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2016/1017 3C
-- The digestive system is a long tube of 11 meters long, from the mouth to the anus,
with several associated glands, whose function is digestion.
Oral cavity
Small intestine
Large intestine
- Attached glands
Salivary glands
Gastric glands
Intestinal glands
-- Functions of the digestive process
Ingestion: Food is crushed by the teeth and mixed with saliva.
Digestion: Juice enzymes break down nutrients into simpler molecules.
Absorption: Simple molecules pass through the walls of the tube and are transported
through the blood.
Assimilation: Cells use nutrients to obtain energy or make new molecules.
Defecation: Undigested or non-absorbed substances are removed by the anus.
-- Ingestion: Oral cavity
Salivary glands
Isthmus of the fauces
- Tongue
It is a muscular organ, very mobile, it intervenes in chewing and swallowing and it is the
body of taste.
It has got taste papillaes:
Filiform papillae: More abundant, they do not have piggy buttons.
Fungiform papillae: More numerous at the tip.
Goblet papillae: Form inverted V at the base of the tongue.
The last two have taste buds.
- Teeth
Structure: crown, root and neck.
Types: incisors, canines, premolars and molars
Milk teething: 20 pieces.
Adult teething: 32 pieces.

- Salivary glands
Parotids: Under the ear. They come next to the second upper molar.
Submaxillary: Under the base of the tongue.
Sublingual: On top of the above.
Saliva: contains amylase (degrades starch) and lingual lipase (degrades fats), water,
salts, lysozyme (bactericidal) and mucin (lubricant).
-- The process of swallowing
- Oral phase: Voluntary process. The tongue compresses the bolus against the palate
and pushes it back.
- Pharyngeal phase: Reflex act.
The soft palate rises and closes the nasal cavity.
The epiglottis descends and closes the trachea
A peristaltic movement is initiated that pushes the bolus towards the pharynx.
-- Ingestion
- Pharynx
Muscle tube common to digestive and respiratory systems.
It communicates with:
The mouth through the isthmus of the fauces
The esophagus
The nostrils through the choanae
The larynx through the glottis
The middle ear through the Eustachian tubes.
- Esophagus
Muscle tube of about 30 cm that communicates the pharynx with the stomach.
It descends behind the trachea and the heart
Traverses the diaphragm through the esophageal hiatus
It has two sphincters, one superior and one inferior
-- Digestion
- Stomach
It is the dilated part of the digestive tract where mechanical digestion is completed and
chemical digestion continues.
The bolus becomes a porridge called chyme.
The pyloric sphincter regulates gastric emptying
- Small intestine
Most enzyme digestion occurs and almost all absorption occurs.
It is a coiled tube, about seven meters in length and a little more than two centimeters
in diameter.
The small intestine is subdivided into duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, which is
continued with the large intestine by means of the ileocecal valve.
- Liver
It is the bodys largest gland, it weights 1.5 kg (without blood), is a dark red color, it has
a soft consistency and it is divided into 4 lobes: left, law, caudate and square.
- Pancreas
It is organ of conical form, of about 25 cm in length and 5 of thickness.
Mixed gland: the islets of Langerhans secrete insulin and glucagon, which regulate the
metabolism of carbohydrates.

As an exocrine gland it makes pancreatic juice.

-- Absorption
- Small intestine
A passage of substances from the digestive tract into the blood and lymph.
Each day 9 liters of water are absorbed containing 500 g of nutrients.
The nutrients penetrate the blood capillaries and converge in the portal vein, which
carries them to the liver.
Fats penetrate into kiln vessels and pass into the lymphatic network
The intestinal villi and microvilli provide an absorption surface of 300 m2
- Large intestine
1.5 m in length and 6.5 cm in diameter.
It absorbs water and inorganic ions, and formation and elimination of feces,
It contains abundant bacterial flora that ferments undigested residues, and synthesizes
vitamins K and B.

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