' V:oc : It req;1!!, 8. sin~ '+-5 'V powm:' :!Spcl?:ply'. :ii) ·,ts:! : ~ :~.K--e!.

:IM.) :";:1 and~" A tunecl cl.rcWllile LC. .. ItC or crystal is c~ at·these tw:o l~inB,.

on:.~ .... ;Ii~ '1 _ _,,'I_...,·I- JElilli1'U]in,"""",_,:iI~~di_,JI_: ._~1I ... ib;.,T!' ~iilPi!1lni' 'h.~ '''II ~~£=--::~. ...... ~§M;. :'I.

;(o[m .~I!l~ ~ ,I:).~-~~,,,!,,,,:~Ig~, gJ,V"!g,;~ ~-y-~~~ ~-~~~,~~): ~Il l~_j. l~~}'::_~rV~rei ~ ·~·r·~~~P.r. ~

.Ji'iystem- ,- ''''~ ~. 1..lfl-T... '~-"7--:- ~"-~l '''''~' .... ~:-:"'-_,li .... ' ........ iil. '"";'0., • .,;1;, L._",~_ ... '~~illMV'V~"1 Eo. 'i.~,_,

~.. .. . !IiiI)~I;;:}.J:III.U ~ IlIJm _'" ~UIlJ !'I.JJl" ~-u:, ~~~l ,~",~~, , ..... ~!I;, ~'~ ... )~~'''!=;; ~ g .I¥~~,

1\1') elK our ~ l'his, :si~ i5 ~ !liS a .5:fS'Dt d.ock .f~t otllet' dm.ces. Its ,~ is, :ha1f Ute ~JlI_"ihlr :~1!len(~y..

2.4.2 IData Blils and Addrna Bus,

,Aj A'Do m ,ADI" ~; The :8 bU da'ta bu (Do ~ n,~l Us; mUl_lexed 'wi,~, h :lowcr hMf' tAo, = ,A:11 ,of 'the '16 bit ,ijd.ckess bus. During' fUst :part !C]f 'the :~ cycle cri~·l\c:Hlver' 8,b-i1S O'f' ~'O'Qf addtiess Cf' 1/0 add~ rIi,ppea.t [OR Ole ·bus. Durin,S; f:eGiiDng :pm of' the

,:-:-,," ~~'-'" ;o!"iU'\1\." [f;'f" . ~""i ~ T- '~ ~L..~_. ~" . '.' _' .~:.~~..;iI' , ' .•.• 'LJi . ...1ii_....u ~. [.,1i~: t..~~ __

~J~l!:!!!!.~ "'}'~ Ii.'~l ~I!.\,il, •. ~1 y~ !II.DeS aft ~ as !i!i L!JI."'UilliJ~y.ona:L yiI'loQ .... 1.iIl:!i.

B,~ At 'm ~5: : 'TIle Uippe'l' 1m1lf of th.e 1[6 bi~ ad'dlress ~ em. the ~ Imes .11..8, to &15' '~ ~, ~ [exd~Y' used :rof ·the me&-t ~t 8 bttl of the· 161 'bit ~ ~r

2.,4.3, [C'oldtoll and Statu. 911,.,.11,

All .k.'1I' iE' [;A . .,:ii~,,". 'I', .. io.i ':r:'i":",,.-'i;.'ii -\ ~: '~~:'~ t..-..., •• :." .•. ~ .. ,t-:"-'~1 i'"-"- A"ril,-, :-!IT-o ..... : ... -: t(W'i,.,;I~nA'~~..jl ,1!'I'td

n;!! ,;ffiI;_iLP:'" '!.-A"'Ui~ IL;;IUi.U_' iI:IUlII~iL_e" • ~'!I'e ,NlUW lliLlA. ,€!I;iIi.;I',o [1iV' ., . ...." Lni~ 'A'_"-OO; .... ~wili!l.r~l!:'U! . _

the lower JWf of lII.d~ '~ = A;~I is· avdlable' [ord)' dJ~ 1). of the a\a,clUn,e: ~de, ~ lOW-ef h:df' 0:1' a~, b ~, ~ du.nmg: 'T1 and, Ti 0:1 miJdl:ine' Cfcle 'b.l1 acce55, ~ loc.aJtion, to, memoq QI' I/O pmt., 1'llI.iB, means, 'lha}~ ·the! 'l:o\ver' hill of' an ,add~ :m1)lSt: H htChed. In '!:~. oJ the t.~. ~ SQ fibat· U' ~ ~y·ai~~'~' 'throw~t the maddne cycle. The btclrumg of lower :half' Qf an 8d~; 'bus :is dUne '161' 'u:img' ex~ latch and, ALE ~~l :from, 8®85,

11,) liti1:>' u.d WK. ~: Ib.ese ;signals, are · ~. to ,C:mJLtrm the ,d!i1iectioo of·the &iJtl :Oow' ~ ~e5;5Qf ~nd Qt I/O ~l:port, .A, ['¢W [on 'lU) ~Q 'that· 'the diBita. :m'lllSt: be read mm,. 'the sel'ected. memCHY location [m: I/O paR '-ria da~ .~- A low' en 'WI :~Ia, ·that the data. :mut be: '\\11itten mfo h ~ ~. ,locatiOn, or' 110 .~ villi &ita b1ilS.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

MliI'Jnn"'_"-"- .... MI .... ~;o;,......_,.II\;o;.r·8.· 'pliIm . ~'Wiir-I ~U',I a . !I.fI.IIlinl!UIl~." ~ _:.~. . I

-'1111.1- ~J . 2· ... -110 ••.

2.4 .• 4 Intern;lpt Slg!!utl.

The· 8085 us five' halld,WtiIrE~ in~ :frigna]s : :MT S.!5, .RST 6105:;. ssr 7.,!5~. "J:ltAP and .ft;J'nt ~ mi~!~ ~ :~~pt: requests on. ~ ..,,"S ait ~ imd Q.f '~ '~T ~~~.~ti~

.......... , i'i"'I"I['A" Ii'J-i ........... ,;'p--t A ... ·~~_.m.....:i'lilc.~, ",:'""",,,,,1 .='"" -,_ .. --,,1 i"-<"- ~-~I: .... ,"''''''', fl-.."", .~~ .. , ·n.....;......,.:;· ....... !ii.. ....

L~lll;~ ~_:I;~ ~~l. \LU;~~"l"~..... [~_NiIU"'~,o~}. ~1!IIIIM1 l"':' .~, 1.'1IJ.! .. _li-ru_~Ui:i ru;l ..... ' u~"'- ,I"'''~~l .I-.:Ii!

ttd(ru»~d~&~ an lNTR inkrmpt"

"'I! 4 E S·;i:!i-~· -I' 1II'1II 'S,·,----4Illti ~i, ,.'" '. -. glila. II''U . ,Ign .... g

.AI sm (Se1'bl 'lIP O~W ~ '1biI input signal 1& used. to ,act_ept ~aJJ &~, 'bit 'b:r '!bit :mom h QX~[ dev!ice"

'B' .• "~ S.·· .O·-··.iIj"II.1 ~. :S: .... -fI_.- :-~, n~ n--·.: ...... "'~ '.', ""_,! . """. , .... : .. ~_·'I lo!'iiIr.!i\ft, ..... "1-', ~;IIi!t'i~'I- ..... -c.l-.!lOl~'b. '-. ,...'L]- -- !ilk", '-I---iiTdi ..... ~~:.,..... ~~' _ J __ 'Ii,.' ~ __ ~!Ii:~~ 1I;.,lPI,r" _ !I!!~ _ ~,~~ Mi!< ~i~ .... ~T'Io-'! _ !:!LI'~~ ~,I;!LI!o_!l,~ '="--I(I!.!.I''''e5~! ... 1~1a__~lYl!~~~~ W

:serla1 da'~ 'hilt 'by D-J!t' ~o 'the EfX,Vemai device,.

,:~t4.'6 IllMA ,Siignall

Al' 1I0lLD ~ ~ :!Signal, :~~, ht an~' :mast:er [s req.!4~1Ilng b the' USE' of' ,address 'bu,. <bt-a b-m ,imd ,oonbD], bus"

'IB~ mD'A. ~ 1':his :active high slgna'lis used, to ad::n.ow:lalge HOW ~t

2.4,. '1 Reset' Signals,

.A~~RF$ET :o.J:t A low ,~ W5 p~

l) ~,tbe program, ,munter' 'm zero (l_®Ol]OHj.

:2) :Rese'ts 'the m.kmrupt: ~'bl.@, ,rand :ml)A. ,mp-flbcP!5-.

'n Til'- ..... --- .. ~ .. , .-iij"jion. 'i,...~ .. I .. ·.:t.:l~ 'io....i~ ~.;ll ., c --..____il 'L...~_ Iifl";;JT - ........ "--'I. ' . .;:11.- ,', . , D~' ,"'-, ~" = ~~,-S_~, !-!i!i!C, ~_ LI'~-.iI !MN.UI~ LI'!IL:I' ,IIII;N iCD1l'~v.Ii, 1"'!In!. !j;I' ... OP;;: • 'IiJl;lly iUiu:nn,g: ,~Il,I, ,lIS

..... i-:P- _I). _!!.live.;

4} A.f&ds, 'Ihe' oon~bi, of p~($ :hl~, ,r,;egi6:teU!\ RD.ihmdy a

...,._, ~-ese.' 4. .. TIir' .. ~ ' ...... ~u -W·1..::i .... "';""'D<:o ",,-,_, _O\~' ~ ... .,.....~.; ....... ~'L __ l::_il-, .: ... .,,.._..~~'~n

~l~ ~ ......• 'V :~I_~ c ..... ~h]1 I.U!' ~n '" ·"J.l1LI_al .u.t~ 1U.~ [~ lui [~~~~ U.\C? ,l~( ~iLi?U--~~

from ",dm':2SS [~ 'F-- ~rn-' -, , ....... ~ .... ---;i;:, c;'---~ -";~,---,]- ---;--,--", 'j4- ':i;.-]-d'- '1----,: ~,c -- 1-11' i:ea.5·l' '!:i'

' ' , __ ~ ~-h =,01 p~_,per ,I~!o ~~.:d)fi ~'I.,,~''IL mU!5~.!L"e ne,.OW i1!!1};r.' iilh. .. ~

<:loc'k; 'CJ'1.':les The prnvef""On reset m,alU ~ '~ 'used ID ~' ~t[cn Cif 'fUst '~~~ ,~',!aidd;f~.'~:H-c.""- ,,'. -_"'C-',: , .. _. ,-- _, ·c __ : r"---'- '''- - __ I," ~~-'"-- ,~~-- ,-,-,-,~,.'-.~.-~,~

'6) RESEl' OLIT ;: 'I'1Us ,active llip, ,:!iI.gIW, mmca,tes ~t p-],~r ~ '~g :~~ ~ ~gnal :is, synChronizOO. 'to" the prQll;~r dOCk and. it: ean 'b~ ~. to '~,~ otl1!e.r: ~ ,Olt,~, ~D, the :5,1{5tem~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

2- :5 C'~:-'I- \ft."", 1100 ·C·-il~'I·ita· - ,

• " " .1V-UIl. ',.~I~I""!II.I . _ .

,CI;:IQm 'The SOBS, ~, ~ ~ cliOCl ,~,~k1r.

:Pll,g:. 2.5 Uows ~ i!n!t:e~ 'bkd: dmyam of the on chI,p ,dro, :genemmr:;, 'l1:te [rm~l

,.ai1'''to.~''-' ~) --'I-P ---:,,~~ fi~jii'IWi~,"', ,ili..l'~ .,_ , __ ~ . .iII.' ""."_ -._ •• ,.jj_~', 1~~,

~\Ini._' o_'r.-.r!P.I.J~ L"'_~,~'!IP."!IP.' 1L.W,~ ~~~~'l ~

LC Re ,or, ays1aL G'l~' ,, -cl~ SO'~ as, ~ :mp1u,t -to ~~~: 'tim: clock, 1'he

~ ... ~ ......... ,'I '1i" _"ll'p J\':I __ p .'II~' •• td·I..." "''1:.-, ;c_"'rnu'!fti""Iil 'i..,. ~l~~~,~~~ ,~.&J'~, ;'. ~[l' ~~.~~:__~~ ~ ,~~~,~ •• ~:t IU,'"

,2. :Hen~ tile o_pe:rfiitmg' ne'iunc_y oJ 1ihe

QI'liiil'i!:: ,'_ ,-l-w-~, ' ..... ,'If ,_:I: the o_'ml~tor

O"-!II;:V li5 a. a,T'~ ,I;!~_ ~ _~ _ ~ _!1"!0,1 _


lU,lit."" - - "'" "_ .L1!...~ ._ ~-ail "", .. :t"I>1...:i't:an!:1:l! and!

'-"- ........ ---1. _ 'X,:::i! n!liu::I"e' I~!i!!l; 15 ~ :m,,-=,~,~~~, '''"!(!Iii - :rg, - - - - ~.:: - - "

:it :i.s IL-orma.lly' 15 :pF" 'OLe! 01i.t1ip1ut fre~~ (lit this, d~i'(Urjit has l~ 'va.rlaii~ns" 'IQ' minimllze

Fl". ai, be el MIlJ it, the 'nriati~ :bli. ,~ lOUtp,ut ,~i :it is

~mm,ended '~O hav,e 'c~ alit l!east tw:ke ~t or 'CIiii: i.~'" :00 :pF'"

FtC: 'l:lIned 'Circl.!lit:; '~,g., 2.'7 u.ows the

ltC 'tuned ciJra:lll'" 1"he, OU!tput ,~ ,~t iUs ,circWt is, ,also not eX.ii'ddy' stable. But this I~t' 'has, ~ ,eiid,vm~ge' that U~ c;omponent' 'cost b, less."

-F-I'g "'!Ii iI[ iI!I(I"""!-k d-i"n-m __. .... u'I-lilL'n ... .__iI,. . ~ ~.~ u ~ .... --lAa!fj~-ll. VI 11.._.' ~ ... [~1IIi

II o.rata r'

leIYsblII Oscillator 'ClrcLllt ~

Fig, 2.8 ;~bOW;9, the, ~m_1 ~la)wlt I~t-., It- ,is ,~ m~t ~hl~ cfCU:iif" '1'he, 20 p:~ capadmr in, the ciI'cu:i}L' :i5 oo.~ 'to '~~' o~la~~' s~!-'Up ~~ '~ (,~: ,&eqtrency"

- -,-,

,Fig. 2J' ;RC clMu'It

Copy rig hted m ateri al

11f1. I'



C~t~D I

I I ,

-=-~-ilI ..... x.2 .... ~ ........ -1


, .+'.5."

I -


.•• H!I:Eii:!l18f1~

__ 1 __ .......

- """"t

1':::1 . '''':8 C~JI . -IL.o. ... t. . '1'-" '---:io ·F g •. ,,,",' .. ",;, .... _. It ~I!I;. CfCLIII!I.

Edemal Clock :

Eli,flo' ·2·;i'l ,,;I,.-":'O\o'CI. ·ik""".r .1- .... , ..:I'_:: 'I OCO •. ,,,,,l\nuo:-ll. ·j""n':'iI' 0" :~.~, .,...j,a:<\.. "' ... ......._.. ... :l iI'-...~i[V ""....,,."" ..... _ 'U"""",,",, ,("'-o~ I ~.~ [,,",,_[W'~!I"l[1O.'I! ,~W'''1! !I.-.y g.r.-i!l"l"-: ~~A, , ..... iI,~l .... '.J -,I ~ ~~, ... iI[~1 .... nfl.l_~I=iiIo!lll_ ,I~~--;J,""''''-''~';' ~1IiW.'!i.I_1Ir.11 ~ clock ts· a.PP']ied. a.~ X:,!. :~.UI"t !lM. X:~ ioplH':is kept" '~-

:2,,6 Reset 'Circuit,

I~ ~r·. ith~ -PC-: -=;'"". .... iVIif'IifiIU ·w'~~;4a. "'3;,j;~~, .i:1i:'a. !In,(JIi';: ~ ;i!ilila.'Oil~~e ~"o!io :t'-i":""'t-' .~ioo;~~~

v.~~, ~,~~ ~~"1IIr ~ " .. ~!~ ~ !Uv.U1Wl~L.l ·.·_III~ •. I1;:_'~1 'WA~-~ ~~,I!'r. ~ ~ "_A~"Ir!l •. , l~~_ ~~;~ , iiJl!'~'~~~~1

"-- ..... , .. -"'1-"'1-""".." ~' Fer pro- -per- - ......... ~ "1'P-"1'd'i ,_....~ ""~p!l~ . '1 ·m .. ~""t-· 't..~_ 'Il. __ 'L.:I ~"'-'\Ii' e"""" .. iIo, ·~Ill~. ·-t' 'i!lil

,U;-UcIllJL UclJ~).-;;.·~~.c.L. . ',',' .l·~IL!U!' ~u] • .IL..,....h,; .I.!L~II. 111" 11 . ,I. J.uq. ~ ~ l ..... 'I'T- ,[Lu.iJ. U!L. ~. dI

- , - '_' - - ~ - - '_' - - ~ - - ~ -:... - - - - - - - - ~

"",11."..,.·i., ,C'V"-']- DC: .'i'f'ii:;. ... , p- '-~~n .......... ~ "';,"""",I.~;t· be 'III'''' AI ,...... ~CI.· • ..." , ...... ,a,po'I..::.".,.,.. '0:' ,~. t:~t· ';:",Iij~'~

~l\ "',J ~- .1IrIJI!r. ,~,~;w;, .·!i.I.l~.'!III"-V. , . ",I~~J ~.""':~III.III. !I;- IU!I.;.i _I3Ib'~, wu "'-"!l.D.wa~J ~""'!I.iIIUcv.J.iiw. -.1]' .[~ ,1II.I:w::. ........ ~IJ

~- ,~- ... ..::I~ ~H'~ .~C)' "'Ii '11i'ji· ~'.""~-~ .... iili,.~. t"iii"!i1I' ~, ·...., .... t-· ...l! "iI' ,:"-r.Jii'i., ~iTiIi_'1 'iiiJ ,C: ~-_.~\o~ __

~.'~L ~~ ~c __ !I n!Cl!~ ,~,~~ ~~ ~ f'r'~!'!;;-~~!! ~~:., ~ ,,- __I;1.i- W),y;~ 1~1·~_jL ~~ . ~ y.~~

J1Ii".T~te • "D C 'Va11m8 'mav' V:lVI"U' a-n 'to !I"iflUUH' :l!iUJftn]V 'ramJl!" ~'II"i, 'liiill'U!{\

\,~"'-"" ~. '~"" ... -.->. ,'. '!' .'~~ -'~~I :_. ,~~'.:r.~'~ -·;r.·~·:~r' .1 ;t'. l~ _r .1 _Jto

upoo, powet=.~i' :RESE'l IJNi' ·must· ~. lo,w' :fur :IIit least· Ultns aft-er :miinimum 'Vm: W,

~ ~~~ ~!;:.!.s~S~;~!~U~.!:,: ::.:::::

'lhe~ :SystEU1. 'Un.e~ dii.'ode ~ I~ to di.sclmr.g:e .l11te, 'capaci'mr iDltmdsitely W~. ~ :i!Supply is switdled Off."



.... ,

- -~;'1 ~F

Copy rig hted m ateri al

A.ft~1<R1ESE'I' ,iJli'iiDi:t 'I_~--!ll~ I~' in '1'lIf'!' :r-~L~--41 ... il--~:,' '~""' ~'j"ili"C' ;iiI,~-,~ 11"""'£;-, ,,'-,; ;f,;o;. , , ,,' , _ ,_', ;I ~ ,~ 1iAiVV",,_, ~,~ ,~~""", _ Wl:ii"'~ iUJYi ,"",eilIl5 ~~ ,"~",. ,:&:,,~ ~Iag. ,P';:_O:re goD;\'_g M.!'

~t'e in~rt' ~c;e routine~, H- is ~ess~uy ~'O &em, ~ pa.n~~, r~,~ to exew!te m.teU'Up~ service mlll'tine. T"O m.termpl to OCClll1r.' befIM'i:tl! Clompl@tron 'OlE the5e :inHiial! ~mrom.et1!i- a~er i'!i.'i/U • ...., I"'""" ~r ~."l', '1i"-~ ,fl}jJ'~-£l-'-"--l- ~~~ ......,.,..ilj--l a J- m ..... ffijjn~.,

-'~~' ~ ~ ,~" ,,!1,I~ __ ,Ii' y"",,~, "",!o~ 'O!_ ~J~..... ~"'I' ~.~ =iF ~~OP ;Ji5 !Cj~~~ ""'" "",_~~e ~ ~~ __ ~ ',Ii' '!;OlI,

:~l' 'CiIm, be enai}J'ted 'b,y' m instructiun after' :inHialJ 'setMgs.,

,As, W~ ,Dow h~1 Mh!r PO:W'~' 'Up or ~t ~8.5 fe~s, :i,~, ,6~t- ins~tfo~, ,fro;m, [~H add~~, .. , ,and :it has ltD be 'tme' ,fim:'st insb!IJ.cti.m1t lfr,o.m momJtor.· :pro,gram.., 1'EtereIDre :ErROM ,~ng' of morn!Ior pro~,am, mrus1 be loaded fr:om ,z;d~ OCOJ(Hl: In ,my 8VSS ~~J; ~teJ~!~

2. 1,.'1~ Types of' lideiTupis

'T:M:8Q8S, M$, m!J'I!j[jl(iW;elli:'i!tE~n;t ,-~m_ If !&tFt'!O;~, ~Ol ~ ,yE lntermt"l!k;

~ .. - ~~.- -~."., ~~ .. =~=~ ..... ~ ~~~~ ~""f'~ ~J'~~~. ~~ ·~P.f··~~~ .... "rJ'F~ .. ~ =~"'~~'~Y"~

,ai, ,Ham,ware b. Sod.hv:are

:Hud,w,I:1'e' :' So.mB pins on, 'Ilhc :8085 dow 'pcripuraJ deviee '1.0 inttm'U!Pt' '!he mmm :pro,gtam, fw; ]/0 ope;tatiDill5. Wh.ell, ail, :in~p1; ~" tie 8n85, mm,p'1etes 'the' ms~.dton H is ~ly ~~' and, '~fu:rs ~ program ,~~!O!l ~'O ,~ ~ro~dn.e ~t ,~ ~ :periphe.ra], d~. UpOFi. 'oomp,letion ,of 'the' ser.v,ire :wutine" h MPU rehm:1.s 'to the main p~ These 'types oj :WtemJpl:si wrutte' ,M:N)' pH are 'used, to :rE:a!Il"e :in~ert.upt' :~j ,ME' caJ1___,ed 'hud,w.ue~ inte:tnl;p"

Solitw,uc:' ~ In 5iIlfiw'Mie :~trumpts, line' eanse of ftl.e :~renu,pt, is an ~tim1L 'c-i '1lIe ~1ini:dion. 'IheBe, are ,Hpecial iiumxctlDm s~,pnn:ed by the mj.Ct:Op'~. After' ~~ of' ~, ins:b:'u~ mria~or' oomple~ '~' ex"eCUtiOlm! of' h hiIs~oo U: iJ ~t1y' I~b.g: and, ~~ ,~, 'p~,~ OJJ1if!rIOil 'i{ll h :submu'Wte program, Upon oom,p'1'eti.OllIJ .of' 'the' execWi.on of the S1ID:mutine p:rogr~ :pmgrum oontm:l. ~ 00 'the' mam, p,rn,pot.

21~'.2,'," [0'" U1II.-51'1 '-I~""",I'rd' '1i!!~·'IIi.tu~[

lil J ~: • "TVI a ' .I' ...... IJ Ii 'W1t"1i ~U.IUj~" "- .I;ll[l;ll

%,"' .. 2.'~ H.Mdwtifl' tme.mapts in, :8085

'The' 8085 Ius :fiWl: hatrd,w,are' mter:r:upits :

1. 'mAP' 2. RSI' 7.5 3. RST 'fLS ,4, R$[' ,5.5 5. INTR,

Wh~ an;y of these pl~i except: INTR.I' is; ,~cti,v~ £:be ln~ control dradt~ ,of ~: ,8985' pJ'od:~ a 'CALL '~~ ;a pred~t~dJ, ~ :~Iion. 'DU:s :memo.ry [\aic.a~ where 'the'

,-' OIL.. .- "~"",' ~ib;,,",,,,,,, ., . t~ ,J.'" ~ -, ~ ] ~,,~ "tj. - ", , ....... .j ",",", ... 'L, ''''~!Iln.~~'~-'I'.r ""'"'"'" ... ~~iI=jI ,~.~ 51iI.11I.f!!JU"'U;I,e ,~\A.LI~ ;rn, ;re,l'C::"~ll:\,ll, ",,' as"'!O")~L "Qtii!(, ,go. !A.iU"",, !:Ji~;~, m'~Il'lU;p,Io-il!' """,l.,; """,",:IIIIJI.~'!.~, .~ ... ,", c~,~~~,

mf«rillpls. The l1'ITR 'is 1nOl' ~ ved~~, m~~,I?l'. It ~,,,res, the ~ lof the $IIlb:roUiIlme' from, h ~~ d~.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

i'nplil pin

clhid:G:r [!~



!RS]' '1.5 1nH;fiii,.ip't ]I)----o___.!1


[ 'M,?,'.5

R;S,T 1-1 ---------4-,.....~

6.:5; [ ' ........ ~~~~_~

Q:I ~niTi.:IJjt' 'm iI!IMbi81


,G -:JI L, I INTRir--~~--~~~


'GM R$'li" ooCe 'Roltm

EI~!lf!a1 1 lhard;.W,B19 '

~L _ ----- _I

liRAPJ ::

Copy rig hted m ateri al

·l~~p·~~·r~·*·IJ8.~""'~~ilil- ~1'iII'"

.. ~'MV11~1.- .. -.. .!IiII'U _ ~~l1Ium !IJiiI:iI u,r!lil!HiiI! I. I

'\IIi'" It.' &-;!I! '11·;"

118"- 'M'I

. . '. "

.,' . .: . ~ -~ -, .:.~' -I ~. ~. - -=." . ~ ~

.. 5 . ~pmcellOr

I '11.

' ..... : ~' CAilJ. OO,2.4H



... ~ h - iIo .... ~ 'p- .... ']~ !j ... '~~. .a ~,., ~..:I " ''1i'''D oil "I) ,., 'I "" iIo1l.~ [)!E\li n

.~, ~UJ~'\!':n ,~ 'I-l!l~' ,~; Jg" z ,~, iLl,~ :pOOll"ll'lfe' ,~~ge [()~ ,~ ~ .. ; Sli~~~ :m~ YN~ ~.'. ~~.'p.,~~op~

'f.i~we.v'~" du~ ~.o 'the A:N.'D ga'~, ~t :is IltOOlll'88iDry ,to 8<UStiiliin m,gh, lie¥el en the: 'Ti:A:P' input. Berel are 'Me way,s to, dU1r 'TRAP :~mt~nupt :~

~,. '[B,y' :resetlin__g miaop~~ Le', ,gtV'JiHg' a. l{fw ~lpa], 00 :K_EShU IN :pi"m (E:d:~~l ;signa:1).

'''Ii 'jI!I. ~ ~.~.... . 'h',.,;L ''1j'D .It 'Ell A "_1f ... ·'iIIi;l'1'T 'E'I"'V""I":! 11:....... ']" ].)

"". pY' SI,~g ,Bi '.'""'bl;j, l:H~ ,,[ N:'II.Vn ._,l:.~~ 'l;,il'liu;:;rna .sagna "

Aft~ '~,~tion cd' mA..P iritenupl" 8085 irde~ny ~a;t:cs a hi:gh. !RAP ACKNOVlLEDGE; 'which. clears 'Ilbe ,flip :flop. 'Oiflc,e the' mAP :Is a~bowlecl;~ 'thel 8(J8.5 ,oomp:leltes :its a:arrent' ins 1nI.d1an " U: thml pusfues 'fhe address 'O-I- 'tb.e' RexI:' lin.1ilmct:ion i.e" '~, a.d~ ,onto the :stack od :I.oo.ds PC with the iflxed. ~t: add.1Je5S [~4H. Diu.e' to dUs;,. 8085 s~, exemn.o:n of instrudtimlt5 :&om, addI:ess 'OH2-W Vi.h, 'is ftle a~' ad~ or [1m, :mtmu,pt: servtce routine ,iQl(' 'I'RAf',

'n'!C"'Il" ff '5, .. ..-;.. .. n~ "ll' I::' :iL·' ............... ~p~iI-' ~'':I "', ;i"wil1"' ... '1l,. ... '1,,:1'" ;r.;t ..... _,'.t:I;!- I~ .... ' ..... , -L'i .. "", ~ hi;&~fi,;f;t

~ ~l ".~.. ~ ... ~In= ~l~l F ~ _.j~~_."ll""; .\. IIftJ '~ "_.J~_~, ~ "_.lll~_.l.l'~,t".,~ ~~ ~:~ y;~ : _ .... ='~:...~ ' __ ~l~ ~

.,.....i;N".:j"ikJ!oA.~, -', .... ~.~ :h... F:li.::t_ 'l 11 1] 2",- ,~", tvi .. i'Ii·~ .'-i!! ... .t,_, ,L.,i0"_~~] ,-_..::I .., .... -, 'p""""'~iiJ;.'r ,-.,:Ijae, ' ..... ',."..iIH'iI'

F.&~~~l-"' ,~ ~ "I· -"~ ~,~~'tt. Ii~,~ r~~Il.:_"'C_' [~~ u: .. ~~ ~ ~ ,_'~""''''!I';, ~'~;&(b~ !I;,&~~

~ ofij ... -~ ·-k:tiI ... 'i~L.~ 'i'-~~ ,Ii. .... n__j)jl:'~ lii.~-. ,~'~~,1 " ... , .~ ... t""''''~ hi., ~~~'-'ii~ _~j, ,.~if'h .. .,. ChI _" ;I:U,~ In _ '1UiI.1 !UY u,~ , ......... iI!I,p- Dnull, !Ii .. I:!I, 'Io;J,~ '";,, ;:R!-J,'~,!I'V'RIi'lii' iIi'!ii'oiJ'lii!lo, Wil'1iIi~1O ~IJiB

~ or l'.y :i1tl!~.y geuemte"d, ACKN"'OWLEIJi!3E :~~ .

............. ,~,,:v,i:il .;i!in1uil~] ""'rio ,~",,- '~ [,",'.Ie' ,t:I~'"1' ;C\CI"'" ,I(li;o- .. , '~, iI~.p'c ,tiiOfi_ I;t; i'fk"'" ........... L, Wt, M 7-1::'

"lll;~ ,~-:w: __ •• ;"'b ~ '!k ~'CI~ ~_~~)'""_~ ~ .• !ll !IiI,~ 1~1.L ",,~ .~_I. ~..... ~.~ ~ ,I]~:: 11:_.I ~.' . _~ l~l!tlr. ~.~ ~ ~. ~-.~ _. -!r.I!

" •. e 'Ie' 'ib~ ~',tl' ,j .. , ~~~-'! .. - .. ,;.1.._ il~iii[lIil~ ~ilfiiJ~ ~""" ....... ..,__,.. 'i:>'lo.,t..:o"~-r- '1"+ ,iIo'lf-~ 'nm:'~ '1lhB

ID ..... I~ .~ ,~J.l t,ri;;}. l~ WIU~ UILtSII ~ '!I.·!J.;~ ~w. ,.W.lll~l~' 1Illl!Hil!U.L~~~ _.~ YiP.:II1.F·I":' ~ __ ' _~_'

ad~, of' '~ :~t, wtnldion cm1:o 'the' :!!Jlla.d, ,and 1oa.d8 PC: wilt ~ :fixed ~m:' ,1}d!.dres5i :~....-u. '~, .. a, i...] ,i~,:!;~ !ltlfilllll::; 'fiI~i,n.~ ~~n-iii' ,,,,,J:' ,:,;;;.ri-.;;;,;"";':;Fo.n;Oi, 'fto:m ,~.;iIld .• I.._;r;, :~""'H 'w'l:'d~ :b;, ,i'li:'~,

~~~. ~1~ ~ Y~.JI ~'~_Ill~ _, ... _}w..~.I. ~~ ,~m-1d~Y!v .. !IiJI! ·~l· .. _ •. J ~.~~ ~_~ ..... ~~~~, '~_ ~!~

:5~' mdre:s& at !1m h\tet',l~ 5ef.Vl'ce :ooutlltl.e! for, RS'I :;.5"

:01' 60S, ,od, ,UT. ss ~ 'The' :MT ss and It5J" 5.5 'bo,th aTe' :~eve'l 'mggered" '~-

·'~~;.'C""'~_ c. 'k.-, .'~:~ ~1.,......~ .'~ .• ':~. "':rr--oIJ' "-- ~"t-.-.::~ -- '4~ '~iI:!T' ~.II:[ ii;-... ,",'b..~ ~'i"\d '-'--;"ii'l~' W'L ............ - m~ .. !.'I:p~ call LIII: ma5_IY:Y, l.lSlQg "'.D'rll:. UilSin, ucnen, ,L ue ,~'& Q.;;;.!I !nI!llS, I.!l;Yo'! l~~' c__ ~",r. ,,~~~,

'~ c: Ie' '1.;. ... "'" i!Lk... ,L....;~.~'Il.. '1'!I..I""";::ru, 1!f'L.... v~""''-'r'' "'d..l-c..:.:.:.c ,n,:I! DC"T' j(!I::: ~.,:ll DC"T' IJ;: II:: ~'iiD f'iI'iji~"'u ,~l;l ~~ ,l~ UU:: IUu.cI,~IUIl ,rlll ........... ~ .. J. ,~J:iUWI ... ~~_. .. ~~_~~, ~i ~.... Qiii7 [!iU;M l~'''l ii1,~ii.\Il ~ILII!r. ~-~

,and 002CH '~vety', ,A~: :~gniion, of RS'r 16.~ or RS'f ~,$ httm~ SimSS CGmfi!.etes, ib ,~ 1ruI:tmd:lon.; :~, the 8d~, '0:1:' :next nlnuti.on, onte[ h 5ta.~, ,M\d load~ :oc 'with, [~' ''''~ku· ad\d~ress.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

[ ...... _ ..... . .. ilL MI-' . ·..._,-II D~ 1I'!I1!'IWoI;""'ip~Q1' a .. crocomuu 81' U., ..... IU

2 ~111,


OftG511.n .. -. . .... - .. - - .-, ovo . III"-improcenor:

IINliR '; INTR. :is, a mQbbl1e :inot~pt. b'l;l.~ ~t ~ ~O~' i!n~,flU.p'1. :~t: ~ ,~, I~w~t:

Frlo:rity. The futllow,mg ,sequJrn.Ct!' 01' ,even'!!:, ODeJIll' WMn, lNiTR sli.grud ,goes rn,gh.

'1. The: 8(185 cl!!gclc;s the; ~~ta~ of wm ,s:i~j ,cl!PM_g e,~ecuti01i'f1, of eaCh, ~lr.t!;I~n"

2" If IN1"R S-lgniiliL is hig}\ 'trurn ,80.135, eompletes Hs (;U!nr~~ mslruclion and! sends an

•. _" '~I_I

- -~:, 11_, ,"...... . .Ii, 1- '"', ...... .,,] J1i1'i.'lf'f" A ') :,' ~'L._ ,', iI-...._,. ~ - LI_..!Ii

acnve lV'W' ll'IiK:lT.IIlp'i; 8,CmOW,~,~' Sw.i:.:., \,.a!J.iI[ ... ,El,_ U u~, liI'Iiu,'"IlJ.'Ii.:LPIi IS, enarimUl .•

,3. ,in, ~l?~' to the OOA' ,!'!i~D-i ,ex1em~llogic; plaees ,In .. , ~dion OPCODE [lim, ~ daila 'bus" m ,~, C~ ,~J :r,ru;JJlU'b~'~' butr.u~ ~dd&tfonal '~te:rru.l?t: ad";n;QW~ :m.adUn.e ,cycles aw g~~amd, by ~ ,8OS$ 'b) 'i:nn:sfur the ,addjti~.nM hyrfcs intQ[ the

4,. ,t"'iIi..... ~.'~"'ii.:t , .. ~~, ~ ...... i-.;;;,i~"'i'i'i; t4-"" [ilI'flC;lii: :-,-V,--: ,~1:t_.., :-..l_.j~-_~: ,..._--. ,: ...... ~~,...i-:i;o.;;'lo ,... ...... ,"'- .... '1., __ ~~ ~I!:I;,;'I;,I!_'!'~~, y~ .'IU']lU,:!OII!I.~., .... ILI,I!; ~ sa, _ \e5 !LIi1~ a'"It'!.U;~ OJ, , ......... , ,Do""'''''' ,""!I.I,'iH~, VU Qi~

,~~~ ~~~""""" '~·IV, .... .41 ~'iii'jj,~" .. ..:;f>To

~M~lHJ-~.,·.,., .l~~ 1IIIi'..., ..... !IW\.."I~"~

.......... ,.' i"f"L._~.:;~:n:y ~'L_ ..-}.".~~._11 1'i'\'Cfiil'" ......... 'p'I'''''''''', :"'''''Ij!' :a..""~~~.......,., ,-",~_,.1i.", ..... 'n liiL_. ~ ... io~. bus m'":·,

Iit,v_., ,J.Ji~~~llJ.l '.' ~ ~~ ~_'!"!'~."!"'!!' ~~ _' ~~~,~ ~~IJ' ~~~,~I!r.~~~ ~JI!i! ~'-- ~ ~ ~hJ!~ ~ ~ ._=

'~,pOfl5e W '1i1_e 'wrA However~ oruJf CAll. ~, Rmr eedes sa,ve (he oontmti's of tbe :rc: 0l1L

~ ~ .. t- ....... ..:i ~ ... 'L 'E!"""(nl"m "' ....... ;1;.. ... ,:1 ' ...... 11,1,._ ;c-:ikro-"j"::"'-- "..:i;:l~ l~'~ QI~~, IRI;LU. U''lIWIK.;ilI, ,rtlli'!i.ilO'.IM_' J !!i.~"JI._LU I ~;\JI iU:1£: d'-u'u' ".- !IrIIUJf~ !M1.tUiI~r.

D ... ~ n~,Ti i' .....i:- ~",_,I '. 'i,~ ~',__--; :.,,-.;-~--:;'_.I d,.· I....,.i~ iI:'i'I-~-, :"'0::0 ... ~;-on;Ji"" ~"i"-"I' ..... 'IT "'1'''~ 01- '

~~I....u IIU,I- ~ 1 _ U U~I I. .1]' ~ ~~~ ~!W',~ ~~ ~il; ~_~~~~ ~~~, ~.;l. ~'~'

do .... DC'T' ,:;n~I;iro~....;:.r.-;,;, 1'DCl" If)! ~ 'iffii~ "", ~1i.._ ... 'ilii('lQC' 'iEi.'.,,'......... ~l,. .... , "",",_I,~;b; r.;I: -l),t"'I "", ... il-r., ,~1i;."""' .......... '(., '~il" iU;R:. ,~'.L ..... , ....... , .. !;.--TlilUJl~, ~~,L. U - ~I.I .L J.i lJj,'UI:.,. (nJ.o:~~ ,rl ... .::wlrc;::a. g,'UC '_'~-.L~!\!I..i:I' v_i C'\-, ~_L.~~ !1i.lFU= ;'1WIiI_"'~" ,~"

'therI, bI"It~ 'the~ ptOgtam control tOI the '~Q,i' admess of We '~Dd~' :RS'I' :irud:ructCon.

Ftesponsa mr C'AU. I:nsbuciJon ~ 11 'the' exJremaiI, ,d)ev.ire pla~, ,~, o_pcode ~ CAU, ,~1l;rucijon ~ ,8085 ~[~~, ~o :m~~ I~kd[~ cycl~"

~" U ~ an, ,iicfive :krw m)~pt ,ad:;nowled.(ge' ~l ~ 'time.

2.. g, '~;;e -to' secoDdJ INT A ,sl,pL ~,ten;W logi.c pLa___ees, the~ lQW'et', byte, address £m:' 'the CA[';'L i.nstnu:tiQn~

,310 Afl@:r ~g :lo~' ~y-te: ;adld'~ 8C85 ~ :the' thin! mrteml,pt ,adGtowl~,~' ,sip.

,.AI 'In.' '~"U': F ,al!-~'-.:I nJI"i'.' .ri"'!T""' .. '1 oCL- ... iI-~_l 'I ......... '{'! p'I_....,; il,1,.- ilf,iinh ... '~~ .:;;..:id'-;ijCioiiIii: ,L;..-.

.... , '.~,_.,.' . l~_V ~iUl1ll U:".I\.B IINILffII~ ... ~~, ,w~ .,UI_ .... .....::P. U'JIIi: IIi~Ur.Ii ~:}' ...... _ ...... lIIt~ I,VI;'

Ole C'Al.!. i.i:"\sblw:liDfi.

,5. Afle:r 'mce4vm.g m;teen rDit ,~, :for CALL. ,80&5 :p~ h ,amtents O'J' h PC 'lmito the' :stad; ~ '~r~ 'i::he :poo,panl [crou!trol to 't:Jne ~1!lbt"ou~ w~ ~d~ is :~Vid ,bnt ,~, 'EPCtemal, ,[tog'e'.

Eu~ ~ The Hg'. :iU3 sihOW,1 'the' dD,gram oj' logk; that: ghr'e!!: h ,[RST 7 ~dion, lopcode' on in~pt adnmvledge'.

~W ~c (!Ot~~"s a b1~~b!' __ ~uff:er. w~1ih '!;he, 'OOA :signal in Q:~ 'to, place ,2m, ~ for RSJ '1 iNlntldlm.- 1l!.@' INTA :sp~ hm ~: ~ :~ ~, as an Output :~ si.,gUlI$' h buffer u 'W~ll. WI, ~ ~ £Or :1) 1ip1 fl., The ~t :f-f:om,

8le ,VO [~~ ~ ~~, ~'_l~ '~' fU~~,fI,. 'tol 1h~ lNlR 'I'M'. D mp ~~ ~ .~ 'tQ hold, the ,~ ~ ,high. 'W'lJ,tiil, :8085, ,~VC5 ad;na.w,led,ge aignal. 'l'he INT A ;sip,

h't: ill, ~ ,em.dlles, 'the tri-state 'huffel' wilosel data :i:npum ,He :hatd~ ito lv' v.:iue'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

iW5A M~opl'Qces;sor

1 I

"'""""" ................................................... 1 ... 01 .... ,. ..... RNet""lil·-·-'"'". -. .... [0 .... : :---- __ I

; II...;! RM;lUHI. iftcn'll

!(J!LI";:-' l_-':_ 1\1'0 :d:eVlce 'rGr

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____ I



, I:N11R

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I~TC'~ - -lP--;, "" 1'"

""""'~o:.!l ,...... 0:1.~ -.. ~.:ll·' ". ,'~i:'1'T 7' ~,. _' - ..... ....:..._ TL_ iCii'lQC . - - - - .~........ ,Ii"_~..., ~.. ..:Iil~&' ~_ W !LillO:: !lJpli;VU.~ ,l'i,Jt ,Ai;J', . 'I;"''-.L--.L.LJ Il1SUII.I .... 1llU..II1. ,J-.ut:: cuoo lleCeh'lO"ill' IlLUZ ~!Ir. '!;Ii ...... ,"f!i'

.:.-. ............ pt . .:. ... ll...o.-~~.L.~!ItP C'V,""""" A'. 4",-",:" ~v:mE:l!" .. t...., ,~... 'IHKII':; 'n,·~~'t:--~ ,",1f.~ am'fll:nb, of .lli1N!l:ilJ.~. , !II.~;NfnI·'U:YL~' __ ''; .. u:::~ ,,_L~ Illlllr.'''':'!Ir_:ll-r. _1=-01 y;~ ¥r-~¥-II!;; ~ ,r·I~~ ~...: _-_ - - ~._ ~- __ ~.~

p-ro~, ci:UU:\~· ,~t» '_ 6;~ 'thus;,g tihe :rdum ~. :It ti1.en ib:andu.:s 't1M:, nmar.3m ii:ctntrol ,to ,~ a;ddress 'OO38I3i' n:1iedo:r address or RST' '7'iI Tab1e 2:.1 sl:wws the'

,f;"='''''c!"'- -.- C_· ,·_ , __ " ' __ ' _. ' _-' ·_"c· - ,[~y _-- _-" '.~ .... ''- eLI)'. " --,' - ) .-'- - ,.--'

~urlnm:i[rv ot '1:.-~:~q'G~ ~1I"I~'I'n"" ':;>11 >l:lAiQC

,..., __ ~ . ., . "I ,[!UI..I"U.'.!'f!'~''\;;r. .&iI;!l.Yi.;,a,LiI;'!llliy!lii1! ,LlI.;!Io ~r.

,I 00,24, HI

:! V~'MI'drHll

Iis..;i' - oiif,u rnO:.I1",·



RSlIi' 5:.5

Copy rig hted m ateri al

108" .E' M' .... - - -; o;n_ ..... "!' ___ iOII __ J..._._ropl''I,_I!~~1

2..7'.2.2 ,Soflw;aM Int8i'i'tiipts 'in 8M5

''jI'''I:.- !QII'\CIC' 'L, __ , ..,i,;::r'h" """"f-""., ........ ~""oii"''''''''''p4-. ,iL,,,,..... fi~ lfl, ,i;-,. ,~~, f"j '~-, ~,~.n.ib._ .",.ll.,ll_", ":or' -' .Il,Jlm ~I ,~ ~~~ '" ~·,!lWLl:a.I~ ~:L~I;L~,~,.i'~ ~L~ ..... !~ ~.IL ~ w.' ,~.1 ,([I, .!.Ii,~ .~~~~,~, [I;.LU~,,~,~, ,I):...

1h_e:5e' mtte~p~s can be caJcuLa'red. as fuUoY{S.

mf@rr.tI_pt:'lbil!i' x 8 :.Ii ~ ad~

!For pample ;

-5.x: ,8 iII:: 40 ~ 28,Ff

,', 'Vector ,a;dJd~ for :m:~errupt' RBI 5 is, OO~BH..

"I"i.._ 1"(11..'11..:1,_ !"!I !"i _",__._, ~'Il.._ iI- ,C; ,_~'I ,., J:....-~ iIo.r.

U:~ ,J.ii:W.Lt:!' L£ snews 'u,~' V;OC.,Qf ,al;l!~~:Ses 'I!)!,J:' 4\L!, m~~,~pl~.


IRSf 4


iRST (5,


2.,7.3 [Masking l' Unmaskling off :lnMrn.lpts

,,As m:mlttial\ed ,earlier ... ma-s'k;a'ble ,mte:n'upts ,iim!i' enabled, and dlB.a:bled 'Under, ,COJ1Ifb:rit In this ~, we' will[ see :h.ow' interruptB, can be ,maslOO or ~ 'wln8' :~~ oontrot 1'het,e He' three :in:3tritcll.CIm, 'eed ,fur'~ I ~ of :inteii'Uipis :;

1. :m 2;" DI' 3,. SIM:

EI: : [Enabls, hiltenupt

'lbe :8]: ~~, sets 'ifi.e in~,e ~~, ~,p.,t1op,. ,as :Show,n m, :Fi,g., 2:11. ThQ RST' 7.5 'RST 6.5 '1ST 55 miI.d "WI'R - -- -- -'-ibled ---"-- = E.1 "--·crnuctio.--

','- ., " '.,' ','_-,j' , •. :, .,.. , ) '"' ,', ,:iliTe ena., " UlSliJ1I.g - . , 1D5,., ~,_I_. D~

.It: :is 1cl<portant' iQl note th!2it when ;:my' :mteJ"mpt is, a~]OOlged; m:~ emW:le ,Wp ftop ~ ad d_lSaD'1eti ,l!!U mtefliiJ,p:ts, lEO] ~bfe :i.n~pt '~ ~ ~ It :is ~' to ~'OO :m ilrts~, -within in~mlF~: ~~ :r'01Il~'.

D1: [DIUb1e l'ntelnJpt

The DI im;~o-n reset& '!he' :~te:rrupt, ]~bJe ,mp ,Oop .. as ;6'hOwn, *n, :lfig" 2'1.'1... 'Thus :it

~h~ RST '7.5, :iST 6$, RS!' 5.:5 ,~ nm., ~. ...

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,81M' ·S·:: .... I'....... I .... M~·-' .~ ~_~~~ " .. I!!I" .uwnr• _.!IS ...

1bi.9, instrn:u:!iion is, 'Used t~l~: inmnu,pt ~!k, and! to 6-elldl sed~l (l,utput, It,~ h

oon~;t:.r" 11;'L~' ,o::."""'li:-.:nI"~"I-iI'~ ~""'; ~:",",~""f'~p_i .,...,.-n'~,,o:>!'l 'lfW1o:-; ..... ...:11 ,<>~''''11 =1 l.O.·. ::' 'nn"iIo_ 'jIi"t-,'I • ." :I'iIo' .. co, '~'r'Il ..... J~~JI;3 u"-Jl .il!i.- .... ,IIA;.II,L~JLU.lliIJII_'I.I.'JI, ,"v II.:JIll&IC,L~,U,~,.1 ..... 'l.II.I,II~,~.r !""v.c'l..: D.I.IUJ 1~,1.LI1IJ r~· .... ~.-j;[11 JJLEiL'1I.II.I;I! ~-= ~ -'--'~--~--'J.

'to' l\oaJdl :ap,pf-<l.priate I~OIil,tm.lS :in, ~be aocumu1a tct" be£me ~ti.on, -ot' SW: mstrm:ti.on.

2'~'7 A Pe;ndfn,g llnterrupts

The, ~adJ m~,pt: ~sk4 ~ '~~ti$!} i5 'u5ed to ha1l!dle :~ing '~~Hl,:p~. It loads 'the, ~mtu.s of the interrupt mask, 'the :pmnding inl0m1pb and 'the i~m'lent.s of h ~

~t'ri'ritt- , 411-"'_' '!!i ...... ~ i[ITT"j; _ :m':: ...... ' ,1,1._, .;;, ~n:>.,.~ ,- ~ ....... ~., ]'~' IS' 'n.....,iII-~jl!--m- +-- ·m' ....... ='......... ",:1',.'''',,,, .;.it'

Ml~rH. ~l~l ,w;.,.'!!" ~...,,. . ,MJ IIj~ [ ~u.u.jw.a:u,JlJI,. .I IhaDt_!I ];, ,t'"!U'il'a.IIU'':E ,1iU . UJlJu.lU.l Ll~l' w:

in~1'f :m,as'k_. :pend!ing' mt.E~,p,13 and. set:iral ~t 'I'hme are :numbet 0,1 :i.nieHupts., Willem

QM inmrra~ '" 'I.....,j,_.: ." .... ,[ ,~~ i.t:..--., "~~rn - -;-~o~~·i,;., -~ "--' .',.' ... ~. --= I,ii:' ,iIot.~, ~'-:t,~tni

. ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ C',., ~-r" 18, ~Jg se:rv JC--t::U.. OU;L!;!cL- ,Ln, - .,' .. co. i:eC['!.J.e5!1.':11 :I'Ra:y OCCUT., ,I, Llili.!:, iIiIi!~_~" .. , ... c~

'~'1W!BiI- ;. ,~II:' 'l..i ... 1-, ~:'ifv. ill'i'i1iD'~ i.""t"=~,~~,-,~:,~-- ~,-,~;,~- ....... -] ...... , -lilt""" --:~,~~;-L....j ~'"t~titi, ~ __ ~ ~ Ig!I are w, ,~~,~ r, .. on'~.11 ~ .... >Ii,RilIA,;liI~ ptO:gt'iIIm oo.Ou,W'" "'-iI UiIC ~l:1;:U, iIiIl~_,,,,, "'c~

serviGe '00 ldines;, ht 'When, 'the, in~,t req~esl5 are of :tawer :prinliiyi' 8OB5 stores, the infQ:t'maJti~n ~t 'I!hese :~tenu,pt: '~t6,' ~ in~j u.pts an' ca~led, pmdmg ,ilmte:n:U!pts, ~ siahJ.s oJ'~: in~pb c. ~e :ll'lQl!'dtQn~d. ~~ RD4 insbudicn.

2.i 11,0:" Memory ,and ,S".ternl Buses

We ~ thBtl' 'the Ollmtlrail, 'Unil~r memory' ~t and :VO 'uM't are Ole hell\dwat:e oom~15/modules ,00J'the: ml'fip.1.1Irer. They wotJ\;;, t~ with ~Wtg' ,ead!, othet ~ mVle :paths f~' ~' the :mmules 'l-o,gethEt'. Th,e ,coll.ecl:i,QD, of' paths ,~I:b:.'1 the v81iOlllS mod., is ,called '~ :i!mr~~n, :i!!l~', "fh@ dCiSlgn Qf '~ 1.rttm~lion, ::dr.uCitme 'will depend ,on, the ~clumges tlitat: :mmd~ be ,made '00twmn, :mod~, ,A, group of ~., cde-Ci, bus, :is WlEd. ro provide :~ s:i,gruO fOr oo-ifiiI'Ill:triC'aD~ '~, modules. A bus '~lt ~, ma~Of; oo.m.puter: oomponeIil.ib;lmOO,t'~ (CPU~, '!Iljl,eau:u:YI I/O) is Wled, a 51,Hem 'buj" 'The s~tem bus is ,~ ~l' of mndudGm lull' oo,~ 'the' CPU", ~ry and, I/O m.odules. Usu~il[y~; 'the 6!yslmi, 'bus is sepa.I'-a}~ 'into 'three ~ groups, :

'.' 'Data 'Bus,

,I, ,Add~ 'Bus, '.' C~tr-oi 'Bus,

_ "'ne, ~l :InkroP~r.' provides .AFJ;m ' ,ADj5 Wles as an, addftss/d:a_la ~ and 101M,. :m ,MiLd 'WI. lii1Les, ~ OOittm], lines" We have m mke, 5i:i.ppmt: of ex,tefhiil ,~kJ5

to ,gener,ate adtr$~ data, ~, OOIltool bw ~' ~ ,~ :llO ~~',.

:2'o/8~ 1 G:ene:r:atian of' Address and :Ill_ Bu., '. IDe:m:ulltipktxing ADr ~ A'D'(I;

We: bmw, 'thait A,[)~ ro ,An,. imes are ttnilti:p:Ie:md, and die :~,w-er half of ,,,,

t iii _.A :'ii '.0; _"""I~ ,.. ... ;]~... ..........l-~,.Jl~ ~ --"-, - 'T- . ...,t 01. ..... ,~- ~ ~ ""'t.: .... ~ ..... """"" !1j"'b~~ ]~ , 1..-_1i! ~i! ~".:Il...:ll-..._.. ii.

l,. ,. - ,1rrfj'lJ ]"" 'R:"'!A~ ~iAL',r; V.cUr ~UI1Il8 "1 W ULI: millUUJliI,e "-if..;.....,;' ,UlW' ,AoII_... ,(KY( w- ~~ g,

... '1 ..... 0;'0--"'m.F d 1iiriifflj;i'i' iT' ,-:";"".j'~ -~' 'iijTO,;o;, ... ~~ ...... , .... wTlCi r-- ,..~.o; ~A;r; 'l""";o;,~ J ... 'I'I;'O ....... ~ ,A'I!' ,iIRlU ~~~.',,. .~ ...... ' .. "'O' ,&2 idiIiW ,I,~ 'U-Ji, iIiIIIooAA;I,Ii! "'t- ...... 'I.U' lI'IJi;"~' !iI!,~~"' .J"!.!''''''~I, ,1&1, '''''~~~~.J: """"',

:1'10 pari. I'bis means, ~t the: ]QW~ bU' ~f an ad~ 'b~ n'UUit: 'be bmhOO :in ''Iii! of 'the :mamme' 'CJcl~, 'so 'that it :is a~1.e throU8flDUt the mad:line qrae', 'D_e, laJtclUng ,of lmvet

Copy rig hted m ateri al


'b~;i;¢ o:f' .:.-n, .:.".i_.j~", ';<:1 d~ '"'"""': ~., U<30V , ............ I"'I!iI"';~ '~,,;,;"""'L l::io~.l 1,~1Ij'j~~ '''':!I2TI.I'I,]~ ,t--_ :i:miJ;l:: 'T'i.._ '~~_ 2,'141,

,lltllil ,kII_.,. !HYIi.II_~~_~ Ih;;:P _,'UtI,"'" 1.'!!'7 ----'CI! ~_""'~~_"iIi~_~~l .~_ .... j~~l~ !MI_tl!lMl ~_.~ ["_:.~.:wl:l:'rll_' .[~,.~!ll ~ ~~~ ~~I-" ~.~~

~'L~,'iL1"" 'If\...""': :fut.ardt\y,.-, [.,.......~~ ... nl ~~. 1,,~"'L~"lIil" ~'L ... '\ow,WP"i" 'L~:If"; ,,,,,,,, :"'I!ii :,,~ ~'-~~'" L""e Iii" ''''!ilLS3~ ,~N~J~ ~~ __ ~_~ ~~. _ ~Ifr. 1I.;cW:~~j!£U'-.l!l L.i~~ ~_~R.JI_]m~1 IU_]E ;L""~~"!r.1IIl ll~_ ulJI ~l," "'Iu..\.U~_~~ JiJll". l~' l'~ __ .. !$i}.

'hs [<WIt ;s-hi,t: lattch.. MV'ilng ,8 D mp • .nc;p,;ps. ~ input ,i$'m ID tb@ output ,only w:hen,

~ll __ 'l_ ,- lk", ''- ''il7'L~,_ ek ek , ........ ,.,'(j";i,_::, u, " ,JI;,'T 1":' , • ......... ,1 ,L, ,iOi\iliiC! ....... - ... '~I"j'll'lj' .. " ...... ,.,1 '"', '~~ ,IS, ~illi,g,n. ,iIi,JiiW5 ,OC" ,S"b"WlIlo, IS iIllJLY9. u¥ ,~ .sl~&",...u!, 1I:0fl"li, ~Io ,u:11tl' ,niILi~, '~...!o, ,18

~cti,~!t;ted only durln,g T1, so mrwt is, h'!UlS~, ~o b Q\ut,putt: tm1;y dttrtng: 'fi .i'~'. ~

('A_A_li ~1:._ A'1"'Ii ib-.. AT"'L _,_lbi'~ _-'I 'L 'r_ ~'L_ • ,. ,_Il, f ~'L,_ 'L.! ... "" ~'L:i.

,~~ = ",;.yj ,on '!IlliIA:: , .l.i'~~V o.ry m~"I:I'~e,x~ !JUS. III me remiilu;ung paiu 0: me ,milicl;w;to::; ,;;'.'j:~

ALE isipal i& d~~bled, :50 wtptn of n~ 'l.iCiJtcll, I~"o ,~ A,) rellla~ 'il;to.cilao.ged, 'rOI lakh 'knNer

'L_,'~ ~~ ,.;~ ""~d~~"!" ~~l ","",,\"'1l. 'i'Ii":,,;,~l.l~.,.. ,~~'~I""" ,i'~, !Iil'MIE, MV-, .A'~'.:C' d~iilI~ ~lf.."i'" d .• !."lil'ffoti!l"' -Te, -~' ILldl.U. 'U~ ~~ ~~. __ ... ~!' ~'!I ~:~-u~ ~_.;~,U;IlI_.l~; -J-"'-~r. YiP:. ~ II!Y"'-'~ In_~ ~~_~ JL~~" ._J~l"l~l .. 1 W

~"-~i'ir;'i."i"iLeio i'"iiii']~;o;,

I~~. --_.lJ ,m_~_1 ~~.l~ ''',J' .~_ ~:"

AOIliI------·I---!-'I[Ii)~' ........ "QI",[H:?,',,'=I===Ao

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AiDl ~~~~=--I ,0-, +-~.".,.~ I""'" "~---1 ClJ!;( f-------,~' '~' '~

AI~ ====!J==\I'==i==F===I I=~= ~

Ji;.l0o!, ~~~-iIi--+---I""""""""~--I1 1-== ~

Af!)~ ==~=I:=.f"=-i,.,.,."f==I=~"""1 1---= ~

'''',Jf'iL,' ,~"..,..,..~I ~~I """', ~=I.......o"'"===l1 '

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

The, 8MS :previd0s, 101M' :sjp,al "to ~i.'caite: whether 'fhe :wll:arted, ~ :1$ fur :~/'O devi~ or f.ot, memory' de,v:i~. Usl~,f;' :[O/M ~pl ~l<mg wi,. RD ,and WR, it 1ls pos.:$blg to ~a}l1e :~te fOW" 'OOI1l[tral :si~ :::

;:;=Mmd=';"..,..··.".",'-R=. , CM!!nt!luy' lha.([j ; To read. data ~om. :mEmlLo:ryr.

',!i.~p1I<. ' . .uJ' .' :'" ,t:a.JII'"m''' oC'n' W··":;ib-.)'· • T' - ...... " .... ',..", ;II'<liJ..~ ~' .................. ""I"U' .... "'t'! ,l ... LIIY· C-'_'~ ...... ~~I:.J. ~ ~.~,~~ ,y~~ ~!I' ~~U_jIl.V-c .. ·;/:~

lOR [(liD R"l1d'~ ~ 'T; ... 'i';'[e'''''.,.:1 [~"~ ~;: '",' '~'J·.'O';.-i, :,~ •. ~:

," "ii! ..} _ ",'V' iIO .R.U, u.a)~iA, ,nOM .iii, .. !U,'~'VI.Ce.

:tOW 0/0 'Wrik)- : III write data ,m, un ,device.

f\ig" shows 'Iile' cirt:u:i!t whkh ,~,a;tes, '~, 'M1rMW:1, lOS: ~ row ,s~.


, , -

Fil,. j!'.:ft 5 _nl!lre.tioif1 of MEMR. 'Mew'. IORr and; lOW' SigMbJl

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e 0 I 1
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Copy rig hted m ateri al

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I j I [Gcindfiion [nevar e:w:~ls!, becI~, ''! 'wR llali\llh dDn noI: :1iPO' low' unuttaneeu!Sty


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11 '1 (I 1 '1
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- ~ ~ - I- i I
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i~---c:_-'_' _- je:


...,'..;iI1 iI!!, .. '~tli'i; \~'~~ll[~,.


~ ~tb 't!ilile' ~ k :Lmplem.etIoted '~' .;3;8 decoder ,as :Ihow:n, !ion Fig. 2.116.

~ 'o:t ','c .rol_-."-'O'" 01'- "" ...... ~·I _mg'_ [111["'" '~·I "'___'-r !II! .Ii ~ U ~l r.n.· III :. - . kU!'l!lUiU ... _ Ia .... 1IIiJI~. ' ~,'

2',,8..3 BU$ D,nve.

~y~, the: 8085 ~, can, ;~, ,400'~, and, 9ink 2, mA ~ ~ 1£, 'it 'Cim, d,n\ve' mlly' 'ODe TI"L load. ~~ it :[;5 DemSfMU,' 'to ~R dlnving ,ca_padly ~ ~' H85 buseI. Bus, ,dri~, ~, ,lire used 'tQ, :~ die dlriving' ,capmty' of' 'the buses.

IUnldl!:'KHoilllll Bidfera :

A$ 'we :bow~ 'the ~_dress '[ru 18, ~ ,~hlt, ~ '~~ .. 741SX4l: U' used tt'i .buffet' higrer ~~ '!mI, 'The: Pig, 1:1'7 shows die ~ ,diagram of '74ts244., :n ~ ~ eight :non.oin(\l'~'~ with m.-Jlate' ourtpu_, hdt one an S:Ink 24 :mA. and ~ '15 mA, ,of ~, ~, ~ He dMdedJ, inW two ~, 'lihe eniibUng and,

diMblil\g' of dtese ~ He «m_1W by re' amd 2(;' 1mes. ~ ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

8015 'MICfOnmc.uso:r

..... ~ ... ['-.'~ . rl " .. _" ~.~

'_,: 1~~~ ~_


iII;:~' --


To lnerease 'the dnvm,g ,cu,pad,ty' of d\aifa, bus .. bi,-d~tiowd ~r' ,Es: ~. Fig'" ,2.18 mow,s, 'h I~c ~gmm. of fie 'bi~tioo.iiil butlIer 74lI.S2l5:., aIM ,c;aUed an odaJ, bus

~~~~.!Ii"_ t~,,,~~;,,,,,,,,,,, ." , ;............... ,,", ,. ,.........:.. _, 'burp..-. ,eight f-; 1'" e.a-Ch.h~"""'~l ~ • .; .. ,:-

IIi.ldlllZrfO.'!I!I...-""~,,,. ,JJ~, '- __ 1Ia OJ; :9_Lo'!;i~,~!l non----'lRV_ ~~g '_', ~'-!~~.i' '_ -'141'" _' UJ!I.IC'I..UUJi~ u",.1;H

iIi.Ji ........... """ ""'"ftroiiull~' TL.~ -iII~~'~n of: d' .. '~' ~~ •• ~CI :-.....-1"Ii ........ 111_-.:I1 'hi:i" ,IIi;.. ... _~" -_ D'II"D U,ii)I:o._. 'lflrljD' ,~~ 'L",ofIOi'lO.; 19.-"~-!iJ~JI;C [WM!!I'.t-~._:, ,.Lt.LP.: '~~I4U __ , ._-_ '_" ~~ ,[-LU-W &.;II ';"V_.,.Ii.II,IV.lll~~ U-J. "i.n.,::1 pm, : '.'~ 'r'¥~hr"!~ ~.~_n ~ ~~~I

data ,Hows frQ:m file' ,A ~ '00 ~. '8 ib,~~ -whmt :U is, ~_GW,!' dau ,Rows from B to .A~ 'ne ,a-d:ive 'tow enable sJgmd and. 'the D:I!R, 5igrrnd ~ ANDed! 'to' ,adlva.ile h 16to lines" :~, 1b6t 'm dds, ~ ~ !Jink; :24 m.A and :~ l5 mA m cummt


!i Vee

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-S-:Di-, I

_' B, 1,8

II ~! 1:7

Ei,:j '~16

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:5 A.t,
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l tt.A on,1I:!' IS Bn

" X!~

e, At ~l~

'I O:~ 'C8IiI ilCll

'19 IE:nU1I

Copy rig hted m ateri al

2.18.A, Typi'ci!!Ilt C'oiiifilgiumdon

FI,g" ,2.Th9 shows ,~ti~ ,of ~ l8'08S, milQ;t'f;),p~f' d~tihipl~, ,~dd~,!bus and! ool'11bcO!I ;sign.aJs.

,SOD $~l ,$1


Ol$; ()IJT ~

[~'~, ~~II~n!l'..~ lR$nk~ '!HTR, IIl-I-:OWI


'l.tL:liUlI '1IC1f~1 .,..


''1~rr;~ ~ ~.t"

I~-:~('I!W: CoiIIilJlciI g,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

It ~ ~ I~, and, ~ ,6:~jw.. Ip~_,it bes whi~" !Ire t!,C,t: 'itFI" ~: are ~ded" Thi$, Is ~ beeause fl~~Iing: ~pt :~ may I~Juse' &he tri.gge.ring: 'lOl mterni;i_pt Sj_mnit~ly:j' sinee tile DMA ,~mal[er 'is not ~, HOLD be Ws aloo' ground1eiL As 'we; bow' READY i51~, lis wed, to !5fi1t'lU:oRiltei td.ow [petipbem15 'Mill tiliJe' :m_~too~; 'Wl1urn, 'it 'is Ltow:i, rni«opJl~ en~, in the 'wait $IBm and, when it is :~ it' mdiC'ates,

ht ,~~ .. , .,...,.c.;rn·""tv , ..... p-·~~!n'I ........... :l ~"" --- ... ..-:Iy.: , ........ ~..:I' , ...... ~41 ... ,I. ... 'iU ......... ~ .. P'i[il'A.r:.v i~~l ~""

~_!J .• ~~ ~~...__:!J~",[~ Will l;· .... - .. .J!I!r.-!J·~.GJl lhJ! ~~.' "-J D'C_I,ll.\A ¥Ill [.lllr.'!il'~.~~' ~!liQIl'!! l~'~~ l~~ ~~ !III!I~I;If"':-:-:~ ,~

rum bligh, ~o prevent: 1he' :m:iao,p~ from ente:rmg' 'the 'W:ait :B~te~ ,ALB ;si___g:M!1, is ,~ected 00 itibe dock; ;inpU!t of 'the' lar~ tOI latch b :tow o:~ .ad~ ;i.n 11 of dle

'm:i.,.:L..~~, iMi!",,11_e;,. "l}o. ,t'OIi!!?-,A!il ~"" ,,j'I'~~ ""t ~"" f"' ~-_.j~"""'''·:~1 LieU ... ":,, ~.lil'~lJlill:::', On i;f"IM1i~~1 &om ,~~.~.~~~ '~J.' ~~, ~l~ ... w,~· .... ~ Yi~ Y. ::1}~!U.VIII!ll v.1 l~;~ l~.~lli&U.I,l~ 1J.~1i3: ~'.~,_ l~ ~. _~'=-~ ~ __ '_ ~

- ,80&5 is ,~, [Q 'fl. :mpurt of h ~i~ooW 'ibuffer. 'Thu .. when, :m sdip, Q :lowt um;, ~ low ,and. da,b,t :flows ~ mmmory' Gr' 1/0 ~Cfi 'to '~ :mi'crop:rocess!M'~ periormin,g

:rmdi ,ope,ra'i,i'Jin_ 'iii~'i!L.~, 'RD' , .. ' S1-garu- ,'11 ~. 'it--~'g .. ,": DIR ~ ~'" 'gh' .. ,.. ... .,iIi ,d'--ak ;t'j~-- ,~ i"'"'~~p ....... """"""'"

.. _. __ .... __ ._'IO! __ '!'''~ __ .. .._ ,Iii!< ,WI;", ,. . ~) Inl.I;iI,. )I>R lww:ii ,r:I'QIW), iUJU1;,il.V .n,I"'~ •

. ', .'.. . - '.. ,

~~l ~ry or :I/O dmrl.oo pG1!f~ 'W.rliie' ~-a.if!L~n..

2 .. 9 InsluuctJen ,Cycle

'Dming rLOrnW c,p~~ 'llie: ~,~ ~Hi!iU" :f¢t~,. decodes ,Htd ,ex~'~ one lm;~on dt~ ~' 'ludffil, I~ lnaIDt :Lnstrudiom (HAL',O is, 'cxectl'ted. 'Mren, 'l!A'LT trms:w~ ;is e)ii!Cul."eCl mi~~r mta'S ;in, 'BALT state aM, R'mliN!, ,m flDt. state 'WItU reset' ~p j~, :nM !II.ctiv.arecl Upon ,aotl,vafi\oo, ,o;f HSef: spl 'micwp~ a.gam starts '~! retch.. decod.e and ~te ,cycle.;. Lee" ~ii.tnl cyt]e, 'lbh!, is mUi6b:a~ i:n, Fig,,2,1O.

~·I\nL '2 ""0' ~'~h ,d· ~"''''6. ",,_.''''--: ''''''''''''''''1"'':

Ii ._. .~. r.~, ~ . ~1IiIJI;~ VI¥IiniIIUUIir ~!I ~',.1!iIJIi

Copy rig hted m ateri al

n- "I-. - .~= ~:lI· ~pa·

II~ ~'I-' ." ..... ' __ -'. . - .it. IM~ i -.._ji"""" S....lil4JM;

. Cl'OpfOceuH,m . _ nijiI'UVUlilU'ii!lInI!II·. ,;IiIO'IiVIll!li


''1''']t-- "-....'h.,....,., d~:...... --..:I. .. ~~ - "f' , .• - ·n'i1. .': _ , ..... ~~, _ ........... ~, ... ~.......... ,..-. ,~ .... .o;III;-',..u-:-.l,~~ ,l"-, ........... '~r' . - ."".,. .............. og [1liIiLU. ~'[u,JJJ[ 0., ,:I: cS.Ifl,&,,'El: IfISu:ux.~Id.-On, '''''lli'la'U'~M::!!' !!"In I_!~''''''~

~ ~~'I!- _ ,_'k:~'i!r " - .' " il.-,t.- -' . iI- '6"·. ' -,~ :-. ..' "J.~ ,-C ~':~":::'~"'''', 'if. ...... ~[ ~' and CYCle,. W,[II.UiJl it".OI'I5IS!I03o 01 ane I~O , ,v:e ,reilill.l, 'Or Wl']M; opera!.lOU'~li,il~a,",~,~ ir~'~-~~' _ _ ~~'

m.@ri!'li'ri'iI' ... ~ :i!i:'i:'~ ~~ t'I'''''''~~.fln -'~iI: .4Di1;H:;'~ 'Ea4 ,~~ ~ m;>LT'V ....... ' [/:'O'~" l]t'li!r.atiilon m""~il~ iI!i '.U t'!Ildu'

, J "--'-'~~'J vI' _'Jpu _: .... ;PJ"f'i!JI_ '1i;I!"",'¥',,,,",~, c__: .... Iiri!,!, m~""'-';;"\l- '~,., ,. "c," :~,r;' .. "" > ' ''''1!~--' .t""""" ,. ",

time period,. ea.1Ied mI.cli.-me c:y:c:fe. ,m, other words", 'ID :mO'Vl'e' '~ -of daita i!m!. Qf ,~t o.t ,~,

~a-oproo~rj 4'1, n;"adci.De C¥-c'ie -15 r-eq.uked" Ellcil, :m~~_g' qcle o~isb of' 3- t<l' 16 cl.ool(, ~ri0&l~des,I" re~, to' [as '["'IiStM8" Th~fQ~' wu can say 'tha~;., one in~tn.eoo.1l ,cycle

;c , .. "-..,.., .:1:" ... iI-.,-, r.,-· , ... ~'k' __ , " ,,··'1 '.-1-: .. ;1 . ,- '-. ,'Il..~ .-'~,~ ~- -~.~"""', ,M "fk ......... ~ s11x:

DJIlSlS!I03o o[ one dJ nve ,m.a.~WiLt: mw, one ma'cil:uRe crc~.e, OO[§]llh-j]I I,!/,Ji '!i!!,~~ ""'" _ ,

'If'~~I'''' ~I':' ,Jl:;-;-' ..... , -If.r. ;:; ..... , ... i',"","i'_ peried '" ':3;:; ",,-;''''''"''''' i'm[ ~'i...._ TIj(l' 'Ii ',1 _

111-~!r§I~ oII:"l'?w-'I u~, ~[\I ._:I_U'Io 'i..-l-v..:._A , . ~ .. ~~ _ .To!,' ..... 1;7- ~'L-V!!~ ~!lJ oIiI,1i ... :~ II?Lo~ 6~~ill'~'

T· stat-8:2

II ~

''Ji:~ s!a.te 3 __ .. ,' ., .. ,, ." ..... ".,", '11",., :mle 6

:F-1i.ft 2 '.... -Ra~' '-I""'lIIoi-... ..-~ ..... "'" ~' ..... i'.o" .. tI'''''MIi ~'cl'" m III!O... ..u...... ""' .. ~ iI"- ..... '--

.. lqlli' I ·_~-I ,.' ... WUlil InIL'WVC', 1~.INl!-U'U.~- ~.l ~[.,. v~ .. ill, I~1 !Ii.IV [~i·~J '!a11rU l. [~~W

''1I:''iIk-~, . - - .. :I!:"_~~_,, 'hn-oi- -. - .'f" _.~'L,:_._· _,___ • . ~:L.. !I:i;l"L;ilii:' A.. L,"-,_~ iI-_~""~ .. , ~ :_",iit;,

~IGR' 'iilirtl' ,sev@n, '1,UJ1~"', ~1,t"~ Q m~ qrl~~' m Ul~ ~n, U~' :Sldl!lOeo :so.&-

101M ... S~ and. So :iilml:if)7 earn, it;ype' 8S, SM,wn in, Tab~:e :Vi. These silgnals are, ,genemteCi, at:

..:L"" 'J!._...o'i:nrl!1l~:nliJ" _;I:: , .... "",""'L[ , ...... ""'Il.~'...,.._ ..... ~,!... .-,.-.;1 '...". ... ""' ..... ~.~.1~.~ t-" ... , ~'L. __ ..;il'''''IIJ!i:'"'1'n· of" il-i.._ """'1"'_

·~I~ ~~'_!"""f'"Ol U,I !LA.Li[Il, ,LlUI~ '_1~'b ml'LU .L~LnU..~L!3lJ.[U ,1l-1I.n;, ~ ~~!LIoIaV_ . 1I,l.C iJ'~'

M'le'hiM ,tycl." $~ eot~!
I f(tf.M, :S~11 :5n R'O WR !NTA
__ t~ () [
~'i!! 1!F:Meh , 1, 11 10 '1 ~
IM_I~l R.ud I iQi ~l 4) 10 '1 1
MemoIY '!iN'rIte I 0 10 ~I "1 Q, ~l
-I·: ' .. 1 _'. 1
00 ~RNd 11 J 11 I 10 1- [0 " 11
I 'I I I ..
:110 Write 11 10 11 1 0' 11
:lNm, A¢kli!~~ge, 11 ~ _I 11 I 1 1 [ 10
~ ,- - _ .. I I
Bu :I'dlo 10 10 0 '1 '1 11 ,2.:10 Instruction:, IiXBculoliltJ Seqiu8nca andl Data IFlow

y:i1) ex.ecu.te em, ,im.~ ~ ~$, to ,m~ :seq,g.~ >of ~ ~, d~~' 00, the Instili:iCtiitm. :fu, 'Unfus :secoon,. we ,study mow 'to :npl';esent different' ~

,I,'t;-- .... ' ~~,:-iP"!II: .--.;1 ,~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Af:' ~.- ... 'I.~-·~c ~1..." ...... ..:1 d': I,,",k ,til;>L ..... ~',..ii~ ... 1~.c~ .: .... '''·t-·, l.lUU.::I.;I;, I~LuaILV'"' mILU '!"!",,!!,,,,~l~,~ Y...: ~,,~,~,tt;;; "I!r.:'.~'~ ~~.J .:~.~~ ~Ulliil'~ ~1~y.L"";y~ ["b!ll I. ~

Copy rig hted m ateri al

2~'Ut 1; Repre&entation of Signals,

Before g:mng to see 'the~ ~ dlia,gm'["'~ we~ 'wil:], :SM the :&i~ ,and, tits rep:restmmU.on ~ in '1l1Le~ timmg di~g1liIms;,

Clock ,Slgrull :

'De 8llB5 di,vi,~, tile cl'«k &:equemy :pm,Vided al Xl ,and, X:z wpU!1S by ~ wEtim, is eamlOOJ (rPi!~thtg ,&eq~eney', ,Al~ tb,e ope1'afiuns 'within, 'the~ 80BS ,are ~s:~, 'wtth this operartlIn,g ~, 'n..e~ 'm tille' timing d.layam, [operating f.fJeq~ ,~, 'i5 ~wrn

.....,., ,''L._ ,iL",p __ ...1 .11:1.._. ~'Il._ ... ~,"'1 ..... __ ~'L.._"_ .... IJ-~ ,-~-- iii.... .... nAra!l!ii'~C'." ii=..a.n1U!'ftf"V' _1 __ '1- ..... :11, mm' ~,_" iIInIi;I. ~ ~I :~~;~ [~~' :!:LI.LY'W~!\ .!!!'W!.,_~ '·~~~i~ ·W ~,If'~ - '~''''I 'Y~·-~l-~'·-~i· [~I

Ideally" the, dDcl:;: i9ipa~ ,Sbnl!lld. 'be :~ wa,ve 7aG rise 'lime' and, fall ti.m.e'I' as sl1Lown in b llgute~ But in, p;ra~ 'Wle dDiit ,get zero rise, tilme and, Jan time. 'IIler:efore 'the d1Xl

["' ... .,1i O.ill",~ :s.~'"~" ........ -'liw· .. ..,~ _'L_,_ .,ri"·'I:.. ,o'_;'...._ ... ., .. , -..,.,...:11 L,t~[ ""~""", ~;!Ii' .. '!"ii"ii ,.,'L._ ....... ,~'L_, ~._y, - IlIllCl" . -1.fJII . ...u..::. u.~~ m ... 'IiI~·"'" :tUIUJWB !I"P.',~1illl ~u;: ~.~ I~ .:E1U.lJl. !UlJIIlI.~, r-,~,. .IIIII:I:.~, II:IOUf!fll1l'!iII lJi~

pndiGlil way af :represenbg clock, ~.


'taj idHl [(Ib:~ IPira,cUcaI:

Fig. :2.2:2 Clack ,r,I:nal _pli'8S'entdion



ILQSie a [ T~

~; .. 'l!!Ii[ii!I"!Ii' ~i'·~;·I .. , 'i',---Il --- NMntatioll

nO. Ao4i;oJi 'Iii!Inll~ ,S.g,JUI. ~p., .. '~ __ ~ .~ . .1

G~wp ,of' ,Slg~'Uid. :;

G'ro~' of' si,~ :is • caned a bus t]',.g. addlmss bus and dli.'IJta bus, To 8,vGid o::u:n,!pij~~ in, the limin_g diia,gTlun,~' ,sigIWs ,j}'!,@' grouped ,and ~'h~,!in 'tlM:,~, of bloc'le as ~ in Fig'. L24.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

'I' .• - •.• -;IU:JJ..,,;~·iIi'~M' 1 ..... ......,'i";o;,-~.111.·r':iI:!o: ... , "",.,!H.,

....... ,-.--_.11;1: !I,O, ........ ,I,di'~ .... ~._.~ .... if----L ... ~

-I. - - _" _"_"_ - ~ ~ ~ - - "_"

T .... '''1:- ... , '~;'.p ~"i'-"-~""""I :'_..;:I~.";:~i.~_,l 'S",~~ "" '""A''' ........... "',.d· ered bu'''' ~,,;;, ~Im ~i.-. ';ii,

n;l] Uilt:: o ... ·:-i.r.' ... L· ~, ..... f""i..:.-;.._--:-..JI.J~idD ...... .u JlI!l.l.U:!'f.'''c~''''1i;IIJ. I U2.-~ ;Ia ;liJ~1 ~,~.IL c·-I.~ ,.( '~I~ Q..-·_ .. -lt. :;!t.~~ 1Kr.

~d~ .• ~nse :m, state' of Bingle' l1ip, cbJiJ(~ge9 the :~liiite~ Qf group'; It.:is rep~~, by'

..:L.- '. .' I "h'" ....... ~~ 'i'Ii "",.iii .".,.__, ~ . iIo_, ...... ~-_.!I:,";:,. , _;[; • .'L.~ , .. , '. • .... ,.,.1,1:'·, _'L~_......, 'i.;.;; ..

Ult: cross as s ,QWn, iEl1~ ,lr.'lg" L.ooii&!:L ,,;. u;I,-iSUl.ili" '!i;V'HUl!~~ gl' u:JA? gr'~ :~"'b"'-' ,IS :~ilUw,n """:I

do:litOO ~ TWo, :Si~',aight :~ :mp~t \!',I!!lid. $ta~l$:lab'lc' ,;S,ftllk;-"

1n. :mi.(:r'~'~r $y5~J ~cli;"'ati~ oJ &1pJlsign:ah, d~p~'u:ls ~ ~e ;s,~~ ,@of ~~ ~V~~" 8uclI :s£tua:IliQ:ns, ara mown, 'm h tiimiqg W!\gmms M'1Jh th~ hdp' ,oJ ~

;filiT'ri'h,,;,'1 ~ 'iI0L-~. , ,. . j;. l·' . . -k-~-':::a"j~. "':1, .... -~~ ,~,~te~~ ~r-e ,llOW [p05!S.lvJ:&<I)..u;.;JI ,

Ji.~'V:aJil, c, 'f iii ,i- 'c,~] ,c' ~"4-- ~~~ ,c'4', ',', ~ ':'" ;'j~"'iI-r. ,ct .,ctt.. ... · .,~. "~,1 ~1gI, . _. _~I!:m O~ _. !5!~- WI,~iI;~ !IJJ;~,e Onl;[_~ iIJ1L !5iIlol'l}~!; OIL o,l~r 51-P-,

I!u~nv,a.tim of a signa] -wi'!ih '~ ,clIang:e ~ $~)t~ '~f QUteI:' ,signa1s •

.Ii, ~~,,,,,,,:: ......... _iI' ",,;~, .. ' . , .... .,.;~'L, "_'L._ ~" . ,. ~ m; .,,~4ci~, '"'f': 0,0<",",-- ",-=gnm .. ' . I

~1il'1'l["!U~" U,l .::I..J, , . FI· .. i[[l, il.ll'E, , 1[, . o.tUiUE Il.I! . ~.:::u" ,;l

." J - - ...::. - - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - -- - ~ - - .-.' -

A.diiVBti~, or slip'ls 'W:iUj. ~ {;;'hang~ :iit state Qf olil'ml' ~i~lis.

P,i,g" :2~ ,~ho<w.~, '~ :ffiP~J~lj@11, >of d~nd~, ,(;!If ,~, ~i~l~~,~, J.p, $~ ~' diatrant,

~ :lIilg"Ji!1!!!I

Fi'.'. 2.25 ;c:), Ac6vatIQO of • tI iv-na II 'withi 'the ehamge iln :stam of oIber .I~nal:l

'_, :1.25 d~ Activ>llh:n~ of tdg:nals with '01. clilangii iin ,s .... of ~ 111 ... 11

Copy rig hted m ateri al

[ .......... -. . .. "" _ "".' '111- "-" - - "-...ill" "iIb ......... ".

~~pl!OOll" ',' _, !;l'OCOnuJ!!iI!'. If' 'lil!'Towm, .

2"-11 . " •.


:2. 1,0.2, S1gnal llm'ngs,

m 8M5 nU:ttop:~r~ ~ are acliivatiM. at: ~ecifi\c' ~tant: fur :spocmc ~ period" Once we: ~erstand, ~ it is,'very ~y 'k; draW' 'tirmting' difragrarnla, The i()!llow,ilng' ,~

PliI'!I'I'~~'--l w' 'Il.._, ,.,'L_ ......... ,..~' .. '"'_ ,~~ •• ",{"'_..:Ii __ ..JI ,~ .......... 'L_. , ............. ~ ~Iou.u' ........... "' ........ , ~_....,;: .... ..,. ." .... ,~ .... r.'T""'mlLII'I3! '. jli~l, u~ ~I~J~ I ..... ~ ~f!.lY.I~~, iIH1.U. ]!I:D. !Hf,D.ZIt'" ~O~' 14~1' ,~,~~L ,~i~ ~-U'!If~ i:2!1D~_.

;iii; II it!! ['& .... '"""" II -.b!iIo C'" 'j,. -I' 1. ~ ~, !!. ~1!o'!1!!1! .... , !II.!CI!~'[ !liiina~ ii, ..


,~, :I.owm" ~ of ,add~ is av,'b:lc Q:n, ~: mrull:i,I?~' ad.~ldata bmI, (AD .... -=,,~'~~') di'iI'TI'U:r TI sterle' oJ each :madrlne ,....,....,,".,"le; exceP"t 'bus idle' ~,,7:~""" - as

LII 1l':IJW'!'j!,. ,._-~ ~' ~:J'''''' ",IJ'~wv.

iSbJ»m, lim :~~, 2.21,


•.• ,' ,4.0~.ti.-1 ' '

,., ,

ii'," 't


~ [I

Copy rig hted m ateri al

8085 'lI~ftI!'ftI'I_~

·--"[_ •• '~I¥~

I.' 1.111'

Flg~ 2 •. 28 Data [bills

T;'" -~d'" ,d' '""i-.;, L..~ ~-i"W'IiI ,o':'iiO" I~IO'" . ...'It.."..i"""', ~,i i", 1:i~ftI' iI,."", 'l"'_" ............. i!l1:'V ""'r.' ",,',"'0-"',

1~IV.J ~}!IrM._ '_:_IQI~ ~_L-U ]. [1-~!I.IIr.i!.II!I'-'I'I1' ......... ~"., U~"!,,~, ~, ,~~j~-'!P.~ll !L¥ ~~"'a~ .u~.c,.;"..J'J ~c', JIJ,:_. '.'

dmo!'e ,After i5e'~ dlev,ke; 'wUl. ~~ the dJ~, ~m ~~~ :l.Q.elitiml on, 'the dab ibWi. Dds adioo. needs h.i~ ~. Th:is ~ :i.s ~fun,~ '~ as ~KCeD ,tim.el . ·m case ,of. "Wiite~ ~ Igtp, :ia ,1I,V{i,j'I!lble ~ h :~t~ $Jet of b :~ ~ it, can put· ht daia ;aft tIi1e' data bus with. ,HllQ ~ 'time'.

At A,.. ~'HlGh' b·rta· 'add' .. "~' ,.

~" .... I ,-. - , . I ",' I ~

, .' 1.!5'., I , e:r, .', ,. res.,., '.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

. '~M~~- . ' ..... ----1 ., S·· ........ ~, . __ ~~r, 1 !IRniiIl~nUUle:r,'.UII1'1

l'Ii"i;nui';e !iIjo ,. IW11"'11 .gI,1Dt oiiII; ,I


, . ~-~~- .-- ~ IM!!d1i~ ~ ·;l·..,..,_ ..... ~~===i~""" .• E·_.,.,... =e= ~.~ Macli!iiB! G~ ,itj.-'-'-' '.


I!------~~'~ ,----:+: ~---, M\!illlOryHl!iiii --o!I;f,!

FI·g., ,2.30 S.tus Ilgmilll.

[R' .. ·.ID. ", '.' ... OIi,·,d.· W-,·'·.·,·.·IR, ..... i." -

- - I!II!!'~ - - - ~ si~ ~ the ~lion oJ h d~ta b'~@l', Mum .RfJI slgnal is,

:~v~~_ ~~~~~~7~:~,~m, m~em~~,~,r' J\/~'~~, to ~,~~~~f~I"~:Il\"~

~,SJgIlalls aot:b:Ve~ dam !IS ~aJJI5IIlI1IHed. b-om .Illl~ to Iih.e :memory or ~JO devtoe.

'BOth, .Q~ls ,~ ~"'~' activ'@' Q,t Q, ~, .

As we :tmow d8!ta. ·transrer., m. 8M5 ·tahs plra.ce· d1Wing: 1'~ !roo '<0[5'" ·these sipls, are

~ .......:i d . .... __ ..l II _'L,_,,_' iI1..,_. F·' '''I; 'li'.

8~Il.iV.iiliU!U •... 1lI'IQg .1::2:. iIIrtY. .' ~ as ::uru,Wlru. m· •. ""J! •

1i"I';.-----F::eadl,~ ------*----



2- 'iililill'li] -3-'· -.,- 06\c~h' in, iiIIii 'C:-:,ucl'--

. iJ I!U!ii .. _ g . I, v"," ";,,1 ... IIiiiJ.'tiI

''Ilte ,80B5 has 5e¥en :mamine ,cyeh~~5;. 1'he5e ate~ ~ 1.. Opcod~':~

.2. :Me:mooy' :ba.d.

0]; 'I;.ii ........ """5'V w~·'·~,J'.J..... r~IJ DWCU1'V"~j ", r .. ·Il~l

Copy rig hted m ateri al

... :t...- ... ----.- - -- - - , •. ILA1: ............. - ........... II'---·S·......,_ !IIQIIiII~QIl",. !II!MIOoIVWI'llII!U\ .r .. ;i._I~

, -,

s, :~JO Wdte

[6. m~1t ~led,ge! '7;" Drns :1'diLle

·m.~. :m~' [q'('~.~. :parti\ollar.' ~,grulbo a~ ·adiv;a~ and. data. !flow ~,p:~ ~.

~;#. -f~ i'ii'iit'i ... .j ... .,- ~1~~1 ~ -~. ;';;u;i ~~_.;;~-. ~ci!i!:: ..... 'T"",-", - --- -- -. -.~l:..: ... 1.. '~,,*,":!i'Ii!i' .~_ ~._"1.iiiiII e ·~c·~VYJ!r.' or l-ir.r·~ .. j8li-.~ 'W [~-.-~~J: 'VMl~ IIl;DY1~,~~lL~, [~I~·~~ .. I:r. [~'~l 1m see W~I!LYI~ ~L&.I-~~ ~r~

adiv.a~ and. how ftb·w· ~llike!;, :pl\ace in.'~ ~ ~' one b~· ~'.

- -

,~_ [O.··ruo~ I~--" ,~: ... t .. ; ., II., . "~ IFWUliilii V"-~ I.

';r,t;.= ~'~:i; ·-m-r:;;.,i'i;.1",,,""- 1"V"",11 ... ro'f: .:n.PFv· .; !iiiill:'_i·"-";:I", n' ~ .. , ~ .. , ~1..[ ..... _1"" ';;n 'w'hi-"",'L ~-""' iIJioi"KlIlI::[

.L.iltt:: .laLI:;~' , I._~UW;~ .... ;I:~ ~.' I~'!f!'''''''j' ,u.!I&'-U-~I.lV_. ,1;&31 "'~~' jv!t:l.l.,;J~ ~,1' ....... 1Ir.' ,U!Io '. 'II ... ~l ILl~~ ~

iJnib .ih,e :M~ ,of' ·the irutn!:di~ ·to· be ~ted. :m. 'this, ~ 'CY~j' p:~ pla-ce! the [~ts· of 'Iiho' p-fOpm .~. oril. ·h .i!d~, ~, utd th:rQu,p ~ .Ra.d. p~, .~ 'tine, o.pcod.\e of flhe in!nrtIon. F£g~ 2,32 '(a) ,~, flow of dafa (;apcode~ .from. memw;y ·to[ l!be "lU:aop~ ad :B:~l' 2.32. (b) i6hows ·the ~ dia,gram. f~I' opoode feich ~. cy; •• The· l~pb. (d ·this· cycle ~ .not· ~, It- 'V~ .ftQm. .4\]' ;s;~~ ~ 6T :sta!a ,Q, per' tile instntcaao, '1]\e, rollcrwing ~. ~ tile· [opoode .fetch qru' :m 5tep by' iStep


Step , :~ tS1aCe 'T1:~ :&1. Tl, state,. ·the [8085 plaees die ~temt5 ,of' pro,grarn 'mmJlirer -on 'the~ adiheu bus. 'Erte, ~~. ,~, of ·the PC: rs p;[a,e:ed, on. h ,A,trA~~ limes. '[he ~ 'byte ol~ ~. PC; ~. placed 00 h ADo .- .~ &es. whl'c.h stay:s, .~ orily durh1g ·!:'ru.'· 'nu ~ ·adl~'tes AU (; La,fcl" Enable) w'hh::h [s USEd, ~ latch. tbe· ~~

' ..... .t.c. -~ .. '1,.- ---;1 . ..:1'~- - - . ""'____'I 'I'"-~,;L bef . -;10, '"""""- [

... s= U,[ 'u.-u.::: iIlU~ In e:x'!;CfiUIl J.a,'I£Il ~ 110;,.

In IJlt SO&5 alse ,semE s-talui :s~ :[Ol.~. ~ and. ~ IOIM: whether" U is, ill :memo-lY ·Of :~10 ~_ S.~. :i5tatus .specUles, Wi1\elher n:is madlwnte [opet'atiW.n; S~ .: and So 'm,gehr ~te read, wn~r' '~' ,!~,' ,~ opm;alion, Q:t' 'w~' :it b :m. :HALT' .sbiite. In o.poode~ fetch.:~ cyc~ mba,:~ ,are: :::-[OlU';:::; f(J~ :S1, ;;;; '1~ ~. :;::;'1.

stwp.2 :; (,stlt. '1':(2) In '12,~' :low-ord_n' ad~ d~Sa.p,pea_Q £rom 1ihe ADc ... A'~" ill~. (H~et' ~ " A, :renuifi ,nrallahle H '~ .~ .~t4ed. d~ iF:~)1. :b1 T:~ 8085 ~, REi

"'::;"",." .. 1 ~[ ..... "" iI."", -",'b'I" tIL'L_ "'.lI_.lI._._....,_-.:I _ i!"11n7 ] ....... ..:::.-..-. ......·e ·_.. .. rnfll"V' .;1'"""..;...." ,il.'ll·_n 'n"l-~ ..tL_

~ ...... , lv!l'l'l" ~_~ ~!1.1111 .. , .... '110:' !II.~ [LlI ~~.¥· [.~li.I\I.Illl I.=II_ ~ , ... u."" .... !. ........... i: g.~[y.,IAIA.I[~, ,r~[ il.IlC

contents of ad~ 'memaq location. [OR the· data D,u (ADo " .AD,:).

S&p J : ~state T31I~During T3I, &085 [!cewds· the da,~ :fI;om the dl\rtJj, 'bus m. ]its 'lmtwdkm.

'U_'",f:D-r and ... ",~:.:.::...:, '~n; +"" 'h .... 'h . .,., .... .::,..:k ..:1:::.-, .. ·1'-·1 ....... ~- TI"I"",","tl'ilry_ -~'""" •• ....,.

.I~~-""'I MIIi!l 1 [ .. ~ l~ '1I.u l.~.l -!n'!J;Y_II."Il ~,U:::J. nil::. ..... ~.-?V .. ~'. !Y.-~'!I",U&.IIi:I_'I'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

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II : S!~~~;;,~.t

, " ""~,~' a ~~~~"~

t::=:>t--+-+--I~ ~,II ~"~- "~" f " -"~ I "~ ~" ~irl

I ::: ~ I .... ,"_ - _,,_ - _,,_ . :"_",_ - _"_""

"'~. "~"~ ,

[, I

I~I u,:i" ,,...;!'
• ,:;...
,... '"
,!:!:II Q :J;:' 11,1' :;f

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

N ......... '. 'P ..... r ....... oCIo 11:..[' vibr.. 'I.,...,~~"";~~l W~ ~ 'L~; ... "k t'rrJiPo:ta"'ft, tioTiI, ,cn;rr1!.!It f-"' ,,.. d ,:.:1'.0. .;II .. , ..... 'I.e: ""l·W~a,~ 'a~vcda'i-.!t ....

UIl.ll:J Ii .. ', U U';lJ~ l~ rJ ~ ,,U'li..UUJ)L3! .' J;lLY"l _t,--._RM::: ....... :11. !IiiiI;IL~jl.!~1 lUll" .liIi!rCIji' u.c:t1.Ct .aa [~ ... I~#' .... 1IrIl'~ I _ _II~

m" ~1._, ~il"li ..... __ l[ 1II'Ii'!I"_.,, .... T'V 0~ 'i:lii"ijQiI:, ~I~':' ....",""":a.:...,,~ , iU;~, ..... l.c~_~I;J.iCl.I III.IJ ..... _ .... i.-rv .. ..;r. v'j ~ iii ...... ' l.l .... ~~~IIJIo!!'

2., 'Memory' ~ Cy'tl.' :

''1j1'i;o.e 1"'ftC!:, .... )j)_ .. io ...... ,i;'I."", m·· ~rwv ,- .. ,~ ~t_ ~ --.; ... ~~ ~~.....":"~' ~R lW~':-: ~ftI"Ii,I" "'1'''' [lULl. ~ II!;_:_ ~~~-\1ira y;~ I _' .. IIii=_I~!I.- ... rJ l"~~' ._J! .... -~ l~ 1.~tJ ~ "',V!IIIUc;t;~g w- [ .,. ~'.. ~~--~~~J.r ~,

ROM,; The ~ Qf thW ~ cr. :15 ~I atates ttl _, T:Jl- :I!n, 'Ilis, :Jnadilite ~ ~r plares dl.e ,a;di.m;ess on h address, ,Ibs mom, 'the Slm~: :pointet:~, genen:ru, purpose'

-~~.~~ ~~~f: ·~~c '~.~:r.;c:~.~:am ~C~·l·;?o~, "''"j"..:i ~"""'j~ .afi:. ... ,~ '~Ii:, ''--d"~'''' ,~ """fa! ~m ,.iL.~, re,S1S~~" p!i!!~ OJ:' .P~~~~~ CO-~~i~ ~'IM 'Y;U;V!,JI-b"'" !.!J!~ ~ .. ~ ,~ ,"~~"IO!' l~~ ~~!L~ !Ii!li,~~~ y~

~d. me!inog' ,location" ,~g" :233 ,(a) :mo'\VS ,now ,of' da~ ~, ~ry' to the mic7:oprooesstJl' ami FlS, :2.;33, '~,ib) ;SMM, the, timiilg' dlia,gmm fOr :menimy :read macllme~

::',!e::,:!:~~::~:::: ~~~~l:~ r~~l~;;':~'

a~,prizte for memmy' :read '~ ,cycle' ,iH'e :i.ssued ,m, Tl," '1lm fu'~ ~ ~~, lie m.en1o:ty r:ead ' cycl:e in, :~ 'by ~tep ~~.

_I' '11 :: (Imate, T~l' in TI, sta:le~ :~ :pl!aces h address on the iII~ '1.iJa, ~, _ek, pobri:~r;!' ~ ~ ~t:er ',. 'Of p~ ~~ q.d ilC6,n,~ A,VB iipal in 'omfll" 'to' ~kh, low.;Q:rder '~' ,of' ad~.

~ T:],;!' 8085, ,sends slaw &igrial! ~, :lO,IM ., O~, St :r;;;: ~~, ad ~, [;110 0 ilK' ~ :1Rd madrlne cycle.

at.,p 2: =: ($lat.' Tz)l :m 'J~, 8(]85, :semis RD si~ low' W enIlble 'tlfie a.d'~ memory kcaJ:ion., De ~ d.e,vke~ ~ p1ate 'the ,~ af ,addl;es;ed, ~ :b:alion Qf1i, the 4aJb!i bus '(ADe -,A'D7).

ItIp :I ': ~:sutl, Tal '~' "I:3t' 8085 ~, 'the J!!t1, ,frorn lie: data, bu into ~ nigisfer (F, ,Ii., I, '~ OJ, ~, H;. ,and, :L) and :~ ~RD' to, hW' 'W~, ,dlts:&b:t. ,_ :~ d~,

Copy rig hted m ateri al

2, .. 0

:~ .t ~I i' [tK &
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Copy rig hted m ateri al

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i 1_:'" - .. ~~

I [I'

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

!IIftg,li:i, M~ ·~~I:""~p ............ ·-""" Q!'\II~" r:J"fIIVi. ·IIIiP.iI!'!IiI!!IiIi@I!W"Ii

3. IMamoliY Write ~I.

Til@ 8~ e)!l.ecul:es t.e memory lYRre ~cle to ,stOlli' 'me, data :mfO dam ElmtQ:ly o:r ~ta<k memo,., The 1~~1.. ,oJ' .~!' ...; .• iki.n,~ .. i""" '1: ''IT;j.,.o;, ......... IT, .= '1')" l·'~· ~·Lri~. ':~,~.,;'k.'~'."- ,li',

, , i!!J" . . ~ ..... ~.""'... ~ l!-!!ili,Ii;!I ' __ ~~LJ~ c:y~. JS .;I ~ ;&!,;!!K;;zI \~ [ ~ 3' _0. IIH_5 IJliili~.ullle q'('J.e~

'lI"'I~r n]a;r,os ,~ ild.:l~ '-'rI! n, ... a.Ji..ilitt'LUi"iI'. U.l'r!"'''' '~'";"'" ,i.1l,.-, :;o;i; ...... 'I~, 'if"i""":;..,iAt ... .-: :&;-~ '-",~. r ' r ~ , - , ~ ,~,~ 'W! ~ _ ,,"" ~,Q,.QL,!o;"'[lI - ,,,",,, ~ ~ iJI~_"" .ir'IV~ •. ~~~ '!.AI:' ~-= •. er-;ilj~

pwpooe :reg:iBrer paiir ,mrl. '~hroU)g,h h wri~ pr'~,. :stores, ~ data mt-o, t.~ ad~ ~moIf lQC~liDR,. :f'i,g,. 2,31 shm'¥s 'the' timllng: di~,gram fo1' rnerno:ry' 'write miKhine l~~e,. The ~ wrlim fiimilng di_~gtam. ~9 !9imi~i" tiJ, t'be meiRoty· it'-ead tiUiLFLg: diagr:am" lexceplt b,t mstead. oj' :~1' ~: sIgnM .~ low dl;lrln.g T:2 and I~ The .!5tatiliS siph, m.f ~ w.die: cycle' ar:e :: l'O./M :::::; 0, :~; ;. 0" :50, - 1. ~ .f.on~: ~[an. d~. Hl-e .memory 'wrl~ ma.clMne: crc'le in. step by srup ~_

Step 'i ; ~_t. l'~)l m. T 1 :&tatE.'. the 8085 p;]a.ce5. U;..e address on '!he addms Li.!ries. fl'am, Sitadk. ~ter: c:t'· ~~. pU_i;p0ge ~egis~' pail? ,and acti,v,a,·le9· AL'iS, 5i~] m, order' to llaWh lll)-w~rd~' by1te ,of address. Du.ring' 'T]~ ,8OBS, sends sm!tus sigrWs :

101M' ~ 0\1' St _; 0 ~ ;Sa, ... '1 fur :t~lem~ry' write ~ tycle-.

5te;p 2, ~ (Slate· T zl' In T~ 80&5 p:1a~ dab. on 'I!im da!taJ bus and. ~1ibi' WR low .f~r wriJ""II"Q' ,il""""" .i;~~. ;add"T"~~.lI m ~. --:::-p l-'TJ~ ~,~

.. ' ''""'''~ .~~I!o!' !-ll!~ ~. ~.~~!~" ~~~em~ ~OC~! ... jC~~~

S;_p 3· :: (Slate· T3l' '~g Tty lNR signa_[ goes ,~ w~ disaN~ ,~. ,memory dJtw,im

, ...... .l ............. ,: ............... ~1!.."" "'''jI. iIi.':~.

~"'" lClallJ.lm~ 1iIU::: 'WI'l.l;e opera!Ii.i.U.I!~"

._. 5. [110 bid a!ndlllO W·rite"C,dss.

~ :VO .r!ea.d H.d lin 'wrl~· :madUm:: eyd~ am s1mllu '!:o 'the' :m.em.ory read and. ttLmIiLOry write ~ cy;clml.~. :res.P~llvru:YI ~~t: thai!:' the :~OlM: sign ail. :is .high. fu.t liD ~ .~ .~lO ~'~: ~e qcles!. :m,gh .. toIM si:gnru. m.di(,il~' 'that, H is, an 110 ,opft.i!tiDR. Pig'. ;2,35 and. Fig, 2A6 show '!lb.e 'ti!ming diagrams .rm' I/O :read. ,and I/O ·wicite· ~,,;.

i:! ~I'-te I 'I ;I;~(kn........:i~ r.u_"I· . v'; II. I'IliIP ~., ~_I .. ~ .. ; """~ IW' iI


In respo:nse -to INm. i~ 8a85 ex:ecute5 interwpt· amw.wl!edg~ :~, Cf,:cl€' to :read.

m ~diDn ;~, the ,e:denlLijd -device, '~,~Y~ the eoc~. dMri~· ,.~. :place' ~y ~-"~-I .... n .1011:--, ,dab !t,\·i·~· lin .~.. '.,- 'ro, ~A How, ,om.[y' RST and 'CA.LT.·the

~.~~,y~~:~, !Ii.!I.~~' YIU= __ ~_-~~~' ,~,~ _'_' ~_ .. _~~: '~_ ' __ '_'_' ,I, ,c_ .. _ _ ,f ' __ " ,,., _,. 'L - .I.IJ. .. - _ .. ~~~-

• 1 ~ ___

'Dj:'"'I' ," , ......... Ir. 1....."A;."...."" , • .41,;:1---... ... ·,) .... -~, :I'.;~ ,~~~ . .",oT·C ~ ~~'l' ........ oii...= ':"'~.iI'Ioj, '''-''''J-,o:o..,; '....-u..;....~, "" ..... COI1iHOln., !I,;Io ....... ~I~ a:1ri~.' 1iCI,'!.!.I.1::· '1;1,~"''''''''''''oe; 'aHlI!",,'I;i.I~ l!N.' ~ ~~~L.Ur'L ,~". c" ........ );1,1;11';-,

~- .,', '''~'" '. . _-!.-::-'_.", ~'n'Iii6 _ . .,'1":",,,\",_.-'1--111· . " . _1--, ;i.'\ . '~c~ , ...... A C: ·'.A··~· '1'. ~ .. ~.._ ..

. J,~ .nex~. ,~~ons e:Kp1iilJ!Q .m",,"",,!ol.""'t"~ .. ilK:.Nunv~ge cy~ .l:(ll.r. .~.J. UN. ' .. , ,~ D.!':!I!I-I!.~~~

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........ · .. 110 ... ,~oibo.'" .. .. .,' ._ ii!i~ ~,. ..,._1.-.6'i- . NIWnvi.· : a!liiiil!'lino,D'iIVU., eye • II""r ~ II 1!'hI!U ... ",wvR

:f']g~ :2.3c7 maws the '~ ,6:gram of d1e m~t w:'kn,Qwled$' '~~ ~e and e~j1iOJ"!, oJ'RST mslrudloo- ~ :in~pt adnowled~ qrcl~' is :simiit1ir t:o 'the' o.~OOe' fetcl1L ~l'e~, W1;1:llL two 9C:e.ptlNllS.,

~1. 'The ~iliN'F.A' si,grnd is, aetIi'lafed, msttead of the :R:D isignat

~_ 'Th~ $~,~ ~, (lO/MI' So gd, S,~) ~ rn ~ ,cd'Qll"

Durin,g mfcrruplt: a Cknowleqgtl, :ma.clUne' qcl)e (M:tl .. the RS'f:lS d~ wbit-h, ini)uaJtm'1 bytE' CAll m~tfu:ctloo t:o ~ ~' vedar ~timL The 'mad'iiioe cyd,es:, ~ ,gd '~ aN' m~ Wrllte ~J~ th:aJt s~, the OOf;libmls ,of '~ p:~atrn, ~bn· on ~ ~tad:", and, 'then, a :n.E:W :irui:r.t!ll__dion cyd!e ~ns.

',. ,- , ':1 ';"'1 Ml~ nt r1 .Mn, 1'9, 191 MI. ~l j9~ 19 [CAb'OCKI~ :~;~ '~'r~-I rWW ·L.J··~_/I~ :~ ~'I'-

- - I , .. ~

.~"~i5< I~ : PCl.t I I ;:.: CSP,1I:tl II: t(lSM:tI1 I:t:,

. I. .. : I. [I i.'. . i I"

, ,~~Ilv !l~)-.( ~·Sif; - - - ,_, __ , ,'_'-''''41::,''_- .... WlcllDg,--O#CH~gx.D'.:rl!~P\Cl)~.:

ALit_V\. i ' \.n. :F-

~, . ! -- 1 1 1-

, >.

~NTIR: [ [~\~ __ ,I -1- --! I'"

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illfA' '.ft\, I I

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\~'-" ~~1. . .. 1\ ..... :· ~,_.;fl'~'




IF'II~ ,2.3['1 IRestart: i~QQ rm-npt ,Ki'HWIed.' ICYCIe 'fix' CAll hgb!ui;jlonl

Pig" 2.38, ~;& '~ ~' ~gmm, of 'the mteld~pt a.ckJ.IDwl~;e :madIine cycle: and, exectlit:km. of: ,ai CAll in5~ 'POt' CAlL Dm~ it: m ~ ,to fetch 'the' 'by))

'~·,of~tb.' CA:li ~~ ~"two. addi~,~CU~UJPJt ~~,c,~_~

(M:l and Ms ,m F:tgf :2.38). 'The madline' qde& '~ aRCi, :M~ are memory write cycles ,dull'; ~tmJe the ~ten~ 'of U~ :p~ ~ oa '~ sta~;. and '1lLen a :ne:w :ins~ cycle

~, ..

Copy rig hted m ateri al

I"' I"'.' " .' . . . .. ,ril. 1Liii "'_II_ ,'Q~

• ,i I JI.,.~II' '!III !IIIIRiti~!UII'UUll!II' g;" .......... J.,.

,I " " " ~


~~ ~


~. , Iii ,I,~~ -+----~-~----t- I-~-~~~ =t===1

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'"I,. Ih. kill. Cyel .•

'lttere, He ,few- situlf.ti~ ~here~ the :m.admu: 'cp:le!j, are neither' 'Read 'not Write. 1'hese ,M~~~'~:

I. FOr ex:aution, of 'DAD ,instruction tthls :mstn.elfun adds 'fue' oontulits of a ,rpedfi.ed ~ p.' w, ~ amifents of H1L :~tet ~)I ~ T :Mate& ~ ~. 11MB, ~, that

Copy rig hted m ateri al


, :" _'. ._ .... . .. I

I' .,'[ . . ,- J 'L'. ' J

'I.I', ... G~~I

._,,,,,-- Irci: " d "_"'-''I... _'L..:_ ~ 'D'A'D'" -~~~, co,. 6' ....... - 'T' .. i:n,..".... to'"

iIU)liiC£ '~'Ii.lun, O'Ji' opoo.···C .I~cn :mi!tU:WI~ CYC~€l' ][['I6'i.E1,l.i<..1UUl.1i~··· e'XU'cII .. ''''[HGM:1]' ..

add 11.f 'b' 'Ii'" ...... 'ri;"'"'""~. [ .... t :;, !CI'!I .... ...:.¢;:"".f' ..-.:...n~i:il ..... r· n''''':'''' +r. ~'L ... ""ri"IIifi~~. <tof: HL .~~~ ~~I... .....-~ ....: .. rY ,Jl~ . ,,II-I !\';;;U-j;!lJI.I!;J)U~ u.\.L I.... ii!!,r·~Ul-1...UJ. , ...... t~u.:;· IF ........ , ~ iUl~ ,.u. .. !IJ"I~l"~ ~ . _ ,.!!i.e-_l:I.I!lt~l rlt.Y+.~' .I.;~.

¢X~. T-:st:a.m· whkh ,~fe dlj~v,ided, iJIl¢' ttwi) :m~~ [~es do ,not :m:VQlv,e '!my m~ or'

1/"0'" .... '. 'tj-' . 'lIl'L11 ' .. -- .-', .. '1...:-- 'd""" . __ U_AI 'nl ~"m ]'01"1'1' 'rI' . .-.-'I,.'::~- l!.a.:., 'C'., , "!i< 0::1'0, ,-~; ....

. ', .'. o.rcra. on, ,~,liI.L.~ ,ma~Ul.iEm' [')". ~ a:r[@ ~Ui !Ill!''V~',~ millU:W;~ .1~" ji',lg. "",;;n [Bu'U·1'I!':!IO

B~ I'dle' 'iMadlh\e' Cycl\e ,for' !li)AfD iD5~"

[o~ Fetc;!:!l BuJ !'dIe :

T1 I T ... J ~:" I lT~, I "1I'~1 ,11" ~ I...!I T" I...!L_ Ti!I I

M:~I ilmAI~ I

IKWMI '~"~.\ ,!So'" [II:, ~~II-"al

[ I




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In 'Un.e'~' of 'DA.JP, ~ BlU.1. ~ ~ ~'~ ~~, ~ ~t: :RD'

....... .:1 A. ··l"'Ci .",_. '· ... -,1., -" ,',,', , ... ~ , .. .....;:;. ..... ;0....::11 ~Uol '" 1.&.Ii:I' ~......,. an ,nU'~ ~U,Y.iIIi~.

2;. :Durlrvg internal oprode gerte:Rtiionll b'mAP and RST mtemI:~ &r85 ~ Bus Idle 'Mii.cll1ne, c:~. Pig:, 21,. ~ h 'Bus, IdiLe 'Ma.dilite' Cyde ,for "I"R:AP. m, ,~~ to TRAP' mlen"ulpt, [S[)&; ,eniets into, ill B'lllS '~:d1e ~ Cycl,e' d~ wh:kh it fn~, rnwt:

':nfll-iT";~II'i'n. ...~ ,iL'I,._ ~~....,..iIfo., o' .'f' IIH"'" ....... il-n;; ,11<'1...- ,.,iL_~l.,: ,-~-'I pl"' ........ [~ .. '[J [~-....".,;;, ,'=-d'· A,.,....... .. , o~ r:

1 .... KP.!iI.I,l ....... ,IIiL_ .• y [M'VaII~ DE ..... Ii.fiJ ... \'EJI!I.~ .C\.or. ~.).v.' illlE [.::::I~ ~W, _' '!J .. _IIi;o'~ ~ \ "1!"l!W'lw-'V_., M_ _~ ,

TRAP) [~m the: '~~1lm, [~1ef:",

Copy rig hted m ateri al

~'I' .. ;It"'","""ftyJ.:~:..·"t.U"c.r 9¥!J.I •. ~11IjII1Pr~·~ ~

I M'1(OF] I M1](8I~ ! M~(MW)

,SIGNAJ.S 1 "Ii;! _I_.; 'irA: 1 'iI'" 1 ___'!L_ 1 'ir,:~, : 'T;' i: 1t i T L i 'T" ! 'iI"2 '

C~, l.I1,~~."" ~',", i,ul\JlrlJiUl~l.Fv:

] " [

-,~>~: I···i· .

10i1i [I, I 'b" ~~~

a~~~s,Il' ' ------.

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Ae-Atl:i' l(PC-"'~1 II I PCii I '. '~--1~H:

,,' UL- l~ I -1 .Qn1..JLi

AOo:~,~ ~~=I~ r I - i., -- ~-F==~ '~1lJ_t I' fo,M i

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'lIhe n~ ,of' :m'UI~, ~, ~~ ~ ,00kh oomp~' ,mslnJ.di.o:n d.epe:mds '00, the ~Ofi, 'type, ::

1. CIne; byte 2, Tw,o byt@ ,3., ~ byte

0J1i.e bftie' w~ cl;~t, ~, 'Wly a.dtUtmmd iWd'dne, ,cycle:~ 'Fwo 'byire ~<m, 1e'lJi~, ~ addlti.onal ~' ~ :~ ~;., w~, 'tm-£e '~,1~ iN~'Qn :~u.b'es 1;wRQ, additiomd ~ ~ :~ qdes.

1be :num.ber of maclUne cycl!es '~ m e;ltecuie dle ~C'Ion. depend! 'on ,~, p&l'Icu!lll' ;1J1I!;~, The 'toW. n1.abei- ,of ~ ~ 'requifed, v, ,foo.m 'one 'm five'.

'r;. ,j~ ftt'iiII.n;.;'I~ ~- .. 'milli!1Miftl"ll' ~~.:I ,--..;I] 'lIMiill'm~ ~.I!~'-, ~l~-'t;j";_,"" """'-, ..... ,fI(!Dll' more tha.i:i!. [~ in

lit'· liD ~,u:: liLUiI&· [-~-.-'.J .Il}~ ~_I;M _j- .... ~-~1,.1 ~~.~~, ~j~J~:~ ~:J.~ _" __ ~" ~ .. ~-~.~' , ... - ,

,I ilngfe :im-tfudilm ,cyde'. 1'he ,' examples :iUwlmle 'he "Iilimhlg 6,gtanUI, ad :~: cyclK UHd lOT few SOSB, ~

:_ Egmple ,2.11 ; ,[),mw' lilt 't1'f:ild~' d'f4snmt fer :im!mta~: 1141Vl A--J 3CH whi~ ij $,h.trtd Q!J ,~rmiOOUH-




Copy rig hted m ateri al


So:ldOli1I: ~ :~trudtion, I~ of :two by~: h find :b ~ op;od.e fur JdVIl: },., :ii:15:trumon, and ~ second :18 ,~, darla 'byte'" ':I1te 8MS needs to I:8Ild ~, bytet m't &om, ~ry and 't)JM$ :teqU~res ,at le.a51 two ma.t:hine cyCI~ n_e, ~t mat:hin.e ,cycle, '~ o,pade' :fetch and seoorui Is memrny read" Ftg'. 2.4'1 ~ewg 'the, 'timktg ~ fOr 'this inslmdion.. 'This, m&tnl~ qch! '15 descti'b!ed, 1m 'tile :wl[(rwi!tt_g: 'paf.~plls.

]i, The fl:mf, ~ cycle ~9 ,an, opctJide fetdL :mElehine cycle. In ''f~". Uie ~' :p~, h '16 ~it ro'en"lioty .ad!~s, ~H) from the :pro,~,~m oounm' ,~ .' ~d~ 'ib~r :2OH ,on '!:.he' At-s; '~,A.!~ and OOB en AD;" ,.,ADo and, :incr~b! pr;ogmm: 'cmmier 00 :2<mH: to pamt 'to file :next :mtemo:ry ]oca,fianJ., :U activ,8J~, A'LE ~ ~acti,v~ hi,~) to bWh 'the, low-oul,e:t add~ OOH from. the, 'bm, AD" ~ AIl'e'" It a'lso gives 't'h.e; ,:gtnlrus ~gnals ([DIM,. s.,

And ,~)" en to indlk.a.kI. t!h~l' 1t- 'of' 3~ i'ri'iir...._.;l.... J:~L.j,., ,no;, -, .. 'k~_;o;, Rt..:ii;6 T.. 1" "t..~ iCil1IlJi~ "u •• Lh:p.~""', ., ~', I~~ >', .' .":.l ".~' !~~. ".~' l~ .~: ~ ~., ~~, .~~~ y,~.,i.~3§;~ J!~~';~ ,._~~_~~11WU.1Ir I';;') -";:I}!r.I~ IU~l 1:2J. Ul~~ W~ [~:Yl!J."~L~

'R'IJ' (:arti,ve low') and, :reads, tho ,rcmtmit'ii!;, of 'm11!D'U)Ij' lOul;li~n lOtllGR Le, ,gm. 'Ilvm 8085 :pla~ 'the' Ol?~ in, &e' :in5{tnt~tl!-on, :re~~~' and, ~ld~,- ,the, :RD' ~,-,~~ T:~. - Mg T~ 'lh_e, 8085, decodes the iO,prod.:e and, r~,~ 'lh.att: :iit :needs ~rj." 'read ~, ~l!! 'tol 'read ~ 'ib,'ItI"h;, of. dle ,~t:ruction 'fu I the, coorent:3 of fhe bu A - A are 'UmaIDWTI;-

~'. [ _ ~., ,_ 1_.' '.,}.Mo.!' ', I ,_. I.') ", .-."' I.~I ,: • "v. _.; o'J',,_) ,I, '-.'." ,-j " :--;:W'-8' ' _ .. I"'I!!I"I"~

,md '~ d;a;ta, b~, AD!, ,., A'L\1 ~ mm high impedlBCe s~te,

____ ~~~f'~L~_"~~,~~~~~rv_~~!L __ ~~:

~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~

---------- ---


~ I


s, s, . <- 1Ii;;;i;;i ....... iOjiiii .............. ~ ....... ....,.. __ --~ 'I;,;;-----I!-+---t-----II-it

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"1'~"&[UI:""""'~I"""JIL..IIiI""'_ '"'-~.~rn~~~!Il·C _~ ~~"u'ui __ Jr~ujlt.::w..llri

_ _ _ _ ~ • I .. '--- . _.... ~ r.! •• _ _ • I I

2, .. ,45

IiH'ili!iiilii!: il.n"'~DfOCiI._' " i 1lJU8iI 1II""-'1:U.lp'-0?:?~¥1J •

:_,., Ebmplit ,2~:: IM'i~'~ :~~, 'CNd~ ~ 'T:.,S'Wt$. n.ijiftired" for ~1:'im1 ,~ ,ITA i~~'di~.

SoItdmm:: Por :~trudion ,sbo,wn ~ FIg'" 2-JI2", ~ ~ ,~des ~' te~, to ,f~

ci!b.~ . .:i'illjjl",;,;,;....:.:~ --_..:I .....,.. .. , .. ...1..:1~'..::~ __ ,l m'''''''''L!-- """'"" ..... :." ,...,.."....troaA ,~ ......... ...,. ,a.'Il._, ........ ""' ..... _ .... , 'I1It

l~~ .&I;I.I;;IU'II.:O.oU, .... _ .... aIlU ~~~ ~_~~ . I;IL~ ~:,.~ ,~ ~~-1~~'~ WI ~",_~!I;!, ~~ ~.~U.~ ~l;

aoownwabJt m.m, 'the, memo-ry. So .f:dn(\~' ~, qdes are ~uired :fur STA. '~~OO\.

!io!ill ~....-=~--~-=-=-~- -=-~== iNiSfFtOC:tlON CirClE .. !


CVCIlE 1iooI1---' iM~ --'~~ .. - ~:,---- ........ -- IM~-- _~'

'Ii :$TA:IiE, i '''!Ii! : 11 ~_ ~ T~,_ _ ~~, i '11'11 ''iT' ~ : T g, T1 I 'iF ~ , Til!


T -ai

'1., Opoode Fetch '(4T~ :Stak!s~,

2. U~"_';I' D.;o;;<;<iI ;i'~_ oj. ... ~.,)._ ~.' ~c~._:!i~I· ~~ ~~ ~~~,~

, nP;!; OF t.M.CHINE c.YCLE

.' adcilWl! (~rD~' M)CIRESS ~ iPi',()lI~I'~~

8tJiS [~~ tg ~ fi~:[~ ,(Q~}gf 1!1!l!:'~"

I 'TiMll ilddfM.ti QPG'-l, p¢itf~ i!D I '~,Ilii-,j ~

, ~(tfij, i~~~~


IlY!i)fLA SUs 'i~ 'OpIXlli. ,ttlli :!ilirAl low' ~ bytel d'lhIi IIilMdMilt ~ 18,

iH ~l order b:fblll of '1Ni dil':ad: dl'fiQ,

4., ~r)" Wrlte' (~, I&ites).,

~ for SI:A :~WUdioo '13 T:..State5, ,ire :reqwr:edL

Copy rig hted m ateri al

1_ IEx~pl. 2'.3 ;: ~!Miniclw.P1'.

__ JI • ..iiI"'"n" ': F- ~: ~ .. ~..-. ... ''''ii;'''-''!i~i'TiI' ~ ... 'jI1:'ilt[ "Ii A',~!" 'Ii:i!-~~, '""'::o"'L~,.,.. ..... , ,""' .... 't"',,;, <>1Ii\I::> ~,;::.......1 ~ :t.-.Ji..-.'i-.,

~"'''II!I .. ~.!I' ¥IIi] iIlU lIW1l~."'lla\A.l., [i:J_I;~'!If.!!·"lll .LIllo Jf"'-c.;'I ~'IIiiJ.I.,. ~~ ,LI~UWjUL: "'lJ~ !IiI.IIIi'!v. ........ IiIj!lPll.l.lo ........ II.U "c:'I'LI~~

the, ,ms~lion. AB ~t :is MIJ ,immedliilll~ irulr.u~ ~,pe:rand, i.e" 'immedJial@ ~6-bie data ii, given 'wlJthin, the J_ost:tuction., 'DO ,furtiher nta~, cycle! lS :required.,

'Machine qdes :requked ,Wr' '!L.J6: mts1!ructi'mt.

T$T;.'\~ CLOCI!i:'

. i~ j=-

. ']Thi'P;!1:;'O:~ I "

, MACHiNE; . OP·CCD:i11i fE.T:oHI • [ iJleUOw(' R~

C'VC:~ [


[ MEMD:IilY'R'MD ' [

~,,~ (PC+2)1:~"io; ~l~~ rll!jW]

uii 'Ihti iIIiI:tN iii ~l

lilAlFA 8US [I~ ~ ~'(if !)I:I~I l!(M' ~':~

I qj"IJwl'~; [~~

, ~~ti}Q


'1l"'1"-' 2" ,.J!tI .... ·,' ... 1'1\'1·,· ,", 'I" " " '1' ..... ..II'il- ,Ji"Wjl :1'"'" ...... -.Il0l- "1'lft'" ,r JB';.; ~,~l ~Ci~IU~. QC~'" MqU!II'PY Nil' !W!!iIl1iIu,~n, ''!I!',~

1. Opcode Feb:h, (4T:", :Sta:tesl. , 2" ~ hid, (Sr- Sla!tes)" '3. ~ Read, (31" .. Sta~}i'

. -

~ fol'lX[ inm:udim, 1,iQ T·:5mtea Me ~.

" ", ~, '" , , ".. " . "" " " '",

lie I.' IExampl:',:lA" I~tt '~." cyda ,~ ~r~'tiItai 'rquiRd p' ,~ of UfW

" jl'lS~,' " I, " , " '" " "I" " , ,L" ~ , /' " ," , """, •

101 . . "". . £dch'

"''''~ '. '~- .. ,~: ............. ~~ ....... , _ik~~""":, ''' .. 'iCIi~, ... A.JI ~~ ...... , ...... to:' ....... ~lliiW'io 0"10"'" ~;r:~ iiw." '" "",' ,"

, .~-VlI!!I! ~ ~_r ~J...,~, .. _ .. IIrI.U.IJI, MIO'WIl, Ul ,rJl,g; [~~f '1II111ii:1i: u!~!Wi-w:. ry;.fJ·~-1Iiri:I! 1U!'ir. , .... '!llfIili.Llrl~ ,~[ ~ ,"', I J

'~'L- ...... -,.-+- ... ,--.0:3 .... ~ -.o:-I~:.iii~ __ tli -- ..,"Li-:-,"": ~c ,',c, ' , , : ...... 1 ',,~,', -,,' I ,~ '1--":11 ....... 1Il,.:if":, 1~+-:-rJi.n, ~.

~ u.~U.!L\I~I!J.V.l·I,~, '""U I~~~~~' ~ _"" ' ~!~ , __ __:..~ ~_ ... ~_ w ~ ,J.l~ ~!L[~j~~ ll1),Ul.

'two' ~tiv·e' ~ .lIlCar~ 'mtO :H't., ~ 'pWlr.' "So ~' :~ qcles ,~!

~~'''.fed. ,c~f' '~'" '.CiIi' "I. I'" '.n I' :&!.....&.... ... ..:i:.l ....... ,

.• '_,, __ -" I lID. - ~_~ &I;II."":Ji~;UJ.fI.;/~I:~.r

Copy rig hted m ateri al


,~ ... ItI~ntRJ8et:lrtmm 2" .. 4"·


, ,

'i I


t" ~ Petch, (4: "-StaW)"

2. ~ bad. (3 T~~i).

3. Memrny Read ,(3 T~1e5)i 4~ :Mmwzy Wri~ (3 T"'~). ,5, :Me:moty' Wi'Jite (3 T"~)e

'Thu!. fOr ~ ~,~ =., . .,' '!t1.£"I" o::! .,. . .. ~ ~. u ~d

. ~I, ' .. ' .~, .~ , . LHLD' :~di.on. ,~,0,.L ~tafes are 'requJ!n;;!~.. .

Copy rig hted m ateri al

2.'11[0,.04 'Concep,t: of' Wah ,states,

:m, ,some ,~1fcati.onsJ' :speed, of 'memory' ~:y:ttem and. ItO ~!em rflfe no,t oompatible 'with, the min·~s ~. This; ~, ~'~ ~ ~$ l~ tIim~, tQ read/write drta., in 5Ucl:l, s&ID,U!i'mlsj the ~ us' m lC"onmm whether' a peciph.e:tai ;is t:eady te tr~. datl, or :ool U' :READY' 'pin is hlgh__, h periphend :is ready o~ S085 ,~fe:llJ. wait stare.

w.,", "'i; .AiI::: L __ •• ~'L_ ij!,j: ...:11:_ , ~. ... . , .. d' , . ...1-,: __ . ,.,~1_ ", .'~).... , __ ..l .,g..~_iI:,

r,lI' "',~ :!ilW'WS !WE ~ 1'01' ~ ~'" ,mJII~ q~ W1!u, ;ew, 'W'lUiWIiIi";


MR, OFt lOR,

- - __I

[iDii' S!,~,

'[Re [


[ " [

Wdt: ~~bii5 !Q~ue' to be ~ iI5, long as 'OA'DiY lis i1atw. A:He:r '!he ' &tak-~ 8085, ,oon_ues, with, '!i'~ of the, mEhin:e cycle. 'Dning ,21 wait smte Ole contents, of 'tlie :ad.d~ bus,. the~ d.iil!ta bwj ,and t.e ~~rol ~u.s are ,a:ll held OOfi5tmJL

The wait slab! tiba, _;""es, am ~ mP!mJlry or ItO port: g ~tra dod;: ~ ~ 'ro output: 'vdd dam 'on the' da1la '~" 'l"hU b~ ,~ 'to' WIe cheaper ~' ,or 110 ,d.evta:s 'hit :b,ve looger aeeess times",

Copy rig hted m ateri al

,'U.~: {M :~' f!/~' !Ii,~ iti 8085.,

,28;" ,DrlmI [lind aplftH, ,t/w ,timmg ~Jar ~' n'!IId' ~ gd: 'mlh ,iII'IId m"6rmll tJI!iit ~~

R-evlew Que.tlons,

1. ,~jfjtl t1t.t,jtmu~ ,if 8~

,~L [Qiw Ute ad: ouf ~ Arm' ,s~' time:. T" oj' ~t,I; ~ti op:.mfing MIn ,m! ,of • ,foJ1w;ing ~ ~~'" 6',2,$:~, ~~i:44: ,Mfa, ,5 ,MH~' ~ 4 M&

", :!II",'" ',Li, IL~ :"k!tJt .. r 'NjM"~ ,J\.~ ;i]'d;,I!".... ,ilill..-.!L ~~..:-~, .... ~.~',~ 'F'i~.a=IL~ ;l!1!.~ m"--.,. ,~_...aJ'~ ,

~ L.iI.':Ni. 1Hi" ..... . .. , .j. iI·L:'6~I~i:P. .PiIl 1D.~n.~ lif-W ... · 5IIIt.1l:i1;r~liiI'IHli.r:;I.r;liI:P tllHIIJ .... ~ .. 113.~ .. ~ ~_r.·'I~· 1f.'H;' r. ~ilrHIr.;;· i[~I'!."""J¥iI ['

"J.~ ~tfI':, :;


4. Git¥' te& .form4~ ,'" jIRg' ~m-' m ,8085'" lliip~: ~,JLv.:" [:


5. ,Dmw !:M,~ W!ri' d~ ,rdm~' IKJ8.5 [tiM ~n fit. l1mfi

,~L ,f~", diffornd amh\\ll ~' 'w:«l ,by' 8'0&5:,

7. MJ ,AD~,'~ AD~ l~ ,tire ':Iudfipk.f,a' ?

[8. ~ is: fIN' 'Woe' qf,Al~ ,s-igM! ?

,', ~ i9: the '!t$t ~C!Kour Rnd RESU' OUT ~;.W[ ti 8C'&5 ,~ ? lo. ... :~ lht,fN~ f!/ foj~~ pi~ iii: 8'08.5~

D. ,1itiEAJ)"( ,f;i'" ,.ALE: ,t", ID;M 4. nOLD t;', ,iRESfi

:n. ,~n, the' ~.~ :ustd i~ DMA ttperRliDn, in 80815"

~2 ,~.tm4~" ,~' SOB5 ~~~'-

130 ,~u

:1} [~J~t"trm:,~ ,j'ij ,MdiJg ~ iiO f ~tt.~

14. ~t i5; thoe :~ii':y to ,_ ~l ~t&lI~ fi~ 51 ~' S'Q i~ 8085 ? ~:5:. ,SMW 1M ,p'~,atW,~him tf'.fi~ ;f;igMJ.

:al6. [SJiaW the ,~tion of ~p [UJ ~~"

l7; ,m: '!WIld: T ~ ,~ 'i'hi:' AU ,~ ,~, Rdiw~' ?

11 ,~, ~ the ~lfri~da:d ~ b.w: ~~ wred,for .tiIJ' md ,~> ~9; ,~,~ ...-", ,~' ih"mi"S' [~#m, q{,~,_, :~, ~

ld Dmw mrd aplftH ;~, .timing [~aJ'~'~,~ cyde"

2], nmw _ ~i~,~ ~imiPlg [~uf'~·'~ ~ [~"

n Dmw M1d ~ b' tl'mfflg ~fot .(/C)' 7N4 _ .1ft) ~;~ ,~.

,2;1 ,~", ,fhi!' ~,.,' ~ _for ,RST :~iott.

2:(. ~ :flie~'~_~¥k;p[cttU,;~"

,2\5. ,0m.P ~~" :~, ~ W~, ~ ~'"

,2'6. f~ ;rud!iiw .... N".P.iw' .' y:~ 'nMi.!m :IM' ,UleVtiIm J IDA ~'.

~~~ "".." l~¥.'JI 7

Copy rig hted m ateri al


M .. ,:10', ~ .. ~,'

Copy rig hted m ateri al

:3,"'1 In~·d·I!I·~;ti· 'on'

.Ii. I U'U·.!I.I'-P." :

'hl tb~e p:teVi.u,llS cl1a:pter 'we 'barye sliudi\ed 'block diagram of mi~ 8015., The bl~, dJagram S~W5 :mtaop,~rs :~ ',~, 'data .pf~ u.d dab, ~ n,Also slows how ed, [of ~ wgt"c· :ltmclians ae c~, '~., :Such. mi~~r

. ,

:perlmms a. ,pam~ task ~y ~~Mg' ~ :seq!l~ (1If ~Qns. ''''us "t~ peIfuna a'

~'-'k~.' m·' "" rtA...ti-,:i,;,"P '...,,: ........ n-....r· ~iI'....-rn, 'n~r:nmP!l'" .1.._.... ;If.... i'l-- ....... ~ Jfi..- ':_,;., .. ib- • .....;:,_

llrai). _ J • " !II. ~ ..... I:;WIrIIi.a ,LI~Ur"~_IbiIJIIQIIU.· =s .. ~~_lGUy ,r-I-- . .,_I-..i...l..i......... ,I" I~U N,W'W um ,I,;j~ 1I.'-..v..I....,

,StlpportEd rsy :m±crop~¥' used :i!n the :~~ sysletn.,

'Ibis Idl..e.pter' explmns tile set, of ~timm :supported 'by- '12Re' 8085 :~p~ ,and [explains, haw ~ write :progtams (set of iNttuctiDn5 ~tten m. ii, propH :sequence' to :perfufm ,a! pa_rliooJarr "task) usin,S; the-m., this chaplef ,~150 gi,VEfi ,Slla1p 'l:'U!lmber [of p,ro~ 'to per,farm. dW~ ~slwi' .

3.2 II1$:vl!lctlonl Classifil:eatiloP,

'Ihe :im~, ,~ by' the .' Can be cate;gorised. mID £liVe, ~ ~

~,'on 'tlim' :natwre: of' ,function of the ins~ ,

iii ~_~fw~ioM

" ,Arithmetic openfiolns

.. Logical opem'lii~

• '~, ~ti:an5 ,iUld,

• :~ mput'lOutptd' and :MKhine oonttol opetartiOnl,

,3,.'2.11 Data, Tan" D[peralona

The data, ,tm'!:sfur :ma~ load pwn [data mto, ~~terJ' [oop,. dlI. ~, ~ W ~ter~ ropy dab, from, ~ler' to ,mem.ory' b:a.6on; and vice ¥erBa. In, ,other ~ 'we cab sa,Y" tilat data, ~ :~ '~ data, ,from, ~ to ~mm... 9ow'oe [am~ 'be [data (!II' [OlIJ\terd:s ~ eg!isler ,m contents of me:mo:ry '!.Oattion w~ ~ an 'be' :~ler Q..f ~ ].o(.a~ ~, br!$~ dl@! ~t: dhd; ~ ~g :~ ef the, ~~

Copy rig hted m ateri al


UII, 1 .... ~JIi ,&.I and ALP'

'!Jo 'i!!li, 'i!!li, A" 'J~"""~m~ ~ ,;oIitj.:p. '0'" ~p"e~ ' ..... '·I:O~ 'n~· ...

~~ • .c;;J 1·I~LIi. 1_: .-1iI.· f~J • ~'., _" _ ·I,[~)'.~I.~.,~ _~'

'i'j"I!-,~ Ci ...... i-...,....,~;,-., "'i!'I':~"""~""""Iii' orovided 'ik[',"'IoT o.fIiCi;:;:, i1J .. ....l'~, ",.AIAi~"i'l..;."'. lfIiii'ka..-c,r;i-:i!"Io'ii'iI ~m' -,~

,W,Jllt: IilIo.lru:lUIl(C.:l-'- .u lali!.L ll.h,_,\.uJliLI!JI r. ... "..,.:II- .... \..iC l~,' I~ lF~l".IiiU ,;Io.) .. I.,.UUIl,IilI.-~,.,. ~'WII_LlU:r[~!U.'LI.'JII~"l IUI~_"IIIiiiii __ .. IIr_I,~1

oand d.e;;;r~t, ~,~I:ii~,

'.' ,AddUt.ut:t ,Any 8-hi,t: rrt1;lmJb~~, O:r' ,~ 'i:.01'lI!tCllL~, 0:1' ,a. ~tm::~, or lti.e: iOOn~ts of ,iI :m.em.ory locati.on can be added '00 the [o,('h; o:f ,~, and, 'the :mwted, sum, :i$ &h»led m, 'c-hi: a~wg(tQf", 'IDhe ~W;d ~' bn: ~, ~, in, fh.e '~ny hg~ m 8085", ,nQ il'\VQ QOmr r~s:tel"S, ~ '00 add~ dli!mdly~ t~ the;contenb: '0:1 'I, ,and C ~~ cannot be ,add!oo dtmct1y", To ~uld two, '16-bit 1iL~er$ 'the' 8Q&5 provides DAD ,~tru.ctiO". It: adds ~ darta, '\ViUti[n, the :~~ pair ~ ,~, C'OllL'ti"eni1:s of '~e HL :r:egj.ster. pil'ir 8WNd. resulted swn Is stmed ]In, 'Ilh.e m, ,~tw' :pait.

• 5ub'inmtm ': A~l,y' ,S-cit nummr Of the, ooflitents of a :fe.glste1':; Of ,me' i."O.fittmits of ,!;'!j ~ l~,ifl(m, taln ~e' sw,b':ade(l, ,fro',m, the ,~t:enb [of 'the' ~.tor and, the e1!l11)t,:is stored in, h ,at:mmuIDator. ft_e, l'ieSwred, bom;l'w' 'bit :is stored :m '111LC DItty .g'. In, 8085" DO' ~o other.' :~tets ,can, be' added directly:"

• I'nctai/19.tlDeaement:. 'The &85 'b!i, 'the' irK:rement and, deere-m,e-ill' imtruCitions, ito 'i.naem,mt ,MiLd ~: lie wnte:nfs o.j: my ~le'i~ ~ h)ca,tion, or; r.te:r: paJi' 1;,~' 1.

~, ~ '3: I "'"i~a' I [0," NIJ;~"'''JI!!i;I!1I'8'

~.6.·" ~ ' ..... _ .. r'"Y.'11 ~lYl!WIII .'

"l'he legi,Ciil :in5·~fiN, ,pl'o<Yid.ecll by' ,8QB5, 'pmo:r:m 10gkat :ootate:i, 00Mp1nE' ,and rom.f~T ~ti~

• L0gi.u!1,: U'Sin,g .lo,gicill. :instrucmom" ,iULry ~jJtt JILr'Umber .. or the ,ctmbmts, of III '" ~ . ~ret ~, , £ ~ ~,~'" .~ '~Il ~, ,~, 'b ~ l~ ~ ... WI ANDed O~ ~ ~

:regm'i.. QJ;' Q;' a! me;mQry~ ",I. co, "'~1iIi .. e ogI.cnr,y' "'~t'. o:r

BXclusi\l\e-C[~, with h c-on~J;s of the ~w!"~' and. me :resUlt )is :500md, m

;ifk ... 'a; ,......~'I,_~,.,., ....... co "'iIIiII,,·l~, _T[_~, "',{C...~ ~'t.._, O"'Q"!Qi ' -Ai~-Q' 'to ~I-t:'-~iti·........ """ tI"'"~

Ult: !IiI,Ik; !U.U.UJlI)~'.v.-.II,1'! J.,[h ...... :~w" ~ .. ,ll'C~J(:;" lJUW:;· ,II_ .. ~ !LII,Ik; ~~L~ - ~jiILI)laL v.JIJ"" 'UiIL ,~UI~,

r ..... r I'"~ ~,' ", -1" ~'" ',- ~ .. ", i'1 ....... 11t' , .. ~ ,~", -", fl.a,~'

~~;1 [~~ ~ ~~!i!.!. ,x;!j.t!, !l'!;!e ,~>O ~~" . .g,

~ RDlate z These insbumions ailloW' :s.rn.ffin.g: ,(iiI eaeh 'bi,t; :m itihe iII.camu.ihi,fm' ~ or ~',ht, by' '1 !bit J.i'Ci~t1i3.Qn"

.. Ir"'-m' in2I~ ., ,A'-IV' Q l..'it, , ...... tr ... ;I_-r· '''':Ir' ~"L .... , _f~''''''i .not "" 1i"Pai~~r' """",:a::a,_ ... "".,.._il-.r...-.~ ,~ ' ..

III..r.IJ _ l~'_'_ iii nJJll). ~'U...... ,LUi.I.UIIJC:.·~!\.II!· lIi1t:: ......... 1..1111.111:::.1,113 ul iii. ",~,--:U::::: 'f. v.~~ U"'I'C: ~!I.l'iINlJU"IIJL-\i3! UJI: !IiI1

~ry ]~lon, can~, o)iinP~, WI:' ~Ilallty~ ~tet' ~ 'Ql' :leM ~ 'with l1e !CmLtenm of Ule aocumuiaifo1'.

3 :2 .. IEh"anetll;IVIi, On G'rario ns,

~ i!ll! !!I . __ "_ .~ ~ _,_. '!llI!"t;tll!l!' ~ ·r·-'-·~ '_ ,~.~ - _"

''Ihese :iIm~lions, ,a,l[o';:w - tbe 8085 ~ cll.aoge lie ~ (if the, pro~, ~tionall(y ot' 'under ce~in test [~Ii~ru. These ~~ Hlclwd_.e, b~ ~m~~ $Uhro:~tiru!i ~ ,aM ,~ imb1;l~ and, gtart' :ins~tiON<.

Copy rig hted m ateri al

&2:5 StaulrJL>, I" ~~ iiII0i'th-t" it ~ "IIi [u_ h"' C" • ..... ·1 0 :j"' ~'

~: .~ ~:~ ,,~ "np:~" _'~';'~'U ~ an~~ fQ(I!cu!ne:"OiTl'YIU :...:peraHdGIlS'

~ instnldia.ns ~onJtrol ~, sm~k Qper.~Jlonsi :tnpu;l/output operations, ,aiEiLd machltu! ,~tkms" Th~ ,slaek; '~I!ru:ctions, aU~!W" the transfer Q.t' da~~ fr.orn '~t:er ~r to sta~,

'--rion" , __ "Ji ,~- , .. ~:~ .. ";L, ..... "',, ..... ,,' .... 'I.P' ~ "'L,~: ~.c,""'= it"i",l= '~",,: '~it'ii'!l.~ .. ).:,.',; .. ·tIi, fi\Ho"ii., l~~""'.'~""'" -,to!'iO\lf_ ,LI'~I!!~~',~. ~,~ I~~ ~i!!~-~~c~-~ l~~ ~ ~1~~I!I!;J!, Ti·~g- .~~ '~T!I:oI!~_.[IfI'-:.·Tll:J!!1' ~J~Igl~~Yc~~ ~~f!H'!~

'the';iu of ,8-:bi't d1l!ta 'to :inp!lJti~,\1~l ~rt ~ 1ihe 1~1ihe:r.' hand :Ili'ln~, ~tru.cli'ains

~~]~ .. i.e' , ..... """"'i,.~ ... ""', ~ti..-.;ffl;: oii,;" .... 'L '''''' m" :I ...... """i'~rii~'" h ... l~, ,.,-."., de 1I'Ii~:r;tt '!I.'~.J-'_'lM, lllil .. iI_;I]_ ..... UWJWi::' · ... r.·,...".,1rII V'-JI!tLl'l 13I .. .u!l !lAi.'-'l ' ,I.GII..I,lU;t.'.~. ,i::tlIj~ 'LF.-J.J, . /1;.11 ,lI.ll'II.lWII!:j'I'

1.,3· Instruclon and Data Fonn)8,t

'il'~~'f, ~'".~~~;""C"" -I:. ,1I.1b.~, 'DflQ~ ::', .. , ,,'.:"" ":, ;il-,~~ ," :..._..,::Ji: ... ~,~.t'~. ..:: :e 'I~.l ..,. ......... ,~I~ iL'i",iiaYi:II.II~u .. (Ifi, 01. LIi~ ~' IIUCIOP;t.QC'.eS.SiOl' ~iJ.iIII!!!' ,s'p~lU,1,;; JlI.:u,untJ:.Bry;ol:l ,11.e,Y5,. ,L,I,:~

:~:r.m~lkm. fiiErl\ci j)f' :iru;;trudioru, are ca:l!led ,eb~~nenjts of U\s~diJ:on. '~~ ~;

., O,peration code, ~ ''!!he ~ra,tiaril" ,~ ,6cld, in. '!he: msm:uctlon. ,s,pecifies the ~.1;Iii.Q:n ~o ibe :pt.lFor.m.OO. Th~ o~,atl1ion, is ~6nd by 'hin!rry eode, merLCe the limle ,operation eode or silmpl:Y' opoode\" :fnr example", ~:r: 8085 ,pii~r

'ope1'''''';::'"i'ri ...... ,.:i .. ~ A' "·D· D:', '8' '~"ifiI;:.iI-.;;l·~\i'jI"" .'1',"" ~ii:hfllr.:Jr '. . . _. ~l !i.IV."!l1 L"'\JU -. JIJ~.Ir ',: -[. . ," ....... !I_~.[J.I~ ~~ !au •. I. ,_ii:r. O!1J.'fl~

• Clni~""";I' ;JI . ........:_, .. ~..".;,,; ~.'-,...-,~i " 'T'I..,_ ;C""'''j......."I·:d_,..:;..,,"~'Io!:'''''n"" ~-.,..,4 :c.e-]~.l d'~l[fecl'~lv

~"'!lrlIi!li."!lii ... ILl-~LU~"" ...... jli -..r.'r..,...JiiaLl~ • .I,I,K:. I7U !I.aII_L"'~. _ ~~'-li.I,I.\Ct~:l'-ll " """·r· .. _il:=lLl:LY. .I~I. _ .U1l ", _ ~II_ I . . - ,Iii

s,peci~, the so.uroo:/destin~'1ii!;m 'operirnd. ~or' 'the: mstructi,M" hi!. 8085 ... 1l.e mstrud:ion, MOV' ,A;9, :has B rcegi5tew oOontols as a, 5m,tL_ra. I~ra_n~d. and, ,A,. :~~r 'OOl'lbm~ as a d~liiinatlo:n, IOP&itnd '~~~ 'Ihis inslrnlclan, 'oop:ies 'the: crm~l'Iils of register :B 'ro m,prer' 1\.,

• h.~e operand. address : 'We know that 'the' opemtioo specified 'try tihJ! l~diM- ma,y :requrilt'-e. O]1Ie Of m:arE' 'opefiinds, 'The sour:ce 'operarui" may' ~e m ~ ... iCliiiil!p ,~,i.'!i""""" "~~1'" ~i'i; ,,~ ... , T(i'i;~""'ii'V'~ "~'~'~~y~ tiim~ tihi!. 'insi:rn.dfo.n ,~oo.fiC!!li the

l~lt;;; ~~ I'J~~~~- ..... -~ ~j!ll ~~ 1'~!I~.f~:wr~.,}·~ l~~~l" ~~ ~~_ =~ ~~ ~~._._._.~. '!'i"F-·~ .~-~~ ..

a.~ of: '1Jb,@, ~ Q~'!m.d. ISO' 'Ilhait 'QP!I!rand('s) eanbe aeeessed and 'Ofera!ted

h.:r ,~1,."," QI']lil'J!:' IiIc.r'l'~~n~' F ,~1l.,,", =;,;,"''1,.,;, ... .,:' ... 0"" ¥.;. u.;u:; 'OU£U ~~UJ:Ii.II_II;~.-O 1.=~V lI~ ul~~ .. _l !w.."-1olV; , _r.

_. ~ ,Ii __


• Dqtin!Ltion, ~d, ~IdLrtg : ~ ~~tion ~mdl b,y ithe 8085 may produre

'~. ,'" ,'j'~l"", M" '." -,'''', ~ """'I:~ ........ ''':ii'"-, "i' ,.--.~"" ~'I~ ~ .::.., ,."j,.. ... ,="11-',.'~ "ii"io ......... -., .... :, "','.' f: ii!l..1": . '" I~.'··· ~_"",.JI' "., I,~.;.':.',' ,."",t.., ;i"i'IVi,t'.' '.' •. ',' '-:-:--+',

~=liIIiIi', " ~~, 1, 11:'1,11; 'Ii .... ~~ '1:':1;1 I,...,U ,J:, ,Ioi]! [!!:~"" .. ~, .I",~, '!o,!'.H'!O;: ""'., 1!It!""' ""T'"-~~" ,gy~ ""'",t"""";iIJ1U

:is ~, as de5.timltion ~. 'I'he ~cti.on wl:1ic:h, protilUte' 'r,:mIlt, :~ d:te destinatiOO, operand address, 'In ,8085'j' d1Lill!: desuatio.-n. ,~ add~ fur :~tru(!ti.Qn :~ :M: is g£y'en, 'by' m ~tcr 'pm '~w;e :ft!JlR 'M insmc.....d!tion '~eJ!!,~ the' ,~ients of 'm.emooy l~fion, specl.tied 'bY' HI. mgistm' :pm' ,M\d 6-~ 'the ~1I: 'in 'the 6am.e 'm.eD'iJJJ:y b::ii!:::ati'CD.

• Ned' '~~diiQn ,~_reH ,; 'De :~t IDs:~ ~, ~1.Is '~ ~, ~ Mlere W :~ :the ~: ,~~ aft-er ICQlltpletion Q:f' ~ m camm1:t: ms:~

~""'i" ]I!Ii'~ ,"'~"'rlf",~' "iI!'I.,-~,~I'i:'_"'" .;I-.. ·a.ll.ll~- of'. '~'I!--- _._.ii; h· • ., ...... ~-=.-- ~oii. ~fiiad ,wtthin

r''''-Jl. D.rIi..EU~f~, ,L.Il!l.l:l~~U_'I.n,;1.I!'- uJt:. .. ~ -., 1lIUi:: .1.IIii:Aill ,UJ..:lI-Ri-~~-Jlll ll_1J!l ~I!P~~~ .. ,~ __ , ._" _ ' '

f)h.e. '~trud:i0A, Ho~j' for other :lns~J the ~t ~budion w " feldred immemill;rely' fbJllows, the cmrenl inslructi.oJ1b" Phr' exampl~ in, ,80&5" ~ ,~,t:........ ~TD '8'. ,t.-..l~l.j.,w~ ;'it," "1"'i.." ,~.,.. ......... -;:~'~ ~C" ~~M: ,i.',,"_:~' ~on

ICILI)LC,I" ,1lI"!!\" , ,I,U~ ",~!5 ~." J"LI_e ,LIi~ !W!o.!W\lIU, J[~i~"'" ~I;l, ~ ... ~ y,~ _~ ~" "~' _~ ~~'" "'" " -

ad'diress· alii 2JJ0OH"

Copy rig hted m ateri al

'B-'ODiC r"' - .. ~ - .~ - ...... ,:11;.1 iii, [ .N "Su'~Dn iiiiI!'ft am. ~

3.3.'1, Il1isu,U)cti"on [F[onata

Tht;t ~A. llnslnu:[lun set, [OO]1lSlsb, of iO'l\'e'! M~ und, ~, byte '~]'ft~~cti~ The ,first bvte '-I", _ll,. .. " .. v., ,i<\.._, n-ne---Ap" ':;FIi , ... • ...... ~'k.iifa ';;i;'lIii","",';~:_""~ :the ,~FLfid 1Jy~~te '!is liSUi!I1~~ da*'"'" 'm

.!.~ ,Q. ru,Y'If!l.i'J!'[lQ. m-lt: v.r.L~!i.I'1 LIt.~1 'n'~~lll~1!r ~~-H.~~5!I ~.~ ~I:T.I~ ••• ' _' '.-~ .~. "~" iJ. - ~ , -

'three ~yte, h'lstr.umullS fhe last: t!¥o '~yfe5 'p~t add:r,~ [0':1;' 16-ni!t' dillm.

1. [One b,yte' Imstruc6~.,. ;

F~mat : I Opcooe ill 1 i!>ylJi!

F'omla!; : I Q~de[] [Ope:talldl]' :2:~1:!

3. tllu·ae, brte iinswct.iolill ::

FOf.' 'lh:amp'I"" ~ U()V A. iB, 'Whose neccde is 78H

l.""!' __ ' '~_ ."~ _~' _, '; ,~~ ~ ,~,. c _ r-~I . . , .. ' ---r--" C •

"",\..:.~'Il. ,~,., ""' ...... , 'h",*"" ....... ,:_ ~Cn""""'''~.'n''I[ "'1fIoD~- ~

·.~.l[l.ll.Ojl .lID. !I.;I'~I~ U<.J IL-"II.;::I J.J;~J ..... ,IIil!U,~ ... IU.-~ •• !Ii "iI'-...,.,r·...,..IiI!J l~'~

,- - -- ............ ,~i!. D' ,--~,~ "--;j. ..... ',-~ _iii ...... i:'Pil~ ..

oan~nm 'W _ ,regIl!!~Jr m. ,n, ""'IW-o!o"".,.,,._.;,;,

:~Q:r ' : M\m: n,~ 021,[ Th.e OPCOOe~ :mr 'this hitsnetion :18 06H and, is ,always .f,ol]o-wi~;l by ,~ ~,~ data, ~02H in thiis ('a~) .. 'TIU5 :i~:5w'CtiOfi!; is, a, 'tw·o ~ - h'ns~tI)on, whidt ,oo:pj~ ~~::!!m data into B


F'·-· --, 'I::'-j~'--- .c.i[ ... e n..m ,~'YVlolt1. "l"i..., ""-n~ ,Ii:'~i." 'ilbH.s or ,~_:jIjmp~ ",I"~jU, 1!JI.bV!.'J,~,; ,!,~~ ""'lr"- ~ ,~_, ML --

irlstmdion. is [C3H. and Is iilhY'irYS ,fdllCtwUi by '] ~[ ~!i;"-fld'!i' ~ -: --, t'.::!200H·.·· in "fL.~"', ,mse~'" ThiI:s ,,'1;1 !l'U, ailOl! .~-ess ,,~-. = ~ ~ ~~ - - - -f ~ __

~h1l~ is, a, ,~, bJ~' ,ms:l7ruelion 'wJMm,

~"'d' "l~£'L--;I,"-d;l~--,", ""'"" -- ." - -- .::, ,- ..... --

Jffi1 . .8, 0' rill" 8 .~ ,mIiHJ',gr-am, OOUllll!O'r",

Format : I O~d~' - [~J.fI[f I Q~randl I s blfl€S

3.3.2 Opcod~, FOflrrnats

The 8085:A mittoprooesso.r has a..hllt 'QPcod!es. Th-e epcode :18 unique ,fur: e-a~h ~

..... ..ll ... " ... ,~;:~~, ",,'__ .. ,:_..: ............ ,..!i!(i.-.- ... , ,-jL--,,",c'''' i'\'f;'Wlr-~..,:j ....... , ..... ~~~ ~ 'ii.. ... ~.~_..;iI W'i""""'''''I'''V!il.r.. '\.._ ..L """IUJ, ~L~L.lI1:I.lIi~ ~~' g:-gL¥~,~~J~J!,~, ~Iir.r~!.i- ·!Pr·!II'!~ipI.J~-!J~ ~".ci~.~-'~ ~ ~;J.I ~~~!!'!o!~~~: lW ~ ~~.

]he, 8OBi5A id.eT.litJ!lies au' ii,)'pe:ra)'ti.0:rt5~ :~ters ,md ,flags wUb. 8, s~ifu: code" :ftir e)i~mple..

,~~(1 ~","[.'L......~' r~iI:.,~_.' '_ ~_, iid .. ~,Jil,li!,-~;~·~ _". ,,.;'" " ... ~_,--_~,-. [~ ...... :i!l.l"'··~···· ,h'L.1i~ 'r.!l '1,[ [f,~.~[ '~i""I·;d'. '!];."_''II,I-[~.''Ii.~, ....,[~~II:,U,~,_O_,;IiC.Lilf ~,'IO' ,. -=I~~ Ii=IOJ! "1,1IJ'",ul~, ,LIoL Ult:: wUJ ..... ;:I."'l""J 'IiIiJOW. ";Li.'I:"",J!.

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Copy rig hted m ateri al

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