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SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR ce ia Remember to spell correctly the author's name, the names of al the characters and the names of places. 'A.good idea isto list some of the Key spellings you know you sometmes {Get wrong before the exam stats. Then use itto check as you go along. Sometimes its easy to make small errors as you write but if you have your key word lst nearby you can check against it iii as Remember 1 Use fullstops and commas in sentences accurately to make clear points. Don't write long, rambling sentences that don't make sense; equally, void 2 lot of short repetitive ones. Write ina fluent way, using Inking ‘words and phrases, and use inverted commas for quotations: Pere Coad ‘Boxer and Benjamin are good | Boxer and Benjamin are good friends they seem to behave friends although they seem to Uitferenty, Thisisas the story | develop different outlooks on life progresses. This may Be due to | on the farm as the story ther different atitudes towards | progresses. This may be due to the pigs. their different attitudes towards the pigs es \When you are writing about the text, make sure you: Use the present tense for discussing what the writer does, ¢.g. Orwell presents Moses as deceitful and untrustworthy NOT Orwell presented ‘Moses as decetful and untrustworthy. 1 Use pronouns and references back to make your writing flow. Por While Mollie seems to be a more | While Mollie seems to be a more ‘pable reader than Boxer and | capable reader than Boxer and Clover Mollie's use ofthis kil | Clover, her use ofthis skill 0 Simply to write her own name | simply write her own name makes ‘made the mare appear foolish.__| her appear foolish. ww cm Remember that spelling, Punctuation and ‘grammar are worth Spproximately 5% ‘of your over marks, which could ean the diference Between one grade {and another ractive your spellings of key iterate terms you might use when {iting about the tent such astro Sinile, metaphor, imagery. Character, theme, Inerarchy, ete Enliven your essay by varying the way your sentences. begin For example, The animals believe Squealer ‘explanation, despite their misgivings, can so be written as: Despite their ‘misgivings, the Simats believe Squeaters enplanation. anna ean 73 P PART SIX_ PROGRESS BOOSTER Excellent ‘opening se {up importance tf Boxer inthe Scion of the Somand resenttion| ‘Clear sense of| derstanding st contet in| “en the book ievriten and authori urpose ‘cen ms Upevents 78 awinas raver Boxer represents all that is good in Orwells novdla Our first introduction to him emphasises both his physical power (he | has vast hairy hoofs and is as strong as any tuo ordinay horses put together? but also that this enormous beast is a gentie one: he ets his hoofs with great care’ to avoid Fnurling any smaller creatures who might be hidden in the ‘tran, Boxer represents, n allegorical form, the purity and Virtue ec eae ee : expli capitalist system and corrupt pli leaders such as Stalin. ® ] Boxer's strength and physical power is repeatedly mentioned pcag eared eben it seems to acquire most superhuman rs once the vevdution is achieved: he seems to be ea baste hori ‘than one’ The farm is utterly it on hime its entire work’ seems to rest upon his mignty shoulders”. Not only dees Fea Oa a ria aca Eee Cee ee ea aeten tellin (and rebuilding) of the windmill, Boxer is loyal in every sense. He s also one of the main defenders of the farm from attack. He is a terrifying petscerarnaup on sirhing out oth gc (Sees he Us ange Srcture for arity and Semanstates| ‘00d use of punctuation ‘an informed response with {ood use of uotation lear grasp of tex, relating pars tothe ‘wh Understanding \ofs: Orwel makes clear that Boxers terrifying power + Uedestana is only ever a force for good: even when fighting for the purpose and ‘survival of the farm, Boxer sorrowfully' mourns the apparent | the effects of cath of the stable-lad. Crwdl is also careful to tellus that lenaveae this act of violence snot deliberate: 4 forgot that | was. wearing iron shoes Who ul belive that | didnt do tis en pres th a with the caleulated, sere we see Napoleon dispense during the rest of the story but also shows ort refusal oe ‘Boxer as eli a tory saintly, Even in self-defence Boxer's ‘is benign. And, of course, he turns cae rot tohave Kl the stable ad afterall. PROGRESS BOOSTER PART SIX q {In fact, Boxer is placed so far beyond reproach that at tives oe Sis naa atees ryt tide ecatialad Ccorcca Even when he c with a damaged lung, Boxer's first interpretation, ‘thought is for the farm, tdling the other animals that he vas | which is ‘gathered enough stone for them to rebuild the windmil. ee ‘Gruel presents him as a paragon of virtue ashe is the trae | the text and hero of the story - the blame-free working man whose 08 ot ‘trusting, honest nature is exploited by dous political | Stiherit leaders hile Boxer represents the Stakhanovite workers ose {intention ‘effort and sacrifice was celebrated by the Soviet Union. the bbock’s subtitle (A Fairy Story) should also be taken into acount. Perkaps this is one reason why at times Boxer fels litle one-dimensional - you dant gt complex characters in fairy tales, aftr all. Boxer has a single weakness Boxer’ ack of tnteligence means an tat nvr ats bag is Dra ett ‘eae nysical is of no use here: Boxer tries with all his wright”) structure (Colle erst fthrebtabe teanrmerdasn® | | ren! Cruel suggests that ths, coupled ith his trusting nature, rakes him walnerable to explatation, ben Snouball is Caparo the farm Borers vequdytrouel: bu caret oles a coer or wv sugges, ven ‘ppt at ee ones are esha fo mca is thoughts’ but cannot think of anything to say: He eventually settles for trusting his lader rather than pestiorng hier hen one cudopted the maxim lapdeon i alas vight. 1f Arima Farm’ as a hero, then its Bove. His strength and kindness (traditionally hercic virtues) are vital to the farm's meee a ‘aut, It is no match for the greater. eae more ‘the pigs’ in! or the ruthlessness: Chauiuer tienes | se __——— Comment This isa confident and well-argued response, which shows an excellent Understanding of authoral intention and of the book as a whole. This 's coupled witha clear, well-supported personal interpretation of the text. Expression is sophisticated and precise. An excellent response, POLITICAL TERMS Bolsheviks capitalist cold War callectvise Jemocracy ‘democractic) Sictator indoctrination sulak Maraist oroletariat public socialist) pin doctor ubversion subversive) cotalitarian sar yrant tyranny) ndemocratic FURTHER STUDY AND ANSWERS PART SEVEN. the radical wing of the Morsst Russian Socal Democratic Party. Founded by Lenin, the Bolsheviks came to power inthe 1917 October Revolution and eventually changed their name to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union according to Karl Mary, a capitalists someone who has money and invests it ina business. Ths person then makes a profit if the business des well ‘the period from 1949 to 1989, which was marked by a diplomatic and political, standoff between the Soviet Union and Western powers, 2 term given to the Stalinist policy of forcing groups of kulaks to unite thelr farms Into one collective farm (or Koiknoz n Russian). When the Kulaks destroyed thelr ‘crops and animals in protest, they were brutally punished {2 government that is elected by the people or their representatives, 2 rule" whose decisions do not need anyone else's agreement. Often, in

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