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Global Positioning System

What is GPS ?
A very precise positioning system
Developed and maintained by the
US Department of Defense (DOD)
Satellite Based
* 24 satellites
* 20,200 km high orbit

Although it is a very precise
geographic positioning system
It is very easy to get youself into trouble
Because you (probably) dont
understand how it works
And that leads to garbage

Characteristics of GPS

All weather
Anytime & anywhere
Unlimited user capacity


Segments of GPS
1. Space Segment
A constellation of 24 satellites

2. Monitor Station
A network of earth-based facilities

3. Users & Equipment


Segments of GPS
1. Space Segment
A constellation
of 24 satellites


GPS Monitoring Station

How GPS Works

Uses measurements from 4+ satellites
Distance = travel time x speed of light


Determining GPS Position


Satellite A

Satellite B

Suppose the distance from

Satellite A to our position is
11,000 miles
At this point we could be located
anywhere on the specified sphere
Next, let us take another measurement
from a second satellite, Satellite B

Now our position is narrowed down to the

intersection of theses two sphere

Determining GPS Position


Satellite A

Satellite B

Satellite C

Taking another measurement

from a 3rd satellite narrows our
position down even further, to
the two points
These points are located where
the 3rd sphere cuts through the
the intersection of first two spheres

So by ranging from 3 satellites we can

narrow our position to just two points in space

How do we decide which one is our

true location?
We could make a 4th measurement
from another satellite to determine
the true point
Satellite A
We can eliminate one of the two
+ C
points that gives a ridiculous
Satellite B
The ridiculous point may be too
far from the earth
However, GPS receivers use a 4th satellite to precisely
locate our position

Determining GPS Position

How accurate is GPS?

Depends on some variables

Time spent on measurement

Design of receiver
Relative positions of satellites,
technically known as PDOP (Position
dilution of precision)

GPS Receivers

Methods of data collection

Three methods of positioning
10-20 meters

2-5 meters

Phase Differential

10-20 m



Common use of GPS

A. GIS data collection & mapping
B. Navigation
C. Recreation

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