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English 2010

Relationships with Pets and their Effects

Korilynn Goller

Pet importance and the effect it can have on any person ranges based on the situation that
they are in. Pets are most common when the family is financially able to support it and when the
family is in need of a companion to be with, although it isnt the only time a family owns a pet.
The relationship between a person and a pet is the most effective thing to help with any stress
levels or show any benefits. The better the relationship with that specific pet, the more beneficial
it is for the owners psyche. Pet relationships with humans have the same interpersonal benefits
as human relationships but relationships with pets have less amount of stress than a human

The Science Behind It

In the brain, there is a chemical, called Oxytocin that is related to stress levels. It
generally calms down a person. There was a study done where men and women in the workplace
were brought a dog to pet for a certain amount of time. Those who pet the dog had raised
Oxytocin levels from before they pet the dog. It was also observed that the womens Oxytocin
levels were raised more than the men by petting the dog as well. This study shows that the more
time spent with the dog, or with a pet, will increase Oxytocin and therefore show some sort of
stress level decrease or relief.
The Effects
Owning pets also give a sense of responsibility, which makes it so pet owners have to
take care of another being, the pet, and then they will be more likely to take care of themselves.
Because the pet owners want the pet in good shape, they will be more active to accommodate
this, especially in the elderly. Pet ownership, however, does not affect every person in the same
way because of the different lifestyles they may lead.
Pets also help child mental growth with empathy and self esteem. With children, pets are
known to help with anxiety, but this is only known on a short term level. Having a pet in a
childs life also increases the childs social and physical activities because they have a feeling of
responsibility to the pet to be active and social with them, therefore unknowingly transferring
that onto human relationships and the childs lifestyle.
Many pet owners report a companionship with any pet they may have has helped them
psychologically as well as help with their well being. There are a variety of studies showing that

pets help with health and activity levels. An example is a German and Australian study showing
that pet owners had 15% less doctor visits than non-pet owners. It also showed that the
individuals that were bonded closer with their pets were the individuals that were in better health.
Many studies have shown that the immediate contact with a pet, not necessarily owning it but
petting or stroking a pet, reduces stress levels as well as blood pressure. On the other side,
although pet owners were physically more active and healthier, psychological conditions had no
improvement between pet owners and non-pet owners. Another study done in the United States
that was longitudinal showed that longevity of life did not differ from pet owners and non-pet
owners. On the short term side, pets tend to make people happier.

Works Cited
"Anthrozos." Pet Ownership and the Importance of Pets Among Adolescents:
Anthrozos: Vol 8, No 4. N.p., 27 Apr. 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.
"Anthrozos."An Examination of Changes in Oxytocin Levels in Men and Women Before
and After Interaction With a Bonded Dog: Anthrozos: Vol 22, No 1. N.p., 28 Apr. 2015.
Web. 25 Jan. 2017.
Herzog, Harold. "The Impact of Pets on Human Health and Psychological
Well-Being."Current Directions in Psychological Science 20.4 (2011): 236-39.Sage
Journals. Web. 25 Jan. 2017.
"The benefits of pets for human health - National Center for Health Research ."National
Center For Health Research. N.p., 09 Aug. 2016. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.

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