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MEETING NO. 2007-09
Wednesday 19th September 2007
5:00 p.m.
Press Lounge, Portsmouth Olympic Harbour

~ Please provide regrets to Susan Powley, Committee Clerk at 546-4291, Ext. 1204 ~

Councillor Foster Councillor Hutchison Councillor Meers

Councillor Schmolka Councillor Smith



a) Meeting No. 2007-08 held 09th August 2007
Distributed separately




a) Dr. Gideon Foreman, President of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the
Environment to speak regarding the proposed Pesticide By-Law.


a) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Transportation Standard –

Kingston Transit Response

[Report No. EITP-07-031 of the Commissioner, Public Works & Emergency Services
Is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 01-08]


1. That the Minister of Community and Social Services be advised that the City of Kingston
supports the principles and objectives of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
Act (AODA) and recognizes the value of introducing consistent standards throughout the
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Meeting No. 2007-09
Page 2
2. That the Province of Ontario be requested to ensure that funding will be available to
municipalities to implement the Public Transportation Standards, and other AODA
Standards, recognizing that municipalities continue to be faced with a significant fiscal
imbalance; and in particular that the impact on Kingston Transit amounts to an estimated
$122,000 annually, with an estimated $8.35 million in combined capital and one time
operating expenses;

3. That the Province of Ontario be requested to not approve and/or enact public
transportation standards until such time as all four common standards have been
developed and undergone a period of public review to allow for harmonization of the
principles and concepts in each standard; as well as the cumulative funding impact;

4. That the Province of Ontario be requested to extend the public review period for all
standards to a minimum of 90 days; and,

5. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to MPP the Honourable John Gerretsen,
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for support, the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Public Transportation Association (OPTA).

b) Airport Master Plan

[Report No. EITP-07-030 of the Commissioner of Public Works and Emergency Services
Is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 09-41]


That the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee recommend

to City Council that the draft final Airport Master Plan prepared by Marshall Macklin
Monaghan Limited, dated August, 2007 be adopted.

c) Revised Pesticide By-Law

[Report No. EITP-07-028 of the Commissioner of Corporate Services
Is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 42-50]



THAT the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Committee resolve itself into “In Camera”
to consider the following item:

(a) Legal Advice that is subject to solicitor and client privilege including communications for
that purpose - opinion from legal staff concerning pesticides and retail sales bans


THAT Council rise from “In Camera” without reporting.

Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee
Meeting No. 2007-09
Page 3

That the Committee accept the attached draft by-law, “A By-law To Regulate The Use Of
Pesticides On Lawns Within The City of Kingston” for purposes of engaging the public in

d) Public Consultation on the Draft Pesticide Use By-Law

[Report No. EITP-07-029 of the Commissioner, Sustainability & Growth

Is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 51-55]


THAT the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee confirm the
public consultation process as provided in Exhibit “A” to be held in early October, in order to
hear input on the draft pesticide by-law in accordance with Notice Provision By-law 2003-15,

FURTHER that the results of the public consultation be reported back to the
Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee at the November
meeting for consideration before a final draft is recommended back to City Council.



a) News Release dated 13th August 2007 – Industry Task Force II On 2,4-D Research Data
– “2,4-D Does Not Cause Cancer” According to Extensive research by EPA
(A copy of the news release is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 56-57)

b) City Sustainability Survey – by Paul MacLatchy, Director of Strategy, Environment &

(A copy of the survey is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 58-59)

c) Documentation received from ARTEX Environmental regarding `E-Waste Management

(A copy of the documentation is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 60-62)

d) Documentation received from Dorman Varitext regarding `Vehicle Activated Traffic

Calming Signs`
(A copy of the documentation is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 63-86)


a) Correspondence dated September 5, 2007 from Carolyn Downs, City Clerk to Mark
Segsworth, Commissioner, Public Works & Emergency Services regarding Active
Transportation Workshop – May 2, 2007
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Page 87)
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Meeting No. 2007-09
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b) Correspondence received August 9, 2007 from Tzachi Chen (MT Enterprises) regarding
Campaign For Clean Environment and Fighting Against Motor Vehicle Accidents
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Page 88)

c) Correspondence dated August 3, 2007 from Marshall Castaneda, Ontario Campaign

Manager, regarding One Change, Project Porchlight Community.

(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 89-94)

d) Correspondence dated August 09, 2007 from Wendy Kelen requesting that a Stop-Light
or Courtesy Crossing be installed on Union Street near Ellerbeck or College Street.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Page 95)

e) Correspondence dated August 8, 2007 from Steve Manders regarding the continuance of
the sale of 2, 4-D as a cosmetic lawn weed killer and other pesticides.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 96-98)

f) Correspondence dated August 15, 2007 from Mrs. Davies regarding a proposed
exemption to golf courses for the use of pesticides and herbicides.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 99-100)

g) Correspondence dated August 19, 2007 from Don Scott regarding a proposed ban on a
product-cosmetic pesticides.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 101-102)

h) Correspondence dated August 13, 2007 from Leslie Galbraith & Robert Baker regarding
the use of pesticides on school property.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 103-104)

i) Correspondence dated August 23, 2007 from Councillor Glover to Commissioner

Segsworth requesting action on traffic and pedestrian related matters.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 105-108)

j) Correspondence dated August 20, 2007 from Zannah Matson regarding policies for the
recycling program for downtown businesses.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Pages 109-110)

k) Correspondence dated September 5, 2007 from Carolyn Downs, City Clerk to

Commissioner Segsworth regarding the ‘Traffic Calming Policy’.
(A copy of the correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule Page 111)


The next meeting of the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee
is scheduled for Thursday 11th October 2007 at 5:00 p.m.

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Meeting No. 2007-09
Page 5

1. Rideaucrest Pedestrian Activated Crossing Light

Motion of Council 05th September 2006

WHEREAS the safe crossing of Rideau Street at Rideaucrest Towers has become a source of worry of
the residents of Rideaucrest Home and Rideaucrest Towers;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff report to Council on the costing of a pedestrian
activated crossing light at a time no later than the October 17, 2006 Council meeting.

2. Deferral of KEAF Motion regarding Cosmetic Pesticide Use

Recommendation of the Committee on 08th February 2007

THAT the motion from the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum be deferred until a final decision
has been reached regarding the motion which was approved at the regular meeting of Council held on
January 9, 2007 (see below):

“WHEREAS the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum (KEAF) has been approached by the
County of Prince Edward Environmental Advisory Committee to join them as well as their own
Council, their member of Provincial Parliament and other Environmental Advisory Committees
in the province in lobbying the Ontario Government for a province-wide ban on the use of
cosmetic pesticides;
WHEREAS the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum had already submitted a motion to
Council on September 25, 2001 recommending a pesticide by-law dealing with urban cosmetic
pesticide use;
WHEREAS the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum had also prepared a background
research document for City staff in December 2001 explaining its position on the use of urban
cosmetic pesticides and that document was included in the City staff’s report to Council on
(Details of KEAF’s position on the cosmetic use of pesticides is to be found in the appendices of
KEAF’s Progress Report to Council #2
WHEREAS at its regular meeting on September 11, 2006, there was a strong majority vote by
members to support a request to Council to allow the Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum to
lobby the Ontario government for a province-wide ban on the use of urban cosmetic pesticides;
THEREFORE BE IT RECOMMENDED THAT Council permit the Kingston Environmental
Advisory Forum to engage in lobbying the Ontario Government for a province wide ban on urban
cosmetic pesticides use.”

Recommendation of the Committee on 12th April 2007

Whereas public consultation is being conducted by the Strategy, Environment & Communications
Division from 16-27 April 2007, and
Whereas an analysis of the results will be undertaken, and
Whereas further public consultation and a public meeting for the draft Pesticide By-law will take place
in September,
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Meeting No. 2007-09
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Therefore Be It Resolved that Council be requested to provide an extension of the date from 01st May
to November 2007 for the submission of a report by the Environment, Infrastructure and
Transportation Policies Committee recommending appropriate policies and/or by-laws that will serve
to eliminate the cosmetic use of chemical pesticides on public and private properties, so a draft
Pesticide By-law may be implemented by 01 January 2008 in accordance with a by-law development
schedule as outlined within Schedule ‘A’ as attached.

3. Transit Service to the Seniors Centre on Francis Street

Recommendation of the Committee on 12th April 2007

That the transit service to the Seniors Centre on Francis Street continue on the same schedule
(southbound), Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) on a trial basis until the end of December,
2007 in order to continue monitoring usage and schedule adherence.

4. Level of Service provided for churches and homeless shelters further to a request by
Dawn House

Recommendation of the Committee on 10th May 2007

That staff be directed to identify garbage bag limits for shelters for victims of violence and homelessness
and report to the committee by October 2007.

5. Options to Implement an Organic Source Separated Waste System.

Recommendation of the Committee on 14th June 2007

THAT financial, social and environmental impacts will be considered when evaluating responses to
the RFP for organics transportation and processing. Weighting for each criterion shall be brought to
the EITP Committee for consideration.

6. Vehicular Speeding And Traffic Volumes on Queen Mary Road, Palace Road, MacDonnell
Street, Johnson Street, Regent Street and Brock Street.

Recommendation of Council on 24th July 2007

WHEREAS widespread traffic concerns exist at the following intersections; and,

WHEREAS many citizens living on and around Queen Mary Road have been anxiously waiting, for
several years, for the City to address the vehicular speeding and traffic volume problems on Queen
Mary Road;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to bring back to the Environment,
Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee, no later than the September 2007 meeting, a
plan to address the vehicular speeding and traffic volume problems on Queen Mary Road.
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Meeting No. 2007-09
Page 7
That the Motion of Councillors Gerretsen and Garrison be amended such that the second Whereas
clause be amended to include the words “and other roads in the City of Kingston” so that it would
read: “WHEREAS many citizens living on and around Queen Mary Road have been anxiously
waiting, for several years, for the City to address the vehicular speeding and traffic volume problems
on Queen Mary Road and other roads in the City of Kingston”;
THAT the Therefore Be It Resolved clause be amended to include “Palace Road, MacDonnell Street,
Johnson Street, Regent Street and Brock Street” after Queen Mary Road, so that the clause would
“Therefore Be It Resolved staff be directed to bring back to the Environment, Infrastructure and
Transportation Policies Committee, no later than the September 2007 meeting, a plan to address the
vehicular speeding and traffic volume problems on Queen Mary Road, Palace road, MacDonnell
Street, Johnson Street, Regent Street and Brock Street.”

7. Options To Implement An Organic Source Separated Waste System

Recommendation of Council on 10th July 2007

1. THAT responses to a Request for Proposals for organics transportation and processing only be
accepted from firms that are able to accept organics upon award by having an approved site or
by guaranteeing an alternative processing location in the interim while their facility is being
approved and constructed; and,
2. THAT the RFP allow the use of the Kingston East landfill as a site for processing organics but
include the requirement for the successful bidder to remove any infrastructure at the end of the
term upon direction by the City; and,
3. THAT organics be collected using City staff and that City staff collect the remainder of
recycling in Central Kingston; and,
4. THAT organics and garbage be collected every week; and,
5. THAT carts with automatic tippers be used; and,
6. THAT plastic bags not be allowed for placing organics out for collection at this time; and,
7. THAT pet waste, kitty litter, diapers and feminine hygiene products not be allowed in the
organics waste system at this time; and,
8. THAT organics collection be provided for residential properties up to six-units at this time; and,
9. THAT financial, social and environmental impacts will be considered when evaluating
responses to the RFP for organics transportation and processing. Weighting for each criterion
shall be brought to the EITP Committee for consideration;
10. THAT following the first year of implementation of the Organic Source Separated Waste
System, staff report back to the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies
Committee with a plan for a pilot program to expand the Organic Source Separated Waste
System Program into the multi-residential sector;
11. THAT at the same time, staff provide a report to the Environment, Infrastructure and
Transportation Policies Committee as to what other jurisdictions have implemented in the
commercial sector, with a goal to determine the feasibility to implementing a similar program in
the City of Kingston’s waste management system.

8. Environmentally Friendly Vehicles

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Meeting No. 2007-09
Page 8
Recommendation of Council on 10th July 2007

WHEREAS internal combustion engines in gasoline-powered motor vehicles and equipment emit
significant amounts of greenhouse gases that contribute to unnaturally rapid climate change,
including global warming; and,
WHEREAS the Federal and Provincial Governments have revised their policies and practices and are
now purchasing environmentally-friendly vehicles; and,
WHEREAS the City of Kingston should also lead by example and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
from vehicles and equipment;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to report to the Environment,
Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee by October, 2007, with a policy
recommendation regarding the purchase of environmentally-friendly vehicles and equipment,
including chainsaws, hedge-cutters, generators, lawn mowers, and any other gasoline-powered
maintenance machines;
THAT the report include a timeline and cost estimates with efficiency savings for replacing all City-
owned vehicles and equipment that are not environmentally-friendly, following the existing
replacement policy for such items

9. Plant For The Planet National Tree Planting Challenge

Recommendation of Council on 10th July 2007

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has committed to planting 100,000 trees throughout the city over the
next four years to support the United Nations Environment Programme’s “Plant for the Planet:
Billion Tree Campaign”; and,
WHEREAS the Mayor of Ottawa has issued a “National Tree Planting Challenge” to all other
Canadian municipalities to plant trees in support of this campaign as per Communication No. 13-375
of the June 5, 2007 City Council meeting;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to provide policy direction and cost options
for implementing the National Tree Planting Challenge and maintaining such trees, beginning this
fall and to bring the report forward to the Environment, Infrastructure, and Transportation Policies
Committee in time for the 2008 budget sessions.

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