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- Meta Design was founded in 1979 by designer and

typographer Erik Spiekerman in Berlin.


- Its recognized for its service as an international design consultancy with a focus on branding and brand
-Meta Designs principal reputation was gleaned
though engagements for the Berlin Transit System
- They have also worked with brands like Volkswagen,
Audi, Lacoste, Boston Consulting Group (BCG),and
Coca Cola.

Meta Design
was founded in by
Erik Spiekermann

Meta Design expands
to San Francisco

Meta Design
expands to

Erik Spiekermann
leaves Meta Design

Meta Design
expands to

Meta Design expands
to Geneva


-MetaDesign believes that a brand is the very

essence of a business. Not simply a logo or
messaging, its the central idea, the organizing
principle, a shared reference point.
-It can provide stability through shifting trends
and changing markets, and serve as a guide for
decision-makers at every level.
- They re-invent previously branded companies
by updating their overall brand personality their
current market and competitors.


- MetaDesign plays a huge roll in advertising and marketing for their clients.
- Volkswagen needed help condensing their marketing
tactics in order to appeal to a more dynamic audience
- Metadesign has worked with Volkswagen for twenty
years and has successfully consolidated the brand allowing for consistency reguarding international advertising and marketing


- Brand Union is a global brand agency with deep

expertise in brand strategy, design, interaction,
brand management and employee engagement
- Clients include: Puma, Shazam, Malibu, TIme Warner Cable, and Heineken
- They have offices in London , Madrid, Moscow,
Mumbai, New-York, Paris and at least in 15 other
-Brand Union helps clients define, create and curate the moments of interaction that are essential
for brands to thrive, today and tomorrow.

-Research and Design plays a key roll in the services

offered by MetaDesign


- Study client history in order to recreate brand

- Analyze the personality of brand to formaulate
designs that speak to the public


- MetaDesign specializes in evolving clients into new

and flashy brands
-The future of MetaDesign lies with a new generation of
innovative designers who will understand the aesthetics
and designs of tomorrow.
-As long as MetaDesigns design team remains current
and creative, the agency will consistantly formulate impactful design for years to come.


-MetaDesign has attained its world renowned reputation due to their work ethic and quality.
-Their unique design approach, quality of service, and
vision are the characteristics that define MetaDesign.
-Although there are many branding design firms around
the world , Meta Designs work has placed them
amongst the most prestigious and renowned.

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