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Response Time Monitoring Agent

for Linux and Windows


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 29.

This edition applies to V1.2.3 of End User Transactions and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

About this publication

. . . . . . . . v

Chapter 1. End User Transactions

dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
End User Transactions summary dashboard .
End User Transactions details dashboard . .
Transaction Instance Topology dashboard . .



. 1
. 2
. 4

Chapter 2. Authenticated Users and

Mobile Devices Users dashboards . . . 7
Authenticated Users summary dashboard . . . . 7
Authenticated Users details dashboard . . . . . 9
Mobile Devices Users summary dashboard . . . . 10
Mobile Devices Users details dashboard . . . . . 11

Chapter 3. Configuring the Response

Time Monitoring agent . . . . . . . . 13
Adding applications from Response Time
Monitoring to the Application Performance
Dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . .

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014

Customizing data collected by the Response Time

Monitoring agent . . . . . . . . . . .
Enabling collection of data from the browser . .

. 14
. 16

Chapter 4. Thresholds . . . . . . . . 19
Chapter 5. Time periods . . . . . . . 21
Appendix A. Dashboard metrics
reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Appendix B. Accessibility

. . . . . . 27

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Trademarks . . . . . .
Privacy policy considerations








. 31
. 31

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

. 13



Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

About this publication

This guide provides information about using the user interface. It describes how
you access the workspaces for this component within the APM Console, and what
the widgets mean.

Intended audience
This guide is for operators who use IBM Monitoring (SaaS) and IBM Application
Performance Management (SaaS) to monitor End Users Transactrions, and IBM
Application Performance Management (SaaS) to monitor Transaction Instances.
Use this guide together with IBM Application Performance Management (SaaS)
IBM Knowledge Center (
SSMKFH/welcome) for a complete understanding of End User Transactions and
Transaction Instance Topology dashboards.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Chapter 1. End User Transactions dashboards

End User Transactions dashboards may be available in your installation. Use these
dashboards to understand the performance and availability of transaction requests,
applications, and servers in your environment.
To display End User Transactions dashboards, select Groups > Transactions > End
User Transactions in the navigator.
Use the End User Transactions Summary dashboard to analyze the status of the
transactions for the selected application over the selected history period. Identify
the poorest performing transaction and drill down to details about that transaction.
Use the End User Transactions Details dashboard to analyze the performance and
availability of the selected transaction.
Use the Events tab to view the active events relating to the Response Time
Monitoring agent, for the selected application.
Each dashboard contains several group widgets. To view group widget help, click
the help icon (

) on the group widget.

End User Transactions summary dashboard

Use the End User Transactions Summary dashboard to analyze the status of the
transactions for the selected application over the selected history period. Identify
the poorest performing transaction and drill down to details about that transaction.

Using the dashboard

View the number of good transactions for the application.
Look at the bar chart in the Requests and Response Time widget to
compare the number of good (green), slow (yellow), and failed (red)
transactions for the selected application over the last hour.
View the average response times of transactions for the selected application.
In the Requests and Response Time, also look at the light brown Server
Response Time line to see the average response time for transactions from
the server side. Look at the blue Client Total Time line to see the real
experience of the user. This line represents the client-side response time,
including JavaScript transactions. Use these lines together with the bar
chart to identify any trends.
View the transactions in the application identified as of most interest.
Look at the transactions in the Transactions - Top 10 table. These
transactions are those creating a poor user experience and are therefore of
the highest priority. Notice client time transactions which show the
response time as measured by the client's browser, and are a result of
JavaScript monitoring.
Select a transaction to display details about its instances.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014

Group widgets
The End User Transactions summary dashboard shows the following group
v Requests and Response Time
v Transactions - Top 10
To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


Requests and Response Time WRT Application Status

Overall Volume
Server Response Time
Client Total Time

Transactions - Top 10

WRT Transaction Status

Transaction Volume
Response Time

End User Transactions details dashboard

Use the End User Transactions Details dashboard to analyze the performance and
availability of the selected transaction.For IBM Application Performance
Management (SaaS), you can also analyze the transaction instances for the selected
transaction, and drill down to a topology of a selected instance.

Using the dashboard

View the number of good subtransactions for the transaction on the selected
server. Look at the bar chart in the Requests and Response Time widget to
compare the number of good (green), slow (yellow), and failed (red)
subtransactions for the selected transaction.
View the average response times of subtransactions for the selected application.
In the Requests and Response Time widget, also look at the Server
Response Time line to see the average response time for subtransactions
other than those that use JavaScript from the server side. Look at the Client
Total Time line to see the real experience of the user. This line represents
the client-side response time, including JavaScript transactions. Use these
lines together with the bar chart to identify any trends.
View the status of the server.
Look at the Runs On table and check the status of the web server. A
Satisfaction score of less than 0.5 indicates that the server offers a poor
user experience, because there are too many slow or failed requests. A
Satisfaction score of 0.5-0.84 means that the server's performance is
degraded but is not yet critical. A Satisfaction score of 0.85 and above
indicates that the server is performing well.

Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

View how subtransactions within the page are performing.

Look at the Subtransactions table to see how interactions within a page,
such as AJAX requests are performing. For example, check that the "add to
cart" request is working as required.
View how long it takes to load a page.
Look at the Transaction Instances table to see the actual response times
experienced by the end user, including render time.
Select a transaction instance to view a topology of the instance broken
down into network hops and subtransaction nodes.

Group widgets
The End User Transactions details dashboard shows the following group widgets:
v Requests and Response Time
v Runs On
v Subtransactions
v Transaction Instances
To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


Requests and Response Time

WRT Application Status

Transaction Volume
Server Response Time
Client Total Time

Runs On

WRT Transaction Status



WRT Transaction Instance

Transaction Volume
Response Time

Transaction Instances

Transaction Instance

Status Code
Response Time
User Agent
User Name

Chapter 1. End User Transactions dashboards

Transaction Instance Topology dashboard

Use the Transaction Instance Topology dashboard to analyze a transaction instance.

Using the dashboard

View summary information for the transaction instance.
Look at the Transaction Instances summary table for details about the
transaction instance.
View where time is spent during a transaction instance.
Look at the Transaction Instance Topology. The topology shows each
network hop and subtransaction node in the transaction instance. The time
taken for each hop is shown on the link between nodes.
View the status of each subtransaction.
Look at the Transaction Instance Topology. The status for each
subtransaction node is shown in the top, right corner of the icon. Where a
request has failed, the node is highlighted in red, and the status shows the
failure with a cross.
View information about each node.
Select a node in the Transaction Instance Topology. Details about that node
are displayed in the Node Properties and Server Status widgets.
Identify the root cause of a problem for nodes that have a status of warning or
failed. In the Node properties widget, click Diagnose:

If deep-dive diagnostics are available, and there is a matching instance,

a method and stack trace is displayed

If a deep-dive does not have a matching instance, choose an instance

from a list of other instances for the same transaction, on the same
server instance, at a sampled time within a few minutes of the requested
instance. A method and stack trace is displayed for this alternative

Group widgets
The Transaction Instance Topology dashboard shows the following group widgets:

Transaction Instances
Transaction Instances Topology
Node Properties
Server Status

To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Limitations of the topology

For transactions with URLs longer than 254 characters (excluding query strings),
the transaction topology will not show a node for the back-end application server,
such as WebSphere Portal Server, when you drill down from the Transaction
Instances table.

Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Group widget

Table from which data is



Transaction Instances

Transaction Instance

Status Code
Response Time
User Agent
User Name

Node Properties

Transaction Instance

Response Time
Component Name
Host Name
Server Status

Chapter 1. End User Transactions dashboards

Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Chapter 2. Authenticated Users and Mobile Devices Users

Use Authenticated Users and Mobile Devices Users dashboards are available in
IBM Application Performance Management (SaaS). Use these dashboards to
monitor mobile devices.
Add applications to the dashboard from the application repository. If the web or
Worklight application you want to monitor has already been discovered by the
Response Time Monitoring agent, it is listed in the Read list. See "Creating an
application" in the Installation and Setup Guide for more information.
Each dashboard contains several group widgets which show specific information
about the monitored device or application. To view group widget help, click the
help icon (

) on the group widget.

Authenticated Users
To display Authenticated Users dashboards, select Groups > Users >
Authenticated Users in the navigator.
Use the Authenticated Users Summary dashboard to view the number of users,
what mobile operating system they are running, and which the heaviest users are.
Use the Authenticated Users Details dashboard to view load and response time for
each user to discover who is having problems.

Mobile Devices Users

To display Mobile Devices Users dashboards, select Groups > Users > Mobile
Devices Users in the navigator.
Use the Mobile Devices Users Summary dashboard to gain insight into users
accessing your application with a mobile device. View the load and response time
for different mobile operating systems.
Use the Mobile Devices Users Details dashboard to view the load and response
time for specific mobile devices.

Authenticated Users summary dashboard

Use the Authenticated Users summary dashboard to view who is currently using
the application, and which users are experiencing problems.
Restriction: The Authenticated Users dashboards show users using basic HTTP
authentication or form-based authentication where the j_username form name
targets a j_security_check page. Where other authentication methods are used, the
dashboards report a single user called Anonymous.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014

Using the dashboard

View the mobile users authenticated on the application.
Look at the Logged-in Users graph to see the users that are logged into the
application over the graphs period. You can use the graph to detect any
peak loads.
Compare the usage of different users.
Look at the Active Sessions by User - Top 5 chart to see the users that have
the highest current number of active sessions.
Tip: All sessions marked as active are counted. Sessions where the user is
no longer using the application, but has not logged out and the session has
not yet timed out, are included in the count.
Look at the Session Duration by User - Top 5 chart to see the users that
have active sessions open for the longest time.
Look at the Requests by User - Top 5 to see the users that have generated
the highest numbers of web requests.
View the performance of the application in serving requests from different
users. Look at the Percentage Failures by User - Top 5 chart to see how many of
the total number of requests failed (red), took too long to process (yellow),
or were good (green) for users.
Investigate load and server performance for a user.
In any of the bar charts showing users, click a user name to open the
Authenticated Users Details dashboard.

Group widgets
The Authenticated Users summary dashboard shows the following group widgets:
v Logged-in Users

Active Sessions by User - Top 5

Session Duration by User - Top 5
Requests by User - Top 5
Percentage Failures by User - Top 5

To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


Logged-in Users

WRT Application Status

Active Sessions by User Top 5

WRT User Sessions

Session Duration by User Top 5

WRT User Sessions

Requests by User - Top 5

WRT User Sessions

Percentage Failures by User - WRT User Sessions

Top 5

Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Number of Users
Active Sessions
Session Duration
Number of Requests
Request Status

Authenticated Users details dashboard

Use the Authenticated Users details dashboard to view load and response time for
each user to discover who is having problems.

Using the dashboard

View the usage of the user.
Look at the User Active Sessions graph to see the number of open sessions
serving the user. You can use the graph to see how many sessions a user
has open at a particular time.
Look at the User Average Session Duration graph to see the average length
of open sessions for the user over a recent period. You can use the graph
to see the longest sessions a user had open.
Tip: All sessions marked as active are counted. Sessions where the user is
no longer using the application, but has not logged out and the session has
not yet timed out, are included in the count.
Check the performance of the application in serving requests of the user.
Look at the User Requests by Status graph to see how many of the
requests generated by the user failed (red), took to long to process
(yellow), and have completed successfully (green) over a recent period.
Look at the User Response Time graph to see the minimum (blue), average
(yellow), and maximum (black) response time for requests generated by
the user over a recent period.

Group widgets
The Authenticated Users details dashboard shows the following group widgets:
v User Active Sessions
v User Average Session Duration
v User Requests by Status
v User Response Time
To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


User Active Sessions

WRT User Sessions

User Average Session


WRT User Sessions

User Requests by Status

WRT User Sessions

User Response Time

WRT User Sessions

Active Sessions
Session Duration
Request Status
Minimum Response Time
Average Response Time
Maximum Response Time

Chapter 2. Authenticated Users and Mobile Devices Users dashboards

Mobile Devices Users summary dashboard

Use the Mobile Devices Users Users summary dashboard to gain insight into users
accessing your application with a mobile device. View the load and response time
for different mobile operating systems.

Using the dashboard

View the mobile load on the application server.
Look at the Mobile Active Sessions graph to see the number of open
sessions serving mobile devices on the application server over a recent
period. You can use the graph to detect any peak loads.
Compare the load created by mobile devices using different operating systems.
Look at the Active Sessions by Mobile OS - Top 5 chart to compare the
current number of active sessions per mobile operating system.
Look at the Session Duration by Mobile OS - Top 5 chart to compare the
average session duration, that is, how long a session is running, per mobile
operating system. This value is an average for all sessions that are
currently open.
Look at the Requests by Mobile OS - Top 5 to compare the number of web
requests sent by devices using various mobile operating systems over a
recent period.
View the performance of the application server in serving requests of mobile
Look at the Percentage Failures by Mobile OS - Top 5 chart to see how
many of the total number of requests failed (red), took too long to process
(yellow), or were good (green) for each device running a mobile operating
Investigate load and server performance for devices running a mobile operating
In any of the following widgets, click an operating system to open the
Mobile Devices Users Details dashboard:
v Active Sessions by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Session Duration by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Requests by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Percentage Failures by Mobile OS - Top 5
Tip: All sessions marked as active are counted. Sessions where the user is no
longer using the application, but has not logged out and the session has not yet
timed out, are included in the count.

Group widgets
The Mobile Devices Users Users summary dashboard shows the following group
v Mobile Active Sessions
v Active Sessions by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Session Duration by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Requests by Mobile OS - Top 5
v Percentage Failures by Mobile OS - Top 5


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


Mobile Active Sessions

WRT User Sessions

Active Sessions by Mobile

OS - Top 5

WRT User Sessions

Session Duration by Mobile

OS - Top 5

WRT User Sessions

Active Sessions
Active Sessions
Session Duration

Requests by Mobile OS - Top WRT User Sessions


Number of Requests

Percentage Failures by
Mobile OS - Top 5

Request Status

WRT User Sessions

Mobile Devices Users details dashboard

Use the Mobile Devices Users details dashboard to analyze the load created by
mobile devices running a particular operating system and the server performance
on this load.

Using the dashboard

View the load created by mobile devices running the operating system.
Look at the Device Active Sessions graph to see the number of open
sessions for mobile devices over a recent period. Use the graph to detect
any peak loads.
Tip: All sessions marked as active are counted. Sessions where the user is
no longer using the application, but has not logged out and the session has
not yet timed out, are included in the count.
Look at the Device Average Session Duration graph to see the average
length of open sessions for mobile devices over a recent period. You can
use the graph to see if sessions tend to be unusually short or long at any
View the performance of the application server serving mobile device requests.
Look at the Device Requests by Status graph to see how many of the
requests generated by mobile devices failed (red), took too long to process
(yellow), or completed successfully (green).
Look at the Device Response Time graph to see the minimum (blue),
average (yellow), and maximum (black) response time for requests
generated by mobile devices.

Group widgets
The Mobile Devices Users User details dashboard shows the following group
v Device Active Sessions
v Device Average Session Duration
v Device Requests by Status
Chapter 2. Authenticated Users and Mobile Devices Users dashboards


v Device Response Time

To view group widget help, click the help icon (

) on the group widget.

Group widget

Table from which data is


Device Active Sessions

WRT User Sessions

Device Average Session


WRT User Sessions

Device Requests by Status

WRT User Sessions

Device Response Time

WRT User Sessions

Active Sessions
Session Duration
Request Status
Minimum Response Time
Average Response Time
Maximum Response Time


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Chapter 3. Configuring the Response Time Monitoring agent

You can customize the data displayed in the End User Transactions dashboards.
You can:

Configure the IP address to monitor

Configure the type of transactions to monitor, and on which port
Enable and disable Transaction Tracking
Enable collection of data from browsers

Adding applications from Response Time Monitoring to the Application

Performance Dashboard
After you have installed the Response Time Monitoring agent, you may need to
add the applications that you want to monitor to the Application Performance

To add applications to the Application Performance Dashboard:
1. In the Application Performance Dashboard, select Add Application.

2. Select Read to open a list of discovered applications.

3. Select the application that you want to monitor.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014


Response Time is displayed as the source repository in the Application read

from field, and any components are listed in Application components.

4. No further configuration is required to display applications monitored by

Response Time Monitoring. Select Save in the Add Application window.

Applications detected by Response Time Monitoring are listed in All My
Applications in the Application Performance Dashboard.
See Managing Applications for more information.

Customizing data collected by the Response Time Monitoring agent

Configure which IP address to monitor, the type of transactions to monitor, and on
which port. You can also configure whether Transaction Tracking should be
enabled or not.

Before you begin

The following table shows the defaults used for the End User Transactions





HTTP ports to


Ports monitored by Response Time


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference








Sets whether HTTPS transactions are

monitored or not.
Restriction: If you enable monitoring for
HTTPS transactions, ensure that you specify
a keystore file and certificate. See Enabling
Appliance Mode for HTTPS transactions, in
the ITCAM for Transactions documentation
for more information.


HTTPS keystore


Contains the certificates for the remote

HTTPS websites that are being monitored.


HTTPS server
certificate map

tivm54,,443 Maps HTTPS servers to their certificates.


IP address of the
NIC to be

If monitoring a NIC, specify its IP address



Enable Instance
Data Analytics?

Yes for IBM Application

Management (SaaS)

Causes the Response Time Monitoring agent

to push granular transaction data to the
monitoring service which enables advanced

No for IBM Monitoring


v Set to Yes to send tracking instance data to

the monitoring service. Use this option
after you have upgraded from IBM
Monitoring (SaaS) to IBM Application
Performance Management (SaaS) to start
sending tracking instance data to the MIN.
This option enables Transaction Tracking.
v Set to No to stop sending tracking
instances to the monitoring service. Use
this option to stop sending tracking
instances for scale, network, or
performance reasons, or if you downgrade
to IBM Monitoring (SaaS). This option
disables Transaction Tracking.

About this task

These steps assume the default C:\IBM\ITM\ installation path.
Tip: If you want to deploy a customized configuration silently, a sample silent
configuration file is installed to the following locations for you to copy and
customize using a text editor:
On Linux systems, /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/samples/
On Windows systems, C:\IBM\ITM\samples\rt_silent_config.txt

To customize your data settings:
1. On the computer on which the Response Time Monitoring agent is installed,
stop the agent:
On Linux systems, run /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/bin/ stop
On Windows systems, run C:\IBM\ITM\BIN\rt-agent.bat stop.
Chapter 3. Configuring the Response Time Monitoring agent


2. Use either of the following methods to configure the agent, entering the values
you require, using the above table as a reference:
Interactive configuration, where you configure the agent by running a script or
user interface and respond to prompts:
On Linux systems, run /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/bin/
On Windows systems, use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services:
a. Right-click Response Time Monitoring Agent, and select Configure.
b. Step through the windows, configuring the settings you require.
Silent configuration, where you first edit the response file and then run it with
no further interaction required:
On Linux systems, run /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/bin/
config path-to-silent-installation-file
On Windows systems, run C:\IBM\ITM\BIN\rt-agent.bat config
3. Restart the Response Time Monitoring agent for the changes to take effect:
On Linux systems, run /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/bin/
On Windows systems, run C:\IBM\ITM\BIN\rt-agent.bat start.

Data from the new source should be displayed in the End User Transactions

Enabling collection of data from the browser

To help you understand the performance of your web pages in a browser and any
errors, the Response Time Monitoring agent needs to be able to collect timing data
from the browser. With some simple configuration to the application you want to
monitor, monitoring features can collect timing data.

About this task

Before you can monitor interactions within your web pages, you need to add the
JavaScript monitoring component to your application. The JavaScript monitoring
component captures the state of web pages and their JavaScript interactions. Add
the JavaScript monitoring component to the application that you want to monitor
so that the relevant content and actions are automatically captured and sent to the
monitoring server for analysis and correlation. The results of this analysis are
displayed in the End User Transactions dashboards.

Complete the following steps to enable collection of real user monitoring data from
the browser. These steps only need to be completed once, unless the application
configuration changes.
1. Add the JavaScript monitoring component to the application. The procedure
you use depends on the application type:
a. For Java EE applications, extract install_dir/clienttime/ClientTime.war
from the installation package to a directory accessible to the server. For
example, on Tomcat, add ClientTime.war to /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/.


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

b. For non-Java EE applications, such as Ruby, .NET, Python, and Node.js,

save install_dir/clienttime/tealeaf.js from the installation package to a
directory accessible to the server.
2. Associate the JavaScript monitoring component with the application.
This can normally be done by modifying an application header script. Typically,
only one header script needs to be modified for each component or application
that is to be monitored.
Add the following JavaScript to the application header, before any other
<script language="JavaScript" src="path" type="text/JavaScript"></script>

where path is the path to the JavaScript monitoring component, which you set
up in step 1.
For example:
<script language="JavaScript" src="/ClientTime/js/tealeaf.js"

3. Configure the ports to be monitored in clienttime.xml. This is the port on

which the web server is listening for incoming connections. The port field can
be found at the top of the XML file. For example, to configure the module to
monitor port 80, set the following information:

The location of clienttime.xml depends on the system:

v On Linux systems, /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/tmaitm6/wrm/linux/modules/
v On Windows systems, C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6_x64\wrm\Analyzer\modules\

Pages that are instrumented with the JavaScript monitoring component are
monitored, and data from these pages is analyzed and displayed in End User
Transactions dashboards.

Chapter 3. Configuring the Response Time Monitoring agent



Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Chapter 4. Thresholds
Response Time Monitoring uses a set of predefined thresholds (situations) to help
you monitor End User Transactions.
Edit existing thresholds and create new thresholds using the Threshold Manager:
System Configuration > Threshold Manager.
1. Select
2. In the Data Source Type list, select Response Time.
3. Select the threshold you want to edit and select


For information about creating thresholds, see Threshold Manager in the online
Thresholds are tests expressed in IF-TRUE format for system conditions that you
want to monitor; the tested value is an attribute expressed in the form
attribute-group.attribute-name. If the specified condition occurs or exists, the
situation is true, and an event is opened. The event is visible in the Events tab of
the Application Performance Dashboard.
Table 1. Response Time Monitoring thresholds




A high percentage of the web

transactions have failed.

If WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Failed is greater than
10 and WRT Transaction
is NE 'Ignore Resources' then
Response_Time_Availability_Crit is


A moderate percentage of the web

transactions have failed.

If WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Failed is greater than 0
and WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Failed is less than 10
and WRT Transaction
is NE 'Ignore Resources' then
Response_Time_Availability_Warn is


A high percentage of the web

transactions have a slow response

If WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Slow is greater than 5
and WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Available is equal to
100 and WRT Transaction
is NE 'Ignore Resources' then
Response_Time_Critical is true

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014


Table 1. Response Time Monitoring thresholds (continued)





A moderate percentage of the web

transactions have a slow response

If WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Slow is greater than 1
and WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Slow is less than 5 and
WRT Transaction
Status.Percent_Available is equal to
100 and WRT Transaction
is NE 'Ignore Resources' then
Response_Time_Warning is true


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Chapter 5. Time periods

Historical data collection is configured out-of-the-box on the set of attribute groups
that are used by the group widgets that display history data. Different widgets can
display different amounts of information depending on the time span you select.
You can select one of the following periods over which to display data:
v Last 4 hours
v Last 12 hours
v Last 1 day
v Last 1 week
For Requests and Response Time widgets, the table expands to the selected
period where there is data available. For example, if you select the time span as
Last 1 week, and there is data available only for 2 days, only 2 days are shown in
the table.
For Top n tables, such as Transactions - Top 10 and Subtransactions, the worst
performing transactions over the selected time period are displayed.
For the Runs On widget, the score is calculated over the entire selected time

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014



Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Appendix A. Dashboard metrics reference

KPIs for Authenticated Users, End User Transactions, Mobile Devices Users, and
Transaction Instance Topology dashboards
Active sessions
The number of open sessions serving mobile devices. Depending on the
context, this could be for each mobile operating system or user.
All sessions marked as active are counted. Sessions where the user is no
longer using the application, but has not logged out and the session has
not yet timed out, are included in the count.
Client Total Time
The average total response time of the page from the user perspective,
represented by a blue line. This line shows the real experience of the user
and includes JavaScript transactions, measured by JavaScript monitoring,
in the client-side response time.
Component Name
The type of server that originated the page request.
Failed Percentage of failed transactions in the current period.
Host Name
The name of the server, displayed in the topology, that originated the page
Maximum response time
The response time for the request that was processed slowest.
Minimum response time
The response time for the request that was processed fastest.
Number of requests
The number of requests processed during the last period for the different
mobile operating systems, users,
Number of users
The number of users who are logged in.
Overall Volume
The number of good (green), slow (yellow), and failed (red) transactions
per period.
The status of the transaction is determined by the Response Time
v Good Requests The number of recorded transactions that completed
successfully, and whose response time was less than the Minimum
Response Time Threshold (10 seconds).
v Slow Requests The number of recorded transactions that completed
successfully, but whose response time was greater than or equal to the
Minimum Response Time Threshold (10 seconds).
v Failed Requests The number of recorded transactions that did not
complete correctly, or reported an error during the monitoring interval.
Request status
Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014


The number of good (green), slow (yellow), and failed (red) requests at
various time points, for each mobile device, operating system, and user.
The status of the request is determined by the Response Time Threshold:
v Good Requests The number of requests that completed successfully, and
whose response time was less than the Minimum Response Time
Threshold (10 seconds).
v Slow Requests The number of requests that completed successfully, but
whose response time was greater than or equal to the Minimum
Response Time Threshold (10 seconds).
v Failed Requests The number of requests that either did not complete
correctly or reported an error during the monitoring interval.
Response Time
Average response time, in seconds, of the requests in the current period.
User satisfaction for the transaction, based on the number of good and
slow requests. The transactions are sorted according to their score, which is
a user experience KPI based on the number of requests that fail or exceed a
predetermined slow threshold. The score has a value of 0-1, where the more
slow or failed requests, the lower the score. Transactions have one of the
following scores:
v Unsatisfactory (red), score less than 0.5
v Warning (yellow), score of 0.5-0.84
v Satisfactory (green), score of 0.85-1.0
Server Response time
The average response time of the page from the server perspective,
represented by a light brown line. This line shows the average response
time, in seconds, of all transactions except those using JavaScript injection.
Server Status
The status of the server that originated the page request: good (tick with
green background), warning (exclamation mark with yellow background),
or failed (cross with red background.
Session duration
Average session duration in seconds, that is, how long a session is running.

Percentage of slow transactions in the current period

IP address of the client that originated the page request.
Status Overall status for the transaction instance, based on the HTTP return code.
The status displayed is green for successful requests, red for failed
requests, or gray for unknown requests. Any request returning a code or
400 or more is shown as failed.
Status Code
The HTTP status code returned by the page the request was attempting to
access. Any request returning a code of 400 or greater is considered to have
A list of AJAX requests made by the page selected in the End User
Transactions Summary.


Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Total Time
The time required for the transaction to complete.
The name of the transaction.
Transaction Instances
A list of transaction instances for the selected transaction.
Transaction volume
The number of good (green), slow (yellow), and failed (red)
subtransactions for the selected transaction, over the last period,
summarized from all Response Time Monitoring agents.
The status of the subtransaction is determined by the Response Time
v Good Requests The number of recorded subtransactions that completed
successfully, and whose response time was less than the Minimum
Response Time Threshold (10 seconds).
v Slow Requests The number of recorded subtransactions that completed
successfully, but whose response time was greater than or equal to the
Minimum Response Time Threshold (10 seconds).
v Failed Requests The number of recorded subtransactions that either did
not complete correctly, or reported an error during the monitoring

One of the following types of transaction:

v Web Transactions, the total time taken to reply to the page request from
the server perspective. The data is collected by analyzing network traffic.
v Client Time, the total time taken to request and present the page in the
browser from the client perspective. The data is collected by analyzing
network traffic.
v AJAX Transactions, the total time taken to reply to asynchronous page
updates from the server perspective. The data is collected from within
the browser using JavaScript loaded in the page.

User Agent
The client device which is the source of the transaction instance. The type
of device is extracted from the User-Agent field in the HTML header of the
User Name
The user name for the session.

Appendix A. Dashboard metrics reference



Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Appendix B. Accessibility
Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.
The major accessibility features in this product enable users to do the following:
v Use assistive technologies, such as screen-reader software and digital speech
synthesizer, to hear what is displayed on the screen. Consult the product
documentation of the assistive technology for details on using those technologies
with this product.
v Perform tasks with the software using only the keyboard.

Navigating the interface using the keyboard

Standard shortcut and accelerator keys are used by the product and are
documented by the operating system. See the documentation provided by your
operating system for more information.

Magnifying what is displayed on the screen

You can enlarge information on the product windows using facilities provided by
the operating systems on which the product is run. For example, in a Microsoft
Windows environment, you can lower the resolution of the screen to enlarge the
font sizes of the text on the screen. See the documentation provided by your
operating system for more information.

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Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

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Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference


accessibility 27
adding for Response Time
Monitoring 13
Authenticated Users
metrics 23
Authenticated Users dashboards
details 9
summary 7

Mobile Devices Users

metrics 23
Mobile Devices Users dashboards 7
summary 10
User details 11
monitoring agents
Response Time Monitoring 13

Response Time Monitoring 13
data collection for End User
Transactions 16
data for End User Transactions 14

Response Time Monitoring

adding applications 13
configuring 13
disabling Transaction Tracking 14
enabling Transaction Tracking 14
thresholds 19

End User Transactions details 2
End User Transactions summary 1
Transaction Instance Topology 4
Authenticated Users details 9
Authenticated Users summary 7
End User Transactions,
configuring 14
End User Transactions, configuring
data collection 16
Mobile Devices Users 7
Mobile Devices Users summary 10
Mobile Devices Users User details 11

Response Time Monitoring 19
Transaction Instance Topology
metrics 23
Transaction Instance Topology
dashboard 4
Transaction Tracking
enabling and disabling for Response
Time Monitoring 14

End User Transactions
configuring data 14
configuring data collection 16
metrics 23
time periods 21
End User Transactions Details 1
End User Transactions details
dashboard 2
End User Transactions Summary 1
End User Transactions summary
dashboard 1

group widget

Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2014



Response Time Monitoring Agent: Reference

Printed in USA

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