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t century and our science curriculum. An an

Demands of 21st century and our science curriculum. An analytical

Education is an issue that touches everyone, personally, professionally, and as citizens of our
respective nations and the world. We do this out of a sense of community involvement, but also
out of a real desire to improve the pool from which we draw a major share of our workforce. As
we consider the challenges facing our country and the world, education, more so than almost
anything else, is at once both at the heart of every problem and a part of every solution. We have
oriented the topics around issues central to economic growth. In recent years, we have focused
on technological change, on demographic trends, on managing economic crises, and on
promoting increased domestic savings. But as vital as all of these areas are, education is their
equal in addressing some of the key questions of our time.
Our world is changing, and in order to prepare our children for this new world we need to change
the way we educate them. In the 21st century educators must create a curriculum that will help
students connect with the world and understand the issues that our world faces.
Schools in the 21st century will become nerve centers, a place for teachers and students to
connect with those around them and their community. Teachers in this new environment will
become less instructors and more orchestrators of information, giving children the ability to turn
knowledge into wisdom.
In order to educate in the 21st century, teachers and administrators need to cultivate and maintain
the student's interest in the material by showing how this knowledge applies in the real world.
They must also try to increase their student's curiosity, which will help them become lifelong
learners. Next they should be flexible with how they teach and give learners the resources to
continue learning outside of school.
There are many skills that children will need in order to be successful in the 21st century. Here
are a few of the most important 21st century skills:

Ability to collaborate, work in teams

Critical thinking skills
Oral presentation skills
Written communication skills
Ability to use technology
Willingness to examine civic and global issues
Ability to conduct research to learn about issues and concepts
Chance to learn about new career opportunities

In the ideal 21st century classroom, kids are actually excited about going to school, and there are
little or no discipline problems because everyone is eager to learn. In this type of classroom
activities and lessons are related to the community, whether local or global. Students collaborate
with people from different schools and different countries to learn about issues that affect us all,
as well as how we can solve them today and in the future.

The curriculum in the classroom is designed to incorporate many skills and intelligence levels,
and makes use of technology and multimedia. The lessons are not based on textbooks, instead
they are project based. Skills and content are learned through their research and projects, and
textbooks are provided as one of many possible resources.
A new addition to 21st century curriculum is the study of green education and environmental
issues. Kids are taught awareness of their world and real experts such as scientist and politicians
are brought in to answer student's questions.
New schools in the 21st century will be bright and spacious, and kids will have room for group
projects and individual assignments. Walls will be hung with student work, and there will be
places for students to put on performances for their parents and members of the community.
Students have full access to technology and, if possible, every student will have a laptop.
Within the school there will be labs and learning centers, as well as studios for art, music,
theatre, and so on. Each classroom will be equipped with a television so that all students can
watch school productions and other school presentations.
While it may take some time before schools and teachers are equipped to properly educate in the
21st century once they are the results will be dramatic. Children will be engaged and eager to
learn. In fact, they will carry on learning at home and over holidays, and they will have the
resources they need to keep learning no matter where they are. This ability to foster a love of
learning is truly the role of education in the 21st century.
Consider the following as three compelling realities that highlight the need to embrace changes:
Our current education system is based on an outdated industrial model;
Their teacher needs to evolve. Has been a Transformation in how students learn;
Technology provides access to a number of authorities on different subjects bringing into
question the role of textbooks and how the role of teachers needs to evolve.
First at the new challenges characterizing the environment in which higher education institutions
operate and compete at the beginning of the 21st century. Second, it examines some concrete
implications of these challenges in terms of changing institutional forms and new ways of
delivering higher education programs, looking at promising trends and experiences in countries
and institutions which have taken the lead in introducing reforms and innovations.
The New Challenges:
There are three major, intertwined new challenges which bear heavily on the role and functions
of higher education:
1) Economic globalization,
2) The increasing importance of knowledge as a driver of growth, and
3) The information and communication revolution.


Globalization is the complex integration of capital, technology, and information across national
boundaries in such a way as to create an increasingly integrated world market, with the direct
consequence that more and more countries and firms have no choice but to compete in a global
economy. Globalization may not be a new phenomenon. The conquest of America by the Spanish
and Portuguese invaders at the end of the 15th century, the triangular cotton and slave trade in
the 17th and 18th centuries, the construction of the trans-Atlantic telegraph cable in the 1860s,
and the colonization of most of Asia and Africa until the middle of the 20th century were key
factors of economic integration and determinants of economic growth on a global scale. But
there has undoubtedly been an acceleration of the phenomenon in the past two decades as
demonstrated by the increase in international trade and the growing interdependence of capital
Emphasizing globalization as an important economic trend does not imply a value judgment,
either positive or negative. Many people see this evolution as a major source of opportunities,
while critics decry the dangers of inter-dependency and high volatility, such as the risk of
transferring financial crises from one country to the other. But globalization is happening,
whether one approves of it or not, whether one likes it or not, and every country in the world,
every firm, every working person is affected by it and is very likely a part of it.

Growing Role of Knowledge:

The second dimension of change is the growing role of knowledge. Economic development is
increasingly linked to a nations ability to acquire and apply technical and socio-economic
knowledge, and the process of globalization is accelerating this trend. Comparative advantages
come less and less from abundant natural resources or cheaper labor, and more and more from
technical innovations and the competitive use of knowledge. The proportion of goods with a
medium-high and high level of technology content in international trade has gone from 33
percent in 1976 to 54 percent in 1996. Today, economic growth is as much a process of
knowledge accumulation as of capital accumulation. It is estimated that firms devote one-third of
their investment to knowledge-based intangibles such as training, research and development,
patents, licensing, design and marketing. In this context, economies of scope, derived from the
ability to design and offer different products and services with the same technology, are
becoming a powerful factor of expansion. In high-technology industries like electronics and
telecommunications, economies of scope can be more of a driving force than traditional
economies of scale. New types of companies, called producer services companies, have begun to
prosper as providers of specialized knowledge, information and data supporting existing
manufacturing firms. Experts see them as the principal source of created comparative advantage
and high value added in advanced industrialized economies.
At the same time, there is a rapid acceleration in the rhythm of creation and dissemination of
knowledge, which means that the life span of technologies and products gets progressively
shorter and that obsolescence comes more quickly. In chemistry, for instance, there were
360,000 known substances in 1978. This number had doubled by 1988. By 1998, there were
three times as many known substances (1,700,000). Almost 150,000 new patent equivalents
were added to the Chemical Abstracts data base in 1998, compared to less than 10,000 a year in
the late 1960s. Perhaps the best illustration of the short life time of new information and products
comes from the computer industry, where the monopoly of the Intel micro processing chip has
decreased spectacularly in duration with each new version. With its 386 microprocessor, Intel

dominated the market for more than three years in the late 1980s. Ten years later its competitive
edge lasted only three months with Pentium II. Even more dramatic,
Pentium III was supplanted by AMDs Athlon microprocessor after being on the market for only
a few weeks.
In addition, in many fields the distance between basic science and technological application is
narrowing or, in some cases, disappearing altogether. The implication is that pure and applied
research are not separate any longer. Molecular biology and computer science are two salient
examples of this evolution.
The results of a recent survey of technical innovation manufacturing firms underscore the
strategic importance of academic research in the development of new industrial products and
processes. On average, 19 percent of new products and 15 percent of new processes were
directly based on academic research. The proportion was even higher, 44 and 37 percent
respectively, in high technology industries such as pharmaceuticals, instruments and information
processing. There is also a significant geographical dimension to this relation between academic
research and industrial applications. This is underlined by a rich body of evidence on the impact
of universities on regional development and the spillover effects of academic research on
industrial research and technology and local innovation.

Information and Communication Revolution:

The third dimension of change is the information and communication revolution. The advent of
printing in the 15th century brought about the first radical transformation in the way knowledge
is kept and shared by people. Today, technological innovations are revolutionizing again the
capacity to store, transmit, access and use information. Rapid progress in electronics,
telecommunications and satellite technologies, permitting high capacity data transmission at very
low cost, has resulted in the quasi abolition of physical distance.

Changing Training Needs and Demand Patterns:

To begin with, a trend towards higher and different skills has been observed in many countries
and in the most advanced developing economies. In knowledge-driven economies, ever greater
numbers of workers and employees need higher level skills. This is confirmed by recent analyses
of rates of return in a few Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico) which show
a rising rate of return for tertiary education, a reversal of earlier trends in the 1970s and the
1980s7. Moreover, in many countries, highly skilled white collar employees account for 25 to 35
percent of the labor force.
The second dimension of change in education and training needs is the growing importance of
continuing education needed to update knowledge and skills on a regular basis because of the
short shelf life of knowledge. The traditional approach of studying for a discrete and finite
period of time to acquire a first degree or to complete graduate education before moving on to
professional life is being progressively replaced by practices of lifelong education. Training is
becoming an integral part of ones working life.
In the medium term, this may lead to a progressive blurring between initial and continuing
degree studies, as well as between young adult and mid-career training.
This evolution also means that, in the medium term, the primary clientele of universities will no
longer be young high school graduates. Universities must now organize themselves to
accommodate the learning and training needs of a very diverse clientele: working students,

mature students, stay-at-home students, traveling students, part-time students, day students, night
students, weekend students, etc. One can expect a significant change in the demographic shape
of higher education institutions, whereby the traditional structure of a pyramid with a majority of
first degree students, a smaller group of post-graduate students, and finally an even smaller share
of participants in continuing education programs will be replaced by an inverted pyramid with a
minority of first time students, more students pursuing a second or third degree, and the majority
of students enrolled in short term continuing education activities.

Demands of our Science Education in 21st century

Clear learning expectations for each course
Scientific Inquiry Skills standards, integrated into each course
Mathematical skills necessary for a solid understanding of each course
Additional high school vignettes to illustrate standards-based classroom lessons
Elimination of the two-year integrated science course in grades 9 and 10
A new Guiding Principle discussing the importance of literacy skills in learning content
Reformatting of the Broad Topics appendix to facilitate curriculum alignment
Expansion of the safety and legal appendix to highlight regulations applicable to science and
technology classrooms
Edits of the Framework text to assure coherence and flow throughout the document
Minor edits for content accuracy to four Pre K8 standards
School operating structure should be flexible and meets the needs of all learners

School program recognizes the 21st Century Fluencies that our global economy requires
Student voice should acknowledged and student needs drive the program
School should supported appropriately by all members of the community
School facility should be well designed and maintained

To create a model of students that would be able to enter the workforce with the same skills.
Although in other primary areas of society such as health care, transportation, and
communication there has been dramatic changes since 1900, education systems remain
essentially unchanged. Often the best rational we can offer for current practice is weve always
done it this way. Consider the 10-month school calendar. It is based on a time when young
people were needed in the summer to help harvest crops. Despite the fact that that agricultural
model is only needed in some rural pockets of our society, we continue, year after year, with the
10-month school calendar.
There is a need for schools to remain in sync with the world around them and the learners within
them. Students need to be involved in real, relevant experiences that recognize how they learn.
Digital Age students are profoundly different than those who graduated only 10 to 15 years ago.
They have developed what is called a cultural brain one defined by the ability to process
massive amounts of, primarily, visual and textual information at rapid speed due to their

constant exposure to the digital bombardment that is their everyday experience. Student brains
are different than those of their teachers, administrators, parents and employers most of whom
graduated before the digital age. To harness their current gifts gifts deemed necessary to
compete in the global economy we must change how we educate on every level. We cannot
carry on preparing students for the farms and factories of yesterday while the world jumps to
light speed with biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuro-technology, global high speed wired and
wireless networks, and incredibly powerful personal portable devices. Schools must prepare kids
for the world of tomorrow the world where they will spend the rest of their lives

Teachers play a fundamental role however, it is no longer how much the teacher
knows, but how well the teacher can be both a learner and a catalyst for others to
be curious and full of discovery
The teacher will take on the stances of:
Instructing This is where explicit teaching is required. The teacher is focusing on curriculum
content, knowledge and skills.
Collaborating Facilitating students working together, face to face or over distances,
recognizing the norms of collaboration among various cultures, engaging in collaborative
inquiry, on projects that have meaning for the learner.
Coaching The teacher is supporting the student as the driver of his or her learning. This
includes goal setting, problem-solving, practice and self-directed learning.
Monitoring This is the ongoing formative assessment that the teacher engages in in order to
determine what the student needs and thus whether there is a need to alter his or her stance.
Based upon established success criteria, students engage in peer assessment and frequent
feedback from the teacher. Teachers ensure high expectations for all and create conditions that
ensure time on task.

Science Curriculum Designed to Meet 21st-Century

The Science and Technology Curriculum Framework provides a guide for teachers and
curriculum coordinators regarding specific content to be taught from Pre K through high school.

Philosophy and Vision

The Philosophy and Vision chapter of the document provides general information in the
following areas:
The Purpose and Nature of Science and Technology section describes how science and
technology interrelate.
The Inquiry, Experimentation, and Design in the Classroom section describes inquiry-based
instruction and lists inquiry skills.

The Guiding Principles articulate ideals of teaching, learning, assessing, and administering
science and technology programs.

The Strands
The learning standards are grouped into four strands:
Earth and Space Science
Life Science (Biology)
Physical Sciences (Chemistry and Physics)
Each strand section begins with an overview of the strand.

Grade Spans and Subject Area Topics

Each strands learning standards are grouped into four grade spans:
Grades Pre K2
Grades 35
Grades 68
High School
Learning standards are sub-grouped within each grade span under subject area topic headings that are
specific to that grade span.

Grade Pre K through Grade 8

Learning standards for grades Pre K8 are presented in tables that include ideas for gradeappropriate classroom investigations and learning experiences for each standard.
At grades Pre K2 and 35, for all strands except Technology, these tables also include
suggestions for related learning experiences in technology, and reference the Pre K through grade
5 Technology learning standards. In the Technology strand, the grades Pre K2 and 35 tables
list learning standards only.
At grades 68, suggestions for learning experiences in technology are included in the table with
the grades 68 Technology learning standards.
At least one detailed vignette is provided within most strands, titled What It Looks Like in the
Classroom, to illustrate how to teach one or more grade-specific learning standards within that
strand. Additional activities to illustrate and teach the grade Pre K through grade 8 learning
standards are suggested in Appendix II.

High School Introductory Courses

The 2006 revised high school learning standards listed in this Framework articulate the expectations for
the following introductory courses:

Earth and Space Science

Biology (Life Science strand)
Chemistry (Physical Sciences strand)
Introductory Physics (Physical Sciences strand)
Within each high school course, two types of learning standards are provided:
content standards in section I, summarized in one or more Central Concept statements, and
further sub-grouped under subject area topic headings
New Scientific Inquiry Skills (SIS) standards in section II
Section III of each course presents a list of mathematical skills students should have the
opportunity to apply in that course.
A What It Looks Like in the Classroom vignette follows the mathematical skills section for
most high school courses. For Technology/Engineering, additional suggested learning activities
related to each subtopic are listed following the What It Looks Like in the Classroom pages.

The following appendices provide curricular resources to support instruction at all grade levels:

Pre K through High School Learning Standards Organized by Strand and Broad Topics
Additional Learning Activities for Grade Pre K through Grade 8
Historical and Social Context for Science and Technology/Engineering Topics for Study
Safety Practices and Legal Requirements
Dissection and Dissection Alternatives in Science Courses: Policies and Resources for
Public Schools
6. Curriculum Review Resources
7. Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Programs in Science and

The Purpose of Science and Technology Education

Investigations in science and technology involve a range of skills, habits of mind, and subject
matter knowledge. The purpose of science and technology education is to enable students to
draw on these skills and habits, as well as on their subject matter knowledge, in order to
participate productively in the intellectual and civic life of Pakistans society and to provide the
foundation for their further education in these areas if they seek it.

The Nature of Science

Science may be described as the attempt to give good accounts of the patterns in nature. The
result of scientific investigation is an understanding of natural processes. Scientific explanations
are always subject to change in the face of new evidence. Ideas with the most durable
explanatory power become established theories or are codified as laws of nature. Overall, the key
criterion of science is that it provide a clear, rational, and succinct account of a pattern in nature.
This account must be based on data gathering and analysis and other evidence obtained through
direct observations or experiments, reflect inferences that are broadly shared and communicated,
and be accompanied by a model that offers a naturalistic explanation expressed in conceptual,
mathematical, and/or mechanical terms. Here are some everyday examples of patterns seen in
The sun appears to move each day from the eastern horizon to the western horizon.
Virtually all objects released near the surface of the earth sooner or later fall to the ground.
Parents and their offspring are similar, e.g., lobsters produce lobsters, not cats.
Green is the predominant color of most plants.
Some objects float while others sink.
Fire yields heat.
Weather in North Pakistan generally moves from west to east.
Many organisms that once inhabited the earth no longer do so.
It is beyond the scope of this document to examine the scientific accounts of these patterns.
Some are well known, such as that the rotation of the earth on its axis gives rise to the apparent
travel of the sun across the sky, or that fire is a transfer of energy from one form to another.
Others, like buoyancy or the cause of extinction, require subtle and sometimes complex
accounts. These patterns, and many others, are the puzzles that scientists attempt to explain.

The Nature of Technology

Technology seeks different ends from those of science. Engineering strives to design and
manufacture useful devices or materials, defined as technologies, whose purpose is to increase
our efficacy in the world and/or our enjoyment of it. Can openers are technology, as are
microwave ovens, microchips, steam engines, camcorders, safety glass, zippers, polyurethane,
the Golden Gate Bridge, much of Disney World, and the Big Dig in Boston. Each of these, with
innumerable other examples, emerges from the scientific knowledge, imagination, persistence, talent, and
ingenuity of practitioners of technology/engineering. Each technology represents a designed solution,
usually created in response to a specific practical problem that applies scientific principles. As with
science, direct engagement with the problem is central to defining and solving it.

The Relationship between Science and Technology

In spite of their different goals, science and technology have become closely, even inextricably,
related in many fields. The instruments that scientists use, such as the microscope, balance, and
chronometer, result from the application of technology. Scientific ideas, such as the laws of
motion, the relationship between electricity and magnetism, the atomic model, and the model of
DNA, have contributed to achievements in technology and engineering, such as improvement of

the internal combustion engine, power transformers, nuclear power, and human gene therapy.
The boundaries between science and technology blur together to extend knowledge.

Inquiry-Based Instruction
Engaging students in inquiry-based instruction is one way of developing conceptual
understanding, content knowledge, and scientific skills. Scientific inquiry as a means to
understand the natural and human-made worlds requires the application of content knowledge
through the use of scientific skills. Students should have curricular opportunities to learn about
and understand science and technology through participatory activities, particularly laboratory,
fieldwork, and design challenges.

Inquiry, experimentation, and design should not be taught or tested as separate, stand-alone skills.
Rather, opportunities for inquiry, experimentation, and design should arise within a well-planned
curriculum. Instruction and assessment should include examples drawn from life science, physical
science, earth and space science, and technology standards. Doing so will make clear to students
that what is known does not stand separate from how it is known.

In grades Pre K2, scientific investigations can center on student questions,

observations, and communication about what they observe. For example, students might
plant a bean seed following simple directions written on a chart. Then they can write
down what happens over time in their own words.

In grades 35, students can plan and carry out investigations as a class, in small groups,
or independently, often over a period of several class lessons. The teacher should first
model the process of selecting a question that can be answered, formulating a hypothesis,
planning the steps of an experiment, and determining the most objective way to test the
hypothesis. Students should incorporate mathematical skills of measuring and graphing to
communicate their findings.

In grades 68, teacher guidance remains important but allows for more variation in
student approach. Students at this level are ready to formalize their understanding of what
an experiment requires by controlling variables to ensure a fair test. Their work becomes
more quantitative, and they learn the importance of carrying out several measurements to
minimize sources of error. Because students at this level use a greater range of tools and
equipment, they must learn safe laboratory practices (see Appendix IV). At the
conclusion of their investigations, students in these grades can be expected to prepare
reports of their questions, procedures, and conclusions.

In high school, students develop greater independence in designing and carrying out
experiments, most often working alone or in small groups. They come up with questions
and hypotheses that build on what they have learned from secondary sources. They learn

to critique and defend their findings, and to revise their explanations of phenomena as
new findings emerge. Their facility with using a variety of physical and conceptual
models increases. Students in the final two years of high school can be encouraged to
carry out extended independent experiments that explore a scientific hypothesis in depth,
sometimes with the assistance of a scientific mentor from outside the school setting.
Preparation for post-secondary opportunities is another reason to provide regular laboratory
and fieldwork experiences in high school science and technology courses. The Board of
Higher Educations states that three science courses, including two courses with laboratory
work, must be completed in order to fulfill the minimum science requirement for admission
to the Commonwealths four-year public institutions. All high school courses based on the
standards presented in this document should include substantial laboratory and/or fieldwork
to allow all students the opportunity to meet or exceed this requirement of Higher Education.

Skills of Inquiry, Experimentation, and Design

All students need to achieve a sufficient level of scientific literacy to enable them to succeed in
post-secondary education, in careers, and as contributing members of a democratic society. To
achieve this, students need to develop skills that allow them to search out, describe, and explain
natural phenomena and designed artifacts. Scientific inquiry, experimentation, and design
involve practice (skills) in direct relationship to knowledge; content knowledge and skills are
necessary to inquire about the natural and human-made worlds.
The skills for grades Pre K8 listed below are unchanged from those presented in the 2001
Framework. The new Scientific Inquiry Skills standards listed for high school reflect essential
elements of scientific practice and should be integrated into curriculum along with content
Grades PreK2

Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events in the environment.

Tell about why and what would happen if?
Make predictions based on observed patterns.
Name and use simple equipment and tools (e.g., rulers, meter sticks, thermometers, hand
lenses, and balances) to gather data and extend the senses.
Record observations and data with pictures, numbers, or written statements.
Discuss observations with others.

Grades 35

Ask questions and make predictions that can be tested.

Select and use appropriate tools and technology (e.g., calculators, computers, balances,
scales, meter sticks, graduated cylinders) in order to extend observations.
Keep accurate records while conducting simple investigations or experiments.
Conduct multiple trials to test a prediction. Compare the result of an investigation or
experiment with the prediction.

Recognize simple patterns in data and use data to create a reasonable explanation for the
results of an investigation or experiment.
Record data and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps, models, and
oral and written reports.

Grades 68

Formulate a testable hypothesis.

Design and conduct an experiment specifying variables to be changed, controlled, and
Select appropriate tools and technology (e.g., calculators, computers, thermometers,
meter sticks, balances, graduated cylinders, and microscopes), and make quantitative
Present and explain data and findings using multiple representations, including tables,
graphs, mathematical and physical models, and demonstrations.
Draw conclusions based on data or evidence presented in tables or graphs, and make
inferences based on patterns or trends in the data.
Communicate procedures and results using appropriate science and technology
Offer explanations of procedures, and critique and revise them.

High School
This Framework introduces four Scientific Inquiry Skills (SIS) standards that are included in
each introductory high school course (except Technology, where they are replaced by the steps of
the Engineering Design Process):
SIS1. Make observations, raise questions, and formulate hypotheses.
SIS2. Design and conduct scientific investigations.
SIS3. Analyze and interpret results of scientific investigations.
SIS4. Communicate and apply the results of scientific investigations.

Future careers will require higher levels of science education than in the past. That science
education must enable individuals to discover what they need to know rather than just having
static knowledge. Society will need college graduates with mental agility and adaptability.
If this is the goal of education, colleges and universities must reexamine how that goal is
achieved. The Net Generation and the current capabilities of information technology make it
possible to support learning activities that will enable graduates to be mentally agile and
adaptable. However, beyond technical infrastructure, the use of technology in the service of
learning is limited.
The Greater Expectations report calls for a focus on developing intentional learners; it also calls
for developing intentional institutions. Colleges and universities are connecting silos of

administrative work with relational databases so that, for example, financial aid structures can
interface with human resources and accounting, ensuring students can work for the institution
and maintain simultaneous student and staff categorizations. Eight years ago this was not easy,
but today no one thinks it should be any other way. Clearly, science and technology can facilitate
the achievement of the operational goals of the institution. But achieving one of its most
important goalsimproving the learning of all studentsthrough technology will require
conversations at all levelsdepartment, college, institution, and state. With calls for greater
accountability for increased spending and for assessment of student learning, we can ask for no
less than the effective and coherent integration of technology into an enriched curriculum that
meets both student and societal expectations.

References:, pp. 2122,2134,86356,00.shtm

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